HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-12-13; City Council; 7582; Proposed Revision of the CIP"Z.o o o Oo CARLSBAD - AGEND^ILL AR# 7^5"(T^ MJG. 12/13/83 nm CM TITLE:PROPOSED REVISION OF THE CIP DEPT HD. CITY ATTY V j?£} HITY MGR."^*^ RECOMMENDED ACTION: Review and prioritize projects for the CIP. EXPLANATION: Attached is recommended revision to the CIP. Exhibit A has been revised to incorporate the changes to the CIP recommended by the City Manager in the memo dated December 1, 1983 (Exhibit B). The highlighted projects are recommended for inclusion in the 1983-85 CIP. The amount of funding is shown under the last column. As recommended in Exhibit B funds have been added as follows: CBD Storm Drain Alga Road (additional) ECR Widening (Beckman) Assessment Districts Carlsbad Blvd. Flashers $800,000 350,000 300,000 85,000 17,000 Additional $80,000 has been added for a signal at Alga and Alicante as directed by Council. FISCAL IMPACT: There is $13,318,668 available in unrestricted funds (general fund, general capital construction fund, public facilities fees, revenue sharing and gas tax). The revised CIP is estimated at $12,596,163. A balance of $722,505 is available for other projects. In addition to CIP projects funded from unrestricted funds, additional projects will be included in the CIP using restricted funds. EXHIBITS: A. Revised CIP for the 1983-84 through 1985-86 fiscal years. B. City Manager's memo dated December 1, 1983. C. CIP Status Report October 31, 1983. 12- 1-83 EXHIBIT A CITY OF CARLSBAD SUMMARY OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 CIVIC FACILITIES AUTOMATED INFO SYSTEM < POLICE >.. CITY HALL EXPANSION FIRE STN - PALOMAR AP RD fc 15. .. FIRE STN - RANCHO SANTA FE. ..... POLICE / PUBLIC SAFETY CTR FIRE STN #2 - WARNING LIGHTS. . . . FIRE STN 3# - RELOCATION LIBRARY ADDITION TOTAL CIVIC FACILITIES STORM DRAIN PROJECTS CENTRAL BUSINESS STORM DRAIN BUENA VISTA LAGOON DREDGING LONGARD TUBE HOERNLEIN STORM DRAIN COASTAL STORM DRAIN TOTAL STORM DRAIN PROJECTS STREET PROJECTS MISC ASSESSMENT DIST PROJECTS... AGUA HEDIONDA BRIDGE BICYCLE LANESPARK DRIVE WIDENING POINSETTIA LANE BRIDGE ALGA RD IMPROVEMENTS LOS MONOS RD < FARADAY > ELM AVE CONSTRUCTION. TRAFFIC SIG-ELM «. EL CAM I NO TAMARACK - ADAMS TO HIGHLAND. . . . PALOMAR AIRPORT RD TRAFFIC SIG.. TOTAL STREET PROJECTS PROJECT NUMBER - 3 , 1 25 3, 150 3, 006 3, 137 3,138 3, 124 - 3,035 3, 132 3, 133 3, 157 3, 153 - 3, 100 3,093 - - 3,079 3, 141 3, 142 —- 3, 108 3, 149 - 1 983-84 - 150,000 30,000 3 , 1 03 , 744 27,000 24,980 45,787 3,381,511 2,125 543,377 33,599 9,550 86,650 680,301 3,000 1 ,717,829 -- 1 .255,294 459,197 583,121 —-336,776 635 4,355,352 1984-85 i985-S6 REVISES, *98ic: 50,000 50,000 449,375 - 45,000 * 30 ,000 1,000,000 2,550,000 9,453,744 -54,000 — — 1,104,000 3,094,375 802,125- -_ 9,550- 86? 650 - 88,000 - - 38,200 115,260 30,300 -809,197 583,121586,379 132,000 336,776 — — 336,879 115,260 Ir85 • HP • Alga & Alicante Traffic Signal 80,000 El Camino Real Widening (Beckman) 300,000 Carlsbad Blvd. Flashers 17,000 Total for proposed CIP $12,596,163 using unrestricted funds Unrestricted Funds Available $13,318,668 I 31 PARKS AND RECREATION FACILITIES 11II 32 NACARIO CANYON PARK. • 33 STAGE COACH PARK • 34 FUERTE PARK I 35 HOLIDAY PARK IMPROVEMENTS 36 CALAVERA PARK 37 SWIMMING POOL PARKING LOT 38 TOTAL PARKS & RECREATION 39 SEUER PROJECTS 40 LIFT STN REPLACEMENT/UPGRADE. . . . 41 SAN MARCOS INTERCEPTOR 42 SEUER METERING PROGRAM. . 43 VISTA / CARLSBAD TRUNKLINE 44 ENCINA PHASE IIIA 45 LAKE CALAVERA HILLS E.D.L 1- 46 ENCINA IV. I 47 SEUER MASTER PLAN, 48 TOTAL SEWER PROJECTS [ 49 WATER SYSTEM i 50 PIPELINE REPLACEMENT fl 51 PIPELINE ADDITIONS 1 52 PIO PICO PIPELINE • 53 TOTAL UATER PROJECTS 1 54 COMMUNITY DEV BLOCK GRANT 55 TYLER STREET SIDEWALKS. . 