HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-12-06; City Council; 7376-1; Appointments to Board of Directors of Cable TV-. 7376-#1 48% HTGm 12/6/83 9EPT. cc TELEVISION APPOINTMENT TO BOARD OF DIRECTORS FOUNDATION FOR CARLSBAD COMMUNITY CABLE DEW. HD.~ CI,A~\~ CITY MGR. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 7433 , appointing a member to the Board of Directors for the Foundation for Carlsbad Community Cable Television. ITEM EXPLANATION: At the meeting of May 3, 1983, Council adopted Resolution No. 7212, appointing five members to the Board of Directors for the Foundation for Carlsbad Community Cable Television. The appointments were made in accordance with by-laws to provide for staggered two year terms. Following the initial appointments, the by-laws provide that on February 1 of each year, directors are to appointed to fill the vacancies occurring . Dr. Thomas CurtPn resigned as a member of the Roard on November 10, 1983. In accordance with the by-laws, council may appoint a member to fill the unexpired term. The term will expire on January 31, 1984, along with two other terms. Other members are: Bill Levinson: Sharon Strong, Bill Dominguez, and Robert Sheppard. The terms of Bill Levinson and Sharon Strong also expire on January 31, 1984. At this time council should consider appointing an individual to the vacant position resulting from Dr. Curtin's resignation. An agenda bill will be forwarded to council in January for their consideration on all three terms which expire January 31, 1984. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 734s , appointing a member to the Board of Directors for the Foundation for Carlsbad Community Cable Te levi s ion. 2. Copies of applications received in 1983. .. .- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 7433 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING A MEMBER TO THE FOUNDATION FOR CARLSBAD COMMUNITY CABLE TELEVISION. WHEREAS, the Articles of Incorporation and the By-laws for the Foundation for Carlsbad Community Cable Television have been approved by the City Council; and WHEREAS, the By-laws require the City Council to appoint five members to the Board of Directors; and WHEREAS, Dr. Curtin has resigned as a member of the Board and Council desires to fill the vacancy for the unexpired term; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the following person is hereby appointed to serve as a member of the Board of Directors for the Foundation for Carlsbad Community Cable Television in the position vacated for a term expiring January 31, 1984: John Ymux PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, at a regular meeting held on the 3rd day of January , 1984, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES : Nom ABSENT: JYom Council Mmbers Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Prescott MARY H.I/CASLER, Mayor ATTEST : LLiuLQQ- ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City (SEAL) 62 625 North Vulcan Avenue Leucadia, Californla 92024 61 91 753-6491 -Mr. Frank Aleshire, City Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 A ban Diepito Union Hish School District February 8, 1983 Re: Community A Dear Mr. Aleshire: - As indicated in our recent telephone conversation, I would like to request that the San Dieguito Union High School District be represented on any advisory group or board that may be created by the City of Carlsbad relative to community access to the two cable television systems serving the area. The San Dieguito Union High School District currently is represented on an advisory board created by the City of Del Mar which has resulted in benefits to both the community and the School District. The Board of Trustees has expressed a desire to provide similar opportunities for students who reside in areas served by cable television companies franchised by the City of Carlsbad. I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience. Sincere 1 y , %a& William A. Berrier Superintendent bf s cc: Board of Trustees I ... ._I_____ ... ... - .. .. ........ OF # CARLSBAD CITY .. APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT . TO'BOARD OR COlP.IISSION f .. .. ._ 5. . '. OR CO."LYITTEES . ...... . .I.. .. ., - .. .. .... .. . .:. ... .. TO: CARLSBAD .. Gentlenen: .- CITY COUNCIL ...... .- -_ . ._ .. e. - . ,. .. -. ....... ... . .- .. .. ... ... .. . .:. ... ,. serve as a member .I would appreciate the opportunity'to of the (Name of committee or coriunisgion) .. In so doing I understand that if I am asked to serve on the 'Planning Commission, I will be requested to make a financial -. .. disclosure statement if app0inte.d. lead'me to believe that . 'My beckground andlor avocation I arn qualified to serve in the best interests of the citizer,s _. - those activities below . _. 08 Carlsbad., I have listed some 0.f ... which I have'participated in and feel will be 'of benefit if ... . ....... ,-. ... .. ....... ... .. - &....