HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-02-07; City Council; 7614-1; REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF A MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT FOR LAKE CALAVERA HILLS MP - 150 F| APPLICANT: CALAVERA HILLS CO. |SANDERS|B# J7614-1 MTG. 2/7/'84 TITLE: REQUEST FOR APPROT7AL OF A MASTER PLAN AFlENDMENT FOR LAKE CALAVERA HILLS (MP-150 (F)) . CA APPLICANT: CALAVERA HILLS co. (SANDERS) DEPT. DE'T. HI CITY ATl CITY MG &-* % g 5 8 J c 8 z B 8* 5E .rl d 3. 2 -3 -I-- a3 q 3; 3rd .d 28 86 o >" 49 b4 iz O% a05 E ri -4 a, $5 a E CL a < q 03 I r- I CJ .. 2 2 t; a z z 3 0 0 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Statement of the Matter The City Council at your meeting of January 17, 1984 directed the City Attorney to prepare the necessary documents approving an amended Master Plan (MP-150 (F)) for a planned community of approximately 800 acres to be known as Lake Calavera Hills. An ordinance in that regard is attached. Exhibit Ordinance No. 9 7Op Recommendation If the City Council concurs, your action is to introduc Ordinance No. 9706" - I .i i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 l1 l2 %S hi m 13 &$; 8 g Z g l4 li AXd " '' l5 g1.q l6 =' € o. c 17 0 18 l9 ? a 0 ORDINANCE NO. 9708 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN AMENDED MASTER PLAN (MP-150 (F) ) FOR A PLANNED COMMUNITY OF APPROXIMATELY 800 ACRES TO BE KNOWN AS LAKE CALAVERA HILLS GENERALLY LOCATED WESTERLY OF LAKE CALAVERA AND SOUTHERLY OF COLLEGE BOULEVARD. APPLICANT: CALAVERA HILLS CO. WHEREAS, The Planning Commission of the City of Carlsba did hold a duly noticed public hearing on November 9, 1983 a subsequently, adjourned hearings on Noven-ber 23 and December 1983 to consider a request by Calavera Hills Co. to approve an Amended Master Plan (PlP-l50(F) ) for an 800 acre planned community to be known as Lake Calavera Hills; and WHEREAS, at the conclusion of said hearing the Planninc Commission adopted Resolution No. 2214 recommending approval said Amended Master Plan (MP-l50(F) ) which is incorporated 1: reference herein; and WHEREAS, a negative declaration dated October 19, 1983 1 approved by the Planning Commission on December 14, 1983 for 11 this project, in compliance with the City of Carlsbad Envirc 2o 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 mental Protection Ordinance of 1980; WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad did 1. a duly noticed public hearing on January 17, 1984 to consi.de approval of Amended Master Plan (MP-l50(F)), and after hear; and considering the testimony and arguments of all persons desiring to be heard, said Council did find that the findinc of the Planning Commission contained in Resolution No. 2214 constitute the findings of the City Council. .j, 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 D 3 3 13 Y.- 6E%: 14 P z:$z gkuo 15 Uo: TU g ,OZk -Id z0-g EO +>uu $$8"- 16 OUNO >s 9 17 >% 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 A 0 a NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California , does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: That the amended Master Plan (MP-l50(F)), markt Exhibit A, dated January 17, 1984, on file with the City Clerk q incorporated herein by reference, is approved subject to the following conditions: 1) Approval is granted for MP-l50(F), as shown in the text an attached exhibits labeled Exhibit "A", dated January 17 , 1 on file in the Land Use Planning Office and with the City and incorporated by reference herein. Development shall substantially as shown unless otherwise noted in these conditions. This project is approved upon the express condition that t applicant shall pay a public facilities fee as required by City Council Policy No. 17, dated April 2, 1982, on file w the City Clerk and incorporated herein by reference. If s fee is not paid as promised, this application will not be consistent with the General Plan and approval for this pro shall be void. As part of the Master Plan the applicant shall submit a 20 foot scale topographical map which shall indicate open spa areas for the Master Plan subject to the approval of the L Use Planning Manager. As part of the Master Plan the applicant shall submit a 2C foot scale Land Use Plan for the Master Plan area. SECTION 2: That Master Plan (MP-l50(A)) for the subject 2) 3) 4) property, adopted by Ordinance No. 9517 on December 28, 1978, i hereby rescinded. EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty after its adoption, and the City Clerk shall certify to the adc of this ordinance and cause it to be published at least once ir Carlsbad Journal within fifteen days after its adoption. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the Car' City Council held on the 7th day of February , 1984 - < thereafter 2. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of said City Coun f 19 - 84 by the followin AYES : Council Wrs Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Prescott NOES: lane ABSENT : None 3. .f, A e 0 , TELEPH CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (714) 438 1200 ELM AVENUE Qitp of CarIs'bab February 24, 1984 Calavera Hills Company 110 W. "C" Street, Suite 1220 San Diego, CA 92101 Enclosed for your records, please find a copy of the , adopted by the _____--_I_ following Ordinance No. 9708 Carlsbad City Council on February 21, 1984 Sincerely, &f% LEE RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk LR : adm Enclosures ( 1 ) b +' L m 0 \ FEBRUARY 7, 1984 TO : CITY COUNCIL FROM: Land Use Planning Office ITEM #20 - CITY COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 7, 1984 CALAVERA HILLS MASTER PLAN The applicant has requested that the following wording be added to the portion of the text of the Master Plan (Exhibit "A") dealing with park dedication which was previously reviewed by the City Council. The intent is to clarify the park dedication credits. Any surplus park dedication credit for Village F after crediting Villages C, D, G, J, 0, P-1, L-1 and N, and all credit for Village E-2 shall accrue to the benefit of the owner of Villages E-1, H, K, L-2, Q, T, U, W, X and Y. to the extent the dedication of Villages F and E-2 exceed the park dedication requirements under Chapter 20.44 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code for the subdivisions mentioned above, any excess shall be available to satisfy the requirements for the other subdivisions within the Master Plan in accordance with Section 20.44.100 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. To the extent that any park dedications exceed the amount that would otherwise be required for the subdivisions, tha land shall be retained by the City as a condition of approval of this Master Plan. An agreement between the City and the applicant may be done to implement the provisions of this section. Staff has no problem with the additional wording suggested by the applicant. i 1. m 0 by 6 CALAVERA HILLS MASTER PLAN PIP- 1 50 ( F ) Prepared By: Land Use Planning Office City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Approved By: City Council E x h i h i t Ordinance No, 9708 January 17, 1984 "A" % L m 0 +\ c Planning Department Staff; Michael Holzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager William Hofman, Principal Planner Michael Howes, Assistant Planner Barbara Ward, Secretary Information Supplied By: Calavera Hills Company 110 West C Street, Suite 1220 San Diego, California 92101 (619) 235-9180 Naegle Associates, Inc. 2210 Avenida de la Playa La Jolla, California 92037 (619) 459-2606 Charles W. Christensen & Associates 233 A Street, Suite 1200 San Diego, California 92101 (619) 232-7891 48 i a 0 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I . INTRODUCTION ...................................... 1 B . General Provisions ........................... 1 A . Purpose ...................................... 1 C . Location ..................................... 2 D . Legal Description ............................ 2 E . Background ................................... 3 I1 . ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTRAINTS ......................... 4 A . Noise ........................................ 4 B . Archaeology .................................. 4 D . Energy and Water Conservation ................ 5 I11 . LAND USE/DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS .................... 6 B . Development Standards ........................ 6 C . Grading Standards ............................ 11 D . Noise Attenuation ............................ 17 C . Vegetation ................................... 5 A . Zoning Regulations ........................... 6 E . Fire Control ................................. 21 F . General Standards ............................ 24 A . Introduction ................................. 25 B . Dedication ................................... 25 C . Improvements 25 A . Sources of Public Facility Funding ........... 27 B . Description of Public Facilities ............. 28 C . Phasing ...................................... 33 IV . OPEN SPACE AND MAINTENANCE ........................ 25 ................................. V . PUBLIC FACILITIES AND PHASING ..................... 27 VI. SIGN PROGRAM ...................................... 