HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-10-11; City Council; 7520; 7 LOT/124 UNIT TENTATIVE TRACT MAP AND CONDOMINIUM PERMIT|NORTH AND SOUTH SIDE OF HOSP WAY, WEST OF EL CAMINO REAL|CT 83-15/CP 241 (DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS)L3 w Q aL a Q 4 )r .. z 2 G a =! 0 z 3 0 0 CIT-F CARLSBAD - AGEND~ILL DEPT. CITY 1 CITY I 7 LoT/124 UNIT TENTATIVE TRACT MAP AND OF EOSP WAY, WEST OF EL W-INO REAL. AB# 7L2 ' MTG, 10/11/83 DEPT. PLN RECOMMENDED ACTION: TITLE: CONIXPlINIUM PERIIIIT; NORTH AND SOUTH SIDE CT 83-15/CP-241 - DEVELOPMENT GINSULTANTS. Both the Planniny staff and the Planning Commission recommend that this application be APPROVED and that the City Attorney be directed to prepare documents APPROVING CT 83-15/CP-241 per Planning Commission Resolution Nc 2175. ITJPI EXPLANATION This item is a 7 lot/124 unit tentative tract map and condominium permit located as described above. The subject property is 12.9 acres in size q overall density would be 9.6 dwelling units per acre. This density is s. less than the density allowed by the RMH designation of 10-20 du's/- acre ( general plan. The subject property is also part of the Hosp Grove Mate: which permits a density of up to 15 du's/acre. The Planning ammission found that the project ret all design criteria a~ development standards of the Planned Development Ordinance. Also, the Plan. Through staff review and Planning Commission hearing, all issues on this have ken satisfactorily resolved. EWIIiONMENTAL PWIEW The Land Use Planning Manager has determined that this project will not any significant enviromental impacts and, therefore, has issued a Neg-at Declaration, dated August 15, 1983, which was approved by the Planning Commission on September 14, 1983. A copy of the environmental documents file in the Land Use Planning. FISCAL IMPACT The applicant will provide all required public improvements to the projec Also, &e applicant has agreed to pay a public facilities fee to offset Commission found the project to k in conformance with the Hosp Grove Mar costs of providing all other public servi.ces, EXHIBITS 1. Location Map 2. PC Resolution No. 2175 3. Staff Report, dated September 14, 1983 w/attackments &..> . iL*J j.,Q j.1 \.>.X?d i.4 ..A 3 v LT" LA---- -*- -~ .k,u,,*-.urur~-uu *.w---- -VL -..-MIX..WCCnU-d&ww.B*I;?UIICI - -- ' . w t G kf w A Y pLb$ZA CAkrilNB REAL ' . .. - .. w -- C&L'"' .; *d " I- f-Jp,g; . .. ~-M...-Iuu~'Y~~IV~~~.-#. ICAV*VI.LUCtl* k4.rc.d&sI* dIr.--IUk4r:4V-- (c.P-.vc... u.rp--c**uu..--II*I 'Fc.. v., mn *7i$ c r&. 7 1; 17 ("+I\ 6;s'' i;; ;? FZ l$t.J b.'g7 k:vh 0 E.T tc, If F; E (*r ;e>, b:T 71 I+* 1 2 3 4 5 rn 0 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2175 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CI CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL FOR A 7 LOT/124 UNIT TENTATIVE TRACT MAP AND CONDOMINILj ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE NORTH AND SC SIDES OF HOSP WAY, WEST OF EL CAMINO REAL, APPLICANT: DEVELOPMENT CONSULTAHTS CASE NO,: CT 83-15/CP-241 WHERZAS, a verified application for certain prop€ 7 7 8l 9 10 11 12 13 14 35 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 .\ Lots 7, 8, 9, and 10 of Carlsbad Tract No. 79-27 according to Map No. 10161 filed July 30, 1981 wit= has been filed with the City of Carlsbad, and referred to Planning Commission; and WEEREAS, said verified application constitutes a as provided by Title 21-of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; ai WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did, on the 14tI: September, 1553, hold a duly noticed public hearing as presecribed by law to consider said request; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing anc considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all pl desiring to be heard, said Commission considered all fact( relating to the Tentative Tract Map and Condominium Permi NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY FSSOLVED by the Pla Caminission as follows: A) That the above recitations are true and correct. B) That based on the evidence presented at the public he Commission recommends APPROVAL of CT 83-;5/CP-24Jf ba the following findings and subject to the following 24 25 26 27 28 I conditions: I //// //// //// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 96 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 -I >*-.I.