HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-07-05; City Council; 7432; School Location Plan UpdateCITY OF CARLSBAD — AGENDA .-ILL 41 MTG-7/5/83 PEPTfi/A Group TITLE:SCHOOL LOCATION PLAN UPDATE AND REQUEST FOR GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT DEPT. HP. CITY ATTY. CITY §o: D-Q_ oI oz oo RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1. Direct staff to proceed with a General Plan Amendment (Land Use Map) which will modify the existing school locations shown citywide to reflect those recommended here. 2. Direct staff to simultaneously modify the text of the Land Use Element (page 28, item 7) to include the service area wording recommended here. ITEM EXPLANATION; The City and the Carlsbad Unified School District agreed to pursue a study to re-evaluate school locations in February, 1982. The intent was to ultimately amend the City's Land Use Element to ref- lect the most appropriate buildout school locations. City staff worked with the school district and SANDAG to develop a plan. The first draft of the plan was completed in June, 1982. On August 10, 1982 the City Council took the following action: 1. Approved the plan in concept. 2. Directed staff to present the plan to all effected school districts. 3. Directed staff to consider recommended school sites with community park sites. On August 18, 1982 the plan was presented to the Carlsbad School District Board of Directors. On March 7, 1983 the Carlsbad School District sponsored a presenta- tion of the plan to all the effected districts. The Carlsbad District's board of directors approved the School Loca- tion Plan as recommended by their staff and City staff on April 27, 1983. As a result of the many comments and discussions with those effected by the plan, staff has made two modifications to the originally recommended locations; they are: 1. One elementary school (#6) in the northern portion of the City, adjacent to El Camino Real, has been moved to the east of El Camino rather than west. No change in service area was necessary. 2. One elementary school (#17) in the southeast portion of the City, east of Rancho Santa Fe Road, has been moved to the south and west of Santa Fe. The service areas for schools 17 and 19 have been appropriately adjusted (modification requested by Encinitas Union School District). Page 2 of Agenda Bill ft Correspondence from three of the affected districts is attached, i.e. Carlsbad Unified, San Dieguito Union High and Encinitas Union. The Vista Unified District is essentially not affected by the recommended plan (no sites, or students are involved). The San Marcos Unified District is conducting its own school location analysis and anticipates completion in December. Staff suggests that consideration of modifications to plan recommended here could be made (if necessary) after the San Marcos plan is complete. EXHIBITS: 1. School Location Plan.on file in City Clerk's Office. 2. Staff report and minutes from April 27, 1983 Carlsbad School Board meeting. 3. Letter from Encinitas Union School District, dated May 2, 1983. 4. Letter from San Dieguito Union High District, dated May 23, 1983 5. Wording for revision to General Plan text. CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Carlsbad, California April 27, 1983 TO: Philip Grignon, Ed.D., District Superintendent FROM: K.C. Dunlap, Manager, Facilities and Services SUBJECT: Master Plan for School Locations BACKGROUND INFORMATION Anticipating the District's future needs, the Carlsbad Unified School District approached the City of Carlsbad about the future City growth with emphasis being placed on future school locations. A school location plan study was determined to be needed for the following reasons: a) General Plan school sites were adopted in 1974 and are now outdated. b) The City recognized changes in development patterns since the General Plan was adopted. c) School locations were repeatedly being questioned by developers. In July of 1982, the School District and the City of Carlsbad released the results of a study of a master plan for school locations which was later dis- cussed with the Board of Trustees at its regular Board meeting on August 18, 1982. Mr. Jim Hagaman of the City Planning Department presented the findings of the report to the Trustees. CURRENT CONSIDERATIONS Almost weekly the City Planning Department and the School District receive inquiries from developers concerning their various building projects and as the number of inquiries increases and actual construction has begun, the school location sites in the proposed master plan become in jeopardy as the developers program the sites for other uses. In order for the District to plan for its future needs and to protect the identified school sites in the proposed plan, it is necessary for the School District to request that the City of Carlsbad approve the new master plan for school locations as was proposed previously to the Board in August of 1982. Enclosed under separate cover is the result of the District/City study and the recommended proposal for the updated master plan for school locations. The updated plan, while moving proposed school sites to other areas within the District, actually reduces the number of total schools needed that was forecast in the 1974 plan. The actual number of school sites identified with- in the City limits would be 19 elementary schools, 4 junior high schools and 4 senior high schools. AGENDA ITEM 20 263 School Locations - 2 - April 27, 1983 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS None as of this action. RECOMMENDATION It is respectfully requested that the Superintendent recommend to the Board of Trustees the adoption of the master plan for school locations. SUPERINTENDENT'S RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended that the Board of Trustees recognize the Superintendent, who will introduce Mr. Jim Hagaman of the City Planning Department for a synopsis presentation of the proposed master plan for school locations, and it is further recommended that the Board of Trustees adopt the plan and recommend its full adoption by the City of Carlsbad. CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES - REGULAR MEETING APRIL 27, 1983 VALLEY JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL The meeting was called to order at 7:34 p.m. by President Thomas L. Curtin. