HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-01-03; City Council; 7602; CITY HALL SPACE NEEDSAB# 762 02 TITLE CITY HALL SPACE NEEDS MTG. 1/3/84 DEPT. CM DEPT. HD.- CITY ATTYL CITY MGR~ I' 1. c Led 5. 0 cz Q Q < 2 0 5 4 s z 3 0 0 IV CIT~F CARLSBAD - AGEND~ILL ;1 RECOMMENDED ACTION: That Council authorize the City Manager to accomplish the following: 1. Lease office space for RAG at a cost not to exceed $1,000/ month. Prepare plans and call for bids for modular units to add 3,000 square feet on City Hall property. Prepare plans and call for bids to add automobile parking spaces at City Hall. 2. 3. ITEM EXPLANATION: In order to accommodate Senior Citizens at Harding Center, it is necessary to provide office space for five persons working in the Research/Analysis offices as well as three persons working in thc Housing office. The Housing office will be relocated to 3030 Harding Street at a rental rate of $760/month. Council approved that move on December 20. RAG also must be relocated. We have considered available space at Magee Park and Holiday Park and find it unsuitable for the planners. A report listing available rentals in the Village and City Hall areas is attached. Market rent is about $l,OO/sq. ft. per month which means we would have to spend about $1,00O/month for 1,000 sq. ft. Staff has also developed costs for providing additional modular units at City Hall, Report is attached. Of the various alternatives studied, it is felt that the best choice is to add floor space in the Purchasing-Personnel area. This would allow the Finance offices to be housed adjacent to Purchasing. by Finance. over management of the computer and word processing function. (A separate report on that reorganization is forthcoming.) City Clerk would then be expanded into area vacated At the same time, the City Clerk's office will take TIMING: RAG and Housing offices will move in January to allow Senior Citizens to make changes at Harding. The modular unit will not be ready for about six months. 1) 0 <, 1% I< PAGE 2 of AB # ‘7602 EXHIBITS : 1. 2. 3. Memo from Finance Director dated 12/2/83. 4. Memo from RAG dated 12/22/83. 5. Memo from Parks & Recreation Director dated 12/29/83. Map and Office Site Study. Report on Modular Addition to City Hall. -,. ._.,I.\ i. ,ri7 :S!C) 723.5: --- EXBIBIT 1 'r c .-d 3 d .i'4 &", f 'i .- I. e 0 EIMIBIT 2 DECEMEER 23, 1983 To: CITY MANAGER FFOM: Assistant City Manager/ Developmtal Services P.IODULAR ADDITION TO CITY HALL The relocation of the Senior Citizens to Harding Street comnuu 'ty Center has made it necessary to find space for the Research and Analysis Group. The alternatives are t rent space in a privately med office building (subject of a separate :?port from Research and Analysis) or adding office space at the existing City Hall. quickest way of adding space muld be by the installation of dular buildings. muld take from six to nine mnths to secure the necessary Conditional Use Permit an order and install the necessary mdular. It muld take txm to tm-and-one half year to design and build a permanent addition to City Hall. In addition to the Mate needs of Research and Analysis, other city depaxtments are facing critical space needs. particularly pressed and have no roan for expansion. mdular for Finance and allowing the Clerk to expand into the vacated Finance area mdd met the intermediate range needs of both de-ts. Eight possible locations in the Vicinity of City Hall were analyzed for their suitability for placement of rrodulars. The -ha mst promising sites are an additioi to the existing Furchasing/Personnel dular (Site "A") and the area between the ne Children's Library addition and Laguna Street (Site ''B'') . Site "A" is rwded due to its proximity to present administrative offices and its less expensive cost. while Site "Bll muld cost approximately $153,000. 