-. ~ - I - m e Findings: 1) The project is consistent with the City’s general pla the density range of 10-20 du’siacre specified for th indicated on the land use eleinent of the general plan 2) The site is physically suitable for the type and dens the development since the site is adequate in size an to accommodate residential development at the density posed. - the proposed density of 9.6 du’s/acre is just slight1 3) The project is consistent with all City public facili icies and ordinances since: a) The Planning Commission has, by inclusion of an appropriate condition to this project, insured th final map will not be approved unless the City Cc finds that sewer service is available to serve tt project. In addition, the Planning Commission hz condition that a note shall be placed on the finc that building permits may not be issued for the E unless the City Engineer determines that sewer SE available, and building cannot occur within the 1 unless sewer service remains available, and the E Commission is satisfied that the requirements of public facilities element of the general plan hat met insofar as they apply to sewer service for tt project. b) The Carlsbad School District has written a letter July 7, 1983, stating that school facilities will available to this project. c) Park-in-lieu fees are required as a condition of proval, however, credit may be given for any pre1 payment of park fees or dedication of land. d) All necessary public improvements have been prov: will be required as conditions of approval, e) The applicant has agreed and is required by the . of an appropriate condition to pay a public faci: fee, Performance of that contract and payment o! will enable this body to find that public facilil be available concurrent with need as required by general plan. f) Assurances have been given that adequate sewer fc project will be provided by the City of Carlsbad 4) The pro2osed project is consistent with the City’s P Development Ordinance and also complies with the Des Guidelines Manual. PC RES0 NO. 2175 2. I _“ - _I---”- - - I. 2 3 4 5 6 @ 9 5) 'The proposed project is compatible with the surroundi land uses since surrounding properties are designated residential development on the general plan. 4) This project will not cause any significant environme impacts and a Negative Declaration has been issued by the Land Use Planning Manager on August 1 , 1983 an approved by the Planning Commission on September 14, 1 Co:-ii it ions 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 3.7 18 19 20 21 22 23 I 24 25 26 27 28 1) Approval is granted fqr CT 83-15/CP-241 I as shown on "A" - "R", dated August 31, 1983, incorporated by referezce and on file in the Land Use Planning Office Development shall occur substantially as shown unless otherwise noted in these conditions, 2) This project has already been allocated sewer capacit legal settlement 9052 filed August 28, 1979. Buildir for any atiditional units over and above the settlemer not be issued unless the City Engineeer determines tk facilities are available at the time of application f sewer permits and will continue to be available until of occupancy. 