HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-12-20; City Council; 7593; City of Carlsbad off-site subdivision signs2 3 8 rl m 03 I 0 CJ I CJ rl CIT"QF CARLSBAD - AGEND-BILL OFF-SITE SUBDMSICN SIGNS CITY OF CARLSBAD 12/20/83 RECOMMENDED ACTION: It is recamnended that the Council take no action on this item leaving existing ordinances in affect. ITEM EXPLANATION The city has received a request from a developer (letter attached) and from a sign mnpany requesting that the city amend the sign ordinance to provide for temporary off-site subdivision signs. violation letters (attached) which were sent to the developers of the Meadow Ridge project. use of 100 sq.ft. on-site subdivision signs which can be located at the major approaches to a new subdivision. An additional 25 sq.ft. on-site sign may be located at the sales office. Off-site subdivision signs are prohibited under section 21.41.050(3) of the zoning ordinance. This request was brought about by several Currently, Section 21.41.070(4)(D) of the ordinance permits the Staff has looked into the possibility of anending the ordinance to provide for additional subdivision signs. that currently all types of off-site signs in Carlsbad are prohibited, including billboards. of billboards comes frm the fact that the sign ordinance prohibits all off-site signs and not just billboards. It is believed that if the city mends the axle to exempt off-site subdivision signs it makes it easier for the billboard interests to challenge our ordinance as it becomes a selective ordinance rather than one that is all-encompassing. Staff feels that there are a number of other alternatives for developers to use to adequately advertise their projects. local newspaper to dvertise their projects. Many of these ads utilize maps to direct potential buyers to the project. guide type publications available which describe new developnents and provide directions. is little evidence to suggest that the housing market in Carlsbad suffers because off-site signs are not permitted. The major problem in amending the ordinance is Our attorneys have indicated that the strength in our prohibition Most developers utilize the major and There are also a nuher of buyer's Finally, based on recent sales in Calavera Hills and La Costa there Because of the probability of weakening the city's billboard ordinance and because there are other effective methods of advertising, staff is recomnending that the Council retain existing ordinances relative to subdivision signs. ENV1-m REVIEW Because this is a discussion item, no environmental review is necessary at this time. FISCAL IMPACT Council action on this item will not involve any fiscal impact to the City of Carlsbad. EXHIBITS 1. 2. Ordinance affectin subdivision signs 3. Violation Noticzs Letter from Mike,Roston dated September 15, 1983 September 15, 1983 Mr. Frank Alshire City Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 RE: IvmmmRIDGE SIGN VIOLATION Dear Mr. Alshire: On behalf of The Anden Group, I am hereby requesting public hearing before the City Council to either md the existing sign ordinance or to adopt a new one that will allm for 'temporary' on and off-site signs for IEW home sales. I have enclosed a copy of the letter I recently received frm Mr. Marty Orenyak so that you understand that time is of the essence Please note that our previous notice dated July 12, 1983 was sent to another developer. I'm not sure why. !I'hank you for your assistance in this matter. Mike mston PIR: jk The Anden Group 6544 Corte Montecito, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Telephone 61 9 438-7902 a I 21.41.040--21.41.050 (3) Signs, the message ot which is anything other than the advertising of the following information regarding the lot on which the sisn is located: demonstrate, display or otherwise identify, advertise, attract, or promote any person, business product or event; (11) "Sign area"xmeans the smallest shape capable of being enclosed by six or less straight lines and enclosing the extreme perimeter of the sign and all letters, designs, ornamental coverings and direct illumination sources that are a part of the sign and including all intervening and enclosed open spaces. One face of a double-faced sign shall be considered in determining the sign area, provided both faces are parallel; the underside of a marquee and protruding over and perpen- dicular to the public or private sidewalk or right-of-way; the face of a building or structure or attached to a building marquee, with the exposed face parallel to the face of the building or structure. Such signs shall not project more than twelve inches beyond the face of the building, structure or marquee nor project above the parapet, roof or roof ridge, whichever is highest. (Ord. 9642 S1, 1982; Ord. 9386 §2(part), 1974; Ord. 9224 §l(part), 1969: Ord. 9060 S2602). (12) "Under marquee sign" means a sign attached to (13) "Wall sign" means a sign which is placed against 21.41.040 Signatures required on application for sign permit. All applications for sign permits shall be signed by or on behalf of all of the owners of the real property upon which the sign is to be located. (Ord. 9386 §2(part) , 1974; Ord. 9224 §l(part), 1969: Ord. 9060 S2603). (A) (B) Identification of the owner or occupant Identification of a building located thereon, thereof I 410-3 (Carlsbad 3/83) 3 - ?.41.060--21.41.070 (C) Identification of activities thereon, (D) Identification of goods or services offered (E) Information regarding the sale, lease or rental (F) Noncommercial messages by the owner or occupant thereon, thereof, of the property; (4) Signs with exterior light sources which are not shielded so as to reflect all light directly upon the sign; (5) Lighted signs which by reason of brilliance, reflected light, or otherwise, are injurious to the health, safety or welfare of the surrounding neighbor- hood. (Ord. 9608 §4(part), 1981; Ord. 9386 S2(part), 1974; Ord. 9224 Sl(part1, 1969: Ord. 9060 S2604). 