2600 square feet. to provide the code required parking for the dulars. landscaped area east of the library, between Law and the library parking lot, be converted to additional parking. Ln addition to the existing space needs facing the City, Council has been requested to consider eking problems on the existing lot west of City Hall. lot and adjoining on-street parking must meet the needs of visitors conducting business at City Hall, City Hall employees, police cars and other city vehicles. The dmd exceeds the supply. into on-street parking spaces next to adjoining conarrercial uses. A possible location for such parking wuld be on the City-owned property north of Laguna. Specific action would be required to avoid the potential for litigation that resulted from our last effort to put parking on that site. It is possible that a mdified plan could result in the addition of from 13 to 62 spaces, for a cost of from $15,000 to $40,000. If Council is interested in providing mre parking, they could do so in the context of the proposed rrpdular addition project, or they could do so as an independent project as part of the 1984-85 budget. The It Finance and City Clerk/Central Services are Providing space in an adjacent Site "A" could be provided for approxkmtely $143,000, Both sites would provide about In addition to the above msts, another $10,000 muld be needed It is proposed that the The existing Our parking needs are resulting in the encroachmat 1 a *I e DEXX’BER 23, 1983 M)l)UL?B ADDITION TO CITY HAIL PAGE 2 The cost of providing 2600 square feet of mdulars and appmxbmtely ten additional parking spaces would be $153,000 to $163,000, dependins on the site selected. $15,000 to $40,000. Specific estimates would be prepared as each project was detailed out. corn from unappropriated reserves. Optional additional parking north of Laguna could cost fm Funds would have to No budget allocatic2 has been made. RON BECKMAN RAB:cle Attachmmt RKING SITES 4 ."*I4 EXHIBIT 3 *. e 0 MEMORANDUM DATE: December 2, 1983 TO: ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER ADMINISTRATION fRUM: JIM ELLIOTT, FINANCE DIRECTOR RELOCATION OF FINANCE, PURCHASING AND PERSONNEL OFFICES RECOMMENDATIONS In order to accommodate the City's need for additional office space. The City Council should consider the following recommendations: 1, (A) Move the Finance, Purchasing and Personnel departments from the existing city hall locations to office space located at 3150 Pi0 Pico. Existing office space in city - hall and modular unit now occupied by these departments could then be used by City Council, City Attorney, Research and Analysis, Public Relations and City Clerk, The computer would remain in its present location. (B) The above proposal could be modified slightly by moving the computer to the Pi0 Pic0 offices, 2. Move City Attorney and Research and Analysis office to space at 3150 Pi0 Pico. Vacated space would be utilized by City Council for council offices. Other minor adjustments could also take place at the same time which would provide a small amount of additional space for the Finance Department. 3. Do not move any departments out of city hall and move Research and Analysis to space at 3150 Pi0 Pico. This option provides no additional city hall office space, but does address the need for office space for the Research and Analysis staff. DISCUSSION Recommendation I(A) - Under this proposal the Purchasing, Personnel and Finance departments would be moved out of existing city hall offices commercial space located at 3150 Pi0 Pico, about two blocks south of city hall. This will vacate about 2900 square feet of space in city hall (1100 sq. ft.) and the modular building (1800 sq, ft.) now occupied by these departments. 0 0 RELOCATION OF FINANCE, PURCHASING AND PERSONNEL OFFICES - Page 2 In addition to the move of these three departments, the following could also take place: 0 BusiKess license processing could be moved to the office space now occupied by the City Manager's Clerk Typist. The cashier station could be opened up to join the license off ice allowing customers "one stop shopping" for building and engineering and planning services, licenses and payment of all city fees. The City Manager's Administrative Assistant could be moved into vacated space. The City Council would be provided office space in the modular building. 