3) This project is approved upon the express condition t huilding permits will not be issued for development c subject property unless the City Engheer determines sewer facilities are available at the time of z~plicz such sewer permits and will continue to be available time of occupancy. This note shall be placed on the mal? 4) This project is approved upon the express condition applicant shall pay a public facilities fee as requi. City Council Policy No. 17, dated April 2, 1982, on the City Clerk and incorporated herein by reference, according to the agreement executed by the applicant payment of said fee, a copy of that agreement, dated 1983, is on file with the City Clerk and incorporate( by reference. If said fee is not paid as promised, application will not be consistent with the General : approval for this project shall be void. 5) Land for park purposes shall be dedicated and/or par fees shall be paid to the City prior to the approval regulations. The applicant shall be credited for an previous payment of park fees or dedication of land. 6) Barbeque facilities along with picnic tables and ben shall be provided in the westerlymost common recreat to the satisfaction of the Land Use Planning Manager occupancy of any units in Phase 2. final map, as per Chapter 20.44 of the City's Subdiv PC RES0 NO. 2175 3. >* - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 34 15 3.6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 i. @ 7) ?rior to final map approval the applicant shall subm 2arking plan showing that all resident parking space: vithin 150 feet of the unit they are assigned to, 8) Prior to occupancy of any units, the applicant shall construct a directory sign at each entry to the nort portion of the roject indicating the location of eac The design of this sign shall be approved by the Lanl PlanRing Manager and the Fire Chief. the City of Carlsbad Zoning Ordinance, 9) No building shall exceed a height of 35 feet as dete Engineering Department 10) The developer shall comply with all the rules, regul design requirements of the respective sewer and wate regarding services to the project. 11) All private streets and drainage systems shall be ma by the homeowner's association in perpetuity. This sibility shall be clearly stated in the CC&p,'s. 12) All concrete terrace drains shall be maintained by t homeowner's association (if on commonly owned proper individual property owner (if on an individually own An appropriately worded st at ernent ci early identify in responsibility shall be placed in the CC&a7s. . at all times, and shall have posted "NO Parking/Fire Away Zonegt pursuant to Section 17.04.040, Carlsbad M Code, 14) Approval of this tentative tract map shall expire tw months from the date of City Council approval unless map is recorded. An extension may be requested by t applicant. Said extension shall be approved or deni discretion of the City Council, In approving an ext the City Council may impose new conditions and may r ex is t ing conditions. 155 Any remaining public improvements on Hosp Way and Ma 13) All private driveways shall be kept clear of parked adjacefit to the subdivision frontage shall be instal conform to the City of Carlsbad standards prior to recordation of the final map, 1 16) Prior to final map approval, the applicant shall gua ' the satisfaction of the City Engineers that the slop subject property along Marron Road shall be private1 maintained as open space. 17) No individual lots may be sold separately and all lo rernair, in common ownership in perpetuity, A conditi requiring this shall be placed in the CC&R's and sub the approval of the City Engineer prior to the final approval , PC RES0 NO. 2175 4. 1 2 3 4 *o 6 7 8 9 10 13 12 13 14 15 51 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 a 0 .+ Fire Eepartment 18) Additional public and/or on site fire hydrants shall quired if deemed necessary by the Fire Marshall, 19) The applicant shall submit two (2) copies of a site : showing locations of existing and proposed fire hydr, 3n site roads and drives subject to the approval of Marshall. 