HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-07-05; City Council; 7388-1; Senior Citizen's Building at Magee ParkAB#- TITLE: REQUEST BY THE SENIOR CITIZENS' ASSOCIATION TO CONSTRUCT A 13,000 SQ. FT. BUILDING ON MAGEE PARK MTG. 7/5/83 DEPT. & L- - RECOMMENDED ACTION: DEPT. HD.~ CITY MGR.Z CITY AllY$$k City Council deny the Senior Citizens' request to construct a 10,OCO sq. ft. building on Magee Park. IT Ell EX P L AN AT ION On May 17, 1983, the City Council asked the Parks & Recreation Comnission to consider the request of the Senior Citizens' Association to build a 10,000 sq. ft. building on the northeast section of Magee Park. (Refer to the attached 1 etter. ) The Executive Director of the Senior Citizens' Association requested that the City enter into a 99-year land lease for the proposed building. indicated that the senior population in Carlsbad was going to substantially increase in the next few years. cipate in programs due to lack of adequate facilities. He Many of the seniors currently do not parti- At their meeting, the Commission discussed the possibility of erecting a temporary building at the site. Senior Citizens' Association of providing a permanent facility. This idea did not meet the intent of the After discussion, the Commission voted 3-2 to recommend denial of the request for the following reasons: 1. Magee Park is not suitable because it is not centrally located. 2. There is not enough park area in the northwest quadrant of the City. areas throughout the City. They did not want to set a precedent of reducing turf 3. They interpreted the will of Florence Magee to exclude Senior Citizens ' faci 1 i ties. FISCAL IMPACT N/A EXH BITS 1. May 3, 1983 letter from Carlsbad Senior Citizens' Association. 2. Will of Florence Magee 3- incerporated In tho Stale 01 Calllornla, June 25, 1075 Corporate number 730728 A Non-Prollt Corporetlon - CARLSBAD SENIOR CITIZEN§' ASSOCIATION 258 Beoch Avenue Carlsbad, Callfornla 92008 Phon0 (714) 434-4127 May 3, 1983 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Or. Francla Lantz Chslrman Honorable Mayor and Council Members: Mnnud C.ilormi Vice Chairman As per Goals and Objectives of FY 82/83 set forth Edr WE6tM by Council that would promote adequate facilities and Rscordlng Soc,elsry Treasurer After many frustrating months of searching for a Ndr Cochrin feasible site to be able to build an adeauate facility, Secretary service for the Seniors who reside in Carlsbad, we w ou 1 d r e que s t t h i s a s s i s tan c e . . ._ I Mayor Casler suggested the site on the east side of the Magee House be a possibility. torn Cunnlng Raymond Ed. Dr. EcQw Lutr At the present time this property has had 1ittl.e or no use,. Also, at the present time, as Council is aware, we are serving 4000 persons monthly with inadequate +4+ space to do so. Jwk k4. Jlnimlid Exscutlve Dlractor Clly Councll Reprasonlstlve We feel that a 10,000 square foot building could be etected, and be adequate for the time being. I need not remind Council that the present senior population reflects 10,000 persons over the age of 60, However, .under the newly revised regional growth forcasts, Carlsbad population will rise to 65,456 within the next 6 or 7 years. Predicated on rising senior population per capita, in seven years we would have a senior population of 21,815 over the age of 60 years. It has been stated that all 10,000 current seniors do not participate. That is true. However, many who are not participating are not doing so because of our lack of adequate facilities. c- c Council is aware that the City of Carlsbad has what is probably the most solid based tax position of any city this size in the State of California. We woul'd also remind Council that the City of Carlsbad is the only community in North County that hasn't built a senior center to serve the elderly. The City of Carlsbadspurchase of social services is at a cost of $37,825 per year. The cities of Oceanside, Vista and Escondido have not only utilized Comm- unity BI-ock Development Grants and Revenue Sharing Funds properly for the seniors, but are currentlv spending approx- imately $100,000 per year in Oceanside, $120,000 per year in Escondido, while the City o'f Vista erected a Senior Center and donatci! to Vista Seniors Incorporated. The seniors, in turn, manage and maintain this center at their own expense. EX1 I I I3 XT 1 Page 2 Honorable Mayor and Council Members: This is the opportune time to establish a common goal. By utilizing the acreage at Magce Park we can develop adequate facilities to deliver the proper social services to our fragile-at-risk population, establish educational and re- creational programs, and prepare and serve 'proper nutritional diets to our seniors. The Association has, organized a Building Trust Committee which . has been commissioned to raise funds. These funds will