HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-02-07; City Council; 2087-2; AUTHORIZE THE RELEASE OF GRADING CASH DEPOSIT IN LIEU OF BOND FOR CT 73-24, LOT 171AB# 2 0 8'7- "2 MTG.2/7/84 DEPT. E N G - TITLE: AUTHORIZE THE RELEASE 3F DEPT. FOR CITY E GRADING CASH DEPOSIT IN LIEU OF BONO CARLSBAD TRACT 73-24, LOT 171 CITY n & 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 I) I) RESOLUTION NO. 7488 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE FINANCE DIRECTOR TO REFUND A CASH DEPOSIT IN LIEU OF BOND FOR CARLSBAD TRACT 73-24, LOT 171. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carl California, as follows: That the Finance Director is authorized to refund One Four Thousand Dollars ($104,000) from the Grading Cash Depo Fund Account No. 80-92-41-0519, in lieu of a Grading Bond, Poinsettia Investment Company, Inc. for Carlsbad Tract 73-21 Lot 171. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of th( of Carlsbad at a regular meeting held the 7th day of February , 1984, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: None ABSENT: None Council Pllembers Casler, kwis, Kulchin, Chick and Prescot - k? /A- - c;/ LtR, Mayor --_------- ~--~~---.---.._...~ _-._ ~ .... ~___ __.____ __ ~... ~- ------ - _.__--.___- .__ -~-~ -..- ~-~ _....--_.-__._________ ~~- 83 1s Fi 1-e DAiE 7-21- r- I TO I .i Aqrecmmt for ]?ark Ddicatiorl, dated Ai-lqust, 1379 i bas. anaided in ~urie, 1.982, by a pr-ti~~ of id-e I?~reawn'c for the Poj.nsettiia lzme Poinsettia &ne Wsrcrossrixg n Ojercrcxsing. E'or fds z>-L=n.drrerlJc SF 45 file - ECIDEATTa ~qm IN I 1 I -w a 42 1200 ELM AVENUE CARI-SEAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Utltp of Csrlgbab NOTICE OF DETERMINATION County of San Diego San Diego, CA 92101 This is to advise that the City of Carlsbad on August 7, 1973, approved the following project: Project Description: Permit to allow 224,000 cubic yards of gralding on a 61.12 acre area in Carlsbad. addressed in the supplemental information to Casas De Las Poinsettia Draft E.I.R. dated May 4, 1973. Project Address/Location: The Ci ty made the fol1 owi ng determi nations regarding the envi ronmental impact of the (ibove described project: 1. envi ronment, 2. An Environmental Impact report was prepared for this project, pursuant to the provisions of CEQA. 3. Mitigation measures were not made a condition of the approval of this project. 4. A statement of Overriding Considerations was not adopted for this project. 5. of a larger project which went through prior environmental review. A copy of the E.1.R. review at the Planning Departmen Hall, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carl sbad, CA 92008. DATE: June 12, 1981 220 West Broadway The project has previously been South of Poinsettia Lane and east of 1-5. The project will not have a significant effect on the The Project went through prior environmental review or was part with supporting document is available for public =&c&%, - CASE NO: CT 73-24 APPLICANT: PLAZA BUILDERS 1) r Carlsbaci Journa, Decreed A Legal Newspaper by.the Superior Court of San Diego County 3088 PI0 PIC0 AVENUE P.O. BOX 248 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 729-2345 Proof of Publication STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ss. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, . ., .. ~ I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the county aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above entitled mal I am principal clerk of the printer of the Carlsbad Journal a newspaper of general circuk published twice weekly in the City of Carlsbad, County of Sun Diego, State of California, and v newspaper is published for the dissemination of local news and intelligence of a general character, which newspaper at all times herein mentioned had and still has a bona fide subscription fist of p( subscribers, and which newspaper has been established and published at regular intervals in the City of Carlsbad, County of Sun Diego, State of California, for a period exceeding one next preceding the date of publication 04 notice hereinafter referred to; and that the n of which the annexed is a printed copy, has I published in each regular and entire issue of newspaper and not in any supplement there' -.... ...... PUBLIC NOTICE OF PRIOR .. ENV1RoNMENTAL COMPLIANCE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: The Planning Department has deter- mined that the environmental effects of the project described be- low have already been considered the following dates, to-wit: in conjunction with previously cer- Narch 4 tified environmental documents ......... , ....................... 19 and, therefore. no additional en- vironmental review will be re. quired and a notice of determina- tion will be filed. CT-73-24 (Plaza Builders). Project Location: South of Poinsettia Lane and east of 1-5. Project Description: Permit to allow 224.000 eubic yards of grading on a 61.12 acre area in Carlsbad. The project has previous. ly been addressed in the sup- plemental information to Casss De Las Poinsettias Draft E.I.R. dated May 4. 1973. Justifieation for this determina- tion is on file in the Planning De- partment. City Hall. 1200 Elm Ave- nue. Carlsbad. Calif. Comments from the public.are invited. Please submit comments in writingto the Planning Department within ten (10) days of date of publicdtion. Dated: February 27. l%l Case No: CT 73-24 Appiicant: PL4ZA BL'ILDERS Project Title. Grading Permit for ................................. 1 9 .I*.... I.. I.. I.... I ..o., I .I *,.,* 19 ................................. 19 .. , ............. t .. f . I ........... 19 JAMES C HAGANAN Planning City of Carisbad Dxecior I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing i! and correct. Executed at Carlsbad, County of San C CJ W769: March 4. 1981 State of California on he qth ~~- 1M/1/81 4, q e 1203 ELM AVENUE TELEP CARI-SBAD. CALIFORNIA 92033 (714) 4 citp of QIhsgr;bab PUBLIC NOTICE OF PRIOR ERVIRONI4ENTAL COMPLIAXCE Please Take Notice: The Planning Department has determined that the environmental effects of the project described below have already been considered in conjunction with previously certified environme documents and., therefore, no additional envircnmental review will be required and a notice of determination will be filed. Project Title: Gradinq Pennit for CT-73-24 (Plaza Builders) Project Location: South of Poinsettia Lane and east of 1-5 Project Description: P&t to allow 224,000 cubic yards of grading on a 61.12 acre area in Carlsbad. in the supphnental infomtion to Casas De Las Poinsettias Draft E.I.R. dated May 4, 1973. The project has previously been addressed Justification for this determination is on file in the Planni Department, City Eall, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbas, CA. Comer from the public are invited. u bn 5 t c omme to the Planning Department wit~:~a~JIO) feq6&f?dfl dayj&!~~iti 1, publication. yzZY!~&. 2% 0 JAPjES C. IlAGAp*T.7\N/ /* 1901 1 *t Case No: CT 73-24 ru '' Planning Direct * City of Carlsbaci Applicant: PLAZA I BUILDERS Publish Date: March 4, 1981 P( E k \I +> 0 0 I' MEM~RANDUM I' DATE' : .. July 28, 1980 TO : AITY ENGINEER CITY ATTOWEY PLANNIKG DIRECTOR PARKS & RECREATION DIRECTOR HOUSING & REDEVELOFTVENT DIRECTOR FROM: City Clerk Attached is a copy of 2. deed which was received in zhe City Clerk's Office. Prior to leaving on vacation, Ron Beckman infcned ~2 a deed would be forthcoming. Irz addition, he requested thzz 1 proces: the deed for staff review prior to forwarding it to Council 5 for acceptance. Please review the deed and notify me if there are x->- probleos with same. I will be forwarding it to Council at t'T-2 meeting of August 19, 1980,unless I am informed of a problsz. Thanks for your assistance. 2Cc, & LEE MUTENKRhNZ I City Clerk LR: adm A t t a chm ent nL &A& 4 4&&' p*-/;& &u- c*w"q PA&& ~~-&L. 24c$v(, skt Pu. YL 'ro A PL~P THEFSOF NO. 7996, FILED IX THZ OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID SA.. DIEGO COCKY __ ecre Lary L1:eTeunco dim uiib ~iib~mnen~ LO ue e-xecux-1 07 I-L- TLC~LUCU~ d~lii author%&. Djtd: July 11, 19GO -abL2 “V QCCID3NT-AL LfidJD. TNC. 0 . /+y/- ,, ss . sxm OF cuImmu On J’ulv 11, 1960 before me, the ~~GFz?~E?, a IJotary Public in and for said State, ?el.somll-~ zppeared A..&,. iVcCloskey, knom tc re -x 5- se the President, ad Eart Dal Ponte, Inox- to rre to b2 Assistant Secretary of the Co~o-rztion -53.5 executed the within Instrument, knom to ~2 i3 52 -the persons who execzzted the Twithb Instll_zTenT: 03 behalf of the Corporation therein EZK&? md ac- bo~ledged to me that such Co-qcration exeuJtd the wi-thin Instrument pursumt to its ;S;r-la;;s or a resolution of its board of directors. YIITNESS rr[y hand and official seal. CGUI\ITY OF LOS ANGXLES &-- - ---- (2 <‘ J ,,J 3- ‘ //25+-zA./ii ~ _/- !-p as- ->e y Pra-ident 33art Dal Psnte, Assists% ; /9 /x==, 1 Signature-- ~)Aq PL/d;L ; / Yfl / 0 v MEMORANDUM DATE : July 28, 1980 TO : CITY ENGINEER CITY ATTORNEY PLANNING DIRECTOR PARKS & RECREATION DIRECTOR HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR FROM : City Clerk Attached is a copy of a deed which was received in the City Clerk's Office. Prior to leaving on vacation, Ron Beckman informed me a deed would be forthcoming. In addition, he requested that I process the deed for staff review prior to forwarding it to Council for acceptance. Please review the deed and notify me if there are any problems with same. of August 19, 1980,unless I am informed of a problem. Thanks for your assistance. I will be forwarding it to Council at the meeting f 'a LEE RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk LR: adm Attachment 017 .7/2t: ,J - 0:. ha /;;c t' d-,y'.Ae RS 5470r,-Y7 , ' Of-&flG,7CCS u7( sa/& G/y, Cp/U/u//~O~/P o/ +2E? Y%v<: OF f/5pr-cd# .* fA0f o/jpro//S,oQ; 0; ;/*u&d',,-5/oP2 /dcp Q,f f/)C 5fbfF of CO~~ofmQ, 0s &m../.dCa', 00.4 "ny /uc. ,-/lred by ,T~oc~~*o - ,4i4u4-/7/a . o,.?src7L/cI/ oj' +he &-J~XL/C mop, /i.c;uc &e/;, c0/7p/;c0d oL7J 2' Q6l;r sohsfied tho/ GLT/d flbp ci feGhfCG*Hy ' Qc.c5y 3/s'f '-ip y.Ce hy I(he Ctfy /! - f* 7' /I' j :-@I.< g-qf-lr-.,. ~ c z;G7 y.+ L. i ~ c__-l-l __.."... ~ ..- I c Q~L~/~JJ ~nernA0-5 =urpo.Fe uf Ph/S uh/ch -/he 5ub.yecf h I4 Frud C fl/cex Clfy Treuss/rcr oFf/ie Gfy of Co/-fsL f SfQA9 of CU/XOP/;P/'c?/ hPe+ cerJf,fjt fhuf fL2ep-e Of e I -A k- %/ens &P uoprr/a Cify 7'uxe.s or ~//p~/b/ c/* &omo% ~5: (J Y#deP u/lr fm?proLa3-a-?f ocf or 7/17e .5-7%/€? UF To//; $J p=yoA/e ayu~sf /be f/acf or ..wbd/m,4;/bh of- omyp g fhe ~upf~bn hereo of. - , _I .. /on o/+he Joke Cflr/5bOdde/79/ EAtJt/?CC<- "f?. c k-- f 84 26 II" ft9CC e 5 5 of-s S&OLU~~~ on +&e b~ks of ~A/s office, e~~ep7' i/k~>res noi $ fRZ/e0f 5bWn O/f S'kfk Qmt?ex63d /i'7c!p and m%?SC/"-/.b€ f.J g,, W/jPET&S Whz~eolc; 2- &ove .ht?k-eun/o 5;eJ #my hcrz/zc/ 2 \ --Jz--.-d&y of- I %* A811 L. C4G.9 r%Qpf*; F\$\+!!&f-& f.ji2.4" , E 074, /-. s -.$ ( C7f~bf7.05 orL//?i.?r. $4 & *c-_ ._ ____LA - - 1-1- C";r - cp7-y ~SzFx5U~EZ p c_ -4.d ,-T7$AiGJ-x I = c /-e ?CY/- y >&-?=09 c?ruf?er. C I, ~firpotei E. ~dmvs, ~fij. c/erk uf;~/;,c c//y oJ~~d/fibou sp h05 &ppr&ued +h/3 mG,D of '%or/sbod;'c-pTzf z3-2+f/ 7-G of8 shce6+j o,m/dcscr,bed Ih /,+c ~c;ia~/~/r ZG~~FMG~~: <qj - GccepJed on bcfhG /f O//--+P pu~//c ~t.wo/e/- ~nne ~PJS C( Q ,b@,ve/ ~-//ri-+h/s DJ/hyr~s~ 0ncJ ~PESS fci/n R%hsc/j $ of COhl'%Rn/b, huPrCby Ed/% fhGffkc? aU,'7.C// 0/5+G/d -#A :2i-!C?L " 2 &e Lvbsfe) rj.Dd0 pu7',/bn of Luyuon fG/7e ond/+/hs L apzP SecfeJOr-y k on/ ~0wc.i~- &/7e (~seo LW ,%r/ej excep/o//Ae /h1Jek p//f&fnm ~~~~~,+~~ ofRvnseihi3 Lone und Lowdep .hoc (asm /le/Noi-/e. Yf Ozrembw 3 69732 .6* 17, /be E~~P~J~AP o,?M /7/Gd&%~ €enem/ Acce :/17/6 Rc-co?-a's - $ t!////.p/y +5emer;.~//7 ~uf /go, 0,~G.s s,~z?am on ~or~~q k- 5?7/</5Uhd/ >IS f bn; T/Pld&S cslrce~7&-/ of7 dPh0,JlPOffh~ cSir/S/~d ,JhE dCd/CG //on Ofx#f sci/7/;Cbry SPU&?P 5--. c b appUrfer-i~~ce5, +LC? p+hf o,?f-/..bpes m7p/cI/ Ey/-e>S5 0, 1 rf- : '-, +%k- --- -k--4---1i- un/ 5cect-c for- :A3 3 * 3 1 7// fi5 p-/,5/m Ai: w/-y .3x f3 74 05 -3h-*;) )Jd, , retuse VE/,/C/~~ fi;.p7d emetyeo-iy t/eh/k,-:--s / - G~O' A ycc epILeu" f hc g~onf af/X~ Geoef%o/A-ceS<; mm'Di4Fy E; +& son, YG~- Sccuzt 6~-rpma.-,J~ fi,qdQ/? e ,TS c-fflTcn/ /Gr L op/er Upo/? oL?d QCf-055 O//Of (!0/5 47 8q 1 76 /he ~20 D/pyo Gwnf'y /E/&c/ &n/fi?/ Ca% /?/I? I&.? /TO, 25( 277 ond30/ 017 .s '9n2f7fL-d 7b JhE cc> ///re euSemer-/i's 05~ L+&ff*/&f or/cf s;j0~/7 (f//&+/i/ ,$>jS /? 2; -- : d -u /L>/ Pc!cur<7%- 11 *I 1 cxc e,,o.J/>y fhef-cfrom //,v'drfi;/~~yi? ~r5-s b+1 .I ___ ____ _- --.------- c /, :>> = , mL9/ /*.,a*, , r - . o/? sold ,07[1,9, (/jerL. /hfiff(<f- mfi: ,- rt5x-f 75 (-J. 5 Jh<" \c;iYj 5Ly of __-_ _I- -'-- E-+ \ * q ‘I 3 -+- .- . ~. . r _._ rr---- ___._ ~ ___--- ~._.-__-__--__ __.__....__---. - i W/I%BTE IF- 30”T SAY IT /I lNTEK-IDEPAWTMEP.?1T PbdEMORANk3U! __~ ______ __.___-__._ _-~ --.. .. ____ __..._______.___. ~_________.---- E 1#------------. --__ l I j/ TO Bill BalcWin, LkSiSt. City hIXlgeP DATE 10/8 /80 19 A PI. P. M. /I i/ Ron Dedm!an, Assist, City ricnager ke ikuteTkrmzs City Clerk Atta&;ld is a rn~rmrmdum f-mm the Parks Superintendent regarding Occidextal Grant Iked. I/ I! jl I! I/ /j 11 Our deputr-wnt re rids not accepting this parcel. i! I! - I’ If There are my (T.A~z3tions, please call nie at your coavenrience. ~ ! I! li I1 r ji j/ I! .+ REPLY 2:-i -:l-!iS SHE FROM David Bradstmet, Directc -_ ___ -._ .--._ __~ __-_._ - -.~~ ~___~ __-.__ ~ ___ ...-.___.-_ ~ .~~~-~~. .~ ..-.-. __._ __- _____ _ ~~-_~-~~ .~ . . - .__.._.._.. - ..-. .. .--. __ :L __ _-._ .. . ___. -... __ .- STAND& - . . :IEMO F39h‘ 11-2 f n i t 1 0 MENORANDUM e TO : David Bradstreet, Parks and Recreation Director FROM : Douglas Duncanson, Parks Superintendent 27' DATE : October 3, 1930 SUBJECT: Grant Deed for Occidental Park Land - CT 73-24 BACKGROUND The previous Park and Recreation administra.tion bas accepted rn2 proposed parcels of park land. suitable for park development to meet today's recreational neec The subject land is a payment to the city for park in lieu fees Lot 17 of CT-73-24 is to be park land as a condition of develol Many of these parcels are not RE C OXME NDAT I ON ----- Staff fee1.s that bec e of today's recreational. needs and the topogra.phy of the p? ANALY S I S Originhlly staff x:;.: tempting to negotiate the exchange of tf Xecently it has come to olir atter,t_iGn 1 ..:knowledged that Occidental Company has .- . -:ts of CT-73-24. Therefore, it is now 1 sed land that council not accept the pal ___I..__ fses for this land. . suitable for park development. The fi: reason 5s Its small .--:<e. The acreage, 5,578 acres, is not la: an active: ?ark, which is needed in the area. Anothc this is poor park land is the terrain. Much of the p slopes. Extensive grading and drainage wc would. b: necessary Ecr development. The terrain also makes it expensiv~: to de-vc~L~.ip because of the above mentioned engineeri-n; prob1ex.s. The st:c::~3p to2ography of this land also increases thc city's ?.'.ability, Tf the deed were accepted. Since i.t is not px-:'"cti.cal property for park de7je1.opnientI staff p~.-opose:; council. iiot: accept the grant: deed for t1-1~ property. ALTER~ATIVI< s An alteri~ntive to tlic acceptance of this property is to negoti. with the. OWIP~: ffi~ :1an.d trade off. It: is my un&r:;tanding tlla Occridentxi.!. Compan-i. -- has other land which ;hey ;ire willing to rr fOSSihly tihi:; ktnd cos7cred in C7'-73-24 coul.cl be irlc]uded in a --- - ----. . .__.__. .- trade ofi:, 0 -2- * ATTACWIENTS Attached are maps and conditions covering the Occidental land in question. ;?Note : The City Clerk is waiting for some direction as what to do with the grant deed. to my understanding. City Council must either accepr or refuse it DD: dk At t achmerl t s .L '*m - "I .e CITY OF CARJ3BAD 'E .* .. . ' REQUEST FOR LEGAL ADVIE - CITY ATTOENEY # . DATE:~ust - --*S.--.-c 11 TO :: I FROM: Director of Parks and Recreation DEPARTPZNT: Parks-&-&; ,, pcI..LI SUBJECT: OCCIDENTAL ]LAND, INC. - Development, 'CT 73-24 ~, Resolutj Condition 15 specifically Final Map No. 7996 ADVICE REQUESTED: Can the city: 1) .ReEuse roh accept t.he land? or 2) 3). Refuse acceptance.: of' land and require partition-lieu fees Reopen the tentative map to change this condition? '. instead? or . BACX;GROLTXD INForaaTIoN : (prepare synopsis elf facts, giving as many as possi.ble- :AcJc; additional sheets if necessary 01 attach supp01: ti319 iiocameli Final Map was'approved July 1974 Park land was to be dedicated prior to issuance of buildZng permit Property is now in escrow; therefore, original. owner is att:empt:inj dedicate parkland now. Park and Recreation Department concerns: 1) Lot 17 is unbsable .. .- & a) Extensive grading and drainage costs b) Steep terrain Lot 17 is unsafe to be used izl its present state €or-parkland - 2) 3) Lot 17 would he a liability to the city. Prepared by Appfovwl by Request Noted ---__-- : I cii-.y Kana 0 0 \+ \" :200 ELM AVE"J2 yrtE CXRLSBAD, CALiFOHK!A 92008 014) EN( 4 aitlr) 0: gnr[$&& July IS, 19SO a * c Jack 1Vclsh Ihion Ihnk SO0 Svuth biair~ Street Orange, CR 02669 -\ ,2 copy of the grant deed for Lot 17, F-T Tract 73-24, has been xccjvcd and revie\xxJ by City StaEf. ConcIit;ioi~ 15 ctf City Council I:csolutio11 3170 dated Au~us~. 7; 1.973 piil.lu tje met up02 che rcceTpt o€ the orfginal grant deed by thc City CJferk. 113 I_-.-- 9 -a \LA\l e p& koilnld A, Eeehmm, P.E. nssis? ant City Elmager /--- @,E : d 11) C: City C1crlc J/' Pi mni ng D i rcct or . TO 19 DATE I1 I' C?v/ w &Le 17 7 / i5-w ~ e&< I f5 I i f 0 @ NEMORANDUM DATE : August 12, 1980 TO : Jim Hagaman, Planning Director FROM : lulichael Holzrniller, Principal Planner :'. '+ SUBJECT: DEED FOR PARK SITE - CT 73-24 Attached deed correctly reflects the property which was required to be dedicated for park purposes according to approved map (CT 73-24) and Condition 15 of City Council Resolution No. 3170. Therefore, Planning Department has no problem with deed. I have been informed that Parks and Recreation Department does not feel that property is suitable for a park site because of its slope. It does not appear that anything can be done regarding their concern at this time, however, since deed very accurately describes property which was was very specific that site be dedicated to city. Please note that City Clerk requested comments on this so deed could be placed on City Council agenda of August 19, 1980. You might want to forward this memo to her after your review. shown as park site on approved map and City Council condition 11H : ar 8/12/80 6, a 0 4' MEMORANDUM DATE : July 28, 1980 TO : CITY EXGIKEER CITY ATTOWEY PARKS & RECREATION DIRECTOR HOUSING & REDEVELOPPENT DIRECTOR 4LANNING DIRECTOR FROM : City Clerk Attached is a copy of a deed which was received in "ie City Clerk's Office. Prior to leaving on vacation, Ron Beckman inforned ze a deed would be forthcoming. the deed for staff review prior to forwarding it to Council IE addition, he requested that I proces j for acceptance. Please review the deed and notify me if there are any problems with same. of August 19, 1980,unless I am infomed of a problex. Thanks for your assistance. I will be forwarding it to Council ai: tke meeting 2% LEE RAUTEEKWiNZ, City Clerk LR: adm At t achmer, t *. AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO r 1 Nom Strat Address City & S’a’* L .J 1 LOT 17 OF CAX.,SP,.Az TPdLCT NO. 73-24, ACfCi?,nI:~G TO A NAP THEREOF NO. 7996, FILED Ih’ THE OFFICZ OF THE COUXTY RECORDER OF SAID SAX DIEGO COLT> In Witness whereof, said corporation has caused its corporate name and seal to k~ aBrd hereto and this ment to be executed by its President ad &’s.7/z7&/.; 7 Sec thereunto dulv authorized. Dated : 7-i/- BO & L-/LJL -)jiT#,L Lfif, -A, tz/fjc.., ) ss. STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF L05 H/V GLLEJ On .Z/L ./ /(! /48 before me. the under- signed a ’otary Ptllliic in and for said State, perwnal!y ap-pred -4 -- known President, and to me to be the- &fWT A.eL i -tJd 7-c known to me to be f?57/.T TfiflJ 7 Secretary of the Corporation that executed the within liiprrument. known to me to be the persons who executed the within Inctrurnent on behalf of the Corporation therein named. and acknowledged to nip that such Corporation executed the witliin Instru .: ,P - - 4.1 ./%A- (fLo.skh ment pursuant to its by-laws or a resolution of its board of director5 ‘rrCrA.: .<T.-\L z 877, ., ,- ~ .-_-I, W1TNESS my hand and otf?cial seal. (This ere3 f-r zctaria! self) z -- LA------ ./"-.,-'--., Y_I"_UUL-uU" e "J - - - - ~-.. __. - ~ ~ -._- --- ---.-.-- - "- I_ -__--u"vy Oc,CLDy,z-:LL --!LE 1:;c a aLlthr!riz&. ,Qat&: 'm-J 11, 1980 ,/' i/ __ ~ ' COLlJ.Tl GT TJS AJiGgLTS ,* On JV~Y 11, Iq%l before IE~, the m5ezsT2qd, a No-ta-cy P~5lic in and for s&l State, 3ersondly appeared ;j..-L., ?lcCl_oskexr, l~ox~ $0 re to 're thz TresideEt, an2 Eart &iL Pork, 1ao:m to ZE: to je Assistax-l Secre-iary of tlclz Coqo-rat2oz -ITS% exeo2ted -he xft3in Instrjne2t, 7acr,x to z? -lo 'De the persom vho exeat& the Tiitn5c Inst~~i-ent on behalf or^ the Corporation, t'nereb nmd, md ac- kno~ledgd to me that such Co~~aratialz exee~t&. the within Instrmenl pursumt to its -%~-la-,~s or a resohtioD 02 its board of directors. VIITNESS r;r hand and offtcial seal. ,' ,/Y/ ,. . ss. STh'E OF C-?-LImEJU- , &-,' /@-. --'-.<--- ,- .. - I. '- ~ --L- c ,\ :+ c,:~- e:i;:.s JA!i 18, 1934 $ >! ;--, <, ,- * *E? 73+s * NZT&-? PJsL': - cALliod.la+A i \a&/ LC- ,i;z% c2u:{Ty n -A / --/ ?-x---, Si gnatx re/,. e/ ub7 d/W -lL-+!J/L- : / 4 J j' 1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 IP 12 13 0 94 Q mw f= 8 15 55 -E N 0) 16 dLW5 Ep;z oz2,o "U 5 17 u I34 wu 18 $&*d z$q izi? 5 'k ec 19 4.r: u 20 c 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 29 30 31 b, 32 I t-- -0 $ (0 stiall be lettered along the road adjacent to the lots affected on the map proper. 12. Street names shall be subject to approval and shall be designated in accordance with the standards and policies adopted by the Planning Commission on file in the Planning Department. the improvement plans shall include a geological and hydrological itivestigat-ion and a complete grading plan of the entire site, The report and plan shall be prepared by civil engineers licensed by thc State of California, and experienced in erosion, and seepage control, who will be acceptable to the City Erigineer, and they will certify that they have investigated the site and prepared data with full consideration of the consequences to the included and neighboring propejxties. 14, The developer shall construct full frontagt improvements along Poinsettia Lane and Batiquitos Lane I include the proposed park site and t.he designated commercial site to be hereafter designated as Lot 308. Prior to the issuance of any pcrrnits the applicant shall dedicate the proposed park site to the City. Lane on the basis of 51 ft. half street, to City Standards, Lane on the basis of 42 ft. half st.reet, to City Standards, The proposed public entrance street shall street, to City Standards. the Carlsbad Union School District to provide for future school requirements Cha- will result from the proposed development. actuated traffic control signal at the intersection of Poinsettia Lane and the entrance street (not named) to the developr 13, If required by the City Engineering Office Said improvements shall @ 16, The Developer shall improve Poinsct.tia 17, The Developer shall improve Batiqtiitos 18, be improved on the basis of a 60 ft. wide 19. The Developer is encouraged to work with t 20. The Developer shall construct a fully C. That said Tentative Map together with the provis for its design and improvement and subject to the above conditions, is consistent with all applicable general and 3. * e .e e .0 LbJ-GV: I A~~ WHEN RECORDEO MAIL TO f- 9 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 El 12 13 14 Ln 2 8 15 E 9 0) 16 du. us ao3z z i5c _OF: $2 mu z 17 LL-. 5=z wo 18 !$ ,,?86 unzz 5-E 2 19 20 c 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 26 29 n *= P( zo VI 44 0 W 30 311 32 L- e e i ‘shall be lettered alon9 the road adjacent, to the lots affected on the map proper. 12, Street names shall be subject to approval and shall be designated in accordance witt- the standards and policies adopted by the ;Planning Commission on file in the Planning Department. 13, If required by the City Engineering Officc the improvement plans shall include a geological and hydrological i nvestiyalion and a complete grading plan of the ent’ire site. The report and plan shall be prepared by civil engineers licensed by th State of California, and experienced its erosion, and seepage control, who wil-f be acceptable to the City Engineer, and they will certs’fy that they have investigated the site and prepared data with full consideration af the consequences to the i nc3 uded and nejghbori ng rJr0per’c.i es, 14 e The devel aper shall construct f ul1 fronti~g improvements along Poinsettia Lane and Batiqui tos Lane. Said improvements shall include the proposed park site and thc desjgnated commerc7”aS site to be hereafter designated as Lot 308, Prior to the issuartce of any pcriiiits i.he. appl i cant shall dedicate the proposed . - park site to the City, Lane on the basis of 51 ft. half strest., to City Standards. Lane on the basis of 42 ft. half street, 16. The Developer shall improve Poinsettia L 17, !he Developer shall improve Batiquitos to City Standards. 18. The proposed publa’c entrance street shall be improved on the basis of a 60 ft.. wSde streets to City Standards, the Carlsbad Union School District to provide for future school requirements tha wi? 1 result from the proposed development. actuated traffic control signal at the jntersection of Poinsettia Larle and the entrance street (not nariied) to the devclopi 19. The Developer is encouraged to work with j 20. The Developer shall construct a fully 1 I ; I @. That said rentativc Map together with the prauis for its design and improvement and subject to the above 1 conditioris, is consistent with a7 1 app1icirf:Ic gcnct-a1 and I I I \ &.*I.-. -- 3 I-..... Fy7c I-C.C, -.-/. - _, t %-“2&-\ io b-1 -7- fi, ‘t iJc2 I 3. [>:T 7-3.- e-? c<+q t,ir i I >.,,;/ i/ L., , i ,. .-_ J - . ..-.I_ ------ /,$,.,,9 -/s<f :,<s ‘22. ~. - h , 0 e MEMORAh9W ' DATE : July 28, 1980 TO : CITY ENGIKEER CITY ATTOLYEY PLANNING DIRECTOR HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR =+PARKS G RECAREATION DIRECTOR FROM: City Clerk Attached is a copy of a deed which was received in the City Clerk's Office. Prior to leaving on vacation, Ron Beckman informed me a deed would be forthcoming. the deed for staff review prior to forwarding it to Council for acceptance. Please review the deed and notify ne if there are any problems with same. of August 19, 1980,unless I am informed of a pro'blem. Thanks for your assistance. In addition, he requested that I proces I will be forwarding it to Council at the meeting .r: A% I_ -_ - 4 LEE EL4UTENUANZ I City Clerk - (-4 LR: adm At t achmen t J 1.' \ / < 1: '4 ' 'i (1 ? , c- -/J I :, . ' r. b /( I -2.. /- 4 1 :: '-, ,/ __ ~ 1 I' [O<,)kh - .-. 1 i- ,- . _. I 4; I .% s 7-L A .I- i-l I, EqTz I \) \*< ( L , IIZ-:.i-lcC3+-~ c- i. & G 1" 7 I x F Q&YL/EL b( /!.en c,iL i I I\ y-{.