HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-08-02; City Council; 7462; HEALTH PERMIT FEE REVISION* C~F CARLSBAD - AGEN~LL I That the City Council approve the revisions to the health p' ITEM EXPLANATION The Board of Supervisors on June 7, 1983, adopted their Ord 6599 revising the health permit fees for food establishment Ramras, county health officer, in a letter to the city mana dated July 13, 1983, has asked that the City amend its code bring our fees into accord with those of the county. He ha asked that in amending our code we provide that any changes by the county in the future would automatically go into eff Carlsbad. Although we have some concerns about the appropr of that procedure it has been adopted by the City of San Di the county's request we are implementing it in our code. P Lo 0 In g FISCAL IMPACT Under our contract with the county they provide all health in return for the fees. Therefore, there will be no direct ri 0 a 8 3 -5 f3 on the City. rl EXHIBITS -?I ? 0 U m c3 I nl I CQ Ordinance 6599 n u > 0 z 0, Q 4 2 0 .. 6 5! a z 3 0 0 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 0 12 2 Y g 93 K'% 8 -?u~ 2% 3z 3-41 W w ORDINANCE NO. 5067 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA AKENDING TITLE 6, CHAPTER 6.02 BY THE ADDITION OF SECTION 6.02.030 TO PROVIDE THAT HEALTH PERMIT FEES SHALL BE DETERMINED BY THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, Califo does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: That Title 6, Chapter 6.02 of the Ca Municipal Code is amended by the addition of section 6.02 read as follows: "6.02.030 Health Permit Fees. Every person apF for a permit under the provisions of this chapter shall a time of making an application for such permit pay a fee t exact amount which shall be determined by the County of E Diego and kept on record by the County Department of Heal Services and on file in the City Clerk's office." EFFECTIVE DATE: This Ordinance shall be effectj days after its adoption and the City Clerk shall certify z i5= L. sa $kg6 16 gEE?mQ - zo y >5 2 3.7 18 E 39 $$g u -t 151 wu u ii adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published E once in the CarlsSad Journal within fifteen days after it adoption. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting c Carlsbad City Council held on the 2nd day of August I 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 and thereafter PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 16th day of Aupt - , 1983 following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Memkers Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick ar NOES: Nom ABSENT: Nom %-&?&/.+ d 4 MARY 14. SLER, M ATTEST: 1, bQpU&gydifj " ALJ2TJJ1 L. FU? 'E?IK' Wz, city Clerk @ v COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES 1700 Pacific Highway, San Diego, CA 92101 JAMES A. FORDE, Director Public Health Services Office of the Deputy Director (619) 236-2237 July 13, 1983 Frank Aleshire, City Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE: HEALTH PERMIT FEE REVISION Dear Mr. Aleshire: Health permit fees for food establishments and land use activities were by the San Diego County Board of Supervisors with the adoption of 0 No. 6599 (attached) on June 7, 1983. These revisions were made to the rising cost of providing required inspection services. We resp request that your city council adopt the fee structure as indicated ordinance within the required 30-day time frame. Your adoption will e the need for us to collect the difference from your City as outlined Basic Agreement with you. If you do not adopt the new fee structurc the 30-day period, it will increase your City's cost and create an incon in fees in our County. Additionally, we would like to urge your City to pass legislation t' provide for the immediate application in your City of the health pe structure adopted annually by the County Board of Supervisors. Th eliminate the necessity for our staff to contact each city to request fee whenever the Board adjusts fees. Such an effort is cumbersome and e) It would also eliminate the need for each city council to hold a public on the fee changes since that is done by the Board of Supervisors any adjustments. The cities of San Diego, Coronado, Del Mar and Vi already adopted