HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-11-08; City Council; 7557; Traffic engineer establishedI I CIZ OF CARLSBAD - AGEND- BILL LB#XC~ I TITLE: IDEPT. HD.\< ESTABLISHMENT OF TRAFFIC ENGINEER POSITION IN ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 1~~~~~~ RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends City Council adopt Resolution No. '7%3?? approving the establishment of a full-time traffic engineer position in the Engineering Department and amending the budget to allocate funds for the remainder of FY83-84. ITEM EXPLANATION In December 1982 the Institute of Transportation (ITS), University of California at Berkeley, completed a study for the city, "Traffic Safety Evaluation Enforcement and Engineering Analysis." The City Council, at its April 12, 1983 meeting, approved the submission of a grant application for funding to implement the recommendations of the Institute of Transportation Study. Included in the recommendations was the establishment of a full-time Traffic Engineer. A letter of September 20, 1983 has been received stating that the request for assistance cannot be granted. The needs specified in the ITS study and reiterated in the grant application still exist and the full-time position of traffic engineer for the city should be established from city funds. The Police Chief is currently preparing an appropriate request for the implementation of the enforcement portion of the ITS study. An alternative is to contract with a qualified engineering firm. FISCAL IMPACT The additional cost to the city for the remainder of FY83-84 will be approximately $57,000 for the establishment of the office of the traffic engineer. Funds will be appropriated from the city's contingency funds. After this appropriation the Contingency Account will have a balance of $435,530. EXHIBITS 1. Assistant City Manager/Developmental Services letter to City 2. Resolution No. 57399 . Manager, October 20, 1983. I OCTOBER 20, 1983 TO : CITY MANAGER FROM: Assist ant City Manager/Developmental Services ESTABLISHMENT OF A TRAFFIC ENGINEER POSITION IN THE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT It is recommended that a full-time traffic engineer position be established in the city engineering department. The proposed classification for the position is an attachment to the enclosed resolution. Details of some of the specific tasks are shown on the attached listing. The Institute of Transportation (ITS), University of California, Berkeley, completed a study for the city in December 1982 entitled "Traffic Safety Evaluation Enforcement and Engineering Analysis." For the city to appropriately coordinate the engineering recommendations, it was considered appropriate for the city to have a full-time traffic engineer on the staff. It was also the recommendation of several large developers, expressed at a Town Hall meeting, that the city increase its traffic engineering capabilities. The city council, on April 12, 1983, approved the submission of a grant application for funding to implement the recommendations of its study. A letter has been received which states the application for assistance cannot be granted. The present contract transportation consultant should remain for the balance of this fiscal year. This is essential for comple- tion of current projects and to properly indoctrinate the proposed traffic engineer. Future use of and need for the con- sultant can be determined at a later time. One of the presently assigned engineering technician I1 positions in the engineering department should be assigned to assist the traffic engineer. The present technician is currently doing some traffic engineering work as well as other engineering tasks. Proposed budget revisions for the remainder of fiscal year 1983- 84 are included as part of the enclosed resolution. The estimated cost for the initial establishment of the function of traffic engineering is $77,626 (approximately $57,000 in additional funds with the balance from the