+Cpu /< '- f \ I\ t A (t 1 /I c/' -+a " .b Lb i) w 2 LUR u 'QUESTED BY 6, *a d'i, '. AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO r 1 Name ,. 0, .J~ lV3 ri'eL'13ellT; am Asslst Secretary t'nerelmt .- "rl) /A- OCCICEFITAL L4ND. IK I , ---/ -w ---- ---.. ---" "V ,JL authcriad. &Ted: July 11, 1920 COUIJTY OF Lchs ANGZLES On Jvlv ll, 1980 before ze, the undersjg&, a Uotarf Public in ad for sa%d State, pers32311y President, and Esrt Dal Ponte, 'kno::m to rse to be Assis-tmt Secreta-Sy of the Gorporatioc t3a-l executed the within Instrument, k-no-;,-n_ to 1-2 to be the persons who exeat4 the within :~s't?~rr;ent on behalf of -the Corpomtion therein raves, ac5 ac- lm~d.cdged to me that s~ch Co~orati_on GXWU~~ the within InstrumeEt pursllant to fts b)--lz:;s or WITNESS qy hand ad ofEcial seal. ss . srm OF CALIFO~VLA~ ,/ r ,3-J -- _/- -' I <' * ,'- c -\ ___- A.A. M 3oskey d Pyjdent Bart Dal Ponte, 2ssistant /P appeared 8.4,. PTcCloske;., knois?l tc me to -35 t3e EpJ ; /2++,z/+//* - -- a resolution of its board of directors. OF- d $?+\*; JUDY K CASLCY NOTAZY PUBLIC - C;\LI;OzN!A. LOS ANGECES COUNTY '} MY mmm. expires f~l 10, 1235 '\ -2 ---. -A- TE- - ___ 4 Si mature q - --A ,' &/-L y 7 ?Q<cdL:/ c ,. 0 ii j/ . .~. - jl iJ - ,. .. ~ .. I! i! ii -? 11 i. Ii ,. r' j- ?,"! j ;..I 7 I .. :_ ..I c I_ J. 11 'i I r" I' <" I [.) r. -- , I F. /I .., I:<,. ;?I /I ;! ._ 4 11 r; il 1 '-' il ii ,> .- r. 'f C.! 5 7 2 ; 3 5 ti-!? CC\*l S!3i [< (? s (1 -! : , 2 j 0 j; 1,; I) . s 2 .j 5 (-- 7;-; C-py @i' (-ar.;c-i.,i;ci, ci; 9 7 I 0 .I -, I -' I1 5 co!:: i dcre:i j;b:> - -__- ..- _- - .-_ ___ ._ ; 'i ; j \.;.; .t I., .L \-, ,* ,L .~ 7 F i" i; 't f! 13 -;, -; tj. 2 .i. R c r, i\ 1' t ' ~ f 1 _' \: L 3 1- J ;);: Cf-i;y [.,?syic-;-j ay;d !.> J' .i; ; { n c < t;. y [; 3 1-j r-1 c f 1 <) f s 1.1 h :I? j i. .t ;: (.i 'i: i) t 1: i: C: -i t .'i i-' 7 a p r, j ii g D j y p c -1; (2 1- p r i 0 i: ' -i f f! y' c. ! \ h :? v' i-1 i 11 'i.: 1-1 i c: }] ;J !fi c . ~II:PII-[,S~ l-ii,iit;!t~~! 5,1 I 6.' I F f 3, I 'i j .; c: 1': :; 8. n (j e n c, u i;j b ;- d i i .? ,, ;-. -. .- .> i I 'I 1 . I 0 I! jj '! !I /j 11 ji +i I/ .'" I/ c. ;I I- li 1 !I 1'. !' I' ';. I! 12, 4. 1; li 2- I, !, '1 I,;,? 5.k.<.;,<t7.,':- !; 1, 3 ?% I .j < 'I ' 6 j/ ,., /: ci Ij I! i, ;i 5 4. L -1 s s 2 2 I-! c e .[\ .:-' <' ,. *- 13 ,,~, .i o .,. 1. J. 1 ;3. I I !. 0 5 ,? :3 j; t; j; T, 1 -1 d 2 cj .i c (= pq< L.;-f? -[:o -Lt12 I; i 'cy c /_[ ;-i '1 -i' 2 .t ';" v $ .' I-aiie or1 .t~-~~~ [:,as<; c.: IC IIL c p .t 0 e: f .t. ,,, s -i-, 2, :F1 ,-I . ' , ; i: 2. I" Li s e 15, -ri,p E!\!?" l";>c)- P,.C s;;a'ii -i 'i p (2 -i r. <.e c 3 .'- !,Li?i I- 2 17. 2:~:j p~b).ic c ', \',E, :; c e 1; .t: I.' (I 2 f; s !? < '1 7 \'i ;; :; 0 i-; t h ;: !) r; s (3 f 3 G 2 -i' : ~ 1,; '! [; 2 t o (2 <- y' -1 5 e i; i: Q !J 1'i: 9 c 3 .I (j 1: (1 r I: b! j !j I! i? i c :? S r_ 1-1 c {J '1 0 -j s ; :A f c: .t 'C ' i) f L! .t [I, re 5 c /I ,? 0 7 i" e q iJ ; ;e g i;;c 1-1 -;: 5 ,I .I 8 L *. e , j i, .I .!: 3' 5 i i; j; d 3. \A 6 s ~ .k 17; (' t; 26 I jJ \*~i 1 .j resul 'i -:rei;; .L~Q ppcp3~sd d;\!eiopalct:-l-i:- 20. '[lie D~~~e~ ~p~ s I-! 2 1 1 c G !: s t )*I-! (;; ;; 2 f il 2 .I J' I! ztT /I j 1-1 -i; 2 y s c c, -t, -; 5 1 I ;I i') 'i; i" 8. fi c: e s i ]n c t: -t 0 .[ p (> j i-) ( i ) b .L .-.. , 1 ,iiit, <; .\.i J '. tl 6 ,~ :, 1 (,A 1 .*I i> <, ; ?; .j \J p 1 1) -[, 0 c; C -L h i 1- vi 1 1 .i:l\C: py.i)vj ;: .j I. I *. I. I1 '7 f C! y' 11 .I, :, ~i i: 5 ( 9 \ 1 (i iI (j '1 ;,! :I r i; 1.; < 1 ~ 'I ;; i'\ d 5 ii i ; J c! c id t, ,CJ 'i, ! i ,2 ;> 1') 3 I: (2 <'.I- /I 11 li ii ..I . I/ c 0 i; d -i i, .! I) ri y. f j 5 c; rl r; i; i s t. c ii j I; j .i, 1.; i; 1 .j 2 ;> ;I 7 .i $2 ;: j) -1 ,: '; i3 i.l rj y'ii -j ii :I cj I/ I/ I! 21.. j I 2 4 2 5 1 P P... .<.; c> "I i 1 I I i + i, * MXMO!W&JM e DATE : July 28, 1980 TO : CITY ENGINEER ITY ATTORJEY (‘ PLANNING DIRECTOR PARKS & RECREATIOR DIRECTOR HOUSING & REDEVELOPHZ” DIRECTOR r: FROM: -x City Clerk Attached is a copy of a deed which was received in the City Clerk’s Office. Prior to leaving on vacation, Ron Bec’man informed me a deed would be forthcoming. the deed for staff review prior to forwarding it to Council for acceptance. Please review the deed and notify me if there are any problems with same. of August 19, 1980,unless I am informed of a problem. Thanks for your assistance. In addition, he requested that I proces I will be forwarding it to Council at the meeting P I$ LR: adm //J %p Om\, pyx J 1 Y ’y y c L q1 q*;? q- Lj “2i -, ‘’L.,. L,, + OY +$3j/ -*m 9 -) + k4-L City Clerk LEE WLJTENGWNZ, *\\ Q? At tachmen t 4 q- fc. ?j!& LJ r-3 / L/ I ,J / J i~ ci i ‘\ \ 20 21 approv.sd as presented; NO::’, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Councii of I 221 I 23 1 I 24 1 25 26 27 2% 29 I 30 the City of Carlsbad as follows: A. Thzt the above recitations are true and correct. B. That Ten-tative [tap (CT 73-24) is hereby approved, subject to the executia!i andlor fulfillment of the fo1lo:vii conditions: 1. The -recilrded restrictions for the sulidivisia shall iylcludc- the fiinimurii lot size and width requ-irciiieilts , cv-iderrce of which shal 1 be subrcittcd to thc City Planning Director prio to approsal of the Final Map. 2. The devclonmcn% of the property described hei-e.in shall be subject to the restrictions and 1 iijis.;-a.tioiis set forti? hP\*ein which art. 31 32 ill acidi LfCtl to all the requirements, 1 imitnt- I I 1. 1. e 1 i 21 3 ?rid vestrictions of all mi.:nicipal ordinant slid State and Federal stat.iiic; FIGW in for( 91- t:kich, hev.ea.fter xay be ;r force for ti purpose uf presc!.vinq it-:c rssidertial ch2racteristi c: 0.:- s3jace:it !iro;)ei-'i-ies. 4 3. Preparatio:) of the Fin21 Map and ail coiisi 7 8 9 10 4. The C.C.&R's for this development shall b: subm;tted to the Planni!:g Director for rei atid approval prior to the issuance of any bu-i 1 d-i ny perrni -ts . i*equi rcmen:s 0-? the Department cf Pub1 i c Health I 5. ThjC develcpment shall meet all of the 6. In order to prou.ide for reasonable fire 0 14 : c'i G $2 -1 =: % 9 c> 1.0 OLWf! no:$ g>y0 wxo' 18 l7 zy u, sd I-> dlJ gss 50 v) + 2 19 3 c 20 21 22 23 24, 25 26 V 27 28 29 30 31 32 adequatc f-i re hydrznts wi th required fire flo!/s sh2.71 be instii led as reccrnneild,?d by the Fire -Department. 7. The scbdivider shall compl;/ with a11 City Bui 1 di ilg and Fire Code rpqui renients. 8. All public improvenients shall be made .Ir, I i I 1 I cotlfori2itj' to the City of Carlsbad Enq;'r?el Desicjr, Cr.i teri a and Standti-d P1 iris, tile Subdivision Ordinance aiid other City Static to the satisfaction of the Cit,y En3irieer without cost to the City of Carlsb3d, frei 0-F a1 1 1 ;ens and encun!br.ances. Il11pro\fei:iei plans for. v!ater and sewer system shali me: the reqvi remerits of the respccti ve servi ci districts. 9. Complete plans and specifications shall !;I submitted as required for checking and approval !. before construction of a~y ii7pr is coimencec!. The subdi vi ci2r shal 1 si!hi the ori gi nal dravli iigs revised to ref1 cct as-b:Ji 1 t conditions prior to acceptance o the subdivision inprovements by Lhe City. 10. All land and/or easements required by thi Ordinance shall be granted to the City of Carlsbad without COS^ to the City, and fr of all liens and encumbrances. 11. The subdivider shall dedicate to the pub1 311 rights of ingress to, and egress from Poinset!;ia Land and San Liego Freeway. T dedication shall be so designated on the certificate sheet of the Fii7z.i Map with the ir!tcnt tkat the owners of said lots \:ri 1 l i?Ot ha:,e ri 911 ts of access whatsoever to :;tiid streets diid roads. T!ie words "accccs ricjhts dedicated to the City" I I ~ 1 2. I 1 1 1 to the lots affected on t1.12 n;ap proper. GI 7 8 9 10 11, 12 13 n 1 4. .$ 2m B 15 ?< 6 6 13. If rcyuired !iy the City Engineering Office the? irnpi->vement plans shall include a geologi ca! and iiydrologic,ll iiivcstigztion and a corxplete grad’,ig phn of the .:iitire site. The report aiid plar; ski?>l 1 be prepared by civil e2gineev.s licenzed Dy ti- State of Californiz, and experiericcd <n ercsion, and seepage control .) \!io will be acceptable to the City Engii;eer, s!id they will cer--ti-Fy that they havi? investicated the site aiid prepared data with fii1 consi d~rat-i on of the ccnseqvences to the included and iieigIi5ni-irI~ 13ropei.t-ies. i I 14. The developer ;hall cor?st,i-ur;t fvll frontas .inipro~cn~~ents along P~inseitia Lanc a.nci Batiquitos L.ane. Said iinprove,:ien ts shal 1 include the proposed park site atid tile desi [Inated co ercici s-i ta to i)e Ilcredfter des;gnated as Lot 308, ’ gEzg C) I61 6290 -+ aG:: 17) u:. rJv c: 15. Prior to the jssuance 0: any perr1il:ts +,he applicant shall dedica.ic the proposad park site to the Ci t!i. 5z I-.Q 18ji 2: $ >o Q - q $ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 t V 26 2.7 28 16. The Developer shall improve Poinsettia Lane on ttie bzsis of 51 T-i;. half street,, to City Stsndards. Lane on the basis of 42 ft. half street, to City Standards. 18. The proposed public e!rt,rance st~ct?.;; shal’i be improved on tho basis of a 60 ft. wide street, to City Standards. the Carlsbcld Union School District to provide for future sci-io01 reguirements tha 17. The Developer shall -improve Batiqui’i.0~ 19. The Developer is encouraged to ~ori:,‘ with wi 11 resul t from the proiiosrld devel epnneni:, 20. The Developer shall construct a fully actuated traffic coiitroi signal at the intersection of P0.i nse-ttia La.:~e and the entrance street (not named) to the develsp 29 30 311 32 I C. That said Tentative Map together with the pi-ovis i for its design and improver:ier:t and subject to the above conditions, is consistent with all applicdbie ger?ei*al ai!3 1 3. I 5 4' I 1 tile Car1sba:i City Council held oil the ---__- 7th day Gf AL!~ 1373, by -the following vote, to wit:. 61 7 8 9 10 11. 12 1.3 n 14 2 P3 ,d E 15 .i NOES: None, ABSENT: idone. I 1 I 1 A'iTES'T: ( 8, I G' I 5 5 cn 6 LI I!, ri u.. ;$ $kgs ZO w gzz< 18 2 c u i IS! :: 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1 j ' ! I 4. r Io 0 i <I PEW FNGI 431 (714) 4: Gitp r:f ZB$[$&&l July 15, 1980 ,Sack Il'clSh !Inion Bank 500 South ?hi? Street Orange, CA 926CS A copy of the gi-3n-C dxd for Lot 17, Tract 75-24, has been received :md revierlicd by City SrzfC. Conditjon 15 ~f city CoifiCil Resolu?ion 3170 dated l\ugU>;t 7, 1973 will be inct upon the receipt of the original grclnt deed by the City Clerk. QfdLL)4 - 3 p-C&@---- Ronald A. Bcchan, P.E. ASS^ stat City Nanager RAB : dlb C: City Clerk P3 anning Director <p,r.- --p- 11 f? :* !W. < ,i<&o4L,- q &fly' db---- 7tA&utL Ate pQ-" (.,dl --+ j SAFECO e I) SAFECO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY THIRD AVENUE AT "A" STREET P 0 BOX 1590 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92112 (714) 232-4031 July 21, 1980 Mr I Lee Rautenkranz City Clerk City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 Re: Our Escrow No. 22761-P Dear Mr. Rautenkranz: Enclosed is the Corporation Grant Deed from Occidental Land. Inc. to The City of Carlsbad, with clear acknowledgement of signatures attached, for Lot 17 of Carlsbad Tract No. 73-24, according to the Map thereof No. 7996, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County. Please acknowledge receipt by signing the enclosed copy of this letter and returning same to me in the self-addressed envelope. Thank youm Very truly yours, /cy \ d2 fl &iLJc /, ' J --I/ .\* Patsy.' urham Escrow Officer S encls a \ 1 e e 7 r _/- __ _I_- .---_-__ _______ __ __-___ ______ _-__-.- -._- _-- - I ~~~~~~~ !$-Bld]J'T !kl!/ lT INTER-DEPARTMENT b!EMORANDU I I+ - --~-~__ _______ .__ _--- -- ------ ---- _-----_ - - =- ---~-- -- -- ____ -- AM PM 1' TO Bill Baldwin, Assist. City Mmager DATE 10/8 /80 19 II Ron Bedman, Assist. City Mariager Lee Rai&enkranz, City Clerk Attzehed is a memrandum from the Parlcs Superintendat regarding Occidsntal Grant Deed. Our &px?rrent recomcnds - not accepting this parcel. If c?icvc are any questions, please call me at your ccmvm.ience. 11 1 '1 / j 11 I I I1 I /I i -$ REPLY Y?: 3 HIS SHEET FYOV David Ei?ci&treet, Direct( ____-__ - - ___ _. - - . - - __ ___ - - - __ - - li_ - - - -- - - - - - - . - - -_ h y_ ,. UFLJO FURM 11 -2 5TA 1 3 1 0 Pi E M 0 R A N D U M 0 TO : David Bradstreet, Parks and Recreation Director FROM : Douglas Duncanson, Parks Superintendent&?$ DATE : October 3, 1980 SUBJECT: Grant Deed for Occidental Park Land - CT 73-24 - i 1 BACKGROUND The previous Park and Recreation administration has accepted m; proposed parcels of park land. Many of these parcels are not suitable for park development to meet today’s recreational neec The subject land is a payment to the city for park in lieu fees Lot 17 of CT-73-24 i.s to be park land as a condition of develoi RE COPMENDAT ION - ____-.--- Staff feels that bec:z-:se of today’s recreational needs and the topography of the F’I- ANALY S I i‘. Originally staff r~empting to negotiate the exchange of tl 3iecently it has come to our atter.fion I .:s of CT-73-24. Therefore, it is now : lis land I: suitable for park development. The fii . The acreage, 5.578 acres, is not lai k, which is needed in the area. Anothc park land is the terrain. Much of the pes. Extensive grading and drainage w( evelopment. The terrain also rna-ices it expens ivc? to de-vtlop because of the above mentioned engineerin) problenis. .Ihe stc!c;? tqography of this land al.so increases tht city’s li.a.b:ili-ty, i.ii the deed were accepted. Sihcc it: :is not pr;L(.:t:j.cal proplcrty for park development, staff p~~cjposc~j council r~ot: accept the grant deed for ttle property. >sed land that council not accept the pal _I_-_.___ ..:‘mowledged that Occidental Company has possibl-. to obtaii: .- - 1.3e.s for this land. ,I ArumNxr:[. VE s -.- ---_..-__..__._ _._._ AT) aIt~:~~i.:~tive to t:he acceptance of this property is to r,cgot-i.i .c;.i..t11 the. omrr fa::- I.nnd trade off. It: is TI~Y underst.anding tEi3i Oc.citlet~t~t:! Company h~i:; other land which they are w-j1.l<rlg co ~1:; I’OSS%l?ly t-hi:: land covered in CT-73-24 coLilc1 be incl.udeij it1 a . trade ofX. a -2- e ATTACHMENTS Attached are maps and conditions covering the Occidental land in question. +;Note: The City Clerk is waiting for some direction as what to do with the grant deed. to my understanding. City Council must either accept or refuse it DD : dk Attachments , 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ ., *P 0 f. ' mQUSST FOR LEGAL ADVICE DATE: August 1: FROM: Dirzctor of Parks and Recreation DEPMTHENT:Parks & Rc TO : CITY A'XITOTSEY , . I, SUBJECT: OCCIDEXIAL LAND, INC. - Development, 'CT 73-24, Resolut Condition 15 specifically Final Map No. 7996 \ ADVICE REQUESTED: Can the city: 1) Refuse to' accept the land? or 2) Refuse acceptance of'land and require partition-lieu fee 3). Reopen the teritacive map to change this condition? . instead? or BACfCGROUi:D INFOTci*VlT -- If, 1: : add j- t :-arm 3- she e t r; { pr Gpa r e s y no p s i s -;tlCt-, giving as many as possibl-e. ! Ad( Ilgccs sary or <It tach suppo~ Lri II~ C~OCYI:~CI -x? 1974 Fina F Nap i<':g s 'approvec! I Park lanc! zed prior to issuance of building' perni Property ; now in C~S therefore. original owner is attemptir rlcland nc ,< I Park and y.=:z,?ation 5r Tnent concerns : * 1) Lot 1- is unusable I a) E>.,-cns i-ve grad in;; and drainage costs b) Sr:tiep terrairi .. 2) Lot 17 ir, unsafc '-0 be used in its present state for parklanc Prepared by;y":; :/ ,I iJi/ 7 I J Appro~ec1 I;\/ t 3) Lot: 1/ ;\rould be ;i liability to the city. )" il /p L' Rtlcjucsk P?olx:c'l : I - -_-__ __-- - Ci.ty flail ~ - . ~- . .... - -1. , .<. .. . ~,,~~ Q .-. ri 2x5- -,cz- . - . ;*, , <'L-# 7, /-<p 6. 2;. 0.5 , ., K I /c.; I,/ tX7' [.. r 21 ;> r;, & G' ;i. ., -I - ,'.;"_'., .J.< ,-/ ;/p*. .. I-.- 'a *_ Lm @ \ .7 ‘, ” :?Oil ELL1 AVEN!!? 7iLr EN( 4 CAR LSRAD. CALI FO P :< I A 92008 (714) ai& 2: gGri5bztJ .. July 15, 19SO + - c Jack Iklsh hion Bank 500 Svuth bhin St.reet ol:xlge, cn 02669 c--..-; . - - -. , i\ COPY of tile grant cleed for Lot 17 t i/----- ‘h~ct 73-24,j - h;rs bee11 rca:j.wx! ~~16 II_ .__._-- -- TCV..iCVJC!d by my StaE. Cc;ncIition i.tj of City COUIIC?~ ;:csolution 3170 cki’ied August: 7; j 973 l.:.j.11 b-=: 1xt uqiolz 3-c receipt of the originxl grm? deed by tlre City C1.ei.k. 3 cl ji-t.-,,“.-.A- ”13 A - -2 p-@G /L Rainlcl A. %&man, P .E. ./-- ,’* >/- ASS ? 5 t-.a!lt I: i-ty kLJ!l! !’,Cl- ;?.AB : d R t) c:: City C:! crk I’: 5. *,” : - <J _I i11 , t I ri;, 11 1 i-cctor ,,” . ,7 c: L r o/ 0 ; fio rTc c o,f ;Y?e u :.p c. I. 0'7 ./he: jqof/ve mop 0nCY ORy ffp-yd V' , -;. --, ,-.--. ~~<--/7Cr,7CCS of sold c/+, o~p//cob/c of ;/he /,-e- eJ ~EoroL.'o/ o,?f +he I'coJaXve mop, /Zwe &e7 COrnnp~&C/ 0,7(1' J- om sc77$57G?d 795G-j so4d Mop /s /sc-Amcofly L * -i /; ,) f/,::r-Cc.J: on</ +AD/ a.//',srov/s/ons of jJic ~uAd/u/~/~/l /d~p , ar/fille sfG./& of- c';;s//formq, 05 z7/77codcd, end 0'7~ A&-; x/7 s 5e,/ Aiort+7? //-,cd hy ,o,Yc"~'c:~u - . ,4 ;ror/7 / A - ,ce by /he Cffy /I - urufly fnc?mm-5 @.Lc.v d ; :.y,y L s:<u y2-y \.- ,&n o,f +he da /e c~r/sba~.,c,/y E+/A~~C ;*' H. c E. f 84 26 .u/--5 e uf fh/ 5 tu h/c h {he St./;/"" f r 7" i , . : ,@Lt(tq:(le--. I -- I '* '5 Frud C. /?/Ze, G;'Y ?7eos;rer- of fhe G'/y of Cor/sL 35/0t.e of Ca/jI/orni/'a, beeby cerf/+ fhuf #here ore i L hen5 ?6P Uopaja c/fy Jbges Or OflpG/;7' c//'y ~oAW'?S /S5 Q L/~J@P Qoy /rnpro*eme/7/* ~CJ of 7~h.e Sfofe o/r eo//i 5how/ng on /he books 06 Jh/s cAfice, excepf hwes no3 po_f/ci.b/e ap/hsf Jhe frucf UP 5-6bd,i~,i~!>fi or unypc #~et?oS 5Lm-w om Jh/k onflexed mop ond ~CSC/-/&C e" succ e 5 5 or5 , g #be copf/&n fhe/.-eof. ... . \$ fl J.+ wdne7s5 W/~ZPCO< 1 hove P;e~cc//7fb seJ ~ny huhd 1' p.). 14 p "'"i"'* L,+$,5 ;.."- 'G:! *....i "&$- .I+- -_ doy or' ' : -.A:, " , 1974. c/-rt" ;,r,zE~su~€z ' . .;*+ ,,. 1 UT. 4 .*c .;*/jL?R,OS oL1127e. . d ;& 2A.. 1 i/f. . _._ __ _--.- $2 /.&c+&Trj;, -. . -~ . & L 14 *r- --.---~------------ .-.-,- __-___ ^_c_I__c-- -- ' 12i Rh -e-* b"-,- .. , .+=Tf : (A <&-J .) ." c re? fOf-3' .* I ?s.sj J, /MGryo/-z '. 2. Adorns, C/*fy C/erk uf fhc Gfy 07'~rorA-d00 Of [a// fClj, . : i: , ,b$f?PCby CU//fy fh&ffhe &Of7C// 0/5G/u' ' / #h'/?5 /T2G,Q Of '~~~~5s~~~~f~~-~~~=~~~ Ab/? a3 OlUflrS% 1.~2 hos G,P,.S/. ,,*a d 8 sr?;-.i:c: .- .~JCjrrsc~/&a/ /h fhc CGpf/G/7 jAer-t;-offitj.:: i//ccep~?c .: -- +e-hG/f ofjhepoh//c -Lowdef- Lone ~~sci + ~/OP"/'C) c .- _. pnrf/un of Logoon &ne ondPu/i/s & & .. yLd;;-& - _____-I L,J sPc,e/dPy t lone, ,,:,, .. - . +L!! o,+%~p~~~ dDn/ q,wx ?<rn/n &i>i.zf i y' or/(/ LC? >$,' i' - &ne (&sea ~e/ Nor721 e%ce,do//Ae /AJeb 7,/~~1~7,~ ~~~.+~~/+~~ O/P~/N.~~t~:j~,/j> Lane ond Lowde/- bfie (,ia~ ~dAh1-k - -,G 3.3c-e-A ,zp 3 19 :r_ /7, 7',+c k,as////7e uJr/of' /7/cind~f~f/ie Cemero/ Accc .fG/ &zo/-<:%. /////..fy (:>-s pmeo,J/n Lnf 190, Q//O~ ~4qwn 0/7 so/Ym< ."3G./r;/5.L/Li(,!/* if/_., /bn; c/P/J/59.S DcCe~Je-fi~ of? bPAQl~f0.f rch' &/,-A/h'd' ;LhE &d,CT,if/ &? OlG55C" sr*m&7/-y SF-Ll~er SF5 < r;;c~/>//d~~,*~fi /~~CTS, fkc f-/j?t;f of /,b~r~~~~ 'j. ~m </ E>~.C?SS O. ,rF,&.5<; y<: ff,,,Ck-~ G<C;.C/ Wze/-yency Ve..4bc,~<--_s; find j p~c (<p/~<:/ 7'/7< 9/-nr7j' ~,J,44e G~~/C/W/AX.C*<~~; 0,dL&h7y E; I'///? szc*/?,/ fG,+-- sc[q::/- &&~?,77~~~& fl,'?J&'# (<: ,G5;C*f>X?/7f Gr L ovcc/; L<,?><.>rj r///L-/ gc,qc>s:; ~~//i3/~/3/:~ G? &IC? 132 7- , %PC C.h"c fy,/L,,+ /JhC;~/.%'Jr~/m 7%ei;/rr/;,%y? c?L?.~;<:-,/nC, XQ -yr:?2P2 :G fh[' 5?/, &yyQ com?/cy Tkvc/ fif7/4-<?,/ L?/.:;,+- 2j-%/?d :: lo/$ /?I]? /L? /PO, F:T~ 277 r/nd.yo/ on :;C?\~Y~W,-> @jq * 1 7.7, tr 'c; ;A- -UT; ;/;.'C. -c ,>>7c~ L'i; :j (:y /~?c:*,//y 05 qr~?/~fcc/ 7'b f-f/Lx: CLJI-,&/.~QC/~ /,, , 4 ..-. -.. ~.-...__--_- - ,. .., .'-.>r ;. p /,!,,'.#:I ,,,, <..,/ 13 74, /fJ,j;f/--[~: ;If O/-]<,]J .';'j78Qg,// j ~lJ(y,~],;~ /o.f.5 f,? +;; CYq /%:< ?5/> (->,.?, ~,,-,-/&f *rn,r;,*q, (~72~2 /;7c7f)c:5~- /xyfc: 4- r>::c// fc + (~5: /h=r S/.-:f .. r C7.r _____ . ..x-.. ._c. _.' .-I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 0 14 2 V)m -'I 0 ouu--G 16 cz A O $2 15 cn u 0 Y a shall be lettered alon9 the road adjacent to the lots affected on the map proper. 12. Street names shall be subject to approval and shall be designated in accordance wit the standards and policies adopted by the Planning Commission on file in the Planning Department. 13, If required by the City Engineering Offic geological and hydrological investigation and a complete grading plan of the entire site. The report and plan shall be prepared by civil engineers licensed by t State of California, and experienced in erosion, and seepage control, who will be acceptable to the City Engineer, and they will certify that they have investigated the site and prepared data with full consideration of the consequences to the included and neighboring properties. 14. The developer shall construct full fronta improvements along Poinsettia Lane and Batiquitos Lane. Said improvements shail include the proposed park site and the dFsignated as Lot 308. the improvement plans shall include a designated commercial site to be liereaftc: c I I nos$ Z>-$!O 9k- <+ ffisoI< .-',io $$?& 17 18 5c 2 19 20 21 22 5~386 LO cn > "5 k c3 k-rior to the issuance of any permits the 9 i cant shall dedi cate the proposed * 4 site to the City. IS on the basis of 51 ft. half stro$t, ~ i ty Standards. 16. ' Developer shall improve Poinsettia 17. >eveloper shall improve Batiquitos I =_ on the bas-is of 42 ft. half gtreet, 'i'ty Standards. 18. T-e proposed public entrance street shall 23 20- 25 b:, improved on the basis of a 60 ft, wide s treet, to City Standards D ttrr Carlsbad lln-ion School District to provide for futui-e school requi remcnts th 19. Tht' Developer is encouraged to work with 26 27 t 2c 29 t L i I will result from the pr-opoird devclopnicnt actuated traffic control sigtl.il at the i ritrrsection CJf Poi nsctti a I-c~ric! and the cnt.rance s trect (not nariicd) tu the dcvclcl 20 0 Tht. Developer shall construct a fully I' I 1 i j 1 \ I. .I ' 0 ,,qJ (,,.' j- <,.I ,! AN~ WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO 8. @c.c:. 4.4. TO 1921 CA I 12-74) ct The undersigned grantor(s) declare(s): Documentary transfer tax is S ( ) computed on full value of property conveyed, or [ ) computed OR full vaiue less value of liens and encumbrances remaining at time of sale. ( ) Unincorporated area: ( 1 City of --, and FOR A VALUABLE CONS1DER.4TION9 receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, OCCIDENTAL LAXD z INC. B corporation organized under the laws of the State OE CALIFOFJIA hxeby G THX CITY OF CAF!LSBAD 1 A PLiLCAPAL CORPOESITIOS OF THE Ci ':I:CORDXR OF SAID SAN DIEGO COllXY 111 'J!~~zzs;:; WiiereoF, said cor~~r)ri~tir,r1 has o,iuseil its corporatt: riaxiie: arid sc:sl to ?): ::E;st.d h?'-c~io :+~:d rr!crit to 1:e ext:c:i?eil by it% ..-. ~ .... .._____.- p--~_-..~-.PI ijcsri t a ntl ...----... d-.~L~~~~~~~~~.~~~ ___. L):,tc,l : .- ___._______..___.____..__-_..__ y-//- ZG - ___^-_-..- ___.._ 0:c -- l-J&Sf.{f&l- yr:\-['!.: o:.' CAI.! I'OXNI A coIj?;'i 'i Ct;.'.- -- stg:nf:i, -, rJ ss. ,/.- . -..]>[L-Y -.-. .I(, .LJ-~..- .~.. . .... 1i+;frp;e I:[*. 111. iinrlrr- ;r,;RrY l'sl!,)t~: i:! Hnrl fvr y:,:,.! :;r;::c-. p.:i -cbr!slly ;~p;ir;irt-~l !.X ..--.-. /.(?/:!22 i: $1 .-.---- } -'-------- ..~ c-9 On - -. Attached is a memrmdum fmn the Parks Superbtendznt rcganjing Occidental Grant Eked. I '. v pi E M 0 R A N D U M e TO . avid Bradstreet, Parks and Recreation Director FROM : Douglas Duncanson, Parks Superintendent e-, DATE : October 3, 1980 SUBJECT: ST$' / Grant Deed for Occidental Park Land - CT 73-24 BACKGROUND The previous Park and Recreation administra-ti-on has accepted TI proposed parcels of park land. suitable for park development to meet today's recreational nee The subject land is a payment to the city for park in lieu fee Lot 17 of CT-73-24 is to be park land as a condition of develc Many of these parcels are not RE COXMENDAT ION _-____- Staff feels that beczmc of today's re.creationa1. iieeds and the topogra.phy of the ps:o;>osed land that: council not accept the p; ANALY S I S Originally staff x-i~:; _.- tempting to negotiate the exchange of i in lieu ft:c-. Recently it has come to olir atter,fiori nt staff k.1.. .:knowledged that Occidental Company ha: sary recpi : .:.ts of CT-73-24. Therefor?, it is now possibl.: t.o obtain Fees for this land, I feel :. i-iis land i.r: - suitable for park developztent. The f reason 5s its small .iize. The acreage, 5.578 acres, is not 1< enough ~C_Y an actixre: park, which is needed in the area. Anot: reason -.r'>.y this is poor park land is the terrain. Nuch of thl ;:sed of stciip sl.opes. Extensive .grading and drainage 1 . necessary fc~ development. The terrain a1.so makes i cxpensivc! to deve: p 'r?ccausc of the above rncntior-!cd cnginccri: prob1.e:~;. The st: p tojingraphy of thlis land aIso i.ncrenscs t' city's l.i..al~j.I.<.ty, -f t:he deed v7cre accepted. Since it: i.5; not: pT:act:i.cal property for park dcvd opi3mit: , staf IIXOPOSC!; cocmc:i..l 1lot: ;~CCC~I~: the g1;;111t: deed ~OI. I.:I.!<! 1)rope-i;tp. AL'i.'ElKNAI':i.Vi; s An al.terri:~ t.:i:vc: to [.t>c! acceptance of t.li'is pt:operi- i.:: to nc1,c;ot t7.i t-11 the c)wti(:r It!<):- I and t:radc off. 1-11 is rnjr irrirl - :.; t-xt~~l-i.n~;, th trndc o fX . --.---.-- --_-....__.. ._..__ ._ Oc~i.dc~~~;i I. COIU~~:ILI;~ 1;;~:; othel: I:~ad ~hich til(:y ;i:c :..:j.1lj-l,;< to 1. possibly ~.:Ili:; :I.:in(I c:o-i7r>red in CT-73-24 c:oll-[.(I l)c> -j ;!(:l t1cjp(l ill ;L ? -2- * ATTACtMENTS Attached are maps and conditions covering the Occidental land in question. ';Not e ; The City Clerk is waiting for some direction as what to do wit1 the grant deed. to my understanding. City Council must either accept or refuse it DD : dk At tachmefit s m Y rFL.F;s ?L)",!J C:[.A,fl ),t.;[:!<fJ; (7tt) 4 CAR LS 8A 0, oc? I_ I r-0 13 :< 1 A 92009 .c Id [ 2 4.: July IS, asso D Jack 1:'03.Sh liliioii lkik 500 South Fh.i.ri Street Ormge, CA 92669 :i copy of the grm? deed for Lot 17, Trxt 73-212, has bem ::ecei.vc:i' snd revicwd ky Ci t.y Staff. Condltjorl 2.3 of City ~ouncii ?Lc:soluticn 3170 dated Augmt 7: 1973 xi11 be IRC~: upon iTi3 receipt of the original grant decd by the City Clerk. 