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Student Representative Jack Ukegawa and Trustee Nygaard called for a moment of silent meditation. Present: Trustees Curtin, Kelly, Switzer, Mamaux, Nygaard. Absent: None. Agenda item No. 3, Gifts, was removed from the Consent Calendar. It was moved by Trustee Mamaux and seconded by Trustee Kelly to approve the Consent Calendar as follows: Minutes of the April 13, 1983 Regular Meeting. Associated Student Body financial statements from Carlsbad High School and Valley Junior High School. Resignation of classified personnel as listed. Employment of classified personnel as listed. Consultant, School Research & Services Corp., for Special Board Meeting. Employment (substitutes) of classified personnel as listed. Resignation of certificated personnel as listed. Employment (extra pay assignment) of certificated personnel as listed. Consultant, Dr. David Cruder, for Project PACE. Leaves of absence without pay for 1) Sheila K. Lalana to June 17, 1983 and 2) Elizabeth M. Lamb to June 15, 1984. ROLL CALL: Ayes: Trustees Curtin, Kelly, Switzer, Mamaux, Nygaard. Noes: None. Absent: None. Agenda item No. 3, Gifts, was returned to the calendar for action at this time. Trustee Kelly had asked that this item be removed from the Consent Calendar so that special attention and thanks could be given to the gifts received by the School District. Minutes ASB Financial Statements Resignation Employment Consultant Employment Resignation Employment Consultant Leaves of Absence Gifts AGENDA ITEM 1 5 Regular Meeting - 2 -April 27, 1983 It was moved by Trustee Kelly, seconded by Trustee Nygaard and unanimously carried that 1) the donation toward a field trip for students at the Communication Center from the Carlsbad Kiwanis Club and 2) the used stereo and four record albums for Pine School from Mrs. Jean Jones be accepted with appreciation.« COMMUNICATIONS Jack Ukegawa, Student Representative to the Board, reported on athletic activities at the high school, an ASB post-convention dance, Open House at Carlsbad High School on May 2, and an eighth grade orientation assembly for families of future freshmen planned for the evening of May 4. Trustee Curtin 1) read a proclamation issued by the Carlsbad City Council designating the week of April 25 through April 29, 1983 as Public Schools Week in appreciation of the District's teachers and students and 2) reported on his attendance at the ASB convention and felt that a change in the program was advisable. Trustee Nygaard 1) spoke of the new proposed SB 813 (Hart) and indicated that computer literacy had been deleted from the proposal but.that the ability to obtain a five percent tax rate increase by a simple majority of the local voters had been included; 2) invited Board members to the EdPAC luncheon on May 13 in San Diego, at which time Theresa Hughes, Chairperson of the Assembly Education Committee would be the speaker; and 3) announced that the presentations to winners of the essay/poster contest sponsored by the water district would take place on Tuesday, May 24, 7:30 p.m., at Magnolia School. GENERAL FUNCTIONS In honor of Professional School Secretaries Day, the following District secretaries, clerical and accounting staff in attendance was introduced: Joyce Smith, Ma reel a Lawrence, Sharon Johnson, Mary Kay Kirby, Mary Jane Moneypenny, Peggy Cain, Elaine Benson, Cynthia McPherson, Carol Rossman, Margaret Pierson, Wanda Spurgeon, Georgiana Kirby, Rosemary Byrne, Cheryl Leen and Anita Williams. Donald W. Noble, who would retire on May 3, 1983 from the Transportation Department, was recognized for his past service to the District and was presented with a Certificate of Award by President Curtin. It was moved by Trustee Kelly, seconded by Trustee Switzer and unani- mously carried that a Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees be called on May 10, 1983 for the purpose of a Trustee/Superintendent Workshop (time and place to be announced on the official notice to the public). Secretaries Certificate of Award - Noble Trustee/Supt. Wrkshop Regular Meeting - 3 -April 27, 1983 X CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION Madeleine Mamaux, together with her parents (Trustee John Mamaux and Mrs. Mamaux), was introduced as the Valedictorian of the Class of 1983. Charles Francis, Salutatorian, had been unable to attend. Trustee Mamaux and Trustee Nygaard were identified to present diplomas at the graduation ceremony on June 17, 1983. A report was made by Susan Largen, Director, Instructional Services, on the information learned from a recent survey of local businesses regarding current acceptance of youngsters as employees, and the sug- gestions offered by the business people as to future programs which would more readily prepare youngsters for work after high school. SCHOOL PLANTS Jim Hagaman, City Planning Director, was present to offer further explanation of the proposed Master Plan for School Locations and to answer Board members questions. A brief history of plans indicated that 7 schools had been eliminated since the current plan had been developed in 1974-75. The plan now provides for a total of 19 ele- mentary, 4 junior high and 4 senior high schools (including existing sites) with a certain amount of flexibility available in change of locations according to future home development, area