HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-11-15; City Council; 7564; Travel Request League Financial Mgmt Seminar! AB#= MTG. f /-/5-83 DEPT. Finance I n /‘g .2 L I CIT - DF CARLSBAD - AGEND -BILL ATTEYD LEAGUE FINANCIAL FIANAGEMENT Arpl JlTLC TRAVEL REQUEST FOR TREASURER TO SEM T PIJAR ;3cc CITY MOR. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Authorize the City Treasurer to attend the League of California Cities Financial Management Seminar. ITEM EXPLANATION: In December of each year the League of California cities holds a Financial Management Seminar or subjects related to local government finance and treasury management. This seminar will be held in Montery California from December 6 to Tlecemher 9, 1953. The City Treasurer has not attended this seminar in nast years although it always presents information of value to the Treasury Managers. The agenda €or this meeting is attached. FISCAL. IMPACT: The Treasurers budget currently has sufficient funds to finance the costs of this meeting, (registration - $75.00 nlus travel and hotel costs of about $400.00). The Treasurers budget may, however, require a small transfer next year end to fund other meetings or conferences. EXH I B ITS : Agenda for 1983 Financial Management Seminar. I , 1 Fi nanci a1 Management Seminar December 7-9, 1983 Hyatt Del Monte, Monterey PRELIMINARY PROGRAM Wednesday, December 7 9:00 a.m. 9:30-11:30 a.m. 1:OO p.m. 2:OO-3:15 p.m. 3:30-4:45 p.m. 5:30-6:30 p.m. Registration - Hotel Lobby "Early Bird" Refresher: Appropri ati on Li mi t Compl i ance : Li vi ng Wi th Proposi ti on 4 - Revenue allocation and determining the limit - Cost accounting Opening General Session The Fiscal Future and its Effect on Local Government Concurrent Sessions I. Investment of Surplus Funds 11. Property Tax For Pension Override Concurrent Sessions I. Economi c Devel opment I I. Intergovernmental Fiscal Cooperati on Get Acquainted Reception and Fi nanci a1 Management Symposi um An informal hosted reception to which attendees are asked to bri ng copies of i nformati on on effective, interesting or novel ideas or programs they have applied in their cities to better manage thei r fiscal affairs . Evening Free - 3- .- Thursday, Decembgc? 9:00-10:15 10 : 30 - 1 1 : 45 p . m . 12:15 noon 2:OO-3:15 p.m. 4:45-6:30 p.m. Concurrent Sessions I. Bond Registration : Requi rements and Process 11. Getting the Most of Tax Revenues I. 11. Computing in the Finance Department Budgeting to meet Current and Future Operations and Mai ntai nance Needs General Luncheon Concurrent Sessions I. 11. Small City Interests: Community Development Block Grants Saving Money by Saving Energy and Urban Development Action Grants No-Host Reception and Vendor Fair A variety of firms supplying services of interest to fiscal officers wi 11 be represented to meet informally with city offici a1 s . Evening Free Friday, December 9 9:OO-10:15 p.m. Concurrent Sessions I. Leasing and Lease Purchase 11. Making Financial Information Interesting in the Media 10:30-11:45 a.m. General Session Legis 1 ati ve Report The Governors New Partnerships Task Force 12:OO noon 1:30 p.m. Concluding Luncheon Speaker: Michael Franchetti , Director of Finance, State of Cal i forni a Adjourn -4 -