- ,_ .. . __- -. .. .. .. .. .... .. -. .- .. . ,. . .. .. . ._ selected, - . .- .. -. ... .. .. .. . ... I .. ........ , @AZOL, A"yE-72s .... (Print name) . ... ., Address / .. .. # . .. ... . .. CITY OF CAlLSBAD APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT .. TO '$OARD - OR COAMMISSION OR COXMITTEES . : TO: CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL Gentlemen: -. .- - I would appreciate the opportunity'to serve as a member of In the Carlsbad TeleVjsion Committee or Commission . - (~ame of committee or commission) so doing I understand that if I am asked to serve on the - Planning pnmission, I will be requested to make a financial disclosure statement if appointe,d. .. My background andlor avocation lead me to believe that . 3: at qualified to serve in the best interests of the citizens -. I have listed some of those activities bebig- participated in and feel will be of benefit if of Carlsbad. . . which I: have selected, .. -. .- .Planning Cornmissfcner for wen Y ears, aSd w&ier commission and committee aztpnments during these years. * .. E. H. Jose. ,Jr (Print name) I 92008 - Lane CaplshDd ddress 729-4?73' .. 'I Phone CITY OF CF-WSBAD APPLICATION FOi? APPOINT8lENT TO 'BOAL'ZD OR COXHISSION .. OR CO?LYITTEES CITY COUNCIL .. f .. TO: CARLSBAD .: ., . . ... :. . : -7 ..' .. .. .. .. -. .- Gentlcncn: .. c. c .. ' . 3: would appreciate the opportunity-.to serve as -a member . .. ...... .* ... ... .. '. of the CABLE' $v FOUNDATION- COMMITTEE (Name of committee .or comriissjon) .. .. .. ... -- - .. In so doing 1 understand that if 1 am zsked to serve on the .. 'Planning Cornmission, I will be req.ues&d to make a financial .. discloswe statement if appointe,a. - . 'My bzckgrdund andlor avocation lead-me .to believe that : X am qualified to sFrve in the best-interests .of the citizer_s .. .. ..- .;. - .. -. .. o$ Car.lsbad.. I have 1,isted some of. those activities below. .. _. ... .. .... ....... -.v7hich I have'-participated in and feel will be -of benefit if ... .... ...... ... ... .... .. ... ... ... .... .. .... .. .. .. .... ... :. . ... ..... . . ,. .... .. ............. '_ . * a. .. ..... .. -- .__ ........ ... .. L .- . selected.' . .: .. - .-. . - .. ,-,,-e -. ..L.-. .. .__ -- .. .. 0 .. -~ ~ ... .... .. ......... ...... .. I ... ... - .. <._.._ - - - . . , . - . . .. ....... ..- , -- . -- .. 0' Huah Vicker.v (Print name) . . -. .. .1 . . ... 'I - .. 1 .. .. .. * . .- 5192 Carlsbad Blvd., Carlsbad, CA Address .. - 729-2388office ' - . -438-3237 residence I'hone .- January 24, 1983 _I_ lliltc - k ,. .. CITY OF CARLSBAD APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT . TO 'BOARD OR COMJAISSION OR COILYITTEES COUNCIL TO: CARISBAD . e. CITY .. . . -. .. .e.. . ,. .. . .I .. .. ... -. .. .. .... .. ..' .. ,* .. .. . .- - .- . Gentlemen: . I wotlld appreciate the opportunity'to serve as a member In so doing I understand that if I am asked to serve on the .' 'Planning Commission, I will be requested to make a financial discloswe statement if appointe,d. .. -_ lead'me to believe that , 'My bzckground and)or avocation I am qualified to serve in the best interests of the citizer_s those activities below . -. - of Carlsbad.. I have listed some 0-f .. .' which I have'yarticipated in and feel will be -of benefit i? selected. .- I . -_- -. i .. Sign a ture .. 7 Y ROBERT R. CAGGIANO 4075 Syme Drive, Carlsbad, California 92008 : (619) 729-3580 Professional Objective: Private civil litigation and tax law practice in a San Diego or Orange County corporation or law firm. Educational Background: Western State University College of Law, San Diego Juris Doctor, December, 1982 Bachelor of Science in Laws, December, 1980 University of California Extension, San Diego Certificate in Taxation, January, 1978 National University, San Diego Associate of Applied Science in Business Administration, October, 1977 Professlonal Licenses: 1977-present Enrolled Agent, Internal Revenue Service 1976-present Agent, National Association of Securities Dealers 1976-present Solicitor, Fire and Casualty Insurance 1975-present Agent, Life and Disability Insurance Work Experience: 1982 - Law Clerk, American Tax and Law Center, San Diego 1981 -1982 Income Tax Auditor, self-employed, part-time 1978-1981 Income Tax Practitioner, self-employed, part-time 1975-1978 Income Tax Counselor and Practitioner Military Experience (United States Navy): 1975 Honorable Discharge, grade of Commander 1958-1975 Served as a naval officer in grades of Ensign through Commander at various shore, sea and overseas assignments, with a specialty in electronics (material, warfare, research and development) and project management. 1946-1958 Served in enlisted billets from Seaman Recruit through Chief Electronics Technician at various shore, sea and overseas commands. References furnished upon request .! ... .. .. ; i. ... ' , ' , %/$.A A ;*c; ;,I: . ,& -. .... - '* ... -. . .. .... ... A. &'&&g?