4 e- f-1 \\&wJkj% w 72 pg/L Iionnl.d A. Bechmn, TI. E. AS s i T. !:ant City &ha ger p.N.3 : dll) c: City Clcrk Pl.amj.ng Director b e @ m.. /If1 \I? : #I;.' X'J s/ /T'F., J* 1." ?!E'..IOM-N3Wd (y g.f ., -3 -- A' ,p -L: :"- 11 E , LC J_b 4 J rl L $ "/J q 1, City Manager :n a. Go: . '> 1978 I,,$d FROM: Public Works Administrator t DATE : April 3, 1979 CiTY CF CA~,-S~/\D SUBJECT: Covington Brothers r llnning DzpartEqeni I met with a representative from Covington Brothers to discuss a based on hardship. Failing issuance of permits, they will request to be placed on a priority list with preferential treatment over other projects which may have been approved after theirs. questing we consider allowing them to construct a package treatment plant to serve their project. letter he proposes to subnit requesting they be allocated sewer permits They are also re- I indicated we would be happy to place them on a notification list I indicated there subject to the develoFment of an allocation program. is no capacity availalle nov, the disposition (of capacity based on hard- ship has already takerL place; subsequent allocstion would be on the basis of merit; and no preferential treatment would -be given tuhem because of the timing of their project and delays due to legal conflicts with the State Coastal Commission. I indicated we would not be supportive of a request for a paekage treatment plant and, furthermore, Council had not adopted a formal course of action regarding satellite plants and that any action Council would mentioned that Covington Brothers mould have General Plan and zoning problems regarding the location of a sewer plant within their project. If they wish to modify the General Plan and their specific plan to ac- co>modate the existence of a package plant, that would necessitate the revision of their specific plan, possibly setting aside -the court judg-. ment in their favor. consider would have to be on the basis of a total basin plan. 1 also Regarding the coiirt judgment, attached is a copy of that document. I note, in reviewring it, the judgment is directed at the plaintif€ (Coast Codssion) or its successors in interest, The thought occurred to me, a it might require some additional discussion, that the City, upon adoption of a Local Coastal Plan, would become the successor in interest and there sub j ec-t to the court order. GzL=-- Ronald A. Beckman, P.E. Pub1 i c Wo rks Adnini st rat or RAB : veb CC: City Attorney Planning Director Attachment - -_ " '! e e 7 ?/A -I- :f 27-v 2 , il:t\;xL? c D L.1RSES /. .J*AK S. TUCKER, I: !:oGEi?. ?,.- GRABL'c:, BLf :: .I101 civic Center Drive i;'cst, :!I Santa Anap California, 92702 li; P3trCrt D. Zum;ral\, CIrrk \ LlEC 2 3 rsx 3;; ??. 0. 20s 197G, 4 i! I' (714) 835-2200 ey E. Ah\UNDsE& D*3t !! 5 !i ii ,Sttornep for Defendants 6 !\ Ij , 7 1: I\ ii 8 i; 9: 1' SUPERIOR COUXT OF TEE STATE: OF CAL1FQZi-Z- FOX THE COGXTY OF S-X< DIZG3 1; 10 I\ !I 11 i; SAX DIEGO COAST REGIONAL COELIISSION j 12 1 Plaintiff, I; CCVI:3GTON SROTHERS p a California 1 . 14 i! car2oration; LOREN D. COVIt<GTON, 1 .r i. Fresidcnt of Covinyton Brothers, 1 IS i: DOZS P through XXX, 1 7 16 if Defendants. ) 17 11 it i! 16 i! This matter came on regularLy.rfo~ trial. on Septc 19 ti 1976, in the courtroom of Dzpartment c 05 the abovc-etnti il 2.3 \i Honorable Paul Eugene overton presiding, vithhout a jtT-ryc 21 ;I Younger, Attornel7 Ger,eral d by Anthony C o 2/'oSc?ph p Denu ty 22 ii Gcneral, Gppeared as counsel for Plaintiff t ar.d E?utan & 25 i: ti by David c. La,rsen, :lppz;red,as counsel for Defendants. r) 1 I! 6"'s ', Said ccluse having kcen hE?ard I evidence !~?\~ini; !: 25 :I duzed c7,1-1< tcstimon;i having beer! given, 2nd s~.lc! c~aus~ hi 26 ii sc';;nittcd fop a decision, thc Coort haviri9 rzndered j-ts 27 i! i:: fzy-:Or of DGfendants, COVI;;GTO:I DROT~~ERS Z~CI LQXE>I 11.. 28 ii arc? t>,s co~rt having made ar caeiscd to Sc xade its Tin2 ) 1 NOn X 6583 . . I! 1: vs. 1 1 J U DG EENT 15 I! 1 ~ .: -. inclusive, is 1 Ii I; I! .I I .- ! ,I 1: i! i: !I I! . !! I! 7 * ! '. e 1) 1 : an3 Conclusions 01 Ltv: and ii;lvi!?g dircctcci criclt Ju5G;ncnt bc :i j; 2 .. !; 5 j! :I IT IS ~~,~~~~~ OZDEgZ2, ;\D;,U;SCD -?.:i3 Dz;C?EE=) T.$,T: I; a) PlaLiitiff or its succcssor in i:itcrcst is est( I! e. & ~i from zsserting that COVIYGTOX EROTE5X.S an2 LOXX D. COVfNG i! 5 !; an addition21 pernit under th;. Czlifornia ~oastal. zone Cons 61; kct in order to proceed with their developnicnt in accordar. 7 11 Tract 7996 and the Specific Plan approved by the City.of C 8'1 and estopp'ed from asserting that COVINGTON BROTIZRS and LO 9 1; COVIX'GTOS have not cciaplied vit?~. the California Coastal Zo 10 jj servation Act with recjard to said Spccific Plan &nZ said T .lI ii b) COVIXTON BROTHZ:F,S is eatit122 to complete th 121; project on Tract KO. 7996 \jitho;;t further interference frc 13 ;1 approvals by the PLaintiff or any successor in interest th I! c) Plaintiff is not entitled to injunctive relie II 14 'i i!; 15 // civil penalties, or any other relief as prayed for FnFits !I .I It I! !I i; I Ii iI i; I[ li ti 17 i/ 16 ! Defendants. 19 !i DATED: December 2a i! OEC 22 1976 21 Ij 61 Each side shall bear its own counsel fees; e9 Costs as provic?ed by statute are hereby awarc 3 !. 1; I 1976. __. . I/ ti i; f tj !i p-!\g~ EUGErjE OVERTON - ---_..-..-" i' 22 : 23 I! ;i 2L:t !I !; 25 !I it II 26 '! I! I; 27 I! li Ii PAUL EUGENE OVERTO14 JUDGE OF TIIE SUPERIOR C( j 2s I! i! !i ti 1; i: ----- -- - -.-.__. I . -I I rn Mailing Address: ‘3 1.B P.O. BOX 3128 FULLERTON, CALIFORNIA 92634 CALIFORNIA CONTRACTORS LICENSE No B-1 217304 2451 E Orangethorpe Fullerton, California Telephone (714) 879-0111 -? 7 (7 --- ED k 24 zu( b r i- y7 ~ A,-(< _. 3 1978 ClV L/- C/qLSBAD “‘nnlng Department April 3, 1978 CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 Elm Street Carlsbad, California 92008 Attention: Mr. Paul Bussey, City Manager Dear Mr. Bussey: This letter refers to the meetings between Mr. Andrew Schlang Covington Brothers, and Mr. Ron Beckman, Public Works Director City of Carlsbad,on March 1 and 31, 1978, regarding sewer service to Carlsbad Tract 73-24 (7996). While it is recognized that a moratorium on new sewer connect exist in the City, we feel there are extenuating circumstance such as the delays brought about by litigation of the Coastal Commission, since concluded in favor of Covington Brothers, which should exclude this development from the effects of the moratorium. We have summarized the circumstances in the attached report entitled SUMMARY OF EVENTS TRACT 73-24(7996) for your review. In addition thereto, in accordance with the California Coasta Commission Permit Application No. 15-76 (Vista), we have met I1 Conditions; paragraph A “Prior to certification of the appropriate local coastal program, the applicant and its memb Districts within the coastal zone shall neither guarantee nor provide sewer service to any development within the agricultu and steep slope exclusion area, except sewer service necessar to support existing or proposed agriculture uses or to propos developments which have received all necessary coastal develo ment permits.” (underline added for emphasis) In this regard, the Superior Court for San Diego County by it - the conditions set forth on page 2 staff recomendations Sectif I) v 18 L I, w CITY OF CARLISBAD -2- April 3, 1978 Judgment No. 6683, dated November 1976, and the subsequent findings of the Fourth Appellate District Court of Appeal, State of California action No. 16502, dated November 3, 1977, has determined that. "Paragraph B of the Judgment Covington Brothers is entitled to complete the entire project on Tract No. 7996 without further interference from or approvals by thc San Diego Coast Regional Commission or any successor in in- terest thereto." The Judgment further states that the court shall retain jurisdiction to insure that the San Diego Coast Commissioner and/or its successor does not interfere with the completion of Tract 7996. It is therefore our opinion that Covington Brothers Development Tract 73-24(7996) has complied with Section 2 paragraph A of the Coastal Commission approval for Permit No. 15-76 and would therefore not impact the expansion or cause Carlsbad to violate permit conditions by providing sewer service to the development. In consideration thereof, we by this letter, make application to the city ofcarlsbadfor sewer service to Tract 73-24(7996) and request that such service be made available in accordance with the following schedule. (see attached map) PHASE NO. OF UNITS FISCAL YEAR CONSTRUCT. I 53 1978/79 I1 54 1978/79 I11 49 1979/80 IV 43 1979/80 v 49 1980/81 VI 45 1980/81 In addition, seven models to be constructed 1978/79. In recognition of the city problem, wherein, sewage treatment capacity may not be immediately available and the continued development, Covington Brothers does hereby specifically request approval of the following interim program to provide sewer service to Tract 73-24 (7996). - hardship placed on Covington Brothers by further delay of the I. CURRENT UNUSED OR NEW CAPACITY __I The city make available any unused or new capacity to Covington Brothers Tract 73-24(7996) and that such Tract should have precedence over other users or 'v L* L w CITY OF CARLSBAD -3- April 3, 1978 developments which have taken place subsequent to city approval of said Tract or: 11. USE OF INTERIM PACKAGE TREATMENT FACILITIES The city support an application to the Regional Water Quality Control Board, processed by Covington Brothers, for construction of a package treatment plant to serve Tract 73-24(7996) on an interim basis until additional sewage treatment capacity is available. The development and use of such a system could be utilized as a demonstration unit to evaluate the potential of reclaim- ing waste water. Water produced by this proposed syster could be used on site for lakes and landscape irrigatioi Your consideration and assistance in seeking an equitable sol1 to this matter is greatly appreciated. Very truly yours, COSNG QW-BROTHERS -,/;i--g+ - -9 7 *2-/*',4 We- l / Barr Zimmerman Vice President BDZ :dc cc: Ron Beckman James Hagaman - w *.I i-> "r ,I 8 1111111 OplPPPUlul OCM(oW~PW\I )r - c ~~ 7 ,I1 I e 9 SU>I!'RY OF EVENTS TRACT 73-24 (7996) This summary is to support the application for sewer service to the City of Carlsbad for Tract 73-24(7996) on behalf of Covington Brothers, Fullerton, California. It sets forth actions taken, results of such actions, and the economic hardship created thereby. We believe that further delay in providing Covington Broth the necessary sewer service as outlined in our 1etter.dated April 3, 1978 will only place additional hardship and burden upon the developer which is unnecessary. However, Covington Brothers recognizes that sewage capacit not be available in the foreseeable future and has expressed 5 willingness to meet interim treatment needs of Tract 73-24(799 by installing a package treatment plant in accordance with sta Regional Board policy. Such a system could be used as a demon stration facility to evaluate concepts of reclaiming waste wat for agriculture, freeway landscaping, golf course irrigation, and the many other areas in which reclaimed water can be used beneficially. BACKGROUND - ACTION I: PLANNING CO-NMISSION AND CITY APPROVAL OF PROPOS DEVELOPMENT City Resolution No. 3169 dated August 7, 1973 - EXHIBIT I approved the specific plan recommended by Planning Commission Resolution No. 922 - EXHIBIT I1 - subject to the conditions of said Resolution No. 922 except condition 21 which was - -1- I 1 , a e modified to read: "The developer is encouraged to work with the Carlsbad Union School District to provide for future school requirements that will result from the proposed develop- ment. '' Carlsbad Tract 73-24(7996) was filed for recordation on August 5, 1974. condition 21 by entering into an agreement dated June 5, 1975 with the Carlsbad Unified School District which .is designed to assist the School District in obtaining needed school facSlitie EXHIBIT 111. Subsequently, Covington Brothers has satisfied ACTION 11: COASTAL CO-YMISSION APPROVAL On October 5, 1973 the Coastal Commission by Control No. F0859 issued a certificate of approval for the proposed develop ment. EXHIBIT IV, Subsequently, on October 22, 1973, the Coastal Commission issued its Resolution approving the development permit. V AND EXHIBIT VI. EXHIBI ACTION 111: AMENDMENT TO SPECIFIC PLAN On August 5, 1975, the City Council by Ordinance No. 9434 amended the Specific Plan for the Covington Development. EXHIBIT VII. ACTION IV: COASTAL CODIISSION ACTION On February 19, 1976, the Coastal Commission filed an actio in the Superior Court of the State of California for the County of San Diego, asserting that Covington Brothers needed an addit permit under the California Coastal Zone Conservation Act in or to proceed with their development. EXHIBIT VIII. -2- e 1 , Trial on the matter was held on September 7, 1976 resultin c in Judgment No. 6683 dated December 22, 1976, in favor of Covinqton Brothers,which found .that Covinqton Brothers had complied with all conditions of law relating to the Coastal Commission and did not require such additional permits or authorization to proceed. EXHIBIT IX. The matter was appealed to the Fourth Appellate District Court of Appeal Division 1 by the Coastal Commission resulting in Action No. 16502 dated November 3, 1977. counsel for appealant, the appeal is dismissed with prejudice. "Upon request by EXHIBIT X. ACTION V: COASTAL COPY4ISSION APPROVAL OF PERMIT NO. A 15-' 19778 the Coastal Commission approved (Vista Sanitation District On February 15 _. with conditior?s Permit No. A 15-76 request) for the expansion and upgrading of the existing primal waste water treatment plant with a capacity of 13.75 mgd to a secondary treatment plant with a capacity of 18 mgd at the Enc: Joint Powers treatment facilities located in the city of Carlsl Section I1 Conditions of the staff recommendation specific; i exempt from the requirement that prior to certification of the ap;propriate local coastal program the applicant and its member district shall neither guarantee nor provide sewer service to E development therein unless such proposed development has previc received all necessary coastal development permits. EXHIBIT XI has See EXHIBIT IX AND X - - In this regard Covington Brothers Tract 73-24(7996) complied with the permit requirement. -3- \I1 a e ACTION VI: ECONOYIC HARDSHIP On August 5, 1974 Tract 73-24(7996) was filed for recordat: with the city clerk. This action resulted in the filing of thc necessary bonds which in order to maintain has resulted in the cost of approximately $10,000 c Additional taxes of $72,000 and interest on the land purchase of $243,000 for a total increase of cost due to the litigation of $325,00Ocost to Covington Brothers. / - I \ -4- I 'j $ I, I' RESOLUTICIN NO. 3169 21 22 25 LI- <Id 25 2% 271 ~- opposed to the proposed Specific Plan; and ' %HEREAS, said application has complied with the requirements of the "City of Carl sbad Environmental Protection Ordinance of 1972" and an Environmenta.1 Impact Report was presented and discussed at a duly noticed public hearing held by the Planning Commission and the.City Council and was approved as presented; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Counci'l of 29 30 31 I, . la 32 I the City of Carlsbad as follqws: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the findings of tho P1,anning Conmission as set forth in Planning Conmission Resolution :lo. 322 constitute , 1 , ,e, I' (e Le I .. =:m g2 J ' z l5 1 .by the fol1oi~i:ng vote, to wit: 06 I.< 17 sg$ vp 181 20 E? tv c- .;. ,$". 5: $ 191 20 21 22 23 24 V 25 26 27 28 29 30 - ,. .3l'i 32 NOES: None.. ABSENT: None. DAVID 14. DUYNE, Hayor ATTEST: ~.IARC;ARET E. A~AHS, City Clerk - (seal) . i II I 3 L. i I /,I I' {* t.. @--- ,\!'I lllb LU,'I111:31",. ,\LJ"L", I",. ..". i I 3 4 5 6 7 8 PLAN (SP-122) TO ALLO!4 FOR A 300 UNIT TOld?lilOUSE CLUSTER DEVELOPIIENT ON PXOPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF POINSETTIA BiETdEEN SAN DIEGO FREEMAY AND LAGOON LANE!. APPtlCAFIT : COVI!IrJTO!l BROTH E R S / 0 CC I DE PlTAL P E7 RO L E U r.1 LA?4 D AND D EV EL OP PiE NT C04POP.ATION. I UHEREAS, the Planning Ccmission of the City of Carlsbad did receive a verified application from C2"IIGTON BROTHERS/OCCIDENTAL PETROLEUM 10 i (SP-122) to allow for development of a 300 unit townhouse cluster development 12 53l 14 15 I 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 I I I - the south side of Poinsettia between the San Diego Freeway an'd Lagoon La'ne, more particularly described as: ' A portion of !Section 28, Township 12 South 3ange 4 \,!est, San Bernarding Base and i,!erid'ian, City of Carisbad, County of Sao Diego, State of California, and; NHEREAS, the Planning Conmission did consider the Final Environmental Impact Eeport for this project and approved same as presented. (EIS No. 165). and; IJHEREAS, THE Planning CG;nmi!jsiOn did hold a duly noticed public hearjng on June 26, 1973, and upon 'nearing and considering the testiinony and argunents, if any, of all persons who desired to 50 heard, said Coamission ' did find the foIIowing facts and reasons to exist which nake the' r2ccmendatic for approval of this Specific Plan necessary to carry out the provisions and general purpose of Ordinance 'No. 9060: 1. Conformance of thz! Plan to the Occidental Petroleum thster Plan and the General Plan conmitment in terms of density and type of developrent. Conformance of the zoning ordinance considerations for property located in the P-C zcnji. The size and location of the subject property is considered to be sufficient for the proposed de*/elopment. 2. 3. I xx ,e 8 . 'L I 1 2 3 4 5 6 -7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 b 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ., 31 - 32 1 w A 0 iiow, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVE!^ by the Planning Corrrmission of the City of Carlsbad that it does hereby recommend to the City Council the adoption of a Specific Plan (SP-112) subject -to the following conditions: .----I. The approval of the specific plan is granted for the land as described in the application and any attachments thereto, and as shown on the plot plan submitted labeled Exhibit "A". of all buildings, fencer;, signs, roadways, parking areas, land- scaping and other facilities or features shall be located sub- stantially as shown on the plot plan labeled Exhibit "A", except or unless indicated otherwise herein. 2. Unless the construction of the structures or fscility is cornme not later than on? year after the date the approval is granted, an is diligently pursued thereafter, this approval is granted and is diligently pursued thereafter, this approval will automaticall) become null and void. tiowever, upon request,. if the proposed ploi plan or adjacent areas are unchanged, the Planning Director may appoint one additional six month extension of time. 3. sibstantial change will require the filing of an application for amendnznt to be consid(2red by the Planning Commission. . State of California, City of Carlsbad, and any other governmental entity shall be ccnpl ied rri th. . The locatioi Any minor chanae may be approved by the Planning Director. A . I_ . 4. All requirenents of any law, ordinance or regulation of th2 ' . 5. No signs or adverl.ising sf any type whatsoever shall be erec or installed until plans therefore have Seen approved by the Cit., of Carl sbad. All areas shown a:; parking areas shall be surfaced with aspk concrete and shall be visably marked out1 ining individual parkir spaces and traffic flow. completed prior to final inspection of the structure or structui by the Building Department. The surface shall be kept in a reasonably good state of repair at all times. All garage floor: and/or carport floors shall be a minimum of portland ConCrete cement . 7. Prior to obtaining a building permit and within 30 days her the applicant shall file with the Secretary of the Planning Commission, written acceptance of the conditions stated herein. .8. Conpliance with and execution of all conditions listed her€ shall be necessary prior to obtaining final building inspectior clearance. Deviation from this requirement shall be permitted 9. Any nechanical and/or electrical equipment to be located o roof of the structure shall be screened in a manner acceptable the Planning Director. Detailed plans for said screening shal submitted, in triplicate, to the Planni.ng Director. . 10. All incombustible trash enclosures shall be provided of - and location acceptable to the Planning flirector, and said ar shall be enclosed with a fence and/or wall of sufficient heig to adequately shield the area. Said fence and/or wall shall include a solid gate. xx . 6. Said surfacing and marking shall be . only by written consent of the Planning Director. . -2- I' I' St 'I, .L -2 3 4- 5 6 7. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2 5' 26 27 28 29 30 31 ' 32 *I - - ''e '. p$ Ad etailed landscape and sprinkler plan prepared by a andscape architect, shall be submitted to the Planning Director for consideration and approval. Special attention shall be given to buffering the project with landscaping frcm the influence of the freeway. 12. elevations and specific floor p'lans shall be submitted to the Planning Director. for consideration and approval. 13. shall be installed. Said landscaping shall, at all times, be maintained in a manner acceptable to the Planning Director. 14.A17 landscape areas in parking lots shall be enclosed by a raised concrete curb or low wall. All planters adjacent to strnf right-of-way shall be constructed with weep ho1 es per specificat' of the City Ent,-'nt!er. p Homeowners Association for the purpose of ,maintaining all land- Prior to the issuance of any permits, all exterior building Prior to final building inspection clearance, all landscapin 8 15 The applicant shali establish and hereafter maintain a 4 .. . scaped areas, the lake, private roadway and driveways. 16. All public iiriprovements shall br made in conformity with th Subdivision Ordinance arid other City Standards, to the satisfact of the City Engineer, without cost to the City of Carlsbad, and All utilities, including electrical, telephone and televis . . . free of all liens Cnd encumbrances. 17. shal'l be installed underground and/or shall be completely con- cealed fron view. 18. and dry-stand pipes prior to iraining construction, and said fir appurtenances shall be. functional prior to conrnencing such work 19. Prior to the issuance of any permits, the applicant shall cause the dedication to the City of Carlsbad that area indicati on the plot plan labeled Exhibit "A" as Future Park Dedication 20. Prior to the issuance of any permits, the applicant shall submit a Precise Plan of all recreation areas to the Planning Dirxtor for consideration and approval. Said plan shall coni to the recreation areas as shown on Exhibit "A", and in additi shall show a minimum of 12 individual children play areas. 21. The Developer shall enter into a nutually acceptable agrt with the Carlsbad Union School District to provide for future school requirenents that will result from the proposed develoi PASSED, APPRO'JED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Plannjng Conmission held on the 26th day of June, 1973, by the following vote, to w I The applicant shall install all required fire hydrants' AYES: NOEY Commissioner Little ABSEfIT: commissioners Dominguez and blrench Comissioners Jose, Formar;, Casler fi Palmateer - E.. H. JOSE, JR., ATTEST: Chairman Pro Tenpore .- DONALD A. AGATE' , Zecretary I ', (. @ .\, @ .<L r *' I pr:'] . , \PJ00D3SEDE/I<UJOTd & ASSOCIATES, IXC. 1 I-'--- .'.-... .-- .QL QCCG I 4 . COHSULTIHO LAd EHOINELRS MAY1 E 2965RoosevcltSt.. P.O.Box1095~CarIsbad.California92008* (714)729-1194 May 13, 1975 CITY OF CA Planning D~~ fllr. Donald A. Agatep, Director af P1 anning City of Carl sbad 1200 Elm Ave. Car-: sbad, Cal if. 92008 Subject: Specific Plan No. 122-A - An Amendment to Carlsbad Tract No. 73-24 - Carlsbad Lake Community - Carlsbad Municipal Rater District. Dear Mr. Agatep: , Responding to your request of May 8, 1975, this office has the Covington Brothers, for an amendment to their approved subdivisi . following comments regarding the submission by the developer, I. The District has zppi-o*Jed .ei coriiplete set af plans and specifications for the construction of a public water system, which is in concert with the approved .record map for Carlsbad Tract No. 73-24. According to the consulting engineers of the developer, the proposed specific plan amendment will not influence in any way the approved plans for the record subdivision map. agreements and financial guarantees for the construction of the public water system. In view of the character of the request by the development, our . District has no specific comments relating to the architectural design of the individual units and the recreational facilities, if you have'any questions regarding this matter. 2. 3. The developer and our District have a complete set of - 'which are proposed to be changed. Please contact the undersigne /X truly yours' ,, cc: Carlsbad Municipal L&?L/$/. / --" &/& Water Di str i c t c,Jack Y. Kubo a, District E Covington Brothers Carlsbad kunicipal Water D Williams Engineering JY K/1 e 7350 \ . In Orange County, Santa Ana CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT “AS A F F 1 R \I A TI V E A C T IO N EM P L 0 YE R” C .A R LS I3 AD , C A L 1 F 0 RN I ,4 9 200 8 801 PINE AVEh’UE June 24, 1975 Covington Brothers 2451 East Orangethorpe Avenue Fullerton, California 92631 Attention : Gent lem en : At its meeting of Jane 23, 1975 the Governing Board of this school district ratified and a7proved the secured agreenent dated June 5, 1975 beticeen your fim and the district which was designed to assist with the obtaining of needed school facilities. Your copy of the signed agreement is attached, which includes the date of ratification. We appreciate your interest and cooperation. Bob Fit zp a tr i ck Sincerely yours, ‘tyxu3 yrs- .%P-WC=- w Fred H. Lance i3u s ines s Xanager FHL : aw Att. - CC: Rindel and Anderson, httorne3s HeEEIVEDJUfQ 6 I .A Dl1 IS I ST R iT1ON 729-9291 EXHII '. ,. (a -t , .i I ,. ,, I' ! ,<, I .S I':\ 1.1.; ()IC (,';i 1.f FO I?.\'I.fI s;1 ?if I )I I .. (?* 0 c:o :t s 'I' li I ; (;I 0 ;Y,4 1. (;(I, I I 1 1 IS,? 10 A' ----.______I_-- / - -------- ._____._________I--__I__- qT;--: j' ! ': I''j ;' y i: ;'.=y;-*.y ;-rp r'?y ,q q-D .i--j9 1-.7.9 /I/) .; ;,.I { ; '!! ! / ; ; ~ 4 i ! ! 1 i !Q 1: \ 1 ir 1 ;"';; lJ k2-f \lr La iL d,. - cl' A + f.;: i.2 .i..: 3.-- ;.i. ,i-,*~ i-: .a -i d~ \-L 1-1 Viis Cci.ti['ic-;i:c s1i:ill >CI\,C 10 iiotif>' :!!I ii.,!ci-c>(tcd pxi.lics llint (his I)i.ojccl 1i:is l~c~n: c F] ,~i~~'~<~~i~~~ [-I EXEhlI'TEI~ l)~ t!ie S:iii flicgo Cwst f?i.;.inii:i! C~1~;l~>!>~ioi1 iii ct1i:~;)Ii:incc v;i tli flic Cilifomiz foncl;!l Zonc Co:isci.va 1972. Soi-!t;i:ex:t coixir;r of' I'oinscttia I~me md the Sm 2j.e:-T,a Frcc.:.a>, 1' n;: ;,I; UCI.~I:-PT: 5, lS'i3 __ ~ _.._ _______ IAJC~ t io II ~f Pt.oJCcr I :K!J TCS) : ____ _________. Ci%y 01' Cz~*l.~I);ld I___-___~ ___ -____ ,/ coll!i-ol rilllnbPi.: __- I>:IIC* cf' Coiiiii1ii<ioil ,ICI~OI\: Vrri fir;)iit)n: ____. _____ 4 ,&5." r.-._ . - /./:3 ' /; ,/tC~~:+.\,:-;. \..- .' &*!*x, -2 tr- b * ,:< I.' :-, ;-. --t"L-,:/ 8 T/l) o i:;.Ts .A. Ci r:ii t ?,i!!. I<.\ t 'ci: I i:*c L>ir(*c! 0 I' S n 11 I J i c go C < ) :I :, t R vsi i ! i 1 :: ! CO i 11 I : I i 5 c i o I 1 A'ojicc __ - __ I(: ___ CO;!~!~~TIOY.Y: - .-. - ..- iiiitil c[)i1>Ii.li<*Iic)ii is <wi;ii)!cf<xi. 'Fliis c'i.rLiiic;tIc to I;c 1iiil~Iic-l~ dix;:i:i~ cd in :: liroiiiii?ciit loc:;t!o:-, 011 tile coii:;ti * , ,. A-w G -7% -( % @it Lo --t;lu_ < G&8U\ YL, C,b CLt ?A - EXHIBIT 1 - l<O!;r~l !1 I;[ AI,,.^?!, <:,>>e -. t a-y;, (-(:*;..! l'\'A.'I ,,<': c(,:,;..l:' (:I >:; . ~. - __. \.e.--.. -.--:.-.:x--. .. - ... - .I -. .-~ .-- . . _._ -.... . Ih, l),i .,,. - - __ . ..- .- . . . - - . . _. . - __ __ -. fi?~i CIII r.? j CII.ll I I11.11l \VI I 1.1 hi.1 A. \It< r. CI\.ii~rii. 1' or;!$ JCI Fl-ITS [j I ;,.I,, ,.>,':>!.I:, c :I I I I 1, I I 11.1 c L I?; .- 1 c "9: ]>LJG~ - Oct.,~b.;'r 22, 197-7 1,;qlicmt : Yroject iici2r.i::;~: Southcast COI:I~.I- of Foi:ist:i,Lia Iaie m~i Sm 1)ic;;o . Cog I.,<. I r.8~ i (1 I. - THCIili\S A. II X('~'U i ivr 0 i Cosi 1 iil;tori Jko !-,!IC 1-2 FI *x~:.-.-i;; in C:l rlsbs3 !< j~;~,<i] ,yji].G:: .it:- .; !'