HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-09-06; City Council; 7488; Classification plan amendmentC" r r-3 f CIT. 3F CARLSBAD - AGEND. BILL 4B#a ATG. IEPT. PER 9/6/83 TITLE: AMENDING THE CLASSIFICATION PLAN DEPT. HD.;~. CITY MGR.=' CITY AlNm RECOMMENDED ACTION: City Council adopt Resolution No. Td& . ITEM EXPLANATION: The Personnel Department has completed a study on the organization of the Purchasing Department. It was found that new departmental responsibilities have substantially changed the duties performed by all employees within that department. Classification descrip- tion changes will clearly identify all newly assumed duties. A new classification of Buyer clearly describes duties which have been delegated by the Purchasing Officer. The delegation occurred as a result of the increased buying that is being done by the Purchasing Department. The Purchasing Department recently relocated and was able to expand its Central Stores operation. An existing classification of Account Clerk I1 will more clearly identify the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to operate the Central Stores. Existing employees have gradually assumed the duties required to run the Purchasing Department and are performing satisfactorily. It is recommended that the City Manager be granted authority to reclassify the incumbent Account Clerk I1 to Buyer and the present Clerk Typist I1 to Account Clerk 11. FISCAL IMPACT: The additional salary costs of $2,126.28 are available with an inter-department fund transfer. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. y>+/ . 2. Memorandum to Personnel Director dated August 9, 1983. J - Attachment A BUYER DEFINITION - Under general direction, to assist in the purchase of materials, supplies, equipment, and services necessary to support the administra- tive and operational activities of the city; and to do related work as assigned. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES -__ Receive and review departmental requisitions. Request oral and written quotes from vendors. Review budget accounts to insure that requisi- tions do not exceed budgeted amounts; insure proper account numbers are assigned. Review and analyze price, product, delivery, terms, and quotations and make recommendations for contract award. Monitor zgreements and commitments with vendors to insure compliance with delivery dates and other terms of the purchase contract. insure -that all goods and services are received in good condition. Perform follow up on outstanding orders. Process invoices for payment to Finance Department. Review and prepare proposed specifications €or annual contracts and purchases requiring written bids. Assist all city offices and departments in budget preparation by gathering quotations on capital outlay items. Maintain departmental files. Prepare documents, correspondence, znd reports. .Operate data processing equipment according to established procedures. . QUALIFICATIONS Knowledge of: Principles and practices of purchasing. Common purchasing and legal terminology. Buying and budget functions. Ability to: Establish and maintain effective working relationshi.ps with vendors, city personnel, and the public. Communicate cleazyly and concisely, orally and in writing. - . 8. - Buyer (cont.) Make neat and accurate computations, notes, and reports. Experience and Education Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities would be qualifying. A typichl way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Experience One year of experience where the primary responsibility is purchasing goods and services. Education Equivalent to the completion of twelfth grade. I .. _.- ATTACHMENT B RESOLUTION NO. 7341 MISCELLANEOLiS EMPLOYEE CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY RANGE SCHEDULE * CLASS IF I CAT I ON RANGE ACCOUNT CLERK I 17 ACCOUNT CLERK I1 21 ACCOUNTANT 35 A CCOU IJ T I NG TEC HN I CIA N 24 AQUATIC SUPERVISOR 32 ASSISTANT CIVIL ENGINEER P4 2 ASSISTANT PLANNER P37 . ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER P49 F\SSOCIATE PLANNER P4 5 AUDIO VISUAL SPECIAL IST P38 E3UILDING INSPECTOR I 20 HUILUIKG INSPECTOR I1 38 E3UILDING INSPECTOR I11 44 HUILDIRG MAINTENANCE CARPENTER 30 BUYER 33 CLERK TYPIST I I5 CLERK TYPIST I1 17 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR 3% CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR 46 OUST OD I AN 16 DEPUTY CITY CLERK 25 DEVEL OP. PROCESS. COORDINATOR 29 ELECTRICAL OPERATlONS SUPERVISOR 37 ENGINEERJNG TECHNICIAN I 27 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN I1 34 EQUIPMENT MECHANIC 11 30 EQ U I P MEN T MEC HA N I C L EA DW OR K E R 35 EQUIPMENT SERVICE WORKER 21 ' LIBRARIAN I P30 LIBRARIAN I1 P36 L IRRARIAN 111 P38 LIBRARY ASSISTANT I 24 "LIBRARY ASSISTANT I1 29 *LIBRARY CLERK I 21 IIBRARY CLERK I1 23 MAINTENANCE ELECTRICIAN I 2% MAINTENANCE ELECTRICIAN I1 30 MA I NTENANCE WORKER I 21 METER READER/REPAIRER I 21 METER READER/REPAIRER IX 25 EQUIPMENT MECHANIC I 2a CLASSIFICATION RANGE METER SHOP SUPERVISOR OFFICE SUPERVISOR PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER I1 PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER 111 PARK PLANNER PARK SUPERVISOR PERMIT CLERK PLANNING TECHNICIAN I PLANNING TECHNICIAN I1 RECEPTIONIST CASHIER RECREATION SUPERVISOR I RECREATION SUPERVISOR I1 SANITATION SUPERVISOR SECRETARY I SECRETARY I1 SECRETARY TO CITY ATTORNEY S€CRETARY TO CITY MANAGER SENIOR CONSTRUCT I ON INSPECTOR SEWER MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR STENO CLERK I STENO CLERK I1 STOREKEEPER STREET MAINTENANCE WORKER I1 STREET MAINTENANCE WORKER I11 STREET MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOE SWEEPER OPERATOR TRANSPORTATION ENGINEER TREE TRIMMER I TREE TRIMMER I1 TREE TRIMMER LEADWORKER UTI1 ITY MAINTENANCE WORKER I1 UTI1 ITY MAINTENANCE WORKER JII UTILITY SYSTEMS OPERATOR I1 UTILITY SYSTEMS OPERATOR I11 WATER MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR WORD PROCESSING OPERATDR I WORD PROCESSING OPERATOR I1 SECRETARY/BOOKKEEPER 37 29 25 30 P4 2 37 19 20 35 17 29 32 37 23 25 24 29 29 42 37 17 19 20 25 30 37 29 51 23 27 31 25 30 27 29 37 19 21 "Library Clerk I and I1 to be deleted when vacated by incumbents. AUGUST 9, 1983 TO : PERSONNEL DIRECTOR FROM: Administrative Assistant PURCHASING DEPARTMENT CLASSIFICATIONS Background A variety of organizational changes have occurred over the past two years which have lead the Purchasing Department to request redefined classification descriptions. This department hopes to become more responsive and efficient with clearly defined duties and responsibilities. Recommendation Adopt the new classification of Buyer and incorporate it into the city's classification plan. Establish the pay range for Buyer at R33, $695.26 - $829.72 biweekly. Reclassify the Clerk Typist I1 position to that of Account Clerk 11. Finally, reclassify the incumbents within the department as follows: Account Clerk I1 to Buyer, Clerk Typist I1 to Account Clerk 11. Discussion The Purchasing Department has gradually expanded its functions and responsibilities over the past two years. Risk and property management are now responsibilities of the Purchasing Officer. Approximately one year ago, the department relocated and established a larger, more comprehensive central stores operation. This depart- ment has recently assumed responsibilities associated with the public works bidding process which are clerical in nature. Future Purchasing Department plans include warehousing functions upon the completion of the Public Safety Center. These increased responsi- bilities have compelled the Purchasing Officer to request classification descriptions sufficient to support the department's operations. The Purchasing Officer, in performing risk and property management duties, has had to delegate some purchasing duties. Risk management occupies approximately 40% of the Purchasing Officer's time and property management approximately 20%. The remaining 40% is con- sumed administering the formal bid process. Delegated purchasing duties entail vendor contact, however with the proposed Buyer classification duties such as reviewing requsitions, obtaining written and oral quotes, ordering, monitoring, and processing for payment can be appropriately delegated. An Account Clerk I1 was previously needed in the Purchasing Depart- ment to process the purchasing accounts payable. The city's Certified Public Accountant firm recommended that the purchasing accounts payable process instead be performed by the Finance 2 Department. These duties were transferred and assumed by Finance in October, 1982. A personnel transfer was not executed, just the accounting duties. Even before these duties were transferred out of the Purchasing Department, the Account Clerk