39 VI1 . EXHIBITS 1-1 Legal Map 11-1 Topographic Map 111-1 Land Use IV-1 Open Space IV-2&3 Pedestrian System v- 1 Public Facilities v-2 Phasing tt L a 0 L LIST OF EXHIBITS - Title Exhibit Legal Map I- 1 Topographic Map 11-1 Land Use 111-1 Open Space IV- 1 Pedestrian and Bike System Public Facilities v- 1 Phasing VI- 1 Grading Standards 111-2 to 111-7 Noise Attenuation 111-8 to 111-12 Fire Control 111-13 to 111-1 IV-2 to IV-3 . )' 0 e INDEX FOR SPECIFIC VILLAGES While the general standards and guidelines contained herein apply to all of the Villages. there are also specific references to the Villages as follows:: Village A ................................................. 6.12. 35 B ................................................. 6. 35 C ................................................. 6.9. 35 D ................................................. 6.9. 35 Pages E-l ............................................... 6, 9131 E-2 ............................................... 6,9,31. 32 F ................................................. 6. 35 G ................................................. 6, 9135 H ................................................. 619, 10r37.35 I ................................................. 719 L-1 ............................................... 36 J ................................................. 7.9.10. 35 K ................................................. 36 L-2 ............................................... 7.9.10. 36 M ................................................. 7.9. 36 N ................................................. 7.9.10. 36 0 & P-1 ........................................... 7.9.10. 36 Q ................................................. 3; R ................................................. 7.10. 37 S ................................................. 8.9. 37 T ................................................. 3. U ................................................. 3E W 3t ................................................. X ................................................. 31 Y ................................................. 8,9.10.31. 31 .< & e e . I. INTRODUCTION A. Purpose The following document is a Master Plan for an 828 acre planned community known as Calavera Hills locate in the City of Carlsbad, California. The purpose of this Master Plan is to comply with the Planned Community Zone Ordinance adopted in July of 1976 (Chapter 21.38) thereby providing the basis for futur decisions on land use for Calavera Hills. B. General Provisions 1. Nonvesting of Rights Specific development plans shall be evaluated ir accordance with Municipal Ordinances and Policies in force at the time when said plans ai before the City Council for approval. Approval and construction of a part of the development pursuant to this Master Plan shall not vest any rights in the balance of the Master Plan nor create any vested rights to the approval of any subsequent developments. 2. Amendments to the Master Plan Approval of this Master Plan indicates acceptant by the City Council of a general framework for development of the subject property. It is par of an ongoing planning process and is subject ti amendment in the future by the City. Said ament ments may be initiated by either the City Counc or the land owner. 3. Availability of Public Services Approval of this plan does not constitute any guarantee that individual developments within t Master Plan area will be approved nor that the availability of public facilities and services will necessarily coincide with the Developer's timetable for construction. Availability of public services will be evaluated in the contex of subsequent individual approvals. 4. Dedications All land and/or easements required by this Mast Plan shall be granted to the City of Carlsbad without cost to the City and free of all liens and encumbrances. -1- .A . 0 0 I 5. Zoning Pursuant to the powers of Chapter 21.38 of the Carlsbad iilunicipal Code this Master Plan shall lraster Plan. No person shall use or develop la] located within the boundaries defined by the Master Plan contrary to the provisions of the Master Plan. All provisions of the Master Plan are imposed as a condition of zoning. constitute the zoning for all land within the C. Location The Calavera Hills Master Plan area is an 828 acre site located approximately three miles inland from tl Pacific Ocean and within the Carlsbad City limits. The central portion of the pr0pert.y is situated 4.28 miles southeast of the geographic center of the City of Oceanside, 4.13 miles southwest. of the geographic center of the City of Vista, and 33 miles north of downtown San Diego. Specifically, it falls within tl- west