!;;-:; !;;..,,.. ;,zz;,:::;;y '.;IT j3y :;CAT! !):-].;Go CO;i:;T - _.-. __-.-_A -._ -I_--.- _______ .-~ ____._.___ __ .___ _. ~:~t-:.ri~lg date;; 0; Cfi~:~l:~i S,E~ oil: To:; 2.1. c, ..c.,l. c '. * c .__.I_ t....1.0:1 voL.2: IO->-!; lC-!j-73 A ;?Y JV trig <I c Vir 1 CC::I :-, i Cc Y i 1; r; p~ c,;.) c 7 c d C2.v c 1. o; !xnt __~~____ - '?? --_____ :"?':,<II.jST: 0 p,2s'i'j', j i$j.i,j(i : 0 ~_________ -_______ __-____ ----- ---____._--_____________________________-------~----------------------------- I! 2 .' i,l ,U 1.'i 0;i: I1 '3 ihc: G:ln l)i.ego Cc i; ?ecic\xal Cc.n;:::Frc.i cn r.t its 2111.;: notici;d tin", helci i>,i:j.li eyed t!!~ !:q?].; c;:iicill for 2, C:,c:l/~.l~ :it. >lprJ!!it 011 'i;:ie )ieyi.j 11:~c.t~:- dcsc~-2 C)CS !iur,l i t?il Cor dc\~plC~:l:,:~?it ?:e ,r cr j :>i, Ln:; : ___ ____ _______ .. 11 -. -. t';'crt.fii ~:iz~l i-~~ijas,~!~ a;-\.cI sl>iticrlt 'io bv F-psrovcd") pj-(-J;]:;s.L.? (:~-,ri.-ll~, T.L'T!J,. Jcn 1.z ::.'s>:,y*>T .~ __-_ __ .__._ __. __- -. .. A- ->ao;;~r*i - " -1 ... r,-Lrcllx;,z~ . ~?~;,~~~~:~~~~~~,,~~ ,- 0. 5'l 2~1-e~ t;i+,j!i-ri t!lp 1' , " of ~,!:lic!i ( !->> *L xres t511 rc:fi3iii iii I.i;s n::is.rd st;:tc:. ~ILC i-cixj ~l?.;?~ 0. 51- :icty:; ::31:1 bc cL(! incl:xiiy; ti:le rcl..jc::tj.on oi.' C! \:c:tctr l.llle, Ii3-lj.12gf ~~-1d :LLWKIZ,CZ;J~I~::. 2 C) KC L;~?.%.C ?;j 1: L.-. LL; 1 i>.L:i!...k, . - rx-ajcct, ~ost oi' -.?~ir!i is o.;t:;,dc of thc j;clwi-t xcx. O!I t!;n 0. 97 2~~::,2 i;i-,:ol--:cxl. 'i'hj s j.3 0;11;; 2 sil1cill p~;-t-ion of LA. : . .....~.,. <;,:; ;,;,; .,>, 'j h- a pr 0; 10 i: c:.l ci ::.\7 ct 1. L!!)!: ;: I! i :.i. c-.?. c (.i.J.c:c;icn! L:;'f't:c~ ::!I~ :i.z c<~:-l~izi,~~!lJL. i:-.)< L):., 1. ~\;iZ~j<>~,;~; ;.(.<, ?,>Y?! i!; 1;; :I!.-'~- :;..I \:I; :::I<] ;I:>-! .j 3:s;: 02 i.11~' (::L.L~L~ <.~j.~l>;~ .j-' :;~?,'? l!!::; :.! ~.:: : 1::i: :!; :i]'c )>:,::l.j ',:I t'l;<. f0.il.C ., ._ > - -.- ... . .,. .. - r,:.!.,; '..-.r:i ... ]'Lyr:.ii, .i. ~!rl.~;)z:y:pC; ,:(;Itt. I :y:i('llt. ::i:l.,<;c I, ,! a ,, -: ~ :.:\:? L!!<, 2 :-#I L:!.:~!.. i'~.~:l!;~j!i*.i; 1, !.<x>.':*!!; :<i:l t:.:.!::!it.iL;!i>.: 1, 1.<)11C 1 -1 .. .*:>:.<.:: I.'o!- :.;.,:<.:L::! :;!,:,:~!:!,~.:'-' ;IT,:: I :;j <.,;-A:: ::;A,.j ;.,-I j cj c. I.(.] L:*<:L:ji., t,c> ill(. y~-~,~~c~:;~:~] tlt.v .A - EXHIBIT V nClPJAI.l> llr CIC-SAN, C,cr \ ___._ ._.. ._.__. -- hl ALCO 1. P.. c!!,birmJft L -_-. ItVAl -.-. IC" ~~- CO*.l!.:I:;Y,lON _-.. .-_---..-- -.- /e -. .. .r- !,',; i ,,I' ~{u~.ll :>!.'<I 'i -C,\l.il llPbNIA < s S",:,! [:li.co CKC! l;xlx~x COl _- __... -~ ._______. __._______.- -_---- ---- ------.-- . -_ . . .. - -. . ~~ ._ + .- -- .,. ~, ___ - ~ .. - - -- --- - - VJI LLI Ar.1 i JL F F t. \iY ' ncprcrcrlr.? (,I!..; P.~Is'.;Ic~ GDI:GL i!r)no. SUlTL ?10 s;\*d (IIL <-.17. CALITilt:P::IA !1?170 -TEL.(7l.i) 750 69'32 Vice Ch.iiii> Caltfornia ( Conrc rvat ii P 2 V 5 L 0 ? !,; il 17 T P E R !A I T TIIOMAS I Exccutivc I co: I tal. 01 i;o : lY1tc : L October 22, 1973 f..IJl) 1 ;. c ;i !1 t* : I Co-iringto;i Erothcrrs Agcni; : I; OS59 2451 E. @mi;;ethorpc A.ve. Ftilierton, c.A. 92531 Fr9.j ect Acich-ees : So::';!lejs'L c:o:-.;:ey of Poj.nsettiz L:me md Lhc Sa11 Diego F1-e.cti.ia-q in thp City of Csrlsbad. J-CY.~ cre hcre?lj. ,crmt,ed 2 cicv~lor;-nnt pcl-~Lt. This perinit is issued aftcr a 1iez.r ~L'J'GI-C t:ie ~sn QLCS,O CG:;:.~ Z..c;icnzl Cccrission (a cocy of ttie Rc-gionzl ccii:?fis.5i r-::;gl~it,tc:i of x:!~:Y~vz] -- , ~c;tc; in.d ot!-;c=~- Isng~z~e, d_rz..:S.ngs 2.~3. provisj OI~Z is in? j~c~-c-~.~j til j . ~iiis ~~:._it i s -.-..- 1 i FG tnci to de-v-cloncect - described bcloi.1 2nd szhject tc kt. L ... ,..... ',C , concii',,tc:~s, 2-32 Di'O--' v i s~.Q:~s, . ]-ieyeiyLzf'ccy ~i;ii;~,ld: l;ro.itct j-i;-t/c3]--,.:z2s a~r>''- L]2.-L,;t-u.,-. -,+ v:lL 01-f 0. 9'7 ~C~CS xit!ilr, tlic "1'c:mi-1, Area, 'I oi' ~,hicii ii,-:,.es .bq-i:Ll ~~~.~~;~~n 11; 3 ",s nz$3:y2 irlcludint <lie 1.eloc3tion of a .-later- lliie, fillirly,, arid 1.sudc;capinS. t,ri]-]- be b:fJt sn t;hp O.y'( hems in-Lro?-ved. l.!;'~;je~.l;, r:.c,st 0.'' ::!~ich 15 cutside of Lhc perm-it area. ;? !<.?!l) (;Q::3:-:TTg;;y, : 1. Thet thc ;:~~l.<c~it c.;r.:ez tc ac?i.::re r,t,~ic'ily to the currerit ?lais for thi 2. Th~t th;l :->?plic:ir~t ::;;YC.CS to notify the C~~~~~ii:<~iO~ c)€ any substnnl.iz.1 cP,: 3 J. rp,.Liu -- t;;-> ..(. t>.i)p? Lcxit r.:j .l:i :.:?et ?.I1 th- loclil ccde reci:i?rccit,nts xid cl-cij rictlc 11. 'I'11;Lt t:; .J~)~~c:?.?!- LL.I" :.c.?s to CC:I!.'GL'!:: t;~ t,!;? rie?-j!:it i'.uldr, 236 ri,c\il Li.,icli-i=, .. ... st,;.te. The l-~in::?~r1-~11g 0. 51- :!ere:; i'lll ',:e ~1.c I!o sI;;'L~c 'l'h1s is O~JJ a ~m~d.1 pcr-Li.on of a _.__ _-. 2s sl~'J:.!i?,t~.d t,o ti.:(z ~~~,~:z>ss~~~. the: J>CO~C!C~. i : e:,-\,:. ti .on C 5::~:: i. r: s ion . It ti>,_. (;L!::::L:::I c:.i s't,:-rf' !::~;,r r::d:c :;j tc: j.l~~j~pc:< .. t!lC j-:~'~;,j<..<t C~A:'!:I!S ~'.,:j~~k~~i~'ii r,;i ::11:i .~!>c!x cc - 1. * '1';:IPx tltrlni; :\!IJ cL?!<!lilo:l!: :;!!:il.: +e:.; t.0 'c:; lid :!I! 1 ruf-,lJ!.C cj',,?:<'!':; :EL2 1 .. i.j c< i; ;,:'(,;IC.!' -- i;' ( 11::!'~.2 <IildY:;: i:u!lL, EXHIBIT VI \e [~\ , 1 .. . ,..-,. . ;.', . , - , ' ., 4 , ()) !.,'j'!:j[,l. I,. c i'; i ;i I t I t. ! :: lil);l:*r <ll~ I i /:;it i ti11 10 ~oiiF~~i.i:i :isic.l. ; c ;..:!: .i c.!: c:.I.:!?)~ 1 :.Iir.J b)~. (::;I j for11i3 . C!, (X~.~lJj.!Tl Oli: I'(:yi;\itt c(: sl\nl 1 co:;:;i.j(:Tp in 3 I-c~~oI~I;~!: j C' 1 j I:.(. . itc1 (:'jii::pi;t , J'C~I-:?~L~CC L' of (lll,:i)l c:t-j.o]l,'' (-7) A:::;] [;;:;,';] ]-,J.j.\' ()I' j:21xi1: j.2 not :ir>si f;n::?)lr t:nlcss ~ --__ __._. ...___--- ~-. tllc ~J~~I~;..~ i L.CC 1:. vi,] .i;;i.:.j c;!:. t;;;dcr TI:c! ]::*;.!:ii:' ;ITC a::si:;:i<:d 1))' :issj i;;:('*> ji! 1:i.j ;-;-. ,I.,::, .a;;<l :: CO;>J' <IT nss:;i;lj>t j.011 :I~;I~<~CI~~PI~Y. (IC- l.iycxc.:! i (I I:cL~ 0;1<:j C~~:~,~~i>~!;> L!;i. .. L.:..:; ;!;:!;1~:21: tl t n ?):c, Si-::te Co;:.!ni..;sjo;~ \.;it]ijn ten 01 ~CL;;?,:: Ii1131. ::ct j (:;I 1;)- tli~ Snii lIi.c.!:o (:o:ist I:c~i.oi~al ,..-, x;>cI c;l;:J::j o:;rs sl;:?ll I,cl fiii2.l. ... : This l:s.::-:.:~~ is 31; 110 I:.?). iiii:c:ltic:d to c.ffcc"i thc s ilcrri oi'o!-c> c>:is: j 1-11; u:i?,er pi-j V~IC asi-ec- rmits nei. io cC~L~L: ',I?? csi:~i.in:: 1-cgul 2.iio;ls of oti~ci- pd'lic bodj cs. (6) ]>*;;;I, ''.'-'?* "'? ;>'.'J.i 1' ' .I1 1 i !>!. ! L ,\L 'llij.:8 j?cr;r.i I: s1j:;i 1 11~)~. be vcllid uiilcss - ____ - - .-. - -. . -. -. . - - - 1.; j-lii j-11 i i'l~ (iC; j ( is ;I sj pcd cop)' nc:;i?or;ledgi:lg CC)lltCl:2:; Y.0 5:iI; l>i<,!;O cO;;.;i: ]~(:~~[~:;:l] c() Jf \y?ll )!;lvc Z?:?'.' q:: <.p;.! c;: c;.:,r G: 4.', LJ~~LC l,;:.tt~~~?, , 1); c??cc cO!l::ici tj1c st.,?ir^ 0: t.1;~: i=cgios::l CO \'CY;* truJ>' ;'OUTS, 'i'lioi-:ns 11. Cr::i~c!:ill, Esecu:i\*e 9ircc1.0 S:II-I l~.i~'!:~:_~C<.,::~t :i:~j;j (;I>ijl ( .- /:: ".. .-_ I . A. 1;). *,.3.2-;:.:.. -.-, .-;> I . c. ~. :--:--<,: -:.: .--., L \ ~ ----I_-~ -__- _______ ------I-------------------------------. : ]'c:.j:\j ;ti.? j :; 1-0 <.:>:pcl:t-c ~JC~CI;,; ;:ll<J ~(.;1:;.11 (.,]IC "CI~)). ;:TI Ijirg? Cc::::,? I::.i;j (::::!I Cr e. .. 3 11:,vc y(!:;Ll 21jJ \!:~~!~~~l~::~~!!!L~ 7 IlP 1 ('I.!:';!:, c']]5, 7 ?.:;)It:i<; ();,>:, :t]l~l l)]-c>\.152<>;-,: - O< Ilij~ j-!c.:*::;i.L :I];<! :!:;I.C: i(:i ;!IJ;L\~ !ij* i )? .;? A #I i : ;t' ,F/' t -- r: . f; :; , .. - I. I. ../ ; .' - (-1 !?- .<? .. .. ,- <-: ;' t,: , .. , c~l::l:?:ol L,<). ( L. ' .-.. * 1- ._._ . ~ ..._ ~.; __._ " I.. cl, .,.~, J C:;;~.JLJ?-<\ [;[)-.,? r-;;ciF(>>: J ;!;()i.'!3Jy] :!::; J. !-:i ~!1;ii:d I!tiffna11 IJ~~.~: pxc:;.i ci-iiit ]);itc oct-ot!c.j: 26, 3 973 -I_ ____._-._--..- -.---. * ,,? I ~ ._ ,?t I i. 2 3 -- (:e < 1. I. 1' OPBINANCE NO. -- 9434 AN ORDINLYCE OF THE CITY COLWCZZL OF T5Z CITY OF CARLSZAD, C'ALILW3.NIA AX;.?FIX3 AS CO?iSTRUCTIOL? CF 300 DhXLSING UPlITS ON A X<ENL)I*lE:NT TO SPECIFIC 9.7721 (SP-122-A) ?'?X 41 5 I 61-ACRE SITE LOCAED AT 'ZEE SOr.'-'-T" 4 t'L-LUL-0 ^- I - COiWER OF POINSETTIA LZ'2lZ AND 1-5. APPLICAPiT : COVfXGTON BY.BTE!E;IS -1 6 ordain 2s 'follosis: SECTICPJ 1: Ikn 'mended Specific Plm (SF-122A) Is f I .. <*,adopted for construction of 30@ dwelling =its on a Ol-zcrs 12 - 13 -0 14 2 " 5 15 ks bl &5 no=$ 15 z 20 2c <5 u: mci - 52 17 E? g =i 7 c U)m .-I uru A portio? of the Southeast TJ3rte.r cf Sectio5 39, Townsilip i2 South, ;izincje 4 FJ'ezt, Szii SerzzzZF-lo -Base and Meridian in the City of CarLsbaif, I said plan to consist of =a plot pl& marked ExhiS5t A to SP- dated kgril 23, 1975, and an applicaticn with at+acinents o ir, tf;zoffice of the City Planning Desartxrezt acd ir,corporai reference herein, subject to all ten-is, acid cGnditicns or LI c 'L. i cLziiizyI+,3 - .. . 71 --. particularly described as: z,o I? d >e TT 19 k u 20 21 OJ 22 -=f 23 (3 W ' 24 -> 5 - 25 0 26 LL! 01. -. 27 zz22 _-I Q .> 13 !-= .9 00 -- 0 3 28 I SECTION 2: Findings. The ?!p?rOviil of aiienz'ed S2ec: .- Plac (SP-122A) is justified by the follcwing finzings: 1. The project meets the r2quircm~nts cf :he Gene! Plan Land Use and Xioasing Elements for deasity a23 cluster units. 2. 3. The project meets the City,'s PukIic Fzcilities The project complies witk all st;clndarc'.s of the P-c Zone, .. - EXHIBIT VI1 I- ; .'% 1 I , < I a r* 2 3 4 5 6 '1 8 10 11 12- 13 a . 14 4 I* --':15 -a rg Q, 16 dL'4 . z OE>O za ,-.zLL J 17 550,- 73, no3z - ;% uyo iU -_ - w- ur~zz 50 VI '5 2. 19 iu 20 k - 21 22 23 23 25 .o .26 27 . 28 \a '( 1- SECTION 3: Development Conditions. The amende Specific Plan (SP-122A) is approved subj.ect to the followin conditions and restrictions,.and the development of the pro as dzscribed in Section 1 hereof, shall bie subject to all s conditions and restrictions which are in ,addition to all requirements, limitatioils and restrictions of all municipal or6inaaces and st;.te and federal laws now in force or which hereafter be in force: I 9- 1- The approval of the Specific Plan is granted fa as described' in the application and any attachments th and as shown on the plot plan labeled Exhibit A, dated and the elevaticns Labeled Exhibit B, dated 4/23/75. location of all buildings, fences,..signs, roadways, 'pa areas, landsczping and other facilities or features s? ' .substantially as shown on these exhibits, except or w indicated otherwise herein. 2, Unless the construction of the structure or fac is commenced not later than two years after the date t approval is granted and is diligently pursued thereaft this approval will autoaatically become null and void. All requirements of any law, ordinance or regul the State of California, City of Carlsbad, ant! any otl .. 3. governmental entity shall be complied with. -II . 1, ...- :'1..2 :---7 ..__ -..- _____ ---- 1 i. h uc-IIIIcu Luu1.L.3-ai=.Lc Gi*Z ~j=..-Li--Al.ez piail SregarE - ltndscape architect, shall be submitted to the Parks z .Recreation Director for consideration and approval. 5. All utilities , including electrical, telephone cable television , shall be installed underground and/c shall be completely concealed from view. 6. All driveways shall have width and turning rad: are satisfactory to the City Engineer. 7, Upon completion of grading, all slopes shall bt with erosion control vegetation in EL manner acceptablt City Sngineer and Parks and Recreation Director. . -2- . $ I 4 .7 -I .. c 4. f 2 3 4 5 6 () @ (9 1- 8. The applicant shall construct noise mitigating along the entire western perimeter of the project site prior to occupancy of any units abutting the freeway. measures may include a wall and lanscaping, or a berm a landscaping, or building insulation, or any combination thereof, This shall be accomplished in a manner accept to the Planning and Building Directors. 9. The applicant shall dedicate a 15-ft. sanitary easement along the westerly boundary of :he parcel frorr southwesterly carner to the-vicinity of Lot i48 or as a by tLe City Engineer; 7 a 9 10 . 11 12 - 13 P 14 4 E* .a J g 15 :5 o) 16 err WQ 00'2 z oci& $5 17 +;iv :, E 2 a, -- EO v) aa 0 E".< ::eo6 1Q m :-E ;= 19 c u 20 - 21 22 23 . 24 25 26 27 28 SECTION 4: Administration and Enforcement. The Bu Department shall not approve any building for occupancy unt Planning Director has certified that all the conditions of ordinance-have been satisfied. EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective days after its adoption, and the City Clerk shall certify t adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at once in the Carlsbad Journal within fifteen days after its INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of t Carlsbad City Council held on the 5th day of August I and thereafter PASSYD ANI) ADOPTED at a regular meeting of said Cou held on the 19th day of AugGst ,1975, by the fol.lowi vote, to wit: AYES : Councilmen Frazee, Chase, Lewis, Skotnicki Councilwoman Casler - NOES: None ABSENT: None jfg>&,+q/ ROBERT C. FRAZEE, Mayc q- ATT ST: bAGA T E. ADAMS, City Clerk (SEAL) 22.. trL&7W(Ad4I/ P 3. i .. . ,y' i' ' "*"TAN & TUCKL-R ATTORNEYS AT LAM' THE BANK OF CALIFOWPIIA FlUlLOlNC or CUUN' A \I UUII'I #.C*O.l"7,1 W K, LiHC JLL,L~ u ?UC*II~. :- I.C~-.IV-' 401 CIVIC CCKTCR DRIVE WEST POST OrFlCE ROX 1976 wn.rnmo z I,~-L UICr.-r. r. :,,*.5 N:i,crr.+. .4 I.':c:.EC,A,UD :q)rn , lLl.1F.l. NEWPOHT BEAC I. C::DurlR Hr'lrl LL hGflr1.' i 1,I~AUN Jlr*Lb R YUCFCR I.L><>* r. . :ireLC G.-~)N r. s~r~'.c*scebcu LrNC-:: I t.qc5uh. JR JAM15 I) uDc)LL lrOIir< C. <R.lh(iCR SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA 92702 GI0 NEWPORT CE~icu , NEWPORT BPACH, ci; rtC<'!iTRT W WLLrLR SYrrCtr: r, L'JC r'53i-T L NISLCT UAYY~ rl L\',CSC*CR 17141 835-2200 FWTZ R S'YIGL'ND rlavc,. &l CL9r:CTl TELEPnONE I7141 LDWUND n c~srv .~G-<N c TT&L JR. PAUL rer.~c~tc YIYX IMCUAT. E CLhRf. JO MOMS62 L YCCOUYICA. JR D*'d D C. LId5CN WaarUD F VARF.5ON DINICL #. WllrTON J~MC~ t caics5.0~ CLI6TOLiC C FCiCDCN WILLI~M R BlCL JOWY A I., .>DEN RICWAUD A CUYNUT~ ADTltll: G NoCULN LEOLARD A. CAwrsL HICVALL I) RURIN JCHH D HURLBUT. JR LLlirPCTr A 57RAVSS YIcw*rL m. ,**.ELL YAhC W'NTkFIOP WILLIAM C. DEAhS UlLFORD V OAML ,!a TMCOGORC I. WALLACE. JR. STUART 1 WALO*IP c. RICHARD LCHGN IN REPLY PLEASE February 23, 19-76 Mr. Barry Zimmerman Covi.ngton Brothers 2451. E. Orangethope Fullerton, Ca. 926#31 Re: San Dieqo Coas't Regional Comm. vs. Covington Brothers - Dear Barry: Enclosed please find a copy of the Cornplaint and the cover letter from the Attorney General's office indicating that it has been forwarded to the CoTJrt for filing. The Complaint was filed with the Court on February 19, 1976. Also enclosed please find the original Notice and Acknowledgment, Loran should date and sign the form on . both lines, where indicated, and return it to the Attorney General in the enclosed, self-addressed envelope. The Complaint, in t.he form submitted, will permit us . to proceed expediti.ously to have this matter determined. Please call at your convenience so that we may arrange a meeting to discuss strategies with regard to the suit. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the undersigned or Dave Larsen of this office. Very truly y6u s, RUTAN & TUCIf /% R / X&&- rable / .- RAG :: pj Roger Enclosures mEn 1CP bLJ I- ' EXHIBIT VI11 I i 1. * - 3. 1 1 21 3 4 4 5 6 7 a pl I 'a 10 11 12/ 13 14 - 3 a 0 RUTAN & TUCKER, ROGER A. GRABLE, DAVID C. LARSEN P. 0. Box 1976 'L tI I[ 401 Civic Center Drive West, k R3h[ D Zt;rnvlalt Clerk Santa Ana, California, 92702 ncc ? #; ;:;,,, 'Y E. AMUNDZEN, Deputy (714) 835-2200 Attorneys for Defendants, SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE: OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF SAX ZIEGO SAN DIEGO COAST REGIONAL COI'~VIISSION, ] 1 NO. N 6683 Plaintiff , 1 vs. 1 FINDINGS OF FAC' li CONCLUSIONS OF ' ;I COVINGTON BROTHERS, a California corporation; LOXN D. COVINGTON, 11 I( Pres1der.t of Covington Brothers, :I 16 l5 17 DOES I through XXX, inclusive, 1 11 Defendants. 11 11 I a l8 i 20,, 19 I I 21 1 22 I This matter came on regularly for hearing bef.0 Court on September 7, 1976, in the courtroom of Departm( Honorable Paul Eugene Overton presiding, pursuant to tht of California SAN DIEGO COAST REGIONAL COXMISSION and tl Defendants COVINGTON BROTHERS, a California corporation - 241 i 251 Joseph, Deputy Attorney General, appeared as counsel fo and Rutan & Tucker by David C. Larsen appeared as counsl 0 .- a , . I. > I. . '1 1 :.-,-, - . <I 1 -1:; !;L:C:I Z',.:JI-:I zn:i e*k.; :iL::~cc' ;?ZIJ i :-,:j !:e:!:] tL:l:c>i-3 , 27.d t!lC c - .. 2 ::Il~;il>q :-.e2:-2 thc L-.L;- cx2 1.'- (.fi!2 t t 2 1: hzv i :i(; !IC .Z:I s ~ibm i t t J , cccisicx, ai1d the Court hzving rendered its Uccisio:i in f; L: , i)cfsri?ants, the Court now n:&tes the following I-'indinqs of 5 ~ ~anclusions of La-,%-: 6 11 FIXDINGS OF FACT .1 I. - !' I --~-_-___._ '1 ;I 7' 1. Plaintiff, SAX DIEC-C COAST REGIOXAL C0I;;NISSIC 81/ administritive acjcncy cf the State of California, organize 9 :. cxisting 317 virtue of the California Coastal Zone Coriscrvz I I 'I I :..-hici? ;-..ct is found ir! Pcblic Resources Code Sr-cticn 27000 2. aefendant CQVIMGTON EFt0THER.S is a California tion in good stan?ing, and Cefendazt LOFEE?: D. COVI;\lGrI'ON iz cf Ccvinqton Brothers - 3. Dsfendant COVIXGTON BE0THEK.S has a legal and 15'1 int-rest in a pzrcnl of Froperky located in the City of Ce 16 I Co;l~ty of San Diego, at the southeast corner of thc int-el 17 I' of Interstate 5 and Poinsettia Lane, and. recorded as Tract (hereinafter "subject property") . Defendant COVINGTOM BRC entered into escro:.: to purchasz subject property in xoveml: Ir, o:-d?r to develop a 300-u~it ccndoninium project. Closc escroli v:as conti!icJrent illion obtaining all necesSiiry prmi tz ~??r~~~?cils to corn?iett? 2 residcnti;jl housinq ?reject on thc 25 I: 4. A port?or! of Tract No. 7396 is v:ithin ?!le COE ! - /-&: A. ,! zit ZZC~, 2s dcfii;z< in Public Resources Cod? Section 271C L" c- , 7 '! ,, 5. ;it the ti:;i thz tlscxov: !>.;as open?? thc subject 26 ;I :..-2s zoned by the City cf Czrlsbaci for a ?la:ine< ccxmunity 2;' ,: r,:zt. Prior to Sc?ts.n:.Scr cf 1973, t:ic City of Carlsbad i: IC a?i>rovals ncccssarl- to construct the 309-u~it COT"^^ , <. .,mi 1- 'i I -2- 'I *. < I '. 8,. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12, 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 e 0 project, including approval of a Specific Plan for the enti ject and approval of Tentative Tract No. '73-24. In additio City approved an Environmental Impact Report which covered project. 6. In September of 1973, Defendants submitted th 300-unit condominium project to the Coastal Commission to c the permits necessary to complete the entire project. Appr 1.923% of the entire project is located within the permit a section 27104. The only constrxction plznr,ed in the ?errnit a*, that authorized by Permit F-0859. A subdivisi~n or' 3efezda perty was necessary to undertake the 300-unit condorniniun F Said subdivision had previously been approved by the City c Carlsbad. 7. Def'endants' agents held several conferences wi Daniel Gorfain, a staff meinber of Plaintiff, who had authoi and responsibility to review Defendants' plans and nake s. 3 mendation to Plaintiff as to whether the project as argpcsc Defendants would be permitted under the California Coastal Conservation Act. 1 8. At the time of the conferences Mr. Gorfain war 21 22 23 21 25 - informed that the City had approved Tentative Tract No. 73. the entire project. The entire project involves a tract I Defendants wereseeking approv2.l for the entire project as I by the specific plans presented to the Coastal Commissior,, ficatz of Approval filed with the Plaintiff by the City of 26 27 28 I showing that the City had approved a specific plan for the project and Tentative Tract No. 73-24. The approval in co frcm the City of Csrlsbad was required by Plaintiff Cornis -3- ! 4 I. -8. e e # I 6 1 - t!:.~t ~~]L~~:-,i,::ff .;:oiL;l3 1,~. csssl-L:cj t],~? 2 ~~-~~~~~-t !;'.-f3ye2 ic f .. :y-C)-;<:1 (-(?t;;_c: ;,.e (-s ~ 1 cz t ,: c? -..; f. t ;IOU t 5 n:: f y. 1- t !2 c :- c: 1 .-; c 1- p t i 0:- I - 3 I rcviil:? by a7,y otiie31- cjov(~r;?,ic:~lt~l acjcncy. L; ;< 5 ' cnce T..iith Plzlntiff Cor.;niission, cnd vizrc URCC~~~~R L'.~ to 1 6' proceed to obtain ansroval for tileir 3r.til-i. projec'i. Pia! issued yuidzlines and a notice to permit applicants, info] 8 1' and rcqueStiny pernit apFlicants to submit questions concf 9 , I the i12ec for a perriit and the pcsition of tb,c Conwissiiii 1 ~efendants did not consult 211 a-ktornc;;, rcgcrcling i zp?licction of the Coastal Initiative to their- Csrlsbad p: 10. Plaintiff's staff FrfFzrec? the nzcessazy doc IS !: and staff reports reccxcendincj thzt the Fernit be granted 14 ', of tl:e staff report, it is specificail:. pointcd out that 1s ', cion for r;hich thz pezn-iit ;.;.zs to be granted v;as ??Art of a 16 !! larger project , ar-16 in ptakii;g this recommendation for app I 3. Dcfei-2ants cin~ Dcft?n(~znts' aqents ixd no uric . I' li 11 .. !j 10 jj staff. !I -- I: !' I: 77 - II th? stzff considered the eff~cts of th? entire project up 'i I coast21 area and. determined that the entire projecc -,\.as c 19 I' v.:ith Public Resources Codc Sections 27001(c) End 27402. 26 I! Goi-fclin and tne Reqional Coinmissior: deterir,incd '~hzt the 2 21 '8 ;natel;J 0. 97 acres within the permit area \:::as ii xiiiir,gs i 22 : to the protection >rovicincri by the Coastal Initiztivc, ;>la 23 'i matter on the consent calendar, xi-iere it was appro1Ted by 2.1 I' tiie ~zqioii~l ~o;ist,'~ Ccnnission. ~!ie on1.17 porti.011 G? thci pzojcct ~..!:i:c:i is :.;itni!-, zcrxit arc;: is that ;lortion rclzt I* 'i - .., . . 7' I q- 'I r. LO :. the rdocation of 2 wtcr. line, :il'Linc 236 landscapinq. - 37 11. E;:si?Z on :.ir. G-orfil i ii I s rcc:cr,;c:~r.cl;tion an2 s 25 , rcnort b;hich s?cciFI_cal.l>' ~r.~co~:iizi>d that the :>;?:-?,it as a . -. I' i: -2- r' . a e ,.I 1 <cy T::.>.S ~:>1!- ;i SY~::~ ;>(:(:-kj~:: <>f 3 ];:1-cj[~y !~l:gj,~*;:-, p1 1j;:C;iff 2 :'',L-:::-t :ioe y-r's,- ~023 011 C,C~O!JL!L- 22, 1973. The p<'-;ni4: cis ?ray .- 3' s2kzci:ica11;1 rcco~:nlzcd thnt it covered s. small !:ortion of :;I larqtlr nrajcct an2 in qrantin.; said permit Flzintiff mLde i 5 I. xlnatlcn on the e2tir-e project. 6 12. Ir, reliance upon said permit, Defenc!ants ;ire( 'I I to finalize purchase or' the pro23ierty bl7 permitting cscr0'1.1 . e!i 2nd on AuGust 5, 1974, Defendants filed and recorcied Fir.al , I)' I' !: 9 'i :.:~lp ?ia- 7996. 10 I' 13. If the ilefendants zrc not perzitted to conplt 11 I :Jrojcct, they jjlll nck aril.,.: lose s2bsta:itial exp2;:ditures ' i2 I ;.-3r;-.I rights acquired hv the3 in csmpletinq the ncrchase, 1 IS' purchzss would not have 5;esin ccrnpieted had Plaintiff not a 14, xiif- 2rcject and grzi?ted the ?errit. 15 ' 14. Sc~xetir;~,? after ;d.u(zust of 1973, Pizintiirf fir , ;I ., assr-r:;.2 that Deferdznts nz2 nor c~;n~l.\tcly cocpliec! vitk Cosstal Zonc C~1:servztion Act for the eritire project in th 18 :. cub2ivision ar,d dcvelo~nent thersGn were subject to fLrthc I, j! I, I aF;proval by thc Plaintiff. This assertion ;.!as first nzdc ~ 2,:) 'i t::e =c",.> -,ndants had cox~lctec! purchase of the pr@?crty and 21 I1 t!ic :?i:?al Tlract i:a!> in rrJli;>:ice 011 Pers1i.t r--OSig 2s ti-:? O:I 22 ~ n2ccss;ar.j to co;:p1etn 4:h2 e;~tire proji.ct. "his ,ct;i~n :.:i!s LG ,: on Fc5ru;lr;- 18, 1976, n=re thai-, eiyhtecn mcnths ~:Ekcr thc P- ~- I .-+ n B ' ,- 1z:ct ;.lzLp [ids a riiatker 9; ;juhlic r2co.d to 8zi:join LIP~~IIC~~Y n- 7. ,= , "~-oc;-P'c~ I - i;q uyitil s3ck t e 2s Ccfz::Zzi?ts hL;G obtained add; 1 I n- :?erni~s for thc subdi;:is ion ar.6 liiic er.tirc cievclonz>.ent ;inti 12~5 >z:izlties. g~ccnd,zzr;-,s soug?.t 2122 20 no',.: sc,d!-r ~~~~~~~y L,? hr , ZYCT.? - L:?? city to :;prffil-T; '.>.Grk urc\Tiousl:,r ;:gt:;si-! - zed ~l>2cr ! e LcLe ::]?e 31) e ). I' '*# 1 :>e;-:>,:; :::->;>~~~ (311 a,,o;,.L.;- 22 f 1973, ..* u 3 I .~~~~~~~~~~.~l~!~~~!!~ ~YO~IJC~ !IL::SI;JI:~ to ti!i; Fi.i)Li! ~'1:;Ick I .L\,lij ;i!:c] 1;); -. 3 'i T~C P~L:I. :I /I 4' 15. In th? event thct a Findincj of Fact shall he be ckt~ernixecl to ix ;? Co:>clusion of kw, then its irclusic shall be deemzd to bc zn inclusion thereof in thc Conclusi Law. I 7 Ii :I *- 8 :I '1 9 1 10 #I lr.e Co-Jrt finds ir, all rcs!>ccts as set forth in t I1 l~;:iiiq Conclusions cr' LZ-.,:: co'I(:Lvs 10::s OF ?>.2Jv: I -~-___~ -..__ ___ 11 ;; 1. The Court hcs proccc?dzd pursuzni to ?uSlic Re 12'/ CoC- SGctio0:I 27425 and 27425. I. j: 15 j; 2. In graiitin2 Permit No. F-0859 in Octobzr of 1 I !I I4 1. Plaintiff Sranted all pem.its necessary fror! Plaintiff as - - I/ 13 : 2r;t;r.z ~~0,~Ct 2s ?la:ineE. I, 3. Daniel Gorfain zt ali tiii1cs vias acting for 2.1- be:?alf of Blaintiff and was Ilaintiff's agent ar-,Z held out Plair?tiff to represent Plaiztiff, 2nd Plainkiff could rcas e;:pzck the public and in2ividuals such as DefenCznt to re! 20 j: his aut:-!ority 2nd representations co!iccrninq Conmission pc 21 1: requirr 22 1; 231, F-OS59 f tiic facts s;id infor72;ition a.i;ailsble to i2lsii:tif.f f 1, 5. A:is c., rcszlt cf Plai;ltiff's n?)prov2l 95 ?emit I' - :c ~:i-iO\~?~Ec~g? 2nd exFGctakion that D2fcndants b;ould I ;a szid :;cr:?it by ~iroc~ecli:-,g to LI?clc:-takc steps to coil;plcte t LD 1; cntirr- projsct inclueii-iq recordztio~ of z fi:?;il tr--L CAL C ~c<~~~ p' !I n- p -. 4; ning zr,C other acticns Xndertaken by Dcfcndznts ir. act.221 -23 , t!:e:-ccr., "laintiff is .-.q-Pn-.> __ Ldtd:,Ld frc> assertin? thzt Defend; i 'I -5- 1) LA.i$2~:r ti:<: C;1! i 5di-n i ;; i'~)~ist,~I Z::P~ Ccr; ' - 7;-* V;;:':fQ:)'l.~ :>,::-;:',j i; I.> Q '<* *. ", ... .- 2 '.. - _L L i1-! ,,,L-ii,21- io ,,,-sc,3,3d .>,~ -- -..'.-L ,. .._-._ , , 4-. L;)p~i- <]d-,.:d 1 >. n:-v cI sa. .I,? 3 t i 1-1 ;? c I o I: c: 2 i: .- 3 1, ' 71-c c t 7936 and tile SL3ec:ric 71an iipprovecl by thc Ci'c.y of C !I ,i 4 I! arid estoi>?cd f.roo;n assertincj that Defendants have not cc~pl 5 I tke Caiiforniz: Coastal %on? Conservation i7ct with regard t 6;. S?i.cific Plan an6 said Trzct. 7 !: 6. Plaintiff is not entitled to recoiIsi3cr its 1 6 (I ~?pr~~.'ai gnd consideration of the ;)rojcct. 9 7. As s. result of said esksppel and said co~isiclc li \I I, 'I 13 ' z:~d ~;~ijl-O\~~1sI LL phintiff is not er,titled 'io anlj cc;;lit~]ile r. 11 !I bi- i:-;junction, T~P.=IS, zoiiilss1 fees, or any othcr fees or c 1 -I3 11 8. In the el.'?xt thzt 2x17 Ccnclusion of Lab: shzll 7c __ ~ : z;fter bc detcrxiined to be 2 Fi.in?inij of Fact, then its inc: I' 15 1 ii.-..-ci:: I - -. sh~,:l be ~.~,~~.ec~ to be zn inclccio:1 in tIie rindin?.: *.I I_ I/ 9. Defcnca?.ks are entitled to JuC;.q> nt thzt Pl~: 17 j tal-;? n3tiiinq by -:~2y of its Cozplcint, ant! for costs 05 su. 16 j' 2nd. to j.c;$qmciit that the:.; are er,titled to ccxplcte tlhe c:i' ..r !I I 19 ,: jezt 0:: Tract 7996 i-r<khout furtk.?~ inyerference frDx Plcii c ,. " AdJ ,8 zn;? succcssor i.n ir,tercst thcrcof . &A 77 ~ nt 212 c:!tcred accordisqly. 53 '. 1- - LlEC 2 2 1976 2,. p,qlJc Ejcg.!E 0 - - - __ -. _-. -. - ..-. . ___ - .- __. ~- ?>;[jL E[iGc;.li< 0 5' .- -: JUDGE 01: 'i'I!"L SUpzrJcJ!? CC)1 ? =, LC c- I LO c- i-2 -7- Y e '(e 1 ,# * '.I , n. COUKT OF APPEAL-STATE OX; CALIEQRN'L&- .WU:.L UT ;1fJ p:--j&l: 9+ FOURTH APPELLATE 13ISTRIC i~ 6, iio'j 3 - ' <y/i, 1, -?-US-/:'' - DJVISIOX ONE S:l!i DIEGO COhST REGIOTfAL l+ Civil N~. 16502 cG;'7.2';IIssIorJ, Plaintiff-Appellant; SUPERIOR COURT NO. pi 66 VS. COVIKGTON BROTHERS, ETC. , ET- liL, DPfendants-Respondents. BY TEE COURT: Upon request by counsel for z?.ppellant, the appeal is dismissed with preju-dice. .. ._ Copies to- A t&xmpVGeneral-SD Rutan & Tu.cker-SaEta Ana Superior Court-SD EXHIBIT .