56 MADISON/ROOSEVELT STREETSCAPE... 57 JEFFERSON ATHLETIC FIELD 58 ALLEY IMPROVEMENTS 59 STATE / GRAND STREETSCAPE 60 DOWNTOUN PARKING LOT . 6t AT fc SF PARKING LOT 62 TOTAL COMMUNITY DEV BLOCK GRANT. . . . _£ 63 TOTAL ALL PROJECTS Fnri nf fiflMrTP? PROJECT NLM-1BER 3 . 1 39 3, 1 40 3, 147 3, 126 _ _ _ aa 3, 155 3, 128 3, 130 _ 3,713 3,716 3,717 3, 715 3,718 3, 719 - =========== 1 9S3-84 15, 000 60, 000 23, 1 00 '^8, 1 00 752,213 _ _ _ LB^ 31 ,388 783,601 17, 000 55,356 72,356 161,564 44 , 356 2, 439 1 52 , 335 22,816 4,418 388,428 o 7f.fi 149 1 984-85 120, 000 4 '33 ,000 i 35 000 5 0 0 0 0 803, OftO 65, 000 173,400 _ ^__ 238, 400 40, 000 25, 000 65, 000 - _._ «•• _. - 3, 047,279 =========== 1985-86 COMMENTS 4 1 '"' 000 1 ci 0 0 0 Ci 0 7 ft if 000 2,612- 000 215,540 A _ 196, 000' _ .._ 4i 1 .540 22,000 _ ~'2, 000 ^^ - _ _ ir_ - 6,255, 175 0:33 PH It 1-28-83 EXHIBIT B CITY OF CARLSBAD CIP - FUNDS AVAILABLE 1983-84 TO 1985-96 1 GENERAL FUND 2 GENERAL CAPITAL CONST FUND, ........ 3 PUBLIC FACILITIES FUND. 4 GAS TAX . 5 SEUER CONSTRUCTION FUNDS 6 PARK IN-LIEU. 7 PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE. 8 REVENUE SHARING19 WATER 10 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT.. 1 1 GRANTS 1 2 BONOS OR OTHER SOURCES 13 DEVELOPER CONTRIBUTIONS. ........... 1 4 TOTAL ALL SOURCES 1 983-84 BEGINNING BALANCE 2,409,206 1 ,853,948 1 ,286,427 825,213 880,737 261 ,235 1 ,939,973 < 132,347:>_ _ 9,323,892 = = = ===:=:==:=:=: = = 1983-84 REVENUE 30 813 1 66 , 3 0 1 1 . 394 . 000 785, 000 317, 000 500, 000 72 , 356 521,275 2, 143, 377 1 ,361 ,279 7,291 ,401 = =====5: = = = ===: 1984-85 REVENUE 1 394 0 0 U 785 ,000 317 000 500, 000 1 ,522 000 38 200 4 , 6 06 '-' 0 0 1985-86 REVENUE 1 344 000 73S, 000 317 000 500, 000 56 200 1 "377 '"'60 449, 375 4 , S2'3- . 8 "35 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE 30 813 •3 f 575 , 507 5 . 98°; '34ft t t ^" «5 Is"* ) 457 3 . 180.213 1 871 7"?^B 3, 439, 973 1 £50 556 388,428 "? fo OS :3~?7 4401 1 375 1 3£ 1 27'^ 2b . 050 "V'-'S End of FNDCIPSM "\ EXHIBIT B DECEMBER 1, 1983 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: City Manager PUBLIC SAFETY CENTER/CIP Recommendation ; That Council authorize the City Manager to take the following actions : 1. Direct architect to prepare site development plans for the Public Safety Center. 2. Direct architect to design police- fire- admin- istration building and vehicle maintenance facility. 3. Solicit proposals from qualified persons to work as Construction Manager during design and construction of the project. PUBLIC SAFETY CENTER Voter approval of the $15.2 million Public Safety Center requires Council action to get the project underway. We do not have sufficient funds to build the entire project at one time. It is recommended that Council go ahead with basic site development (grading and utilities) , police- fire-administration building and vehicle maintenance facility. The total cost of that work including engineering would be $9.4 million. Over $3 million is already appropriated in the 1983-84 CIP. The architect estimates it will take ten months to start grading and four months to complete site development work. It will take two years from now till move-in day. CONSTRUCTION MANAGER On major projects, it has been found cost effective to retain a qualified Construction Manager to oversee the job from beginning to end. This person's responsibility would be to coordinate with all parties, approve plans, change orders and work payments, expedite schedules, keep the project on time and under budget. Engineering staff does not have the experience nor time available to coordinate this project. The cost of such a Construction Manager would be around $100,000. In addition, Council may wish to consider appointing a committee to oversee and advise on this