half Of Section 3 and the east half of Section 4 Township 12 South, Range 4 West, and the south half c Sections 33 and 34, Township 11 South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Meridian. D. Legal Description Portions of Lots D, E and J of the Rancho Agua Hedionda in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego State of California, according to Map thereof No. 823 on file in the Office of the County Recorder of said County. Also, refer to Exhibit 1-1. E. Background 1. March 12, 1974 - MP-150 recommended for approval 2. May 7, 1974 - Master Plan 150/EIR-230 approved b 3. May 21, 1974 - Zone Change 138 adopted by City 4. January 26, 1977 - Tract 76-12, PUD-4 recommendec by Planning Commission (9esolution #1050). City Council (Resolution #3407). Council (Ordinance #9388). for approval by Planning Commission (Resolution #1314). 5. August 4, 1977 - Tract 76-12, PUD-4 approved by City Council (Resolution C5145 and Resolution #5146). approval by Planning Commission. fication by Planning Commission for GPA-51(A). 6. July 12, 1978 - GPA-51(A) recommended for 7. July 12, 1978 -EIR-403 recommended for certi- -2- .I b 0 0 8. September 19, 1978 - EIR-403 certified by City Council. 9. October 3, 1978 - GPA-51(A) approved by City Council (Resolution #5550). 10. October 25, 1978 - Planning Commission recommends approval of MP-l50(A) (Resolution #1481). 11. December 28, 1978 - City Council approves XP- 150(A) (Ordinance #9517). 12. January 13, 1982 - Planning Commission approves MP-l50(B) (Resolution #1911). 13. February 2, 1982 - City Council approves MP- 150(B) (Ordinance #6888). 14. May 26, 1982 - Planning Commission approves amendment 150(C) (Resolution #1966). 15. April 18, 1983 - City Council approves MP-I50(D) 16. May 11, 1983 - Planning Commission approves (Ordinance #9682 and 9683). amendment 150(E) (Resolution #2117). -3- -1 L 0 e :[I, ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTPAIKTS The following mitigation measures were identified in the conditions of approval for MP-l50(A) and were developed from EIR-403 for Calavera Hills. They shall be implemente when applicable and apply to each Village unless otherwise noted. A. Noise -- Prior to the approval of any tentative subdivision mni adjoining Elm Avenue, Tamarack Avenue, College Boulevard or in the vicinity of the South Coast Asphalt plant, an assessment of the potential noise impacts as defined in the Noise Element of the Genera Plan shall be made by an acoustical engineer. The engineer shall then prepare a report containing recommendations on how to mitigate any identified noise impacts, The design of an impacted subdivision shal.1 be consistent with these recommendations. The City Council may impose conditions on such subdivisions as they determine necessary to mitigate adverse impacts from such noise. B. Archaeology - Prior to the issuance of any grading permits, provj-sion for the protection of significant archaeological resources on the property shall be compl.eted to the satisfaction of the Land Use Planninc Manaqer as follows: 1. All work shall be performed by a qualified archaeologist in conjunction with the latest acceptable scientific procedures. 2. Prepare a surface map of the artifacts and associated ecological information. 3. Excavate a test sample of the area to determine the nature and extent of any subsurface component. One such test which has proven successful in similar situations is the systematic rectilinear posthole test. investigation, additional testing can be designed, if needed. This second phase of testing should be oriented toward obtaining a reliable sample of the site area and in assessing the variation present within the deposit. Based Ion the results of this examination, it may be necessary, although unlikely, to perform additional investigation, or to recommend differing mitigating procedures. 4. Based on the information resulting from this -4- 5 L a 0 5. A report shall be prepared summarizing findings and discussing the interrelationships of the sit materials and other sites found in the region. 6. All work shall be extensively photodocurnented. 7. Copies of notes, photographs, records and the final report shall be submitted to local data depositories. Any of the following nay be required to eliminai indirect on and off site impacts: a. Limit access to sites by placing barriers around the project area. b, Place fill over site areas, c. Excavate the sites and achieve their information potential. 8, C. Vegetation Prior to the issuance of any graditng permits for the various Villages, provisions to the satisfaction of the Land Use Planning Manager shall be made for the following! 