*7II.II. 3.71 3M go OSI I v e -2- * ,# * qc 9. additional capac5ty from the project. Currently, tk EhcWtas district own 1.0 million gallons pr day (mgd) of primary capacity in the existing regon treatment plant, and as a result of the project would om 1.0 rngd of seconda capacity. Hoever, all of this capacity is not available to the district at present time. The Enchitas district has leased ~300,ooO gaons per day (0.: of capacity to other agencies within the joint pvem agency for a priod of years. Unless the project is constructed, the other agencies might he unabl return the capacity, and thus without the project Encinitas might be linitRd 0.7 rngd. As the project is critical for Ehcinita:;' sewer capacity, the staf recommends that the condiZon apply to Encxtas :S well. The staff likewise recomends thak the portion of the condition requifi districts to give notice to propsrty owners is crttical to appmval, Staff comrinced that notice to affected properties is essential for the condition legally enforceable, and for the condition to ham the intended effect on th of land as potential agricultural lvld rather than land suitable €or urbaniz As recipients of the benefits of the project, the staff believes the applica the responsibility to identify the landowners and provide this notice. STAFF REXOfiQ4DJDATION: The staff recomends that the Commission adopt the follow5ng resolution I. Aaproval trith Condition for the proposed development, on grounds that, as conditiomd, the devzlopm The Commission hereby Fats, subject to the following condition below, ke in ConfoxinLty with the provisions of Chzpter 3 of the California Coa_stal 1976, will not prejudice the ability of the local govemerrt having jw-isdic aver the area to prepare a Local Coastal Program conforming to the provision Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act, and while the project may have significant ad> impacts on the enviromnt within the meaning of the California Environmnt Act, no alternatives within the coastal zone exist which would fmher reduc iMp2ctS. II. Condition "he permit is subject to the followmg condition as to serifice area: A. Prior to certification of tk appropriate Local Coastal ?rogram, tf. cant and its member districts within the coastal zone shall neither guarant~ provide seifer service to any developmnt within the agricul-ture aid steep SI exclusion area, except seh-er service necessary to support existing or prop05 cultural uses or to proposed develop=nts which have received. a.U necessary developint prmits. The agriculture and steep slope exclusion area is th& shown gemrally Ekhibits 7A and 7B and more specificdly in maps on file at the Stab ad E Codssion offices. Mter certification of the appropriate Tacd Caostd PI serv5-ce shall be provided only in cmfomance with the certified Local Coasl Program. A develop,ent shall be deemed to be in conformance with a certific Coast& Program if (1) the local government has issued a coastal developmnl ad the appeal period to the State Codssion hs expired without an appal in the event of an appeal to the State Coastal Commission, the ComnLssion h( final action to approve the development. Each Ember of tk Ehcina Joint PC Agency affected by this condition shall be requiz-ed to accept tl-e pmit th: - - % '_ , -1 - \ EXHIBIT XI v -2- ' ' *- j7. 6 e its governing body prior to com,,encement of any construction and shall. make to implement this condition. ifications as may be necessav to jo3-h powers apement and/or operating pn B. Further, because the intent of this condition is to avoid commitmn lands to urban deve1op;nent befol-t a Local Coast& Program has been completed applicant shall not cause the lands in Exhibits 7A and ?B to be "assessed fo from thi3 project approved unless and until: (1) the parcel has received a c developmnt permit; or, (2) spcific parcels are approved for developmnt by Coastal Progran in which case the parcels specifically spproved for &veloprr be assessed. C. Prior to accepting this prrrrit the member agencies within the coast shall provide written notice to all property owners of record affected by tl- condition. Such notice shzll provide landohmem with copies of the cordltic dicate its effect on obtaining sewer service. Ln addition,- if upon receiVir: of the limitations on obtsnkg future sewer senrice, a pro&Derty owner wtshe withdraw his proprty from my sewer service dist,rict, the sewer service dis shall not oppose such withdrawal. D. No construction shall coimence until the applicant has provided th Director with proof of notice to the affected landowners; the necessary app: of the member agencies; or if appropriate, a cerJcified Local Coastal Pro~a demonstrate complivlce with the terms of this condition. ID. Fixdings and Ikclamtions The Co,dssion herby finds and declares as follows: 1. Bveloment &scription. The project involves the upgrading and e of the existing Ehcina Water Pollution Control Facilities from 13.75 mgd of twatmsnt capacity to 18 mgd of secondary treatment capacity. The project irlvolve the construction of interceptors or outfalls, but does require the of the flood control faciEties for Encinitas Creek so that the plant can w a 1OO-y~a.r flood. The creek has already been channelized through the plank but the cha1-11~1 and som culverts have experienced extensive siltation. 3% control wor'cs would involve increasing the height of the channel levees, co lining of the chanriel, and expanding culverts. Upgrading and eqxmsian of ment plant will require the addition of a I'o&h primary digester, secondar meritation tanks, aeratim tanks, chlorine contact tank, operations centert and grinder, grit renwal tanks, biofiltem, odor scrubbing towerst and mod of two of the existing digesters, the existing pi.mry szdimentation tax.!, chlorine handling building, sludge de-datsring unit, and adnlinistra-Lion/labc bfid5ng (Exhibit 4). - - - 2. 2ervice Estricts and the Coastal Zone. The agency responsible fc ministering the proposed pmject is the Zncina Joint Powers Agmcy, an ager up of Eminitas Sanitary Estrict, San Marcos County Water District, T3uena District, Ksta Sanitztian Xstrict, the City of Carlsbad, and kucadiz COI District. These egencies, their cxcnrtnt and proposed capacity rights, and extent of inclusion with511 th-2 coastal ZOI-2 are all shown in Exhibit 1. I1 seen that only Eblci-nitas is entbly within the coastal zone and San Marco: ad Vista are all entlrely outslde of the coastal zone. 3. Growth Inducement . De ppulatim of the project f s service area I Skce the special census, flo-is at to be 83,158 i? a 1975 special census. * c P a TEL -* 3 ,I 3q r 113 (714 1200 ELM AVENUE C4HLSBAD, CALlFORNlA 92008 I P Qttp of QIhrlrjrbab December 7, 1977 Mr. Robert Fitzpatrick Covington Brothers 2451 E. Orangethrope Fullerton, Calif. 92631 Re: Specific Plan 122A & CT 73-24 Cairlsbad Lake Community Dear Bob: As we discussed the other day by phone, I have prepared a br check list of City actions and their disposition regarding E ject project. They are: 1. CT 73-24 - Completed with recording of final map 7996 or 8-15-74. 2. Specific Plan 122A - City Council approved as Exhibit A 4-23-75, Ordinance 9434. However, this Ordinance has a expiration date of 2 years from approval. Carlsbad wil consider the date of your successful court action as meeting the intent of this condition. Therefore, you will have until Nov. 3, 1979 to commence construction o the site. we will accept application for building perm as meeting "construction" s 3. Sewer Moratorium - On April 19, 1977 Carlsbad adopted a moratorium on sewer permits and application for develop ment because of lack of sewer plant capacity. This means that the City cannot accept requests for buildin permits or applications for development such as revision to Specific Plans. Furthermore, we don't know at this time wh this moratorium will be lifted, or when additional capacity can be achieved. Therefore, there is a possibility that SF cific Plan 122A will expire prior to the submittal of build permits. It may be possible, however, to have the City Council amenc' moratorium on applications to include existing Specific P1; no additional sewer demand would be generated, If you are - F 4 -2- interested in such Specific Plan amendment, please contact me for further direction. Sincerely, fl&J fi.Y /dA Bud Plender Assistant Planning Director BP : nm -\~- - -- --- 6. Written Report & Comment 7. Update bfaps e Reply 8. Handle CT 73-24 I i I --- -------A --- ._ -_ ---------- 4 -ip+L(l , CVI‘CLLI: J. YZ~!JNCER @ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ATiOR:rBV ‘rW‘l”LIL I UEIC?; OF TIJE ATTORN% CENXXTJ, -3 &,Pp3fimausf of 3wm 110 WEST A STREET. SUITE 600 1 BAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92101 (714) 236-7770 October 13, 1976 CfTY OF p!aoning &?Da*‘r*ent cf4 ksBA 0 Vince Biondo, Esq. C-ity Attorney City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Aventie Carlsbad, CA 92008 Re: San Diego Coast Regional Comission v. Covington Brothers; Sag Diego Superior Court # N-6683 -- -. - Dear Vhcc: Enclosed is a copy of the Decision in the Covington Brother: case which 1 discussnd with you. 1: pass this along for you1 -in f 0 3l-la t ion 0 Very truly yo~rs, w,< ;*---%.&a P07THONY C * JOSEZ’I-1 Deputy A’ctorney General ACJ:md Enclosure 3 4 5: 1.ILt.I) I:~;T!! CZ'?.'!TY '!@??IcI1 I 6 7 * OCT :i . 197s" pn" f 0, /I~~:'=I'AL~ 1 .. 8 9' SWERIGX COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGG lo 11 l2 13 ?ia SAX DIEGO COAST IIEGIONAL COXbIISSIO~4, ) '8 1 Flaintif f, ) ., NO. N 6683 1 1 JIATTEX 1 1 1 I I vs . ) DECISION ON SUZI\II??TED 1 I COVINS'I'ON BIlO'rI-fERS, a CaiiL'ornia I I corporzkion , LOPAN D. CGVI>?GTOX, I I Prcsisent of Covincjton zrothers, lS 16 1 1 1 .. j-_ ~ .,* . De f enda n t s \' 1 17 18 l9 2 0 22 21 I 23 L~ '.. In 1372, defendant csencd an e'scrov to buy fifty plus acrc subject property and the electors of this State enacted Divisic of the California Public Xesources Ccde [Sections 27000 et seq. Thereafter, an application for a permit was made to the S: Coast Regional Commission [Exhibit 11. In its Sumiary, the re? commission staff determined that the proposed project was consi with the objectives of the Coast Conservation Act of 1972 arid, 24 '' X I map attached demonstrated the portion affected was but part of 'project, wherein most of the project lies outside the "permit a I The regional conmission approved the permit [Exhi I [Exhibit 21. * .. -1- J .. 1 I ,. i -2- -- 3 4 a 5 t5 7/ 8 9 lo I' I2 Is l4 Is 16 17 18 19 21 22 2o 23 24 25 26 27oGl(c) and also Section 27402. The permit in this case bot 'Ically and directly does so. 6i.2 not perform its duties in 1973. There arc no new boundar I I creaLLet! vJ<-thin the pernit area by Tract 7996. There is no un 'or change in construction planned by defendjnt. Defendants rn to perform previously authorized work under the pernit they o This Court cannot conclude that for the pernit area. Having in mind the de minimus amount of work to he done I permit area, defendants contend that the granting of the perm I /October, 1973 was tantamount to an'efrective exclusion of the I foE their property somewhat akin to an exclusion of a parcel f Idi.ction. of the -comvission pursuant to Secl;ion 27104 ((1). I do The westerly bounzary line at its Southerly pr-olon9zt-i /the l,OOb foot line seeins tc;' be more than 150 feet, Hence de [cannot av2i.l themselves of the October 1, 1973 urgency legis1 This case presents the issue of whether defendants nust 1 additional permit fror?, plaintiff before they may proceed with development in accordance with Tract 7996. additional permits from the plaintiff are required. find. / \ 3 This Court holds In ink- analysis of the evidence, written and oral argmen counsel, I have tried to avoid the application of the doctrin rectangular rectitude, I have also sought to decide the issu of finding an estoppel. ow ever, plaintiff's granting of the [Exhibit 41 with the stated knowledge that the large project was located outside the permit area would cause any rational I -3- .. \ 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS ,; F II (I nothing by way of its conplaint. Counsel Tor defendant shall prepare, serve and file fir,dir ! I fack, conclusions of law and judgnint a.s are consistent with t? ! i decision, 1 ! Each side'shall bear its own counsel fees; costs as Frovic! DATED : i f statute are awarded to defen2ants. I I. Qf" -1 i37F 1 2- x> JUDGE 02 THE SUPZ3ER COGXT 21 23 24 2s 26 1 . '. e 0 1. Superio~ CCUTZ 04 iliel Stois. of Cicrliiornicr i:OR THE C9UNTY OF S>.N DIEGO +,'*: : l:s:*T;! :SY!:TY 3F??:izI:! OCT 5 1977 Case No. 3 6683 ne' T D, ?II~,~'-V#,L~ I HEREBY CERTIFY: I ani not a party to the cause referred t'o herei:n. on the date 2.s s!i.~wn Seloiv, at Sari Diego, Caljiornia, I placed 2 true I ~XCIS~-;; 0;: ~~~:;~~~~~ :.;q~~~:z Of the vriginal/a copy of whic!i is attzckci hereto, in a separa';? en-elope addi-essecl to addressee 2s listed below 2nd each envelope W;LS theri sealed md. deposiEed in the in; with the postage fully prepaid: 3veLl.e J. Y92XGS3 f .\tt Drne;. GenZra1 119 -,?est A St., Suite 500 San 3iezc, Ca 92191 I;Iusicl<, S;leeler ic Garrett On 2 2 i 1,s 1.. i -? e 3 oul evz r r! Los AnZeles, Ca 99017 ..A. f '< ilobe-t I). ZU:.Y:ALT Dated October 5, 1976 .qms"Qs[;a Clerk of r!he Superior Courc ,&9 // "py:{& 'J&ty 4 -CLERK'S CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE 3Y MAIL (C.C.P. 1013oI31 \. C A t I F 0 h 1) 1 x :A C 0 AS TA I- ZO N E C 0 Ti S E R VAT I 0 N C e L d il'i IS 7 I 0 N 1540 Market Street, San Francisco $4102 - (415) 557-1001 APFT24L SLKI*lARY , 1. F ----- / Appeal No. 1-77-75 (Covington Eros. ) 613th Day; 32/11/75 DECISIQTJ OF REGIONAL COJQ!ISSIOPJ : PERMIT APPLICANT: ----A DXWLOR4EIJT -I_ IDCA TION : 1_*-1----. Pervit denied* by San Itiego Region'al Coinrriission - ---I------- ---_I -- Covington &os. Development 0. East of 'HightJay 5, north of Batiquitos Lagoon, Carlsbad, San Diego C,xinty (Exhibit I-) Subdivislon of ,5O.L2 acres and construction of s 3( planned con?munLty developmmt (Exhibit 2) ~ovi_r;gton ~ros. Development CO. >" -.-... --- Z)SVCLDPlEYT --u_._l DZSCFilPTIOILi : -- -----I- APFZLJAXT: . --I =_y_____, APPZLLIINT q__-_u__-- CONTEilDS THAT: I jurisdiction to require an additional permit cr any pzrnlit for the subject property. fs 1. "The San Eego Coast Regioiial Commission inpropxly detemined that 2. "Ths San Diego Coast Regional Comm~ss~ oli iIlrprop2rly deterrriin5d that approval of the subject pi operty r;culd be a'premtu-re colrmitmsnt, of open spac and agricdtural larids hconsistent ~5th the plmning objectives of the Act .I1 approval of the project TiJouid be imo?sistent with th2 plaming objectives-of Act. f' 3. l"YThe San Diego Coast REigional Comxtssion iqxoperljr determilled that .\- " - suEsT9d:'rLm FI1 L? WC-C~ZNTS: -u -.-L u___- .-I 7 w, * * -1 -----J - , 1, Notice of Appeal 2. Regional File 3. Appeal No. 214-73 (Nexport Shores) - .T. I I 3 c T ?,j"$:L 25 - \.I. 9.. c , 4. Appzal No. 215-73 (%ncho La Costa) a a ~t * lb A c ,-I i I., 1 IC 5. STAFF NOTES: Appeal No. 240-73 (Occidental Petroleum) -- -_II __Y --_a_- 1. _I- Description of Project. The applicant proposes to subdivide an appro: 504cr.e parcel and constuct 300 residential units in bui:LdingsGof 3 to 6 unit: each (Exhibit 2). The project includes a mah, man-madt: I-ale ("8 acre ) ard a total of 71.1+3$ open space including patios, atriums, co~iimorl areas and a st€ hillside dedicated as a prk to the City of Carlsbad. 2.8 parkirg spaces per unit, The propert; is- ail jaccnt tso IIigk:\+:2>7 5 justt siiui: Tile proposd includes I -2- of tkie Poinsettia Imc 0 iA.::.erct.s2.Cc. yy.? I-zRd consists #z flat, slqinj ai:?, on D rise east, cf ttc freeway with EaticyLiit,o;: Ia{;oon to the soct11. Trle 5C-acre FTrcel prcsen-t1.y before i.he Clcrrx3sSsior 5.3 part of a larger di.Jvelc,pmei?t plan tot.al..lirig 363 aciles 0:; both sides of I-!; wkich j.~~chcks rfiobile hone parks, contmirLun s 9 towdiouses, cormrcisl- and recreational facilities pl associated pcrks I sch001.s f arid utilities (Exhibit 3). Occidental Petroleum, ow;-ier of the 3@ acr.:?e was aenied. an exenption for the entire 1;roject by the San Diego C3a;;t Fkg50il~l Ccl;r,?;i.ssion. Sering carricd oxt by difffr-xxi dr-vc1.opsr.s. the only yo-rtior;, cf <-LO u~iv project, that has b5cn built, ms appoved by the Regim Coinmission 2nd mt zpi2xled to the Si;a.tc Cormisstor,. deals wi.f;h znot!;c1- of the resld~ntial developments. portions (&J?ibit 3), not all of bh.ch are in the ??LT-I!I?~ z01~e~ have not. yet bee applied fo:.~. Sectifiiis of the project aq noi;T RE expansion of the existi.ng rnc;bile ~G!X Thn present application I'errits for the remin5.ng Acti.on. Cf the toial 5O.L;2 acT-?s covered by the -..--.-- -.. **--, e 37 &cre l.ies I.:S.t'ni tile p2yijlit zctns. 'i; Coast kgi-cm? cc; issisn ir 1-93 i'or I. a water li9.c: %x - g 22 t;hc; ;C~:;:.G]: cf t:..e p~~~ccl ;.:ith21: t. tcrid.s th2-t rA3 i'v.rt,%nr- pc.1~5.5 is reaiil- prop 0 r; e d d2ve 1 L 5.3 he I;a 9 0r.j .:&3 $le 9 rL1lj-o;: il: 1y~j.;1.rc.z 0x1 the ori~inal 0 pzr-i,i:~t .ai bel.iei' of _ssion stsff th2.t x-lc, f.red, 11-1 cc.:;!; h 'G~I!: ruling of' -!,!i:: ,di~ji.s:.~on of 2 TorA aid r-c:; 27.p~als fro:; ti8e eei:?.??.~ of t"e i:eyi&L, par-tly j-g t.>!e F o:ic zac+::t.i.c.; &',,-~!i:<~ Ar?- ~~~~ oy;j:(]fLca?-.t h25, Ei1c.d: ~2(jpis 2 [:<.:r.-.Tcv. 7 PI-. P P. **-.~~p~:l~.~-,.',l rym ?. -,- C. , . C. r -I,ir 2..L. \.<:. l-c:, kiz,%c>ricCl.y ?xcn , . my,: 1) *LA &di __, p;., 5 p.L~.>il-~.~* ,!-, -, . for agr5.cufj;i;r.c. 2:; y-sc,z_.ltiy f L-L, :-S p:rss&;iy \-,.-,:ai,.t, t'.,c. ]-a z hav-ii-!~ been 5ar t 53 ill t.?ic suj~ 3'72, A. F~rj.CU?.i:,~re C~~~t,S.~r~.F;t ci: :; pzrcels i tibe Csrirriesion ha.5 fr~que~i'L1.y noted t, i: JTJ. EQal oppo r tunLt, y for. agx-cw til.> c 5 13 !-or-thw~r; %ri Diego Co-u.ty di;? 'k. soil cpaliCy. Tile San Diegc, Cossf, Regio om-i ssion r..oted. t,ha-'; approvd of this appl5.ea-t.icn iic-dd co-i:stitLrt,e a;? ess y p2:r-manerit, cor.:;-itm parcel. io develc~:::s::'; 7 preclvdiq fu?-t.ure .ltljZ.2?- 1Jse of t?E? p EIR states t t cc-:r.~ble laad el3 5e3-e j.i-1 north Sari L;j,ega CGLJ.ITL~ al-j c;i tk.e Oxnard plain s Z-..~EL. a.;).!..e for. reloc this parcel- aii.3 tl.i.xioi-e the loss of this particda- pzrccl to aglcult~re is not significaiit. i) .-I the favo;,ak.:l e cl-inai e ;:7:d. hcr.eas"iag p SE.:::.:; 10 <:?T:~~cIF su~'i- rid.jLi:s p>rce.~s (z;<j-.ibtt ~k). r.-,,* lllr-. ~ ;;ppi:icect s 7.. .- ion ef ilas fl.o>;er flelds €ormrI.y occipjir, Lssion has expressed coiicerii in act on lagcoiis and msrshes of land.. The applicant's I313 states that o'ispcsal of' the run-off frcm this pi-oject irito Satiquitos kgoon "may have a very se2iou.s adverse eff'ect 011 tke ecosystem of the L?ap~n~!~ no-Ling the possible effects of altering the flcsr and shores of -%he lat;c)on l!y silt bi.KLd-;?p r changlr,g nutriciit chemicals into tk lagoon. The BIR concludes that stcrin drains s1ioul.d riot cmpi; into the lapon. the applS.cant,i s alk,-c:rn:i-tj.ve proposal, viLh an ocem outfal across South Carls State &ach was vetoec! by other agencies becmse it would. interfere r.iith z :LC beach, the E12 rcco nds si-,om i-an-off be &ispo:;ed of in the Carlsbaci conce1itmtj.oa.s clf t?.: mtcr and inirodixing oi.12, tars, pesticides and ot,kr r3 t.re:atrn.-nt plmt , L!g Dec-i,c,l.oL?xxu-?cii.nl.: 9at,i.q?x&o:: IL~~IG The Coaindssi o has considcrcd seve:.:\l. oti:ey pyoposals for -LI;e deve:Lcp;iient of t5-2 adjaccmt Inlie; ~~&vi:lo ?cd ~~~,i~,i.~.lt~~~~~~~. 1.a~yj s bol'&lj.ri;;- til? --.3rt'n shore of Exbicpj f,os kgoon. In Appca !i No. 21.!T-73 (I\'@wporit S'nores 13Lu.l.dem)- the Corn-!dssion der:ied a pcrmit . '2 -3- * \-. 0 for residential developm2n.t of 7.21 acres of an l,lOO+icrq~e parcel citing the undesirable conversion of agricultural ?lard and the dele-terious effects of st run-off on Batiquitos Lagoon., Thd Comuission noted that the project, resulted from the growth ind-wing impact 'of earlier developmen-ts on nearby parcels. In Appeal- No, 215-73 (Rancho La Costa)' the Commission denied a pkrrn5.t fo trunk sewer line anci p~mp stat.iSn to serve this saw 1.,1.00 acre& because of -t growth inducing impact it r:o-iLd have on 42ie conversion of agricultural lar,d. . In Appeal No. 240--73 (Occidental Petroleum) the Corr.:ipission found no subs issue in the Sa.n Diego Coast ~~~~~nal.Cor~~~ission denial. bf a perri6t for a S~PI line to serve the pxsent applicant's parcel and surrom.ding land aga3.n becau of the growth inducing imp4cC o:i z,gricult-ora.l land, Th5.s .sewer line was su'fj~ built outside of the pemit zox. r I .. t f. c ,. *, b c- i .. P 1 # .* e b ...... ., i . ..... 1 ,I, % ,. . ,,. , > ,:, ...... " . .. .. I.j ,I, c: , /' , \ 1.; . ~ , . ,. .a I I,. ' ' x-. 5, ,. a, i4 .I .. ,.., , ,, \ ,\ ~. i, 1 /,' ,. ,. ,i ! I ,; I .- .. '/ r. , ,\. ,> .. , I.-J ,, ., j .I '_ ~ I,, I ,. , ~. I. I ~. ,I .' . ,' j .... i! ,'* ,. ,I I; ,. .. *. I, I ". >. .I ,i . _I , .-. . , ,. . '( -I_ ( . . ~- .. __ . .. .. .. - fI I/. I. . .. .. .. .I ..\ 1 i ._ .I. ., , . <. .. r. ,.. . ._)I \) ,_ ,, , .~ . ., ~. ,, ~ ...... ., I-. \ , . \ _> ': 1 1 8.1 ,I ,. .. I. *. i ........ .l . ! \ {,<.- .. IT ,, )I . ' . , '"7 -,. \< ; ~ .,' .> i ~. i r~ ~ ,, I. :( r, , .. j' ?-'.: I.. x, \\ '> ,/ , ,. ? 1 >, ,. .. ., ... 1. ... .. I I1 i '. ; I ., , ., I '. /.: ,, ,, / ., ;, j ! :' r, ., 8, ,. .. I. '. i /.-. - ., ,. . , ! .. .x, I I ... .* .. ,.. .' , ... .% \ > ... ,-. . ~.. .. . ,I .. ., ..t -r . .~ ,. I .. .. ... .. I, .. , .. ..... ... x\ . , _. .. r. . ,- . I< L, /"\< ,\, , , ' (. :: .. .. .I. ,< - I. 1- ;. >. .I .I '. . , .. .I I ,, ,. ,. x\ ... 1 ..' .... I' ., .. i 1. .-.. I ,. .. ! , X .I I -. . -, I 0 .~ z. ,. c I* L : ., .. ,I * e I ,,I . f .2’ -4 ,I . \, ’ I ., v I( I .. - r-, ,-,.I ~ "; LLIL,,,Z ~ C. ;. Cj2 1k- Icy-' LQ cl:y!(y : -, /^_.." ~~, ._ . . I-; i...'"' (> . ' 'j. I .I .~ .. . .i e * a:, L.i..- : ,, 0 0 4' ,. s <- -l!2+0 Ilarkf@t., San Francisco (k1.5) S;@OOl Aj'JYr;/!T, ];'!?.:?;.\ rj6-c 1 :;TC)p: 0;: ]?,]:;(;T(;; J,4J, CQ; :I.liS,C,IaT\J -__ -.-_- l_---l--- - ()I; jJ;8;l-:;l;]f;' /!['j'j ll(;/\'/'.j[)j8] ___I__ r >r -: i ' '3 '7 Sectio:i I. &ccll:!nt, J .. , 1, ~ame, add~css aid tr.le;)!ione nuzbcr of appellant: 2451 E. Orangethorpe II Fullerton, ---..--- California -- 92631 (714) - 8?9-01 I-- Zip (Area Coiic) 2. Namc, address aid tcIep3or:e nu;:;bc!r of' appellmt's repeesentstive, if : RTJTAN & TUCKEF, ..-- - rioqer .A. Grable, Esq., 401 Civic Center Drive West Santa Ana, California 92702 _I -- I--- (714) 835-22 - -- - --_I- zip (Area Co3.u) L. \?? e..5L>F Ar;22c.l-ed ILI.II\---.k-- Sectfon 11. I&CCJ.,~J~TI cf Rc&- .. 1, kLme 0,' Iie@~~.l Comissicn: San Diego Coast 3egiona.l Comnj.ssio __I-- -II__u .. *. __I_ 2, Dxte of Region21 Co 1ssi3n's dec-ls-ion: August 1, 1973 3. Regi.on.1 Cc! ssion File L1J:::b??: ha I3ricf descripizn 0: clc;relo;::ne:?,-'; be%-!g ap;i;czleci: Subdivision of a -- -- . ---_I F2571 7- . .. ---_I.- . -- parcel of which .9 + acres is within the 3erni.t area. Fo3-l.o divisior! the site is to be develoned witk~ 300 unit ?lan>eZ c develonment. Eric2 dyscri.piior: GZ cie-,-e~.op:seniy locc.,f;.ion (city or ccc:ity, nezrest yo; eke.): East of Highway +5, South of Poinsettia Lane and Yorth Batiquitos L qoon in the City of Carlsbad. -- I--- -- x-:__l-- ^-- - _rn --_ll.l--* 5. _y - PZ ------ 6, Descri.bc cieci:;:j.on os:' 'ik Region21 Conmission (s.g, appoval, denlal, approval w.&ll coilciitio:is, etc, ) : Denial -- I P Section 111. Gomc'rs of Am -_____I_ -.AI_ 1. State the po:.1nds of thts* appeal Use additional papz~ if ncc essary : See Attached - y---.-ll--II 2. St.at,e thc fnct s ili~t, suppart rcversal or n:od?i'i.catj.on o€ thc: dccFsi on Rcy,i.omj. CCN~~.SF~ o:~ o!~ the grounds shtcd above. Use , addritiond p-;pc~ nec c's:xn-y : See Attached I--___ I __I - :Ju1.': ; L;int i2-L i:; :;:IC! i i.: 1 :;J!i; <)I' T.11 ~lp~~)~.Yl.l , OL' 14(J'l'I<: Tlic appcl.l.at-~t, ,,LaL,.I ,m:i:;i,ratc! to tlic CornriIj.:;:;j.c!11 t, i*<<:i.t;cd by (,].IC :ij)p;iL, ;;ooI1 -I;)1cl*c:iftcl- a:j p~-~~t,~c:j'[j] (2, :;<.on ;I:; to \:~lct~~cl- 01' not, i,hc ,;ppcnI- raiscs tl sub:;t:ill,Li.<iI- f;\:i].urc 1,o :;ct f:irt]i ki ~~f'l'~.~<.~l1I; dcL:i.i.I. t11~ fact:; :ij'.:n ~hicli t1,e '~pj~"~i1. ljlny r,y;ult jn d!;~l.i;\l r~f 1,115 tliji>c;j,j. ~;1 /;i.c,l,i11d:j $h<tt, thc ~I:c:~cII(;,z or a ~~b:;i, issue has not bcen c!c:;ionsLr.at;ed, Section Iv. Jrjc;n[,j.f:i czkisz-; i-'l*--i- e At Li~c !:icc.Ling nrvz1 :,i.:ccecrlii-i~; LI:c 1. -.. i.iic zl,aj'i' wi1.l ~!i;\l;c ;t YCCOZ ::X1LiLi-a] to -t.ll;J c .;llc ' 1kc2 2?!,(-:2- La ?Tot,if? c F,!, 5 cn of (X1-~~;~~ 'Vi+ cr (1 :.:i r?d -,?:;r: 3 E: s 1, St;al;c thc narljes a!i(I adtkesses of f.,fic follo;;h[; i;3l%iCS. Use ?.C!di'Li.CnLil paper if neccsszry: a. The perstit apy,l.icant : Covinqton Brot'lers neve lonnent_ Com.77m\7, 2 j. 5l>-zs--L.-O)ana thorne Avenue, Fullert&?-, Ca. 32531 - 1' b. The goxreyring ha:;:; of each cpjr:t.;, city al?d o'::ier 13:;~~ &~~:~~~~''r''l~ Idj __ .c i I.., ' agencies havi112 ;j~~Lsdict;f~o:> 01 -the proj cct ~~'ed: See Attached List __--- - I------ ^_-_. ______l-.- -.-_I c ~ All perss:is who e;5;:2ressed. sgyp;nf or opp3:;itLcn to i!:.~ $.s::nl n bef0l.e the Regic8:;;:.1 Comiissicfi CY are o~;::p:-,~;Tse L to have WI interest b the nst-Ler ay;pd.cd. 12:- +-!!#2 ~.~;cI.l.2.i I1 ___..l_l___- -.-Ye See Attached llll-l_.ll---__.. 1_1-------- .-__ _______I.________I._ I__ I.-..- _I -----__---__.I-. .-----.-. _-__ _-__ ____-. .........- ^.I. Section V. CWL?~.' I declxe th2.t tpic foi.eg,c:z.~:~ .J is true z,i?c? cox--rcct to '~1;p c ., ax1 1 xnderstand th2.i my a.i-ss~~~t.i.:ner;'L 01' ci:;i.sslon o.? t,?;~ ixfc /; be ~~~~1s for de1iyi:;!? thfs app2al. - -.. '& I -3' q( L_ . ~ --~.. c-: .' ,; ~ 7 L L&&-.&--.-.-* ,LC:<: --'-;.<:-II.. ._-_.I . 7- RATED Uii:ct .-. 1 :?, i4'7i" ' -- . S.igr-icit lJ1- +'D f ;? c :;c 1 - ' / 2 1;9TICIc To-~F~;;gJJ~~~ not;ri.fy the L!.bOV? p:\:,-tl:.s, 25 r!c?:Ll as the 1 n~tL€<.cnCl;_oll s1d1 i.2 L.:r dL:LLT:L?:l!.y>:: 8 CC; 1. As :;ooil 2s :-.a~.c;$ble. cftcr the f5.h;z of the I . ,I 13 ?:t 9 Ii.w,.;<::;c~r i ~1.1ch IX!,:!~ :x~i,:Loi~ :;?:.?-I. 02 vy :;L:(:!: *. ii yL:.