HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-01-17; City Council; 7614; AMENDMENT TO THE CALAVERA HILLS MASTER PLAN MP -150 F - CALAVERA HILLS COMPANYAB# 72-i -f- TITLE: MTG. 1/17/84 APENDMENT TO THE CALAVERA HILLS . MASTER PLAN. 4 a' DEPT. pLN MP-l50(F) - CALAVEZA HILLS aP"ANY DEI CIT Clf P % 84 ri x Os YLO 15 rl a> $5 lu 8r;l 89 kC c,k 3 9% CU k!4 CIN sa, 4 ';1 &J .rl 0 Ud rd $2 u atn ric -,-I .rl 8% ri $*! .$$ 84 w I ri rl 00 r- I .. z 0 5 4 4 o 5 0 0 f , CITmF CARLSBAD - AGENDeLL RECOMMENDED ACTION: The Planning Commission and the staff are recammending that the City CC direct the City Attorney's Office to prepare documents APPROVING MP-15C ITEM EXPLANATION This item is a request to amend the Calavera Hills Master Plan to cham densities, village boundaries, development types and park sites. The I significant changes created by this amendment are the following: - 1) The density will be increased in the central portion of the p would result in an overall increase of 632 maximum dwelling UI could be built; The small neighborhod parks muld be consolidated into one 1, cornunity park in the central portion of the plan; Most of the estate lot and standard lot (7500 sq.ft minimum) would be changed to planned unit developments with primarily line homes on 3000-5000 square foot lots; 2) 3) Through staff review and Planning Commission hearings, all issues have resolved except for two: Y; and 2) Park dedication. Mininun Lot Size Villages X and Y The applicant objects to the requirement of the master plan which mu1 the minimum lot size of Villages X and Y to 15,000 square feet. The i Commission and staff believe tlis is an important requirement to ensui master plan contains a diversity of housing types. With the applicanl requests to reduce lot sizes throughout the master plan, the Planning and staff fear that the original intent of the master plan to create ( of housing types is king lost. The Planning Commission is recommend minimum lot size of 15,000 square feet be retained for Villages X and detailed discussion of this issue is contained in the attached staff dated December 14, 1983. Park Dedication The applicant is requesting an exemption from the payment of park-in- 1) The rninimm lot size requirement in vi11 over and above what wuld be required of him after he dedicates his 1 park purposes. Also, the applicant has offered to dedicate approxima acres of Villages X and Y for public purposes. In so doing, however, applicant has requested that this land be used both for credit for pa requirements and for calculating density for the remainder of Village applicant muld not be willing to offer this land otherwise (see atta letter, dated December 22, 1983). f r e * Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. ' i6 I'" / Staff cannot support any waiver of the city's subdivision ordinance re for park dedication or payment of park fees. accept a prtion of Village X for public PUrFOSeSr staff muld recom this land be used for park credit. Staff muld not recommend, however be used to calculate density for the remainder of Village X. ENVIRONMENTAI; REWIEW The Land Use Planning Manager has determined that this project will nc any significant environmental impacts and, therefore, has issued a Neg Declaration, dated October 19, 1983, which was approved by the Plannir Commission on Decernber 14, 1983. FISCAL IMPACT Should the City Council An economic lmpact study was completed for this project as part of the master plan. Staff has reviewed this report and has found that the cb being proposed by this amendmnt muld not significantly alter the fir this study. by developer improvements and payments of public facilities fees. EXHIBITS 1. Location Map 2. PC Resolution No. 2214 3. Staff Report, dated December 14, 1983 w/attachments 4. Letter from Calavera Hills Company, dated December 22, 1983 5. Staff Report, dated November 23, 1983 6. Staff Report, dated November 9, 1983 7. 8. Exhibit 'A', dated December 6, 1983 Staff believes that the fiscal %acts to the city muld Excerpts of letter from Calavera Hills Company, dated November 8, t c LOCATlONMh CALAVERA HILLS I MP 1 r 0 e 3 4 2l A F?ESOLUTIOY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE ( CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF i PLAN AMENDMENT FOR THE CALAVERA HILLS MASTER PL) PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED IN THE CALAVERA HILL! PLAN AREA. 5l 7 6l 8 9 10 APPLICANT: CALAVERA HILLS CO. CASE NO. : MP-150 (F) WHEREAS, a verified application for certain pro wit: Portions of Lots D, E, and J of Rancho Agua Hed according to Map 823 filed November 16, 1896 has been filed with the City of Carlsbad, and referred t Planning Commission; and 11 I WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes I r 0 0 1 2 3 2) The proposed master plan amendment will not adverse existing or future development in the area for the stated in the staff report. The applicant has agreed and is required by the inc appropriate condition to pay a public facilities fe Performance of that contract and payment of the fee 3) 6 this body to find that public facilities will be av 4) The residential and open space portions of the corn constitute an environment of sustained desirability 7 8 stability; and it will be in harmony with or provid compatible variety to the character of the surround and the sites proposed for public facilities , such playgrounds and parks, are adequate to serve the ar population and appear acceptable to the public autY 11 15) The streets and thoroughfares proposed are suitable adequate to carry the anticipated traffic thereon. I The area surrounding this development is or can be zoned in coordination and substantial compatibilitl 15 I I 16 I Use Planning Manager on October 22, 1983 and appro1 Planning Commission on December 14, 1983. # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 e 0 3) As part of the blaster Plan the applicant shall submj foot scale topographical map which shall indicate 01 areas for the Master Plan subject to the approval oj Use Planning Manager. As part of the Master Plan the applicant shall subm foot scale Land Use Plan for the Master Plan area. APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeti Planning Commission of the City of Car'lsbad, California, 14th day of December, 1983, by the following vote, to wi AYES : Chairman Schlehuber, Commissioners Ror 4) PASSED, 9 10 11 *I Marcus, Lyttleton, Farrow and Rawlins NOES : None. ABSENT : None. ABSTAIN : None. # e e 4 STAFF REPORT DATE : December 14, 1983 TO : Planning Commission FROM: Land Use Planning Office SUBJECT: MP-l50(F) CALAVERA HILLS COMPANY - Request to amend Calavera Hills Master Plan to change densities, village boundaries, development types and park site I. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Planning Commission APPROVE the Negative Declaration issued by the Land Use Planning Manager ADOPT Resolution No. 2214 recommending APPROVAL of MP-l50(F) contained in Exhibit "A" to the City Council based on the findings contained therein. 11. PROJECT BACKGROUND This item has been continued from the Planning Commission meetings of November 9, 1983 and November 23, 1983 to allow and the applicant time to review and discuss the remaining i regarding this Master Plan Amendment. These discussions hac resolved all of the issues except for two. The changes resL from the resolution of these issues have been incorporated i the revised Master Plan text. 111. ANALY S I S Two issues remain with the proposed wording of MP-150(F)r 1) Size of lots in Villages X and Y; and 2) Park dedication and fee requirements. 15,000 Square Foot Lots - Villages X and Y (P. 12, 111. B, Villages X and Y; P. 16, Note 13) The applicant objects to the Permitted Uses Section of this which specifies a minimum lot size of 15,000 square feet fo Villages X and Y. Staff believes that a minimum lot size requirement is appro in the master plan. Such minimum lot size requirements hav used in previous master plans (e.g., La Costa Master Plan) diversity of product types. are useful in ensuring that a master plan provides for a 0 e 8 The applicant's amendment would substantially reduce the number of estate lots previously approved in the master plan. Conversely, the number of attached multi-family lots would increase. Staff is fearful that the master plan's original intent of providing a variety of housing types would be lost by approval of the amendment as proposed by the applicant. Villages W, X and Y are the only villages in the entire master plan that would provide for larger lot subdivisions. Staff believes that a 15,000 square foot minimum is not an unreasonable requirement for Village X and Y. By providing for a larger lot subdvision in these villages, it will be ensured that the Calavera Hills Master Plan will provide a diversity of housing types. In addition these larger lots would provide a good transition into the future larger lot type development that the City Council has indicated they would like to see to the south of the Calavera Hills area. Parks A. Parks (P. 57 V B 7) The applicant suggests deleting wording which would require the payment of park-in-lieu fees even though the full park requirements as stated in the City's subdivision ordinance are not met by the applicant after dedication of the park sites (Village F and E-2). The applicant reasons that the total value of the land they are to dedicate (Villages E-2 and F) for park purposes is greater than the total amount of park-in-lieu fees they would be required to pay if no park land were dedicated. Staff believes this request is unreasonable and harmful to the City. A fair tradeoff is being supported by staff to allow a density increase in other villages to balance the loss of Village E-2 as a commercial site. A further tradeoff to waive additional park-in-lieu fees is not justified. The applicant and the City are presently negotiating the dedication of additional land for public use (Villages Y and Z- 2). If such land is found to be acceptable to the City, this land could substitute for an equivalent amount of park-in-lieu fees required pursuant to the subdivision ordinance. Staff believes that resolution of this is a policy matter that should be decided by the City Council and is recommending that the Planning Commission defer this issue to that body. At the previous Planning Commission meeting on this item, a concern was raised regarding the affect that the deletion of Village E-2 as a potential commercial site would have on the economic viability of the Calavera Master Plan. Staff has reviewed the economic report (cost-revenue analysis) which was prepared in 1977 for the Master Plan and staff does not believe -2- # 0 e that changing Village E-2 to a park site will affect the over economics of the project for the following reasons: 1) The report indicated a need for 10 acres of commerci and the cost-revenue analysis was based on the 10 commercial acres set aside in Village E-1. Village still remains coxmercial in the amended Master Plan. The report did indicate that the ultimate developmer of Calavera Hills could probably support more additional, potential 10 acre commercial area in Village E-2. The report did not, however, use the potential commercial in Village E-2 to determine the cost-revenue projections. commercial and, therefore, the Master Plan set asidt 2) Since the report was prepared, other commercial sitc in this portion of the City have either expanded or new ones added. The commercial area around Plaza Camino Real has expanded. A new commercial site at intersection of El Camino Real and future College Avenue has been added to the General Plan. Staff h also been contacted by several developers concernin possible new comnercial site adjacent to the Calave Hills Master Plan. 3) The report was prepared prior to the City establish revenue analysis did not take into account the reve that is generated by the PFF which is used to offse the cost of required public facilities. the Public Facilities Fee (PFF), Therefore, the co One additional concern brought up by one of the Commissioner the last meeting regarded the design the RV storage lot. A plan has not yet been submitted for the storage lot. As is indicated in Table 111-1 of the Master Plan text, however, t design and site layout of the RV storage lot (Village I) mus approved by the Planning Commission through a Planning Commission Determination (PCD). ATTACHMENTS 1) Planning Commission Resolution No. 2214 2) Exhibit “A”, dated December 6, 1983 3) Location Map MH : bw 12/9/83 -3- I 0 0 Calavera Hills Company One of the Cedric Sanders Companies December 22, 1983 > Frank Aleshire, City Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Re: Donation of 20 Acres of Calavera Hills to City of Carlsbad Dear Mr. Aleshire: Due to the recent decision to impose minimum lot size in Villages W and X, we are forced to withdraw our offe to donate Villages Y and 2-2 (old Master Plan designation to the City. If the City Council supports said impositio at its hearing on the proposed amendment, Master Pla 150(F), scheduled for January 17, 1984, we will then nee Villages Y and 2-2 for development, as well as Villag X, in order to maintain the desired and allowable density. Should the City Council see fit to reject the propose minimum lot size requirements and allow us to develo Village W and X in accordance with the existing Maste Plan provision under the guidelines of the P.D. Ordinanc and the P.C. zone, then the previously discussed donatio can again be considered feasible. We appreciate the time and effort previously spent by yo and your staff on this matter and apologize most sincere1 if the donation is not able to be consummated. Thank yo for your understanding and cooperation. Yours very truly, CES: slw I // ’ Jy. , // //’ c 5 -9 Executive Offices - 11 0 West C Street, Suite 1220, San Diego, California 921 01 (61 9) 235-5 0 0 STAFF REPORT DATE : November 23, 1983 ( TO: Planning Commission FROM: Land Use Planning Office SUBJECT: MP-lSO(F) - CALAVERA HILLS COMPANY - Request to amex the Calavera Hills Master Plan to change densities, village boundaries, development types and park sites This item was continued from the Planning Commission meeting November 9, 1983 to allow staff time to review and respond to letter written by the applicant. The letter suggests several changes to the text of the master plan that were not anticipa by staff. These changes are quite significant and, in that s received these only a day prior to the Planning Commission hearing, there was insufficient time to address these new iss The letter is attached for Planning Commission review along k staff's response to these new issues. Staff is aware that the Commission had some concerns as to exactly which portions of the master plan were being revised. clarify, staff has prepared a revised master plan text compar the existing master plan to the proposed master plan. Portic of the existing master plan which are being deleted have beer lined out. Portions of the proposed master plan that differ the existing master plan have been underlined. In some inst, it was necessary to type an entire section twice, when this occurs the existing master plan text will be followed by the proposed text. Attachments: 1. Staff Report, dated November 9, 1983 w/attachments 2. Memo from Land Use Planning Office, dated Nov. 23, 1983 3. Letter from applicant, dated November 9, 1983 4. Master Plan Text BH/ar FPPLJT' TION SUFMITI'AL DA JULY@, 1983 - 0 \> y, STAFF REPORT \\ LA DATE : November 9, 1983 TO : Planning Commission FROM: Land Use Planning Cffice SUBJECT: MP-~~o(F) - CALAVERA HILLS CO. - Request to amend t Calavera Hills Master Plan to change densities, vi1 boundaries, development types and park sites in the Calavera Hills Master Plan area. I. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Planning Commission APPROVE the Negative Declaration issued by the Land Use Planning Manager ADOPT Resolution No. 2214 recor.mending APPROVAL of MP-l50(F) contained in Exhibit "A" to the City Council based on the findings contained therein. 11. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND PAST HISTORY The applicant is requesting an amendment to the Calavera Hi. Master Plan as detailed in Exhibit "A". The proposed amendr Plaster Flan to bring it into conformance with present City policies and current development trends. Along with implementing GPA/LU 83-3 which the Commission approved at tl meeting on October 12th, this amendment will have the follo- major affects: 1) Almost all of the estate lot villaaes and standard (7500 square foot) single family villages will be eliminated. Most of these villages will be develo with zero lot line single family homes on 3,000 - square foot lots. will make a number of significant changes to the Calavera H. 2) The small neighborhood parks will be consolidated one 16.8 acre community park. 3) Density would be increased in the central core of Master Plan area. 4) Most of the villages will cluster development, whl will result in more site-sensitive development anc greater amount of open space. 5) The equestrian and pedestrian trail systems throu open space areas will be eliminated and replaced Fedestrian system adjacent to the major circulati system. e e 6) This amendment will clarify or revise many vague or ambiguous portions of the original master plan. 7) Village boundary lines will be revised to reflect existing ownerships and development proposals. The proposed amendment is detailed in Exhibit "A". Areas of change are marked with asteriks or underlined. 111. ANALY S I S Major Planninq Issues 1) Is the Idaster plan amendment appropriate for the si 2) Would the proposed master plan amendment adversely impact surrounding properties and existing residenc in the Calavera Hills Master Plan area? Discussion Staff believes that the proposed amendment is appropriate fo of development within the Calavera Hills Master Plan area. original master plan called for a substantial portion of the master plan area to be developed with 7500 square foot lots estate lots. The proposed amendment would eliminate most of estate lot villages and standard single family lot villages. The revised master plan would emphasize a more site-sensitik type of development with smaller lots and the clustering of development on the flatter more buildable portions of the property. The original Calavera Hills Master Plan was prepared in the 1970's. Since that time, City policies arid development trei have changed significantly. The proposed amendment will br: the Calavera Hills Master Plan into conformance with City policies and what the applicant believes will be the develo] trends of the 1980's. If the Calavera Hills area was develc substantial amounts of grading and substantial amounts of blasting in certain areas. The revised master plan will he obtaining a more site-sensitive type of development to occu The proposed amendment will result in a wider variety of pr types then the original master plan. In an area that was previously designated for 7500 square foot lots and estate only, the revised master plan would allow for the following product types: the site, even though it will significantly alter the charac per the original master plan, it would probably result in - Condominiums - Duplexes - Zero lot line single family homes on 3500-5000 squai - Standard single family homes on 7500-13,000 square : - Standard single family homes on 15,000 square foot : - Estate homes on one acre minimum lots foot lots lots f e e The Commission should be aware that there is one area of disagreement between staff and the applicant on the diversification of product types. The applicant would like tc delete entirely the 15,000 square foot lot portions of the ma: plan. Staff believes that some larger single family lots and estate lots should be preserved in the southeastern portion 0: the master plan area. Particularly, staff believes that Villi X and Y should be developed with single family homes on a min. 15,000 square foot lot. These larger lots would provide a go( transition into the future larger lot type development that tl City Council has indicated they would like to see to the sout the Calavera Hills area. These larger lots would also provid for a wider variety of housing types in the Calavera Hills Ma Plan area. As mentioned, the proposed amendment will delete a number of community park. This is in conformance with the City's prese park policy which calls for large active parks rather then sm passive parks. The consolidated park site will have approximately 16.8 acres and be located in one of the flattes portions of the Calavera Hills Master Plan area. Equestrian and pedestrian trails will be eliminated from the open space areas by the proposed amendment. The original mas plan called for this trail system to be maintained by the Cit The Parks and Recreation Department does not have the funds t maintain this system, thus, the burden would be placed on the homeowners. The applicant and staff believe that the cost of maintaining this trail system would be too expensive for a homeowners association to maintain. Instead, the applicant proposed to construct a meandering trail system within the rj of-way adjacent to the main arterials. staff believes the proposed master plan amendment will not adversely affect any of the surrounding properties or existir residences in the Calavera Hills Master Plan area. The increased density in the central core of the master plan will separated from existing development by open space areas. Tamarack, Elm and College Avenues will be constructed prior 1 concurrently with the central core area and will be able to handle the additional traffic generated by this area without adversely impacting the existing neighborhoods. In conclusion, staff believes the proposed amendment is appropriate for the site and will not adversely impact futur existing development in the Calavera Hills Master Plan area, therefore, staff recommends approval of MP-l50(F) as detaile in Exhibit "A" dated October 24, 1983. small neighborhood parks and create one large centrally locat -3- 0 0 r, 111. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Land Use Planning Manager has determined that this projec will not have a significant effect on the environment and has issued a Negative Declaration on October 22, 1983. ATTACHMENTS 1) Planning Commission Resolution No. 2214 2) Location Map 3) Background Data Sheet 4) Disclosure Form 5 ) Environmental Documents 6) Exhibit "A" , dated October 24, 1983 MH:bw 11/03/83 -4- 0 0 BACKGROUND DATA SHEET CASE NO: MP-l50(F) APPLICANT; Cdavera Hills Cmpy REgUEST AND LOCATION: Master Plan Amendment for the Cdavera Hills Master area. LEGAL DESCRIPTIa: Portions of Lots D, E and J of Rancho Aqua Hedionda acc ing to Map 823 filed November 16, 1896. APN: 167-1 00-50 'l68-040-14,18,21,22,23, 208-01 0-05 Acres 317 Proposed No. of Lotsflnits -.-- GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING -- Land Use Designation --- Density Proposed --- Density Allowed Existing Zone PC Proposed Zone Surrounding Zoning and Land Use: PC Zoning Land use PC Quarry Site PC North R-1-20, M & County south County Vacant East OS & County Vacant West R- 1 SFD & Vacant PUBLIC FACILITIES School District Carlsbad Water Carlsbad Sewer Carlsbad EDU's -- Public Facilities Fee Agreement, dated ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMESPT - X Negative Declaration, issued October 19, 1983 July 29, 1983 E.I.R. Certified, dated Other, If after tnc lAKOTTJdLAv*. I-- ----- --- 0 *- required, you will be so a ’y :.hat further informati0 APPLICANT: Calavera Hills Co Name -(individual, paEship, joint venture, cozpration, s! 110 West C Street, Suite 1220, San Diego, California Business Address (619) 235-9180 Telephone Number AGENT: . Name *- -- .. 1- Business Address Telephone N-er 2017 Caminito Circul * . hrn*BEIts: Cedric E. Saaders Jn2 .Tnl1~ - c~’ i fnrni 9 Ellme *(individual, -partner, joint . venture, co~oration, syndication) Xome stdress 110 West C Street, Suite 1220, Sari Diego, Californ’ia Basiness Address (619) 235-9180 (619) 459-7216 Telephone N-r Telephone Sumber ‘iae Home Address 3isiness A~&~ss T2lep‘mm Nc=Set Telephone Suaber -. (Attach more sheets if necessary? Ifite do,clzze uzder penalty Of perjury that the inforreation ccntained ir closure is tme and correct and that it will remain true and correct ar relic3 upon a3 being true and correct until aaended, *. * .. CALAVERA HILLS COMPANY Applican BY - // 0 0 EXCERPTS OF LETTER FROTil CALAI‘ER.4 HILLS COhfPANY, DA4,TED 11/8/ n1. Page 38, (Parks): ahall be changed as follows: hpeg of Vlllogra E-rl Hj K, b*, Q, TI ’ acre of land for pbbtc faeflity purpr y rbL1 d&Pcat@~ VlLfo@~ E-2 a~csgdFn$ theP lwwanGe--a@G--G maton for cbrsmgp: the City rawested, ad the Apglicapn eg$?mxi bo don E-2 for a park site. V$lloga E-2 1s cunm E) with an appraised value of Qf,683,608.m. Applic also dedica villa@3 B far park PUVQ8QI §ept@aprk 1882. mo total aeY‘eage ddtcaeed, ad eo ddiC9t hs approximately 20 fgrossg) acres, or 17.285 net acres, B “a total value of $2,421,225. The toed. park-in racpbremant mbd ba $1,725,576, $695,669 1cm11 value of pfoperty bing dsmtad. (me p&rte-tn-l €sea is b ow actual planned units subaittsd to ( Staff in form 0% tcmtativa mapa.) ‘Efaa Ap licsnt stood that on@ of tha considerations for t P, e dona mga E-2, rathm than aha 3 acre park sites elfmfn lx ths9 wafver of any erddltti. park-in-lieu fa,s6s. cant has, hswevsr, offer@d donata VBlf staling appPoxlmtely 20 dC eo th@ CWy Aa a result of City pLl.cy change re rdfng city par ea8 198 Ca COmP@iEsa SftQI iR &$e@P =Saw %50(A thm by city pslicy cmmga, e e EXCERPTS OF LETTER FRO11 CALAVE94 HILLS CCIIfPANY, DATED 11/8/8 (C9NT.) Pa~e 3 ~t the Staff Report: I Page 3 of t staff ~apptxt dlscusscas a 13,OOQ b~re foo miwFmPuat lot 2x3 desired b Staff in Villaga X (prrvhous~] X, 2-1 and 2-21 and Y, (D r though such a requirement doer noa: presetitby appear in the proposed katsr Plan 13Q(p) nor In the existing Master FIm. All of Calawra HI11 is clrssifhd as a PC zone with t& PD development process Mch does flog deflne minimum lot sizes, but depends o the tewtative map p~acess to establish lot sizes. h result, the existing Paster Plan ad thee new prepoesd bste Phm do not ad should not apacify or provide for minim loa: skzaes. Staff has not propsrd minkmm 1st alze!!e fa any other Vhllags whatsoever i~ Pfa~ter Plan 1SO(F) m this &glicant raapsctfully requests that, to p~eeem tha intqrity of the master planni~i]l procatm, should bar asalyaasd dah than considr~atim e6 t p far the subject Vlllage ancl mt 8s part of . kstor Plan 150W. -2- a 0 CALAVERA HILLS MASTER PLAN MP-150 (.Ab- (F) Prepared By: Land Use Planning Office City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Approved By: City Council Ordiance N-e~4+5&7 Ihw8&aGa&ruw EXHIBIT "A" DECEMBER 6, 1983 0 * Planninq Department Staff: Michael Holzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager Michael Howes, Assistant Planner Barbara Ward, Secretary William Hofman, Principal Planner Information Supplied By: Calavera Hills Company 110 West C street, Suite 1220 San Diego, California 92101 (619) 235-9180 Naegle Associates, Inc. 2210 Avenida de la Playa La Jolla, California 92037 (619) 459=2606 Charles W. Christensen & Associates 233 A Street, Suite 1200 San Diego, California 92101 (619) 232-7891 0 0 TABLE OF CONTENTS Paqe I. INTRODUCTION...................................... A. Purpose ...................................... B. General Provisions ........................... C. Location..................................... D. Legal Description ............................ E. Background ................................... II. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTRAINTS..,......,.,,,,,,,,,,,,.. A. ¶+mt&e-ffap-~ovf& Noise.. ............... c . ~*~-P~~~t-~~-i~~~~e~~ E3. mdiac+Eeuaitl-FKw&- Archaeoloqy vegetation Conservation D. Btt;k3.6iitg- 't-*stzemc- Energy and Water 111. LAND USE/DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS.................... A. Zoning Regulations ........................... B. Development Standards........................ C. Grading Standards............................ %----~ique~+~&arr~3t7m5km~3~ D. Noise Attenuation............................ E. Fire Control.............................,.... F. General Standards............................ IV. OPEN SPACE AND MAINTENANCE........................ A. Introduction ................................. B. Dedication................................... C. Improvements ................................. V. PUBLIC FACILITIES AND PHASING..................... A. Description of Public Facilities............. B. Phasing. ..................................... VI. SIGN PROGRAM...................................... VII. EXHIBITS 1-1 Legal Map 11-1 Topographic Map 111-1 Land Use IV-1 Open Space v-l Public Facilities v-2 Phasing IV-2&3 Pedestrian System 0 0 LIST OF EXHIBITS Title Exhibit Legal Map 1-1 Topographic Map 11-1 111-1 Land Use Gradinq GerreraJ Standards 111-2 to 111-7 Noise Attenuation 111-8 to 111-1 Fire Control 111-13 to III- Bike Path (typical) IV-2 Open Space IV-1 Public Facilities v- 1 Phasing VI-1 ~ I I I I I I I I a a INDEX FOR SPECIFIC VILLAGES While the general standards and guidelines contained herein apply to all of the Villages, there are also specific referen to the Villages as follows: Village Page A B C D E-1 E-2 F G H I J K L- 1 L-2 M N 0 & P-1 Q R S T U W X Y 0 0 I. INTRODUCTION A. Purpose The following document is a Master Plan for an- acre planned community known as Calavera Hills loc in the City of Carlsbad, California. The purpose this Master Plan is to comply with the Planned Community zone Ordinance adopted in July of 1976 (Chapter 21.38) thereby providing the basis for fu decisions on land use for Calavera Hills. B. General Provisions 1. Nonvesting of Rights Specific development plans shall be evaluatea accordance with Municipal Ordinances and Policies in force at the time when said plans before the City Council for approval. Approv and construction of a part of the development pursuant to this Master Plan shall not vest a rights in the balance of the Master Plan nor create any vested rights to the approval of a subsequent developments. 