1. Landscaping using deciduous trees (to shade in summer and allow sunlight in winter) and to act as windbreaks. 2. Retention of natural vegetation in the open spa areas wherever possible. 3. Retention of existing eucalyptus trees wherever possible. 4. Retention of as much Adolphia and Dichondra as possible within the various open space areas. D. Energy and Watler Conservation Prior to the issuance of building permits for the various Villages, provisions, to the satisfaction of the Land Use Planning Manager, shall be made for the following: 1. Installation of flow restrictors in all basic 2. Use of "mini-flush" toilets. 3. Landscaping using drought resistant trees and plants. 4. Installation of drip irrigation systems using tensiometers or other acceptable systems. 5. Architectural design which reduces or treats window and door openings and takes advantage ol winter sun and summer shade. 6. Insulation for all structures according to Stat standards. 7. Solar heating for both space and water heating, orJ if not technologically feasible at the timt of construction, "stub-outs" for ultimate conversion to solar heating. fixtures. -5- I Proposed Master 0 0 I f i, LAND USE/DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS A. Zoning Regulations Chapters 21.06, 21.38, 21.41, 21.44, 21.45, 21.46, 21.48, 21.50, 21.51, 21.54, 21.55, 21.56, 21.58, 21.60, 21.61 and 21.62 of Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code are incorporated herein by reference. The development and use regula- tions specified for the zone listed under development within the Village unless otherwise provided by this plan or in a planned deve- lopment permit processed under this plan, in which case the development standards of the Planned Development Ordinance shall apply. permitted uses in Section IIB shall apply to B. Development Standards The following Table 111-1 describes the type of development to occur in each Village, the applicable development process, the applicable development type, the maximum dwellings units allowed, the gross acreage and the open space acreage. The table also includes reference to an accompanying list of notes dealing with specific development standards for each Village. TABLE 111-1 Development Permitted* Development** Max*** Gross Open Village Process Uses ‘I’YP - DUs Acres Space --- R- 1 5; i ng 1 e 40 lo Family k PD’ Q PD R- 1 Single 308 77 26 Family blultiple Family C PD RD-M C 1 u s t e red 120 30 4 -- - D PD RD-M C 1 u s t e red 150 15 Multiple Family Community --- Commer c i a 1 11.33 --- C-2(Q) E-1 SDP2 8.68 --- --- E-2 --- os Park E’ --- OS Park --- 10 --- s PD a- 1 Single 108 27 10 Family Multiple Family H PD RDM Clustered 96 64.1 47.5 ’ Planned Development 2 Site Development Plan -6- r e Development Permitted* Development** Max*** Gross Open DUs Acres Space Type - Village Process Uses I PCD3 J PD ’ Multiple ---- 2 RV Storage --- ---- Lot 4 RD-M Clustered 300 30 Family Multiple Family Multiple Family K PI) RD-M Clustered 8631 43.177 --- 150 7.5 3.6 L- 1 PD RD-M Clustered L-2 PD RD-M Clustered 20 1 20.13 --- Multiple Family --- School --- N PD RD-M Clustered 25 --- lo 5 M CUP2 --- R- 1 Multiple Family and Clustered Single Family 18 RD-M Clustered 416 104 R- 1 Xultiple 0 & P-1 PD Family and Clustered Single Family R- 2 C I u s t e r ed 205 51.18 9.6 R- 1 Q PD I4u 1 tip 1 e Family and C 1 us t e r ed Single Family 5 3 R PD R- 1 (31 us t er ed 20 E; i ng 1 e E’ami ly I Planned Development 2Conditional Use Permit 3Pl ann i ng Commi s s ion De t e rmi na t ion -7- , Development Pe@tted* Development** Ma&* Gross Open TJillage Process Uses Type - DUs Acres Space - --- 20 --- --- S c: h oo 1 S CUP' T PD 2- 2 Clustered 466 116.7 20.1 R- 1 Mu1 tiple Family and single C 1. u s t er ed Family U PD RD-M Clustered 248 62.2 45 Multiple Family W PD R- 1 Single 63 42.8 19.4 Family Estates X PD R- 1 Single 76 50.4 22.3 Family Y PD2 Family --- R- 1 Single 8 5.6 - - TOTAL 3,863 828.8 232 * Uses permitted for this Plaster Plan are those specified as primary uses or accessory uses for corresponding zones. Uses which would be allowed as conditional uses shall be permitted only upon obtaining a Conditional Use Permit processed according to the provisions of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. A. Single Family - One house on a single lot B. C4ultiple Family - Attached rental or ** Definitions - Development Types totally detached from any other living unit. ownership units 2. Triplex or larger flatter more buildable portions of the site, while maintaining the steeper, less buildable portions of the site in their natural state. 