HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-08-16; City Council; 7475; Sewer Fees for Areas North Batiquitos Sewer. --I CITY OF CARLSSAD - AGENDA Ll SEWER FEES FOR DEPT. HD.K CITY ArnuLa AREAS TRIBUTORY TO NORTH BATIQUITOS SEWER ClTY MGTW RECOMMENDED ACTlON: Adopt Resolution No.73_:Lsetting fees for sewer connections to North Batiquitos Sewer Line. ITEM DISCUSSION By an agreement between the City, Occidental Land Inc., and John D. Lusk 3( Son, dated January 17, 1982, the City assumed the reimbursement rights from Occidental for connections to the Ponto Sewer that had been built by Occidental in 1974. In order to assert these reimbursement rights, a basis for assessing a connection fee is needed as well as Council's resolution authorizing its collection. The firm of Bement-Dainwood-Sturgeon was employed in 1979 to recommend a reimbursement schedule for the sewer in question. Occidental was to be reimbursed $233,477.89 for their share, this now becomes the amount due to the City. The schedule for collecting the above amount was based upon an allocation of fees for Areas "A", "B", "C", and I'D", as shown on the attached map (Exhibit 1). It was determined that Area "A" includes the Hunt properties served by the La Costa Sewer; the reimbursement for which will be handled separately. .share in the Ponto Sewer and in a portion of its cost. However, this area does The City Engineer (Les Evans) reviewed the Bement-Dainwood- Sturgeon recommendation and reported to the City Manager in June, 1982 (Exhibit 2) recommending a range of fees necessary to make up the requi'red amounts. The connection charae by area including a $25.00 processing fee, was recomnended I as follows: Are a "A" Area llB" Area "C" Area "D" All the of fees co by the City in sat FISCAL IMPACT These fees are int Ik 52 (16152 attributable to the Hunt Droperties which .- will be considered later) $ 52 $ 52 $ 49 lected in Areas "A", "B'l, "C", and "D" wi sfaction of the City/Occidental agreement nded to Drovide that Dortion of $233.477 1 be retained ttributable to Areas "A", I'B", "C", and "D;' as revenue to off-set future sewer costs as well as to provide $25 per connection to the General Fund to cover administrative costs of collection. EXHIBITS 1. Map showing Areas "A", "B", "C", and "D" and the sewer lines. 2. Memo, dated January 27, 1982, from the City Engineer. 3. Poe9~#Q~o~,N~~~~~ting Sewer Reimbursement Fee (wjth boundary map 1 j 1 t I I j I I j i j I I i i i 1 I i I i I j i j i r ! i j j c MEHORANOUM - JANUARY 27, 1982 4 TO : CITY MANAGER FROM: CITY ENGINEER SliBJECT: OXY/AYRES SEWER RE I MBURSEMENT - In 1974, the Occidental Land Company constructed a sewer line along the east side of the ATESF right-of-way from the Encina Sewage Treatment Plant to the southerly end of the Lakeshore Gardens Hobilehome Park. At City request, the line was oversized to accommodate flows from an area much larger than the Occidental propertfes. In 1977, the Rancho La Costa partnership constructed a sewe; trunk line to serve the Seaport Development. The line was constructed along the north shore of the Batiquitos Lagoon to Lagoon Lane, north on Lagoon Lane, then across the freeway, north on Avenida Encinas to Poinsettia and into the Occidental line. The Occidental and Ayres lines were designed to handle sewage flows from the area north of the Batiquitos Lagcon, west of El famino Real and south of the ridge line lying south of Palomar Airport Road. The western boundary is the ocean. -‘he attack4 exhibit describes the area which can be served by the two liqes- 30th OccIctntal and Ayres desire to enter into reimbursement agreements for 13.~8.059 states” I the ov9rsizing of the trunk lines. The Carlsbad flunicipal Code, Section -\ “Zn ?.’?e event of the installation of sewer improvements required by Snction 13.08.040, the.City my enter into an agreement with z3e developer to reimburse the developer for that portion of tho cost of such sewer improvements equal to the difforence between 2!z? a,m-mt it would have cost the developer to install such sewer iz-z=oa+.nen?s to serve the development only and tk actual cost of st-=:? stmr impovements. ” !.I rJrts- -3 ?ez?mirre reimbursement cos:^, the Cit*/ engas4 the ?irv of Sement, S3irr~iod 3i-4 5zrrr:zon. reirnbursment :to5 for the Ponto (Occidental) and La Costa (Ayres) sewage trunk 1 i??s. Their report our1 inzs th2 propo>r.,d construction and For their share of the sewer 1 ine Occidental will be reimbursed $233,477.89- Ayes wil! be reinbursod $665,102.74. J different connectlon charge to raise the funds for reimbursement. Area k will pay 5204, Area B $ 0 The charse will be in addition to the noraal sewer connection fee. Each area on the attached mapswill pay Area C $52 and Area D $49 for each connection- P LE :nmt Attachment WE: This was later revised downward to $52.00. )*lr C: Eon azckiran EXHIBIT 2 I 4 r: i 7 e ~ I 9 10 11 12 13 14 .15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 . 23 24 25 26 27 20 RESOLUTION NO. 7332 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING RElMBURSEMENT FEES FOR CONRECTION TO THE NORTH BATIQUITOS SEWER LINE. WHEREAS, the City Council entered into agreement to collect ees for costs incurred in the connection of a sewer line known as he Ponto sewer; and WHEREAS, an agreement was made whereby the reimbursements due he Developer were to be assumed by the City of Carlsbad; and WHEREAS, in order to obtain the amount required for eimbursement, a specific fee schedule must be implemented in ertain areas as shown on the map attached hereto and made a part ereof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the ity of Carlsbad as follows: The fee schedule adopted shall be as follows for the reas as shown on the attache4 zap. labeled Exhibit A: Area A $ 52 per connectioc/EDU Area B f 52 per conncction/E3U Area C 6 52 per connection/EDU Area D $ 49 per connection/EOU The City Engineer is hereby authorized and directed to illect fee; in accordance with the above for all connections to ie sewer serving the specified areas and to deposit $25.00 of the !e collected for each connection to the General Fund and the ilance to the sewer construction fund. t i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 -.._ PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the :ouncil of the City of Carlsbad held the 16th day of Aqut 9 1983, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council t4mbe.r~ Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Prescott NOES: None ABSENT: None vLuJ@& IASLtR, Mayor \TTEST: 1 SEAL) I i I ! ~ i i I I ! I 1 , I i ! ! ! ! i i I i I 3 ! ~ I I