growth, terrain, etc. School locations had been projected as a result of information supplied to SANDAG's computer. This plan would amend the City's general plan and would provide real estate developers knowledge of schools of attendance for their projects as well as the District's possible need for school sites within their projects. Board members requested that a tour be arranged for them to view the proposed school site locations. It was moved by Trustee Switzer, seconded by Trustee Mamaux and unani- mously carried that the Master Plan for School Locations as submitted be adopted. "- Mr. William Davis of Davis-Duhaime Associates, architects, was present to provide background on his firm and to answer questions. Board members discussed the need for an architect of record when no building projects were in the planning stage. It was requested that the administration provide the Board with a report on the need for a District warehouse. It was moved by Trustee Kelly and seconded by President Curtin to approve the appointment of Davis-Duhaime Associates as the District's architect of record. The motion failed. Ayes: Trustees Curtin, Kelly. Noes: Trustees Switzer, Mamaux, Nygaard. Absent: None. Valedictorian, Salutatorian Survey of Businesses Master Plan for School Locations Architect of Record* (failed) Regular Meeting -4- April 27, 1983 President Curtin declared the Public Hearing open on the contract Public Hearing reopeners received from the Federation of United School Employees (FUSE) Local 1200 and invited input from the audience. No one from the audience wished to speak to the issue and President Curtin declared 'the Public Hearing closed. A response by the Board to the proposal would be presented at a later date. The meeting adjourned to Closed Session at 9:57 p.m. The meeting Closed Session was reconvened at 12:01 a.m. It was moved by Trustee Switzer and seconded by Trustee Mamaux to Expulsion expel the student referred to as Case No. 1 from the Carlsbad Unified School District for the balance of this semester and for the 1983 fall semester. Ayes: Trustees Curtin, Kelly, Switzer, Mamaux. .Noes; Trustee Nygaard. Absent: None. It was moved by Trustee Switzer, seconded by Trustee Mamaux and unani- Expulsion mously carried to expel the student referred to as Case No. 2 from the Carlsbad Unified School District for the balance of this semester and to assign him to the La Palma Alternative School for the 1983 fall semester. The meeting was adjourned at 12:04 a.m. Adjournment J. Edward Switzer, Jr., Clerk Philip urignon,. Secretary X ENCINITAS UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT 189 UNION STREET ENCINITAS, CALIFORNIA 92024 AREA CODE 619 753-1152 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Norman L. Maclrrtyre. President Anthony J. Brandenburg, Clerk Ronald A. Countryman. Member Mary Jo Nortman, Member Sandra Schultz. Member Donald E. Lindstrom, Superintendent and Board Secretary "Excellence Is Our Goal" May 2, 1983 Mr. Jim Hagman Manager, Research § Analysis City of Carlsbad 3096 Harding Street Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Mr. Hagman, In response to your request for a reaction to the possible school sites which the Encinitas School District might use in Carlsbad, this letter is to inform you that the park site you have on Levante Avenue is currently owned by the District and is planned as the first District school in La Costa. Two other sites are also designated -- one in the valley between Levante Avenue and Olivenhain Road and one off of Rancho Santa Fe Road about 400 yards northeast of the Oliven- hain Road/Rancho Santa Fe Road interchange. These are the only three sites in the Carlsbad area which the Board has included in its long-range plan. I hope this information is of value to you. mrs truly, Donald E. Linds Superintendent via .San. 625 North Vulcan Avenue Leucadia, California 92024714/ 753-649] Union High School District May 23, 1983 James C. Hagaman, Manager Research/Analysis Group City of Carlsbad 3096 Harding Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 SUBJECT: SCHOOL LOCATION PLAN, JULY 1982 The administration and trustees have reviewed the local school plan as it concerns potential school sites for our district. We believe that future plans should provide for a high school easterly of Rancho Santa Fe Road and a junior high school site between El Camino Real and Rancho Santa Fe Road. District specifications set 20 acres as the desirable size for a junior high site. If you need more detailed information, please give us a call. SAN DIEGUITO UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Rodney E. Phillips, Ed.D. Coordinator of Special Projects REP/ejm - - i / >/ <-/ J EXHIBIT #5 WORDING FOR REVISION TO GENERAL PLAN TEXT - (Land Use Element, page 28, item #7: Schools) This land use classification represents both existing and proposed school sites necessary to serve the ultimate planning area. The sites are designated as elementary, junior high and high school, eeftteinateatien 9ehe©i-©3?-pj?ivatee-seh©e4-f aeiiitiesT — Sites-delineated -respective- seheel-dist --- The school locations have been determined by a special study which re-evaluated the original (1974) locations shown on the Land Use Map. The School Location Plan was adopted by the Carlsbad School District in April, 1983. The School Location Plan also designates "service areas" for each of the school locations city-wide. These ser- vice areas were identified based on student generation factors, ideal school sizes and maximum travel distance. The "service areas" show the general areas which would provide students for each school location. All school locations and service areas are inter-related, It should be noted that a substantial change in indivi- dual school location, or school addition/deletion, would necessitate revision of locations city-wide.