1. Duplex C. Clustered - Locating the development on the *** The above dwelling unit numbers represent the maximum, but not guaranteed, density allowed in each Village. Each Village design will be evaluated in relation to topography, geology and site sensitivity per the City's Design Guidelines Manual and the standards of this Master Plan. 'Conditional Use Pernit 2Planned Development -8- 1 t * * NOTES TO TABLE 111-1 1. If Village M or S is not acquired by the Carlsbad Unified School District for school purposes within ten (10) years from the recordation of the last adjacent subdivision map, the underlying development process and type for the Village shall change from (CUP) to (PD) and will bear its propor- tional share of the costs for public improvements. 2. Villages C, G, K, L-1 and U have steep slopes and/or signi- ficant canyon areas that have not been included as open space. Special consideration shall be given to these areas at time of subdivision review to protect the integrity of the adjoining open space areas. 3. A site of approximately one acre of land within Village E-2 shall be reserved for acquistion by the City for public facility purposes. The City Council shall determine the specific size and location of the site. 4. Village I shall be improved as a Recreational Vehicle Storage Area prior to occupancy of the 500th unit in the Master Plan area subject to the approval of the Land Use Planning Manager and Section 25.45.090(K) of the Carlsbad Zoning Ordinance. This, Village shall be maintained by the Calavera Hills non-profit organization. Until this lot is developed temporary RV storage shall be provided for each Village pursuant to the standards of the Planned Development Ordinance. 5. Villages adjacent to Tamarack Avenue, Elm Avenue and College Boulevard shall provide bus stop facilities at locations subject to the satisfaction of the North County Transit District. Said facilities shall at a minimum include a bench, free from advertising, and a pole for the bus stop sign. The bench and pole shall be designed in a manner so as to not detract from the basic architectural theme of the adjacent Village and said design shall be subject to the approval of the Land Use Planning Manager and North County Transi.t District. 6. Village K, L-1 and L-2 shall, by including lower cost condominiums for sale and/or rental housing, provide the City with affordable housing and housing for the elderly. The City and the Developer shall jointly pursue the possible use of mortgage revenue bonds to provide low interest financing for the construction of rental units. 7. The CC&Rs for Villages 0, P-1, Q and T shall contain a statement that there is a rock extraction and crushing operation located in close proximity to the north of each subdivision. -9- .' 0 * 8. Villages €3, K, L-I, L-2, N, Q, R, T and U shall utilize cluster developments to avoid mass grading and to preserve open space where possible, The PD development standards may he utilized to provide private streets and private recreational areas and open space. The design standard for a portion of Villages Q and T will 9. be two single family residences attached at a common Wall located on the property line separating two individual lots. 10. An open space easement shall be placed wherever possible t preserve natural open space, including the rear portions o lots in Village W. 11. If Villages 0 and P-1 are developed concurrently on one tentative map, the total number of dwelling units of both Villages combined will not exceed 416 nor will the density exceed 4 du/ac. 12. There shall be minimum grading for the construction of pad in Village W. Actual grading shall be minimal and include only grading for streets, driveways and garage pads (in most instances). -10- .% a e C. Grading Standards 1. Grading plans shall conform to the requirements set forth in Section 21.38.060 (l)(I) and (J) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, the City's Design Guidelines Manual and the provisions of Chapter 11.06 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. 2. Manufactured slopes shall be rounded and shaped to simulate natural terrain. (Exhibits 111-5). 3. Manufactured slopes shall blend with naturally ocurring slopes at a radius compatible with the existing natural terrain. (Exhibits 111-4). 4. Grading on naturally occurring slopes of 20 per cent grade or more which have a vertical height of more than 30 feet shall not occur unless approved by the City Engineer and Land Use Planning Manager. In approving such grading, the City Engineer and Land Use Planning Manager shall review an engineering report prepared by licensed civil and/or soils engineer substantiating the stability of the slope. Also, any such grading shall meet the design standards specified elsewhere in this section and as stated in the City's Planned Development Ordinance. 