come from the community-at-large, corporations who donate funds for this specific purpose, and foundations who support these efforts with matching funds. On a positive note, we would like to acknowledge the support given the Association to this point, ask you for your support . in committing this property to develop facilities that would not only serve the senior population, but supply much needed space for the whole community. i 'i I. I' Y .. .,. . .I 1 1 2 3 4 ti 6 7 8 0 10 31 12 13 14 '1 5 20 2i 22 23 24 25 26 27 I. 28 29 30 31 '32 L FLORENCE SHIPLEY MAGEE ., also known as FL~E~ENCE MUSPRATT SHIPLEY MAGEE I i. I, FLORENCE SHIPLEY MAGEE, also known as FLORENCE MUSPRATT SHIPLEY MAGEE, a resident of Carlsbad, California, declare this to be my Will and revoke all former Wills and Codicils, FIRST I direct my Executor to pay the expenses of MY last illnees and burial expenis. SBCOND . *. I doclare that I am a widow, and that my husband L was IIUGfi MAGBE, who diod on or about April 1, 1941, that I have no children, Purthor, I doclnra Ti I I 1-111 . I give, devise and bequeath the following property or sums of money to the followin'g persons or institutions: (1) to GEORGE S. WINGENDORF, the nephew of my deceased cousin, AMELIA, who resides at Flushing, Long Island, State of New York. Tho sum of TWENTY-FIVE TIiOUShUD ($2S,000.00] DOLLARS (2) Tho sum of PIVB THOUSAND ($5,000.00) DOLLARS to MRS. J, hdBRBDITII GEROW, also known as ESTELLE CEROW, of Carl.sbn;l. (3) All of my furniture, furnishings, . personal effects, items of adornment and antiques to BARBARA B, WALWICK. further my desire'that of any of thcsc articles that aro of 110 us0 to my dear friend, BARBARA B,WALWICK, tho same should bo disposed of by her and at her discre'tion, but in any event to be ' It is put to u50 and not dpstroyed or sold, (4) All of my animals and birds that aro found upon my premises of 258 Boach Street in Carlsbad, California, to JAMES B, WHIT$, D'.V,M. and CATli,ERINF. T. MARTXN, who are to be co- custodian$ of my pets, This gift shali be a joint gift t~ the 3 P. PAGE ONri . , I ' 'I I .. .. . .. -. I 5 .> , .. i 'i i I . I * r t c . r E 5 1c 11 1: 3: 14 '1 E I I I* i* i *i I $!I i I I ' tI II 1 -i : ! 19 20 21 82 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 aa 1 redipionts, and in the event that either shall predecease mo, tho survivor shall receive the entire gift in this paragraph. I direct: that the sum of ONE TiIOUSAND ($1,000.00) DOLLARS shall be paid inmediately by my Executor to JAMBS B. WHITE, D.V.M. and CATHEHINB T. MARTIN for the care and iiiaintenance of my pets, Further, should additional funds be needed for tho care and main- tonaiico or for the medical attention of my pots, tho Executor is to advance additional sums of money necessary *upon a proper showing to the satisfaction of the Executor. further, (5) Tho sum of FIVE THOUSAND ($5,000.00) DOLLARS to tho IHUMANB SOCIETY, INC., .Ocoanside, California (111 Airport Road). (6) PBLTON P. MOURAS, Animal Brotoction Instituto, Sacranlento, The sum of PIVb 'TliOUSAND ($5,000.00) DOLLARS to r Calif o mi a. (7) Tho sum of FIVE THOUSAND ($5,000.00) DOLLARS to (aj TIW sum of TWENTY THOUSAND ($z~,ooo.oo) DOLLARS to the REVCKAND ANl)RBW D. MILSTEAD. 1 :ATCIBRINE T. MARTIN. (9) The sum of FIVE THOUSAND ($5,000.00) DOLLARS to IAMBS B, WHITE, D.V.M. (10) All my real property situated in Block Six (G) of hrlsbad Town Sits in tho City o€ Carlabod, County of Str~r Ui.o(:o, Xate of California, according to Map thereof filed in the Offiko )f tho County Rocorder in said County, shall be sold for tho )est prico obtainable, for cash, and toobe sold at a time that Is iotermined to be most feasible by my bxecutor. The.cash proceeds from such sale shall be divided as follows, to-wit: IO I (a) One-seventh (1/7tli)thorcof, to ST, MICHAELS CI1URCII BY TIIT! SEA, Carlsbad, California. " (b) *-' One-sevcnth (1/7th) thereof to MT. CALVARY, 0Rl)ER 01; TI-IE I-IOLY CROSS, Santa Barbara, California .(c) One-sevcnth (1/7th) thereof to ST. JUDE'S . liOMIi, Gresham, Oregon. . . 1. I PAGU TWO ' I Li *, I' I I I' I * . I, 'b b b * . ,. * '8 ' * . ;. (d) One-seventh (i/7th) thercof to ST.' FRANCIS BOYS' HOME, Salina,' Kansas (e) One-scvciith '(1/7th) thercof to tho POOR SISTERS of the NAZARETII ORPHANAGE, on Friars Road, San Diego, California. One-seventh (1/7th) thercof to tlid EPISCOPAL b CIIURCM HOME POI\ CHI LDWfi, in thc Los, Angeles '- area, Los Angeles, County, California. 4 [g) The remaining one-sovcnth (1/7th), thcrcof to .4 (f) i' ST. LABE INDIAN SCI.IOOL, Ashland, Montana, 95003. All of my real property situated in Block Three (3) (11) of Carlsbad Town Site in the City of Carlsbad, County of Sari Diego, Sta.te of California, 'according to map thorcof Eilod in the Office of the County Rccordor in said County, shall bo coiivoyed to the City of Carlsbad upon'the condition that, the City of - Carlsbad 1 niaintnins tho property for us0 in tlroir pnrks and rocroction program and furthor thnt tl!oy rostoro c iiry homo nntl tho _~- ------ .F.