['L:l.c;s 0;' 'bhe pXi29!2'- J ol? i,ilii 2!1~X21. u!!;~;C:;'?'z> st1 c 11 1 lot if i.c a-L i o: 1 ;I' 'zc g:.o:mds for di: 31 of -bile n;>~cal. 0 e Covington Bro San Diego Coa Regional Corn Control # FZS ATTACHMENT SECTION I11 Grounds of Appeal 1. THE FOLLOWING CONSTITUTE THE GROUNDS OF APPEAL: A. The San Diego Coast Regional Commission improperly determined that it had jurisdiction to require an additional permit or any permit for the subject pro- perty; B. The San Diego Coast Regional Commission improperly deterriined that the approval of the subject property would be a premature commitment of open space and agricultural lands inconsistent with the planning objectives of the Act; and The Siin Diego Coast Regional ‘Commission improperly determined that the approval of the project would be inconsistent with the overall objectives of the Coast131 Zone Conservation Act. C. 2. THE FOLLOWING FACTS SUPPORT REVERSAL OF THE DECISION OF TI- REGIONAL COl4MISSION 09 THE GROUNDS STATED ABOVE: A. Jurisdiction of the Commission Zovington Brothers originally developed an intei in the subject property prior to May of 1972. An escrow 9 -1- e e opened shortly thereafter. for the project and received approval of a tentative tract map from the City of Carlsbad on August 7, 1973. September 13, 1973 Covington applied to the San Diego Coast Regional Commission for a coastal permit authorizing the development of the property. At that time the Staff 2nd thE Commission, including the Attorney General, as the ExecutiT Director of the San Diego Coast Regional Commission very forthrightly and candidly admits, was of the opinion that the permit should issue only for that development oczurrir within the permit area itself. Commission and Staff prior to the filing of our applicati Covington asked what was required of them in order to del the subject property, the Staff replied that it was nece' to obtain a permit covering that portion of the developrr lying within the permit area and our application was fi: accordingly. The plans for the entire property were sub to the Staff and the Commission and both were fully awa that we intended to obtain approval for the development the entire property by the application. Covington developed a plan On In a meeting with the This application was processed through the San Di Coast Regional Commission and on October 5, 1973 the C considered and approved Permit NO. F0859. The permit fically authorized the clearing of .47 acres of land, relocation of a waterline and a certain amount of fi: 9 -2- 0 e and landscaping. The total area of the property within the permit area consisted of .97 acres, .51 acres of which woulc not be modified in any way. The total area of the project is 55 acres, all but the .97 acres of which lie outside of the permit area. The request for the clearing of land, the landscaping and the relocation of the waterline within the permit area was, of course, meaningless unless considered i the context of the project as a whole. No one denies that Covington's intention was to develop the entire project, based upon the issuance of the permit applied for. In reliance upon the issuance of the permit, and the induced belief that we had complied in all respects with th Coastal Zone Conservation Act, Covington incurred the follo ing obligations: 1. December 3, 1973 Close of escrow on the property. Total obligation $1,200,000. 2. July 5, 1974 - executed agreements with the Carlsbad Municipal Water District calling for improve- ments in the amount of $210,000. These agreements are secured by bonds issued by a corporate surety. 3. July 9, 1974 - executed subdivision agreement with the City of Carlbad in the amount of $276,5GO. These agreements are also secured by bonds issued by a corporate surety. 4. Paid inspection and processing fees to the City of Carlsbad and the Carlsbad Municipal Water District in the total amount of $21,000. 5. In addition Covington incurred planning, engineering, laboratory and other related costs in excess of $177,000 for the project most of which was incurred subsequent to the issuance of the permit and in reliance thereon. -3- 0 9 The total of expenditures and obligations incurred are approximately $1,900,000, most of these expenses were in- curred in direct reliance upon the issuance of Permit No. F Covington's position is that Permit No. F0859 is the only coastal permit required for this development and that the San Diego Coast Regional Commission improperly determined that an additional coastal permit must be obtained before the balance of the property lying without the coastal permi area could be developed. The position of the San Diego Coast Regional Commissi is based upon a ruling by the Attorney General that such an additional permit is required. We must respectfully disagre with the position taken by the Attorney General and the San Diego Coast Regional Comtission. The language relied upon by the Attorney General is contained in Public Resources Code Section 27103 - the definition of the term "Develop- ment". The section provides in pertinent part as follows: "Development means . . . [a] change in the density or intensity of use of land, including, but not limited t subdivision of land pursuant to the Subdivision Map Act and any other division of land, including lot spli ... I' [Emphasis added] The error of the position of the Attorney General lies in the fact that he focuses on the language "including, but not limited to, subdivision of land pursuant to the Subdivi Map Act and any other division of land, including lot split . . . ." The operative language is ''change in the density c -4- 0 e intensity of use of land." Not every subdivision or lot split will result in a change of the density or intensity of use of land and in those situations where this is not the case no coastal permit is required. The second error in the opinion of the Attorney General is in their assertion that once such,a change in th intensity or density of land use is found within the permit area the jurisdiction of the Commission extends not only tc the area within the permit area but to the entire project. This position is manifestly in error since the Coastal Act itself limits the application of the interim permit cor,tro to "development within the permit area. . . .I' (Public Res Code S27400). Nowhere in the Act is it contemplated that such a bootstrap effect pertain; it is only the developrner within the permit area that is subject to 2 coastal permi Consequently we have complied with the requirements of th Act in all respects since we have obtained the approval o the San Diego Coast Regional Commission for all "developn within the permit area. There can be no development wit? the permit area except as permitted by Permit No. F0859 approved by the Conmission on October 5, 1973. Moreover, it is Covington's position that even if t change in posture by the Attornelr General, the Commissic Staff and the Commission itself is a valid interpretatic the Coastal Zone Act, Covington's reliance on the earlit position and the detriment suffered by Covington as a 0 -5- e e result there of is such as to justify the estoppel of the Commission to assert jurisdiction over the balance of the project based upon this new interpretation of the Act. We will forward evidence of the financial obligations in- curred in reliance upon the issuanCe Qf permit number F0859 under separate cover. B. Agricultural and Open Space The property in question was at one time used for floricultural purposes in the Carlsbad area. The property however was not in agricultural use at the time of the Coastal Zone Conservation Act nor has it been used for agricultural purposes since that time. The last agricultur crop grown on the property was harvested in the summer of 1972. Covington purchased the property at residential prices not agricultural prices; and it would not be econo- mically feasible to reconvert the land to agricultural use at this time. The Staff and the Commission were apparently of the belief that allowing this property to develop would have a dominoe effect on the adjacent areas which are currently in use for agricultural purposes. The fact that the Staff and the Cornmission failed to recognize, however, is that pressure for development of agricultural areas does not stem from the development of adjacent areas but from economic factors alone. Even apart from the issue of high proDerty taxes on agricultural land, an area which the Legislature is attempting to address, agricultural operatio -6- e are heavily impacted by the high cost of water and other products necessary for the production of agricultural commodities. Southern California suffers in particular in this regard due to the fact that water must generally be imported for agricultural purposes. recognized that while floriculture is a coastally related agricultural product it is not a food and fiber product which would be appropriately protected under the agricul- tural use provisions of the preliminary coastal plan but serves as an esthetic visual amenity more in the nature of open space than agricultural use. Finally it must be But whether the concern is for agricultural use or open space the subject property is appropriately treated as a unit separate and distinct from adjacent agricultural lands. The property is completely set apart frorn adjacent lands hy existing roac2w7aysf a canyon and Bataquitas Lagoon Interstate 5 borders the property on the west: Poinsettia Avenue on the north and Lagoon Road on the east. The Lago itself is, of course, located to the south of the property Moreover, the eastern boundary of the property consists of large canyon more than 100 yards wide at many points. The existing roadways serve as a major access to the Lagoon an hence zlready provide an intrusion into the adjacent agric tural areas. The development of homes on the subject pro- perty will not significantly increase this intrusion. Move -7- e * over, the subject property, in contrast to adjacent agricul tural lands, is elevated on a bluff in such a manner that the bulk of the property is not visible from Interstate 5 c from the coastal area. Graphics submitted to the San Diegc Coast Regional Commission, which will be forwarded to the State Commission, indicate that even residential developmer will be, for the most part, screened from view from Inter- state 5 and the coastal area by the existing bluffs and grc cover with some additional landscaping. This topography contrasts greatly with the adjacent agricultural areas which gently slope upwards from Interstate 5 and are readil visible to travelers along the freeway and the coastal are; For the above reasons we respectfully submit that the pro- posed project is not inconsistent with either the agricul- tural or open space elements of the preliminary coastal pl: and that approval of the project would be consistent with these elements of the preliminary plan. C. Consistency with the Objectives of the Act The development proposed for the subject propert] is designed to provide housing within the moderate price range. The provision of this type of housing will counter- act an unavoidable impact of coastal regulation -- the exclusion of low and moderate income families from areas immediately adjacent to the coastal resource. This effect although unintentional, is in itself in contravention of the purposes of the Coastal Zone Conservation Act, that is -8- 9 < *. e the availability of the coastal resource to all of the people of the State of California not just to those able to afford the high cost of transportation and temporary accomo dations in hotels and motels. The Coastal Commission Staff found the project to be generally attractive with relatively low densities and a fair amount of land committed to open space and on-site recreational uses. The impacts of this development would otherwise be no greater than any other residential develop- ment in or around the coastal region. For the foregoing reasons we feel that the project is consistent with the California Coastal Zone Conservation Act and the Prelim- inary Coastal Plan and urge its approval. SECTION IV Names and addresses b. The names and addresses of the governing body of each county, city and other local government agencies having jurisdiction of the project are: Car 1 sb ad Yun i c ip a 1 Water D i strict 5780 El Carnino Real Carlsbad, California 92008 Carlsbad School District 801 Pine Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 -9- * .. .* e c. The following are the names and addresses of those who expressed support or opposition to the developmeni before the Regional Commission or are otherwise known by khf Appellant to have an interest in the matter appealed: Karl Brown 17401 Irvine Boulevard Tustin, California Stan Eller Coastwatch 1084 Concord San Diego, California 92106 Joan Jackson Carlsbad Community Zause c/o Coastwatch 1084 Concord San Diego, California 92106 Occidental Land Inc. 10889 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles, California 90024 -10- 9- I-- / e S'TATE OF CA*blFi;i',ra; '? e *. , ;a%% 4 ~CS---AL / 9' , - ,, L 113 x'est A* st,, ($j(jg ----"----'--*-x .WAT~~LISI~GWSA~ DiEsU R JCIY 31, 1979 I. 'Iiscent F. ZLQT20, 32, city *AttOrcs' .=ii Carlsbad I2CC El3 XVtkLLIB CaThb&, CA E2308 3L3 Xymq city Ylamer Qf Cdrls'zlaad !.2")0 Eln Avzzue Caelsbad, 424 92008 Be; tkcidenral ?&nd, S~C. . CLaim of LXe2ptiora FmL? Zar Yhce an;: Esn; Qccidrntal LzrLa, ?- rnc., Ob_iir3 nf EX@ IJyc ;;*: -- 1:: facts set hrt wandm ar2 A. i *<"A, e.?... this d~vcic~>?s~~t crid if I~C~U frsd 1 e . 2- B WOGld qy>z 2c Lhtll3 yxr :.z:iomin~: t of t,:e tins azc assi5:~an:se y3tc; haen YZ- ~~~\~Lrjic~ ~~2 ~j+:j fat" .I.>& r*--* I,) ~tnd inkxzx 'I: .; tl'r.;? Cityis :<tes, beioxa tha 633St l:oxAs5iQn a.nc F 3: c S?J i ss B hsr e: i y t i.2 re a f t BT . Enclosc5 is 8 coFy of a E rc<ar:z"*-; -. ?I-,: Diey Coast 1 weld CO@.i..,S .----> . 1- _-- . *I I L :- ,Jr 1 .A -- - 1, JL .. -2s a";trs is &ec - -." w * U&l _. -- very truly ymz.:, Ah%iOi\Y c. J2SET Deputy AttDPZq? 0 &3 : al. @ne P * , bopartmen e e' Mafe O! California b;,Ei e m 0 f Q BB1 d u rn % x ALL COKMISSIONSRS Date : July 30, 197 SPJlJ DIEGO COAST REGIONAL COMMISSION File No.: .. From : Office of tho AHorney General - San Diego ANTHONY C. JOSEXI, Deputy Attorney General / Subject: Occidental Land, Inc . Claim of Exemption FX0137 I. - BACKGROUND Occidentel Land, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as Occidental) filed the present Claim of Exemption on February 21, 1975. Th Public Hearing cn Occidental's Claim of Exemption wa.s held Mar 1974. Thereafter, on April 11, 1975, a letter requesting addi information was sent by the Attorney General's ol"fice to Occid attorney. By letter of Xay 7, 1975, Occidental's attorney ask the Executive Director of the Regional Commission for a contir of the final vote to a time beyond the sixty-day period for vc on natters Defcrre the Regional Commission. % This l2tter cx;rn: waives the sixty-day provision. .The May 7, 1975, lezter also that the extension of the was sought to provide the informat: sought by the Attorney General's office. By letter ofAly 1, 1975, Occidental's attorney provided irif and documents relating to the reques-c of the Attorney Geceral office. The earliest Regional Commission meeting thereafter which a final vote could be taken was the August 1, 1975, met? This was due tc the fact that the Fourth of July holiday was the first-Friday in July and 110 final vote" matters were nea at the July 183 1975, meeting. 11 - 11. FACTS The following facts are based upon materials in the Conunissic files, fncluding materials filed by .Occidental as attachmenxe their Claim of Zxemption Torm, materials attached to a letter from Occidental's attorney to the Office of the Attorney Gene dated July 1, 1975, and documents obtained by Mr. Joseph of 1 Attorney General's office from the public records of the Cit: Carlsbad. I A. Property OD IJhich Exemption Is Claimed c* - Occidental clains an exemption from the permit provisions of . Coastal Act for development 01' a11 property designated on Ex -1- 0 0. : -2 - 0 ' _I* - h &lly 3c, /' - Re: Qcc-$erisz; -72, ;ii";c, 3 C'^iX ,?I" att,3p'Rz5 to I!p?~-;~e~i:~: - ' att,%cy.c.,l k?t.re"c j ,Offfi@j p? Jcni::;yL C;? f 2: [j 31: z, 1975, - .. L'.:; I -- &-Jy*y,i d 5 i C." , :i : :T ?.-&?L ;--: e. r- c -- *'P n.4 -. .~ ._._ dfvisicn ;'12c,s cz- s-,.:?.:ifj-.. cjl252 M.Pre ffh& jqf ._ - - on 'Par.zels 1 \;-Z"Z.-- f 'L'__ ?2r. j 9 3 ;+recy-$$!>&) an,d 9 QSiyqper p .s ;iGy-,.; by deuelo;e;-s 0th~~ ~2~2 C22idenXal. Exhibits 3, c2 F.~TJ~ G 2t+8~~~d tt> ~cc~~ent~~'~ ,zLzix -. of ?:,CF.x ___ -bdrfS fuhe zE-ECoCGerZZ:ZS C. are ?is-;3 cf sbZ.2 ,f5-=i,,,,,S ---T nm SrAiU =nA ~-<pc..-~i+~ -_ - .- ... which rs?,ate tcr pzw??rtr*T ECI: ~!res.?xtPy i-2 the sxm?rshi? .* 51' - Occid2r2tai. exhibits ,.nust b2 _r.;-jair;z%?6 511 $sp&s a2 ;he Cr,Z?Erty xc-;: 2.: F.&.FAL-.- i, - -. - '- by OccFd~rntaI, As 32 esexple of' gach secalcula.%ion, ..% 7<v+r. -77 .It' ~>-.n i-.T-imnri pnci- ~z -oq?,y~ed j- &&&)tJ/J &.&,L i,#- ,4r.+ rriMMWrirrr ..w- ..a .. sf the lfsie6, costs ~~~~~ -,;?e Ove p s i 2 5:lg , <,$, Lh2 ~>:~~~~5t::r~s- ax^ "Gblzgations * ~2% ~CXL ir- . 4 T-c*T?.r?;e!?*, I:. . . - e;icftskfon of thz Axka Xrz. 2-s ''she SeTder sast sf the f~csx%y a~d ;-+c '., .'-A c A -, .- I .e *, cI 4- h c T n i y-,, 1 ad .,LAi- uc -__. 8 Sexer ext zzs"lon ',< 9 >r poinsEt:'ia FL:3 i.$3c ~ -=efa,ie ~L~,ECT.;~ ta spcjuzis 2;acif~c ts EQ~~L.? h2z-e ?ark ('r - - . --.A .*-. 11, '12 a;cd 12, *; * apgs.z.rs ~kzz Or,cider,tsl ~ ARC. > 2 2:< 5 of p&y.:&s of til? ;T,TQspr:y ;2t ToX-tb a= >;:<hie:-: ..A* 2.; City of ,;z>-ls - *<uc> f.::::r-zs . h2.v: CCc:xrred ?:.I. .- -,>ac722?2 -0.- 1 $&.:'>t &<; 1572 2 /$-2,3 z:*C: Lcec:fr>z "lan-i35)? :'?L-?,OL z ' '-- p'o~..:~~ .a~ the -ripsrty set fcrrth 03 l\.Llib~L A :.::. .. 4,: tff-3 +,s bP5.n cf:'yc.,rl,ceci is the mbile fL:Lsre p2l-k ::. : ro_oert:; i.2 5eT';;L22 2-11 Ch.3 I,ar@eis \?est sf rntC?n3t2.:: .C 7 -. -,.7 .Alsot 2 ?arti~._r;_ ~2 the S~C~JX a?::fi=r Ov~~sisj. 2;s 92 ?L-L .-i .*. ,>? Ls IlGx --i.-n 4.,-* table %> Sec*~el - f.21ZL.2 f s ;:-c%ile kcme gczrk, xi . _- '- .q ,:,,d Son :: 2 .:,z .L ".;j ._ $h2 ?rsg,ertg s>me;ii by Ll.2 - by O:,=Llt3ntzl7 - u - .- 4j- Tnter;.,.l $0 de-pfop - m*y 05 +h=.p p-di:d-i2:A:aL pET"P; q q: -- Sever21 jpnte';;,7;(3 s~1@..zz?;is.>zfi z;os 51- ~~e.75 - --*A- 2G ,- .. Ri&Z a ~e*v~eP~~~~~ ,&G ~~,T,~Z~FT~$ ly did ==E c~z;p~~~:~ 2- ~12r 1 -- -. ,. - j5 . :1.: Zf. . __ .-. - , __ .d .- STY 2 JI Lc:t--:-*.- _&-A- 7- - ,?T. +'?IF, -2; 2.c -?-LIT i >- -2 ,,nta.iLvp ';fa 72-25. zfid - >, p&5 ,~arzz; 9 (2;scxfic ilm-z52), - V*?.L : 'A " . .... L. is *>,;rieG 5_~ E~Y;.?L;?. ?scifi~, 13 3ddai%.i_zn, ?u ~<v~~~!.+ - - -, -...-\., S.z,-=r -?,%- L --b-.,tLL-b--a -C.C. rcn~ _I :-,r.Las~T has bee^ .Y:S tc tF.: '_.. . ~3:~y sf tb.~ se\ren c.c:r;--els L.,I ,.i.-. area 2r> ,;T,,/n '7he -',-)Y,> > __-. .- . z .reaaiE;pcg SI rtis,z.s ei-2 iZsI?+j Tor c,om"t,ercial L7'BC ?LE2 lr. .. li 2 develoF':""t: ._ :six; & stbst,yitial]-y 1.~3~ Than gp2e use o?. ;~-cI' 1, . ,iF21 -:5-q" -_ ,.Aupi,:-P,tzi 1 -'- --p &e!:??, hzTE been uc25-r -21 -. ~ .~ - . -. - -7 as ,s.=,k f'orth SF, h,>ch?-szt -:-. that thi? ..r.t ,g? .the use a? the s?i*if?r 37y -FGC~ .xxxx.c.rc.:2- 'by the "?cJGT r'E: with t'r.ft by Ssq-uaL~ ~~~j-~~~ CT E~s].;z and &~~~, - 1. . - .- city cl .F.=p-.- ddZl.- I L -' Cd.2 . . 0 w c -.*a 0 e : All G: .-:4.3 ,_ 1 : fie: i;.,.7LL :...L.2, Inc . - .-, ., _. . __,I rW.ll >..-.- ., h,.,' . .-I... -.---_* -.. : -.a ... -...-..-: - Councf . L:. . . . .. '. - S e ve r ;r, 1. - '-. -a. .-. .,' . . -. ._-_ .. .. 1.2 "Lie City c< -3, .-, -- - . .\ _. ___- -- _._ - . deni2.'- ,=' -:..i ,=, - _. : -.. I _- . * * -=syr q - -.) .- "_ +- Other '53~: : ~ -:s 7, arld 3 0-12 nibit A;* ,-=.--: 25 .:I.. .. _.,,:-.: -- - - . -?..A . .. -' -_ . , uui-z 2 .. parce:5 LT- - . , - . ..--*dI?.'L? .-=v;. G.L CZ 4 3.2Z.:?"i 2.: : ~. ._. ._.._. -....-, .._. 7 I: ;j2, - -,- . .- cm.r[1~;~::~~ , : , 3s;rcei ,> #: id~ :.'e 2 ..-- -.,p 3 'A 3 c! : TJi .si cr: __ :: .j . : -1.- E. :: --. -- - -93 c:,'ti;2 GI' _--_ .-.--._ - : -- ---s.sp:l. __. _&,. 1 -.-. -.' . L .-' - .- - -. . . ._ .. .~~ . . - .. I_. -. - . . .. . L-- .^.. -_-- . -1 ~ _:-'.- u'**.au -- -, .:. 2 . . . . - _-__ ~ - ... . . - - I - \, .. . - . .- - ?-n \ s,q,-,7.- -, . A;? (:d ,j --ec - .~.- . .. four ?1.2*2::-.i , . _-- .-: s?ecific zl-. - eipprcTv-r. 1 .:-< ,.:-; of th2 iwz- -- ,. .. .. I_Gnce_Dt ci" ;ST ;. 1. 21- -. I . . -zts. (See se.:::~ . 2. . -1 . ' ,,i.2si.Acn -2-qi-q of t,"? <:2cy CO-rJ : .__ - - - .... -' -- - .,.. .'- -! .: ---.. I- - - - - . ~ -' on 'Ea? r:t:.i: Gees 2 3y ,xea~-~s cf' 3eio - .- . --:-?-I or: May 15, ibl J j f a -*:-- 1- " ._ I :: ..-_ _... -2 . -- .- - - .-.~ I- $- ... . - . ." '2. .. j - ~ . . .. _. .- - : \, h L' - v- . - r )-I '? >, -.v:- -,- . . - *-.. 17 f; 0' -4- - e All Ccrdxissiccers Re: Occfd~x.;~ ~nd, Inc. was appm-~ci wh:ch inchzded a df-dsicn or" the land west of Ir.te 5 into sk psi-:el;. Thr3.e of khz six parcels into which the ?I wsts divided sre Zarcels 5/7, 8 xad 9. A Specific ?:',an No. 152 was epp2fsd for on ?aascel 9 in October 19'73. a Letter to . 3. 'VJ. Dorni~g~lez, - C'naimm 0 of the City of CarSsi l? iaazing < x-xi 3 s i 03 d at e2 - 1 zit;lasg 13, 197 4. JU~Y 30, ig~ -- Suez 7- ;:?A xas in regard :a pa application on behalf of Lu QL,T~*-,$2 .-=- -,rl s ti~)?I3 3rd tras Tzbled zz the qzqucst ~,.f Occidental b:r 111 ."- -1 C, evLc2a t'-?r - ?hz" Azd Govcicr-n~-r_~.ntaf Aopm *? '1 kt ap2ears %-,at Oeeide,-,:ai 5ase.s its Claim of Exexptiox upon $: aptp~el 09 I- %IZS+~- p,an arb cgar,ges in zmLr_z Carxsbad st t!ie request of 3. 3, Development, Gcc (,Sei? ZkhLblt 5 tc CLL:~ cf Exec?tion. - ) The backgrcund zemo Lri Carlsbad T s City $:smag;er to tte ,-fz,uling Com~ssion dated Nov,nri 19, 1969, is regztrd tc the H. B. Develogxenz Gcrn2aDy's :'zzst?r pInn" rec_u.est, frxiicates thzt ~-1zzges in density ir, regard tc zones invci-~z in t'ne Lad set I'orth on Zxhibit A vould Ge r2q ~t~e city ~~tme.~er*s ?ion0 specifically Laiiiicztes ir, ::en s ("Rec Gificatlon ';a ?lz,-.ed CXJYL~~~~ Z'one azd PAdoFtisr, 02 Naster PC1 that: predecPsscr, c cb-LzlneS 2-l 9;eCFx-Ger or' 1369 &?d cTm,s5I-y 02 1y13. .o ''Those ai-eas to be develcge5- as plmed comr;.,tuzity will be donz so 52 ~xformnze ~2zh the City ?'lamed Commmity Ordi_n_znrze (20. 32ie), .~.rhieh stipulates sabnittal or' Specific Tkzs and 'T2ntatI~ Subdivision Xaps for reviex by tke 2laE:ning '1 CcxSssion and City Council, Frior te, devc~o~xent. (See Farzgraph 3 of I'Lem 73, page 3 of memr&durn. ) .Paragrapk h 02 Iten 5 states: '*The Ssecific FIS~S, which WTIX be submitted at a later date, ~711211 dzLirreate the lccaxiairis 03 a11 pro?osed strzztlJres, op3n sl;ace ~ESS, r3sidentizl road system, etc. config;rztix 02 211 the lc.zs to be cre~tsd, includifig the prks. axi sc,jl_o-31 sites, as xeTE as 11 %entative details The Tmtztive Xzp ;~,ll d?sis?ate the tentative on s-5r3nt desigx (3JYLd uti:i',y layouts. On page 6 of the Carlsbad 11 City !4maser1s n- mernormdum, secticr- 7 forth conditions of the ine first of those c3r is ':$hat those zrezs reclassified to PLaried Comcnity %e dew in confos-zace ~42th Or&in-?nce 2"i~ - 9~18'~. Ordimzice ~o. 921d : ordinance r,f' the City of Carlsf?a.b r?gamiii_ng crestion of plhnfif masc;er nlzn". .cornunity ~312s. Section 1380 357 that ordinmze siates; e* -5- 0 e-. - ?-7T Ju~ 22, A;(, 2 d-z-"z ^-- - I_____ -- 4- c.lve2.o;- x~t of any zrea w8t'r.l:- -2; blmj 2 3pe@ifiC f&n pre22. -i ~ect, z\r a civil engimer ZOY 1.2~ -.-r-.-r. -7 ...'." ZIZ - -. ..1-31--. I~r develqment shall be it E:.-.::C ;Lax ~:iiall ir-,cLude at least t . .. .*, - c E. F *a 6. LC zLZ-CP-> 2: LSSiC),'Is %Id types Of Z?.e pr-,-r~sed use of all land. p;-.-: I, 'P P ? 4 -6re i 7 i -._ ds Lllluc.,..Lrig 7aXs per reset acre. -7 rm-z-?=; zT3ncaed for z.11 streei;s, wlz?.kways 1 dirivs:;ays, parF3ng and service areas. it*p_dpn1z2-1r cf cnlts for 11 each propcsed residez.:ial strVrct'r;re. Ii. The lc~a:lon, k~iglit, mxfber of stories .- 3- 1, (Nmzrcl;a ~"u.2~ z-?;uLrexents wh5ch set fcrth the ' _AII musty 25 yr' Lo I, '3C -&..-ET x& included in Paragraphs S t2xsg-h 3 at3 S?S~Z:ZS s: o-?jr specific plan for a phanrreC 2:~- ._ - TI The effect GT t!:~ rxsLer plan!' (see CzrlsSad City CCPWZL ries 2:~s in the nm zmes ~~ti~b5.n the 'tx-\~ -;~i?lch was tkerezfter sold tz Szci2.z &5 .. $0 TPZCTle pQrZZC.ZIS Of tk? pX3.;PE-'f;>- ?KC: ~ z.irlr;d Sy OccicIen3 .from the Ci is 3.irnite6 :E _jLz~iz~.2 ':az~-ur,ity z9nes lY-(See old: Tk3 z -2y-yza Cozmuzity zones x2tkin i; - szt f2ri;E ~1" xzinro> d -:- ~ic - 3r,rcels 1, 2, 3, f2 and 13, Cnly r =e ;;i Cc?i-entzl. 2x20 tentative air: 7-2s 2e.e Xo specil"8c: pl.z~-- :LS bee -. - sczti~n I~TS,.~ .. ._ -- fi 2:; -x Ze-sct- J - 2; any ti:~. asprm-erl 2: :cj ssi_%-:-zr 3sri?1 1 or 3 at &qy tine, wes ~?FXI-;FZ ,"zr 2zs.stI i In September 3974, A t-~ D . ITA*- tc~~:h~::--::r' ---- Az.2 0.r Il$atlrrrs Or' OceZderztzl _- T'icalfy : 52 1 1:: ;T. f.Ile2-e 1s :- A. 2 "I. * every 3%f- -P F -..s- . &E s.:. 01-5 cf Lzs C12.1~ of Exexption, Bccidp:.- 1 :': .3r. 4c, c3-1 b--4---LJ 2.q -1- zf ea51 portion or" the pm; [See Zxkibit I to the Claim GI --rnv - . A&- _1 .- l! -+. -61 04c,pOPt % z3z-:Lc?ny Occidental a. indicates tkz- -. I ~~~=~.& pc*< i~h OccLaentaL nust ~~ZII bot?. .2 LPL.2: Sexe- .E3XZET sever enensia2 to the propel . :---* : JJirecstaze >! ;;;as i-5 52siged :o accwmdate the E.--:E G~G. -.L-dk, ''School a1x.d Dark sltes x=l xyw: ?hzciden.ta- 'i53 sf22 cr_lm 25 the project in 1:s entirzty, x,-.- c-i.ial::- ' whi:.:: **:?re eetermfned ix-?.,ftially by the :I--? 21' >3nt~i~, 3ccidental aPm cont-ends that -; :ias : c-Jnt fnger;$ - : -7- SL 1: .;7r in :arneczix~ witk the raljlroad c---- TYCJ-~ c pi22 <--:z ,-;-,ehlscn, ~opska;,- Santa Fe XzL'l:-:: . - %. L to :~:,::*:CZ;ZTS 2nd develrspers ol tile l-. I ;-A -- , ~ -.<- - .. c :- - Y .' - '7 -. IT1 -;.a c~nstri~~tiz~ =I' S~YZ~'.S, TOZL~S, S~SW~~S cwd drais\,agP. . -. - L c<. 0 e' -6- All Csmissios~ers 1 Re: Uceidencal -3~13, Ine. July 30, H ar;d I $0 the CI~?L=; of Sxezptien.) -.-...-- -- - Tkle asreemx&, t.=;, CzxtruCt =I cvexzss 5? Atch4sony T3Pkl2a Sd!?tS Fe E2i3c2.4 52; ufl65rgZ22 TE?!V ._) ch If 3. Deve hpmr.~ J;1ly 7, l97G2 p ---C2.k,-*-:.> li Ab-. duyw the wi;s fnT;o>rz.j. in xFLe - - ~,kie lrbyL:1 s rth 02 EXhi5it x L?: 7 Ea1 '.,.~?ee;neLPL: 0: -'< *: ecp 2.- ," ;he Q?;SCT,.'ZJZ!S \$Till 5 c? 211 apprqrliize g" 3u 7 I - *; ,inxentaL - 3,s t to thc? r2L1xa3 OW rz~zss ag o'~ilsai;ion 4 22 is d~hyd zer:55c. ! st r2cei?+., of the i;rc ject'!. y c.- a+ --t~h derrtaf agrtl.?s ?-z~ wi7,l use sg20m.l Cc??jni s si cr: approvzl. o cla-r',=1 of e:ce--,tS-r;r, (See ?zrr;gr.+sk 2 2: Sqp~ez~z$ 20 the ,CiSsaent.) The Sm S:? Regior,a.l CoSstaL Ccxzissien hzs denied L >n,mit to conssxct s railroad oirrrgass. 2ate3 +,kAat 3: "L.b&AL*A - .-I ?-.L i( n',- - 3c-a -pClir, 11 2, I&d!fcs+ion 0: ?T?nartv The only evi3enm cr' my r?zdizatiori of a ertg ck3 the city sI' approxfnately thrse kadred feet by five iir& zLzd e%.-,T:' i?? at the nortkrst; ccrxer of- ?ccinsnttia r3 axQ extz-E:L25 -: Batiquitos I2rFv-e .) L3is prcgsr'uy :.ras de&Lrz%ed 23 ccr_nec';ic_n- I~J approval of a &zvelcpnsnt :r,iizh ',vas to be :zderkken 3y Lus:~, c71 Son en ?czrc~.1s Elr 12 or 13, wiiich WL?T~ t therr md 8,re noz l- in the QWA~TZ:C~ I=.? kcidez:zl. Them 2s 20 e~Sence cf %cy 5 dedication 2s m-7 cf' che r-aterials filed Toy Occidental. The agreemert b~fw~en ths w.-- n-*; sksd VIIF_' @?.ylsb& is a d-G+:xz+? ts*-L_Ly ,,on na~e cc AU~USS,- 19732 cr" 2 v-rcei Tr.7 * School District gz-d ds';e< J-*;2e zrr:-Jzd at 8 T25F-f -. Occidental L2Z-L > assessing f rtL=-..Lr-g the fees sekcol dedlcz? -.. r,Uq?OSZS ap to E-;"-.31S --- - c - L2 a2-d 13. :-:I" tr-act xaps ?-?e2 pz g fcr ',;?e devflo=;rs--~s - kt 2. t1.S de..?<: in Faragrap ~g~~-y~rA~ -?~ls'*;.ad 3niZLs5 32. Dis$rict, i. thereunder seal: t inate LL %e even: c parcels are der54 Xcid22szl; or if its swcesmrs or ?-ssi.er.: unable to pmceed with. consuruction on %e 3esEgsated FzrceiL f,ed T;keCJ tke Zg-?=:i=-: w-d. the ob:: 3- -* C%~~:;a:i.or?s Of Occldectal. #' The only doesmerxts In the z5nistratiTfe f:'91e TTlZtiW f,o QbL gs-tions of Qcclb..ntzf to - z3nasers of p~~rIfcns of the prc-,er set forth 02 "3xhIGit A aretA2 purchase i~l,'rrpe~~~erk% between Cecl - ow -7- e A11 Comrni s s i one T s Rs: Occidental Lafid, hc, - . 