Engineering budget) which includes personnel services and maintenance and operations. The capital outlay of $7,098 includes a used compact sedan, vehicle radio, desk and chair. Other needed equipment will be provided by the engineering department. The future annual budget should be approximtely $92,200. Emergency Traffic Hazard Elimination funding, account 01-30-10, is proposed at $10,000. a City Manager Page 2 October 21, 1983 This is an estimate, as only experience will indicate if it is adequate or excessive. It is proposed that the funds cannot be transferred to another account, can only be used for purchase of material or outside services as required to eliminate a traffic hazard and can only be authorized by the City Manager or Assistant City Manager/Developmental Services. The current budget for the Engineering Department is proposed to be reduced in personnel services by 1 Engineering Technician I1 and 0.1 Secretary 11. This is shown in an attachment to the enclosed resolution. Later this fiscal year a modification of the maintenance budget should be made to establish an appropriate cost center for traffic engineering maintenance work accomplished in that department. It is further recommended that the position of traffic engineer be equated to the position of principal civil engineer. The current position of transportation engineer, which should be eliminated, is in pay range 51 biweekly salary $1039.80-$1248.33. The recommended management salary range is $1089-$1362. This request has been distributed for review by persons con- cerned. Their comments have been appropriately incorporated herein. Your prompt consideration of this request will be appreciated. I am available to discuss this with you at your convenience. RONALD A. BECKMAN RA6:JNE:pab Attachments SPECIFIC TASKS AND COORDINATION EFFORTS OF T HE TR AFFIC ENGINEER TRAFFIC SIGNS, STRIPING AND SIGNAL MAINTENANCE Work orders to correct malfunctions or hazards are prepared and initially prioritized as routine or immediate by the Traffic Engineer and sent to the Utilities/Maintenance Director or Parks & Recreation Director for priority review and execution of work. Disagreement on priority of work that cannot be resolved by the Traffic Engineer and Utilities/Maintenance Director or Park & Recreation Director will be arbitrated by the Office of the City Manager (Assistant City Manager/Developmental Services.) Work accomplishment will be effected by the Utilities/ Maintenance Director or Parks & Recreation Director, who have the appropriate equipment, labor and material under their direction. - Routine work orders will be accomplished along with the normal routine tasks. - Immediate work orders will be accomplished expeditiously before routine tasks. - Sufficient funding should be established annually by the Utilities/Maintenance Director to accomplish routine and immediate tasks as they arise. - Upon completion of work a copy of the completed work order will be returned to the Traffic Engineer for his review of the work and notification of the reporter of the required work. TRAFFIC CIRCULATION REVIEW The Traffic Engineer will be responsible for review of circula- tion with new developments, the city in general and the Circula- tion Element of the General Plan. TRAFFIC STUDIES AND REPORTS The Traffic Engineer will be responsible for: - Maintaining appropriate motor vehicle accident records. ATTACHMENT 1 - Establishing effective liaison with the Police Department in regards to the safe operations of city streets. - Developing and maintaining a usable traffic control device i nvent ory. - Conducting warrant studies. - Conducting speed and traffic engineering studies. - Preparing input and update of annual 5-year capital improve- ment program according to circulation system (streets and signals) needs. - Taking charge of computer model for traffic anaysis. - Establishing, in cooperation with appropriate department heads, an effective program to insure the safe design, operation and maintenance of city streets and traffic control devices. - Establishing effective liaison with the City Risk Manager and City Attorney in regards to city liability in city streets. -2- ATTACHMENT 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1c 11 12 12 14 1E 1E 17 1E 1s 2c 21 22 2: 24 2: 26 27 2E RESOLUTION NO. 7399 '. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TE THE CLASSIFICATION OF TRANSPORTA- ENGINEER, ADD THE CLASSIFICATION OF WHEREAS, the C anager recommends and the City Counci 1 concurs, that Engineer should be delete Engineer should be added to the fiscal year 1983-84 opera ended to include the City Council of the 2. That the City Council authorizes directs the City and made a part thereof. Manager to amend the 1983-84 Management Salary Schedul in Attachment C, attached hereto and made a part thereof. 5. That the 1983-84 Operating Budget is hereby amended a's.\ shown in Attachments D, E and F attached hereto and made a part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 thereof. 6. That the Maintenance Department 1983-84 Operating Budget requires a modification in the near future to indicate traffic engineering maintenance functions therein. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the - day of November, 1983 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: MARY H. CASLER, MAYOR 4TTEST: :SEAL) -2- RESOLUTION NO. 739? ATTACHMENT A TRAFFIC ENGINEER DEFINITION Under general direction, to perform difficult field and office traffic engineering work in the design, construction and maintenance of public works facilities; to supervise and coordinate public works projects; and to do related work as assigned. DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS This is the journey level class for professional traffic engineering work. requiring prior professional traffic engineering work experience and may assist in the supervision of other less experienced professional and paraprofessional staff. Incumbents in this class perform difficult and complex work EXAMPLES OF DUTIES Supervise, perform and coordinate traffic engineering work involving the design and installation of transportation facilities such as traffic lighting, traffic control devices, bikeways, streets, parking facilities and other vehicular and pedestrian traffic systems. Work with private development engineers and contractors to review plans and coordinate work involving traffic systems in privately constructed residential, commercial and industrial projects. Coordinate and participate in overall transit planning for the City. Review plans, maps, specifications, estimates and other work for accuracy, presentation, and conformance with established engineering practices. Perform field inspections of the traffic system element of projects prior to, during and upon completion. Collect, analyze data, conduct special studies and perform other work necessary to maintain an up-to-date circulation element to the general plan, analyze and recommend traffic and transportation policies, standards and maintenance program; assure effective coordination with surrounding transportation systems. Maintain up-to-date inventory of traffic control devices, streets and related transportation elements. Assist in the preparation of long-range capital improvement plans. Prepare written reports on traffic engineering-related projects. Represent the City in the community and at professional meetings as required. Coordinate traffic engineering-related activities with other City departments and divisions, and with outside agencies. Supervise, train, and evaluate assigned staff. 