HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-09-20; City Council; 7282-2; Vehicle Parking In Residential Zones/I I> CI~~F CARLSBAD - AGEND~ILL @" \B# 72p2-*2 ORDINANCE No. 9668 - PAIIKIN.3 DEPT.' HD. OF VEHICLES IN I(ES1DENPIAL ZONES. CITY ATTY )EPT. PLN ClTYMQ E% . RECOMMENDED ACTION 'Ihe Planning Comissiop recomnends that the City Council direct staff to set Ordinance No. 9668 to public hearing for reconsideration. ITm EXPLANATICN OrdiMnce No. 9668 was approved by the City Council on April 5, 1983. 'Ihe ordinance crmtains provisions regulating the parking of vehicles in the front setback area in the R-1. zones. 'Ihe Plantiing carmission at its meeting of August 10, 1983 voted 3-2 to recomnend hearing for reconsideration and possible anem3mnt. The Comnission's pdmq to the City Council that staff be directed to set the ordinance to Wlic concern was with the prwision in the ordinance phibiting the prking of FWs in'the fmt yarcl of a single family hane. Staff's pition in this mtter is htained in the attached report to &e City Manager from the Building and Planning Director dated August 10, 1983 but, in surmary, staff believes that the ordinance should at least he given a cfiance to work before. it is mnsidered for mendmnt. lhe Planning carmission approved a Negative Declaration for the ordinance on January 12, 1983 determining that it wuld not have any significant impacts cn the emir-nt. A copy of the emironwntal drxluments is on file in the Land Use Planning Office. FISCAL me only fiscal impect muld be the staff time involved in processing an anend- nent and the expense involved in holding plblic hearings. 1 ) Staff Report to the City Manager dated August 10, 1983 2) Ordinance No. 9668 I . .. STAFF REPORT DATE: , August 10, 1983 TO : FRANK ALESHIRE, CITY MANAGER F ROX : MaKty Orenyak, Building and Planning Director SUBJECT: PARKING OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES IN RESIDENTIAL AREAS On April 5, 1983, the City Council approved ZCA-154 regulating the parking of vehicles in residential zones. A major part of vehicles in the front yard setback and in the public right-of- the amendment was to prohibit the parking of recreational way. The amendment was initiated by the City after receiving numerous complaints from local residents regarding both the parking of R.V's and inoperable vehicles in their neighborhoods. Since the'ordinance was adopted, it has become evident that there are practical problems with its enforcement. The major problem R.V. vehicles when notified, however, will move their vehicles seems to be the repeat violators. These people will remove their back within a week or two. Attacned is a chart indicating the location and status o€ complaints received since the ordinance became effective. Of the 21 complaints, 16 are currently-in" violators. violation of'the ordinance. Of these, five are repeat Another problem is the monitoring of zoning violations. Because "enforcing the ordinance on a complaint basis only. The relative of the length of time necessary to monitor violations, staff is violators. ease of moving R.V's makes it difficult to enforce the repeat _- .> . I Finally, many people claim they cannot comply with the ordinance because there are no places either on their property or in R.V storage lots off their property to store an R.V. Staff has made. County area. Attached is a graphic which indicates the location a study of the availability of R.V. storage lots in the North and availability of R.V. storage lots. Of the 8 lots in this Most of the owners of the R.V. storage lots have indicated there area, only one currently has space available to store R.V's. is a high demand for R.V. storage space. The demand for R.V. restrict R.V. parking are built. space is expected to increase as major new developments which *Staff believes the present ordinance is enforceable. The number of violations recently received is not unusual for a recently adopted ordinance. It would be premature to judge the effectiveness of the ordinance until the zoning enforcement procedures have been completed. Because of the many complaints, can be considered if it is felt a change is necessary. *however, staff has compiled a list of alternative actions which . 3 __ ..,.... - . . .. . . . . . - -. . . - , ..-.. " . . &.' 1. Establish A Variance Procedure - This alternative would allor R.V. uvners to park R,V'S in their front yard setback if they .- .. can deaonstrate special circumstances or hardship. This , e. ^. would.augment the existing variance procedure of the . -i . " e? ; i" r ;c 5" ordinance by defining more specific findings to grant a waiver of the ordinaxe. c The problem with this'alternative is that it would require considerable staff time to review the large number of requests that could be expected. Also, it does not solve the problem created by peoplevfio are in violation of the .. ordinance uho do not wish to amply- .. - 2.'". Establish A Citation Procedure - This alternative would give designated persons the authority to issue citations for 1 ,,,: violators of, the zoning ordinance. Some cities have tried *' this method with both good and bad results. Before implementing this type of program, staff would need to study in Eore detail the pros and cons of this nethod. 3, Amend Existins Ordinance to Permit R.V. Parking in Ront Yard This alternative would permit parking of R-V's in the driveway portion of the front yard, however, prohibit the parking of R.V's in the public right-of-way for over 72 hours. Such an amendment would not meet the original Council allow for easier enforcement. intent of removing R.V's from public view. however, it would " " - . seems .too early to make any major changes to it since the zoning Again, I believe the ordinance as written is enforceable- It enforcement.procoedings have not been completed for any of the violations. t earliest convenieace. I would be happy to discuss this matter further with you at your . 