2. Amendments to the Master Plan Approval of this Master Plan indicates accept by the City Council of a general framework fc development of the subject property. It is F of an ongoing planning process and is subject amendment in the future by the City. Said an ments may be initiated by either the City Cou or the land owner. 3. Availability of Public Services Approval of this plan does not constitute any guarantee that individual developments within Master Plan area will be approved nor that th availability of public facilities and service will necessarily coincide with the Developer' timetable for construction. Availability of public services will be evaluated in the cont of subsequent individual approvals. 4. Dedications All land and/or easements required by this Ma Plan shall be granted to the City of Carlsbad without cost to the City and free of all lien and encumbrances. -1- 0 0 5. Zoning Pursuant to the powers of Chapter 21.38 of the Carlsbad Municipal code this Master Plan shall constitute the zoning for aL1 land within the Master Plan. No person shall use or develop 1i located within the boundaries defined by the Master plan contrary to the provisions of the Master Plan. are imposed as a condition of zoning. All provisions of the Master Pla: C. Location The Calavera Hills Master Plan area is an 807-828 - a site located approximately three miles inland from Pacific Ocean and within the Carlsbad City limits. The central portion of the property is situated 4.2 miles southeast of the geographic center of the Cit of Oceanside, 4.13 miles southwest of the geographi center of the City of Vista, and 33 miles north of downtown San Diego. Specifically, it falls within west half of Section 3 and the east half of Section Township 12 South, Range 4 West, and the south half Sections 33 and 34, Township 11 South, Range 4 West San Bernardino Meridian. D. Legal Description Portions of Lots D, E and J of the Rancho Agua Hedionda in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Dit State of California, according to Map thereof No. t on file in the Office of the County Recorder of sa' County. Also, refer to Exhibit 1-1. E. Background 1. March 12, 1974 - MP-150 recommended for appro by Planning Commission (Resolution #1050). 2. May 7, 1974 - Master Plan 150/EIR-230 approve City Council (Resolution #3407). 3. May 21, 1974 - Zone Change 138 adopted by Cit Council (Ordinance #9388). 4. January 26, 1977 - Tract 76-12, PUD-4 recommc for approval by Planning Commission (Resolutj #1314). 5. August 4, 1977 - Tract 76-12, PUD-4 approved City Council (Resolution #5145 and Resolutior #5146). 6. July 12, 1978 - GPA-Sl(A) recommended for approval by Planning Commission. 7. July 12, 1978 -EIR-403 recommended for certi. fication by Planning Commission for GPA-51(A -2- 0 8. September 19, 1978 - EIR-403 certified by Ci 9. October 3, 1978 - GPA-51(A) approved by City 10. October 25, 1978 - Planning Commission recorm 11. December 28, 1978 - City Council approves MP. 12. January 13, 1982 - Planninq Commission appro 13. February 2, 1982 - City Council approves MP- 14. May 26, 1982 - Planning Commission approves Council. Council (Resolution #5550). approval of MP-150(A) (Resolution #1481). 150(A) (Ordinance #9517) e MP-l50(B) (Resolution #1911). 150(B) (Ordinance #6888). amendment 150(C) (Resolution #1966). (Ordinance Q9682 and 9683), amendment 150(E) (Resolution #2117). 158 April 18, 1983 - city Council approves MP-15 16. May 11, 1983 - Planninq Commission approves -3- e 0 11. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTRAINTS The following mitigation measures were identified in the conditions of approval for MP-l50(A) and were developed from EIR-403 for Calavera Hills. They shall be implernen. when applicable and apply to each Village unless otherwi noted. A. 2!entatiue-Map-Bpproual - Noise Prior to the approval of any tentative subdivision adjoining Elm Avenue, Tamarack Avenue, College Boulevard or in the vicinity of the South Coast Asphalt plant, an assessment of the potential noise impacts as defined in the Noise Element of the Gene Plan shall be made by an acoustical engineer. The engineer shall then prepare a report containing recommendations on how to mitigate any identified noise impacts. The design of an impacted subdivisj shall be consistent with these recommendations. TI City Council may impose conditions on such subdivisions as they determine necessary to mitigai adverse impacts from such noise. B- -- -6radiag-Eemit -LssuaRce * EriQr-+o-+ha-a~suance-of-grading,pormitce var~ees-v~~~agesr-gi~~~~e~~-~e-~~e-sa~~e€~e~~e~-e t~e~~ty-~~g~rtetr-sk~~l -Be-mde-€ep -&e-€e&&enhq+ ~r---~u~~tie~-e€-tke-u~e~-~~e~~ge-a~~-~*6~ee~~-e a~~-fuelsr-a~ls~-petre~e~m-a~~-ehem~eR~-~~e~~ nsel)-an-tke-eenstruet~eR-~~~e~ 3~---6ite-Epeoifio-Eeaaa-~a~e~~~ga~~oao-w~~h-~eco~ rae~tioa~-for-con+rQ1-sf-po+ontial-~roblems- a-~es~~h-e€-eapeRsive-Be~&e~ R0e866a€y-~9-in6taLr-6~~OO~~-~~d-~e~a~e 4r---A~ei~~~ce-e€-c~ea~~~y-eperP+isaE-ia-ad~aa~~-c 5,---6eer~inatioR-e€-g~~d~ag-ae~~~~~~es-~~~~-~~e- rooal-precipi+a+ioP-~a~~e~a-- 61---CeBotruotioA-of-d~aaAage-€aCa~a~~eU-COaC~~~e~ witk-gra4ing-ao~ivit~ea- ~,---Watesing-an~-ro~~~n~-e€-~~e-€~~a~-~u~€ace-~o. form-a-hasdened,-co~pac~ed-ca~-~f-~~a~-~hacb wirr-~aimi~e-duE+-and-eroEioa-due-to-s~~fac~ rune€€--- taward-p~anned-drainage-~nd7-~€-~~s~~e~-~u~ fram-eat-and-f~*~-siapcs. *A~~~tiO~Q~-grQdiRg-ee~eep~B-a~e-~e~a*&e~-*~-See~*~-*~~~ 3---- . bkmrtutran-af-gradrng-to-the-m~~~mum-~~ee eeRebme8keR -p4e v gSPdCBg- 8,---Cr~diag-o€-surfPceE-oo-Po-to-~~~ec~-~~ao€f- -4- 0 e B. Gradiaq-Per~+-I~supace - Archaeoloqy Prior to the issuance of any grading permits, provision for the protection of significant archaeological resources on the property shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Land Use Plar Manager as follows: 1. All work shall be performed by a qualified acceptable scientific procedures, 2. Prepare a surface map of the artifacts and associated ecological information. 3. Excavate a test sample of the area to determ: the nature and extent of any subsurface component. One such test which has proven successful in similar situations is the systematic rectilinear posthole test. 4. Based on the information resulting from this investigation, additional testing can be designed, if needed. This second phase of testing should be oriented toward obtaining t reliable sample of the site area and in asse: the variation present within the deposit. Bi on the results of this examination, it may bc necessary, although unlikely, to perform additional investigation, or to recommend differing mitigating procedures. 5. A report shall be prepared summarizing findii and discussing the interrelationships of the materials and other sites found in the regioi 6. All work shall be extensively photodocumentec 7. Copies of notes, photographs, records and thc final report shall be submitted to local dati depositories.. 8. Any of the following may be required to elim: indirect on and off site impacts: a. Limit access to sites by placing barrier! around the project area. b. Place fill over site areas. c. Excavate the sites and achieve their information potential. archaeologist in con junction with the latest C. Veqetation Prior to the issuance of any grading permits for 1 various Villages, provisions to the satisfaction ( the Land Use Planning Manager shall be made for tl following: 1. Landscaping using deciduous trees (to shade . summer and allow sunlight in winter) and to i as windbreaks. 2. Retention of natural vegetation in the open I areas wherever possible. -5- 0 3. Retention of existing eucalyptus trees wherever 4. Retention of as much Adolphia and Dichondra as possible. possible within the various open space areas. D. Bui~i~~-Permit-€sswa~ee - Energy and Water Conservation Prior to the issuance of building permits for the various Villages, provisions, to the satisfaction of the Land Use Planning Manager, shall be made for the following: 1. Installation of flow restrictors in all basic fixtures. 2, Use of "mini-flush" toilets. 3. Landscaping using drouqht resistant trees and plants. 4. Installation of drip irrigation systems using tensiometers or other acceptable systems. 5. Architectural design which reduces or treats window and door openings and takes advantage of winter sun and summer shade. 6. Insulation for all structures according to State standards. 7. Solar heating for both space and water heating; or, if not technologically feasible at the time of construction, "stub-outs" for ultimate conversion to solar heating. 4~~eF-as~-a~~ew-e~~~~g~~-*R-w*~~e~~-~~~- wkndheake- 8----bas~eeagh~g-ue~~~-~ee*~~e~s-~~eee-~~e-8h~~e-~~ Pr---~~e~~ie~-e€-~~~~~~~-~e~e~~~*e~-*~-~he-e~e~ b8,--Re~e~~~en-e€-er~6~~~~-eueabyphue-hre~e~e~ b~,--Rese~8ie~-e€-ae-m~e~-~~e~~~~~-a~~-~*ehe~~~a-ae- aaaee-areaa-wkerouer-~~==~~~e~ peaaLbbe- geaa-iBle-wi~hia-~ke--~~~*e~e-epea-epaee-a~eae~ -6- 0 e 111. LAND USE/DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Existing A. Development Standards The following Table 111-1 describes the type of development to occur in each village, the dweLLbq - -m+i-+es--a&Mr- q+raw+- aeptagt- -an& -- ~pee - as e aget - - me- +&. 4- id- - m as-aeeemFasy*Ag-~~%~-~-~~~~~~~~~~ BeveLeaRleR~-shas~ar~~-€er-e~e~-~~**&ge~ appaicab Le -- -aer+~w - --,- - - - irrjemvm Zoaiaq- Max.* Mknr Gross Open Village Standard- Development Type #DU's I)Btirs Acres Space ---- lo 77 26 A @Q& Elementary-Seheeh- --- --- B R-LkPUB). Sha&a&r-Bekaeket3 308 --- C --- Clustered Multiple 120 --- D RB44-Q 'Pewff)tewe-er=Fktt 150 w-- 15 E-1 *%- Community Commercial--- --- E-2 WM- -eR&kY--F&a&--- --- F 0-S (CUP) Park --- --- G &LcpuD& ek+sh& Single 108 -54- 27 10 H *l?b/2-- -r-E+ee&d?&- 34 --- 23- -4- I *I?&/+- stan&m+,-*&dmi- -54 --- 36- t6- J R-I@&JQ)- Clustered Multiple 300 h2Q- 30 4 K RD-N-I)- R!e-r-Pls&+pa-~~ e- 248 24 & *------- ----F-r-p%---2=---- H ---- 22 ------- 4 ----I S&FHJ&tt-Pami&y 30 4 Family 9-w- Mu,ftkpkc -Pum*ky ---- lo lo ---- 'P=RS&+~R-&~~E~ 10 2- Family Single Family ;Efirrgk-fmrri*- Family M-&Lik*&e-FEm&&y Mu*&ph-Rtntsfp- -7- e e TABLE 111-1 (Cont'd.) %QS&Fk€j Max.* W&n, Gross Open Village Sta~&~.3 Development Type #DU's #BUk Acres Space g 1 --e 10 Elementary School --- --- M (CUP) N e-,5 (+?HP f --Park --- --- --- - 5 0 ti P-1 -R-*CPBBf Clustered Single 416 104 18 1 --- Family and Clustered Multiple Family 68 3 + P-2 R-& Stmwhrdi-Bcteehed 248 --- Single Family 27 4 2 Fs-M-Q Clustered Multiple 68 --- R-* R-f- 3tandardr-Betached 252 --- 3 Tt-2 - @-9&?VP) Perk --- --- 1 Junior High School --- --- s (cup I T R-* 4tanhr6,-Betached f84 --- 46 ?e -- U R-*-* 3rng*e-Fmr* f.4 --- ?4 -6 -2 v &=I Staadard,-Potacked 144 --- W R-LLl42 Single Family 45 --- -sa -4 -. X R=LLL/2- Single Family 42 --- -38 &6 -. Y Gb-l%GuP& Pask --- --- --- -. Q Family * -- 63 S5ng3e-PEmr~y --- 5 20 --- Single Family FkpeaCPjchB-EsBakea -. 36 L2 S&l+qLCe -FaR?&&y gqwssks&an Estates x.qu,es+rkn-Ps+a.t;es --5 -28 --- -- --- -&L- a.Lr-Lr/LL SLnCJL€b-Fami& 38 gstakes -8- * 0 TABLE 111-1 (Cont'd.) zrorri-ng-- Max.* -M~F. Gross Open Villaqe a- Development Type #DU's -#€We Acres Space *- *+l+ skl+e** -22 - --- -Is- -4- 4+& 4ni&(-€* +€m-*.ek€+-br --- --- -14- =--- Estates a- '-e- - TOTAL 3*-m- SFF I?* *22b&&l-~-~-aA~-4~ - -wi-..+nder--i 4-wbtrk4xx@kwe &e&he4aH34X=*Ln.e%--irR45kb-N @&-9-- mmaA4a&irra8b6ah~~&-RD-pQ.-&-or-~ pr-4na+-be-amp&aiL---- ' a-4aage- +-F- -*--&w342 --+- e. .. -9- 111. - LAND USE/DEv&ENT STANDARDS a Proposed Mas A. Zoning Regulations Chapters 21.06, 21.38, 21.41, 21.44, 21.45, 21.46, 21.48, 21.50, 21.51, 21.54, 21.55, 21.56, Carlsbad Municipal Code are incorporated herein tions specified for the zone listed under ermitted uses in Section IIB shall apply to {evelopment within the Village unless otherwise provided by this plan or in a planned deve- lopment permit processed under this plan, in which case the development standards of the Planned Development Ordinance shall apply. # by reference. The development and use regula- B. Development Standards The following Table 111-1 describes the type of development to occur in each Village, the applicable development process, the apmcable development type, the maximum dwellings units allowed, the gross acreage and the open space acreage. The table also includes reference to an accompanying list of notes dealing with specific development standards for each Village. TABLE 111-1 Development Permitted* Development** Max*** Gross Open Village Process Uses Type DU s Acres Spac - --- 1 R- 1 Single 40 lo - - Family PD- - A R- 1 Single 308 77 26 - PD - B Family C - PD RD-M Clustered 120 30 4 Multiple Family --- D - PD RD-M Clustered 150 15 Multiple Family 11.33 --- 2 C-2(Q> Community --- SDP- - Commercia 1 --- os Park E-1 8.68 --- --- - E-2 --- lo F --- os Park --- G - PD - R- 1 Single 108 27 10 Family RDM Clustered 96 64.1 47. - - PD - H - Multiple Family 'Planned Development 2 Site Development Plan -10- 0 0 Development Permitted* Development** Max*** Gross Open Acres Space DU s - Village Process Uses Type I ---- 2 --- PC& XV Storage - ---- Lot - - RD-M Clustered 300 30 4 - P& Multiple J Family PD RD-M Clustered 863 43.177 --- - - K Mu1 t iple Family 3.6 - 7.5 - 150 - PD RD-M Clustered - L-1 - Mu1 tip1 e Family 20.13 --- 201 -- PD RD-M Clustered - L-2 - Mu1 tiple Family lo --- School --- RD-M Clustered 25 5 --- M CUP2 --- - - PD - N R- 1 Multiple - Family and Clustered Single Family 0 & P-1 - PD RD-M Clustered 416 104 18 - R-1 Multiple Family and Clustered Single Family Q - PD - R- 2 Clustered 205 51.18 9.