HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-12-06; City Council; 7579; Planning Commission Appointment. AB#- TlTLE 12/6/83 PLANNING COMMISSION APPOINTMENT DEPT. cc - CIY- DF CARLSBAD - AGENL SILL DEPT. HD. CITY CITY MGR.~& ~~ RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 74d4, appointing a member to the City of Carlsbad Planning Commission. ITEM EXPLANATION: Mr. Jonathan Freistedt has tendered his resignation as a,member of the Planning Commissipn, effective November 10, 1983. Mr. Freistedt was originally appointed in October, 1979, to fill an unexpired term. He was subsequently appointed in 1982 to a full term to expire in April, 1986. Since the term of office does not expire until April, 1986, the attached resolution provides for ,council appointment of a member to the vacancy for the unexpired term. Other members of the Commission are: Vernon Farrow, Mary Marcus, Elaine Lyttleton, Willis Rawlins, Jerry Rombotis, and Clarence Schlehuber. Copies of applications received in 1983 are attached for council review. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 743.4, appointing a Carlsbad Planning Commission. 2. Copies of applications received in member to the City of 983. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City RESOLUTION NO. 7434 clep A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING A MEMBER TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION. WHEREAS, Planning Commissioner Jonathan Freistedt has tended his resignation effective November 10, 1983, from a term of office expiring in April, 1986; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the following person is hereby appointed to serve as a member of the City of Carlsbad Plannning Commission in the the position vacated : Jams Smith , for a term to expire in April, 1986. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City ad’ urned of Carlsbad, California, at a/Ireq&?ar meeting held on the 10th day of January , 1984, by the following vote, to wit: AYES : Couracil Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Prescott NOES : None ABSENT: None ATTEST: (SEAL) 1 G 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Office of rhe City Clerk Citp of $arI$bab TELEPHONE: 438-5535 E.PPLIC?-TIOM FOR 'APPOINTMENT TO' SOARD OR 'COVMISS ION Name of Board or Commission: Planning Commission Name (Print or Type) : Stephen M. L'Heureux Address : 1931 Calavo Ct., Carlsbad, CA Phone: 729-7003 present qccupatiori: Attorney .. .. BUS. Pnone t 722-1306 Resident of Carlsbad: Yes Home Phone : 729-7003 Registered Voter in Carlsbad: yes I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board or Commission on which I wish to serve. If appointed to a Board or Commission which is subject to financial disclosure laws, I m willing to provide such statements as may be required. I am willing to appear for an interview regarding my qualifications for appointment before such committee as may be designated by the City Council or if requested by individual Council Members. DATE: - 11- 14-Eu SIGNATURE : (See reverse side) / 6/83 .- , EDUCATION : Cornell University, Ithaca, New York - Bachelor of Science in Industrial and Labor Relations (1966) University of California, Hastings College of Law; juris doctori (1969) -- EXPERIENCE : Previous member of the Carlsbad Planning Commission between 1974 and 1981, including Chairman. Member of Carlsbad Library Board of Trustees and served on numerous City, Council and School Board special commitees. .- .- OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES : Member and current Director of the Carlsbad Rotary Club. Board of Directors and Office of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce. Member of the ADDITIOPJAL - INFOP-TIOM OR COMMENTS : My previous experience as a member of Planning Cornmission affords me the opportunity to immediately serve the Council without having to undergo the lengthy indoctrination and education process that would otherwise be required of new Commissioners who have not had previous exposure to the projects, problems and policies of the City and Council. With the increasing number and complexity of projects before the Commission, my professional and past experience on the Commission would be of great assistance to not only other Commissioners, but also to the City Council and the citizens of Carlsbad. Lf 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Office of the City CIerk TELEPHONE: (71 4) 438-5535 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BOARD OR COMMISSION Name of Board or Commission: &ff&d/&c cam/n/s /ed Name (Print or Type): Tom G. Erw-n Address: 7703 Garboso F1. Carlsbad CA. Phone: 436-4429 Present Occupation: Retired Business Name and Address: - Bus. Phone: Resident of Carlsbad: Yes - 4 years Home Phone: 436-4429 Registered Voter in Carlsbad: Yes I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board or Commission on which I wish to serve. If appointed to a Board or Commission which is subject to financial disclosure laws, I am willing to provide such statements as may be required. I am willing to appear for an interview regarding my qualifications for appointment before such committee as may be designated by the City Council or if requested by individual Council Members. DATE: \\ SIGNATURE: (See reverse side) 6/83 EDUCATION: - 