8 QUALIFICATIONS Knowledae of: Traffic engineering principles and practices as applied to municipal public works. Techniques for preparing designs, plans, specifications, estimates, reports, and recommendations related to public works. Yunicipal operations as they relate to other City depart- ments and divisions. Principles and practices of organization, administration, budgeting and personnel management. Ability to: Perform technical traffic engineering work of a complex nature with a minimum of supervision. Establish and maintain cooperative relationships with those contacted in the course of work. Communicate clearly and concisely, orally qnd in writing, Supervise, train, and evaluate assigned staff. Experience and Education: Any combination of experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities AS qualifybg. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Experience Four years of progressively responsible professional work experience in the field of traffic engineering. Education Equivalent to a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university with major course work in civil or traffic engineering. Special Requirements Possession of a certificate of registration as a Civil Engineer by the State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers is necessary; pqssession of a certificate as a Traffic Engineer is desirable. -2- .- RESOLUTION NO. 7.397 ATTACHMENT B MISCELLANEOUS EMPLOYEE CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY RANGE SCHEDULE CLASSIFICATION RANGE ACCOUNT CLERK I 17 ACCOUNT ClERK I1 21 ACCOUNTANT 35 ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN 24 AQUATIC SUPERVISOR 32 ASSISTANT CIVIL ENGINEER P42 ASSISTANT PLANNER P37 ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER P49 ASSOCIATE PLANNER P45 AUDIO VISUAL SPECIAL IST P38 BUILDING INSPECTOR I 28 BUILDING INSPECTOR I1 38 BUILDING INSPECTOR I11 44 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CARPENTER 30 CLERK TYPIST I 15 CLERK TYPIST I1 17 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR 38 CONSTRUCTXON SUPERVISOR 46 CUSTODIAN 16 DEPUTY CITY CLERK 25 DEVELOP. PROCESS. COORDINATOR 29 ELECTRICAL OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR 37 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN I 27 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN I1 34 EQUIPMENT MECHANIC I 28 EQUIPMENT MECHANIC I1 30 EQUIPMENT MECHANIC LEADWORKER 35 EQUIPMENT SERVICE WORKER 21 GRAPHICS TECHNICIAN 28 LIBRARIAN I P30 LIBRARIAN I1 P36 L IBRARIAN I11 P38 LIBRARY ASSISTANT I 24 LIBRARY ASSISTANT I1 29 *LIBRARY CLERK I 21 *LIBRARY- CLERK I1 23 MAINTENANCE ELECTRICIAN I 28 MAINTENANCE ELECTRICIAN I1 30 MAINTENANCE WORKER I 21 METER READER/ REPAIRER I 21 METER READERlREPAIRER I1 25 CLASSIFICATION RANGE METER SHOP SUPERVISOR OFFICE SUPERVISOR PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER I1 PARK MAINTENANCE WORKER 111 PARK PLANNER PARK SUPERVISOR PERMIT CLERK PLANNING TECHNICIAN I PLANNING TECHNICIAN I1 RECEPTIONIST CASHIER RECREATION SUPERVISOR I RECREATION SUPERVISOR I1 SANITATION SUPERVISOR SECRETARY I SECRETARY I1 - SECRETA R Y B 0 OK K EEPE R SECRETARY TO CITY ATTORNEY SECRETARY TO CITY MANAGER SENIOR CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR SEWER MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR STENO CLERK I STENO CLERK I1 STOREKEEPER STREET MAINTENANCE WORKER I1 STREET MAINTENANCE WORKER I11 STREET MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR SWEEPER OPERATOR 37 29 25 - 30 P4 2 37 19 28 35 17 29 32 .37 23 25 24 29 29 42 37 17 19 20 2s 3c 37 29 TREE TRIMMER I 23 TREE TRIMMER I1 27 TREE TRIMMER LEADWORKER 31 UTILITY MAINTENANCE WORKER 11 25 UTILITY MAINTENANCE WORKER 111 30 UTILITY SYSTEMS OPERATOR I1 27 UTILITY SYSTEMS OPERATOR 111 29 WATER MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR 37 WORD PROCESSING OPERATOR I 19 WORD PROCESSING OPERATOR I1 21 +Library Clerk I and 11 to be deleted when vacated by incumbents. RESOLUTION NO. 73 7 7 1983-84 MANAGEMENT SALARY SCHEDULE ATTACHMENT ANNUAL B I- WEEKLY Administrative Aide 16,521-19,658 635-756 Adm. Assistant I 18,306-21,821 704-839 Adm. Assistant I1 21,118-25,228 812-970 Asst.. City Attorney 26,012-38,478 1000-1480 Asst. City Manager 31,150-44,508 1198-1712 Asst. Finance Director 22,497-28,122 865-10 82 Asst. Library Director 22,497-28 , 122 865-1082 Building Official 27,824-41,182 10 70-15 84 906-1133 Central Services