( R-1 Mu1 t iple - Family and Clustered Family - Single R- 1 Clustered 20 5 3 - - PD - R Single Family Planned Development 1 2Conditional Use Permit 3Planning Commission Determination -11- tted* Development** ** Gross Open - Ma D Acres Space --- 20 116.7 --- m- Type Development Village Process S CUP T '1 --- School 20.1 - - 466 - R- 2 Clustered R- 1 - PD - Mu 1 t iple Family and Clustered Single Family - 45 - 62.2 - 248 - RD-M Clustered - PD - U Multiple Family PD R-1-43,560 Single Family Estates 19.1 - 42.8 - 63 - - W X PD R-1-15,000 Single 50.4 - 22.: 2 Y - PD- - 76 - Family R-1-15,000 Sin le 5.6 --- - 8 I A Family - - TOTAL 3,863 828.8 232 * Uses permitted for this Master Plan are those specified as primary uses or accessory uses for corresponding zones. Uses which would be allowed as conditional uses shall be permitted only upon obtaining a Conditional Use Permit processed according to the provisions of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. ** Definitions - Development Types A. Single Family - One house on a single lot B. Estates - Standard single family units with a C. Multiple Family - Attached rental or totally detached from any other livinq unit. minimum of one acre lot size. ownership units 1. Duplex 2. Triplex or larger flatter more buildable portions of the site, while maintaining the steeper, less buildable portions of the site in their natural state. D. Clustered - Locating the development on the *** The above dwelling unit numbers represent the maximum, but not guaranteed, density allowed in each Village. Each Village design will be evaluated in relation to topography, geoloqy and site sensitivity per the City's Design Guidelines Manual and the standards of this Master Plan. 'Conditional Use Permit 2 Planned Development -12- EXISTIF MASTER PLAN e p, NOTES TO TABLE 111-1 1. If Village& M or S is not acquired by the Carlsbad Unified School District for school purposes within ten ( years from the recordation of the suk%kw&eiOrr+ap-W+ hu&JKh+&h6b+LstM.u ' ks-wLL-, the underlying zoning development standards for the village shall change from (CUP) to RnL-@un)-. significant canyon areas that have not been included as open space. Special consideration shall be given to the areas at time of subdivision review to protect the 2. Villages C, G, K, L-1 and U have steep slopes and/or integrity of the adjoining open space areas. L--~-thsAx+-dstar;minss -tlratyjJJaqe &&Ai+&- --- 44be&43ob~**%hr-ch th€b4mdeG*~*.-&-&-h+&%~. shaUF---aL--4-b&*L-- -- a--au%intent df lr< 1 1 * &-Zis-ta+XsddtL 4&daq&a--fc - -Gorms=k.'---at.-sorne-krter*if *4hs~4sh4%b-w3h-eA--L--* "€%imWHYy L6-- rreoessbyr,-~~~~-L~-per*~*-~ r- * --h4LL*-*LLLw-138- t+Aha~-duda+%--wLL~-+eG---&Lw*- 4Rap&=J-k%b-b~+%L* GeGoG- * 44ikke- 3 ... L---.=a3€LA4a-42?uL36cLL2r.A&L&&&M~-be .oTGi&-z-%&-~* F=-T=--- ~--54-&&~~~~~~~~.~ 4k3-P44-&.pkk4&44N?ee~-**r* +-- ' -bqF&~~-4~k3-M-ew-€fl .. .. &4l4A3&4-c*r-G%-76-.J&P +3haa-b- -+-- ~-~~s.q~jk~Or-vI1?.:~ **+-*M& 4Kpe&iz&&~a&<ap*.r-w e-- 43kp+&a&-h 4ha4-h- +k-&43+hs---e#~ ~-wi;thirr.#Mb&whpWmL L--4L1d#n%dxu+ab&~ - %aIa&&s ' h&-h-the 6. A site of approximately one acre of land within Village shall be reserved for acquistion by the City for public facility purposes. The City Council shall determine the specific size and location of the site as++a&+44&& 6Cca--=.-a * -terr~3+-kalb4dl4+4a&e *--- 4€Eip&k&--b.&& -aquaad- r- ' &&ha-- tA.€ba--k-&wF-?* aw--*~.deueLopiaerrt-~- ... -13- 0 0 7----4- Jnirrinwar. 4% & -aoz;86. &- -E-&G---Lb px.d&&4.or--Tw&+~~4l&&~~-h Pe*w-&ek*k*&*)--o t9MF€*-- &--4a&&-~~~-*L~+Wd&W i&-u&-ix=~~--@xme&-+&qe-&-=&~-j+.thet -.4 *-*- ~~-~~~-~~~~-K.~~~.;be-~~~~~ €%&e.- *. L----&**&a-Of-&-wa-.Qs#e r&.-+pa+a 1L-- ‘ -&&GLti+4pp.mad-&~ 4xb,-rc~-Gp4h.f3- a.pp42&Em-4&?le~~~L~~*~~-h wc3wG~-Wct-k&*-*~4&a*L*a whii&p4&?c+~--h4+&~&*-~~.ngd ~~-f~-~~~~-w.~~~~~.p~-~--~ ~4g%%H7+43kklA*~~&+-t*-G*-&L-~ *~-4M3dMkh&ier+e-~ ew&”-43H3l+jywp=mt*-+ GL-k*4w-nGI& - ~+ppK34e+%h&-be*+3eH3e-4-4kj444a&e+ H*-- l~--~~~~-t-he-~~~~-epeC~~~~~~~irr~ appp~~wyee&&k**~*i3wi+-.aea~*s- ~~.oiE*&*~--pk3-r+~-~-c3ee~h&LL ba+3-&~&b-~e?-k+4~4aa4sF+La+H+-FsJa&~4enf3-i4 r~--43o+-yyeS+&e~-P~r+tie+kwm~ -&&&-*-*---** ~-p.&-&*-~h&~h~+LL*~-2uy ti4l+&y-&kF 12. The CCCR’s for Villages 0, P-1, P-2, 0 and*L shall contain a statement that there is a rock extraction and crushing operation located in close proximity to the nor. of each subdivision. 13. If Villages 0 and P-1 are developed concurrently on one tentative map, the total number of dwelling units of bot Villages combined will not exceed 416 nor will the densi exceed 4 du/ac. -14- YKUY@IJ LWblCK ?LAN 0 NOTES TO TABLE 111-1 la If Village M or S is not acquired by the Carlsbad Unific School District for school purposes within ten (10) yea] from the recordation of the last adjacent subdivision mt the underlying development process and type for the Vi11 shall change from (CUP) to (PD) and wrill bear its propoi tional share of the costs for public improvements. 2. Villages C, G, K, L-1 and U have steep slopes and/or sic ficant canyon areas that have not been included as open space. Special consideration shall be given to these ai at time of subdivision review to protect the integrity ( the adjoining open space areas. A site of approximately one acre of land within Village shall be reserved for acquistion by the City for public facility purposes. The City Council shall determine the specific size and location of the site. - 3. 4. Village I shall be improved as a Recreational Vehicle Storage Area prior to occupancy of the 500th unit in the Master Plan area subject to the approval of the Land Use Planning Manager and Section 25.45.090(K) of the Carlsbz Zoning Ordinance. This Village shall be maintained by t Calavera Hills non-profit organization. Until this lot developed temporary RV storage shall be provided for eac Village pursuant to the standards of the Planned Development Ordinance. 5. Villages adjacent to Tamarack Avenue, Elm Avenue and College Boulevard shall provide bus stop facilities at locations subject to the satisfaction of the North Count Transit District. Said facilities shall at a minimum include a bench, free from advertising, and a pole for t bus stop siqn. The bench and pole shall be desiqned in manner so as to not detract from the basic architectural theme of the adjacent Village and said design shall be subject to the approval of the Land Use Planning Manaqei and North County Transit District. 6. Villaqe K, L-1 and L-2 shall, by includinq lower cost condominiums for sale and/or rental housing, provide tht City with affordable housing and housing for the elder11 The City and the Developer shall jointly pursue the possible use of mortgage revenue bonds to provide low interest financing for the construction of rental units, 7. The CC&Rs for Villages 0, P-1, Q and T shall contain a statement that there is a rock extraction and crushing operation located in close proximity to the north of ea< subdivision. -15- 0 0 8. Villages H, I, K, L-1, L-2, N, Q, R, T and V shall utili cluster developments to avoid mass grading and to preser open space where possible. The PD development standards may be utilized to provide private streets and private recreational areas and open space. 9. The desiqn standard for a portion of Villages Q and T wi be two single family residences attached at a common wal located on the property line separating two individual lots. 10. An open space easement shall be placed wherever possible preserve natural open space, includiny the rear portions lots in Village W, 11. If Villages 0 and P-1 are developed concurrently on one tentative map, the total number of dwelling units of bot1 Villages combined will not exceed 416 nor will the densi- exceed 4 du/ac. 12. There shall be minimum grading for the construction of p( in Village W. Actual grading shall be minimal and incluc only grading for streets, driveways and garaqe pads (in most instances). 13. Villages X and Y shall be developed with single family hc on lots with a minimum area of 15,000 square feet. -16- EXeING MASTER PLA *I B. Grading Standards 1. Grading shall conform as closely as possible to tE requirements set forth in --zrrJaf the LLLammi,cnmmtmr ' w- (21.38.060) and *a&& *~-ec3f+~-*-*~~*k3ile-as*-fcr*-irr* Gk~'*435%+i5Kp3E&~C 2. Manufactured slopes shall be rounded and shaped tc simulate natural terrain. (Exhibits II1-F8+iM-&S 3. Manufactured slopes shall blend with naturally occuring slopes at a radius compatible with the existing natural terrain. (Exhibits III-7,8,10&1; 4. Grading on naturally occuring slopes of 20 percent grade or more which have a vertical height of more than 30 feet shall not occur unless such grading becomes necessary and is specifically approved by City Engineer. 5. A.d-&ts+&M*--*e*-&b%h*kk* 6. W-+-e&-+~Ope-& -eb3Tqu?wY*-gY?&my - -ph¶v. a+ep€3?+kEnY-es&&~ A!nqk-- o++* -*I- 10--3Y?- -2rI-- 7. Vary slopes when possible from 2:l to 3:l or more. 8. Flare or "feather" proposed slopes gently into the existing terrain when possible. (Exhibits III--zIil 9. &Lkk~&++e&x&r+-h&~ to allow slope to flatten c to "pull in", creating visual alcoves to break up monotony of constant linear slopes. (Exhibit 1114 10, shoeer+-deptlt4--M***** -e-*-e-toe-oT-Hres*.- ( -*)-. 44le-s?E&ht-2m3?eP--*-ak*- 11. - .. * * : rtirrgsmarrd-lrnsre €-h&.w+x-*--w-LL-kF ... 12. Round and undulate the toe of slope so there is nc definite toe line. (Exhibits III-Z&Wk. 13. A~~D~.~A_I~IICLL'L;L~A-~&~L ---- -Y ~-~+vm?-~&h.r+~-~~c-~-~~-~~ a&lSm+&ha-~ Mc&e4md%+w-idb&&4€-- r- - !"- h&k&e -&!!b&ukP -17- EXISVG MASTER PLAN e 14. Maintain less than 30 foot elevation changes betwee benches. (Exhibit 111-10). 15. The orientation of the improvements on the individu sites shall relate to the natural topography. 16. Grading is to be minimized, but, where grading is necessary, it is to blend with the natural topograr wherever practical. 17. Favorable features of the indivi.dua1 sites (i.e., mature trees, other significant vegetation, rock outcroppings, mounds, views, etc.) are to be presei as much as possible. 18. Individual sites are to have a desirable visual appearance from all practical viewpoints. ****M* 19. Ea6k-i443e- ... &.-&le! ' ~~~. .. 20. Major natural topographic features such as canyons drainage swales, steep slopes, watershed areas, floodplains, view corridors and scenic vistas shal be retained as near as possible to their natural condition. a~--4**&*uY€?-abcWe-~b~ *- d+&+k?ge +-l€H7-wRlp+***k~- JmE%Ek333+ -- V444- Acrces- A -+Hz€&h+ pr- 4.e v- As- ' *- on tentative map C ekedew+,-- ~-&Y-provri)e *f - *%5**7&3 Mew *--s;fopes-iT-srr] --- -tc F==-=+-aapossj 8-- U trerhrrt - €0- 3€b 43.- - +4!€ln&+ly e * -rtwi II La i i~&. - &r&%y?*4- --* -_ n ils wti*e-+y -+3!==&r. +%l=+Ew33&i--&a+ &&+4<&*+ &e--- 4F9a-J 4iep#w=MW= -18- CIALJIIN~ MASTER P e 0 'L9ABL6-rrE-ccnn;t;'-dc) -- -hqe - A G&--WXiWkp*- = -la- C%liRW*~kL-M&FPkWS+€J&*-~- e--*-* H -M- C~*4%M?WWi+bL**k~~*-~- T!Pa3wPi?ekm--prrea- --adequgtt-&F%* -f -H,-- pepk- -Febe+k+emM-by -l33-r3e-&n&-ftccrtatio YDeperrhmnt, -G 47 C-sliagLs U-of-'hh+erL!.,kQ -b&bi~+ad~ -t&--- . &aa&eGj3&Lky-&-elLk%l 4aayab- 4s-Kaa+zhd& x- * -r- - S*b&&* -QQa&swib%h-sh-pa& JwM&4Jd*-sbLl -rRhiaaL-aacL-hhd.e. +?ixd*-for-sk~~, 4%sLwhG&yr4-4braq.c -csa~%-iRo+aaces~. -w .. & a- -e-- -&R43aU-ViLkqa-K, --* L- a- ch&€u&L- J.kaLa€-'u-L- - -+o-nriCljmihU+.e-gsai x a- Rerrtal- Same-as--a@J* MI&ipb4hn&* -I&~~~-~~si~- -9 -6+89p-shpe.sdxLWesk t4uLk&plr4%~ -P-~-btegGLL.y4 -s&eap4~-oR--wQstr 44- -la- g-sokooL.- 4ibsuaL-ta.?xai.a-uatiL. ++&QcibL-sjrte-&-pW -cW~-aS-~LFe4i-l -L- 33.- --or- szuaaas-~ Jc- -€wh!sE.e-EokoQL,.. 44- -&-- park c4SmaU-ULL~-L- -19- EXISTIBMASTEK PLAN 0 TABL6--'&)-- --- 4i44. - A 0.- 45 G-**h 4t4si&*-ix+7 -'L&m*L&* iRh*k- -b-ke+reP*+Pr 4kHzqec-~h +k$Ye-dey-e+&- --*- -Em&*- c- w- -44- Gk3e%ze=p4kti*~ --3f+J+klr~4r a- &I- s&an&s&- -sam+**%L~-E. +m?l+*-- -kP Si?R+k4+Hl#&I+p s&r+le-S+- -I+ -e+**--** -r-** a- 43- st-+==- 4sHRe++34Ak&*-s Rrrz -5. EaGk. sarsie-anIrFjJ;Laqe -F s- a- &Gh&K&be 4iaruGb*~lage-M + -4.6- s+&r&m+,-- 43€uRe#3+%h** -** 4.L -14- Scrrgle-ly- 4kHRe+3e*LLk-q+-H -+a+- --h+eq3F*-e ***-*vZwiyOTtr +- *- s+md%&-,-- +€nRe+3e+%&*4? sIPc$b4%ii&*- w. *-- s-++ri&*- -+3!E++&Lkiqe4 FKpmi&**=-- x. 48- Shqb*&* --4&kkqe4 ---- * A%-- G-&-hi+b- -MhkRUIibAWw -*r S*k*%W- Y- --5- par? 433n€c3-d+4&..lage4 w-- 40- §...-3%HR%* 43aine.aS+S&~- Estates -20- a I) -zA3L&rTI-=L-ccont-’-&-b Ilewelapment YiiUage- Acr;ek A JAadkM34ta-&a&--- z-2- Li- s*h34%HF&* +3€Hl#ek+%~++ ++- A*- 5a+4.&ege+33-f+*- ~k-em3spz-fo B!m&P Eb?A5+e- -- ‘b. - 4w4wr- mF-- -21- 0 e C. Gradinq Standards 1. Grading plans shall conform to the requirements set forth in Section 21-38.060 (l)(I) and (J) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, the City's Design Guideline Manual and the provisions of Chapter 11.06 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. 2. Manufactured slopes shall be rounded and shaped to simulate natural terrain. (Exhibits 111-5). - 3. Manufactured slopes shall blend with naturally ocurr slopes at a radius compatible with the existing natu terrain. (Exhibits 111-4). - 4. Grading on naturally occurring slopes of 20 per cent grade or more which have a vertical height of more t 30 feet shall not occur unless approved by the City Engineer and Land Use Planning Manager. In approvin such grading, the City Engineer and Land Use Plannin Manager shall review an engineering report prepared licensed civil and/or soils engineer substantiating stability of the slope. Also, any such qrading shal meet the design standards specified elsewhere in thi section and as stated in the City's Planned Developm Ordinance. 5. No manufactured slope shall have a slope angle steep than 2:l. Any exception to this must be approved by City Engineer in accordance with Chapter 11.06 of th Carlsbad Municipal Code and the Land Use Planning Manager. In Village H the slope adjacent to Elm Ave may have a slope angle of 1.8:1, if a precise soils engineering report substantiates the slope stability is approved by the City Engineer and the Land Use Planninq Manager. 6, Vary slopes wheii possible from 2:l to 3:l or more. 7. Flare or "feather" proposed slopes gently into the existing terrain when possible. (Exhibit 111-7). 8. Round and undulate the toe of slope so there is no definite toe line. (Exhibit 111-7). 9. Maintain less than 25 foot elevation changes between benches unless otheGise approved by the City Enqine (Exhibit 111-2). 10. Design projects to allow slope to flatten or to "pul in" creating visual alcoves to break up the monotony constant linear slopes. (Exhibit 111-6) . - 11. The orientation of the improvements on the individua sites shall relate to the natural topography. 12. Grading is to be minimized, but, where grading is necessary, it is to blend with the natural topograph wherever practical. nn 0 eROPOSED MASTER 13. Favorable features of the individual sites (i.e., mi trees, other significant vegetation, rock outcroppir mounds, views, etc. ) are to be preserved as much as possible. 14. Individual sites are to have a desirable visual appearance from all practical viewpoints. 