21.41.060 Exemptions. The following described signs (1) House numbers, street names; (2) Official notices authorized by a court, public (3) Directional, warning or information sign authorized (4) Memorial plaque or tablet, "cornerstones" indi- shall be exempt from the provisions of this chapter: body or public officer; by federal, state or municipal authority; cating the name of a building and date of construction, when cut or carved into any masonry surface or when made of bronze or other incombustible material and made an integral part of a building or structure; school, or religious group or agency; (5) The flag, emblem or insignia of a government, (6) Bulletin board, when located on the uremises and used solely in connection with activities within any church, school or other public or institutional building and having an area not in excess of eighteen square feet; which do not exceed forty square feet in area and which are affixed to the theater building wall and do not project over any sidewalk. (Ord. 9386 §2(part), 1974; Ord. 9224 Sl(part), 1969: Ord. 9060 S2605). - (7) Poster frames of theaters the aggregate area of 21..41.070 Height limitations. Except as otherwise provided in this numbered section, the total area, dimen- sions and height of all signs shall not exceed the follow- ing : (1) Except for freestanding signs on freeway service facilities, no sign shall be higher than the height of the building upon which it is located, and in no event shall be over thirty-five feet in height; (2) Except for signs at freeway service facilities and real estate signs, the total area of all signs on any one lot shall not exceed the following: 410-4 (Carlsbad 8/82) $ TABLE 2 21.41.070 Number of Uses Upon Lot Maximum Freestanding Sign Area One One hundred fifty square feet Two or more Two hundred fifty square feet per use The planning commission may after public hearing approve an increase in the height of a freeway service facility sign up to fifty feet if it finds that the increased height is necessary because of severe constraints on view caused by topography, natural vegetation, or existing buildings. (4) The total area, dimensions, height and other char- acteristics of signs advertising the sale, rental or lease of the premises upon which the sign is located shall be as follows: (A) No real estate sign shall exceed the height of the building upon which it is located and in no event shall it exceed thirty-five feet in height, (B) No real estate sign shall be illuminated, (C) Except for signs advertising new subdivisions, as mentioned in subparagraph (D) below, the total area of all real estate signs on any one lot shall not exceed the areas mentioned in Table 3 below: ZONE OF LOT TABLE 3 MAXIMUM REAL ESTATE SIGN AREA FOR LOT R-1, R-2, R-W, P-C with densities corresponding to R-A through R-2 Three square feet R-3, R-P, R-T, P-C with densities less restrictive than R- 2 Twelve square feet Freeway service facilities regardless of zone and all other property Twenty-five square feet, (D) In addition to the area allowed for real estate signs as stated in Table 3 above, the owners or agents thereof of subdivisions for a period of one year from the date of the recording of the final subdivision map thereof, may erect a freestanding sign of one hundred square feet or 411 (Carlsbad 3/83) 21.41.075 less in area within the limits of the subdivision at each major approach thereto but not within one hundred feet of any dwelling located outside of the subdivision; and in addition may erect a single freestanding sign of an area not in exces.s of twentv-five suuare feet at the subdivi- sion sales off ice 1oca;ed within the subdivision; (5) In C-1 and C-2 zones and at retail commercial use in C-M zones, one freestanding sign may be placed on each street frontage of a lot, provided that the sign area of the freestanding sign is included within the ag- gregate sign area allowed for the lot according to the provisions of Table 1 above and that the height of the freestanding sign does not exceed the height of the build- ing or thirty-five feet, whichever is less; ing that no more than one such sign shall be permitted for each separate business; provided the sign area of the under marquee sign does not exceed six square feet, and further provided that the sign area of the under marquee ' sign is included within the aggregate sign area as stated in Table 1 above; a lot actually used as a theater may maintain a marquee sign for the purpose of announcing current activity taking place on the premises, which said marquee sign shall have a maximum area of one hundred sixty square feet and a height no higher than the height of the building upon which it is located or thirty-five feet, whichever is less; no sign shall be supported otherwise than by the building to which it is affixed; residential zones and office uses permitted in the R-P zone, one freestanding sign is permitted per lot provided the following criteria are met: than four feet in height or six feet in length, feet from any interior property line or corner of any access driveway , public right-of-way, ment shall not exceed the sign area allowed for the develop- ment according to the provisions of Table 1. (Ord. 9642 52, 1982; Ord. 9555 $1, 1980; Ord. 9386 $2(part), 1974; Ord. 9348 S1, 1973; Ord. 9224 Sl(part), 1969: Ord. 9060 $2606). (6) Under marquee signs shall be permitted provid- (7) In addition to all signs otherwise herein allowed, (8) Except as otherwise specifically allowed herein, (9) For motel and hotel uses as permitted in certain (A) The sign shall be a monument sign, not greater (B) The sign shall be located at least fifteen (C) No portion of such sign shall extend over the (D) The aggregate sign area for the entire develop- 21.41.075 Additional community identity and freestand- ing signs. (a) In addition to all other signs permitted by 412 (Carlsbad 3/83) IP I .