1) Fu-llerton Union High School - Graduated 1961 2) Fullerton College 1961-1963 - No De.gree l5XPii Kf EhCE : 1) Machinist 2) Postal worker 3) U.S. Army 4) Real Estate Salesman 5) Real Estate Broker 6) Commercial Pilot - Multi-Engine - Fixed wing & Rotary 7) Air Traffic Controller CUTSIDE ACTIVITIES : 1) Reading ArJEITIONAL IXFORMATIOPJ OR COI.IMENTS : This is an opportunity for me to begin paying back, through Public Service, for the many benefits I have gained by being a member of this Community, and a Citizen of this country. I would like to be part of making Carlsbad the finest City in our area. c TO: CARLSBAD . Gentlemen: CITY OF CAlUSBAD APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO'BOARD OR COMMISSION OR COXMITTEES CITY COUNCIL .. .. .. - .' - In so doing I wdcrstand that if I am asked to serve on the .'Planning Commission, I will be requested to make a financial 8 . .. disclosure statement if appointed. * My background andlor avocation lead'me to believe that .I ZIZ qualified to serve in the best interests of the citizens -4 .. of Carlsbad; I have listed some of those activities below- which I have participated in and feel will be of benefit if .. Dittc -. 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Office of the City Clerk Gitp of Carls'bab TELEPHONE: (71 4) 438-5535 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BOARD OR COMMISSION Name of Board or Commission: LAJd/A 5 CflMLf fa /d Name (Print or Type): &.?I r,w 1 Address: L36L '3 /dF LSBA13 Phone : 729 - 2 f (3 Business Name and Address: Present Occupation: ?E T//?KD Bus. Phone: Resident of Carlsbad: 27,- Home Phone: A&l/lK Registered Voter in Car1sbad:ws I am familiar with the responsibilities assignsd to the Board or Commission on which I wish to serve, If appointed to a Board or Commission which is subject to financial disclosure laws, I am willing to provide such stateinents as may Se required. willing to appear for an interview regarding my qualifications for appointment before such committee as may be designated by the City Council or if requested by individual Council Members. I am DATE : //-2 2 - 63 SIGNATURE : (See reverse side) 6/83 CITY OF CAIUSBAD APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT .- TO 'BOARD OR COMP.IISSION OR CO2liiITTEES TO: CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL .: . .. ..' .. .. Gentlemen : ... .. . . I would appreciate the opportunity'to serve as a member of the 'Dlanning commissiqnr . (Name of committee or commission) In so doing I understand that if I am asked to serve on the Planning Commission, I will be requested to make a financial disclosure statement if app0inte.d. -My bzckground and)or avocation lead' me to believe that I am qualified to serve in the best interests of the citizens of Cnrlsbad, -. I have listed some 0.f those activities below- which I havs'.participated in and feel will be'of benefit if .A .* selected. - -. -. -. .. .. .- .. .. 7 .. .- ........ .... ..... , ! .. ,. .- I .. ....... ..... .. ... .. . ,. ., .APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO 'BOARD OR COMkXSSION .. .. .. .. .I . ,. . ., .. 0. .. .. .... _. .'. .. ... .. .. .. -. '. '. '. ' ' .... ,. ..... ,1 .. .. : -. .. .. .. .. . .., 4. . ,.. :,. . '. : . ... ... .... ..' , ._ .. -- . , ,v*..~, -' . , . ." . OR COEIMITTEES ... .. -. .: .. , .. .. ... ., . .- .. -. .. ... . . : .. . .... .. :.. ... .. .. .. ,. . -. .. .. ... 'b ... .. ..? . ... ... . . *,. .. ... . .' -. ... ........ ... .. :. ,. '. .TO: CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL .: . , .: : .. , .: .. .. .. ' .' . . .- .. .. .. .. .. -. . -. .. e. .. .. - .'. ,. - 1 . Gentlemen: .. .I would appreciate the opportunity'to serve as a member: 'In so doing I understand that if I am asked to serve on the .'Planning Commission, X will be requested to make a financial . disclosure statement if appointed, * . 0 -. .. .. My background andlor avocation lead-me to believe that . ... - X & qualified to serve in the best interests of the citizens ). . of Carlsbad. .I have listed some of those activities below- - whj-ch I have participated in and feel will be of benefit if * selected. c ... 34, /9 83> . .. .- . .. a - CITY OF CARLSBAD APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO'BOARD OR COMMISSION OR COXMITTEES TO: CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL b -. .. I. . .. .. . .. . :. .. - .. .. -. . .. . . ,. :. .. . .. -. - -. .Gentlemen : -. .I would appreciate the opportunity'to serve as a member ofthe -piAu\n\'-q &rnmiSsbq - -- (Name of committee or commission) In so doing I understand that if I am asked to sexve on the -- 'Planning Commission, I will be requested to make a financial . -. disclosure statement if appointed. .- My background andlor avocation lead'me to believe thak . - .. -I 2n qualified to serve in the best interests of the citizens -- -. of Carlsbad. .I have listed some of those activities below- which I have participated in and feel will be of benefit if selected .' .I -D\a-- ic3L)?