15. Major natural topographic features such as canyons, drainage swales, steep slopes, watershed areas, floodplains, view corridors and scenic vistas shall retained as near as possible to their natural condition. -23- 0 0 &---- r4*4e.tak.*Ghnda+46 ~.R-~~~~.~~~-~~-~~~~-~~~ ~-V~~~~~-~-X-~aFyr~~-~~~~~~~ viua+b&a.LLs>e-~ ~*&&QUd*+€3343Ae&m+H l,--Tke-~-~-~~a~~ger-~~-~~~~~ €m-L~4.&%-W4-*~~sry-~iF1-eoflCp~~ &i3em&*~&+y-*b€4+y€-PmXi+-ee-T-+*IHn d~W&-e€-ea€!+Fd+4&Q?k+ep- 3, -- .A- +e&3&!- 4.04idql- Fegmed4- -4- *le -eub&t?t+?& d d~eVd-i.rr-~ 4*+4*+es-&+d*+.Qwmep s~~~4~~~-~4~~~~~~~~~~ *e-Lb~*-traiA-~. 3,--uuefbr-a-dsst;atk- e!#wkta&+~w44iki--for-~~ .of,&tr. L&.i;ke-&&&~of-tke-P&baWbu *%CjDir-- & ... -24- 0 0 si-e4-- exniei r 111-4 -2 5- 0 0 cEvmc3 LXHIBIP 111- 3 -26- e 0 -- w mrs &myPeehtTo\ bts . - .. m rn(S w'm \at- IF' acpelrl cjm bkk WWbJ f7F b% be aligtl4 ZIT * .. .. .-.. Py%- E --..- .- *- + r-Gmlc pvovide a vi&. - .. - LXHfBl C lff-6 -27- 0 0 - u-- exniei t 111-7 -28- 0 W c. Noise Attenuation The primary noise generators expected to affect Calavera Hills are highway and street noise, offroad vehicle nois construction noise, active parks and the rock extractior crushing operation to the north. This section establis1 methods of attenuating sound in the pJan execution. Basically, attenuation is of two types. The first of t1 is normal attenuation due to distance. The second is attenuation resulting from the introduction of elements barriers between the sound source and the receiver. Normal attenuation occurs as the sound travels over a distance. Maximizing distances from noise generators a set-backs will accomplish this. Other factors contribul introduction of elements between the sound source and tl receiver. In order to attenuate sound, combinations of grade chanc slopes, plantings, walls and architectural elements shal employed to absorb, reflect, deflect and refract sound. Where a noise attenuation program is necessary, mitiqatj measures shall be presented by Developers for the appro7 of the Land Use Planning Manager. Examples of various methods of attenuating sound are shown by Exhibits III-E 111-12. to the reduction of sound are climatic conditions and tl -29- a -. 0. '\ \ \ \ 4 IXHIBIr 111-8 \ EXHlBl I 111°9 sO'Miv\ \CO'bpa extimit iwio I '-, \ \ 0 f%33dsHrn~ 1 hdd\p-& L4h.k & *a- sbLlm*u m iMw ml / ww Nildrus. EXHlBll EXHl6lt lll-12 e e D. Fire Control All highly flammable vegetation shall be removed to forxr fire break to a minimum of thirty feet from structures, the fire marshal shall have the discretionary flexibilit to require as much as one hundred feet from structures. fire break area shall be maintained continuously to prev the reinfestation of these fuels by proper planting and irrigation of less, or nearly nonflammable ornamental pl materials whose characteristics emulate the natural sche If the location of development occurs at the crest of hi or adjacent to steep ravines, modifications and harvest; of the fire fuel within the entire ravine area may be necessary to protect against extremely volatile fire stc that could come up the ravine during a fire. There shall be adequate fire vehicle accessibility to tl native areas via streets or special access fire roads ar easements per the fire marshal requirements. All clear6 and planted natural and manufactured slopes shall be plz and irrigated per the City of Carlsbad's Landscape Guidelines Manual. These areas shall be maintained by i homeowners association rather than by individual homeowr wherever practicable. Refer to Examples 111-13 and III- -3 3- e 0 L1 2 4 rn 3 a -.,. bT --- ---I: 5. b, -.? =e+: 't -- . . ~ -34- 0 0 -35- e EXIS T& MASTER PLAN F. General Standards 1 , %e -3errsikkeB -prevM-h -t~~s-p~~s-are-m~~im~~e v - -I% ~-a~~ei.pat~-aetacll-deRsjt)es-ni~:l-iR-meRy-ea~e~-~e f.essr--Spet~€~e-deR4~~~e~-w~~~-Ise-$e~erwiAed-~~-~ke &pp~pria~e-eleel~~R-~~~Ry-~~y-~~-~-~~~~-e€-~he~~ eans~~er~~~lt-ef-iRd~vid~~~-deve*e~meRae-w~~k~~-~kie M&ster-P&&R. 2. Specific locations of roads, park and school sites an1 other elements of this plan shall be fixed as a part less than +lo% in such locations as shown on the plan or in the goundaries or ares of individual villages shall be considered consistent with this plan. individual developmental approvals ll A variation of 3. Tke-esae~lb~~L-~eaiy~l-ekarae~erie~~~ae-e€-~ke-6a~~ave~a ~ibba-eerwRus~~y-wi~~-~e-~~~e~e~-~e-ae-e~~-€er~h-~~-~~ Nas~es-Pla~l-i~l-a~~-a~~~y~-~ke-~ee-e€-6eve~a~~e~ c;eAg~~~eRs-er~-~e3~~ie~~eR~-t€GhRae~r--rPke-BB&Re-aPe ~-lae-~~iR~~lered--By-aR-Areki~eeaura*-Se~sCre~ ~~gglee-ee~aBlls~e~-By-baLke-C;a*:avePa-~*~~e Assee~~aear--'Qkia-6erwRl~~ee~~-~ee~eR~*-B~~*~~-~k~~~-ep Be-~R--Rth~~ePb-mePe-FeelFleCive-~kaR-~ke-miRim~ 4~~R~&~s-al*ew~--By-~ki~-Pla~~er-~~aR-a~~-4~e-€*~~~ 'Pki-s-eemRtit~ee?-~-~~~~e~&~-s~~~~-~e-~e~~~~e~-eft-%~~ Ba~~~~q-~~a~s-gr~er-~e-~e~iew-~~-~ke-€~4y-u~*ees-~he P~hRFlhFly-B~reeBer-~e~e~mi~66-~~e~e-are-e~~8~~~~*~~- e~re~~s~aRees-~~~~-we~~~-~~*ew-4~e-B~4~-te-~eee~~-t~~ ~k&~~-~t-pa~tieiga~e-~e-~-memIse~-e€-t~*e-€e~~t~ee~ 4. ~hR?-s-€;er-tke-te~a~-~leeCer-P~aft-aree-sh~~-Be-eaBHlil: te-tke-P~Qnning-B~~eeheP-rer-kie-a~~~e~a~-~~e~-~e ~~~reva~-e€-~ke-~e~~~~~~e-~~~-e€-~ke-iire~-suBBiviei( ~lh~9=wi~~e~~-~ke-~~~~~ee~s=~~~e~-a~~~e~a~~--~e-€! 5. Tke-66&R~e-€er-~kis-Yaeher-P~a~-a~~-eu~ee~~e~~ ~eve~epme~ts-s~&~*-~e-eet-u~-ae-~e-a~e~d~e~ts-~e-4~e~ sha~~-eecur-witheat-eity-ap~~a~a~-u~~-ska~~-previde tk~t-tke-eitr-skal*-kave-4he-~u~~e~*4y-~e-~e*ee4*~e* eATefee-~ke-66CR'e-i€-~~e-€*~y-€e~~e**-~e~e~~*~e8-~~ en€eteemenC-ie-neeeeeary-Ce-~e~ee4-t~e-~~~*e-~~€~ 6. ~e-€e~~ewing-e~~ibi~e-s~~*~-~e-use~-~a-gu*~e~*~e~-~ revieuiAg-deve*epmeA~-~~e~~-€e~-~e~~~*a~ee-w~4~-~~e s~aRd&rds-eea~aiRed-iR-Clte-~~s~e~-~~a~~ -3 6- 0 PR B SED MASTER PLAN i F. General Standards 1. Specific locations of roads, park, school sites and other elements of this Plan shall be fixed as part o individual developmental approvals. A variation of than +lo% in locations as shown on the Open Space P1 or in-the boundaries or areas of individual Villages shall be considered consistent with this Plan. 2. All landscaping within the Calavera Hills Master Pla shall be in compliance with the City of Carlsbad's Landscape Guidelines Manual. 3. The Developers of this Master Plan shall initiate an incorporate a non-profit corporation ("Corporation") the purpose of operating and maintaining the Recrea- tional Vehicle Storaqe Area and such other public facilities as deemed necessary by the City required this Master Plan. 4. Each individual Homeowners Association within the Calavera Hills community shall have a minimum of one representative on the Board of Directors of the Corporation. 5, Articles of Incorporation for the Corporation shall submitted to the Land Use Planning Manager for revie and approval prior to the filing of the first final after the approval of MP-lSO(F). 6. The By-Laws of the Corporation shall provide that nc amendments to them shall occur without prior City approval and shall provide that the City shall have authority but not the obligation to provide for mair tenance of the Recreational Vehicle Storage Area anc such other public facilities as deemed necessary by City and assess charges for said maintenance to the Corporation if the City Council determines such act: is necessary to protect the public welfare. -3 7- .. E llrrr iu4 +* . f e .. I -. .. 0.: ...a --- &.--- .t--' .-z- .,:p.r-.:-. I .__;_ r ( .I . - : _- .. . EXHIBIT 111 .. -2H- e - E-/:r?i/v4! 47 f I - ... ,.-_-._c-l.. _-.__.._. . .- - _.-__, ___ -.--. . .. I__... . -... .. - ... , . . .* .. -_ . - . ... .. .. -- " EXHIBIT I1 - -39- e 0 . +d I f/;flh& !. wa tvfi -.. . ( EXHIBIT II! - .. .. e_-. -40- * E/im/niS 7b/ Y o . -. EXHIBIT I11 - i - .. EXHIBIT 111-19 .. -41" e L-/,*m /-Ab? 4f LR * 4 EXHIBIT €11-20 / wte: ~6 ic~nnd,~, i EXHIBIT 111-21 qJe% *as 03 f -4pa \&4 w .. -42- XI STING MASTER F 0 IV. OPEN SPACE MID MAINTENANCE A. 1ntroduct.ion - The plan for Calavera Hills calls for approximaLe4y-4 aeree to be set aside as open space. The open space corridors, as shown on Exhibit IV-1, provide buffers between residential areas and roads and commercial ax public areas as well as define neighborhoods. A-sys4 e€-ge~ee4f~a~-a~~-e~~ee~€~a~-~~a*~3=w*~~-~~~~e~~e-~~ aihe-i~-~keee-ee~F*~e~s-~e-ee~~eeC-sek~~~~-~~ ~ke-ee~oreia~-ee~~e~-w~~~-~~e-kee%e-~~~e~ These-h~ai~e-~~-eesaeea-Be-a-~e~~e*-ej*~e eireu&ekieB-eyekemr All open space including, but not limited to, the op space corridors shown on Exhibit IV-1, shall be improved by the Developer as a coindition of the subdivision of the adjoining VilLage pursuant to the Phasing Schedule contained in Section V. E. Dedication - Each Developer shall dedicate an open space easement over all open space eerrgdere shown on Exhibit IV-1. Each applicable Developer shall also pedestrian and equeeGrias trails ekewa-ea-EahiB&t-3i Tkia-qFPEzB-ekal~-a~e~~~e-~)t~~-t)teee-~~~**~-~~Q~~-~e~ eaeIzea-€eP-leuBlie-aeeeae-alitd-ese-an~i~-c~e-€ity- ewere~aee-~C.s-Pig~~~-~e-~~e~me-~espens~~~*~ty-fe~-t~ ~~is~es~Izee-e€-~keee-~~a~~s~--Adjeining-a~ea~~ ~se~u~~ag-B~~-ne~-~imi~e~-~e-~~epeei-~~Q~~-~e~-~e ~Ae~~~ed-uitkiR-tke-p~~~~e-eesement-nere-~ .ee-Be-Hta,irtC.aiRe~-B~-t)te-Bi~yr The width and location of the open space corridors shall be as shown on Exhibit IV-1. A deviation of 1 per cent (+lo%) shall be allowed when determining si width and Tocation. ~e-minimam-width-u~~ewc~-~~~*~ ~elP~~-iree~r--Ad~~~~e~Q~-epcn-spaee-e~eu~-malp-tx p~~ife~-ui~kiA-e&ek-vi33~ge-deve3apment-; grant an easement for public access and use over all CI Improvements - 1. - Landscaping and Grading 'Pke~-~&ndseclpinq-~~-tke-epen-spuee-carridars-~ Be--~RB~a~ur~~-~~~~~e-~eye~~~~eaT-Reee~~ed-~e t ~ge~h~~A-er-P~re-eantra3-tTegetatre~-~~-deser be~T--k~~-ef~rt~-s~u**-be-made-ta-reta.i.n eh~4~~Rg-R&~~r%~-~hr-€e~~~~--~e~eve~-gr~drng I4eeesaaPyr -*he -gr&i.rtg -standards- in-Seetien-€* &h&&-app%yr -4 3- 0 EXl)rING MASTER PLAN a. +k&~ux%ed-*+i-nr~ 'on &i-e€-dJ7Q-4x-~aJid&&im&** ~~~-~~+~~-.na~~a~=~~~--as-~~lfl see-ti*a4-r 4-4---4%-4~&4&4a A-- -M&- 3----*iXTi@4e+l *---4A*+er-e. b---S4**&* L---4?mSk~4&-PVeqet &&on ~~&-~~4u-@~&&~~~4~ a4&+A&ed-hy-~*e&m-~.qY?&ai~** r~~~;t~+~~-~~~-~~t~--~~~~of s~es-444c**h€-ed4y-~q--wl?idY ars-~a~-~~~~~4~~~~i~~~-~~- o~~~l~~~r~~~-~~=~~~ ~~~a~~~~-~~-i~~~~~~~- a----4k%q?emTy+my&+T?w~* h---*deFi-.- a, ---q~~-eee 4- -- - 43W34*44€l44eFl- 4?Q&+49e13t4~QPabani)orred. e-. - -- GEM&- M-sr- L---*ASFh43a43ee a----€A*4er-&tmt& i+I---*4rebreaks e-r---3rir4ye*4em-¶?ep&Furrt44-~ &---?Z43+34-.*444e+Tl 3-.---4*&qa*4QFPGyS*esP For-a-r-ea€5-&-~€l-r-d-Tm44-~&~-4 USt+€-I'*ai.hfar-rentl'-t~*7&k-d s~4&c4~*-wi**dt?Rhtm&~~ ir-eav--M+*t*F+-,--natnre a*~aire-e-*~&~-wf-~ sysCem3ta~-**~+Tr~TmtUru4 d444~--Anet+reT-d+e3r&~worriit-*-m &f3ca44-p~*~*4*-+~ add4*4eme4-+ke-prt3urt*enY&- L€kese-sys4~-w*-d-dy+kn+ng emerqea.cy-geri&Gr-aK&~4ub+&~* c*- --Ear& aaa&zril- Uq.&5&A 'ma z~raef-302 - tQ-inoi - =A- -*--+SA natucaa- a,xeaa7 - aa- &ecriW- +i++ &esk4+m- 444- -44- 0 EX ih ING MASTER PLAN &---4&&4*4€nl- Hematerr ‘a+~-carryrrry.~ ‘-rrg+mt 4?I%eix& .efae-b-- z43- 4.e- -E-*. &aa&+&~43e-r+pr~&.4..4-+.4-ke ~&d&*uee4&L-a.s-fitT-*-focT-FR, odrrr-&&4i!X~&-ar&~d--~4ie *a&~4&4ee-%ha+Ad-+&@**a~ +€4aa--r&et&-+4*. *---~&.y~4Mes*~& 4*qwwth-**-+n+4.!w4!--udtnne *&hiwe-4**-&*- €!&aw.4~-&444-groK-~ &4QE+4&0-4b€s*!4en43m .tJleu-4WX*-**eesi-l.ir L----4-&-&4--&44* &4*&&.t*-eeV *~-c~d*4~*~iH+ePa x444¶?$-&***&* ---sasr;i.ti~*-~Yrg-~ ---**4@eX-q%&mwi~-~* --A*&*ex-eemewk*-+2ciet4d4e ---A*&*e%-ea-*-- ‘rrg LVhPr_JAauJr*~iRtXOdU frOm,~-&Luutxisc~~&d, *A*aW+-t*~+i+e+PQ%& idah--€4&*dM*ee - ‘ crispcts7-?iy3!Pr4+~ ,--ea-l- pUbesm7--y&errki- Mesernhrya *+lemtm-*e*-Icep;lant ArceRtisia-€md--ilatW?asl ‘em a**eFf&3+i.*--&A*&+-m 4%4*-7-ehcr--*- *---9da*qsnitmrpd*e?t?RVd* +ii&44er%~-evtempeznmm-~i- &e-ep4a*4-.-7rl?+4==-rn ?nay-;be-*ea-4~-cde-~- &A** *4tbt.l&- B%4t+RHh a,---waia+aaH av---+ri**eF-e€m+*d- L---4rri€Ja*ASR-*epaii d~---Wd-aa43-+3e%*-eei+t*€A +3*---??nI.lsiMJ-%itd-+?l3%?H&*~ €~--=-&sAqa4h=wi*~ gW---aA42&*4ei*y k-w - -- Tux+- dag 6- - -- gH*&44Sd*4M -45- e F(STING MASTER PLA &---3&??-h+J&55 --*- -~-ALL+usea+-sh& IieOBiTrqa- 4-BBI)Bk3.y-ouer<-i&3&-4+e ~*&h--~#--*4-ppgy. ~aetkeE***+he~~%Mie~ --&+he--.--* -v- 4- -pd32d5*b-'+wP-e *'L -€FeTR ~4&A+~*P+e€+-te~*-k+ ~+Ek&4++a+---sr-~*d- ~-t!~~~-*~~~+~~*d-+ ++**-*&p-k~~kx+-€c3++my-~~. #x+--eyEPmn-,-~+3eF-kk3=d- -s 4e&gw3---!d-----h~*l #+&-&-kriga;tiOrr.&e-,-*- +RH+t+-4W&d-+€?-- * ***- --*-*--&p&g&b-- e-+--!-. ~=&e4f&**~k*-heatkY3hmtk+ 2. Bikeways All of the arterial streets within this Master Plan shall provide on-street bikeways-M * y-r-*%keix=.43&hwFp -&-€e&* -JRYeuH3yaqP-* 43l-- &al&mle---- 4.- &&her-.t~***.iin*~& 4Iod4+44<..------+ Bicycle racks i &**&*&-e- related facilities shall be provided in the commercial center, parks and similar areas to encourage the use of this transportation mode. ... ~+3ha&L&-.*~-&&~& -=.e&- -bY--c=1 :fcm-&P--e€- # +n&ee%-4A?e-Fw*~** * >-Cr-*+.arr- *-- €*y-E@9wer -r-*- +k%3e%+43aw+Gy &-&04+n-~~*.-~P 3. Pedestrian Trails +edee&&*+F&45t~+JeqXYwk3+- ** open-~SoT**++*~~*&bi++H+b. 3.A23dda- ' 4shaLL- I 44onpa&i&&L- a+-q&+*-M--h-K%P-* *<&b+34xl4&+a+e*-a&*+tH?+*~ +lilt+4ha3&~uIe-*~ -bedc-k -=&-+-Y-- * +I+- *--etope-4-~~~~*~~ +khwj+h-e+33EP&* -JFhe--* 4..4&-&--- &&-43w2b**-*- -46- ~TING MASTER PLA 0 a-b~xiqe-44X-4+4&'-4.-~-***~ ~-4&4X3+rr&hy&b-*-+XEEi4----re&* ~--~~~~~~~ig~~~~~~~~~-be i~~*.ite~~dkad-?3--*4+=?fP~~ &k&4-+~&d4.+?l+3H+~4*~3WYt?&y i3+-mw+*~M**-3w~ 4---- 4*4?x&44- ~~4+l+.tz&44%3h4&4Yi?-~d+3ed--ni*** ~+peme~4..**~*~*+~4H*.-* 4M~-*-.t.d4-&4-&-~~+4* 44+#m-+m&34&L~~~~~--*d4 ~~-~~~~-~~~~~~~---~~~~~~- pbssc~~~-75-.f~of-r~~~~~-~~~-~ 43€4wd.-~~---*~.-x~--4~ +x+3&m€m&*~~.~d**-d~ aad#~-43ea%j?ed-&&M4-~~*44~* ~--~*~#~~43?i~~~4~ &&*-*-d*tr&4-M4---. ~~~~~-~-~~=~~-~-~~~~~~-- rd4rrg4~4.infF*a4-*4*-et& a~~~--~~~~~-gr~~~--be-~~~~~ ~4~~-4#-f~-~~~~~~-L~300-- fe4a+-4~+f~-&4+taw€e4.&~*4~.-& 20&*e?r-+Hc*#x3m€+I44**~~4&- T~L~~~~~4-~k~-~~~~~~~ 4Ak434f+q-&~€4+*44*i*~+mrr&l4- &i&LaMYe+i)I:&eer~ii+Uer*4+?&l--d~ '- 4skmna44y7-~~.4**x&4*M4-* f?e€4.*4&4€w€wl '+ld-+€-**&*-*Swi..*-- WhePe &+-t*&d-+i7sky+lee&*e-eeet+*~-eiq+XP-9;h ~@.~~&4&4~~~~&~~~-€~+! .s~+q-+4lex~~~~-&*++'*~ 'err cre6&+$-hehkk--~&-+x.peek~4*~* 44-m44-be-pr&d.e&w4w-r+.t*4=Fa44-~~* ~i~d--~-~~~-&-+€PiM~i~ aJ~a4ege-&u4~&-~~*-~-*w A44a&I.&--4hdHy+3&l4--be-ut444&~ ~4A~--me-**+i+&d..