HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-11-15; City Council; 7568; DENSITY BONUS FOR PROPOSED LOW/MODERATE INCOME HOUSING PROJECT AT 1014-1016 LAGUNA DRIVEv 0 LLI g tx a. 0, 4 .. g a 6 A 5 z = 8 r CI~F CARLSBAD - AGEND~ILL '\ DENSITY BONUS FUR PROPOSED Low/ MODERATE INCOME HOUSING PROJECT AT 1014 - 1016 LAGUNA DRIVE. > -* 75 DEPT CITY CITY AB#-- TITLE: ,MTG. 11/15/83 PLN 4 /'I --? DEPT. RECOMMENDED ACTION: It is recommended that the City Council indicate the City's intent to gran 25% density bnus for a project at 1014 - 1016 Laguna Drive in consideratic the applicant agreeing to construct 25% of the units in the project for pel and families of low or mderate incone. ITEM EXPLANATION State law (Government Code Section 65915) requires that when an applicant ( to construct 25% of the units in a development for persons and families of or rmderate income that the City shall either 1) grant a density bonus or : provide other incentives of equivalent financial value. The law also requ: that the City notify the applicant of the manner in which it intends to co~ with the law. The applicant has submitted a condominium project for 22 units to be locatt property at 1014 - 1016 Laguna Drive (location map attached). The project been scheduled for Planning Commission consideration. consists of less than 50 units, the Planning Commission's decision will be unless appealed to the City Council. The applicant has offered to provide of the units as low/mderate income units under Section 65915 of the Goverr necessary for the City Council at this tine to indicate the manner in whicl- City intends to comply with the state law. It is staff's recommendation tk the City comply with the state provisions by granting a 25% density bonus. Staff does not feel that the alternative, which muld involve providing equivalent financial incentives such as waiving fees or public improvements should be pursued. Commission when the applicant's project is considered by the Commission and details of an agreement with the applicant will be handled in the condition approval for the project. It should be noted that this proposal is different from other "affordable housing" projects that have been reviewed by the City Council recently sinc applicant for this proposal is not requesting to change the existing zoning general plan designation for the property but is requesting a 25% density t over the otherwise maximum allowable residential density permitted by the existing zoning and general plan. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Land Use Planning Manager has determined that this project will not cau any significant environmental inpacts and, therefore, has issued a Negative Declaration. FISCAL IMPACTS The applicant will provide all required public improvements to the project. Also, the applicant has reed to pay a public facilities fee to offset the costs of providing all ozer public services to the project. EXHIBITS 1. bation Map Since the project Code. Since the Planning Commission's decision is final on this matter, it If the Council agrees, staff will inform the Planning 1 TOCATION MAP * b I \I -- LAGUNA OR RP R- t I OAKTREE CONCEPTS CT83-23/CP-2L v