project. DECEMBER 1, 1983 PUBLIC SAFETY CENTER/CIP Page 2 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP) In order to determine how much money is available for the Public Safety Center, it is necessary to review and priori- tize the city's CIP. We are currently working on a CIP adopted by Council in November 1982. That CIP appropriated $9.7 million for 48 projects. Money for CIP projects comes from several funding sources: RESTRICTED; Park-in-lieu funds, sewer funds, water funds, grants, developer contributions, gas taxes and community development funds are restricted and can only be used for qualified projects. UNRESTRICTED; General capital construction, public facility fees, and revenue sharing funds are not restricted and can be used for any city purpose. Gas tax funds can be used for street projects. EXHIBIT A lists the projects approved for 1983-84 and those projects being considered for 1984-86. I have listed only three years of the five-year CIP because the first phase of the Public Safety Center will take two years to complete. EXHIBIT B lists the funding sources for CIP with a July 1,T983 beginning balance of $9.3 million and estimated revenues of $17 million over the three-year period. The Council needs to review the 83-86 list of projects and decide which projects should be approved for funding. It is recommended that the $9.760 appropriation for 1983-84 projects be continued. It is further recommended that the following projects be added to the appropriations for the 83-86 CIP: 7 DECEMBER 1, 1983 PUBLIC SAFETY CENTER/CIP Page 3 State Street Storm Drain $800,000 Alga Road (additional) 350,000 El Camino Real (Faraday R/W) 300,000 Assessment Districts 85,000 Carlsbad Blvd. flashers 17,000 UNRESTRICTED FUNDS $1.5 million Fuerte Park $135,000 Calavera Park 750,000 PARK-IN-LIEU FUND $885,000 AVAILABLE FUNDS EXHIBIT B shows that $13.3 million is available for CIP projects (83-86) from the following funds: General, PFF, gas tax, revenue sharing. EXHIBIT A shows that the 83-84 CIP appropriates $2.4 million for projects other than Public Safety Center and $3.1 million for the Public Safety Center (listed under civic facilities, storm drains, and streets). Recommendations in this memo would appropriate another $1.5 million. This leaves $9.3 million available for the Public Safety Center and other projects. ADDITIONAL FUNDING SOURCES In order to provide more funds for CIP, Council may wish to consider the following possibilities: 1. Finance Public Safety Center using Certificates of Participation. 2. Borrow $2.6 million from Sewer Construction Fund. 3. Borrow from Water Enterprise fund. 4. Sell public facility fee permits to developers in advance of need. DECEMBER 1, 1983 PUBLIC SAFETY CENTER/CIP Page 4 ADDITIONAL FUNDING SOURCES (continued) 5. Increase public facility fees. 6. Charge water and sewer fund for pro rata share of Public Safety Center. 7. Joint venture with CRMWD. 8. Sell Greenwood property. 9. Sell community garden. 10. Sell/lease Harding Community Center. 11. Sell/lease City Hall. .RECOMMENDATION; An approach which Council may wish to consider is: 1. Authorize an initial $9.4 million project for the Public Safety Center using available and antici- pated funds. 2. In 1986, consider issuing Certificates of Partici- pation to complete the Public Safety Center. If Council wishes to consider long term financing, I would suggest a meeting be scheduled to have a financial consultant brief Council on the feasibility of borrowing funds. FRANK ALESHIRE FA:cle Attachments: Exhibits A & B PSC Brochure EXHIBIT C PROJECT NUMBER PREP/WED BY FINANCE DEPORTMENT TITLE SCOPE OF PROJECT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT STATUS REPORT AS XTOBER 31, 1983 TOTAL ACTUAL EXPEND. FISCAL YEAR COST OF IN PRICK '83-'84 PROJECT FISCAL YRS. APPROP. PROJECT