HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-11-01; City Council; 7553; NCTD Draft of Board Policy and GuidelinesCI1 OF CARLSBAD - AGEND- SILL T) AB TITLE: NORTH COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT DEPT. HD. MTG. 11/1/83 - DRAFT OF BOARD POLICY AND CITY ATTYvr/8 DEPT. CC GUIDELINES CITY MGR RECOMMENDED ACTION. o Council Member Kulchin requested that this item be placed on the agenda for information and discussion. a EXHIBITS: 1.- Board Policy and Guidelines drafted by General Counsel, NCTD dated October 20, 1983. un v fo 44 Q) H ro 4J ro ,i w U Q 804 M co I r-i i r--I r--I z v a J U Z n V i NORTH COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT idi NORTH SAN DIEGO COUNTY TRANSIT DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONSENT CALENDAR AGENDA ITEM F October 20, 1983 TO: North San Diego County Transit Development Board Members FROM: General Counsel SUBJECT: BOARD POLICY AND GUIDELINES - DRAFT STAFF'S RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the Board review the draft rules, guidelines and resolutions and provide General Counsel with further direction, if necessary BACKGROUND DATA: The Board had requested General Counsel to draft guidelines concerning appointments to the NCTD Board of Directors and avoiding incompatible and inconsistent outside activities'by members of the Board. Also attached are draft rules regulating inconsistent and incompatible outside activities of officers and employees of the NCTD. eQ LAW OFFICES D. DWIGHT WORDEN A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION O. DWIGHT WOROEN 740 LOMAS SANTA FE DRIVE TRACY R. RICHMOND SUITE 102 W. SCOTT WILLIAMS JAMES H. ELLIS III SOLANA BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92075 MEMORANDUM TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: D. WORDEN, DISTRICT COUNSEL DATE: OCTOBER 14, 1983 AREA CODE 819 TELEPHONE 755-9604 . 459.7979 SUBJECT: POLICIES ON INCOMPATIBLE OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES OF OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES AND BOARD MEMBERS, APPOINTMENTS TO THE BOARD AND RELATED MATTERS Pursuant to the request of the Board, my office has been developing draft policies for consideration by your Board relating to incompatible outside activities of Board members, officers of the District, and District employees as well as policies on Board appointments. Attached hereto are DRAFTS of the following documents for your consideration: 1. RESOLUT:,',� OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE NORTH COUNTY TRANSIT PIa1R::. DEVELOPMENT BOARD ESTABLISHING POLICY GUIDELINES FOR APPOINTkE .'S,TO THE NCTD BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND FOR OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES OF BOARD MEMBERS; 2. GUIDELINES FOR APPOINTMENTS TO THE NORTH COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT BOARD; 3. GUIDELINES FOR AVOIDING INCOMPATIBLE OR INCONSISTENT OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES BY MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE NORTH COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT; 4. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE NORTH COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT ADOPTING RULES REGULATING INCONSISTENT AND INCOMPATIBLE OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES AND ENTERPRISES OF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF NCTD; 5. RULES REGULATING INCONSISTENT AND INCOMPATIBLE OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES AND ENTERPRISES OF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF NCTD. The following is a brief summary of each document, explaining its purpose and identifying some of the policy considerations which your Board should consider in reviewing the document. It should be emphasized that these documents are drafts �l MEMO TO NCTD BOARD OF DIRECTORS Page 2 October 14, 1983 only, subject to review and revision by your Board as you deem appropriate. They are intended to form the basis for discussion only. Documents 1 and 2 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE NORTH COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT BOARD ESTABLISHING POLICY GUIDELINES FOR APPOINTMENTS TO THE NCTD BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND FOR OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES OF BOARD MEMBERS; GUIDELINES FOR APPOINTMENTS TO THE NORTH COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT BOARD; a) Purpose. The purpose of this resolution and the attached Guidelines is to deal with the Board's expressed concern that there be some uniformity in the appointment procedure used by the seven agencies appointing members to the Board. The draft resolution and guidelines recognize that by law each respective appointing agency has ultimate discretion in selecting its representative and that any guidelines adopted by the Board are advisory only. The thrust of the proposed advisory guidelines is to establish basic criteria to provide guidance to the appointing agencies and to their representatives for avoiding conflicts