0 0 0 0 Research and Analysis would be provided office space in the modular building. The City Clerk's office would be provided some additional space in city hall. The computer management function would be passed from Finance to Central Services. 0 0 Purchasing, Personnel and Finance would share about 3400 square feet of office space at the Pi0 Pic0 location. A preliminary review of the space available indicates that, if carefully used, there would be sufficient to house the three departments. Allowing for a conference room, an employee break room, and equipment room and storage space for the office supply stores inventory, The proposed space breaks down as follows: PROPOSED STAFF PURCHASING PERSONNEL FINANCE JOINT USE Total full time employees. 3 4 8 1 employees 1 1 Elected Officials - - - TOTAL EMPLOYEES 4 4 10 1 Total part-time - 1 (1) 0 0 RELOCATION OF FINANCE, PURCHASING AND PERSONNEL OFFICES - Page 3 PURCHASING PERSONNEL FINANCE JOINT USE Space Allocation Current Use (sq.ft.1 900 900 1100 - (3) (2) Proposed Use (sq.ft.1 900 600 1300 700 (1) There are three Finance employees that will remain in city hall. The cashier, the business license clerk and a part-time license inspector. (2) Personnel currently has a conference room and lobby area that would be part of the joint-use areas under the proposed plan. (3) The total proposed area is 3500 square feet. The space available is about 3400 square feet, with proper planning this minor difference should pose no serious problem. OPTION l(6) This proposal is identical to option I(A); however, the computer system would also be moved to the Pi0 Pic0 offices. This has an important impact on the total cost of the move and the departments. The main reasons for considering this option will be apparent when the fiscal impact is reviewed. OPTION 2 This propsal provides considerably less space in city hall and allows fewer adjustments in staff locat ions. The proposal centers on the movement of the City Attorney's office away from city hall to the Pi0 Pic0 location thus freeing a three office suite for city council offices; two councilmembers in each of the present Attorney's offices with the Executive Assistant in the center office. Both Research and Analysis and the Attorney's staff would occupy the Pi0 Pic0 office space. This allows Research and Analysis the space needed for drafting equipment and meeting rooms. It also could provide a conference facility and a library space for accessibility of the computer by the Finance and Purchasing the Attorney. 0 0 *. . RELOCATION OF FINANCE, PURCHASING AND PERSONNEL OFFICES - Page 4 The business license clerk and part-time inspector could be allowed to move to the cashier area while the City Manager's clerk-typist would move to the office now occupied by the council's Executive Assistant - The fiscal impact of this option is less than the prior proposals. OPTION 3 As always, there is a "do nothing'' option. The council may choose to not lease additional space for any city hall departments. Assuming that Research and Analysis must still find suitable office space, there would be a cost to the city for only the space required by this department. No other changes would occur. FISCAL IMPACT As the table below shows, the total cost for 1983-84 could be as much as $79,000. The proposed move under option 1(A) provide the most usable space in city hall for the next few years, but also costs the most due to the high one time equipment costs related to the need for data communications. The city has sufficient funds available to fund any of these options within the contingency account. The present account balance is about $390,000. The figures shown in Options 2 and 3 should be used for comparison only, since neither the City Attorney nor the Research and Analysis staff has had an opportunity to provide specific proposals for space needs. 0 0 * RELOCATION OF FINAN(!