-. . -e--- SA~ be usod in connoction with park niitl rocrontion nctivj I ics. or as a location for tho ostablisl~i~ig by tho City of Car1si);icl of. an historical so2ty hoadquartors. In tho ovent that tho City al: Carlsbad does not accept this gift or fails to carry out tlio terms snd conditions of this giit, then tho property shnll be sold oiid distributed according to, the provisions of sub-porhgraph (1.0) providing for seven,gifts to the charities listed in.that paragraph &a set ,forth ntovs. ---____ - ---.. -_-- - -e.- - ---. / .- . .. If any legatee in this .Article TVIRD. shall die bcforc .. me, the,fegecy to such person except as otherwise provided, shall fail. If by reason of any provisions of. law limiting, restricting or invalidating gifts to charity, including to church~s, as I have providad hereinabove, all or' any portion of the said bequost to the ST, MICHAELS CIIURCH is invalid, such boquest or tho invalid portion thereof, shall go to my friend, RAYMOND C, IIDE, or if he shell have prodoceased me, to his heirs at law,# living at the time of my demise, ? -. ,. .t I PAGE THREl3 I I .. 3 I .. *' I ': ., -1 I ! i.. I I I' 1 2 3 4 6 6 *v 8 9 10 12 12 13 14 It 16 17 10 19 20 2.1 ga 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 I. . 1. .. 0 i, I ' 'I 1 2 3 4 6 6 .7 8 9 10 11 12 13 3.4 '3 G 20 21 aa 23 24 25 26 27 28 . 29 30 31 32 I . . a FIFTH e. I give, devise and bequeath all of the residue of my estato, real and 'personal, wherever situated, to the HUNANE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES, California Branch,' Sacramento, California. If, by reason. of any provision of law limiting, restricting, or invalidating gifts to charity, a11 or any portion of this gift is invalid, such gift or tho invalici portion thereof, shall go to RAYMOND C. EDB, or if he shall predecoaso me, to his heirs-atalew living at my demise. 0. I S XXTH If any devisoe, logntoo or benoficiary under this 'Will or any legal heir of mine or per.son claiming under any ofSthom, shall contost this Will or attack or seck to impair or invalidat5 my of -. its provisions, or conspiro with or voluntarily 9ssist: onyono nttompting to do oily of thoso things, in tlint cvont 1 bcquc:ith to oach such person tho sum of ONE DOLLAR ($1.00), and no ni?re, and all other legacies, bequests, devises and interests givon under' this Will to those persons shall be forfeited and shall nugment proportionately the shares of my estate going under this Will to or in trust for"such of my devisees, legatees, and beneficiaries as sball'not have participated in such acts or pYOcOed%ng8, Xi olL ab my dovisooa , lenntoos and baneQicinrlo3 shall participate in such proceedings, I give, devise and boqiisnth the whole of my estate to my heirs-at-law according to the laws of succession of the State of California, then enforcod, excluding all contestants and all persons conspiring with ,or voluntarily assisting %hem. .- . # SEVENTlI In the event that any provision of this Will is or is adjudged to be for any reason unenforcenblo, iho romninder thereof, disrognrding such provisions, shall bo carried into. affect. :t .. PAGB POUR ., 84 " . 4 i a i i *. ! including tho page on which tho witiicssos have signed-, was at tho deb hereof by the said .PLORCNCE SI-iIPLBY MAGBB, also known as . .. 8, PAGIj PWB. i I. .. .c .i I 1 1 I I I ! i I .j I. 1 it Q 1 , d *. E I GHTH I No interest shall be 'paid on any legacy. given under this will or any Codic'il to it. ' NINTH .. All inheritance, estate and sbccession taxes payable by reason of my death with the respect to the property passing under my Will or any Codicil, shall be paid out of and be chargod generally against tho porsonal estate of my residuary estato with- ou'c: teimbursement from any person. TGNTI I I appoint as Executor of my cstate, the BANK OP AMURTCA . NATIONAL TRUST and SAVINGS ASSbCIATION, a national banking c association, Oceansido Aranch. If for any ronson. thcy nro illinltlc? or unwilling to act as Ilxocutor, tlioli I appoilit' RO~HIIT S. WAJAVI(:KI Executor liercof, to servc without bond. I authorize iny Executor to soll, with or without notico, at either public or private sale, and to leaso any of my ostatc, subject only to such confirfiation as may be rcquired by law. My Bxecutpr shall determino in a manner which would minimize taxes, whether any or all expenses of administration of my estate shall be used as Eedersi,estnto tax deductions or ns federal income tax doductions, and whothor date of death or alternate valuation values should be used ,for estate tax purpo$cs. I .HAVE SUBSCRIBED MY NAMB'this 8th day of November, 1972, at Oceanside, California. a# I. 'I ' ' .. I .