HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-01-17; City Council; 7617; Appeal of Building and Planning DirectorCIT"'-I)F CARLSBAD - AGENDr'--31LL TITLE: APPEAL OF BUILDING AND PLANNING DIRECTOR'S DECISION TO REMOVE ILLEGAL OFF PREMISE ADVERTISING SIGNS MTG. 1/17/84 DEPT.BLD RECOMMENDED ACTION: It is recommended that the City Council DENY the request for appeal and order the removal of off premise advertising signs. ITEM INFORMATION On December 20, 1983 the City Council denied a request to amend the Sign Ordinance to permit temporary off-site subdivision signs and directed staff to have the existing, illegal signs removed. Subsequent to the Council's decision, staff discovered that a number of additional signs had been erected. (Approxi- mately 30 additional signs.) Per Section 18.20.080 of the Muncipal Code staff notified the sign companies and they requested a hearing with the Director of Building and Planning. At that meeting no evidence was submitted to indicate that the signs were legal and therefore the Director ordered their removal. The sign companies are appealing the decision to remove the new signs to the Council. Staff recommends that the Council reaffirm their previous decision on this matter and order that the signs be removed. EXHIBITS 1) Letter of Appeal to City Council, dated January 12, 1984 4 m STANDARD PACIFIC OF SAN DIEGO January 17, 1984 Carlsbad City Council 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Council Member: A directional sign program is imperative to the success of marketing homes in any community. Irvine, Mission Viejo, Scripps Ranch and Rancho Bernard0 are just a few quality communities which have adopted a coordinated offsite directional signs program. At Spinnaker Point, a single-family project in Carlsbad, we are generating over 63% of our traffic from offsite directionals and a not surprising 44.5% of our sales are generated from these signs. Eliminating 45% of anyone's business can have a significant effect on their ability to operate. impacted even more. find a new project without adequate directional signs. numerous times trying to locate competitor's projects, even though I knew the approxi- mate area the projects were located in. As adequate directional signing has a tre- mendous effect on business, it is our request that you leave existing offsite signs which were erected in the County but which have recently been annexed to Carlsbad, until a directional sign policy can be analyzed. We suggest a workshop be composed of your staff, the Chamber of Commerce and the building industry. We believe other builders with harder to locate developments would be The public can get terribly confused and frustrated trying to I myself have become lost Very truly yours, STANDARDBCIFIC OF SAN DIEGO President RMA: jk 7290 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. / San Diego, California 921 11 / (619) 279-2042 lanuahy 17, 1984 Cahlb bad City Council CiXg 06 CahLhbad 1200 Elm Avenue Caalbbad, CA 92008 Re: Pfiopobed Sign Ofidinance Qeah Membenb ob the City Council: Pacibic Scene, Tnc. i& in davoh 04 a hign ofidinance paogtam $oh the City 06 Cadhbad. We afie willing to coopehate in any wohhhhapa that may be amanged to accomplidh thib goal. 75 you would like buhthefi in~ohmation, pleahe call me. Rehpectbully youfib, Weaneh JBWlnm . ... I .. 3900 H.rney Street, Son Diego, California 921 10 (619) 299-5100 ASSOCIATED GENERAL CONTRACTORS SAh OlEGO ENGINEERING January 17, 1984 Honorable Mayor Cas ler City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 Members of the City Council Dear Mayor Casler and Councilmembers: The Construction Industry Federation appreciates this opportunity to discuss with the City of Carlsbad its sign ordinance, in regard to not providing for the use of temporary real estate directional signs. We understand this has been an ongoing issue for some time in the city and apologize for our late request. Representing the development industry locally, we feel it is impor- tant to stress that proper directional signs are vital to a successful marketing program of a subdivision. potential consumers of the homes are directed to a subdivision via its signs, not maps provided in the media. While marketing is iapor- tant, we are not unsympathetic to your councils concern with maintain- ing a quality environment within Carlsbad, but feel that a well- though out and designed sign ordinance can satisfy both the marketing needs and the concerns of the council. Statistically, up to 70% of the A temporary directional signing program not only benefits a project by enhancing sales, it provides economic benefits to the city as well. The city enjoys a surge in property taxes through increased assessments, the sales tax base is enhanced with additional consumers of goods and services, houses are more affordable for the citizenry without additional carrying costs, and the city maintains full regulatory power over the size, number and quality of signs, as well as,the power to remove those not in compliance at the owners expense. We would ask your council to seriously consider the issues we have raised, and encourage a solution that satisfies your concerns and a project'sneed to market properly. CIF appreciates your cooperation in this regard. Very truly yours, &7@4 Teresa McTighe Legislative Analyst Hcmorable Mayor Casler City of Carlsbad I200 Elm Carlsbad, California 92008 . Citycouncilmmbers Re: Offsite Sign ordinance Dear Mayor and City Council, As mer of The Grwe ctndamm ' 'un project in Carlsbad I would like to encuurage you to consider allowing offsite sign advertising within the City limits of Carlsbad. Housing opportunities are best exposed to the public through strategically placed signs. I have my sales persormel poll each buyer that canes through The be, and the majority are attracted by signs. This is true of traffic through all of my other tracts as well. In the interest of supporting the busing industry, which in- creases the tax base and aids general welfare of a city, I would ask that you say the issue with an open mind and change the existing policy to one that provides an equitable placment of offsite signs. 1 President T.L. Sheldon Enterprises 2320 Hosp Way Carlsbad, California 92008 434-3366 i A l. .I . ,- CARLSHAD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE POST OFFICE BOX 1605 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (619) 729-5924 DOUGLAS A. YAVANIAN EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT January 17, 1984 Ms. Mary Casler, Kayor CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Kayor Casler : This correspondence is relative to tonights agenda bill #7617, regarding off premise advertising signs. The Chamber is vitally concerned about the visual impact the numerous sub-division signs are having on the asthetic value of many of our streets, especially El Camino Real and Palomar Airport Road. On the other hand, we are also concerned that some provisions be made so that housing tract developers have at their disposal the proper mech- anism to efficiently get motorist and prospective buyers to their respective projects. We believe the City Council, Planning Commission, and City Staff, as well as developers need the appropriate ordinance by which to implement proper signing. To that end, we ask that the Council defer tonights action for 30 days so that a committee composed of developers, sign industry representatives, and City Staff can meet with us to draft for your consideration an ordinance to govern off site sub-division directional signing. Thank you for your consideration and we are hopeful that by working together we can arrive at meaningful legislation. Sincerely, Kenneth Chriss President KC:jls c: All Council MemSers Frank Aleshire, City Manager Ron Rouse, Chairman, C of C Growth Kanagement Committee