3uly 30, 19-75 ad &sk and Son dated )lay 12, 1972, and %e a5reerrez.t of pxch ad sde between Occidental and Seqmk -Q 2z~lf'ie dat?d F6marjr 1971. In FaragrapIi I1 of tne Lusk znC Sm .DI~P@~~s~ zxreenent, 2- Occidental agrees %hat prior to the closf~; dae- of sewer, water, storm drains and sther or"z"-:slse k.zprovmenzs wil: be brought to the Qroperty line of :he pzrcels -l._r,volved. 30 evidence of whetheT utilities? other thai 3ewr lims, x+_r=, already to the property live is eontarlrl~c / in the files. :?or is there my evidence in the &nln%strszl-vre file tkzk my 01' tk listed utilities have bee2 extended XG date or xill he in the f cture . In the agreement sf purchase ar_d sale b&;.Jeem Occidental axd Sequoia ?acific dzt,ed Febnary 18, lg?l., Occidentzi agr?es SG construct md instali sewel' 1I~s and stcrrn drs&ns to the prop Occidental stdtes that a sewzr line r'roz th? Eaclna Seviage Tre Plant was brought to the property ~y Cksidentaf zz a cost of $36O,QOO. The contzmplated use-of tkis s21r12r LLne by Ldsk and Son in the developZen* of >arcGIs 11, 12 and 12, &!d the r?hl- bursement 5y other developers between th.3 prqerty set I"c~rsfi o Exhibit A and the Encina Sewage Treztmeat Phnk has Seen dlscu above .) b E, EIRs hd :3ffzr Cf Prcz?erty 3'3.- Sale The Planning Director of the CLty c.f C:13LrIsba3 %r: a memorandum April 2$, 1973, connenting on the- ZnulmnnentaZ Iqa2t Report for all of the property set fsrt'n oa ExMbit P, szated, . . . this reaort &dresses the entire jr;O-acre ") P- U L project in general cerxs, additimal Inlcrz3,tion wfll be necessary to atieqJate3.y ZES~SS in project,s and their iEFzTtsD As each phatsz of the 2roject is suamitted to t3e City,. sgeei.3-c con- sideration will be given to SC~CQ-~S, 2uSPiz services, design, etc, ,as they relate tQ 31G.a final Znviron- mental Impact Report. Tr - For szle signs hzvz been lac-ated on .the prcpertg in vi2Td of I 5 for many months, Occidental iadic&Ler=, 2.n tP-2 let7;er of Jul L975, to the Office of the Aztcrney General tkxz Czcidental ;v cor,sider an offer zo buy the l~qd btit -I;?-aT; theq f2?l that sue offer will not be forthcoming kiithcut tke ri3k.t 50 develop t?i prqerty In accordance with tha ~llas~er plan - '1 8' 6' 3 0 0.. -8- All Commissioueys Re: OcciCental Lm&, inc. July 33, 1575 1x1. IS835 TQ BE SjTTPxnz3 In rd-ing 03 OcciCezztai's Clain of Ekexaptiion, it is necessaq to de: 9mii.ze: 1. obtained prior to the effective 5zi;e of tLe at; . 2. Whefsner Occidental diligectlg ccxenced con- strr;:.tioa uld ;?~fa~~e& subszaz-isl ,, ::.c~rl.; -. ca the dev e 1 oper,t an& i xurr e=? sub st 2 :.ci ,z?- L I abi 1 i t 1 es for work and materials 3ecessar;c; -t5eTef or; ad 3. 'JJhetber the concept of interdependemg" is appli c ab2 e . A. Reculred Go-Jermentd Pm~m'ids b%et;l?er all required goverrxex&ah appwvalo were IY To obtain an-exeaptioa frm the gem',% requirexent; of the Coa: Act, a ciaiz:sat must have scquized -;zsr;e& righzs Z~~TSU~~K to 1 govermen2al zg2raval-s as of Novenje: Z? 1972. (>::a. Ses. ccc 9 27404.;:) T2 have a veszced Figiiz, -zke cLainmz aust shosi that has relie5 u2on the final discretlozzrg ~;~CVE~S of the Izza: govermert to ?rrinlch Its developnenr is s-A>ect, bg diliger_tly cornenc~cg zssstTuczlon ad 2erforoizg 31;Sstazlal wozk ori ~nt developnezt zc6 ilzcur-zing sc3stantirL IlsSilFtres for work am &ateriais necessary Therefer, (aib. xes. code 5 27404.) Eel may aril-,. be &own tko-~gh ex2enditures c'r work occ-ii~ing EEYS: final govur-zental Ciscretiorary a;zr?~,.;.als. - Jzies ,7evelorz-_:nn 539 (2.9'75,- 2xFemixres fG_' The ~T,zzz~sz or' land naCe xi ad' of fiazl 0 TovermeEtal discre,ionarg z-,zrcval xiy ~OT; 'oe COCS~~ in dezcemioiag trhetzs subszmtial ILskilitles - have been ircu or censtructlm hzs comencei. - See I__- his. iFl3. The conce~t; Q- vested. rights is base5 ?i.pcn the ratiord-e th.'; the govz:~~r_it has a2r;hcrFzed an z;-":Lex, ad such acsim hFs takec in rellance ozi That autnorizz,:iozl, Lt is urdair to yem govsryaerz 23 the2 ~cscind. i';s auzkctrization 01 imccse ae-fii re rnents. If, however, the govermezt kars sct giver, its final d tionary autkwizaticz..- a person whc r.rocesds tiith a 2rojecc o assunption ckac sui; rizatioa will. f:ilox does 30 az hts 0-m In such a caze, the Scverment haz ;flu''; izihced reliace, ar.3 is 90 unfairikess in geraitting it ta charige the stmdards for taining gzv erment authorizaci on . v. Cd.ifcm% CGZST~ Zone Corserv2-l;: 46 Gal, A320 jis. c . C' - o e- -9- All Comissicneis Re: Occide2tah Lati, inc, July 30, 197 In the present matter, Occidental relies pincipslly a-, . ~pon the "master plz~'~ which %as adopted by the CzTZsba.6 aitJ Council i late 1969. Tte effect of the City's ap2.roval of the "master p1.m" was ts increase densities in cert:Gn zones, and to rezor ions of the property. Both the nas'ucr plan ad th orcinance controlling development .of p 2d co-szmity distric within the City of CarrlsSad req.Jire ap a1 of Tentative EapE ad specif-iz plans prior to constructi q7 Zevelopnent SL iect to %be aster plan. Final govexztextal qproval- on the res ial Dronerties -- OW~E by QccideZTaL is far from being zonsle At %is date, neit a tentative su3divislcn map nor specifi--, plan has Seen approvc for Pmcel 3. As to Parcel 1, tentative s;bdivision zap apprc was obtained in Sepkeaber of 1974, but 39 s3ecSic plan nas 3~ appr ov ed , Alt-hough s;eclfic plas h'ere adopted fay t~le fax? comerciai I cels (Parcels 4/5, 6/7, 8 ad 9) prior 50 -the eflecti~e date c the Coastal Zone Comervaticn Act, appy3val or" a teztative sut vision nas did not cccur until the adopslcn of Centative Map 7 in May of 1973- (Carisbad City Comcil Resolutzon iTo. 3150.1 Since all Iiscsetiorxcp govermental aprwals :cere obtaixd 1 dter the Xlovenber 8, 1972, eflective &z,t~, of zke Coastal Zonc clairn of vested righzs can be based. - s . Conservatloa Act there was 20 governmerxtal. azproval 01: which : B. Comencing Coxstruction and PeTf fa~-i~q Subs 'c an^; i a; :U crx Even if f izal 2iscre:ionary goverrunenta2 ay7rouals had been gi prior to Eoveiiber 8, 1972, the Claim of Bemytian would fail 1 cause no construction or work has occwre8 on t3e parcels omt Occidental. !I?-e 0?3i~ cocstruction whi has occarred ia regal the land ylneseatlg o-;ned by Occidental the aztensizn of se: to the prc;;e--ty both east md west of exxate 5, 'Phe $ewe: tension tc the west cf Interstate 5 vas ~ecessazy for the devi meat of Pwzel 10, a ?arcel oxned by Sapcia Pacific, aid the parcel on irJhich construction has occur~eu. TO fulfill the need for conroencing comtpJction Occident21 re oli its "cQli~aticns" to d5velopers and. GO %:he C'itg of Carlsb regard to 3ri-ing off-site imcrovemeri?s to pwzels of proper "by Occidenzal, aad ix regard to the d&icztion 4cf property fo aad,,park prposos. !3e only indication of any such expenditu tained in the material filed '03 0ccidex;sl are-the extension Encina sewei" lines, She oversizing of the hlta LCira sewer lin the extension of a sewer line to the prope~tjr eas3 of Interst a. -10- - e 4-11 Comi ssi oner s Re; Occidental Lzd, Inc. July 30, 1971 me total expeEditures for all of these propelties were $42,3,C1 This amount nust; be considered in terms ofsthe overall estimat costs of developnent of all the groperty is Iikhibit A of in ex of 33 nillion aollars. (See Zxhibit 2 to the Claim of Ekenipti P-c;rther, these cos-LS are ur-sable an-5 %+=L're un.dertaken in P for develoPers other t'ra Occidental, X€ tI:e coropleted coxm tion cost claixed 5y Gccidez5al in Eki~ibi% E ta the Claim of Exemption is zduced by the sxpendi~;;;"e:s a%-";;riSutable to on- Occidental pa~cels the totel is red.aced. fxz $3,520,030 to a maximum of $4Z ,002 - and ~=.c~~abl;y tc ir sore zealistic amcunt approximately S200,OCO. Lssf the msjm c~~t af the Er,ciaa SF-: extensios will 3e reia-mrsed 2s develop=,zr;t. t3ccurs west of kt 5 and betweer; the Znciaa Sevzge Treatmsrzt Ezat and the 2rcper forth on BAibit; 8. The-sole dedication of la& t&ich has QCCWT~ is an approxln; four-acre parcel, This Ceiiicacion is c5ed az least partially approvals sf projects owned 37 Lusk md Sac. This dedication not occur mtii August 6, 19'73, lcng afit;er %e effective date the Coastal Zore Ccnserva*ion Initiat-ve. $he obligation to cozlstnct the raliroaii o-:erpass is based in cn %he develop.s~~z of parzels owned by S;ec_=;oia 2acir'ic aci Lu: SOE, The obligation i;~ co~s-;ruc.t m the cyerpass is dependent u] Coastal Comissiac mproval- Ahe obligation to constract; the pass and Eany o7;her so-called obligatians ez tied to varims ments with the City of Carlsjsd and zag all be dependent upon the projects ccntenplated are completed, h-ng agreements to dedicate real pro?ert$ 91' CGnStTUCt the rai overpass were incurred in collnection wi%S okcaining the enact; of an ordiranc2 02 issumce of 2erzits Is relation to contenp developnent of the proper-cy set forth an DAYcit A. Therefor if sucb sgreecents were tf f0736 tc be bi.n2iL3g 09 accidentsl, th of fulfilling such obligaslsss" &-e not detrned to be liabili 'foy work a& naterizls neceszary -LO Tee'r; the ves-ted zigijlts cr of Public Zesources Code s5cT;icn 27404 I<= -ab. 3es. Code. is ' C. Inter?eFerdencT Occidental claims that the entire project md each parcel wit it is dependent qon tke develcpmeot of eyzrg other rjarcel. any development of real prcprtg mag be dependent to some i.xt upon a neigllborizg parcel ~ff real p~~pers;~, s:~h a geograph;c relationship dces not create 311 interdepenciency withi2 the i.< frqework necessary to provide a vested rigit to complete COI tidn. It- is ciem that portions of the pm2erT;y involved in e .e - .. -11- - Bl Commissioners Be: Occideratal~ LaDd, IEC. my 30, 19' Clah of Exezptiorr can be 6evelaped Zn2egexkntl.y from other pertions of $he p;=oFerty. :ne nobile haze ;xk on Parcel 10 hzs been co~~le5ek .md is operating 2t this ;ime. No further development has occwred. 02e of tne four gareels of co~erci3L pro-,ertg was souat to b developed segarately fron :ire ::,eci+'' ,,e 2laz;s previously filea ch paceis. I2 comecz.lor- XI,^ she ShogFer's World's agilc tixl 20 addisional modificstics or" qecific plm of the re ";rAning comercisl property xas sou 72 order to find InterdezenCencg, e2-A porticrr of a projecc x be necessaq to the other zortlcns sa &kat the ?arts effect:-,-5 create a siagle pmject. 12 the presezt situation, no such f3 6:e present, Occidental a3 it;s curshaers have sowht U ap~rov -- GZ each parcel. se2arats2.y SeZoze the Gi%g 02 Csrlsbad. Sia~.e adoption of zonirs changps gad increase& dezsities by the 'cas plan," ever3 application to t5e City of Carisbad has been crt a parcel by parcel basis. kterdependeccg p-c3sum,es ;;kat a portion 02 a project has been iicveloped which +:FCXIOT prorerlp r'mcziarcr :xiiess a6ditionai 29~ cf %he project &E eomp~st~~., &ci&zkd hs Got -ide~t&ea 2 construction on chs propessg ser; foxh GJ Ekhibit A, The on12 construction wh-i,5 occurre& wsis on tke gtxt of SeGuoia ?aciEic Since no cozzstmc-sioa by Occiriental :as 3ees completed, there be any ;ro ject depecdent G~OR t9e de~elqne~%s which OccidentE claims and exenszed fron the pernit zeqpirements of the Coast? -n. . - Conservation Act, GCHCLUSIOPT &sed on the facts set fc,-t;h hereill -ZZL& In the Clain of Ecezpr ef Occident&, i'; is the 09izicz of tLe unCezsiped that the E czat has not sus'calned tke L?xz3iea cf Zrao? nacesszrg for a exaption from ;Le permi-c requkeserza el the Coastal Zoos Ccaservatioc Act, - 2& --43--QpL, TIiOZX Si\ GJ'3SEFli I Depz%y A&rney Gerzeral .KJ:?Ib C' r\ t b.' - . uvt ostecs ep @I ** t.0 (I. I. . DAUBXEY, BAXCHE, PXTTTiISf33N, NA?B ANI 9r_"D A ?ROiCDfiIOKsL CUR?ORATlOY NfUWU W. OAUENCT APE WICHOLAO C. 8ANCHE 742 FOYRYH STREET **A+ - 1 3 [ +A:. 3t.p y. : *:\ 41 - j: ;' wsr OFFKE BOX 390 ccxL4BslDE. CALE0?2rn rlzoLx mf4pi L: PAT7LASOn ;f,pt-.r' - ,, *6* r, OILCCm WARLS UHKTTH L RLEO < E, 2; ~ ? ha'- - April 28, 1975 oi ! I . San Dieyo Coast Regional C 6254 !li.:sion'~ Carge Road Suite 220 Sari Diego, California 92120 .) Rc: Fa0137 Attention: TYmnas A. Cran2sll I Dear Tom: recent-date with reszrd to the above-referz3ced r..? :I.;:, please acc.--,t this lttter as a formal arner;L-;ent tz our applicatiun for zxeqptizn, in order tc 3SscJiuzely clarify any nisun2erstandiE; which may exist with regard to t5e properry encma?zssec! by the excnptior,. Ok~isusly , the application of Occidcn531 Lac?, Inc, , tail only affect . land xhich that enLiz27 0w.s. AS a matter of fact, Zxhlbit ;'B" to &?-a -AI I appi i~aflc; would seem to clearly set forth that SOTZE cf the Lzr6 enconpassed by the original 'I! B Developer.: Ccnpa::;r -. plan bas already been developed, or processd fcr ?e--.: As a follow-up tc our telephone conversation sl' - C%viozisly, our application fsr exmptZQn c2,7- in no way affect the lmd OWE^^ by Covi;;gton ?rothers, nor tke la& okined S.J Seq-xi2 Pzclfic, nos for 32~ xiatter, the larid owned by myone other tfr2.n Gccide,-.z-l ' . Land, Izc, -- - While 1 understand thzt neither you xsr myse-r was confused Sy our applicztion, neverthchss I 6:d want to provide this lettgi' in order that 20 other person might %e confused. . .- As usual, your courtesy and cooperathn are b appreciated . c* e. Sincerely, .. '. . ' 5% N CH LAS C, BWCHE MCB: ILg .- b t 1 k i t f > r L - z c? L RONALD REAGAN, Gove MALCOLhr Chairman ROBERT C Vice Cham JEFFERY Representa California ( Conseervatic STATE OF CALIFORNIA-CALIFORNIA COA P +L ZONE CONSERVATION COMMISSION e SAN DIEGO COAST REGIONAL COMMISSION 6154 MlSSiOFl GORGE ROAD, SUITE 220 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92120--TEL.(7141 280 6992 APPLICATIOS FOR EXEtfPTIOh' SKQ.lATi'Y THOMAS 1 Executive I FX 0138 APPLICAXT : Covingt on Ero t he r s 2451 East Orangetkrop? Ai-eme Fullerton, CA. 32631 East of Highay #5, South of Poinsettia Lane and North of Satiq Lagoon in the City of Carlsbad. LOCATION : KATE- OF PXOJXT: Subdivision of a 50.12 acre parcel in anticipation of ci of a 300 unit PlanrLed Commity Development. JUSTIXCA!TICSS IN RLIKG MR EYDPTIOK: BUILDIXG PXUIIT ISSLED (a) Prior to Xov. 8, 1972 Ye s (b) Date Issued No building permit issued as of this date (6-16-75). (c) Wensions Yes (a) Eqiration Date mmua TIIOSX PORTIOXS OF m DZI~TLORE~T THAT LTXE UXDER CONSTXUCTIOS AS OF APRIL 1, 1972, XOJ'XBZiI 8, 1972, XD E3RUXY 1, 1973, X<D DXSCXI33 TIE STAG5 OF COXSTXJCTIOS OX L1CH OF YdOSi3 DATZS. CITE EXPEIu'DITVAWS. April 1, 1972 - no construction under ;.ray. November 8, 1772 - no constmc5ion uncier :Jay. Februarg 1, 1972 - no c2nst,rlc%icn under 'my. - STAFF CO?EENTS OX APT'LICABILITY OF TIE POLICY OF W COASTAL ZOSZ COKS3ZVATIOI See attached copy of aDplicmts Zxemptlon Form detailing pounds fer filip claim - further info to be given by applicant at time of nearirg and qLest of' th? Gxmissicr, z~iu~~r'Jrm. ?c-or-,rr:ndaticn to be prepaxd follo,;in.c CI o ?e c1 he arirg. INITIfi STXFF i'?O;CEi;D.!TTOS . CN,~:FORI:L@OAWAL ZOI;C C~PISi~l<'~tir~~O* *O~X.IISSZOI.I * ' *. * IC I.. e. CLAIT.1 Or JX2b?l'TIOX FOIU-~ 1. rqam of applicant Eor cxorilption, address, tclcphone nunbcr Covington Brothers 2451 East Orangcthorpe Avenue, Fullerton, California 92631 . (714) 879-0111 (zip code) (&rea ccrdc) - - 2. Describe exclctly thc dc+vclop~nt clajmcd to be exempt. 11 all incidental im?rovcrn2nts such as utilities, rozds, ctc, Ai a site plan or other clravj.ng dcpicti.ng the subject of the claj location, i. Subdivision of land lying partly within permit zone for devel01 of Planned Community. .- ? 3. Descrik thox portions of the dcvclopxnt tht: are conplr and give the dates of coxplcticn. None - '4. Describz thosz porticns Of the dci-elo;~,cnt khat: were unde; construction 2s of April 1, 1972, NOvez3cr 8, 1372, znd Fe3r-J; 1, 1373, and CiescriSe the stage of construeticxi cn cac3 05 thc , dates. -. a None * r. .- 5. Describz those portiorx of the dcvelc2xznt renaining to bt conntructcd, . Construction of 300 dwellins units in clusters of 3, 4, 5 and- t units. Recreational facilities. *% *i t I On what- cla: c air ‘tUaI wory, un cric c1cvci.u ‘IUIIL ~uwtt~Ab~~-. CI e, .. gradi:Ig, founcjation Wkk, structures or sirnil#itcms are invol list separately thr; datcc on which work on each of these items commenced - .I Not yet commenced. 7. List all retyircd approvals from any public aqencies, incll federal agencies, and list tihic3 of those approvals have been ( and whcn. List those approvzls which remain to be obtained.. 1 copies of all approvals cbtained. _- - Following granted: Tentative map, Specific Plan (original) , Fir Tract Hap, Water District approval. Applied for: Revised Specj * building permits, . 8, state the expected tot21 cost of the devclqmznt, excluciinc expenscs.incurred in securing my necesszry governGcnta1 asgro7 (condition of school district wproval). To be obtained : crw - $7,000,000.00 * _I_ . 9. State the amount of rnoncy which had been expended on tlic develosxicnt (c:.:ciGiding all exp2nses incurred in securing my x-1’ govarn~5ntai approvals) on Apzil 1, 1972, Novczber 8,- 1972, ant Februnry 1, 1973. See attached sheet. 10, and when these are anticipzted to be incurred. List the anount and nature of all lizbilitics incurred an they txre ir,curred. List any remaining liabilities to be incu See attached sheet, 11. Explain. Does the developxcnt contain a concept of phases or segme It is anticipated that this development will contain Seven phase depending upon the economic situation and other factors. 12. When is it anticipated thzt the total devclopncnt would f: Five (5) years. I - .. / . e e LC Items 9 and 10. Costs and Liabilities Incurred: Following the issuance of a Development Permit by the San Diego Coast Regional Commission on October 22, 1973, the applicz has entered into twelve-month agreements relating to the followi bonds: Bond with the City of Carlsbad filed July 9, 1974 for $230,000; Monument Bond obtained July 9, 1974 for $6,500; Traffj Light Bond obtained July 17, 1974 for $40,000; Carlsbad Municipz Water District Bond obtained July 5, 1974 for $115,000; Carlsbac Municipal Hater District Bond for relocation of existing water system obtained July 5, 1974 for $65,000; Certificate of Deposit for $30,000 for water pressure reducing station, with Carlsbad Municipal Xater District as the beneficiary. In addition, $7,0( has been paid to the Nunicipal Water District for inspection ant administrative fees, and $14,141 has been paid to the City of Carlsbad for subdivision fees and final recordation. It should also be noted that the sales escrow for this land did not occur until December 3, 1973, more than a month after the issuance of your Development Permit. Sales price of the Subject Property tc applicant was $1,200,000. In addition to the foregoing, the applicant has also incurred the following costs, the majority oi which were also incurred after the October 22, 1973 approval frc your Coinmission: Plans and Specifications, $50,792; Soils Laboratory (including geological, environmental and sound studic $11,356; Civil Engineering, $54,408; and additional miscellaneoi categories of expense, $60,000. / - 1.- I / . ~I 0 e KINDEL & ANDERSOX JOHN E ANDERSON JAMES E XI LHELM LAWYERS T~ENTY-SIXTH FL LOS ANGELES. CALIFOR (213) 680-22; 555 SOUTH FLOWER JAMES H X~NDEL JR GERARD C BASTIAANSE ROY E POTTS NANCY BOXLEI TEPPER ANGEL0 J PALMIEfll PAUL L FRLESE DENNIS G TILER KEITH A PURSE!. JOHN F WllliLR JOHN W CLIVIGOST CARLOS SOL15 MERRILL E JENKIMS JOHN E BRECIENPIDGE WILLIAM FINESTONE CABLE ADDRESS MALCOLM GLUCGL SM in JAMES F CAREY NEAL H BROCKMEYER JEFFRLI P RICHTER KAYA N OA RUSSELL w SOCOI KEVIN P KANE MlNUEL S CLAUSNER ROBERT J CANE VICTOR F IACULLO KENNE H P B~N8ASSAT W1LLIAM L YEll(E5 nLGn H sob5 ANN HOLLAND M CHIEL i NOLF9AM CRAIG 8 JORGENSEN M CHAEL G ~A.LMIIGEB JOSEPH W SUPDC-T MICHACL J GREFPIE RONALD 5 AI220 FRANK C RO-qQOCK RCBEeT H TAXFUCIII M C**FL N *IE-TON 61C NEWPORT CEVER DRlV *LAN I+ WtEVEe RORLF1I c nanE ROBERT V BIROSCHAK D?UGLAS B OAVlDbCN STEPHEN E NEWTON JOHN J I-dMII.IIER NEWPORT BEACH. CALIFOF ALFRED E AUGUSIIWI GAIL F BRCO JEFFREY &Y)ILNCE GCULD (7141 558-777 ROBERT L WHlTMlRE EDWARD J WALLIN WILLIAM 2 GOINES 1020 NORTH BROA SANTA ANA CALIFORN (714) 558-777 Nay 30, 1975 JAMES P BA.IBLR F10" A 5AAil8 23521 PASEO DE VA OF COUNSEL BETTE B LOREN2 FREDERICK R HcBRiEN SbITE 212 LAGUNA HILLS, CALIFOF (714, 830-66E PLEASE REPLY TO Santa Ana OFFICE REFER TO FILE 18817-7-005-521 HMD DELIVXRED Mr. William T. Healy Principal Coastal Zone Planner San Diego Coast %qional Comission 6154 Xission Gorge Koad, suite 220 San Diego, CA 92120 Re: Claim of Exemption Forri by Covington Broth Carlsbad Tract 73-24 Dear l4r. Healy: Under cover of separate letter dated concurrently here' we have submitted an Application For Permit for subcivision of t. above-n-ambered tract. As stated in that letter, it is the Fosit of the applicant that no such permit is required. In accordance with that position, we are also submitting to you the enclosed C of Exemption Form. Once again, it is necessary to state that thl applicant is filing both the Application For Permit and the Claii of Exemption under protest and reserves the right at a future da to contest the authority of your Commission to require the sbni of either of such docuriitents. Very truly yours, kcL/wddV&A Dennis G. Tiler of KINDEL & AXDERSON DGT : j kg Encl. cc: Mr. Bob Fitzpatrick e 0 STATE OF CALIFORNIA-CALIFORNIA COASTAL ZONE CONSERVATION COMMISSION mP?mD G. SAN DIEGO COAST REGIONAL COMMISSION 6154 MISSION GORGE ROAD, SUITE 220 SAN DIEG0,CALIFORNIA 92120-TEL. 1714) 280-6992 BRoSfiT, Jr. , Goverr MALCOLM, . Chairman ROBERT C. Vice Chairm; D JEFFERY 0 Representati California Cc Conservatior CONTROL NO.: F2.571 THOMAS A Executive DI PROJECT SUMMARY - APPLICANT : Covington Brothers 2451 E. Orangethrope Avenue Fullerton, CA. 92631 East of Highway #5, south of Poinsettia Lane and north of Batiquitos Lagoon in the City of Carlsbad. Subdivision of a 50.L2 acre parcel of which .97~ acres is w the pernit area. Following subdivision %he site is to be dl PROJECT LOCATION: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: iisith 300 unit planned comunity development. OTHER FZQUIED APPROVALS : Revised Specific Plan (condition of school district approva grad5.ng pe:m.it and building permits. APPLICANT STATZS THAT: -' "Specific plan was approved, but has been revised and approml is per_dbg." - "All structures will be sirgle story. There is no interference with line o toward sea. 'I - "Site has been used for commercial growing of flowers. Proposed developmen eliminate that activity. I' - "The applicant is participating in the Southern California Gas Company Cone Award Program, which is an er,ergy conservation program based on constructio energy conscious units. 'I - "Existing vegetation will be replaced by a high cplality landscaping treatme - "Project still requires approval of Revised Specific Plan from City of Carl Original plan was approved, but charges have required resubmission. 'I "A previous permit applicaticn was submitted to obtain approval of that Po-rti this project located within the "Permit kea." That permit was approved with a fi of no substantial adverse environmental or ecological effects. This permit applic for development outside the Permit &rea. This project has been designed to provid beneficial living envirorment for three hundred households It combices a na>dr!?m space with clusters of single story dwellings. Proper grading and landSCaFimg as: erosion prevention and enhance the aesthetical qualities of the area. conscientious use of resources which balances human needs with the need for preser coastal zone resources." The res-dt "Of a total of appro&ately 50 acres to be developed here, only 0.97~ aces A permit has already been obtained for the development tl This second application is submitt within the Permit Area. to occur within that area (Permit KO. F-0859). obtain approval of a division of land ody, with the line of division outside the Area. _. .. It is the position of the appii.cant that. Pt'rr~t >IC. F-@@59 is th? @d:~ c?P .. 0 e PROJECT SUMMARY: a2571 Page 2 STAFF NOTES: 1. Detailed Project Description - The application is for the SJbdivision of i of land partially within and partially outside the permit area. FoIlo;~irg mbdivir site will be developed as a medium density planned community developcent of 3CO un: along with supporting roads and utilities. Of the 50.42. acre parcel just under onr (i e. .97 acres) is within the permit area. Phost the entire site is currently UI the growing of flowers. Areas to the north and east of the project site are also 1 the growing of flowers with a trailer park and other flower fields Locsted westwarc the freeway (see attached axa map). The site slopes- generally upirzd from the frl Prior Commission Actiofi - A number of months ago the applicak submttted . Commission, and the Cormission appmved, arn application for those prtlons or" the : developments that fell within the permit area. Basically, what the Cxxission zpp: this earlier application Tor the .97 acre area in question was a via+er liqe md SSI landscaping. No approval was given for the subdivision of the entire ?:a--cel or fo. developments that were to follow final approval of the tract map. Eo-,.:ever, %he ap: position is that this original perr.it (Le. # F0859) is the only peAxl% that is re (see attached letter from the applicants legal consul). The Cor;;r,?issicn's legal co' does not agree with the applicants position. It should also be mirkaLced that th Commission denied an application (FO9 52) of the Occidental Petrolex Lad Developm Company, in November of 1973, for a sewer line to serve the area in qxstion becau their concern about the effects on the floracultura.1 activities of the site by the provision of sewer service. The sewer line has sk.ce been installed by rnovirig its ment outside the permit area. 2. 3, Issues Involved ifi the Project - It is likely that if the Corxission aPpr requested subdivision of land, thy site will be converted from floracnlture to -res use. Therefore, the pestions that are required to be dealt with by the Act are: approval of the project lead to the irreversable ccmittment, or" a ccastal zone res to an inappropriate use?; is there a possibility that the project 2roposnd on the be in consistent with the provision of the Coastal Zone Conservatisc Plzn as ultirr! acted upon by the Legislature? Are there any ways that the project could be modif mitigate any inconsistencies with the Coastal Zone Conservation Act? 4. Some Key Questions: a. What will be the effect of development on this parcel upon surroundin uses?, taxes on such land? and long term options for use of such surroiulaing lands b. Are flower fields a coastal zone resource that is dependznt upon a cc location? the preservation of the flower fielLs? is there a real possibility that coastal re agriculture can continue to exist in the Carlsbad area? Are there any benefits that could accrue to the citizens of the region c. Is the conversionlof 'the site to residential use at this the consis with the intent of the Act? *. e KINDEL & ANDERSOS - c-257f 9 JOHN E ANDERSON JAMES E WlLHELM LAWYERS TWENTY - SIXTH FLC JAMES H SIWDLL JR GERARO C BASTIAANSE 555 SOUTH FLOWER E NANCY BOXLEI -EPPER LOS ANGELES. CALlFORl MEWWtLL E JEllKlNS ROI E POTTS ANGEL0 J PALMIER, PAUL L FRELSE DENNIS G TYLER KEITH A PLASFL JOHN F WALTER (213) 680-222 JOHN W IPMAGOST ClRL05 50L 5 JOHN E BREClENRlDGE WILLSAM FiNfSTONE CABLE ADDRESS MALCOLM GEOPGE suun JA~ES F CAREY NEAL H BnCICPVEIER JEFFREY il RlCHTER KAYAN DA RUSSELL W 80tDA *€<IN P KANE MANUEL 5 nLLU5NER CIOBERT _I X&NE VICTOR F YLCULLO KENNETH R BENDASSAT WILLIA" L "EDlES H,G* M BO55 ANN HOLLAND CRAIG B JOOGENSEN JOSEPH W BUROETT MICHAEL J GFlEENE RONALD S (11120 FRANK C POTW90CK ROBERT M TAhEUCHl .