5. No manufactured slope shall have a slope angle steeper than 2:l. Any exception to this must be approved by thc City Engineer in accordance with Chapter 11.06 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and the Land Use Planning Manager. In Village H the slope adjacent to Elm Avenue may have a slope angle of 1.8:1, if a precise soils engineering report substantiates the slope stability anc Planning Manager. is approved by the City Engineer and the Land Use 6. Vary slopes when possible from 2:l to 3:l or more. 7. Flare or "feather" proposed slopes gently into the existing terrain when possible. (Exhibit 111-7). 8. Round and undulate the toe of slope so there is no 9. Maintain less than 25 foot elevation changes between definite toe line, (Exhibit 111-7). benches unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. (Exhibit 111-2). 10. Design projects to allow slope to flatten or to "pull in" creating visual alcoves to break up the monotony of constant linear slopes. (Exhibit 111-6). -1 1- , 0 0 11. The orientation of the improvements on the individual sites shall relate to the natural topography. 12. Grading is to be minimized, but, where grading is necessary, it is to blend with the natural topography wherever practical. 13. Favorable features of the individual sites (i.e.f mature trees, other significant vegetation, rock outcroppings, mounds, views, etc.) are to be preserved as much as possible. 14. Individual sites are to have a desirable visual appearance from all practical viewpoints. 15. Major natural topographic features such as canyons f drainage swales, steep slopes, watershed areas f floodplains, view corridors and scenjLc vistas shall be retained as near as possible to their natural condition. -12- 4 0 0 street- ICXHIIIr 11112 -13- 0 e 0 amam CXHlllP Ill- S -14- I 0 0 -- but TttlS GwhmiJs +tWw bts * -.. m TIIS WE \ut bpt- tb CM-JLdeqCll mm be at-fy4 d- tevtc + T-ilAm,ovl FUide zx vi&. -.. lDh=km % by4 ?E$2 'slat"* 4'b -. ..-.. -.- a- - .. - LXt11m r 111-6 -15- 0 0 LXHlbl r 111-7 -16- -: 0 0 C. Noise Attenuation The primary noise generators expected to affect Calavera Hills are highway and street noise, offroad vehicle noise, construction noise, active parks and the rock extraction an crushing operation to the north. This section establishes methods of attenuating sound in the plan execution. Basically, attenuation is of two types. The first of these is normal attenuation due to distance. The second is attenuation resulting from the introduction of elements or barriers between the sound source and the receiver. Normal attenuation occurs as the sound travels over a distance. Maximizing distances from noise generators and set-backs will accomplish this. Other factors contributinc to the reduction of sound are climatic conditions and the introduction of elements between the sound source and the receiver. In order to attenuate sound? combinations of grade changes slopes, plantings, walls and architectural elements shall I employed to absorb, reflect, deflect and refract sound. Where a noise attenuation program is necessary, mitigation measures shall be presented by Developers for the approval of the Land Use Planning Manager. Examples of various methods of attenuating sound are shown by Exhibits 111-8 tc 111-12. -17- 0 -. ., -. 0 '\ \ \ IXIllBIt 111-8 -18- QXHIBI r 111-9 txnimit 111-10 -19- b I e'., \ \ 0 1 "kA\ifD& luaJk* =In IMW Wl a, m *dkdsocq =GtNU2*H w OYW NiW. e5XHlllr 111 wbch*pkv3 p#J-m -!&lyw CXHlbl r 111- 12 -20- L 0 e D. Fire Control All highly flammable vegetation shall be removed to form a fire break to a minimum of thirty feet from structures, and the fire marshal shall have the discretionary flexibility to require as much as one hundred feet from structures. Th fire break area shall be maintained continuously to prevent the reinfestation of these fuels by proper planting and irrigation of less, or nearly nonflammable ornamental plant materials whose characteristics emulate the natural scheme. If the location of development occurs at the crest of hill5 or adjacent to steep ravines, modifications and harvesting of the fire fuel within the entire ravine area may be necessary to protect against extremely volatile fire storm: that could come up the ravine during a fire. There shall be adequate fire vehicle accessibility to the native areas via streets or special access fire roads and easements per the fire marshal requirements. All cleared and planted natural and manufactured slopes shall be plantc and irrigated per the City of Carlsbad's Landscape Guidelines Manual. These areas shall be maintained by a homeowners association rather than by individual homeowner: wherever practicable. Refer to Examples 111-13 and 111-14 -21- 3 4310 ZpCa I, p =\ SQ -It = 0 b'ls! 3 mi: 3g6, 0 z 'e Ed Qa 3 3 Ira no *ir -h R P o"53 3 m 0-P 5 I g-n 3 2 0) m * - c3 ma x tD 5 e, I\: azi=210 Ya -*In11 a r+ i3 *yj 0 e <IS B2- -. r;J 2 gc 7; g - md P I"- J +ig 3 I I * I I - I I I I. & -3 m PI. R rcl w 33 €3 -4 rn €7 I -3 €2 3 z . PY 3 --.