of interest. b) Major PolicX Questions. The following are some of the policy questions which the Board should consider in reviewing the draft resolution and accompanying guidelines. i. Should the Board undertake to adopt such advisory guidelines at all, or leave these matters to the discretion of each appointing agency? ii. Should the Board circulate any draft guidelines to the seven appointing agencies for their review and comment prior to adoption? iii. The guidelines attempt to preclude certain activities by Board members sitting as Board members and for six months after they leave office. Is the six month restriction too long or too short? iv. Under the guidelines, Items 2(a) through (d), are there substantive areas which have not been covered, or areas which should be eliminated? J1 1 MEMO TO NCTD BOARD OF DIRECTORS Page 3 October 14, 1983 Document 3 GUIDELINES FOR OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES OF BOARD MEMBERS a) Purpose. In contrast to the guidelines regulating outside activities of district officers (i.e. management personnel) and employees (Document 5) which have the force of law, the District cannot adopt legally binding guidelines for Board members. Therefore, a separate draft set of advisory guidelines has been prepared for outside activities of Board members. The purpose is to provide guidance to appointing agencies and to individual members of the Board as to what outside activities should be avoided. b) Major Policy Questions. The following are some of the major policy issues raised by these guidelines. i. Should the Board attempt to adopt guidelines regulating outside activities of Board members at all, or should the matter be left to the discretion of the individual Board member and his or her appointing authority? ii. In the guidelines, No. 2(a) through (d), are there substantive areas which have not been covered, or areas which should be eliminated? Documents 4 and 5 Resolution and Rules a) Purpose. The purpose of this Resolution and the attached rules is to provide guidance, in advance, to District Officers (management personnel) and employees of those outside activities in which they may not engage. Government Code §1126 specifically authorizes the District Board to adopt such rules and regulations, and in contrast to regulations for Board members, these regulations do have the force and effect of law. The overall purpose is to insure that District Officers and employes devote undivided loyalty and attention to District business and do not engage in outside employment or other activity which interferes with their District work or which conflict with their duties. b) Major Policy Questions. The following are some of the major policy issues raised by these guidelines. i. Section - of the rules establishes a general rule applicable to all covered District Officers and employees prohibiting certain outsir?e activities. The criteria specified are very similar to the language used in Government Code §1126. Is the Board comfortable with the provision of this general rule? r-� MEMO TO rICTD BOARD OF DIRECTORS Page 4 October 14, 1983 ii. Section 4 is designed to establish a procedure so that officers and employees may determine in advance whether or not a particular outside activity complies with the general rule. The draft of Section 4 requiresV that a Request for Determination be submitted to and ruled upon by the Department Manager with a right of appeal to the General Manager. Does the Board feel this is an appropriate process? Should all determinations be made by the General Manager? Should they come directly to the Board? NOTE: An existing policy on this topic was adopted by Resolution of the Board in 1978. iii. The proposed rules do not provide any specific penalty for violation. Should there be a penalty provided, and if so, what should it be? iv. Section 7 of the draft rules places the responsibility on each individual employee or officer to insure compliance with the rules. Should some person in management also be assigned the responsibility for enforcing the rules? V. A Comment: Since these rules do have the force of law and could result in disciplinary action for violation, I would strongly recommend that they be reviewed by the District's Labor Counsel. And, the drafts should be provided to the District's Officers, employees and employee organizations for their review and comment prior to any final action. RECOMMENDED ACTION It is recommended that Board members review each of the attached documents and give direction to staff for further action as the Board may deem appropriate. None of the items is proposed for specific action at your meeting of October 20, 1983. Res submitted, Z 0 - " D'. D. Dwight Worden District Counsel DDW/dth Attachments ORRESOLUTION NO. AFT A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE NORTH COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT BOARD ESTABLISHING POLICY GUIDELINES FOR APPOINTMENTS TO THE NCTD BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND FOR OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES OF BOARD MEMBERS WHEREAS, the