-+ei+e-+433nw~ eb&*m4~+reifk~4zw9+4d-+rr~*+4 .f~--F~~r~-~~~~-~~~~~~ ey4&en-&- tr&k--a&na-tdy*--- 4v-4- 5. Standards Common to Bicycle, Pedestrian and Equestrian Trails caa&..XWa#bi->f-&rla4+~k~-~~4.M eq-ka&*4~*x&4**-ees*erd-&~i* ---a4-**&4%-*4-*--**- gW&d€&+ld6p--*4X-4Qp4hFA4-+&f-l4& -47- ()6ISTING MASTER PL @ with-~~rPinimu~121pe~ca~~=g~~~,e~-~~~~-~~~~a~~ difcke~-utaliaed-te-~~e4ea~-~aa~eu~~-~-~u~a-aac €i~~eT--~ei+ker-ou+-~er-€~~~-~~e~e6-~~~~~-~~cee6 a+LT--Trai~-cig~s-~is~~~~~ag-~ke-~~~-~-a-~e~ fer-equee~rian-+rai~s-ana-a-~e~~~e-~~-~~~ gikewa~e-~ka~~-8e-spaee~-e4%~~-~~QQQ-€~%~~--~~a~ e~~~a~ee-sig~s-ska~~-~-~~~~-a.t-.tra~~au~6 aR~-6~ree~-cro66iAg6~--~O~-d~~-~~a~~-~~~6~~g-d Fea~wa~T-a-eroEsiag-s~g~-~ar~~~g-meteri ~e-se+-300-fee+-~fe~e-~~a-c~~e~~~ag. 6,---Uses-ia-Geaeral-- Aaa-ucac-aad-in;lproue~~~8-w~~~~~-~~~-~~-~~~e eer~i~e~e-~kewff-e-~~~~~~~-*~-~-~ka~~-~-qe4e~~, B~-Lke-Qpe~-Gpaee-~eae-~Q-~~-a~4e~~~-~~au~a. 2,---Maintenaace- Prier-~e-issuaa~e-e€-~i~~~~~-~r~~~-~~ ~eve~e~mesh-wihkia-+e-~aer-elaAT-lke-~e~ 6ka~~-ee~ae~iek-a-ke~eewae~e-ae6eee*a~*~~~~-w~ aka&&- iRe~u~e-~revieiea-+e~-~k~~*u~euaa~e-~- ~a~~-a~~-i~~reueme~~u-4-~~a-a~~o~~a~~~~6~~--~ aseeaiaties~sS-eka~~-~e-erea~e~-~~~~q~-~e-~~& preeess-a~a-Be-sue3ee~-~e-~e4~ew-affB-aiaa~-~ hke-6i~~-P~aAAlAg-8irea+er, -40- e m IV. OPEN SPACE AND MAINTENANCE A. Introduction The plan for Calavera Hills calls for open space to k set aside. The open space corridors, as shown on Exhibit IV-1, provide buffers between residential are and roads and commercial and public areas as well as define neighborhoods. A bicycle and pedestrian syste will utilize special design criteria for major street right-of-ways to connect parks, schools and the commercial center, subject to the approval of the Cit Enqineer, Land Use Planning Manaqer and Director of Parks and Recreation. These systems will be availab. for connection to a broader city-wide circulation sys tem. All open space including, but not limited to, the op space corridors shown on Exhibit IV-1, shall be improved by the Developer as a condition of the subdivision of the adjoining Village pursuant to the Phasing Schedule contained in Section V. All open space shown on Exhibit IV-1, other than parks, is private open space and has been utilized for density calculations. B. Dedication Each Developer shall dedicate an open space easement over all open space areas shown on Exhibit IV-1 - and additional open space areas shown on approved tentat maps. Each applicable Developer shall also grant ar easement for public access and use over all pedestrj and bicycle areas as shown on each approved Tentatil Map and not contained within a public right-of-way. All open space areas other than public parks shall 1 maintained by the adjacent homeowners association. This shall be clearly stated in the CC&Rs for each project. The City shall have the right, but not thc obliqation, to enforce this condition or to maintail the homeowners association. The width and location of the open space corridors shall be as shown on Exhibit IV-1. A deviation of per cent (+lo%) shall be allowed when determining s width and iocation provided the overall amount of o space is not reduced. the open space and charge the cost of maintenance tc C. Improvements 1. Landscapins and Gradinq The open space corridors shall be landscaped w Zone 3 and Zone 4 type landscapinq as defined -49- (I) @OPOSED MASTER PI the City of Carlsbad Landscape Guidelines Manual Where deemed necessary by the Fire Marshal, a Fi Protection Plan shall be implemented as detailed the Landscape Guidelines Manual. All efforts sk be made to retain existing natural land forms. Wherever gradinq is necessary, the grading standards of Section I11 shall apply. All irrigation systems shall comply with the City of Carlsbad's Landscape Guidelines Manual. 2. Bikeways All of the major arterial streets within this Master Plan shall provide on-street bikeways. Bicycle racks and related facilities shall be provided in the commercial center and parks to encourage the use of this transportation mode. 3. Pedestrian System A pedestrian system shall be provided adjacent all major arterial streets as shown on Exhibit IV-2. The pedestrian system shall be improvedr shown on Exhibit IV-3. The pedestrian system- shall connect schools, parks, residential areas - commercial areas. 4. Standards for Bikeways and Pedestrian Systems All bikeways and pedestrian systems shall be wi arterial street right-of-ways, subject to the- approval of the City Enqineer and Director of P and Recreation. Bikeways shall be 4 feet in twi from curb to 6 inch wide painted line in street Pedestrian systems shall consist of a 5 foot wi sidewalk in a 12 foot wide area outside of curb with landscaping as approved by City Enqineer; bikeway and pedestrian street crossings shall2 located at signalized street intersections wit1 appropriate signs placed 200 feet from inters= - tions. - -50- oi e V. PUBLIC FACILITIES AND PHASING A. Sources of Public Facility Funding To insure the consistency of this Master Plan with t Carlsbad General Plan, all public facilities necessa to serve the Master Plan area shall be provided concurrent with need. The developer's obligations t rovide public facilities shall be deemed satisfied :11 public facilities required by this Master Plan a the General Plan as implemented by any duly adopted of approval of any Planning Area development are provided. Notwithstanding any ordinance, resolution officially adopted policy in existence at the time c adoption of this Master Plan, the City Council may modify (increase or decrease) in the future the pub1 facilities requirements by amendment of such ordinar resolution of officially adopted policy or of this Master Plan if the City Council finds such modificat necessary to insure continued consistency f this Ma Plan with the General Plan. The requirements of thi section are a condition of this Master Plan approval are necessary to enable the City Council to find thz the Calavera Hills community will have public facili according to the General Plan. No development propc shall be approved unless the requirements of this section and section V.B. are met. Each developer, or future developer shall use and develop their respective property in accordance wit? this plan, including the provision of public facilit To ensure unified development control as required bi Section 21.38.030 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, developers shall cooperate with one another in ordei accomplish the orderly development of the property j accordance with this Master Plan. All developers 01 future developers shall be responsible for providinc the public facilities identified by this Master Plar Except where payment for land or facilities is exprc established by this plan, the City shall not be responsible for reimbursement for any public facil: provided pursuant to this Master Plan. This shall I affect the right of a developer to obtain reimburse1 from other qovernmental agencies or share the cost ( improvements by private agreement. Nor shall this preclude an assessment district for roads or utilit: This amendment is declarative of existing law under 150 and its previous amendments. Ordinance, resolution or policy in existence at the -51- e 0 B. Description of Public Facilities Public facilities shall be provided by the developer substantially as shown on Exhibit V-1 and described herein at the time shown on Table V-1 and described Section V.C. 1. Streets The Calavera Hills Master Plan includes three major streets shown in the City of Carlsbad's General Plan Circulation Element. These street are 102' and 84' right-of-way streets known functionally as major and secondary arterial streets. All other streets within the master- planned area are local or local collector strec All streets within the development shall compl] with City standards or as required by the City Engineer. Due to the topography of the Master (Elm, Tamarack and College) is impossible durii the Master Plan stage. Precise alignment shall controlled by the City Engineer through tentat: and final map recordation and approvals. On- street bikeways shall be provided on each artei as required by the City Engineer. The Developer shall dedicate or otherwise prov: and improve 102 feet of right-of-way for that portion of Elm Avenue that lies between Tamara( Avenue and College Boulevard. The design and timing of the improvements shall be as require( the City Engineer. The Developer of each Village shall construct I contribute money for all traffic signals neces! to accommodate the traffic to be generated by Village as required by the City Engineer. If l citywide traffic signal policy or ordinance is adopted, the City Engineer may require the Developer to comply with such policy or ordina in satisfaction of this condition. Tke-G&ky-ska44- seh&C-a-4eCCer- +e+efi-B!bqe-€e Bepartmeat-e+-~raaspeYtet~en-~qu~st~ng-~ut~~ te-appreve-and-mainta+n-the-impraaemmt Ta~araek-Aveaue-~eu~~e~-~~-~a~-~~~~~~~~~~- be+weea-El-Caraiao-8eal-aad-~~-~~~u~~~ prouaded-a+-is-po&siblu-fo~-~~-~a~~-~assu~ *ha+- reeiseffsiei+i~p - - me- deve4eper- dm34- reimburse-Cke-€iC y- e€- a44-cests-rteCtssarg- +e repaif-aay-straetara~-d~~ge-te-t~~~~-~tt Plan area, precise alignment of the arterials -52- e 0 -=t-w-r--- *Y aL-- ---%&L+-X sh2LLL~~-PC~~-iWwEy ~&roadwaqraa&lwb-~~~** tkat&e&suxL a -pbssss~~~~~€-. Ot-LuCtLs. - -slrck_timn~&heG*~iL~h -- ' --+e ' 'CL,-k-*W and.- dr-i n;ul~~~&2&+-kk+~-l+k##k+W *.. 2. Water Present supply reaches the project by the 27-inc Squires Dam Transmission Line, the 20-inch El Camino Real Transmission Main and two 14-inch feeder lines which are fed off the El Camino Rea Main. All of these lines are in place and operating presently including a 100,000 gallon booster station storage tank and the main one million gallon storage tank (elevation 456') at the northerly terminus of the 14-inch feeder whj bisects the project. The Tri-Agency Pipeline will provide high pressi water supply within the project area for future supply. The present plan approved by the Costa Real Municipal Water District (CRMWD) will supp 20 cubic feet per second to flow westerly to thc project area. By agreement with CRMWD, all water improvements will be paid for by the Developer as each Villa is built, the exception being transport lines (mains) which are included in the Tri-Agency Pipeline proposal and will be paid for by the District which will then be reimbursed by all t users of the District 3 system. Existing Master Pla 3. Sewer The primary source of sewage treatment in the ( of Carlsbad is the Encina Treatment Facility. &h&s-a-.~-6.( -atd%-u%i?ncu-& *J.h& *- ' -ha&- -w==i '- ant+455-&-*~~-*--4 a+€P-WbJe&- 42e4kwthx-G+y-~-gsney.fn r+q&+&+y~-eewx--d~~~*~ CEL*y€5tXm€33 * --m-'adOph- -*a*&-- ** T*- t*-++Pm?z?**--- -53- 0 0 time- ad- &ha+- he- AS- pweeediaq- &+h- +h4tj- ~akss-~Q-rsfrsasntatieR-&ka~-~-~~l-be-a~e-L€ forward- witk-~aS--eve~~eu~-~-+ka~-~~-.sersl wall-b- avaaJaSae- +GS- &he- p~e-pexly- The- d%~%~~~r--af--~%a-a-.satell~~e-was~~a~ ~rea~~eff~-~a~i4i~~-~~~e~4~ +h4~-p~ejee+--~~ octsber-3,-197~)-r-~~e-~~~~-€Q~~~i~-a~~~-~A- 51~8$-to-~ac~-a-Pu~~~-~~~~~~~-~~~-~~-~~~ 8esigaatieu-in-Lks- Galavera- &&-lls-&aiaaqe--basi If- tke-pr~ea-sa+e~~~~e-~i;~ewa~er-+r~+~~ fa~44iky- is- subeequeal4y- apprwd- +e-* 4eea+eC and- develeped- ui&ia-*he- a*-- e€- +his- .M~S+CX Plan,- &ke-a&isaa*- ska44- aF@y- g-a-eene- &a* €rem- P-C- le- Q-U- €ex- &e- had- +ezessarjr- ~QF- +he sawes- @a&- &itsel+- --a+ ea4d-eeae-&afiqe-i.s- +hi af~revea,-+~e-Plaffaiffg-~i~ee~~-~ha~l ad~isis&ra*iue&y- revise- &e-.~aa+er- P4aa-t- makf ee~sis&effC-wiCk-+he-a~~~~~-~~e-d~. Appreval- &- said- fasili&y- may- reqeire-+ke- add44 e€- eesdi&ieRs-te-+his- Masker- p.lla+~-+e- F-4&- 4 iteme-seek- as-der- easelrteRks7 - B&&R- ame&mea+s7 - agri e&LCu.ra&- preeervatim- aRd- &her- ceffd4cie~s ~eaessary- +e- a6ee~lfflffledak.e- &e- dev&epw+1+-&--6+ a- fasiliky- ae- a- par&-&-kk4s- PiIasCer- p4aaaed- wakez- sys+ea~s- skall-b-ia&alled- 4~- all- reei- ~es~ia&-ui~lage~-preided- +&- €icy- 9ilaNaqe- de+ermiaes- +ha&- euek-sye*ems- aFe-aecepkaHe- +e- ~es~essi~le-~Blis-e*~~~~~ ~~vele~eff&-aa-h*s-EmN-r*sk-aN~-~~aC-~~~€*C~- 'Ae4d- kar&ss- aqreewsl-iw- @a&- eperaC4m7 6eHLFR~~*a~TT--~he-€*C~-~"-ia*.tiate-a+I-a~dtne~~- Proposed Master Plan 3. Sewage Treatment The primary source of sewage treatment in the ( of Carlsbad is the Encina Treatment Facility. secondary sewage treatment facility is the Calavera Hills Wastewater Treatment Facility. Calavera Hills Master Plan area will be served either or both facilities. The City has made available to the Developer ai Developer's successors in interest, sewaqe treatment capacity at the Encina Treatment Plai on the same basis as any other property owners the City's sewer service area. However, all development within the Master Plan Area shall 1 sewer systems designed to flow to the Calavera Hills Sewage Treatment Plant. -54- 0 0 Sewer permits will be issued according to the agreement between Lake Calavera Hills Associate and the City of Carlsbad dated January 20, 1982 Associates and Cedric E. Sanders dated August 3 1982 and on October 14, 1982. and the aqreement between Lake Calavera Hills 1982 and approved by the City on September 27, 4. Solid Waste Solid waste from Calavera Hills is collected ar disposed of at the county-operated land fill facilities. Coast Waste Management has indicat that it has adequate capacity to meet the anticipated demands of the proposed Calavera Hj communities. 5. Gas and Electric The San Diego Gas and Electric Company will Calavera Hills area. The future power demands Calavera Hills are within the long-range capacities of San Diego Gas and Electric. All utilities, including provisions for cable television, shall be placed underground. distribute natural gas and ellectricity to the 6. Schools Calavera Hills is currently served by the Carl: Unified School District. Calavera Hills shall comply with the City of Carlsbad's public facilities policy by assuring continued cooper; with its school district by setting aside such as may be necessary to meet the needs of the s( district and/or by compliance with any formal agreement between the Developer and the school district. - One Two elementary school site and one junior ' school site have been selected by the Carlsbad Unified School District and reserved by this M< Plan. All school sites are located adjacent tc permanent open space corridors and the bicycle/pedestrian system. Existing Master Plan 3. Parks Tko- deveaeper- &all- dediea*+ V444a9es- T7- 47,- R--. and-X-fer-puUic- parks- p.uxpxesT- -Tke-B&isat4. of-eack-~rk-v~~~ge-~~a~~-~-~~e-~~~~~~~~~ -55- 0 0 WiCk- *he .Te.e3fd.a*+~ e€- It- fiild- merp- f%Y- CIre a~~~-~-a-~~~~~~~~~~-pa~-~ &ewn- m- the- *a&trg- ~ehd-tde- 3-M-e- -3;- - ATI-J park-d.e4l4Ga+iaa-k- -e-x-€~&-+*c**-e€neFks-+ Ckapkex- 2& 44- e€- *he-€a*4* +k&.&F4- Jsed-e x+ *4&l-a~44444a-&a44-* w*&4&**@ 2Q,~~88-~-*~~.