20) All required fire hydrants, water mains and appurten( shall be operational prior to combustible building m being located on the .project site. of 30 feet to each residence. 21 ) Brush clearance shall be maintained within a minimum 22) All fire alarm systems, fire hydrants, extinguishing automatic sprinklers, and other systems pertinent to project shall be subrnitted to the Fire Department fo prior to construction. 23) Building exceeding 10,000 sq.ft, aggregate floor are sprinkiered or have four-hour fire walls with no ope therein which shall split the building into 10,000 si less) areas. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meetin Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, the 14th day of September, 1983, by the following vote, t AYES: Chairman Schlehuber, Commissioners Marcu Lyttleton, Farrow, Friestedt and Rawlins NOES : None i ABSENT: None, ABSTA1N:Comissioner Rombotis, CLARENCE SCHLEHUBER, Ch CARLSBAD PLANNING CONMI I ATTEST: MICHAEL J, BOLZMILLER LAND USE PLANNING MANAGER PC RES0 NO. 2175 5. -II) 6 L STAFF REPORT - DATE : September 14, 1983 T.0 : Planning Commission FROM: Land Use Planning Office SUBJECT: - CT 83-15/CP-24? DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS - A request fo a seven lot/124 unit tentative tract map and condozinium permit on property located on the north an south sides of Hosp Way approximately 900 feet west of El Camino Real in the P-C ZGXI~. I* RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Pla.nnir,g Commission APPROVE the Negative Declaration issued by the Land Use PlaGing Manager an ADOPT Resoluticc No. 2’175 recornxiending APPROVAL of CT 83-15/C?- to the City Council based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. ma. PROJECT OESCRIPTIOR The applicant is requesting approval of a 7 lot/124 unit tentative tract map and condominium permit located as describe6 above. The proposed project will be located on a 12-13 acre parcel and have a density of 9.6 dwelling units per acre. This density is slightly below the general plan range designated on this site of 10-20 dwelling units per acre. The subject proper is located In Unit C of the I-losp Grove Master Plan, which woulc allow a density of up to 15 du/ac. The subject property is also a part of CT 79-27/CP-44 which W~E approved in April, 1980. Units B and C of the Hosp Grove Mast6 Plan were included in CT 73-27/CP-44. As the Coxmission wil-1 recall, at their June 8th meeting, a tentative map vas approvec on Unit 2, of the Hosp Grove Plaster Plan. This map consolidatec UEit B into one lot to facilitate the development of an apartmc project. The applicant is now proposing a new tentative ’;tapr c the portion of CT 79-27/CP-44 that is located in Unit C of the Hosp Grove Master Pian. The site of the proposec? project has been previously graded anc many of the public improvements have already been constructed. The proposed project will consist of townhouse units and flats located in eight-plex and tlcelve-plex buildings. Three common recreation areas will be provided and each unit will have at least one balcony or patio. I , -0 e ANALYSIS -- 111. Planning Issues 1) Does the proposed project conform with the development standards of the Planned Development Ordinance? 2) Does the proposed project conform with the design criteria of the Planned Development Ordinance? Discussion Development S fandard s As proposed this project meets all of the development standards 'of the Flanned Development Ordinance. Some of the units will have two car garages, while others will have one car garages, and an assigned open or covered parking space within 150' of thl unit. Storage for the units with two car garages will be provided within the garages. Units with single car garages wil have storage closets adjacent to the unit or garage. All of th required visitor parking will be provided