-. ONELOPM ENTAL SERVICES LAND USE PLANNING OFFICE 4 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008-1989 c. -C:A , ,*<' 1.- (619) 438-5591 .....-...... September 13, 1983 Mike Roston 6544 Corte Montecito Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE: NONCONFORMING SIGN AT Two signs on the north side of Alga and El Camino Real, One sign at Alga and El Fuerte, One sign at Unicornio and El Fuerte, One sign .at Xana Way, Twelve flags, One sign on north side of Palomar Airport Road The City of Carlsbad is presently in Phase 2 of its sign enforcement program and is enforcing nonconforming signs in the La Costa area and along Palomar Airport Road. This includes - all signs that do not comply with the City Zoning Ordinance. As you have been notified, the sign at the above location is nonconforming and must be removed immediately ., Enclosed please find a copy of "Order to Remove", dated July 12, 1983, which included your right to request a hearing. Unless the sign has been removed by September 27, City crews will remove it on September 28th. The sign will be stored at the Buena Vista Reservoir for a period of 30 days. If not picked up within that time, the sign will be destroyed. Please call me at 438-5561 if you have any questions. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, M f7a-+y, RTY ORENYAK- Building and Planning Director MO: bw bEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES 0ND USE PLANNING OFFICE .. * _- 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008-1989 (619) 438-5591 - NOTICE OF VIOLATION ORDER TO REMOVE James Carter Broadmoor Homes 3911 Sorrento Valley Boulevard, Suite B San Diego, CA 92121 PLEASE TAKE N-OTICE: As the permittee, owner or-person in charge of a sign or signs locafed at the north side of Palomar Airport Road and generally described as follows: Meadowridge sign - You are hereby notified that the sign or signs have-been erected or are being maintained in violation of Chapters 18.20 and 21.11 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. .. You are hereby ordered to remove said sian or signs or bring it or them into full compliance with the provisions of the Carlsbad Municipal Code not later than July 29, 198'3. If you do not remove the sign or signs or bring it or them into full compliance with the provisions of the Code, includins obtaining a sign permit, the sign or signs will be removed by the City and the cost of such removal will be charged to you. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REQUEST A HEARING. If you wish to have a hearing before the Director of Building and Planning you must make a written request, filed with the Director at 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California 92008, within ten days of the date of mailing of this notice. The hearing is limited to whether the sigr! or signs were erected or maintained in violation of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. If you have any questions regarding this notice please contact Adrienne Landers or Paul Klukas at 438-5591. * .. Sincerely, I Director of Building and Planning MARTIN ORENYAK, . e 'cc: City Attorney -c 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008-1989 (619) 438-5591 ' DEVELOPMENTAL - ;,a SERVICES 4.. . * . L~ND USE PLANNING OFFICE NOTICE OF VIOLATION ORDER TO REMOVE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: As the permittee, owner or person in charge of a sign or signs located at Alga and El Fuerte and generally described as follows: Meadowridge - 2 signs on the northside of Alga and El Camino Real 1 sign at Alga and El Fuerte 1 sign at Unicornio and El Fuerte 1 sign at Xana Way 12 Flags You are hereby notified that the sign or signs have been erected or are being maintained in violation of Chapters 18.20 and 21-41 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, YOU are hereby ordered to remove said sign or signs or bring it or them into full compliance with the provisions of the Carlsbad Iqunicipal Code not later than July 29, 1983, If you do not remove the sign or signs or bring it or them into full compliance with the provisions of the Code, including obtaining a sign permit, the sign or signs will be removed by the City and the cost of such removal will be charged to you. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REQUEST A HEARING, If you wish to have a hearing before the Director of Building and Planning you must make a written request, filed with the Director at 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California 92008, within ten days of the date of mailing of this notice. The hearing is limited to whether the sign or signs were erected or maintained in violation of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. If you have any questions icegarding this notice please contact Adrienne Landers or Paul Klukas at 438-5591, Sincerely, MARTIN ORENYAK, Director of Building and Planning cc: City Attorney 7