~~~~-€~--~~-~ ~i*~-~~~~-i~~-~~a~~-~~ ef- *his- *4-*. ~~-~~e-d~~~a~~~~-~~~~d~-~~-~-~~-~-’I- exceeds- *++e-ame-tl**- e- -laT3d-**€l*- WetEId- 3!Ye- requi. ~y-~a~~-28~44-€-4~~~-~~~i-~~-~~ r;~all-~re~aia~-~-+~~Bi+~-i.rr- s~1+4deet4en-q Cke- Was+er- P4aa- pa~k3- +-eep&~&- +e- meek- +he- m ei- &e- P4aaaed- €emw&+y- *%-e- -eemd-i~+m- ef- ++I+* %eaiag-a*ewa4. satidy- GWA- zequ4~eme+k+ X-- &her- +&d-i&&e~ wit hi^- tkis-&~tex- PAaa- &* aeee&aae+ &+h- ++s-d be~~~-~~~€~~~-~d-~~~~~~~-tO-i~~ ~Q~~~oF1-2&44.1~m~~~~~~-~-~~~~i ~--Re€er-~~B~.~~~~-~~-~a~-~~~d~ty &-V444ageR-2-C -56- 0 0 Proposed Master Plan 7. Parks The Developer of Villages E-1, H, K, L=2, Q, T, W, X and Y shall dedicate Village E-2 excepting therefrom one acre of land for public facility purposes as referenced in 111-4 for public park open Space areas shall occur after the approval all tentative maps for the above listed Villaqes and prior to approval of the first final map, 01 portion thereof, of any of the above listed Villages. Park-in-lieu fees or additional dedication shall be required per Section 20.44 ( the Carlsbad Municipal Code to fulfill park requirements not fulfilled by the dedication of Villaqes F and E-2. The City of Carlsbad specifically invokes the provisions of Section 20.44.110 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. purposes. The dedication of Villaqe E-2 and 0th 8. Public Transit Calavera Hills will adhere to the policies of t' City of Carlsbad as stated in the Circulation contemplated that the area will be serviced by North County Transit Authority as is the entire of the City of Carlsbad. As noted earlier, the site development plans for Villages E-1, E-2 an shall include provisions for transit stops to t satisfaction of the Planning Commission. As noted earlier, the site development plans fc all Villaqes adjacent to Tamarack, Elm and Coll Avenues shall include transit stops to the satisfaction of the Land Use Planninq Manaqer. Element regarding public transit. It is 9. Flood Control Calavera Hills shall meet all requirements of 4 San Diego County Department of Sanitation and Flood Control and the City of Carlsbad as flood control facilities to neighborhoods as t are developed within this Master Plan. determined by the City Engineer, in providing 10. Future Public Facilities Site 4'+e-W-&44&-+4-,-*-r'earri+5im iaei~i~ies-~er-~a~au-~~~~~~~~~~~~ f9oCi~~a~~~--Tk4-44+Q.TREi~~~BA-~-~~~.aR4 ~~aL~~-ef-.~~a~i~~~~~~~~-~~4~~ aeeisim- .lay-~~+ci+p &-~AA~--&Q- kkeii- .F -57- 0 e A site of approximately one acre of land withii Village E-2 shall be reserved for acquisition 1 the City for public facility purposes. 4p.lt-eii €etmei+&mH- determine- the-3-f it Size- and lsc~tioa-of-tke-EitQ-aa-a-sarl-~-.~~r-a~ev. of - deuelvat- wa4ihiu-Villaqe- Jt-2- --Th e deve 1 or agrees to convey the site free of liens and encumbrances at any time upon receipt of writtc notice by the City. The price to be paid by tl City shall be $25,000.00 per acre. 3+izhesitl naC-aequired-bg.-Cke-~*t~~~~~n-tm-pear aats-of-~ec~datieu----+k9--aaiYiQi~ina~+ka: iacaudes-tke-fi+e,-+~~-~~~~~~~~-~a~~-~4~, a~d-ake-area-~ka~~-S-a~~ew~-~~~e4~~ private&+ ll,--eublic-8aciliteo-Bee- Prior- to- the- ioouaace- u.€-buiAd4ag- per&+s- wikh. &kip- DQaE+er-P~ilR,-+ks-Ci~~-~hil~~-e~a~~e~-a pu8~ie-+aei~i~iee-€ee-~%~e~~~e-iff-a~-~~~ eu€€+eie=*- *e- ee-eg- *ke-eki9ebe-ey- *Cw--ehe e~pee~ea-reve~uee-ir~-~~*~-~~~~- a&- pr+tcd eee+c-ier-a~~-~eeessa~~-~~~e-%e~4*ee%-a~~- faciAi+ieE- as- required- --#e- 64~eraA-P4aff.r -- T: fee-akaAa-~-~id-~-a-~~-~~~~-~Q~e-~-~he- cieveAoper- a6- a- condi~ioR-ef-~he-iQQ~a~se-~ ~ui~disq-eer~ital--~I-a-a-si~~~ae-~~e-~ae*~*~. €ee-is- adeptedT -&his-se~di+ie~- &a&&- heem-* and-449, -50- 0 11. Modification of Public Improvements a. A~l-pti~ie-€aei~itiesi-dedi~tians-and-- i~~e~~t~-ska~~-~-~~~~~ea-~~-a~~~-~ +he-CPrlfbad-Wusicifa~-~~e-a~~-a~~ea carlsbad---HoweuerT-a6-~~~~*~a~~e~-~~~~%~ +he-Cit~-CouRci~-~!~~~~-~~~a*~-%~e*a~ pu~~ic-i~~roue~eAl-~~~saa~a%-~~~~e~-~~e defign-~€-tkese-~ea~~~%a-~~~e~~0-~0- relafed-+o-the-fuac+~e~~-~~~a~~-a~a-~ee of-aa-area~--An~-sw4~-~a*~~ea~*~8-~~a~~-~ reflected-aE-condi+io~~-~-~~~~a~-~e-~ +en~a~iue-subdjuioioa-~~~ pg&ic&ec- aad- ~~~nQ~r~c-~-;tke-~i~~-~ b . ~tree~-iznpra.zemeata- and- dediaatim- &-&ret i~si~e-su~~ivieiess-~~-~-a~~€04e~-~-~~e Ci+y-ae--foJLewe+ l----Bigh+-oflwa~-for-c+ree~6-~~-~-~e~~e, -prouidod-+hPt-+ke~-.so~-~-~ea~%e~-~e- -hfS-&haa-4Q-€eeL 2----Earkiaq-laae-ny-~e-de~eled-~~-~8-0~1 -0f-fkreeLE. 3~---E~uOmOn+-Width-~~~-~O-~O~~88~-0~-~~~e~ -oeruiag-oight-or-~e~~-u~~l6-~e-~8-€ee -pasking-e~e-si~e~-er-3a-fee~-~~~~*~g- -bOkk-8&d96~ 4c---~aue~on+-wi~~h-~y-~e-reQueeQ-es-sh~e -ooruing-eigk+-er-~e86-~~~~6-~e-~~-€ee -Bo+mk-sldesv -p~~~Fng-Qao-eido,-8~-3~=€~~~=~~€~~R~ S,---A~~-er-garB-e€-~ke-~e~~*~e~-~*~ew~~~€ -eul;taer-qu~~ere-e€-~~~~~~qe-~~~~e~~~e€ -~hy-Be-waiveB-er-me~*€~e~-*€-*~-*s-k -~~a~-suek-i~~Peueme~~~-~~e-u~u~~r~~t~ -a~-weu~-~ie~rae~-€~em-~~e-~u~~* -ekar~e~eF-e€-~ke-are~~--*€-~~e~ -r~uire~es~o-are-w~~~e~~-~~e-€~~~ -ERgiReeP-~y-req~~~e-~~~~-~~~~Rege -e~se~eRBs-%a~~eP-~~~~Rege-~e~ee~e~-~l -~~de-paP~-e€-Clke-tract-map-te-insarc -~~~eP-~~hirR~~e-eveP-pr~uete-prepert 6. -#QrL~onkr-~nd-uert~e~~-~~~g~~e~~ -st~~r4a-~y-Be-~~~€~e~-e~-w~*ve~- -~uee-gr~~syr--€R-a~e~-e~~ea~-Q~-- ~-C*-r~~C-eC-~~~--eke~~--1se--hreYi -- -aeeeda&e -pes&lsle- €'ttku re -eerree~~~a-~-rnee~-6~~~-6~~~~~~~~~ -59- e 0 7.---Tke-Gi~y-Ge~~ei~-a~a~~-~a4e-~~e-~~~e -e€-req~iriAg-C~aC-a~~ee~-~~g~~-e€-w~y -ska~*-Be-prive~e~y-me*ntei~ed-unde~-u -aeeep~-aR-e€€er-e€-~e~*e~~*en~--*€- -priva~e~y-ewnedT-tke-~t~eet~-s~~~~-~e -epen-te-the-pub*ie-~~-~~ements aervc-eaek-~eC-i~-Cke-~~s~e~-~~~~-~~~e~~ sae~-uaircr-sha*~-~e-eend~t~ened-~-~~e insta**atien-af-an-a*te~nu~i~e-~e~~-di~p~ sys ttm-permi t ted-by- the-eity-and- f eand-by- eity-eeanei~-te-~-feasib*e-fer-~e~-*et~ ~he-deCerminetien-ef-t~e-adequ~ey-~-~ue~- e~ternati~e-s~stem-sha**-~-~sed-tm-detaj sei~s-testing-en-eaek-existing-ar-prapdsec ~et-as-previded-fer-~-t~e-€eunty-~eu~~~ Bepartments- *€-an-Q~ttrnQCiat-syStem-i~-Upprertdr-tfe- sadiaider-shai~-prepare-~~ns-fer-a-future pab~ie-sener-system-as-~-~e~up-system~ Beaiea+ie~-e€-a~~-ea0e~eu~0-~eeeesar~-~e aen~~rual-cuok-a-~a~up-~~i~-~ewe~-~~~~~ Eka~~-~e-required-ao-a-~eud~+~eu-~-~~aa~- afprsvaAv- eka~~-~e+-re~ieve-Lke-6~~a~4~ae~-~~e~- inrfrouene~+o-~ka~-a~~e-~~~~de-~e~~~a~~ aeceeoir~-for-+ke-we~€are-~-~~e-~eaera~ puB~lo-as-~equ*re~-B-~~e-6eue~a~-~~a~~ app~iaa~~e-speoihie-~~a~6-~-~~~~-~a~~a~4 er-peAicieo- -~~e~erCy-ewaera-assee~~4~e~-~-m~~- er---P~b~ie-sener-sye4eme-~~e~~-~-~e~ui~e~-~e spceifiea~~y-nai~td-~=t~e-~~ty=~eune~~~ d,---An~-n;co~ifia~~~e~-~U~~~~R~-~e-~~~%-~e~~~~R frevidiRq-pUe~ia-fa%i~~~~96~-ae~~%d~~~6-~ -60- * a 11. Modification of Public Improvements Private streets may be designed per the standarc of 21.45.090 of the Carlsbad Municipal Ordinanci -61- 0 0 C. Phasing The Phasing Schedule is shown on Table V. Phasing ( development shall comply with the following: 1. Development of the various Villages shall occu incrementally as shown on Amended Table V-1, a the Developer shall make provision for all pub facilities shown for each Village. However, i provision is made for all of the public facili. listed under each phase, or if the responsible agencies or departments waive or modify the st sequencing of public facilities listed under e phase, the various Villages within that phase shall be allowed to develop randomly or as modified. Phase I1 and/or Phase I11 and /or P IV may be developed concurrently with Phase I, provided that provisions for public facilities all prior phases, as required by Amended Table 1, are made prior to final map recordation of Village. 2. The term "provision for all public facilities" used herein shall mean that all tentative maps final subdivision maps shall carry as a condit of the recordation of the final subdivision ma provision for installation of the facilities o the subject public facility work. providing secured agreement for the completion 3. Provision for the open space, as specified in Article IV and in Exhibit V-1 of the Master P1 shall be made in the tentative map and final subdivision map of each Village, but shall not required in advance thereto. Open space is no considered public facilities. 4. The minimum increment of future development approval shall be each individual Village. Ea tentative map shall cover at least one Village If consistent with the approved tentative map, Village may be divided into several subdivisic 5. Circulation phasing shall be done in such a ma so as to provide loop streets and two access feasible. In no event shall more than 500 uni be occupied within the Master Plan area withoc two points of access acceptable to the City Engineer. points to each planning area as quickly as -62- e 0 6. At the Master Plan stage of the planning procesz it is difficult to predict the precise sequence phasing or the traffic volumes or traffic distribution that will occur at any given stage development. Therefore, street improvement requirements will reviewed with each tentative map. The Cit street improvements other than specified on the phasing schedule (Table V-1) or may require tha additional or different streets than shown on t phasing schedule be constructed, if the City Enqineer determines that such installation is necessary to ensure safe and convenient traffic circulation. 7. AA~-iblrhker-~ai€*ea~*e~-~e-.tkie-pka%~ng-~e~e~~ Ckal-kas-neC-a~read~-~e~-~$~~e~ued-jha ma~e-~-aFRes~aesg-Ce-C~*~-~au~e~-~*a~~--~~r-~~~ me Rdme ab ska4 4- iaehde-a- cerrtapmding- medi€iea~~ea-us-may-be-appreprfaCt- t~-the-phas~ e€-~aB~ie-€aei*ities-ntcessary-ta-jappar Y*~~age-$eve*epmeaCsr Engineer may require installation o + streets or -63- 3 T -1 $i $'B I 1"1 i aq il 43 1 PI 81 $ ffl pJ py; p 1 LlJI (21 I @W& fl I JOWk !: 94 $3 11 1 %4 \ H=== YLi $8 I i II 8 I I 1 $& 14 !j $2 $2 $2 22 az 4 If.TING MASTER PLAN 0 Inarc 444 -66- a 1 r I (UN m rl j 38 I +8 $b m I -I4 x $1: = = == E 3 i I - - - - - - - - ! 98 + b! 5 l - - ' I -I4 6: 0 1 I ylw == $83, I I kg$! 9 Y *\ I 1.41; f;l I u i 4 z 1 and 1 w-99 9 El fl Y q v ;I ;;I 21 k $8 8 5 .f&! c I4 ,-5$p G 1 1 98d !El : l @I I 4 I I I i a$i!l Id I I %$.”I k I bitl 2 &I $6 8 B 11 I I! 98 ar s 3: I t$a,, -2 0, &, yj: 1 I $!$sa .si lr? E I 8ahg v, 3% BbZiq: Eg; i z&@: $6 ii! s[ ifi ItjJ pijs p; i i rcIa2 7% I mE: I I Pi! z d I I VL7 d . cv . m . 9 . -i i@sgi El 4 i “B8B.F da) I O a$ tj “I, an, dl s& ii ‘3-8 I I I I 1 884s d m I “a Id d ’jl 2 I d k rl *d I :>% I tfmr‘8J 3 bg3 VI $3 amah maw& I+ E2 .dkA h I g rcI E- 81 5338’ I m5 I .‘‘-$Ea,& \ cr,I a a) 0 I -%& 6 #;I 8 0 $i rl 4 1 ;d$$2!4 gkw s 54 1: u‘ c3 z I E 4 I n 4 3,555 k I fi pi I -s=] ml I 4Jtl @ “91 a& 3 ‘82 li m .HI kg 3 s!! I 3 4 I 4 is I f rn 11 8 I 5 ap h 11 SI ii Q rn IE 4 I H' 3 en "5 16 O s iA 6 q l(j 11 II II ~+fi O '$ II II k I I '2 % If3 d I "I, 8 H m g E\ 2121 EEI qi 8 VI @I I I I 02 6 % 2% 1 I i% 1 81 "8- 1 $.a 2 giil 4 lx ed I I d g's- 1 38 E a+ I ?a 8 80 I 8$ rl Ex 1 I P # I nH0 2 p)cy 3 8m "I 2% "1 2 I ' .a '$ e I Ab!! 05: dl 4 I3 2 2 As: ~i II I/ 2a I 86 I Hrl $ v) 0.4 i I i; 3 0Y i n-y El i I 28 al 2 k rl(v O 33 ,I $3 s t 1 23 . vi \o b a0 .;I p w ! 2; 4 ;;; -El -?Q IrS 1 6gj 8 I ad c, Cnd 8 I pw ^I 059 B&G 51 "I1 El id -d 5 I *rl Q) u1 I sfis d id *$ i $VIS1 ti I Zhk 1 WSS 0 I I o-% s I "3; 3 [!I i it 1 i:q % * 1 I SCd 2% 8 1 I a"p $ 5 I qp 4 -1 I OS%J& ss a Y dl 4 E i!5 8 Q Qi .tsp d I 218 -2i s 3 81 I d "i 8 I q.5 t m 1 PI! : gal :I 81311 =I 7il al3 -$ 1 ;.Q& i l! .rl 0 d VI &E -I ' E61 1 j hi VI rl I p=1 n !i! B 8 $33 al al B ?$I pidt rl U 1 rl d --$ >IdHal -$ a1 9:ml -rlrln m Od ' I 5YX I ZJig il g i I Ei~Gw --u-4-4 - d d I 4Q) g; d Gj I i Q). !4 I +z 2 I 5s ;;1 I $X 3 ;;I 51 51 i I pp 4 I I 1 j$ 1 g!l I I I i cb -g ’ 28 I -4 \ I -9 -$ -4 I k U H B$E Inch I Sd t I hli I 11 i 3Q, a.5 +j q 4- “s‘;II ! CI 6 I u3 u 3 I a, I I Oh Irn I zt fi 3 d 6 E U 3 i J 11; ii ii$$E I I a: 1 I $g rl $8 il 1 85 6 I 86 6 I I %I g j ti-$ I t8 3 PI X I 84 P) Dl 3 *I I m -4 -? . . 1 -g .% a cv 0 3 I &b 2! I d dl 2 8“ 8” wt I l-ld I 04 8 I 0 ‘ 6c I -4 0 I P, 12. 34 31 4 all \ rl u k 1 rl d I je c, G$ 0 rn VI. SIGN PROGRAM The sign program for Calavera Hills shall be subject to approval of the Land Use Planning Manager and shall incl the following provisions: A. Permanent community entrance signs shall be located where Tamarack Avenue, Elm Avenue and College Boule7 enter the community. The design motif of the entrance signs and the indigenous rock as major components. Also, the entrance signs shall be incorporated with any walls erected for sound attenuation at the four entrances into the community. B, permanent directional signs shall utilize wood and C. Temporary directional signs for sales programs shal governed solely by Chapter 21.41 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. 1 -72- 0 0 no r e 0 I z U c v) rn e a v) W P 0 m e 0 CALAVERA HILLS MASTER PLAN 150 (F) PUBLIC FACILITIES '.-4Yc-m e a I - .DclmA.Iy"y. II um-Ly PEDEaFw mT2FJ a eALAVERA ULS AImWm#m m:uLIBI mu P ~yuyoUp14'"" I -IC. DATE. om3 JH ll21~1~1A' zoo SCKE * 0 .Ll rU. M.9.W "01 SCcTlQm A aeeTtcm B 11, , + 141 t 0 L m. M- 0 .a. -.LA rr. OUT- OT IO I su?I<)N 0 I#. I Q SECTION c I,* IQ E8 Brn m PrnESrn 8F8m CALAVERA RlUS A'ff mmff mmB m:uuBI all CL ~~=M-U~IL DATE: 10-83 JN 821611 r e * (3 z v) < r - - ! 1 1- J+ am oa E 0 e NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING MP-150 (F) ! NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carl will hold a public hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 El Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at 6:OO P.M., on Tuesday, January 1984, to consider an application for a Master Plan Amendment for Calavera Hills Master Plan area and more particularly described Portions of Lots D, E and J of Rancho Agua Hedionda according to Map 823 filed November 16, 1896. APPLICANT: Calavera Hills Company PUBLISH : January 4, 1984 CARLSBAD CITY COUI\sC LOCATION MAP -. - \ (b 1 \$ \\eo \' e I I i\ CALAVERA HILLS 1 MP 150(F) 0 0 Carlsbad Jouma Decreed a Legal Newspaper by the Superior Court of Son Diego County 3 138 ROOSEVELT ST P 0 BOX 248 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 729-2345 Proof of Publication STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ss COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the county aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above entitled I I am principal clerk of the printer of the Carlsbad Journal a newspaper of general cir published twice weekly in the City of Carlsbad, County of Sun Disgo, State of California, ar newspaper is published for the dissemination of local news and intelligence of a general charac which newspaper at all times herein mentioned had and still has a bona fide subscription list c subscribers, and which newspaper has been established and published at regular intervals in City of Carlsbad, County of Sun Diego, State of California, for a period exceeding c next preceding the date of pu blicatior notice hereinafter referred to; and that tl- of which the annexed is a printed copy, h published in each regular and entire issul newspaper and not in any supplement th the following dates, to-wit: January 4 NOTICE OF PUBLIC ................................ HEARING MP 1WF) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that bad will hold a public hearing at the Clty Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at 6 00 P M on Tuesday, January 17, 1984. to consider an application for a Master Plan Amendment for the Calavera Hills Master Plan area and more particularly described as POrtlOnS Of Lots D, E and J of Ran- cho Agua Hedionda s.,ording to Map 823 tiled November 16,1896 Applicant Calavera Hills Company CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL the City Council of the City of Carls ................................ ................................ ................................. CJ W181 January 4,1984 ................................. I certify under penalty of perjury that the forego1 and correct. Executed at Carl bad State of California on tsne '&P Of s 2M 4/82 /- &! L' NOTICE OF WBLIC HEARING N~ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Plannirq Cmission of the City of Carlsbac hold a public hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsl California, at 7:OO p.m. on Wednesday, November 9, 1983, to consider appra a Master Plan Amendment for the Calavera Hills Master Plan area ard mre particularly described as : Portions of Lots D, E and J of Rancho Agua Hedionda according to Map 823 filed November 16, 1896. Those persons wishing to speak on this proposal are cordially invited to a' the public hearing, If you have any questions please call the Land Use P1, Off ice at 438-559 1 . CASE FILE: MP-150 (F) APPLICANT: Calavera Hills Company PUBLISH : October 29, 1983 // CITY OF CARLSBAD PLAEJNf% ~ISSION p d cp 2-2 168-140-35 0 Ib6-14V-4b 0 168-14U-3b -, YRA'ITGFEGORYR* SUFJiT DAWN L THRUsr? RCGER A 4141 BwCLlFF t3~! Q c/o KrLLIAF.: cmm 3601 mm bn 42O ggii X&cIA a m mSmE, CA 92 AS - , OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 -- 168-140-36 €?E"ESSYWsEAN 168-140-47 168=140-57 4.39 BAYCLIFF JAY tiE" JOHN DE €"E vAT;ERI dCEANSIDE, CA 92054 3612 ,~INE say 4121 EWCLIFF \A aJEANSlDE, CA 92054 CCEZXSIDE, 92054 168-140-37- 168-140-48 168-140-58 LENTRSCUIT CRESSEYRaXRF mm JMES N 4u7 BAYCLIFF my 3614 SURFINE WAY 4125 EA"- P?l CCEANSIDE, CA 92054 OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 CCEANSIDE, CA 92 168-140-3 8 168-14 0-59 InLIAlaBos RDm 168-140-49 KlDD SCNfXA OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 F7EEDQN-M 4905 RIVEfiTON AV 1880 F@CEBMAN AVE NORTH EOLLYKxm, SAN BE3\NARDINo, CA 92404 4135 wm WRY 168-140-39 168-140-50 168-140-60 BEfx;soN w- c FIUES ALBERT J mm mm JT 4u3 BAYCLIFF MAY 1361 SEA VII;LAGE DRIVE 4121 Ei?icLIFF C@ OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 CCEWSIDE, CA 9; CARDIM) EY TEE SEA, CA -" - 16 8-14 0-40 168-140-51 GRASKEMPEB JOSEPH P --MIC33EL A 16069 SHEIU&XK IANE 3620 s[iRFLINE WY mm-BEacH, CA CCEANSIDE, CA 92054 168-14 0-41 XNEm lxmm JR 4129 MYCLIFF DRIVE CCEANSIDE, CA 92054 168-140-42 168-140-52 HOYIES EARL J 3602 SURFINE my CCEANSIDE, CA 92054 FA??~Uf I.IIcHAEL J 3622 SUISFLINE IAY CCEANSIDE, CA 92054 168-140-43 168-140-53 TIAN0 NESSIM A VXSSPIGER TINOTITY 1713 "EJAN RW 3607 SURFLINE WAY CCEANSIDE, CA 92054 LEUCADIA CA 92024 166-14 0-44 168-140-54 3016 VALLEY -1 sTREE;T BURNESEIOLAM)T IBEETIPSJ L 3605 -INE FRY QRANGE, CA 92867 KEANSIDE, CA 92054 168-140-45 EXAKEJAMESF 168-140-55 12342 LANBERT CIFCLE GARDEN GEMVE, CA 92641 COZ PlEER B 3603 SURFLINE \aY reetops Unlinit 900 Harney Stre Sari Diego, CA 9 (R -JU--LV?LJ O'IA" -- 3radPey, Jesse 6 Roberta 5'024 T,'iska Calaveres 3eeanside, CA' 92054 keanside, 6A 92054 sung, Brad & Viccie F. 101 5 Vista Calaveras 168-050-17 & 208 Robertson, Virgi 4656 El Camino R Carlsbad, CA 92 58-110-14- L68-110-24 qolan, Paul E. irms, Edward h Sandra 1026 Vista Calaveras toll Vista Calaveras Xeanside, CA 92054 Iceanside, CA 92054 Colony at Calave 168-110-15 Xave, Stephen h Carole ;tuder, David W. 2236 Cameo Roade 3009 Vista Calaveras %Quality Managerr Iceanside, CA 92054 9373 Mira Mesa E Zarlsbad, CA 92054 168-110-25 208-101-02 San Diego, CA __ - L68-110-26 208-101-03 Lake Calaveras 1 1207 Elm Avenue, Jones? Dennis & Jean 1030 Vista Calaveras 3ceanside, CA 92054 Iceanside, CA 92054 Carlsbad, CA 9: 168-110-16 arcell, Donald E. 1007 Vista Calaveras 168-110-27 208-101-04 Treetops Unlimil Williams, David 3029 Vista Calaveras $005 Vista Calaveras %Pacific Scene, 3=eanside, CA 92054 Iceanside, CA 92054 3900 Harney SW -1 San - Diego, CA ' 168-110-17 ?inn, Alfred b Elizabeth 158-110-18 168-110-29 LC& - Schmitt, Calvin ; Xildred ;ranadost Christopher h JUE 3327 Vista Calaveras L835 Montgomery Drive Iceanside, CA 92054 1001 Vista Calaveras keanside, CA 92054 167-100-10 & 42 16 8--04 0-0 2 168-110-19 Treetops Unlimi rhe City of Carlsbad Austin, Evelyn %Pacific Scene, 1025 Vista Calaveras 3900 Harney StX tzeanside, CA 92054 San Diego, CA L68--040-02 168-010-42 & 74 -68-110-20 Diversified Fir Post Off ice Bo1 $anahoe, Kenneth & Cathy C23 Vista Calaveras 1200 Elm Avenue ceanside, CA 92054 2arlsbad, CA 92008 Oceanside, CA The city of Carlsbad 168-040-Q3 168-010-60 -6 8-110-21 Robertson, Brian K. sully-Mille* Cc Dhnscn, Larry & Candy 3000 East Sout' 4656 El Camino Real 021 Vista Calaveras Long Beach, CA zeanside, CA 92054 Zarlsbad, CA 92008 168-040-09 168-010-82 Costa Real Municipal Water Lake Boulevard 5950 El Camino Real %Xilo E. Shad1 aynes, Cathleen P.O. Box 937 319 Vista Calaveras Carlsbad, CA 92008 ceanside, CA 92054 Vista, CA 920 68-110-22 - r- ~. ayAey, nevrn t~ ra‘I;rL billen, Paul 1 635 Cerro Avenue * a 640 Ce ro AV~ :Carlsbad, CA 92008 w3 Oceanside, CA 92008 Jceans Ae, ca 325 Elm Avenue * --. c:+ - 168-242-50 >L * . .m,- 16 8-2 42 -08 d. Gillen, Paul 3640 Cerro Avc Oceanside, CA Beeler, S. Kenneth h Mary 4222 La Tiera Drive Oceanside, CA 92054 L - ._ i68-242-ia 168-2 42-51 Collins, Michael J. Umscheid , Wil 168-242-09 Osinski, Alexander J.. 4220 La Tierra Drive 3637 Cerro Avenue 4223 La Tiera Oceanside, CA 92054 Oceanside, CA 92008 Oceanside, CA _- - - - 168-242-10 168-242-19, 20 thm 27 C L 5 168-242-52 Walters, Robert h Roberta KAMAR CONSTRUCTION CO. Gombar, John 3621 Cerro Avenue Post Office Box 1155 4225 La Tiera Oceanside, CA 92054 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Oceanside, CA 168-242-11 168-242-34 168-242-53 Crh, Thomas h Thuan Briner, Lloyd N. Young, Terry b 3623 Cerro Avenue 3660 Auzure Lado 4227 La Tiera Dceanside, CA 92054 Oceanside, CA 92054 Oceanside, CA L. - 168-242-12 168-242-36 168-110-08 3625 Cerra Avenue 3652 kuzure Lado 4006 Vista Ca: Yarris, Mark E. Hall, Ronald G, Jack, Kenneth Dceanside, CA 92054 Oceanside, CA 92054 Oceanside, CA 168-2 42-13 168-110-09 Xlier, Bruce & Patric White, Billy 1 3627 Cerro Avenue 4010 vista Ca: Iceanside, CA 92054 Oceanside, CA Zathcart, Randall & Marsha 168-242-48 168-110-10 3629 Cerro Avenue Rhodes, Carl & Cynthia Mercado , Edwa: 4014 l’ista Cal Zceanside, CA 92054 3644 Cero Avenue 168-2 42-14 Oceanside, CA 92054 Oceanside, CA -- - 1.68-242-15 168-110-11 Le Jeune, Michael & Diane Pesak, Josk & 3631 Cerro Avenue 4018 Vista Cal Oceanside, CA 92054 Oceanside, CA 168-242-16 168-242-49 Dreyer, Stevex .<inane, Arthur D. Ervin, Ronald & Yolan 4020 Vista Cal Oceanside CA 3633 Cerro Avenue Oceanside, CA 92054 Oceanside, CA 92054 3642 Cerro Ave. 168-110-15 1-1 -, -, Beeson, William b Floren Trensu, DdniE 4090 Vista Calaveras 0 4050 Vista Cal Oceanside, CA 92054 Oceanside, CA 0 L uuws vevewprnenc, Lnc . 2042 Cazadero Drive Farlsbad, CA 92008 I - __ - 16 8-010-84 168-080-15 168-080-25 4066 Vista Ca Rol Lake Jennings, LTD Stolze, Arthur & Bonnie Doxstader, 9420 Farnham St. A215 4086 Vista Calaveras San Diego, CA 92123 Oceanside, CA 92054 Oceanside, CA 168-080-26 168-010-85 168-080-16 Cannon, W.D. & Maria T. Porter, Richard & Kayleen Sagnimeni, Ror 158 N. Melrose Drive 4082 Vista Calaveras 4042 Vista Ca! Oceanside, CA Vista, CA 92083 Oceanside, CA 92054 - - __ 168-010-92 168-080-17 168-080-27 Weyerhaeuser Ca. Garcia, Arthur & Isabel Arcidiacono, H Tacoma, Washington 98477 4078 Vista Calaveras 4036 Vista Cal Oceanside, CA Oceanside, CA 92054 16 8-08 0-08 168-080-18 168-080-28 Dickeson, Nancy A. Shupert, Alvin & Kadylon Dominguez, Lex 4047 Alto Street 4074 Vista Calaveras 4032 Vista Cal Oceanside, CA 92054 Oceanside, CA 92054 Oceanside, CA *. - 16 8-080-0 9 16 8-0 80-19 168-080-29 Sheker, Roger & Barbara Horka, Joseph & Anna Arriaga, Gilbe 4051 Alto St. 4068 Vista Calaveras 4031 Vista Cal Oceanside, CA 92054 Oceanside, CA Oceanside, CA 92054 168-080-10 168-080-20 Lot 92 168-080-30 Hamilton, Shirley L. Fry, Peter & Teresa Troutner, Will 4055 Alto Street 2095 Linda Lane 4035 Vista Cal keanside, CA 92054 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Oceanside, CA 16 8-08-11 168-090-21 168-080-31 ?atton, Paul & Pamela West, Dale & Rhonda Stewart, Rodne 4059 Alto Street 4060 Vista Calaveras 4037 \Tista Cal Xeanside, CA 92054 Oceanside, CA 92054 Oceanside, CA 3.68-080-12 168-080-22 168-080-32 Central Federal S 6 L Rowland, Robert & Cheryl Perdiak, Sieve P.O. Box 81511 4058 Vista Calaveras 4041 Vista Cal :;an Diego, CA 92054 Oceanside, CA 92054 Oceanside, CA i6 9-080-13 168-080-23 168-080-33 Earrison, Robert & Karelda Acosta, Robert &, Cheryl Bartson, Dorot 2067 Alto Street 4054 Vista Calaveras 4043 Vista Caf Oceanside, CA 92054 Oceanside, CA 92054 Oceanside, CA -- --- Vl" TT APQ-UIY-4L Wurster, Charles 6 Marg.e Johnson, Raymond 6; Plo~@c Harris, Rob ! 4047 I'ista Calaveras 4085 Vi ta Calaveras 4111 Alto S Oceanside, CA $2054 Oceans&, CA 92054 oceanside, 168-080-35 Xampley , - I 167-432-35 168-080-45 Standard Pal Parnell, Laurence 4089 Calaveras 7290 Clairmo~ Oceanside, CA 92054 San Diego, C, { Larrr I 4051 vlsta Ca averas 1 Oceanside, CA 92054 1 I 167-431-36 1 168-080-46 Standard Pat 7290 Clairmc San Diego, c 168-0 80-36 City of Oceanside 704 Third Street Xeating, Xichael 4053 Vista Calaveras Oceanside, CA 92054 Oceanside, CA i 167-040-11 168-060-57 South Coast P.0. Box 21€ Carlsbad, CA i 168-080-37 Paulson, James S Sharon Wilkins, Thomas 6r Diane 4057 Vista Calaveras 4039 Alto Street Oceanside, CA 92054 Oceanside, CA 92054 208-102-02 t 16 B -0 8 0-3 8 168-060-58 Treetops Unl %Pacific Sce ..- San Diego, C Pilcher, Russell h C.A. 4039 Alto Street 3900 Harney 1 oceanside, CA 92054 Oceanside, CA 92054 Pope, Gerald & Nancy 4061 Vista Calaveras 1 1 15 8-0 8 0-3 9 168-060-69 167-451-01 ti Hesse, Norma Treetops Unl Dubose, Thomas b Curtise 4 065 Vista Calaveras 3640 Bolivar Street %Pacific Sce: Oceazside, CA 92054 Oceanside, CA 92054 3900 Harney San Diego, C, Riley, Robert & Shirley Hollingsworth, Wm. & Mari -. Treetops unl. 4073 Alto Street %Pacific Scei 4069 Vista Calaveras Oceanside, CA 92054 Oceanside, CA 92054 3900 Harney I San Diego, CP 168-070-38 167-452-01. tl 168-080-40 16 8-080-41 168-070-39 167-100-14 Orstad, Noble & La Verne Ramos, Jose 6 4073 Vista Calaveras 4101 Alto St. 2418 Sonora C Oceanside, CA 92054 Oceanside, CA 92054 Carlsbad, CA Nan, Herbert & Dorothy 16 8-0 8 0 -42 Lot 114 168-070-40 167-100-15, Heslop, Thomas L Rella Ekienne, Paul & Donna Schinko, Stev 3725 Trieste Drive 4105 Alto Street 20451 Clearwo Carlsbad, CA 92054 Oceanside, CA 92054 Huntington Be 168-080-43 168-070-41 167-100-33 Thomas, Evelyn Allred, Ronald City of Carl= 4081 Vista Calaveras 4109 Alto St. 1200 Elm Aven Oceanside, CA 92008 Oceanside, CA 92054 Carlsbad, CA i b e 168-UO-54 e 168-130-43 3601 SEAG~EST PAY OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 168-l.3+44 168-140-55 3603 SEXREST WAY LUVETYCNNEC ZADRA EDITH 3610 SEACREST WAY OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 168-140-26 GRCXJNIE IARW S mmL rmm mm D msm, CA 92054 4146 myam \a 4730 Bm C- CARLSBAD, CA 92008 OCEANSIDE, CA 9; 168-140-25 168-130-45 168-140-56 168-140-25 BAUERFEIND DENNIS 4116 CHASIN STREET 3606 SEXREST WAY 1808 cAMBRIIx;E OZEN!lSIDE,CA 92054 EEers LYmA €XRNJ74CSA (XEXSIDE, CA 92054 CARDIE”, CA 920 168-14 0-27 168-130-46 168-140-57 \\?SPAN PHILmC ricks adaline c RDLIER JAMES 20770 DIVCNNE DRIVE 3313 VISTA TA.IA CIRCLE 8459 ARIES !?PAT SAN DIEGO, CA 5 WUN” CA 91789 CCEANSIDE, CA 92054 168-DO-47 168-130-58 168-140-28 ~CNMARILIW E*PmiG lx2wIs TYLER M3BERT E 3609 SEXREST WAY 3402 SWCREST W 4649 BIFVXW CCEANSmE, CA 92054 (XEPBSIDE, CA 92054 SEALBEAM, CA b. - 168-130-48 168-140-19 169-140-29 mmcN crJFmm SIP!l’IERS JOAN NO- Russ 3622 SEACREST FJW 324 EDGEHILL LANE 4140 E?LYCLIF“ cC€At?SIDE, CA 92054 -SIDE,CA 92054 SIDE DE, CA 16 8-13 0-49 168-140-20 168-140-30 2939 WEST 30th AVE 4155 BAYCLIFF WAY 4151 EAYCLIFF VANcOvER BRITHISH CCEANSIDE, CA 92056 CCEANSIDE, CA COLUMBIA 16&-UO-50 168-140-21 168-140 31 !.IC KmNEY my FHrn SANDRA FOUS€C?PEDEI 3618 SEACREST WAY 1140 E OCEAN BLVD #320 27815 RUISEIQI CCEAKSIDE, CA 92054 mss BEACH, CA 90802 EiISS ICE VIE30 DYE PIILLUM €3- JuNITA P CISELE “mm E 168-U0-51 168-140-22 168-140-32 JPHNNSEN KARm GUT” 1- A !”Am mm J 3616 SEXREST WAY 4158 BAYCLIFF MAY 5197 CAPLW CCE?BSIDE, CA 92054 -SIDE, CA 92054 ci4RLsBAD, CA 16 8-U 0-5 2 168-14&23 168-14OC33 3614 SEACREST WAY 24501 I2GGlERIE P?iEUWQ! 4145 EAYcLLE’F CCEAN;IDE, CA 92054 1ytlSsI(EJVIEJO, (3 CCEPJGlDE, CF amm GAKY A B0”ER TIprY3XY D ~mm KAY D 168 168-DO-53 168-140-24 168-14 0-34 BLAKErnESE CARmL ma m Dm 3612 SWREST vw 4154 RAYCLEF vw 12342 LiVBR?: OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 OZENSIDE, CA 32056 GARDm C-mT " 'lbLI-JJ3U-UI 208-lUZ-LL ,-y p;LLAN o & - omN" mLm L I. mm e I e.0. BQX 335 4738 ED- DFU3.E . -BAD, CA 32008 ' -AD, CA 92008 208-102-12 168-350-17 AYOUB SALlN A TCOBEHI'SCNVIFGINIAK 4740 INWWSS Cm 4656 EL U"0 €E?% CARISBAD, a 92008 -, CA 92008 168-050-27 208-102-U SANDERS CEDRIC E WHTJTWXJNIESY 110 VEST C STREET # 1220 w Dm, a 4742 IWl3?lES COUHT CARLSBAD, CA 92008 2 0 8-lll-39 208-102-14 SHEPPARD Ra3Ex.r L 4754 AEERDm m CAXLSW, CA 92008 FUCH?G?D RJSSELL R b JOANN 4744 l2wmlEss CCwiT CARLSBAD, CA 92008 208-u1-40 208-102-15 bLayock thanas f 4752 RBEXEEN COUHT TckJER JOHN W 4746 - CCUKl' CARLSBAD, CA 92008 m-8 CA 92008 b4 * 208-101-02 corn ca CALAmm c/o PX1FIC SCENE ILK 3900 HAJ?NEX STREET 2 0 6-1I.l-40 BIAI'CCK "€DW F 4752 ABERDEEN CG2W CARLSW, CA 92038 w Dm, a 208-U1-41 168-040-18 TARUT RICHARDL Ba4KERDoNS 4750 ABERDFF CCURT P.O. EKIX 792 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 m-8 a 208-101-03 167-46 2-ALI; IAKE CALAVERAS €III;LS Assocm 3900 HAI" SIRFIX! @&&&1~%~%068 SAN Dm, CA 92llO 168-040-18 SAIXDERS OFUC E 110 I;BT C SIPEET .ti1220 a DIEGO, CA 92101 TREEmPs UNLIflITED LTD I 208-102-09 T4mR JAMES I & BARIARA 4730 EDINEUFGH DRIVE mBAD8 a 92008 208-102-10 FWZMI JEFFREY J & CCWNIE 4734 EDINE!€jj DRNE rnI?TSRAn PA 93nfIR