*ME5 P BARBER ALAN H WIENER ROY A SAARI ROBERT C IHRKE MICHACL 9. MELTON STEPHEN E NFWTON JOHN J STUCFIEITER ALFRED E AUGUSTINI GAIL F BRGO lOsElT ' wtl iM19C EDWARD J WALLIN 1020 NORTH EROAC SANTA ANA. CALlFORNl MICHAEL G BILWAGES May 30, 1975 (714) 558-7777 MICHAEL L WOLFRAM 610 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH. CALIFOR JEFFREY IAV.FIEIICE COULD (714) 556-7777 WILLIAM -I GOLNES #?OQEFII Y OCF13*C*AK DOUGLAS e DIIlDSON 23521 PASEO DE VAI OF COYNSTL BETTE B LOREN2 fREDERIC6 R McBRlEN SUITE 212 LAGUNA HILLS, CALIFOR (714) 830-6661 PLEASE REPLY TO Santa Ana OFFICE REFER TO FILE 18817-7-005-52 HkAND DELIVZBBD Mr. William T. Healy Princir>al Coastal Zone Planner San Diego Coast Regional Comission 6154 iYlission Gorge Road, Suite 220 San Diego, CA 92120 Re: Application For Permit by Covington Brothers Carlsbad Tract 73-21 Dear Mr. iiealy: subdivision of the above-nunbaed tract. Of this 50 acre tract less than one acre is located within the "Permit Area" under th auspices of your Conmission. As you know, a permit has already been obtained for the development which is to be undertaken in the Permit Area portion of the tract (permit No. F-0859). It i the position of the aFplicant that no additional permit is re- quired fron your Commission for this subdivision of land. This Application is, therefore, submitted under protest and the applicant expressly reserves its right at a later date to conte the authority of your Conmission to require such additional per This right of protest has also been set: forth in the permit ap!: tion itself. If you have any questions or if additional docume is required, please contact the undersigned. Enclosed is an Application for permit to allow the Very truly yours, L&@m Dennis G. Ty of KIYDEL & XJDERSON DGT:jkg cc: Mr. Bob Fitzpatrick .. -_ ilb II Qril 3, 1775 - REcmTi h-. Derinis G. Tylcr Elnitel & AzAerson %ita Lxi, California 92702 %: Control briber FOG59 1020 brth &Qad>JZy P.PR 1 0 1975 CITY OF CARLSBAD p\ar,ning artme me^^ In your lekter of Ay 1 2. h, l:Tj, you rqssted a isritten Wmination as to &ar 1%. Tyler: ;jh&+h--;r or not pernit 3SJ9 ?iOUld raw in effect if major mciifications ?Fer macle h the des-iS;n of tbt prtlc;rA of the project lyh~ outsick of the pmit =ear Since ?elmit ~0339 authorized OQJ minor d3ve10pei1ts (e.p. lanc~sca~in i) ~adiq? a~; a :later he) on the .9l acres of the project xitkh the per;ilit &ma, a~c! EO cihangzs are prqmse5 for th? dewlognentz qqr~-~d by the Comxissior for thc .yl acres,, chztes in ths overall project :,U rnt effect t 3.xever+ &vkg our bi~esti.gai5.m of the backpamd on permit FCSs it ias c?jscovzreci that the Terhatiw X~&risisn lis? for the &vb~$~y-&'ot'ners pot :as not a2povcd w the C~ty of zarlsbad until Au,r?lst 7, 1976 iEU after the effective &&e of the ChE.fo:mia ICoastd zone Conssv3tion Act. Cm -4Ugust 2< ths Attorney &nerds office is%& the cttachcd letter opi?ion de- rrith 2ivisions of lanr?i prcels lying prtial& r.jithin and partiallj outside the Cornmission perckt area. "lie corclusion of thc opLdon, ::hich is applicable t the Corhq$,oo 3mtners projest, is that if any portion of a parcel that is tc r,uwiy-j.&d lj.ea %diti&i the psmit area, a pu'rmit is rc9q.Lred frem tho Cords; before such a subdivision can be 3adfull.z coqlete, It .I;iifl t?ie,refore be nscessaq fx your client to subnit an qqlicztion fcr i permit fron OUT Cotmission for eith$r the eAsting pl8n for the Tenative sub. di-dsios :a? Dr for my modified design r"ollo:.h a?pm?al by tha Zity of 2xrlsl;acL Also, if you ha= ~w questions on this matter, plsase d.m*t hes? to'\ coiikact our office. 3bce rely, the vdidity of perrrit Wj9. , et . 4 fJZ' . Thomas A. S;.adall Lxecutive 3irector 2lC. cc: ?aul Sussey, Sity T.%rq;er, Garls'oal Tom Sumers, Attorney Gmrals Gffic% i;: .5-,!:ec2--5-, c770 UCdC, .U'- v ,. . . -.-2 de >>~&>---,&,-7Ae/4jy +?e* me? 03 ./,hppfl/ 4- e' (2,' ,^f' ;' &'_/17 s-d <'(--/ ,Pi', i..'."' c3 /r/p 7 ,";,; .'-? /,+-;7?<<: Or? 7%~: ,dPn/O~L/c/i/<Lz. mc:~ ~2nd Ufl' Cpp/-C:V@Cf ~.(fkX2'7'/o~S ,.a , f.h.~r-ccr': ood -+kf e,<y ,p-uv/s/ons of fhc SUA&/ vi~/oo A+ A 07' .+je .5f~.+ e,/- ~~~.~>fo~~/~, OS bm~-fi&d, OLV/ any /oca/ o/-tc74/r7G7~-c=s /.- r af SQ/d' c,+, oypL2Yh/2? Qj /he 7'i/i7e ot 0/?3r<Wo;/ GJ. #he /enfof+ve mop, houe &eo comp5ed rc c3/-7/Y. -.?- on7 .!i'Qf//5fiC-'d ,ihLTJ 54/6 /Mop /s /ecAn/cc;-/+ I5 Q:.''"j .?, ..'-' '.! I -' , ,, - i",. .I' /; .l 9 ,r>c e: + ,-Y7(2 (e:,. fy ;L- <T/P (./, Ill. /%714'/21&/- 5 LC <</,b)/( .I) ;.'he *;-u+?cf ,. ',- L L;.',d ,.; L,i i + /LA< /Lqfl.+-<.' ^_I---. I _..- -4- /---.&..---.I.-::..L& P/+{j<?/7 o/+- /he da A& Ch'r/kbcr;.'.C/fy k%p/ACc!?f- ' k? c E. 184 26 ''<///J,- .5- e: Gf'. j/:?,/ 5 /- 5 F/-unk C. A?/ce, C, /y Ireusurer oL fhe G'iy of COP,$^( Shi+ of Co//foro,'a, hereby cerf/i5 Jhf fhere ore n //ens fbt- u~,oa/d CiJy fuyes or ~/np~/d fify bonds /ss? undep ooy /*mpropemenf ocf of fhe sfufe of C~,JA 5how//79 00 f%e .&lx,ks of fhfs of27ce / ewcepf #&e5 no/ p-~Ak O,-~/ASJ 7Vje frocf or s-ibd,v/%/ao or anyp~ %' 2 /h+weo/ 5~2uw ofil I'~/s Qmopxed map and descr/.be #he cup hbn iihereuf: .dn W~YOES ~vke~ec>f X hove Ae~cunJo sef my bond f/ f3 .yf/(:cec 5013 ----. +L-h "j doy ..~ o#--i-!L 1 , 1974. d5j/ /G9 ~ .- c/ 7-y '77ZfAS UXEE 3r%lf'ii~/?, 05 oLufle?-. 0 ~! 4 Moryor&.f E. Adorns, ti'+ C/ePk of fhe "fy of ~~kd~d of CQ~ forn/o, hereby cerrcJfy fhoffhe &unc// o/.5~/d 4 h@ 5 Ofpro Ved f h 15 mGp of '~c2dS.bOd PDcf 73-2q'kn I- of8 sheefs uodAr5cr/bea/ ./h /kc cGp/,~fi iAeedf LBA A, ; / acrcepfed on bchG//!s sf/be,oub//c ~om~e/- Lone ?eseo A//; e. _jius.dy h'orje) undo purf,un of Loyoon &ne a/;.dPu/ASi Lone, G.//u/~~!s of/iyrerSs and ~res~ fmm B/hseH and ~owcAe/- LG)~E I/fi3m De/ ,Vur/c) excep/o//Ae /hi~p5 0~-5//75e,+;& i~ne oAd Lowde~ hme L&+sm De//l/oPk 1 17, fbe €as?//ne of/of /7/ OndcirCfhe Ge/teru/ Acce: d/,h'h/- ~~&-.le?/7i'e?n//n Lof /9O,O//GS S&c7LUn 077 w/dm% %/dsubd/ V./S /bo,: 0~7d/m~ accepfed on ~.P.&/Fo~/~E ~r/5 bd LAC de d, cci f/ bn u//& 50 e/ 707 seuer ~px'e ap,ouden;lonces, 7% r/?h;/ 0f/h9~55s ond 9~ess 01 refuse veh/c/es dind eme~yeocy veh/c/es; ~n.4 A occepfed +he pmn/ of ,?he Ge17em/Access on-fUfih~y Lfo /be SO~/~G<Y ~azet &o~~rnmJs G,M@~ erz5j;emenf fir4 over uFon find ocpBss o//of LO& 4z @, IW, Z5( 277G exc epf.hy fherehmm +he'dm/nc;.ge e05emenh ~PVHT 6 /he son ~/gyo ~=~n/y /c/ood ~o/ro/D/SAbC/~flJsk .. P /'I, LUfS /?//? /Gz /Po, 994 177 ond30/ Or/ SO/d#O/s, adfh I~ -..______ LA'wI' L!ISJ, - - //A@ f?05ei~?@ri.,j% 0s ymnftd 7% fhe &dSbGd f!umlc/; &op, as ow7er. ..LA - .. .-. ..--- __- -7 foo J Seck>fury -%?~,hr,7m a,-Aerw,iw &u/&~+ep77x~~ ~37-3 k/Q/ L?ecor-d.. ' I ' PC, k:.- 4.k- )-CAdA&*. . - -- A<.. -.. -._ I-- 7/OdVf $PC Pe fw-, loikl 05 7;"usJee WP)/ 3, /9-7d 0s C/&/ PE?cords* .* ,- 1 . . .,'J.2 ; - - a /,,,A:, ,L.i DfgfrICf oOdShL7LL//7 LU/blh/h /GfS /? 47 80,190, 251 c on sod m89,o/ [h?PZ?/hGf/er referecf fo cis fhe sue ., A!,, /7/ ~ 1. 1, f974, b cc. 5' 14 J ]$J;J TO: CITY ?!!AbIAGER FRCM : fNG DiRECT9R SUBJECT: ' Cceidental Land Cmoariy - Pub'i fc Dedicatjon -..-.-.- ~ -.-______-_-.___ - __-.-.- __-. _I . .~ The original Master. P']ari i:!&jczt& a des ;cat.jc);; af 3:j-s s+f~. f3f par;:s, SchoQJ S, and t~pzn sp3:.:-.le proposcyi u COrrjdOy t;;~."i ,. L,+cert :n .vi Ea-:iiquitcs &ago~i; 2,i<j The total Q~~J iqa-t. -* E f::',,, ; 1 .^ I .> i I 1 L Occidental Land Co Schaol cii :.icri"c-t, acres in exce.ss of the ? qui rernent _. ... ,. Lane -for. :;>e ~ypry~ -.i. ---- Ot 4, @ACE RESOURCE ,,1F\NAG~MEliTliA(((I_\lSIS ____ f\ CASE NO: c '$ h . ::A Lei t /,* . f '( \- 1 -. I* /' _" -. D~TE: / - , -;- ,, * '1 i .- I 'i -__-- PRIME OPEN SPACE ARD CO;dSERVC\i IO!: AREAS (RM-1 ) : /- .I, 1- .. - ~ ,. :. : . .I .I* I <- ,* I, 2%- __ FLOODPLAIN __._ ____ AND \!ATER RESOURCES (RI.1-2) : .* .. _--___ HILLSIDE AND SOIL RESOURCES I (!?!11-3): .- l . / . I' - f'. k' * i /'t/. f , . 1. . __ AG2ICULTURAL _________ RESOURCES (RM-4): i a/ '\ .. ,T \ ij .. ~ /,i .I ,- I_ s, ! !,L - ~ .I - J.. 1 /I < Ui"4IQUE A!4D SPECIAL RESOURCES (Fil-5): r.c I\, r Molllng Address P 0. BOX 3128 FULLERTON, CALIFORNIA 92634 CALIFORNIA CONTRACTORS LICENSE NO. 6-1 217304 2451 E Orangethorpe Fbllerton, Collfornia Telephone 1714) 879 01 11 December 10, 1973 Mr. Paul William City of Carlsbad Planning nepartm 1200 Elm Avenue Dear Paul: nclosed. two copies of the CC & R's for Tract shad Lake Comrunity -- for your review. If additional information is needed, please do not hesitate to give me a call. Thank you, once again, for your assistance. Sincerely, Plichael R. Ryan Project Coordinator MKR/kk enclosure I, 1210 F-n AVEWE CAdij3A0, CAL'-~;?NI+ -XCd (71i' 722. December 6, 1973 P, i c I; En g i ne e r i ng Si33 Elm Avznuz Carlsbad Attn: Bzarry Bznder Subject: Sewer Service to CT 73-24 - Carlsbad Lake Com.runity Poinsettia Lare east of 1-5 Gent 1 men: You have requested that this office review a proposed sewer TE! extension from an exic-tirg 3" VCP sewer in the Al~a ~Iir2 subdi sion southerly to Poinsettia Lane to serve thz Covington Sroth subdivision CT 73-24, also knoid/n as Carlsbad Lake Community. Based on your calculations received Dccenber 5, 1973: which sn that the sewage capacity of the pro7,osed 8" sewer is adequate the area to be servzd, this prop~;'-ec-i alternat- extension is feasible (from an engineering standpoint). Should you decide subject,oF course, to a choroucjh engineering revie1.v. As you know, I have been concerned for many r~ontk,s a5oi1t your original proposed a1 ignment of this sewer extension along the easterly right of way line of Int state 5.. My concern was prirnari ly centered arcund sccessi i iLy ior -ack thereaf) to t sewer systen for ma i ntenance. While I am pleased, in that the sewer system as nct1.v proposed \A be more accessible 3nd hence less costly for the City to naint I am somewhat disturbed that this, or other, proposed alicjtmer were not considzred prior to the Regional Coastal Comrrission'~ permit applicacicn dznial on the oricJinal alignaent, proceed with this alternzte mycsal, I will a7prove the plans TCF/mac cc: San Diego Regional Coastal Commission Occidental Devel ooqent - ConFany t, Brian Snixh (dart-!/ iruax) - __ _. I - 1: __ - _________ ~___~ ____ ~ __~ _____ ~ ~- ~- ~-~ - __ ____ ______ ____ --__ cA\E.i= \Qc=-- - \\--I -73 Q pL\';AG =eu,za 7 \+< piLb?n5G- -4 --yGL2=7 N*-E5 'A-K7.AL\*S* q\-+Q LbN*Gb\T 47 '1 a-c+ <ab b E .&\s-LG ' P ax1 : I have "ye1lo~-I_i.netl" 0v.t the street nnes that me unacceptekle. ~n pronounciation to exlstlng stmetg. Listed existing strests vie alrea.dg have. J. . Ane 2.r They are either d-Jplicates OT too close In uencil I Ime - TT - gsGL - Malllng Address 0 * P 0 BOX 3128 FULLERTON CALIFORNIA 92634 CALIFORNIA CONTRACTORS LICENSE NO B-1 217304 ~___ ~ 2451 E Or3ngctt-sr3e = FJllerton, Califorma Telephon? (714) 879 01 11 November 6, 1973 Mr. Paul Williams City of Carlsbad Planning Department 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA Dear Paul: Please find the enclosed Droposed street names for Carlsbad Lake Community. Alternative street nanes are also included, shcu12 you opt to change those which we are suhitting for your consi3eration. Please inf0r.q me of the outcone. Thank you, once again. Sincerely, Project Coordinator MKR/kk enclosure %.qP.rl - %*Tf (,E! ! OF cJirlLSB4C i” i 3 E E i 5 3 Depa ;*I ;n~ n.i rndO :$EU 2 gddo$k ,La$g& -C4*4p 0 8zr3 B s;gx.ce a, m E 0.d Ld%5.:0:.& z5z.g "3 Eiim2$4 mO4 m'd-+'r44c ffl a ;I me c 0c-G O y.ggMm%:g &G$ " 4 ,P.d~kg z.;;Z2.!5%p >?Em om 6 mm4m -s:d.rl vzm.g 2 04 L 3.d LL+ m. '"""~~=3~$ ?.G%& E 4omy4v gs:.$D+o+a BDEa < t 2N.g 5.; 5 0 h$ "$.a v) moa, aka- kE%gmt 4EZrlO $2 h OD MdW v1 CQ-d $"04?2ZC La- E4m.dsm 2 2.rlz4 c 2suCmE bsgD8 OCC, .rl.dRa sc4m.d5 M-d cm rlO4Y"imGi L.d2+ cim 33h g m%a .Y$% C4 -0 mod Om >sC kU* CLraEU 2kiom4 2°$okc raCkS "$,*OJ 2m$ga 1o go" uo$ $ -6 ucm m 44 g3s-m~ CE m E- m - sm4 -4 oov gi2 ci rl2 xo-dhC 9 x v d m a;< mo 4 s 4x0 h L~4 22 z.4 i2.d m 205 q 52-3 i;.'"." "2m";! E 33.d mo 2;; %; $mz $gz $'p3%$4 s -$%g O mu2 g 222 22.2 2$2 vlnu uou z?EG?5s .:E::% w cv iimr,+nm vuHv4 9 i 'E a,&$$ $gQ; E 3t; %%, .~~~ a,'", x~4 .rl 511 '";I ;&$3 ;peg: E .r(ma d.dd Eda 0 a g+$g 2-g 2dO do0 me5 .dm v3 a m a, m m vu Eiu cs2gg p&zs : s'" b. g E 5 a 83 w5 MC 2 5 0, L 2 Q, di 43% g : 5 2 ;: 22 l$ 2 Om zz i ZYC a 2 g : k r"u. 6 .;; a mm E 'A 3 V Gcu rl~ w .. 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P am ma$ gt, 2.?om Br Emu3 D V, 3xm cy4m 5.z 53 <3* rti o;a oyct Pm 2s: P.VIOOL'4 c:u ,"oEge+:, PP 2;: ?2 &E; 3-*2 zc aPJ2 c1 ij 4" rm - : 5 2 0 0: 0 2 2.c+K 1s. 0 ct-3 kA0 ::a% Y oe.s,n E: ;;,. gg 7;: :-.sagg $g m 0 e mv+> 0.aYP.W 45. 5: ;; %;a? ;l"c-$ ;. Y-J t. 20 ; 0 0 1 5F 5 5 F. B LQ w c-z PctTP. - 31[n mu) s u r,YHW Loa0 rct0m x0 ID e. aY>-ror':>'o 610 01 a 'd+-VP'.<O 3p; ;.ggP, mi ID ctww r iro vrs PJ o =;a '1 cr n 01 3 WT Y ? r2 g (3 ?, e, ; P, mo~+ g2 $0~~ *g-rZ$F,,F G 0 OW" cts0mr. RI JSrnfnO c-ct 0s o!x3e-c. -0 grL ; x rQrc co 50i-1' act rn Y 01 "Jqq rJ.;rc;c+b lo+ POC3 p m- 00 PCtP.0 m OJ ct3WP. &> Lor3 % : Y, "2 O iatlg !2 l' G'D1"V y bhac 0 IeP Lo 2 2- 3,s 0 ir ID V' 1 -?re g 3m m 9 uo ct *?O ct fiP3 a' g OY. 0 0 cl3 P' 25s 01irP.P s r c. Q m c, Y 2-=:0'1 OG mmo w 3m Y am Li c+ 3 0 0 V. tJ. mi. u,0c+ u P'Y m 0 m 1 .+ m 0 ir 01 C-. e'' t? 0 P P.0 ID rr 3c- w (Do0 aD. il ID *o 3*- 5 ow Lo ID5c.w m1 ct i-1. 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Ci 00 ?" g g 5. ;. ? ?" x 0 + c+'d P. ci $0. y P woo03x (D 2"gPGj ?e;-. r+ QY wo GJ' 8 P mzqq 62 P P. Y 0. c: 2 5 g'q 3. b ;2$*2' $ mG? 1 %my5 5 p <~~~0 +.-4Lwc 1, 2= ztc : 8923 p. figq; 0s WhPrt 2 2; I =G $ rt+hp.w ; Eoo,4- 00 m:>wy wc" c-3 2%'' r+r:li-L 0 00:rt- -. m Qw 0 P m :i h h LO P. m rt+mr. P. JD' TY m Lop. Pm tc+ 'dP <I' bcDffle;l*cI WtJ. P01 Q am3 3 mol?:<-.- 2.. !J 3U)OP' Lo w 1!= Y m <*s d XGrn w - rt- 0 x 00 P. H a nl 3 P .P 0 w +-%X - 10 0 0 e; ''7 rt C' (n 3: 0 ggP>2;lg,, 3g gm t' 0 7 Y Z'C w ,"bo morn Glo 0 m-r+ s P'F.00: 3 rp wm =I+ m ~CVP ct bm o (3 s Q mwup- YP' 09 @- in -r, 0 0 3'ciatl r3 mo 00 w P33wm 32 PP m J P.Y PO m mri 0 Lo WL7rnYP'. ?sa m w n rt 1 P. hW m inw 0 P. Y 0 OF c YPY mzrmmci3 P 7 0rt0 ctc 0 a': bmowm + rta,li 2Q $<<++5% - g Ytb k> 7rci:- (D -- 0 P' , g*,<$g; - cr Octtm00 - e' u :r x wuom>: Lo5 m P. 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L? n> 7 .o m rt Pmmita w .am:!@ m e e' 0 :- 7 P. *j cr F. e a >; PC+ m w-30 - P 9 (li 0+ m 03CI 5 0 0 k,. rtm 3 rc 5. c. 0 P. 22 0 0.0 - . -2 nay ynl S03P 0 $e; POC .- c: Or+'. -m 0 7 g. r. y; (D Y ID a rt my y 5 (D Lo m c: P s t 672 rt rr 70 0. rt P c+ m m c. sa, Q .h 52 .d 0 i-’ .d 0 m $m i-’ -; 2 2 QL 2 g 222 tit? : g 0 .YZa, SC c k -a LCri 3 8q.2 >m hL w.d* 5 $56 i-’ s 2 5 $23 $g td xu 2+qo 5 5s.: % * + 2 2% 23 c +a, m ‘@4$ .% 2: 9xc %g $ LO 5 @do 00 0.. d m-ri 10 % a, 552 2 .d FIR33 04 3 $11 .7 a‘$ 0 ln 2; 3 i g *cm WUSl %M $oc a l? 340 sga.2 k Zdi‘ %,$Sb ti a2.5 OB .@OC m 04: *i 22, to i-‘ rl -2 Yd u. g.$$ k* cga ow g 4 2% 2 savd 2 110 ; h$ N 2q,pa 0 ”,, 2 Pi-‘ s.2x oclrna, w h $g$$2 =:do E;*<; 2 .s gs uE$ l.Jl.J0 25$.-, Iu .C 0 or? 0 P m +, *g +CE wc. 2; a 22 s..8 w,”s m*aa < $& gw e,.5 2 *;” A;gx+j 2 “,; $2 .;‘!jE+ .? c-‘ F Zar$% .$A .A -6 O’;& a); e> zm .,.,.dig 5%5 ?.<-;2 .A ori L? 5 gz%.2 ri.2 -.A Fig .:i,x L2u $2p ri a aa -+ i-’d Cd Lm a, armma, w 0 - :2 2go% g.g ’$ a,%r+%% 2 2;; 2 ;.<2& 2.2 2,: 2. $“X<< g., eo & 2 28 $$ .;g a‘g m.g 2 duk rim i-’ m Eri z .+$2h .$ha, LO vx mExa 22 .2 m +-, ‘28kO x 2 g Lz a, c 0s v-a++-, $2 A.A+i’ $2 2 b 4- 4-r.o d m m i-‘ u)d L, ‘i .4 K k .- LL v E& c d 00 <> .d w inn L u44 eo ..i to a, :as p $ mri -a2 c a w a 5.4 2g 2 L 9 ,“gz 0: G- .d d .A c x0 0 0 I:> i-’ m m me h hri %$ .: kg % d.-+ .ri qcm i’ i’ d +o m m $.g 2 %Oca a, E.+-, .d --O(:. C a,ox -r) wo 0 4-r b+’2 :* b OH^ eo h .A 82 - .d N m d b3. m k 0 K W CL.4 t’ ‘0 c COLCO c *.@+a 71 .d L. e, a, kO.4 0 um*Ic L 00s + C‘rmw a, rOHL m a k cd w .u5 mu da ci4c P. 01 .d 2 2 ni‘ om a L, t3 c ‘0 4.c 0 d E 62 2 B %$ ‘d : 55 +tz am m 0 ,1 4-r 2 -i-’ a, 4-r .ri +c .i m .n’ d a, hcd s OCCC :3G3 P% .rlh ha, d d 0 I: .ri a w .d+-,W E i-’ -Y c 0 v s Cd 0 i’ ea, m% 050 .d t‘P 0 .A 01 .(.’ 0 ri w 2 2wm dS0’ m wo dz! zflq ai’5 3 * am ccm a 3 do. 2.2: g.da vi w P+) ’ C ‘d ~4 QCP. -d L0 mL. m ma Za,R 85a .ri 32; gmm,i ’ Zh3 02% C ’El i’ @ .? d -d -j ‘g oa, d fl$ a, rip .fi m 0 a TI a, 4 .ri DC w .fl tS .a FiOrnO Lo F.* 0.cI.w c mam a, N . eo ham 4 .d .d Lo x 0 ”ri a,=* m <o F.“, w uc EOaa - .n’uo(:o 0 c zr e,<-+-’ $ $y ;; =E E Lo OdP amwc 32. 4 Em W4dH Lo05 g gd omc: .9mcg oa, c .P 2 .c a; m mr ea F aa ,a&& “5 2; z.2 ;utad -0.4 %SZW >% CLa,W .d% . $*%23 .. :-L . 2.2 CI -0 ,?.aL.: +, 22 gas2 $+ 2 “%$.Cti 0” -+g g 2+$.@ 22 hc 2; ZZLg cm mm a, aJ&?rne mm ma, 0 o+ m d .s w de m m k$ v. v &i-’lC mm ..Z.@% o0 ,z z x.; a w 111 Li‘ 0 (0 Ed+ La, 0.52 kd 5 u$z 2 .A w EB ymo s mi> E wso c LO xi-’- m a, 43 2-0s L2 a, 0 m b3.ti ‘d ?*+e 2 m3z $5 +-,m .-!x i-’ LAd morn mma,> s 2w.rip. di-‘ .d .d c I, m %, .p ri -_- do CUE wan 3 g2. $2 +m +23. cw mLmu as 0 L’ biI a, k0-a a g3:l a, a,:: mi-’2a $h? 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"!aw k!j d 2."'" m.LJ2 2 w.r 22 02 c44 2zggSCfgd .dkEmCw ;$ 3 0.- ."Z+,;a- 4 9: -4 v- >d2~gd$om.a E:v !iaJ"lmrnn am r:G \\.\ 2 kmCk0EI:O D G xc) .dvua.4u c) ro z1-U c L.r c vw 4> 4. W m cw h v .i r- 0 r L7S v) .__. v) ri a, . -TIM d c rod c lno -w ric 40 6 a< 04'4 E 04. co g; a, xa; hW v) L I- m a, 04 Lodh 3 dvbr L .G >v) r >v ;c ad 44 f -o<xu.r( mo ma g .zizi;k w$de$3.G- $; 2d.G io-+ sd Zk;d96 mcoo~o.r(. 4.G zg$;2 zom %9''-E 3.c' d:ua$ gy ,;$..s.5g 8 ; ,s SA **$ .$% 3 m-zg 3".5ko P .ridmSmW 2.2 km.4&-J$ S<P &jbp., E k",S oz-O 252 c B ga 32 g4 :ids!$ 8 E, g 5 2 2 2 ZUJG .r( O E h '9 '2 km 2 z.2 +'C,M~)TI u5$Fc'-OEm tit cz 00 t; il wc22; 2""rn.r: .5.::2:2%2 .2? coc0c.Gc sm h.-o QL! OhdL7 W 0 2,-c 0 .rl G+ E 0 kt, 0 s w "U .; gag-:zz 0 3 h u) Dad k-0 -4 om 0.d L946 wm U3C VJG Va d z LO C? M N 2 a gK c- 8d 8% 4 4 w.p.;: ZLGkm"bii9 kp~~.. 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',-"&. 2 CLR52 E.$: ZP.K gnOr;; 5 Lo W+?m o:z 0 g5.g. a+-' P,gs$gg. .-3 0 0 - 3 5 & y3.2 G z xu 0 CJ? ;;clpF: +3 0 v. m;.zgy 3 r p v CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRIC 801 PINE AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 920( SeptcE;der 25, 1973 RECEIVED -A*- Bmfhers, A eaiifornia Corporation Fullertor:. Ca1ffori:fa 92631, Gcn t lenan ; SEP 2 6 1973 CITY OF CARLSBAD Planning Department 2452 Fast Orangethtyrpe c 0 P Y CT 7.33-7q- -3eference: Residential development 02 forner Gcsidentaf Petroleum property ~e $lave teen dive3 to understand by the Planning %garment of the City of CarlsLad tiia: :IC the tim the above referenced developwnt ;:;as ~3proved 1,y the City Council a coimltmcnt was narie thzt the owmr aild/or developer wuld reach ap agreement vl the school district to provide assistance with needed school facilities. past, Slit we find tiat we do not have a signed aijreeuent pledgir flnrncfal assistazce, 8 scliool site, or both aa we have with otl:er devdapers. ~~ttacirei bre tvo farmn of agrQewat 86 prczpau by the : au iziebo ~ouuty Counsel's office and adopted for use by our LIosrd of ~~ucation. ;ne asreexent is for the omer as devel and the other one is to bc used wherein the owner arid the de.vcIc are separate partt-2s. ;;e !wpe that you will find the ay,reen:ent forrs in order and ;,-ill LE able to sign it aad return it to us vt short iy . i;e hz1-z tiad t;orae persorial contact with you in the We, of COUTSC, :\To;Lic: -5 1 ;e -gery glad to dfscuss ti:is %acta wfth YC and at your con-jeziezce. Schools, h. ::oxard 2, :iamtm in tile event of uy absence. You lazy contact ow Superintendent of C, incarely , :~u$ix;es;r; i:anap r PIL : ba zric3.3 v E;C; 1.:~. boimxi C, flarclon >:xa Don hsatey, Lirector of kiann5tig 21 i 23 l1 24 i 22 j I 251 26; I !I all recomendations and heard a17 persoE,s interested in 01 opposed to the proposed Specific Plan; and NHEREAS, said application has complied with the requirements of the “City of Carlsbad Environmental Prrotec Ordinance of 1972” and an Environmental Impact Report was presented and discussed at a duly noticed public hearing I by the Planning Commission and the City Council and ‘,vas 13 3 141 c: 5,) co -10 'L c< *. 2 m l5 '7 0 PASSED, APPROYED AVD ADOPTED at a regular meeting of i the City Council on the 7th day of AUWt f 79 - 1 by the following vot2, to wit: 20 ' k c 21 c>. &-?Q'X . " e 22 . DUiUNE, Xayor I 1 {I 1 2 3 4 6 5/ RESOLUTION NO. 3170 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING TENTATIVE MAP (CT 73-24) TO ALLOW FOR A 300-UNIT TOWNHOUSE CLUSTER DEVELOPMENT, ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF POINSETTIA LANE BETWEEN 1-5 AND LAGOON LANE. (Covington Brothers/Occidental Petroleum Land and 10 11 recommending to the City Council that Tentative Map (CT 73-2 be conditionally approved; and I 15 j WHEREAS, said application has complied with the la 19 20 presented and discussed at a duly noticed public hearing he1 by the Planning Commission and the City Council and was I approved as presented; 21 22 23 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as follows: A. That the above recitations are true and correct. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 B. That Tentative Map (CT 73-24) is hereby approved, subject to the execution and/or fulfillment of the following conditions: 1. The recorded restrictions for the subdivision shall include the minimum lot size and width requirements, evidence of which shall be to approval of the Final Map. herein shall be subject to the restrictions and limitations set forth herein which are in addition to all the requirements, limitatio submitted to the City Planning Director prior ~ 2. The development of the property described 1 7- ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 0 14 2 .u s $ 8 15 55 16 OL w5 oo== Z>fK OI-<% >o mG -J 17 u 8 3u gg22 G80 18 sp y 'I- K 19 9 a 20 21 22 23 24 wo > I- u - 25 26 27 20 29 30 31 32 0. (L (.- and restrictions of all municipal ordinanc and State and Federal statutes now in forc or which, hereafter may be in force for th purpose of preserving the residential characteristics of adjacent properties. 3. Preparation of the Final Map and all const procedures shall be in conformance with th subdivision ordinance. 4. The CL&R's for this development shall be submitted to the Planning Director for rev and approval prior to the issuance of any bui 1 ding permi ts. 5. This development shall meet all of the - requirements of the Department of Public Health. 6. In order to provide for reasonable fire protection during the construction period, the subdivider shall maintain passable vehicular access to all buildings, and adequate fire hydrants with required fire flows shall be installed as recommended by the Fire Department. 7. The subdivider shall comply with all City Building and Fire Code requirements. 8. All public improvements shall be made in conformity to the City of Carlsbad Engineer Design Criteria and Standard Plans, the . Subdivision Ordinance and other City Standc to the satisfaction of the City Engineer without cost to the City of Carlsbad, free of all liens and encumbrances. Improvement plans for water and sewer system shall meet the requirements of the respective service districts. 9. Complete plans and specifications shall be submitted as required for checking and approval, before construction of any improv is commenced. The subdivider shall submit the original drawings revised to reflect as-built conditions prior to acceptance of the subdivision improvements by the City. 10. All land and/or easements required by this Ordinance shall be granted to the City of Carlsbad without cost to the City, and free of all liens and encumbrances. 11. The subdivider shall dedicate to the public all rights of ingress to, and egress from, Poinsettia Land and San Diego Freeway. Thi dedication shall be so designated on the certificate sheet of the Final Map with the intent that the owners of said lots will not have rights of access whatsoever to said streets and roads. The words "access rights dedicated to the City" 2. E- ' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9~ 10 11 12 13 0 14 I= 'a 8 15 55 0) 16 ou WQ: "02: z>FO 2l- m~ <+ 1 17 i I 36 wu :$:$ 18 va-m 52 y '5 = 19 >u k .m N 6 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 u e- c - shall be lettered along the road adjacent to the lots affected on the map proper. 12, 'Street names shall be subject to approval and shall be designated in accordance with the standards and policies adopted by the Planning Commission on file in the Planning Department. 13. If required by the City Engineering Office, the improvement plans shall include a geological and hydrological investigation and a complete grading plan of the entire site. The report and plan shall be prepared by civil engineers licensed by the State of California, and experienced in erosion, and seepage control, who will be acceptable to the City Engineer, and they will certify that they have investigated the site and prepared data with full consideration of the consequences to the included and neighboring properties. 14. The developer shall construct full frontage improvements along Poinsettia Lane and Batiquitos Lane. Said improvements shall include the proposed park site and the designated commercial site to be hereafter designated as Lot 308. Prior to the issuance of any permits the applicant shall dedicate the proposed park site to the City. Lane on the basis of 51 ft. half street, to City Standards. /"-- "15 Lj' 16. The Developer shall improve Poinsettia 17, The Developer shall improve Batiquitos Cane on the basis of 42 ft. half street, to City Standards. 18. The proposed public entrance street shall be improved on the basis of a 60 ft. wide street, to City Standards. the Carlsbad Union School District to provide for future school requirements that will result from the proposed development. actuated traffic control signal at the intersection of Poinsettia Lane and the entrance street (not named) to the developm 19. The Developer is encouraged to work with 20. The Developer shall construct a fully C, That said Tentative Map together with the provisi for its design and improvement and subject to the above conditions, is consistent with all applicable general and 3. I -*=. L 1 2 3 4 51 6 7 8 9 10 11 I.2 13 0 l4 sw 5 8 15 2% 2 ;:us ool* z,;g 16. OI--,% > a~ 1 17 L1 Sa $86 sEps 18 z? 5 'I- = 19 a< t" 20 b 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 wu 0 6- c * specific plans of the City of Carlsbad. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 7th day of Auqus 1973, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Dunne, McComas, Lewis, Chase and Fr NOES: None. ABSENT: None. I -7 P&$$//&4k+? &Q /qAVID M. DUNNE, Mayor ATTEST: ,' y+ y2/&47t FAL, /Y,g ,<*/,/ MARGATf'ET E, ADAMS, City Clerk , /' 41' (seal) 4.