1. I 1 ! RO/BHICar ., . f i 1. $ I. . .' .* ... . 4 I 3 -3 0 .- . " 1 I i I I .. ! . al rl U ffi n4 c c $20Flonth 20 As of Aqust 9, 1983 AvailaSle spaces* Bne 20 5 mne NDne None 10 " .. . .- 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 I? 18 19 -20 - 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2% .. ORDIRAWCE 965s .. ~~'ORDIWSCE OF PBB CITY =IL OF TEE CITY OF CARLSBFD, CALIFOB-IA. AXWING TITLE 21, CWR ADDITION OF SECTION 21.44.165 To REGVLATE THE 21 -44, OF WE WUlLsBAD MINICIPAL CCDE BY =E .P&ZKIHG OF VEBICLES OH RESIDESTIAG IDTS. 'The City Council of the City of CKlsbad, California, does ordain as ,follows: - SECTION 1: Title 21, Chapter 21.44, of the Carlsbad Mun'icipal Code;is amended by the addition of Section 21.44.165 to read as follows: residential zones the following parking regulations shall apply: 21.44.165 Off Street Parking - Residential Zones. In all .(a) Standard lots: ~~ ~ Eront yard'except on a paved driveway or parking area which does n6t ex,ceed thirty percent of the required front yard area OK an Srea that is comprised of twenty-four feet of width extended from the property line to the front of the building, whichever is veater. recreational vehicle shall be parked it, Che front yard parking area Eor more than tmenty-four hours. >ther than the required front yard snbject to the following restrictions: mrcial vehicles used as a principle means of transportation for rhe occupant of the residence may be parked in any other area of rhe lot provided that they are screened from view from the public right-of-may. Such vehicles may be parked without screening in a ~ved driveway or parking area which is an extension of the parking irea permitted in Subsection (a)(l) provided that the paved Iri-~eway or parking area does not exceed the width of the area Enaitted in SuSsection (aI(l1. recreational vehicles or one passenger vehicle my be parked rithout screening only in side yard areas adjacent to the main ;tructcre on the lot or rear yards, Such vehicles may only be mrked in front of the nain structure if they are located outside he required front yard and screened from the public right-of-way. (1) No vehicles shall be parked in the required (2) F30 trailer, travel trailer. -z, boat or (3) Vehicles may be parked in any area of the lot (A)- Passenger vehicles inclllding light-doty (B) Trailers, travel trailers, campers, boats. (b) Corner and reverse corner lots: (1) No vehicles shall be parked in the required 'ront yard or required street side yard except on a paved driveway 11 parking area which does not exceed thirty percent of the ,equired yard area or an area that is comprised of twenty-Cour feet tf width eztcndcr] from the property to the front of the building. bichevcr is grealer. L T 4 h - (2) trailer. travel trailer. czmper. boat or recreational vehicle &all be *-ked in *&e front or side yard park- area for more khan twentT-€our 9mars. eer than the-required front or side yard subject to the followin restrictions: mrcial vehicles used 3s a principle mneans of transportation €0 the -pmt of '&e residence may be parked in any other area OE the lot prov%ded that they &-e screened from siw from the public right-oE-way, Such the vehicles may be parked wi*&oot screening i a paved drivway or parking area wbi& is an extension of the parking area permitted in Subsection (bi(1) provided that the pave driveway or parking area does not exceed the width of the area pernitted in Subsection (b)(l). or recreational vehicles nay be parked withomt screening Oazy in the interior side ran3 areas adjzcent to the araM structure on &e lot -.rear yards, SZ&I vebicles nay dy be parxed in Emat of the rmain stmeare or on the street side yard area iE they are located ootside tb mired front yd or side pard and scleewd Eram the gablie right-o€-way- .. (3) Vehicles zaay be parked in any area of the lot .. i (A) Passenger vehicles including light-duty (B) hailers. travel trailers. cmaQers. boats (C) All lots: (1) storage or parking of inoperable. vrecked, 8isaantled or abandoned vehicles shall be regulated by Chapter 10..52 of this Code; provide. however. that WE more than tu0 e~ieles in aarp inoperable wrecked or di-tled wuii=im lliap be parked in ,'*.e .&re& specified in -&%s sectitm €or trailers. traV@l trailers, cazapers,.tmats. or recreatiorial wehicles vhile said reb.icles.are being repaired or restored by the mer of the property- 5ect'ion 10-40.075 of this &e s5all be prked on any residential Lot except vhile loading or unloading property; or when such vehicles prked in mmectioa wit:. or in aid oE the pcfo-ce of serwice to '&e property or ad5zcent property on which the vebicle is parked in no 'sent Ear more than six hwrs or such &ditiondL tixse as necessary La qlete the loading. OK =mice, ~1-45 parking shall be regulated by the planned &vel-t Rdt.. (2) 130 heavyduty corPicercia1 vehicles as defined by (a) , For residential projects dewel- nnder 'EPFEIPIVE DRGE: Wis ordinance shall be effective thiey lays after its adoption, and the City Clerk shall certify to the -tion of this ordinance and cause it to be published at least mce in the Carlsbad Joarnal within fifteen days after its Mopt ion - '/// - 2. .I L. .. -: . -. ! Ij i 3 2 3 .4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ._ INTRODUCED AND FIRST'READ at a regular meeting Of the :arlsbad City Council held on the '.5th day of April . 1'983, and thereafter %ASSED AND ADOPTED it a regular meeting of said City Zouncil held on the 19th day of >yY:the following vote, to wit: April , 1983, AYES: . Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Prescott .. NOES: Council hember casle; ABSENT None &d&- MARY H. I/CASLER, Mayor RTTEST: *I ! 3.