HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-11-01; City Council; 7495-1; Award of Contract City Library La Costa BranchI F, A rd v a 49 rg t �S 44 M co C17 , 'OF CARLSBAD -- AGEND.�'BILL TITLE AWARD OF CONTRACT DEPT. HD. MTG. 11 / 1 /83 FOR CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY - LA COSTA BRANCH CITY ATTY 1 51 DEPT. ENG (CONTRACT NO. 3154) CITY MGR.,a.� RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. ,accepting bids and awarding Contract No. 3154 for the construction of the Carlsbad City Library - La Costa Branch to E.F. Couvrette Co. Inc. ITEM EXPLANATION On October 6, 1983, Council authorized the advertisement for bids for the construction of the Carlsbad City Library - La Costa Branch. Five (5) sealed bids were received on October 14, 1983, as follows: 1. E.F. Couvrette Co. Inc. $123,991 2. Profile Structures Inc. $145,380 3. J.L.M. Construction $148,424 4. Modulair $152,000 5. Deltec $179,700 The Contractors were directed to submit a Lump Sum Bid for the total cost of the project. Four (4) Contractors submitted Lump Sums. E.F. Courvrette Co. Inc. excluded San Diego Gas & Electric's fees from their submittal. However, there is an SDG&E transformer on the site and, if the electric meter is .placed next to the transformer (which is feasible), there will be no SDG&E fee. The Engineer's Estimate on this project was $120,000. References have been verified on the low bidder, E.F. Couvrette Co. Inc. Staff recommends the award of this contract to E.F. Couvrette Co. Inc. Council is hereby requested to waive any irregularities in the bids. FISCAL IMPACT In Resolution No. 7348, adopted September 6, 1983, the City Council authorized the Finance Director to seek commercial funding for the construction of the branch library. The Agenda Bill, also, indicated that if commercial funding could not be found at an interest rate of 10% or less, the City would loan the CLSA (California Library Services Act) Fund the amount necessary to pay for construction costs. This loan was to be paid back to the City's General Fund over a five-year period at an interest rate of 10%. The cost of commercial funding has been found to be more than the 10% limit set in Resolution No. 7348. The following companies have given the City quotes on financing this project: Bank of America No Quote 0 Southwest Bank No Quote Merrill Lynch Leasing 10.5% a Imperial Capital Markets 10.47% .r Raucher Pierce Leasing 10.5% Z GTE Leasing No Quote n 0 U 1 Page 2 of AB Number ,5 = I The Council should be aware that the City may elect to charge CLSA interest on this loan as previously approved or to make this loan on a "no interest" basis. For comparison purposes, the CLSA Fund would pay back to the General Fund the following amounts depending upon the conditions set by the Council: ; COST/SQ. LOAN AMOUNT PAYMENT NO. OF YEARS INTRATE TOTAL COST FOOT_.MONTHER $124,000 32,700 5 10% $163,500 $ .91 $124,000 25,470 7 10% $178,290 $ .99 $124,000 24,800 5 -0- $124,000 $ .69 $124,000 17,700 7 -0- $124,000 $ .69 If the City makes a "no interest" loan to the CLSA Fund, the General Fund will lose $40,000 to $50,000 in interest over the five-year time period. If Council wishes to make a loan to the CLSA Fund and charge no interest on the balance due or to change the repayment period, Resolution No.73 9 7 x, attached to this Agenda Bill must be amended. The attached Resolution approves the loan of $123,991 to the CLSA Fund, sets a 10% interest rate for a five-year period, appropriates these funds for this project, and sets the repayment schedule. EXHIBITS 1. Resolution No. 7348, adopted September 6, 1983, approving plans and specifications, authorizing the City Clerk to advertise for bids, and authorizing the Finance Director to request proposals for financing the Library project costs. 2. Resolution No.7 71accepting bids and awarding Contract No. 3154 for the construction of the Carlsbad City Library - La Costa Branch to E.F. Couvrette Co. Inc. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16' 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ' RESOLUTION NO. 7397 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING BIDS AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF CONTRACT NO. 3154 FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE THE CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY - LA COSTA BRANCH. WHER AS, bids have been received by the City of Carlsbad, California, for the co truction of Carlsbad City Library - La Costa Branch, Contract No. 3154; and WHEREAS, a low bid received for t is oject was submitted by E.F. Couvrette Co. In in the amount of $12 991; and WHEREAS. the ty Council by ado tin solution No. 7348, approved the loan of funds fro th Gen 1 Fund t the California Library Services Act (CLSA) Fund for th con t cti n of a anch li nary on the condition that alternate funding as not vail ble at a c of ten percent (10%) or less; and N WHERE\obijdsrequested ate fundi g is of availabl �- less than ten percent (10%) basef om six f' ancial institutions; NOW, BE IT ESOLV D y the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as follows: J 1. The abo recitatns are t ue and correct. 