on-site. The applicant proposes to provide three common recreation areas two of which will contain active facilities, while the third wi be a passive recreation area. The main recreation area will ha a pool, spa, harbeque facilities, restrooms and deck area. Additional barbeque f'acilities will be located in the passive recreation area. Each init will have at least cne private patit or balcony. Some of the units will have as many as three balconies. All other development standards of the Planned Development Ordinance are met by this project. Design Criteria As proposed, this project conforrns with the design criteria of the Planned Developinent Ordinance. The design of this project was dictated by the existing improvements and grading of the site. Staff feels that the proposed design is a significant improvement over the previously approved site plan for this sit Many of the units have been stepped down the hillside to take advantage of views. The common recreation areas are centrally located and easily accessible. Stamped concrete will be used t breakup the appearance of the driveways in the northerly portio of the project. In conclusion, staff feels the proposed project is compatible w the develcpaent standards and design criteria of the Planned Development Ordinance and, therefore, recommends approval of th project . -2- am 0 I11 e ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTS The Land Use Planning Manager has determined that this project will not have a significant effect on the environment and, therefore, has issued a Negative Declaration an August 1 r 1983. ATTACHMENTS I 1) Planning Commission Resolution No. 2175 2) Location Map 3) Background Data Sheet 4) Disclosure Form 5) Environrnegtal Documents 6) Reduced Exhibits 7) Exhibits "A" - , dated August 31, 1983 ff Ril MH : bw 9/7/83 -3- -0 *. syjoo BACKGEOUKD DATA SHEEX. CASE No: CT 83-15/CP-241 APPLICANT: Developnent Consultants FEQkST AND TUXATION: 7 lot/124 unit tentative tract map and condominium prmi on the north a;?d south sides of Hosp Way. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: - bts 7, 8, 9 and 10 of Carlsbad Tract No.79-27 according tc # Map 10161 filed July 30, 1981. APN: 167-250-35-38 Acres 12.9 Proposed No. of Lotsflnits 7/124 - GENERAT, PUN AND ZONING Land Use Designation EMH Density Ulov~ed 10-20 du/ac Density Proposed 9.6 du/ac -- Existing Zone P-c Proposed Zone Surromding Zoning md Land Use: --- Zoninq Land Use Vacant Site P-C North C-2 Cmerc i a1 South R-A-70 SFD East P-c Condos & Apts. West P-C Vacant PG3LIC FACILITIES School. District Carlshad Water Carlsbad Sewer Carlsbad JD!J's --- _I- Public Facilities Fee Agreement, dated May 25, 1983 - ENVIROWnEzipTAL - IMPACT ASSESSbENT I_ X Negative Declaration, issued August 1, 1982 - E.I.R. Certified, dated Other y *e. 4 0 . c0mnG.t.y. FQSOWC2S coYp3ration ---_--.----..--.-- -rl-y--c--c.- __.?- -----~--- -4.- M.' P LX CNA T : N;,n:3 ~~ll~~~,?i.dui-.~- ~ I?azlil-,~x~ilip, -joint vclnturc, co.r;mr:rtion, syyidj 1335 I:&& ~21~1e; Scmth, Suite 201, San 3kg0, CA, 92108 -- - ____I---- TSU c; il1f> s f. p.<L& c 5 5 .. -. .. .. .. -- . .. .. ~6-L~?2x3zxi5L-.-.---~ 'i'e ief?:"";l" NuIc3c5: .. . .. . .. . ._ -. a. ' DeV2-LO~?El.t CO2Sul~t3 . .. .---- cIII-IIIcIII ..-----7---------------------------1_ . TS,ECT z f.;&?,e .. . -~ P-0. €3.~ 2143, CzrkbaZ: _I___.-.- CA. 92008 Iy-- . .. ._ . ... . .. . . .. -. .. .. .. . _. . .-. .. . .. -. .. .. . , .- .. __.--I . . . (6x9). 432-1055 . - . ,. . .. .. .. .. . , -_- .--. --.-. .. .. . Tele?hcmr t<j2~2r . .. .. . - . * .. .. . .. .. .. . . -. , _. . . . . -- -----.- see zf--&.. E~rn e L&? jr e 5 S; __...._-.. - - . .. ,nL3mExst .. pjLv.a -(-j&pv~~~~-:7 par-~.,xr, 5oir-t. . . . .. . . . 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(AL~cII ITIOXC sheetS 5.c fic:c.