HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-12-06; City Council; info; Continuance of Public Hearing for Nuisance® NOVEMBER 30, 1983 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Director of Building & Planning VIA: City Manager CONTINUANCE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR NUISANCE ABATEMENT CHAPPEE AUTO WRECKING Our office has recently received a request from the Chappee's to extend the wrecking yard clean-up period 90 additional days. This requested period would end February 28, 1984. Their attached letter illustrates the problems they have encountered. Regular field inspections of the site have shown that steady progress is being made. While the yard is not being cleaned as fast as we had hoped, it is apparent that parts are being removed daily. At the time of the original agreement, staff was not aware of the severity of the drainage problems on the wrecking yard site. Grading on adjacent properties has channeled runoff directly into the yard, rendering much of the ground too soft to properly utilize his fork-lift and crane. If, during the Winter, Mr. Chappee is unable to work in much of the yard, staff would not preclude recommending the granting of additional time to complete the work. Our office is comfortable in the fact that Mr. Chappee is progressing. We recommend that the public hearing for nuisance abatement be continued until January 3, 1984, and that Mr. Chappee be granted a 90 day extension until February 28, 1984. MARTY ORENYAK Director of Building/Planning MO/PJK/ar Attachment 12/6/83: Council Action: Council continued the matter to the meeting of January,3, 1983 and granted the 90-day extension. ?. %.. 101 dta*,ov. I, 83 fa. Monty. Onenyak of. Building. & Planning. (aj Dean. fa. On.enyakf, Jhaank you fon. you*. JLetten. of. Oct». 26f&3 • Due. to pnobljema that toe have. encountered in cleaning, out the. wrecking. yard, werwould tike, to request a *)0 day extension* WG have nun into flooding, problem* at tke (food* Oun. neighbor. dud a Lot of. land ftJUL wonk without penaviMion and caused tfie natunaJL ivatesi £iou> wn o££ to be-diveAted into oun. yand and caused .finding, . We had 3 feet of watex. winning, in and flooding, the back naJLf- ot the yaAd» Afte*. that ftniaUjf dttied up t the tnaHLeji pank O.CAOAA ihe. . « tnack* tnom u*t had thien. waten. fountains bnake. and thay. didn't find it {on. awhile* and the waten came, flooding, into oun. yastd mowing, fox. a day. and a h&Lf+ and we had oun. fonk li.ft *tuck again fo/t the second time., and the mud. made a medd to tsiy. to wonk in. it* We aJL&o nan into pnobJLen* of getting, the people to haul, out the can. bodyat 4o we had to take time out to nun anound looking, fon. a tnuck to haul, them out ouMeJ.f* We did find one and bought it f, and fa. Qutppee ha* beenneallu hauling, {hem out, and L& making, g.ood and steady We hope you can appreciate oun. pnobleiM* fa. (Ttappee had to wonk alone a lot of the time and he LA neaLLy. moving, junk out. It LA a lot bigg.eA. j.ob then it at fiMt looked like t <to we would appreciate having, a $0 day. extention*. Thank you • The (happee1* RECE CITY OF CARLSBAD li Department