such legislation. An example of the City of San Diego ( is attached. Please note that in contrast to fees for restaurants and land use acl the fees for activities regulated totally by State law become effective out the County, including the incorporated cities, at the time the Supervisors takes action. These activities include public swimming retail food market inspections. Countywide application of such fee accordance with Section 510 of California Government Code. We will appreciate your assistance in these matters. If you have any or problems, please call Gary Stephany, Chief, or Ray Redmond, Assistai of our Division of Environmental Health Protection, 236-2243 or 236-2797 Sincerely , DONALD G. RAMRAS, M.D., Health Officer and Deputy Director for Public Health Services DGR:GS:tec cc: James E. Forde, Director, & Gary Stephany, Chief, EHP Attachments (2) ad A*& mmIxAm No6599 (NEW SEHIEm , .( , AN ORDINAKCE TO ANEW SAN DIEGO COUNTY CODE OF REGULATORY OADINANCES RELATING TO INVESTIGATION AND INSPECTIONS FEES. HEALTH, SANITATION AND LAND USE PERNIT The Board of Supervisors of the County of San Diego do ordain as follows: Section 1. Section 65.107 of the San Diego County Code is hereby amen Sec. 65.107. FEES. The fee for each permit, license or registration 1 ows : suant to the provisions Of this division is set forth herewith: (a) ESTABLISHMENT PLAN REVIEN as provided for in Sec. 61.112 ESTABLiStiHENT PLAN RE-REVIEW as provided for in Sec. 6i.112 For establishments, other than permanent concession stands, governed by t nia State Restaurant Act, as provided for in Section 61.110: 1 to 10 employees $125.00 11 to 100 employees 180.00 101 or more employees 325.00 $ 35.00 $ 15.00 (b) For Permanent Concession Stands, governed by the Cal ifornia State Restaur; 1 or more employees $ 30.00 For establishments, other than Candy Stores, governed by the California : Food Production and Marketing Establishment Law, as provided for in Sectic 1 to 10 employees 11 or more employees 100.00 $ 90.00 For Candy Stores, governed by the California State Retail Food Production ing Establishment Law: 1 or more enployees $ 30.00 For establishments governed by the Bakery Sanitation Law as provided for 61.110. 1 or more employees For establishments, not otherwise specified herein, governed by the San I Code of Regulatory Ordinances, as provided for in Section 61.110: $115.00 1 or more employees $ 80.00 For 'tiholesale Distributors - 1 to 5 employees $ 30.00 For jrnolesale Distributors - 6 or more employees 60.00 For Food establishments vending pre-packaged non-refrigerated non-perisl as provided for in Section 61.110: $ 20.00 6/07/83 (95) - T w For Seasonal Concession Stands, as provided for in Section 61.110: 1 or more employees $ 30.00 For Temporary food concessions, as provided for in Section 61.110: 1 or more employees $ 40.00 Fees shall be based on the average number of mployees during the preceeding ye or, if in the opinion of the Health Officer such average number does not reflect number of employees during the year for which the perrnit is sought with reasona accuracy, the estimated average number of mployees. For each vehicle, other than mobile food preparation units, under the Same ownersh and operating out of the sane establishment, as provided for in Section 61.110: (c) Ice Cream Truck $ 20.00 Produce Truck 40 p 00 All Others 45 .00 the same establishment, as provided for in Section 61.110: $190.00 (d) For each mobile food preparation unit under the same ownership and operating out o (e) For each vending machine dispensing milk, ice cream or milk products or other kit of perishable foods or beverages, or dispensing unbottled or uncanned liquid foods beverages, except vending machines which dispense unwrapped non-perishable, nc liquid food products, as provided for in Section 61.110: $ 4.00 (f) For mobile food preparation units at special events as provided for in Sect,, 61.177: $ 45.00 (9) Pet Shops as governed by the California State Retail Food Production and Marketi (h) For permit and/or license for health regulated business as provided for in Divisior Establ i shment Law. $ 50.00 of this Title 6, Sec. 66.101, not including apartment houses and hotels. $ 30.00 (i) INSPECTION FEES FOR APARTMENT HOUSE OR HOTEL AS PROVIDED IN SEC. 