€, PURPCIACINC AND PERSONNEL OFFTCES - Page 5 MOVE IN COSTS (1) OPTION 1(A) OPTION 1(B) OPTION 2 OPTIOb Additional office furniture $ 8,100 8,100 5,000 3 ,OC Data Communications lines 700 400 - Data Communications equipment 26,000 13,000 - Printers 7,600 7,600 - Terminals 9,400 9,400 - Break room equipment 800 800 800 8C Xerox machine stallation 200 20 0 20 0 2c Remodel costs Centrex phone lines (15) TOTAL MOVE IN COSTS $53,300 42,500 Computer moving costs - 3,000 - - - - - - - - - (3) ( fP 4 O( 1, 6,000 OUTGOING COSTS 83-84 Reguired space (sq.ft.1 3400 3800 2200 14( Rental (5 mos.) $17,000 19,000 11,000 7 ,O( Data Communications lines (5 rnos.) 2,000 1,200 - Xerox Rental (5 mos) 1,000 1,000 1,000 1 ,O( TOTAL 5 MONTH COST $25,250 26,450 12,000 L - - Secretary/Receptionist (5 mos.) 5,250 5,250 8 O( Annual Additional Cost $60,000 63,480 28,000 19,2( TOTAL COST FOR 1983-84 $78,550 68,950 18,000 12,0( (1) The departments affected in options 2 and 3 have had no input inti estimates. If time allows we can firm up the figures for these optior requesting specific plans from the Attorney and Research and Analysis (2) Remodel costs are assumed to be covered under the terms of our lease. landlord has indicated a willingness to provide substantial remodelinc our specifications. (3) The cost of installing phone lines for the new location is not ye known, a 0 EXHIBIT 4 DECEMBER 22, 1982 TO: FRLNK ALESHI RE 9 Ci ty Manager ' FROM: JAMES C. HAGAMAN, Policy Development Fianager TEMPORARY OFFICE SPACE FOR RESEARCH/ANALYS IS GROUP I have completed a review of office space available for the Research/Analysis Group by touring, or contacting, various office faci 1 i ties around City Hal 1. Our accommodation needs are: ' - five staff members - small storage/supply area - conference room - copying machineidrafting !4 light table area I estimate our minimum space requirements to accomplish this are from 900 to 1000 sq.ft. The various areas available indi- cate that the approximate rent, including utilities, will be $1,000 per month in existing areas which have limited ability -. to adjust space configuration to meet our desired needs:. Since this is a temporary solution, as I understand it, for a maximum of nine months, we expect some inconvenience. It is apparent that in order to acquire office space we need to have the commitment of the City and ability to sign an agreement for space, as avai labi 1 i ty changes constantly. Recommendation: -, . 1 City Manager to commit the City and sign an agreement for office space. City Counci 1 gives authority to the JAMES C. H GAMA$ r*= JCH: PGK e e DECEMBER 21, 1983 RESEARCH/ANALYSIS OFFICE SPACE REQUIREMENTS: 900/1000 sq.ft. minimum - to accommodate: 1) 5 staff members 2) 3) conference room 4) s torage/suppl i es area copying machine/drafting & light table area c>@ Office space available: N0J-J 1) La Jolla Federal Building /- _-- - / Grand & Harding ' Unseen, ) 900 sq.ft., 650 per sq.ft. + utili - 2) 2942 Harding Street Seen, 1002 sq.ft. , 80& per sq.ft. inc'l . u 3) 2965 Roosevelt Street Seen, 1200 sq.ft.,$l.20 per sq.ft., incl. 0 0 %. EXHIBIT 5 December 29, 1983 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: Parks & Recreation Director HARDING COMMUNITY CENTER RELOCATION COST RECREATION HALL (SCA) Annual Revenue Loss Summary A. Direct Cost (Staff, Etc.) $ 7,000 B. Indirect Cost (Revenue loss from rentals/classes 15 ,OOOL Total $22,000 C. Cost recovery uti1 izing other facilities 7,500 Net Loss to City $14,500 Detail Cost Breakdown - Annual A. Direct (to set-up and take down other locations) 1. Part-time Staff $ 5,000 2. Mileage 500 3. Bui 1 ding Improvements 1,500 Total $ 7,000 B. Indirect 1. Rental revenue loss - $123.5/week $ 6,420 2. Classes revenue loss - $765/week 8,580 Estimated revenue generated by utilizing other facilities for rentals and classes -m C. $7,500 B DAVE BRADSTREET DB : jrn (r- l-4 cc> 3- tu J 4 2 !I I’ 2s 0 Ill 5 2> 3 8: Zt I! d !$ e ?- * Y) 7 II 0 F L O5 Q A *A uw UI 8% II! ;: kk c // k $2 3 4P 27 8 37 LG 3F pe qs d3 ul I! I! c s3 .. \“5 kf =z -\? - - Ilk3 vl m P a --- /I /I I :I ~ .- I 0 a-