HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-10-18; City Council; 7536; Affordable housing task forceCITY. JF CARLSBAD - AGENDI-. JILL 4B# 76363 HTG. 10/18/83 DEPT. CM c TITLE: AFFORDABLE HOUSING TASK FORCE DEPT. HD. I CITY AlTY RECOMMENDED ACTION: Council Member Ann Kulchin has requested that this item be placed on the agenda for discussion. EXHIBITS: 1. Memorandum to Mayor Casler from Council Member Kulchin dated September 30, 1983 2. San Diego Housing Commission’s Assisted Housing Development Policy 3. Newspaper article on Affordable Housing Offered in Carlsbad I , .. .. .. -. I .. .. I -- .. k. .. .. .. SEPTEMSER 30, 1983 TO : NAYOR MARY CASLER FROM: Council Member Ann Kulchin . AFFORDABLE HOUSING TASK FORCE _. Yesterday, September 29, 1983, I met with Jon Friestedt ffom our Planning Commission, who was appointed to look into affordable housing. Planning Coinmission, City Council (Bud Lewis has been meeting with him), Housing and Redevelopment, and a representative of the Building Department should be appointed, Jon feels very strorigly that a task force of members from Attached is a copy of the San Diego Housing Commission development policy. this up as an off-agenda item. serve on such a task force and I feel his expertise would be an integral part of such a group, At our next City Council meeting, I would like to bring Jon has graciously offered to ANN J. KULCHIN Council Member AJK: ldg . ,. . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. . ,. ,. I .. ... ....... ,' . . ... .. .. < ,. ": .' ~ ... .. ~. .. .- ASSISTED HOUSING . *' . DEVELOPMENT POLICY .:. .. , . r. . ,. .. .. .. .... -L .. .: . ..... .. :. . .. ... .... ... .- . ... .. ' ,. ._I.. . .,. .. .. .. 7.. ' ...... . .- Sin'ce i9T9, the San Dies3 Housing Commission has pursued development of affank51e housinrJ opportunities throughout the City, uti1 izing a variety of funding program. While over 3,000 units have been developed or are beins developed, some proposed developments have encountered substanti a1 : comtinity opposition, and .the City Council has been critical of aspects of . A' City Council Tzsk For ' with the Housing Comission to articulate an assisted housing development evenil projects. Affordable Housing was establ ished to work .. pol icy. which zddress the following concerns: land, lezse vs. sale of City land and community opposition to low income housing developments. Pu rpas e It is the purpose of this policy to establ'ish guideiines to assist' in developing housing affordable to the elderly disabled and low income families in the City of San Diego. This draft policy summarizes the Task Force's recommendations cost of housing, return on City A draft assisted housing devefopent polfcy will -- ,. be presented to the full Council for adoption. - .. >. *. . -. It is proposed that the policy of the City CrJuncil be to utilize available federal, state and local resources to facilitate participation by the private development co.munity to the maximum possible extent in developing mixed incomz housing projects and assisting first-time hone buyers. For the nost part, low income housing will constitute 1530% of developments created through this policy. following objectivzs regarding the roles of public and private sectors and location of assisted housing: - Toward this goal, the Council expresses the 1: 0 Role of Private Sector r, --4 i . .. ._ 1. !'Project ,.__ development, including site identification, design -. and .. processing for Ci ty devel opnent permi t approvals. .. ,? -.. *:... ' .*;.-,..:a I' .. .. I. . i_.-.,, ,. , ' 2. ."Ownership of housing units. . .:. , ' I .. .. ..... 3. Housing management, expecia? ly for eldet-ly housing. .. ~d i. ’ 0 RoTe of Public Sector ..... . -: .. .. . .., . ...... ... .... .... ... ‘2.’ .<. .... .. ......... ... ... ? ‘1. Maintaining Task Force on Affordable Housing as a forum for resolving housing issues. Facilitating development by providing incentives such as Jow interest financinq, density bonuses, expedited processing and 2. -equity participations. I. ... ... ...... ... -c _- .. ...... .I .. 1.. 3. Public ownership of land underlying the residential structures, so as to retain for the City one of its most precious and enduring assets. f.lariagm?nt of housing for low income families whe interest by cmpe privaze managers is absent. 4, .- o Location of Assisted At least 80% may as long as low income portion does not exceed 20% of each project. Up to 10% may be located in higher land cost areas so long as the low income portion does not exceed 39% of 2ach projsct, These are general guidelines to be adhered to, to the extent feasible, in developing assisted housing through Sari Diego. considered by the. Task Force and submitted to the City Council with its ddle income areas. in low income, impacted neighborhoods . (Seeattzched map. ) 3. .- - . and total cost per unit does not exceed $30,0CO. -. . Exceptions will be P 3