membership of the Board of Directors of the North County Transit District Development Board is by statute comprised of a representative of each of the cities of Oceanside, Carslbad, San Marcos, Escondido, Vista, Del Mar, and the County of San Diego; and WHEREAS, the selection by each of said seven agencies of its representative to the Board of NCTD is a matter delegated by statute to the discretion of the respective agency; and WHEREAS, it is important to the maintenance of public confidence in the District and to efficiency and cost effective operations that incompatible outside activities of Board members and the appearance of conflict of interest be avoided whenever possible; and WHEREAS, it is the intent of the NCTD Board of Directors in adopting this policy to provide guidelines to each of the seven appointing agencies for use in selecting their appointee to the Board, and to provide guidelines to members of the Board regarding incompatible outside activities. NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Directors of the North County Transit District does hereby resolve as follows: 1. The attached GUIDELIN—S FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE NORTH COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT BOARD are hereby adopted. 2. The attached GUIDELINES FOR AVOIDING INCOMPATIBLE OR INCONSISTENT OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES BY MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE NORTH COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT are hereby adopted. 3., The District secretary is directed to send copies of each of the above to each of the seven appointing agencies and to each member of the Board of Directors. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of , 1983, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: 1)RA.&T ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: Secretary - 2 GUIDELINES FOR APPOINTMENTS � TO THE NORTH COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT BOARD 1. Purpose. It is the purpose of these Guidelines to promote a uniform appointment procedure for each of the seven agencies which, by law, are entitled to representation on the North County Transit District Development Board so as to avoid appointments which might result in a conflict or interest, or the appearance of conflict of interest. 2.. Guidelines for Appointment. It is recommended that each appointing agency adhere to the following Guidelines in selecting its representative to the NCTD Board: a) No person shall be appointed who is, or has been within the immediately preceding year, an officer or employee of NCTD. b) No person shall be appointed who is, or has been within the immediately preceding year, an officer or employee of any public or private transit agency doing business in the San Diego region at the time of appointment or at any time within the immediately preceding one year. c) No person shall be appointed who is, or has been within the immediately preceding one year, a contractor for or consultant to NCTD on other than an occasional basis. d) No person shall be appointed who is, or has been within the immediately preceding one year, an employee receiving his or her primary support from a member of the Board of Directors or an officer or employee of NCTD. -1- F-7 3. Effect of Guidelines. These Guidelines are advisory only. The ultimate decision on selection of any given appointee to the NCTD Board is committed by statute to the sound discretion of the appointing agency. These Guidelines have been adopted by the NCTD Board, however, and the Board believes that compliance with the Guidelines is important as a matter of policy to promotion of public confidence in the District. 4. Amendment. These Guidelines may be amended at any time by majority vote of the Board of NCTD. _ 2_ F, i R444p*f GUIDELINES FOR AVOIDING INCOMPATIBLE OR INCONSISTENT OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES BY MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE NORTH COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT 1. Purpose. It is the purpose of these guidelines to identify certain outside activities of Board members which might result in conflict of interest, or the appearance of conflict, and thereby to assist members of the Board in avoiding such conflicts wherever possible. 2. Guidelines for Outside Activities. a) Members of the Board of Directors should not apply for employment with the District while sitting as members of the Board or within six (6) months of leaving office. b) No Board member should in his or her private capacity seek to hire any District Officer o~, employee while sitting as a Board member or within one year of leaving office. c) Board members should not accept employment in the private sector which would conflict or be inconsistent with the duties and responsibilities of Board members while sitting :as Board members or within six months of leaving office. d) Board members should not engage iri activities or enterprises outside of NCTD which are inconsistent or in conflict with their duties and responsibilities as Board members while sitting as Board members or within six months of leaving office. 