Director 23,552-29,447 City Engineer 27,8.24-41,182 10 70-1584 - Community Development Mgr. 24,579-30,717 2 8 , 25 7- 35 , 314 945-1181 1087-1358 Current Planning Mgr. Equipment Maintenance Supt. 23,552-29,447 906-1133 704-839 Exec.utive Assistant 18,306-21,821 27,824-41,182 Finance Director Fire Battalion Chief 1070-1584 1109-1386 28,825-36,044 Fire Chief 29,609-43-859 1139-1687 Library Director 27,824-41,182 1070-1584 10 87-1 35 8 Mgr. of Research & Analysis 28 , 257-35 , 314 Parks E, Recreation Director 27 , 824-41 , 182 1070-1584 Parks Superintendent 23,552-29 , 447 906-1133 Per so nne 1 Director 27,824-41,182 10 70-15 84 Police Captain 32,768-h0,960 1260-1575 Police Chief Police Lieutenant 29,434-47,294 1132-1819 27,600-34,500 106 2-1327 -1- .- 1983-84 MANAGEMENT SALARY SCHEDULE ANNUAL Principal Civil Engineer Principal Planner Purchasing Officer Recreation Superintendent Street Maintenance Supt. Traffic Engineer Utilities Maintenance Manager Utilities Maintenance Supt. 28,310-35,422 26,310-32,881 23,552-29,447 23,552-29,447 23,552-29,447 28,310-35,422 27,824-41,182 23,552-29,447 B I -WEEKLY 1089-1362 1012-1265 906-1133 906-1133 906-1133 1089-1362 1070-1584 906-1133 -2- CITY OF CARLSBAD 1983-84 BUDGET - RESOLUTION NO. 739? ATTACHMENT D DEPARTMENT: Engineering DIVISION : Traffic ACCT. #: 01-31-20 I CATEGORY I 1982-83 I 1983-84 I 1983-84 I I ESTIMATE I REQUEST I ADOPTED I I PERSONNEL SERVICES I MAINTENANCE & OPERATION I CAPITAL OUTLAY I- I 7,098 I I I I I I DEBT SERVICE I- Io I I I I I SUB TOTAL I I- I- I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I SERVICES PERFORMED FOR OTHER I I I I I DE PARTME NT S I- I- I I I I I I 1 I TOTAL BUDGET I- I 67,626 I I I I I I I I I I DEPARTMENTAL GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I -1- CITY OF CARLSBAD 1983-84 BUDGET PERSONNEL DETAIL DEPARTMENT : Engineering DIVISION : Traffic ACCT. #: 01-31-20 1 I FRINGE BENEFITS II II - I I 11,242 I I II /-I I II II II I II II I - 12.11 50,508 1 I I I TOTAL SALARIES ANLJ II I POSITIONS I -I -2- I4 CITY OF CARLSBAD 1983-84 BUDGET MAINTENANCE & OPERATION DEPARTMENT: Engineering DIVISION: Traffic ACCT. #: 01-31-20 I ACCT I ACCOUNT I 1982-83 I 1983-84 I 1983-84 I I NO 1 DESCRIPTION I ESTIMATE I REQUEST* I ADOPTED I I I I I 2111 I I 2220 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2470 I 2520 I I 2550 I 2660 I I 2662 I 2840 I I I Telephone & Communications I I I Dues & Subscriptions I I I Special Division Supplies I I I Travel & Meetings 1 I I I I I November 1, 1983 to June 30, 1984. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .I I I Vehicle Maintenance Professional Services Office Supplies Books & Publications *For a period of 8 months/l7 pay periods1 - I I I - I I I - I I I - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - - - - 1340 I 1340 I 6700 I I I 70 I I I 200 I I 100 I I I I I 200 70 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TOTAL MAINTENAVCE & OPER. 1 I I I - 10,020 I I OTHER DEPARTKENTS I I 1 - SERVICES PERFOFMED FOR -3- J 5” CITY OF CARLSBAD 1983-84 BUDGET CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST DEPARTMENT: Engineering DIVIS ION : Traffic ACCT. f: 01-31-20 CAPITAL OUTLAY 1 83-84 REQUEST I 83-84 ADOPTED I I DESCRIPTION I QTY AMOUNT I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Chair, swivel Desk Automobile, compact sedan Vehicle radio I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 330 1 I 678 1 I 5290 1 I 800 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ‘I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I QTY AMOUNT I v I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 1- I 7098 I I I -4- IP f L.r CITY OF CARLSBAD 1983-84 BUDGET REVISED 1 RESOLUTION NO. 739.7 ATTACHMENT E 1 DEPARTMENT: ENGINEERING DIVISION : ADMINISTRATION ACCT. #: 01-3 1-10 1 PERSONNEL SERVICES I 1 441,365 1467,581 1 I I I I I I MAINTENANCE & OPERATION I 90,410 I 74,401 I 74,401 I 1 CAPITAL OUTLAY I 6,073 1 3,000 I 3,000 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I DEBT SERVICE