&&w .' .. .. ~. ... .. c I .: ..J . . ..... ...... .. I. . ... .. 1 .. .' . 4 .. > '. ... .... ., CITY OF CARLSBAD ' i ,. .. ..... .. ... ......... .._ . _. .' ... ...... .. .. ... .. l'.. ... APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT .. ... _. 1. . .' . .. i .. ' .. .. .... .. . .; .... .... .. . - TO-BOARD OR COMFIIS~ION ... ... . OR COELYITTEES .. ... .. .. . -.. : . .. .. ... ........... ..... ... .' . .-I. ... I. ,. . ..r - .... . -. -. . :-2.. .. I .. .- .... .. ...... ,.. .... .... .... . .......... $ ; .. ,. . *: . , ........ .... - .. -.,..- ....... ..... ..... .. ...... ...... : .. ..... . .... '. 'TO: CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL .. .. : . .. .. .- . .. ... ...... -- '. .- -. , ... ........ ... . . :; ..... .... ... ' I.- ... ... . .. ..... ..... ..... .- . . 3' .. I ,. ._ . .. - .-. ..... ._ .. .. .. .. <. ;. .. ., . . .. .. .. ... ... .. .. I' ,: . , .. ' ._ . -. . .. -. ....I .. .. .* . . . .* ,- .: GentieFen: . .- .. .. I. I would appreciate the opportunity"to serve as a member .... ..... ... .. Of the Foundation' for Caiisbad Cbmmunity Cable Televisidn _. .. .. .L .. .. '* .: .. ,. .. ... ... .... .. . . ,.. ._. ~ ..' , . .. . (Name of cohittee .or conmission) .- . .- .... -* _. '1n.so doing I understand that if I am asked to serve on the ... .. - -* ... ... .'. Planning Commission, I will ,be requested to make a fir,ancial -Hy bzckground and)or avocation lead'me to believe that . . .'_ ..: : ... .. .. .... ....... ... ~. .... ... .. ._ .. ...... .. .. .. ...... ...... .. ... . discloswe statement if appointe,d. . .. .. I. ._ .... . : ... ..... .. .... .... .- ... 1: am qualified to serve.5.n the best'interests of the citizezs .. -. - .. .. .. .. of Carlsbad,, I have 1.isted. some of. those activities below. .... .... .. .. .. ... , which 1 have'.participated in and feel will be'o efit i5 . .. ... ... ..... ... ... ... ..... ....... .... I- . -. ._ .. .-. .. .. .. .. ... ..... ... .... ... .... ... .... ....... ..... ... . . ,. .. -. ..... .- ..... ....... .. .... .. .. ... .... .I ..... - .... .. * .. .. .. ... ........... . . :_.* ' I. .. .. .. . *. . .. .. .. . .-: .. . selected, L .. .. Please see attached. : -. I. .. .. ... .... .* .. ... .. ... ........ ...... * ... .. ... . . :. . .. .. .... . . _. ,: .. .. .. . *. ., . ._ .. .. I _. .... .* .... '. .. .. .............. ..... ..e.. .... *. ~~ ; . ........ :: ... : ..... ............. , -. .. ..... .... .. .. ... .. , .. .. .. *. 6- ofaise?' d3& ' .. . (Print name) . .. .. .. .. .. .. *. -S i 'J 11 a +, ur c ... .... . .... .... ... .. *. .. .. .. .C .I . . .. 7223 Durango Circle, Carlsbad, CA 92008 . I fiiiitrcss .. .. .. .. 438-3361 or'4.38-4161 3 .. - I'hon c'. .. ... f. .. .. ,/ .e’ _- . A’. Name of Commission - Foundation for Carlsbad CommuniCy Cable Television f, I have been a resident of Carlsbad for four and a half years. My wife-and I came to Carlsbad upon my retirement after serving for 33 years as a part of the management team of the CBS Television Network. Network Coordination part of my responsibility was to evaluate programs prior to their being broadcast on the Network, As Director of I attended the University of Southern California and am now continuing my education at Mira Costa Community College. United Stat- Air Force following World War I1 with the rank of Captain. I am currently serving on the Carlsbad Traffic and Safety Commission as well as on the Paolmar Airport Advisory Committee. I was discharged from the Bob Wood Associates, Inc., a California corporation formed prior to my retirement, has served as consultants to both the CBT Television Network and the American Broadcasting Companies. - .- I .I Isbad Unified School District 801 Pine Avenue, Carlsbad, California 92008 729-9291 “Excellence In Education” BOARD OF TRUSTEES THOMAS L. CURTIN, M.D. President W. ALIAN KELLY Vice President J. EDWARD SWITZER, JR. Clerk JOHN j. MAMAUX Member JULIANNE L NYGAARD Member DISTRICT ADMl N ISTRATION PHILIP CRICNON, Ed.D. District Superintendent SUSAN H. IARCEN Instructional Services DAVID WM. BATES, SR. Employee Relations JAMES M. STARK Comptroller RICHARD A, SHALER Information Systems ICC. DUNLAP Facilities/Services December 19, 1983 Mary Casler, Mayor City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 FOUNDATION FOR CARLSBAD COMMUNITY TELEVISION On December 14, 1983 by official action the Board of Trustees of the Carlsbad Unified School District elected Mr. John J. Mamaux to serve as the District’s representative to the Foundation for Carl sbad Community Television. can be reached at 1393 Basswood Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008. His telephone number is 729-5648. Mr. Mamaux Thank you for the opportunity to provide input in your program planning. PHILIP GRIGNON, Ed.D. - DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENT aw