~.s:;ar~) I' '! r/i.jF c?i?c1L-:? ur.der pp;?dlt.y OE perjury th~t tl.13 irlCon:atic,n, co~~t;li;;cd j.3 t:h: ' ci-or;uztl: i..s tyc!? 2nd correct ar>.d tiicrt it wi.11 rs:na.in true ;Ind c:orre.ct- ;Ind ix rc.Ji ice? uL;cla :!; i,~c:~ng truct ;:nd correc'i until .?;nended. ,* .. c+-.--- I____I.1___...CI__ c_ ?,p:~ 1 i. cr: 1-1 t D '1' ..--_ <.4\2-L "' x',; =+2.Q ______ L.1 l./L- c tzri~, c..:nl-:r, i>i-.rt.n;rf[ ). w e. -. 1. 4 ATTACHMENT TO DISCLOSURE STATEIENT Name Business Address -- Dean Greenberg, 1335 Hotel Circle South Chief Executive Officer Suite 201 ._ -_I . .. San Diego, CA 923.02 It If I1 . Scott 1.5. Feryuson , President - It 11 It Dr. Charles J. Burstin, Director .. .. .. .. ,. f .. ! I. ,I . .. .. , c 4 ,- - ,. .I .I .. *. J-1' /I I I I, I ! - I c ; 1 1; I - -: 5: U . " , -_ ! . -. , -- - --_-- . . - _. .__. I .-- - - __-_I. . * 4 ..,: 0 W Carlsbad Jouma Decreed a Legal Newspaper by the Superior Court of Sun Diego County 3 1 38 ROOSEVELT ST 0 P 0 BOX 248 0 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 0 729-2345 Proof of Publication STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ss COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the county aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above entitled mc I am principal clerk of the printer of the Carlsbad Journal a newspaper of general circu published twice weekly in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, and newspaper is.published for the dissemination of local news and intelligence of a general characte which newspaper at all times herein mentioned had and still has a bona fide subscription list of F subscribers, and which newspaper has been established and published at regular intervals in th City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, for a period exceeding one next preceding the date of publication notice hereinafter referred to; and that the of which the annexed is a printed copy, ha: published in each regular and entire issue ( newspaper and not in any supplement ther NOTICE OF PUBLIC CT 83 15KP 241 HEARING the following dates, to-wit: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City ofCarls the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at 6 00 P M on Tuesday, October 11, 1983, to consider approval of seven condominium permit on property generally located on the north and south side of Hosp Way, approx- imately 900 feet west of El Camino scribed as Lots 7, 8, 9 and 10 of Carlsbad Tract No 79-27 according to Map No 10161 filed July 30, 1981 tants CT S342 October 1, 1983 bad will hold a public heanng at ..... .D.c.tober. .1.. .............. 1 loU124 unit tentative tract map and ................................. 1 Real and more particularly de- ................................. 1 Applicant Development Consul- ................................. 1 . CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL __ ................................. 1 I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing and correct. Executed at Carlsbad, County of San 2M-4l82 w W NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CT 83-15/CP-241 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad hold a public hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at 6:OO P.M. on Tuesday, October 11, 1983, to c approval of seven lot/124 unit tentative tract map and condominium PE on property generally located on the north and south side of Hosp Way approximately 900 feet west of El Camino Real and more particularly described as: Lots 7, 8, 9 and 10 of Carlsbad Tract No. 79-27 according to Map No. 10161 filed July 30, 1981- APPLICANT: Development Consultants PUBLISH : 1 ._ - CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL - --- - _I 1 3 I! 7 ! i i ?, ;J .c 4A '7 J L.2 JV -1.r -1 f A )a I i I 1 j .( I I__- I! ! , I I t 1 .-- f 1 ___ _- -I------ -- . ___- - -------- - -_ - -- __-_-- --- - j 4 I' I ! f- A I _I I ,i 1 PLAZA CAMISO REAL ! : : i I 1 . I 1 ! 