3. Effect of Guidelines. These Guidelines are advisory only. They do not have the force of law. However, they have been adop'-.=�d by the Board of Directors of the North County Transit District and approved by each of the appointing agencies. They serve as the policy guidelines for the activities covered. They are not intended to, and do not, serve as substitutes or modifications to the conflict of interest rules of the Political Reform Act, the District's conflict of interest code, or the general law on conflicts of interest and incompatible activities. 4. Amendment. These Guidelines may be amended at any time by majority vote of the Board of NCTD. ,. 4 -2- �'-J 0 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION F BOARD D UT O THE OF IRECTORS OF TEE NORTH COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT BOARD ADOPTING RULES REGULATING INCONSISTENT AND INCOMPATIBLE OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES AND ENTERPRISES OF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF NCTD WHEREAS, it is important to the integrity of the NORTH COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT that the public have confidence that officers and employees of the District will not engage in activities inconsistent with their position with the District; and WHEREAS, efficient and cost effective operation of the District to the benefit of the public requires that no District employee or officer engage in inconsistent or incompatible outside activities which might interfere with his or her duties at the District; and WHEREAS, Government Code §1126 prohibits certain officers and employees of the District from engaging in inconsistent or incompatible outside activities and further authorizes the District Board to adopt rules governing the application of said provision of the Government Code; and WHEREAS, it is the intent of the District Board in adopting this Resolution to establish rules pursuant to Government Code §1126 designating those outside activities in which 'Is-rict officers and employees may not engage; NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Directors of the NORTH COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT does hereby resolve as follows: 1. The attached RULES REGULATING INCONSISTENT AND INCOMPATIBLE OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES AND ENTERPRISES OF OFFICERS AND -1- EMPLOYEES OF NCTD is hereby adopted pursuant to Government Code 91126. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS day of , 1983, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: a ABSTAIN: ATTEST: Secretary -2- / i —/c9— RULES REGULATING, INCONSISTENT AND ` Yed,''" INCOMPATIBLE OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES AND ENTERPRISES OF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF NCTD Section 1. Purpose. The purpose of these rules is to promote the integrity and efficiency of NCTD operations by precluding specified officers and employees from engaging in incompatirle or inconsistent outside activities which conflict with their job duties at NCTD. It is further the purpose of these rules to define the types of outside activities which are precluded and to establish an administrative procedure for determining compliance with these rules in specific cases before a potentially inconsistent or incompatible outside activity is undertaken. Section 2. Definitions. For purposes of these Rules, the following words and phrases shall have the following meaning: a) "District Officer" shall mean any individual employed by the District on a permanent full time salaried basis whether management or otherwise, who is vested with the authority to exercise any of the sovereign power of the District, "District Officer" shall include the positions of General Manager, Staff Director and Department Manager, but shall not include members of the Board of Directors or independent contractors and consultants to the District, including, but not limited to, the District's General Counsel, the District's Labor Counsel and the District Auditor. b) "District Employee" shall mean any permanent full time salaried employee of the District who does not qualify as a District Officer. "District Employee" shall not include part-time or temporary employees. Section_3. Desi,gnation_of_Prohibited _outside Activities. a) General Rule. No District Officer or District Employee shall engage in any outside employment, activity, or enterprise if it: (i) involves the use for private gain or advantage of District time, facilities, equipment and supplies, or the badge, uniform, prestige or influence of the District; (ii) involves receipt or acceptance by the officer or employee of any money or any consideration from any person or entity other than the District for the performance of an act which the officer or employee, if not performing such act, would be required or expected to render in the regular course or hours of his or her employment by the District or as a part of his or her duties as a District officer or