I1 performed 90% of the requisition work. Gradually, this position has assumed more and more buying duties. Cities having classifications similar to the one desired were consulted in order to develop the attached. Carlsbad's Purchasing Officer was also consulted and provided input as to the intended organizational structure and appropriate supporting classification description. The Purchasing Department has operated a central stores for approxi- mately three years. When the department relocated this operation was expanded, as were the duties associated with it. Now a single person orders, stores, and issues a variety of supplies and materials. A sufficient inventory must be maintained to meet demands as well as to accommodate economical bulk purchases. The proposed reclassification of Clerk Typist I1 to Account Clerk I1 accurately describes duties associated with the central stores. This classification also incorporates duties associated with the public works bidding clerical duties, as well as general clerical duties required in the Purchasing Department. Other cities were also consulted to determine the nature of their purchasing operations. Most small cities lack centralized purchasing. Individual departments handle their own purchases or portions of the purchasing process are performed by Finance Departments. The city and county have large formalized purchasing departments but are considered not comparable due to their size. Cities of similar size to Carlsbad, with autonomous purchasing departments are organized to meet each city's needs. There is no similarity of organizations occurring within this group of cities, which include Poway, El Cajon, and National City. Each of these cities does have a Purchasing Officer and some sort of support staff. Salaries of other cities having comparable positions were obtained in order to arrive at the one recommended. Internal salary relation- ships were also considered. Buyer Oceanside $738 - $884 Biweekly San Diego, City 709 - 858 San Diego, County 675 - 822 El Cajon 561 - 682 Mean $671 $812 3 Buyer is recommended a- range 33 due -0 the comparable salaries among other cities, prior to July 1, 1983. This range places Carlsbad at the mean. Currently there are no other positions in Carlsbad compensated at this range. Aquatic Supervisor and Recrea- tion Supervisor are at range 32. Accountant and Equipment Mechanic Leadworker at range 35. As the Purchasing Department's responsibilities have changed over the past two years, the employees have also altered their duties. The duties changed gradually to the point where now the incumbents are performing within the proposed classifications in their entirety. The department head has stated that the incumbent's performance of the duties is satisfactory and that she concurs with their reclassification. The department head feels the incumbents are fully qualified to perform the duties outlined in the proposed classification changes. DJN/jm P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 - I8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 7341 A RESOLUTION OF TEE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAFCLSBPD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE CLASSIFICATION PLAN OF THE CITY TO ADOPT THE CLASSIFICATION OF BUYER AND RECLASSIFY CERTAIN POSITIONS.. -- WHEREAS, the City Manager recommends and the City Council concurs, that the classification of Buyer should be adopted and included in the city's Classification Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council authorizes and directs the City Mariager to add the classification of Buyer as described in Attachment A, attached hereto and made a part thereof. 3. That the City Council authorizes and directs the City MznaSer to add the title of Buyer to the Miscellaneous Salary Plan as shown on Attachment B, attached hereto and made a part the r eo f . 4. That the City Council authorizes the City Manager to reclassify incumbent Account Clerk I1 to Buyer and incumbent Clerk Typist I1 to Account Clerk 11. xx xx xx xx xx xx xx 1 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 34 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 6th day of Septerrber , 1983, by the following vote, to wit: AYES : Council Members Cpsler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Prescott NOES : None ABSENT: None MARY H. C SLER, Mayor d ATTEST: (SEAL) 2.