1 i i i 8 I j I I L 1 I I ! i i : ! i. 1 -- I DEVELOP)I1JIENT CONSUJ4TFJqTS CT-83-15 1 , - ---..j-~! e-. cp-24- _-_^_- p .---..- --. ----.--- .~-- - ---- I i CTJ n P -- 73*+ 5 3- a0 0 gp" e= 0 $Dm Fm- =z %ZW 8~ -6 @dB. @lr;C?P pwg2 i2W r - Pp?Y f;: 8 t-' 8 g 6 ti;. E uq 0 0 a, 4 L 0 0 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CT 83-15/CP-241 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad hold a public.hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at 6:OO P.M. on Tuesday, October 11, 1983, to c approval of seven lot/124 unit tentative tract map and condominium pe on property generally located on the north and south side of Hosp Way approximately 900 feet west of El Camino Real and more particularly described as: Lots 7, 8, 9 and 10 of Carlsbad Tract No. 79-27 according to Map No. 10161 filed July 30, 1981. APPLICANT: Development Consultants PUBLISH : CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL I 1: !i j! i !i 1' I__--____ .-I.---__-- L is .c ..A 7 3 ___---- . 1: 1: HIGHWAY t 'I I 1: I -_-- --. .. .. . . . . - - __ .._ . . - - ! i i j ! i I !. I 5 f 'THE GROVE' ! i j i t ! 1 I i ; i j i I : 2 -___ i I I I ! 1 I I cp-24 I _I_ -_ ---r--: --..--____ ! i DEVEL03P4EFYTT COF.JSriJ~~Tt;,N~S CT-83-15 ; . _-_.._ -----I- --.- __ -..__-._ -__-._.I_ ~ j I -. -^h --. Fe P 08 0 02 rn zz CL gm zag 33 (?!+ -rn- Or 5iD i;rn ?S. cp 8- L -.- - / o'dZX ea ttc v qfzz "I' 1 52;; KO3 2 -. . .. I? I 1 0- 0 USLO h, 0 c 0 P co w -2 E rr rlY ,-- .- _- _- - &CA/ &L NOTICE OF PUBLIC REARING NOTICE IS FLBY GIVDT that the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad hold a public hearing at the City Council Chambers, 12CO Elm Avenue, Carls'm California, at. 7:OO p.m. on Nednesday, Septerrber 74, 1983, to mnsider qprc of seven lot/f24 unit tentative tract map and condominium permit on property generally located on the north ard south side of Hosp way, approximately 9OC feet west ~f El Camino Real and mre particularly described as: Lois 7, 8, 9, and 10 of Carlsbad Tract No. 79-27 according to Kap No, 10161 filed July 30, 1981, Those persons wishing b speak on this proposal are cordially invited to ati the public hearing, If you have any questions please call the Land Use Plai Office at 438-5591. CASE FILE: CT 83-75/8-241 APPLIWT: Develcpnt Consultants PLrBLISH: September 3, 1983 CITY OF CARIS'BIU) P~~~ C3XlMISSIW - -.a_ _--I-- v -.-*-A u. ..---. -_ - . - -. . - - - - - IC*l3S W: Tic0 Slvd. - - -71-111 Tzwrish Lane 2260 Ndb Hill Driv LOS >ngeles, Ca. 93054 Rancho Mirage, Ca. 92270 CarlsSad, Ca. 920 2. 25. 33. Yay Properties Inc. 801 S. Broa&ay St, 2801 El Camho Red. 2250 Nob Hill Driv Lus Angeles, Ca. 90314 CarlsSad, Ca. 92008 CarlW, Ca. 920 Allan & L Jh Jms & B. Reilly 3,8 - 12 26 34. Plaza canin0 M Elm --des FQbert 5 N, presse 2525 El Camin0 Real 2240 Ndb Hill Driv CarlsSad, Ca. 92008 F&ncho Santa Fe. Ca. 92067 Carlsbad, Ca. 920 P.O. Box 2068 4, 7, 13 - 15 28. . 35 . Parking Authority County of Szn Diecp Seacoast Financial City of krlsbad 1600 Pacific By c/o Bruce Farley C 1200 E3m Avencle SanDiego, Ca. 1521 Wtef Circle Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 San Diego, Ca. 5, 6 29 : 36. Federated Departrrent Stores hc. Dane & V. Emen 222 w. 7th Street 2290 Nob Hill Drive P.0, Eox 245 Cincinnati Oh 45202 Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 2801 El Cmbo Rea Carlsbad, Ca. 92C Allan & L. Jandro 16,17,18,20 30. 37. Ge;ls+a DevelOFm32lt Inc, Yackazie & J. Cuthill Wjit & Elaine 52 4010 %n-ento Valley Blvd 2280 NOS Hill Drive P.0, %x 5386 su. E Carlsbad, Cz. 92008 Ormge, (2.- 92267 sarl Diego, Ca. &is s! @, 'Vanderburg Anthony & M. HueSner Hunt Enterprise 909 S. Santa Anita Am Su L 2270 lbb Hill Drive 17411 Crenshaw Arcadia, Ca. Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 Torrance Ca. 5 21. lrvine Robbins 371-111 Tamarish Lane "nancho Mirage Ca, 92270 22-23 31. 19 D 1 1