HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-12-20; City Council; 7595; Bullet Train Environmental Impact ReportCIT "OF CARLSBAD - AGEND - BILL 10" AB # 7s9�TITLE: PREPARATION OF THE BULLET TRAIN DEPT. HD. MTG. 12/2,0/83 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT CITY A DEPT. CM I CITY MGR.� RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve Resolution No. 7q'-15-S requesting the State Department of Transportation to directly contract the preparation of the Bullet Train environmental impact report. ITEM EXPLANATION: Council Member Bob Prescott requested that this item be placed on the agenda for Council action. The City of Del Mar has adopted a similar resolution anO forwarded the attached letter urging similar action by our Council. EXHIBITS: 1.✓ Resolution No. 2.v Letter frcm Mayor of Del Mar dated December /, 1983. 3.: Draft of proposed letter to Earl C. Shirley, High Speed Rail Project Manager. C.. O Cl 0- CL 4 1 RESOLUTION NO. 7455 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, REQUESTING THE STATE 3 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TO DIRECTLY CONTRACT THE PREPARATION OF THE BULLET TRAIN ENVIRONMENTAL 4 IMPACT REPORT. 5 WHEREAS, the California Department of Transportation has been 6 selected as "Lead Agency" for preparation of environmental docu- 7 mentation leading to the possible construction of a bullet train 8 from San Diego to Los Angeles; and. 9 WHEREAS, said bullet train will have, or is perceived to have, 10 significant impacts upon the environment; and 11 WHEREAS, said impacts are required by law to be objectively 12 and fully assessed in an environmental impact report; and 13 WHEREAS, the objectivity of the environmental documentation 14 could be severely compromised if prepared by the project propo- 15 nents, or by consultants under contract to the project proponents; 16 and 17 WHEREAS, an objective environmental impact report, and which 18 is perceived by the public as being an objective environmental 19 impact report, is critical to the environmental review process as 20 set forth by California statute, as well as to the various 21 responsible agencies having discretion over project implementation. 22 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the 23 City of Carlsbad, California, that we request that the State of 24 California Department of Transportation prepare an environmental 25 impact report for the bullet train, with the utilization of 26 consultants under direct contract to the Department. This 27 Resolution does not preclude the Department from full recovery of 28 expenses for said report preparation and administrative costs from 1 2 3 4 5 6 7' 8 9 10 11 12I 13 14I 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2411 25 26 27 281 the project proponent. PASSED, APPROVED A"7D ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, at a regular meeting held on the 20th day of December , 1983. AYES: Council Manbers Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Prescott NOES: None ABSENT: None MARY H. C SLER, Mayor IATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City C erk (SEAL) 3 ra co T to N s E� e� ca 0 city December 7, 1983 Mayor City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm .^,venue Carlsbad, CA 92008 At its Regular Meeting of December 5, 1983, the City Council of the City of Del Mar adopted Resolution 83-64, requesting the State Department of Transportation to directly contract the preparation of the Bullet Train Environmental Impact iceport. As this important issue affects all of us, the City of Del Mar urges your respective Council to --onsider adopting a resolution requesting that the State of California Department of Transportation utilize consultants under direct contract to the Department. Attached please find a Resolution to that effect to be used by your Council if desired. Sincerely, d" ROSALIND L ORWIN Mayor RAL:DL:kb Enclosure EXHIBIT 2 r NOTE: Council Member Bob Prescott requested that this item be placed on the agenda. a RESOLUTION 83-64 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF Del Mar , CALIFORNIA, REQUESTING THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TO DIRECTLY CONTRACT THE PREPARATION OF THE BULLET TRAIN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT. WHEREAS, the California Department of Trar tation has been selected as "Lead Agency" for preparation of enviror,.ental documentation leading to the possible construction of a bullet train from San Diego to Los Angeles; and WHEREAS, said bullet train will have, or is perceived to have, significant impacts upon the environment; and WHEREAS, said impacts are required by law to be objectively and fully assessed in an environmental impact report; and WHEREAS, the objectivity of the environmental documentation could be severely compromised if prepared by the project proponents, or by consultants under contract to the project proponents; and WHEREAS, an.objective environmental impact report, and which is perceived by the public as being an objective environmental impact report, is critical to the environmental review process as set forth by California statute, as well as to the various responsible agencies having discretion over project implementation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Del Mar , California, requests that the State of California Department of Transportation prepare the environmental impact ` report for the bullet train, with the utilization of consultants under direct contract to the Department. This Resolution does not preclude the Department from full recovery of expenses for said report preparation and administrative costs from the project proponent. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 5th day of by the following vote: ATTEST: December AYES: Councilmembers Terrell, Shapiro; Mayor Lorwin NOES. None ABSENT: Councilmembers Carsten and Tetrault ABSTAIN: None /s/ Diane Lennert Diane Lennert' ,CITY CLERK , 1983, /s/ Rosalind A. Lorvjin Rosalind Lorwin ,MAYOR • l rtl � i 1 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008-1989 Office of the Mayor December 14, 1983 Wift- DF GAA< � � B C P �l�Fp4.d� Citp of Carl0ab Earl C. Shirley High Speed Rail Project Manager California Department of Transportation 1120 N. Street, Room 4400 Sacramento, California 95814 SUBJECT: RESPONSE TO NOP - CALIFORNIA HIGH SPEED TRAIN The following comments are submitted by the City of Carlsbad in response to the Notice of Preparation (NOP) of an Environmental Impact Report for the proposed California High Speed Train Project (Bullet Train), 1. Preparation of EIR - It is our understanding that you intend to have the technical information needed for the preparation of the report supplied by the private consulting firm that is currently under contract with the project proponent. We do not believe this is appropriate. If a private consultant is needed to work on the preparation of the report, you should request proposals and select an independent firm that does not hold or intend to hold a contract with the applicants for the proposed project. 2. Format of EIR - The EIR will address impacts associated with The entire alignment of the proposed bullet train, and therefore, will be rather lengthy and complex. Perhaps the report should be arranged so that impacts along segments of the alignment can be reviewed individually i.e., San Diego City, North San Diego County, North Orange County. In this way, the reviewer can focus in on those impacts which are specific to a certain geographical area of concern rather than having to review the entire report to ascertain impacts, mitigating measures and alternatives. 3. Impacts on Future Conditions - Most of the discussions so far have focused on mitigating impacts on existing development and conditions. The report should also look at an area's general plan to determine what impacts the project will have on the area at ultimate buildout. For example, most of the discussion on the proposed right-of-way in Carlsbad has focused on the older downtown area of the city. However, Earl C. Shirley December 14, 1983 Page Two there will be future development along the alignment in the southerly portion of the city per the city's general plan. The report should address future projected land use and circulation patterns and what mitigation measures will be incorporated to reduce future impacts. 4. Specific Concerns/Impacts - The report should address in detail the following impacts as well as mitigating measures: A. Noise - The report should take into consideration that the i pact of noise varies by the time of day. What types of insulation of residences and businesses will be provided? B. Vibration - The report should provide technical measurement of vibration impacts and whether any seismic - related problems or soil movement problems will result because of the project. C. Aesthetics - What can be done to mitigate the visual appearance of the project? Will the bullet train block any existing or future views? Will it disrupt any existing visual resources? D. Disruption of Traffic/Circulation Patterns - The report should address whether the proposed alignment will hinder access to coastal resources. Will circulation on existing and proposed streets be disrupted? Pedestrian as well as vehicular access should be addressed. E. Impact on Lagoons - There are three lagoons in the city of Carlsbad which will be crossed by the proposed high speed train. The report should address any impacts this will cause to the lagoons including impacts on wildlife, vegetation and visual resources. F. Population - The report should indicate whether the proposed project will induce additional or accelerated growth in the city. G. Grading - The report should address any grading impacts associated with the project. How much grading will be required for the portion of the project in Carlsbad? If substantial excavation is anticipated, where would the excess dirt go? Earl C. Shirley December 14, 1983 Page Three H. Financial Viability - A detailed analysis of the economic impacts associated with the project, both present and future, should be provided in the report. 5. Alternatives to the Pro_lect_ - The EIR should address alternative alignments for the proposed high speed train such as moving the alignment to an easterly corridor rather than directly along the coast. 6. Additional Mitigating Measures - The EIR should address whether any financial relocation assistance would be available to existing residences and businesses where adverse impacts cannot be mitigated to an acceptable level. Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to comment on the items which we believe need to be addressed in the EIR for this project. Sincerely, CITY OF CARLSBAD MARY CAS ER Mayor MC/MJH/ar