66.1003: (1) For each apartment house or hotel containing not more than five (5) units. $ 30.00 (2) For each apartment house or hotel containing not less than six (6) but not more than ten (3) For each apartment house or hotel containing (10) units. $ 40.00 not less than eleven (11) but no more than fifteen (15) units. $ 50.00 (4) For each apartment house or hotel containing more than fifteen (15) units. $ 50.00 plus $1.50 for each unit in excess of fifteen (15). -2- -- w m r- "UNIT1' shall mean each apartment in an a7artment house, each sleeping hotel, and each apartment and each hotel sleeping room in a building, cont, apartments and hotel sleeping rocils. Separate apartment house buildings and separate hotel buildings, or ( thereof, located upon a single parcel of land or contiguous parcels of lar the same ownership shall be treated as one apartment house or hotel for 1 of computing the fee prescribed by this section. (j) Pool Plan Review, as provided for in Section 67.301. $ 50.00 Pool Plan Re-review, as provided for in Section 67.301. $ 20.00 Pool Permit, as provided for in Section 67.302. $ 60.00 Each additional Pool, as provided for in Section 67.302. $ 30.00 (k) Well Permit Apnlication7 ar provided for in Sectjov 67 441,B. 9 t9-00 (1) Septic Installation, as provided for in Section 68.326. $ 65.00 Septic Re-inspection, as provided for in Section 68.326. $ 50.00 (m) Permits, no field investigation, as provided for in Section 68.326.1 (n) Major Use Permits, Special Project review as provided for in Section 68.321 $ 15.00 $ 95.00 (0) Change of Location, as provided for in Section 68.327 $ 10.00 (p) Layout, as provided for in Section 68.328.1 $ 85.00 Layout re-examination, as provided for in Section 68.328.1 $ 30.00 Percolation Test, as provided for in Section 68.328.1 $125.00 (4) Septic Cleaner Examination Fee, as provided for in Section 68.602. (r) Septic Cleaner Registration, as provided for in Section 68.604. $ 15.00 (s) Sewage Pumping Vehicle, as provided for in Section 68.604a. $ 30.00 (t) Tentative Map Deposit, as provided for in Section 81.201.1 $1,000.00 (u) Tentative Parcel Map, as provided for in Section 81.207.(d) $155.00 $ 15.00 (v) Boundary Adjustment, as provided for in Section 81.902.2 $100.00 (w) Certificate of Compliance, as provided for in Section 81.1105.1 $ 95.00 -3- w - (x) Grading Plan, 3s provided for in Section 87.204.1. $ 60.00 (y) For each duplicate 3eriit, license or registration as provided for in Section 61.1 $ 3.00 (z) Field consultation for which no 'fee is specifically indicated (minimum charge -- o ha1 f hour .) $ 30.00 Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days aft€ the date of its passage; ard before the expiration of fifteen (15) days after its pass it shall be published once with the names of the members voting for and against the'san. in the San Diego Newsline, a newspaper of general circulation published in the County o San Diego. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 7th day of June, 1983. PAL1 W. FORDEM Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Diego, State of California The above ordinance was adopted by the following vote: Supervisor Thorns D. Hamilton, Jr. voting rrAye'r Supervisor Paul TJ. Porden vo t ing ''Aye" Supervisor Leon L. :-iilliams voting rriLyerr Supervisor Paul Eckert voting "Aye" ATTEST my ahnd and the seal of the Board of Supervisors this 7th day of June, 1983 (95). PORTER D. CREU'S Clerk of the Board of Supervisors (SEAL) hd&dflLG+ RyMarh A. -- Tfsca-rerro __-"- Deputy 8; 2 -.._ -.a , -4- .- K&& Y *I-J t Y - w v 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLS BAD, CALI FOR N 1A 92005 ( Office of the C!fy C!&t city sf tLarlrs’bab August 18, 1983 Donald G. Ramras, M.D. Deputy Director for Public Health Services County of San Diego 1700 Tacific Highway San Diego, CA 92101 Re?: HealLh Permit Fee Revision The Carlsbad City Council, at its meeting of August 15, 1983, adopted Ordinance No. 5067, amending Title 6, Chapter 6.02 or’ the Carlsbad Municipal Code by the addition of Sectioi? 6.i32.030 to provide that health permit fees shall ba determined by the County of San Diego. Enclosed.for your records and information is a copy of the above referenced ordinance. $&$$a K, FP9 P,. UN 2 d Deputy City Clerk Enc .