+2 -- Signature -. (Print name) 3 )s /e3 Datc .. CITY OF CMUSBAD APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO'BOARD OR COMMISSION OR CO3MXTTEES TO: CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL . GentXeven: of In .I would aFpreciate the opportunity'to serve a5 a member the -c (Name of committee or commission) so doing I understand that if I am asked to serve on the 'Planning Commission, I will be requested to make a financial . disclosure statement if appointed. . My background and)or avocation lead'me to believe that .I 2m qualified to serve in the best interests of the citizens *. of Carlsbad. I have listed some of those activities belo; which I have participabed in and feel will be of benefit if .- . /A TO: CITY OF CARLSBAD APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO ' BOARD OR COAMbIISSION OR COXMITTEES CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL Gentlemen : I would appreciate the opportunity'to serve as a member of the Planning Commission - (Name of committee or commission) In so doing I understand that if I am asked to serve on the 'Planning Commission, I will be requested to make a financial disclosure statement if appointed. My background andlor avocation lead me to believe that I m qualified to serve in the best interests of the citizens of Carlsbad. which I have selected. .. I have listed some of those activities below- participated in and feel will be of benefit if - 20 units of course work in UCLA's Graduate School af Urban Planning - Internship in the office of Mayor Tom Bradley (Los Angeles) dealing with such issues as bikeways and financing of mass transit systems - Five.vears work exoerience in strateqic and financial planning at San' Di ego I s 1 arges t corporati on ~ ~~ - Four years work.experience in the Chancellor's Planning Office at the s 1. StrrClA, A (Print name) 7629 Calle Madero Carlsbad, CA Address 753-8030 ' Phone 2/9/83 \ Date .. -. . . I- . .-. ..,-.. y-. ... - CITY OF CARLSBAD APPLICATION FOR APP 0 INTLtIENT TO'BOARD OR COX24ISSION .. .. . OR CO2LYITTEES TO: CkLS3AD CITY COUNCIL .. Gentlencn: .. .. ~. .. -e. .I ... > -.. .. .- -. ... .X twdd appreciate the oppartunity..to serve as a member Planninq Cammissim * of the I {Name of coninittee or comiission) In so doing I understand that if I am asked to serve on the -. 'Planning Cornmission, I will be requested to make a financial .. ... .. - .. ' .. disclosEe statement if appointe,d. . ' -rJy 'czckgrjund andlor avocation lead'me to believe that . : .. 1 am qua1,ified to serve in the best'interests ,of . the . citizens -. ._.. - -. .. of CarlsSad,. I have 1,isted some of.those activities below. .. .... i ', . __ . . . -which I: have'participated in and feel will be 'of benefit if ..... , .. : .. . .. ..... ...... . ... ~ -; ...... ... .. .' .- .. *- .. .. .. .. _. ... .... .. * .. .... selected. c .. - I. I grew up in Carlsbad, 'attended local' schools, 1 'lave worked for .the ....... . for the I City of Carlsbad, the Hiqh School and Junhr Colleqe District and ajn now working as a Travel Agent. I have &en very active in the - 0 .. on the Carlsbad Pool Canm ittee and the bulldlna cormtittee for the sacnctuarp at the Carlsbad Union Church. ... - .' .. Dolores Frazee (Print name) . lQ&AJA& - 9JU+y Signature .. 0. ??dl Xddrcss * 729-3379 Phone February 4, 1983 IJntc .- .. .. ........ .. .. /4' .. Gentlcmer!: , I tiould appreciate the opportunity'to serve as a member L .oZ the Plannine Co-n ' - (Nan= of cornittee or commiss.ion) In so doir-g I understand that if I am asked to serve on the 'Planriing Conmission, I will be requested to make a financial discloc,ue statenent if app0inte.d. '~iy ~zdqrc~u~ii and)or avocation lead me to believe that 11: ~2'>Carlskad. which I 1iz.i.e .pzrticipnted in and feel will be 'of benefit if cj~alificd to s-xve in the best inkerests of the citizer,s -. - I have listed some of those activities below .-- Member Citv of Carlsbad Traffic coIIpp~-inn 1. - 2. I am the Vicemen+ of a txu&ang ,pp..r€omi-n pnal+ds-and- / projects for governmental agencies; both disciulines are ap-b to phmdng~ ctivities. ~ ---- 3. As a candidate for Citv Council I be- tho art *tie& both the CITY OF CARLSBAD I APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT . TO'BOARD OR COMMISSION L OR COliMITTEES ' ,. " , .. .- .- . TO: CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL -. - - .. Gentlemen: .I would appreciate the opportunity'to serve as a member of the dUU/d@ / . (Nhe of committee or 6o&iss.ion) . In so doing I understand that if I am zsked to serve on the -. 'Planning Commission, I will be requested to make a financial disclosure statement if app0inte.d. 'My bzckground andlor avocation lead' me to believe that I am qualified to serve in the best interests of the citizens of Carlsbad. I have listed some of those activities below -. - -_ which I have'eparticipated in and feel will be'of benefit . ._ if .- .- selected. 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Office of the City Clerk TE~PHONE: (71 4) 438-5535 Qitp of Qarlsbab APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT' TO BOARD OR COMMISSION I am familiar with the responsibilities assigfied to the Board or Commission on which I wish to serve. If appointed t.o a Board or Commission which is subject to financial disclosure laws, I ani willing to provide such statements as may be required. I am willing to appear for an interview regarding my qualifications for appointment before such committee as may be designated by the City Council or if requested by individual Council Members. (See reverse side) 6/83 .. EKPERIENCE : ? 8