2. The bid of $ ,991 by E.F. C uvrette Co. Inc. for Contract No. 3154 for construction of the Carlsbad Cit Library - La Costa Branch is hereby accepted and the Mayor and City Cler are hereby authorized to execute a contract therefor. 3. That the loan of $123,991 is hereby proved from the General Fund to the CLSA Fund. Wi 7 1 2 4. That this loan is to be paid back to the General Fund over a five- 3 year period, in payments of $32,708.51 to be made at the end of each fiscal year. 4 5. That the amount of $123,991 is hereby appropriated within the CLSA 5 Fund to Account No. 18-81-01-3154 for this project. 6 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad 7 at a regular meeting held the day of 1983 b the > y 8 following vote, to wit: 9 AYES: 10 NOES: 11 ABSENT: 12 13 A1�2Y H..CASLER, Mayor 14 15 ATTEST: 16 17 ACETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City er 18 (SEAL) 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Al d O CC W. 0- CIT1F CARLSBAD AGENDI�-`JLL TirLE: APPROVE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY DEPT. MD._` MTG._ 9/6/83 LA COSTA BRANCH - CONTRACT NO. 3154 CITY DEPT.ENG ATTY�� CITY MGR.0!5'-- RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No._Zea rovin authorizing the City Clerk to advertises d forbidcscfortheopurchase and installation of a library modular building, and authorizing the Finance Director to request proposals for lease/purchase financing for this project. ITEM EXPLANATION: This project consists of the purchase and installation of a 3000 square foot modular building on the leased site at the corner of E1 Camino Real and La Costa Avenue. FISCAL IMPACT: The Engineer's Estimate for this project is $120,000. Funding for this project will be provided from one of two sources: 1. The Finance Director will seek proposals from various financing institutions requesting bids on a five- to seven- year lease/purchase contract. If any interest rate equal to or less than 10% can be negotiated, the Council will be asked to accept commercial financing for this project and the Mayor may be authorized to enter into a financing agreement. 2. If interest rates prove to be more than 10%, the City's General Fund can loan funds to the Library to complete this project at a rate of 10%. In either case, this loan would be paid back in five to seven years from California Library Services Act (CLSA) Revenue. The 1983-84 Budget contains $25,600 in CLSA Funds for the firs year's repayment of any loans on this project. EXHIBITS: 1, Location Map 2. Resolution No.:,- approving plans and specifications, authorizing the ty Clerk to advertise for bids, and authorizing the Finance Director to request proposals for financing the Library project costs. • � I O 1 it •`�t�':Gi�••`{ V i"" - � cam" � j � �''+• i� + � :::.•:•:ti•:':5i}:ti4Y.ti :•}}::Y::.4Y.Y}. }: � � � � 1 W V ii }� 111 ; •:: . � O `A 1 6 r-; u w � V � J� aJ OIU 11 2 3 4 5 61 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24'! 25' 26 271 28 RESOLUTION NO. 7348 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY -OF CARL BAD CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AUTHORIZING tHE CITY CLERK TO INVITE BIDS FOR THE PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION OF A LIBRARY MOULAR BUILDING IN LA COSTA - CONTRACT NO. 3154 WHEREAS, The City Council of the City of Carlsbad has determined it is in the public interest to construct a library branch in La Costa; I and WHEREAS, specifications for the furnishing of all labor, material, tools, equipment, transportation, and other expenses necessary or incidental for said project, Contract No. 3154, have been prepared and are on file in the Engineering Department of the City of Carlsbad and are incorporated by reference herein; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as follows: 1. The above recitations are true and correct. 2. The plans and specifications as presented are hereby approved. 3, The City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad is hereby authorized and directed to proceed to publish, in accordance with law, notice to contractors inviting bids for the purchase and installation of a library modular in accordance with the plans and specifications hereinabove referred to. 4. That the Finance Director is hereby authorized to request proposals from various financing institutions for the purpose of financing the acquisition and installation of the structures described above. 5, That, shall commercial lending institutions fail to provide interest rues less than or equal to ten percent (10%) per year, the City 7 .� 4 t 5 � i G 7 � 8 9 10 i 11 3.2 i 13 i 14 i 15 t t 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 :hall finance this project through a loan of funds to the California .ibrary Services Act (CLSA) Fund to be repaid over a five (5) year period at an interst rate of ten percent (10%) per year. The amount of this loan ;hall be the amount of the bid award on this project. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of ;arlsbad, California, at a regular meeting held the 6th day of September 1983, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis,Kulchan, Chick and Prescott NOES: None ABSENT: None/• ���-�-L— F�A H. LER, Mayor XTEST: LE f HA-L.—RAUTENK ANZ, Cit7TI � SEAL) B 01