ACT. EXPEND. STATUS 3005 City Operations Center 3079 Poinsettia Bridge 3085 Central Bus. Storm Drain 3098 Reconstruct Agua Hed. Bridge 3100 Misc. Sidewalk & Drain 3109 Traffic Safety 3103 City Hall Lobby 3108 Tamarack, Adams to Highland 3119 EWCF - Pre Eng 3124 Library-Child Addition 3125 Fire Station No. 4 (Poinsettia) 3126 Palomar Joint Sewer 3127 Grand Avenue Waterline 3128 Skyline and Janis 3130 Pipeline Replacement 3132 Buena Vista Lagoon 3133 Longard Tube 3137 Warning Lights #2 3138 Fire Station #3 (Calavera) 3139 Fuerte Park Design 3140 Holiday Park Parking 3141 Alga Road Improvements 3142 Faraday Ave. Improvements 3146 Swim Pool Parking 3148 E.C.R./Camino Vida Roble Build Operations Center $8,279,965 $2,186,942 Design & Construct Poinsettia Lane Bridge 1,245,526 42,311 Construct 2900' 66" Storm Drain-State Street 663,000 14,640 Widen Carlsbad Blvd. So. Tamarack 1,800,000 101,925 Construct Street, Curb, Gutters & Sidewalk 437,850 67,308 Arny-Navy Academy Xing lights 34,850 18,812 Remodel Counter in Entry Way — — Widen road to 48V601 Proposal to Council 347,681 64,952 Construct 1200' N.E. corner library 139,150 115,163 Acquire Land for Fire Station No. 4 150,300 — Construct Palomar Joint Sewer Line 675,120 4,547 Replace 348• of 12" Waterline Construct Waterline Additions 17,000 Replace 1800' of 12" Pipeline 80,000 644 Dredge portion of Buena Vista Lagoon 993,000 Install 920' Beach Frontage 70" tube 131,300 Install Fire Station Warning Lights 27,000 Acquire Land for Fire Station *3 25,300 Corner of El Fuerte & Corintla 15,000 Construct Parking Improvements 60,000 — Fran El Camino Real to Alicante 500,000 40,803 East of El Camino Real 590,000 6,879 Construct Parking Improvements 25,000 2,612 Traffic Signal 95,000 $3,103,744 $ 82,369 1,255,293 2,125 1,717,829 3,000 336,776 45,787 150,000 752,213 17,000 55,356 60,000 459,197 583,121 23,100 21,942 2,477 2,268 402 8,168 1,840 30,604 1,023 1,270 5,293 456,623 77, 149 20 543,377 38,599* 27,000 24,980 15,000 476,593 33,665 1,667 661 952 Master Site Approved Final design Complete design by 12/1/83 State Reviewing Plan Completed RFP-Oesign Completed Re-design 95% complete Completed No longer necessary to acquire Bids rec'd by San Marcos Completed Deleted Design Conplet, CRMWD project 95X Complete Complete Under review by F.D. Negotiations under way Waiting for SMUSD project Project conmencemert pending Council App. sch. 1^6/83 On hold-pending easement rts. Completed 30X complete 3149 P. A.R./Airport 3150 Fire Station »6 (La Costa) 3154 CSLA Branch Library 3155 Sewer Master Plans 3156 Jefferson Street Path 3157 Hoernlein Storm Drain 3158 3713 3715 3716 3717 3718 3719 Traffic Signal Acquire land for Fire Station No. 6 Purchase 4 Install modular library branch Revise general City master plan Path along Jefferson 1-5 to Mar ran Road Install storm drain pipe & repair erosion Coastal Storm Drain Repair/replace coast storm drain Streetscape I-Improve 4 Landscape Madison/Roosevelt Between Elm & Grand Streetscape 11-Improve 4 Landscape State/Grand between Jefferson & Elm Jefferson School Ball Field Alley Improvements Mid Block Parking Lot A.T.4.S.F. Parking Lot TOTALS Regrade, Drainage, Landscape, Misc. Madison/Roosevelt Between Oak & Chestnut 53 space Madison, Elm, Roosevelt 4 Grand 81 space East of R.R. Between Oak & Elm 50,000 30,000 120,000 31,500 95,000 9,550 86,650 177,694 153,372 96,740 40,000 69,000 53,110 19,435 1,037 51,884 37,561 37,922 38,470 635 30,000 31,388 9,550 86,650 161,564 152,336 44,856 2,439 22,816 4,418 56 985 2,130 5,863 22,251 445 22,291 7,133 30* complete In escrow Alt. fac. leasing approved In design In design OUt to contractor, City will act as general contractor Out to bid Completed Design underway Complete Complete Complete Complete $ 17.347.658 $ 3.387.640 $ 9.760.148 $ 732.349 0