employee; (iii) involves the performance of an act in other than his or her capacity as a District officer or employee which act may later be subject directly or indirectly to the control, inspection, review, audit, or enforcement of any other officer or employee or the NCTD Board of Directors; or (iv) involves such time demands as would render performance of his or her duties at the District less efficient. Section 4. Procedure for Advance Determination of Compliance with these Rules in specific Cases. -2 F-%i a) Request for Determination. Any District employee wishing to engage in an outside employment, activity or enterprise may request that a determination be made as to whether or not said employment, activity or enterprise is consistent with the terms of these rules. Such a request shall be submitted, in writing, on the form provided by the District to the appropriate Department Manager prior to undertaking the outside activity. Within twenty (20) days of receipt of such a request, the Department Manager shall determine, in writing, whether or not the proposed outside employment, activity or enterprise is consistent or inconsistent with the terms of these Rules and shall so notify the employee of the determination. If the requesting employee is dissatisfied with the determination of the Department Manager, he or she may appeal, in writing, to the General Manager within ten (10) days of receipt of the determination of the Department manager. The determination of the General Manager shall be final. r In the case of District offices other than the General Manager, the same procedure and time limits shall apply, except that a request of the District Officer shall be submitted in the first instance to the General Manager and there shall be no right of appeal. In the case of the General Manager, the request for determination shall be submitted directly to the Board of ,irectors, whose decision shall be final. Section 5. Amendment. These Rules may be amended at any time by majority vote of the Board of Directors of NCTD. 'Section 6. Effective Date. These Rules shall take effect immediately upon their adoption by the Board of Directors -3- and shall remain in effect until amended or repealed by action of the Board. Section 7. Responsibility for Compliance. It shall be the responsibility of each District officer and District Employee engaging in any outside activity to ensure that these Rules are complied with fully. IMIC F, /(,:, NORTH COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT Ala( J� NORTH SAN DIEGO COUNTY TRANSIT DEVELOPMENT BOARD October 20 1983 TO: North San Diego County Transit Development Board Members FROM: General Counsel Agenda Item F, page F-4, makes note of an existing policy adopted by Board Resolution concerning outside employment by District employees. The existing policy reads as follows: "Other Employment: No District employee shall be permitted to have outside employment which is inconsistent with or incompatible with his/her District employment. An employee who desired to have outside employment shall first obtain written approval from his/her department manager and the Executive Director." NO I I FIGURE 10 LONG RANGE TRANSIT ELEMENT PHASING OPTION 1 as**& EXISTING LRT 1995 LRT sees• 1995 HOV LANE* 2005 LRT 7 s ULTIMATE SYSTEM CONVERTED TO LRT BY 2005 PRIORITY ® Feet 0 20,000 40,000 � 1 1 0 2 4 8 Miles This map was produced by the Jail I)tCgO AS,OCt cHON Or CiOVERXINIEN'TS , N FIGURE 11 LONG RANGE TRANSIT ELEMENT PHASING OPTION 2 40000 EXISTING LRT - 1995 LRT ..... 1995 HOV LANE 2005 LRT 2005 HOV LANE mama ULTIMATE SYSTEM PRIORITY Feet 9 20,1000 40,1000 0 2 4 Wes ,This map was produced by the San Diego A:SOCLATION OF r SONTIMNIENTS FIGURE 15 2005 FREEWAY AND EXPRESSWAY TRAFFIC VOLUMES (Year 2005 Recommended Freeway and Expressway System Average Daily Traffic in Thousands) NETWORK CONGESTION. MODERATE ( 1.1 - 1.3 V/C ) ® HEAVY (1.3 + V/C ) *REFER TO VOLUME OVERCAPACITY I A LEVEL OF SERVICE RELATIONSHIP USED TO MEASURE TRAFFIC CONGESTION I /IM, n Z 4 8 Mdes This map was produced by the Saar Ihec;o ASSOCIATIO OF GOVERNMENTS TABLE 16 ALTERNATIVE 2: CONTINUATION OF EXISTING PROGRAMS PROJECTED TRANSIT COSTS AND REVENUES FY84-2005 (In Millions of 1983 Constant Dollars) Operating Costs Trolley Bus/DAR Total: Operating Revenue Fares TDA STA UMTA Section 9 Local/Other Total: Operating Surplus (Deficit): Capital Costs Trolley Construction Bus Replacement Other Facilities Total: Capital Revenues 1 STA TCI UMTA Section 9 UMTA Section 3 Other Private Sector Total: Capital Surplus (Deficit): Total Surplus (Deficit): 1/4¢ Sales Tax Revenues: Surplus (Deficit) with 1 - Sales Tax Revenues: Total FY84-88 FY89-95 FY96-2005 FY84-2005 36 159 460 655 312 506 766 2,584 348 665 1,226 2,239 130 265 511 906 153 276 489 918 15 38 54 107 40 53 75 ' 168 5 7 10 22 343 639 1,139 2,121 (5) (26) (87) (118) 136 296 321 753 35 38 65 138 52 25 40 117 223 359 42T 1,008 26 30 45 A ' 1 17 — — 1'7 22 347 53 112 51 81128 260 11 — — 11 25 4 5 34. 18 17 20 55 170 169 251 590 (53) (190) (175) (418) (58) (216) (262) (536) 82 332 580 994 24 116 318 458 89 r, t ' c>=