Io lo I I I I I I I I I I SUR TOTAL I I I I I 537,848 1544,982 1 I 1 I I I I 1 I CAPITAL PROJECTS 1(165,000) l(300.000) I(300.000, I I I I TOTAL BUDGET 1362,348 1244,982 1 I SERVICES PERFORMED FOR OTHER 1 (10,500) I 0 Io I DEPARTMENTS I 1 I I 1 I I I I DEPARTMENTAL GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I -1- I. REVISED DEPARTMENT: ENGINEERING DIVISION: ADMINISTRATION ACCT. #: 01-31-10 I City Engineer I 1 Principal Civil Engineer I 1 Associate Civil Engineer I I Assistant Civil Engineer I I Senior Construction Inspector I I Construction Inspector I I Engineering Technician I1 I I Secretary II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 111 II 1 II 1 I 38,759 I II 1 I 38,759 I I 1 I 33,630 1 5 1 153,275 II II Io 1 0 II I 1 I 25,618 I 1 I 22,745 I 3 I 70,325 1.9 I 16,459 II II II I1 I1 II II II II 1 I 33,630 5 I 153,275 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 01 0 1 25,618 1 22,745 II I1 II II II I1 II II II II II II II I1 II II I SUB TOTAL I I I 115 1329,370 h2.91 360,811 I I II II II I II II I1 I 1 II II II I I OVERTIME 1 1 1,400 I I 1,500 I I I I PART TIME I 1 FRINGE BENEFITS I 1110,414 I I 105,270 I I I I II II II I I TOTAL SALARIES AND I15 1441,362 h2.91 467,581 I I I I POSIT IONS I1 II I1 I -2- CITY OF CARLSBAD 1983-84 BUDGET REVISED 1 I RESOLUTION NO. 7.3 9 7 ATTACHMENT F DE PARTME NT : DE VEL OPME NTAL SERVICE S DIVISION : ADMINISTRATION ACCX #: 01-30-10 I 7 CATEGORY I 1982-83 1 1983-84 I 1983-84 1 I 1 I I I 1 I ESTIMATE I REQUEST I ADOPTED I I PERSONNEL SERVICES I I MAINTENANCE & OPERATION I CAPITAL OUTLAY 1 DEBT SERVICE I I I 109,732 I 108,481 I 108,481 I I I I I I 23,850 I 22,406 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I SUB TOTAL I i 133,582 i 130,887 i I I I I I I SERVICES PERFORMED FOR OTHER I (90,0001l (8,910)l (8,91011 I DEPARTMENTS I I I I I TOTAL BUDGET I 43,582 I 121,977 I 1 I I I I I I -I DEPARTENTAL GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I, i P I I I I I 1 THE ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER/DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES COORDINATES THE COMMUNITY I GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT EFFORTS OF THE BUILDING, LAND USE PLANNING, ENGINEERNG, I REDEVELOPMENT, BLOCK GRANTS AND HUD HOUSING FUNCTIONS OF THE CITY. I REQUIRES CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS WITH THE CITY MANAGER AND ATTORNEY, CITY COUNCIL, I COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES, OTHER DEPARTMENTS IN THE CITY, OTHER GOVERNMENTAL I COORDINATION OF LONG AND SHORT RANGE POLICIES THAT ENCOMPASS THE GENERAL PLAN, I GROWTH MANAGMENT, COASTAL ISSUES, SEWAGE TREATMENT, WATER RECLAMATION, HOUSING ,I THE TASK AGENCIES, THE PUBLIC IN GENEML AND DEVELOPERS. THE EFFORTS INCLUDE I REDEVELOPMENT, DESIGN COORDINATION AND INSPECTION OF PRIVATE AND PUBLIC 1 DEVELOPMENT AND COMPLIANCE WITH FEDERAL, STATE, REGIONAL AND LOCAL I REGULATIONS. I I I I -1- CITY OF CARLSBAD 1983-84 BUDGET MAINTENANCE & OPERATION REVISED DEPARTMENT: DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION: ADMINXSTRAT ION ACCT 4,: 01-30-10 I ACCT I ACCOUNT I 1982-53 I 19 83-84 1 NO I DESCRIPTION I ESTI?UTE 1 REOUEST I 1 I 2220 I I 2310 I 2420 I 2470 I 2520 I 2550 I 2662 I 2840 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 2899 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TELEPHONE 6 COMMUNICATIONS I AUTO ALLOWANCE I OFFICE EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE I PROFESSIONAL SERVICES I DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS I OFFICE SUPPLIES I BOOKS & PUBLICATIONS I TRAVEL AND MEETINGS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I ,I I I EMERGENCY TRAFFIC HAZARD ELIMINATION I 15,000 1,740 15 0 3,000 6 60 1,500 100 1,700 0 I 2,100 1 1,740 I 15 0 I 5,000 I 700 I 25 0 I 1,466 I 1,000 I 10,000 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1983-84 I ADOPTED I i 2,100 I 1,740 I 150 I 5,000 I 700 I 250 I 1,466 I 1,000 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 4Q -2-