--- L,,& &p --- N3 PJ -h --- = kzi c- --- - y-+ B Pjqi tr, iz Dl W r P a: e"1 u -_ mm 5-z- 3 0 -T g<l . rQ -t z-1 ?? E an L __ =-a -. nm za q 0 zw -4 63 =g r+w, m. (3 p3 55- 2 t) I 5 &< - -+ 3 0 cs-, - G <- x! c '5 0- a-s mII, Y CL ;q /-..q 0 b v) -3 -2- PC 7- 0 0 c t) 0 2- ~ J c c: - s. 4 c D c c .. -- -- -. si c.H - '0 I3, ?-- 3 $Gj; ZJ 3 c m Li3 1s -- m v) \a ZZJ 0 r9 63. b .I m 0 * d I r I . a I ( I -21- 0 0 F. General Standards 1. Specific locations of roads, park, school sites and other elements of this Plan shall be fixed as part of individual developmental approvals. A variation of le: than +IO& in locations as shown on the Open Space Plan or in the boundaries or areas of individual Villages, shall be considered consistent with this Plan. 2. All landscaping within the Calavera Hills Master Plan shall be in compliance with the City of Carlsbad's Landscape Guidelines Manual. 3. The Developers of this Master Plan shall initiate and incorporate a non-profit corporation ("Corporation") fc the purpose of operating and maintaining the Recrea- tional Vehicle Storage Area and such other public facilities as deemed necessary by the City required by this Master Plan. 4. Each individual Homeowners Association within the Calavera Hills community shall have a minimum of one representative on the Board of Directors of the Corporation. 5. Articles of Incorporation for the Corporation shall be submitted to the Land Use Planning Manager for review and approval prior to the filing of the first final ma] after the approval of MP-lSO(F). 6. The By-Laws of the Corporation shall provide that no amendments to them shall occur without prior City approval and shall provide that the City shall have thl authority but not the obligation to provide for main- tenance of the Recreational Vehicle Storage Area and such other public facilities as deemed necessary by thl City and assess charges for said maintenance to the Corporation if the City Council determines such action is necessary to protect the public welfare. -24- 0 0 IV. OPEN SPACE AND MAINTENANCE A. Introduction The plan for Calavera Hills calls for open space to be set aside. The open space corridors, as shown on Exhibit IV-1, provide buffers between residential area and roads and commercial and public areas as well as define neighborhoods. A bicycle and pedestrian system will utilize special design criteria for major street right-of-ways to connect parks, schools and the commercial center, subject to the approval of the City Engineer, Land Use Planning Manager and Director of Parks and Recreation. These systems will be available for connection to a broader city-wide circulation system. All open space including, but not limited to, the open space corridors shown on Exhibit IV-1, shall be improved by the Developer as a condition of the subdivision of the adjoining Village pursuant to the Phasing Schedule contained in Section V. All open space shown on Exhibit IV-1, other than parks, is private open space and has been utilized for density calculations. B. Dedication Each Developer shall dedicate an open space easement over all open space areas shown on Exhibit IV-1 and ar additional open space areas shown on approved tentatic maps. Each applicable Developer shall also grant an easement for public access and use over all pedestriar and bicycle areas as shown on each approved Tentative Map and not contained within a public right-of-way. All open space areas other than public parks shall be maintained by the adjacent homeowners association. This shall be clearly stated in the CC&Rs for each project. The City shall have the right, but not the obligation, to enforce this condition or to maintain the open space and charge the cost of maintenance to the homeowners association. The width and location of the open space corridors shall be as shown on Exhibit IV-1. A deviation of ter per cent (+lo&) shall be allowed when determining saic width and location provided the overall amount of oper space is not reduced, C. Improvements 1. Landscaping and Grading The open space corridors shall be landscaped wit!: Zone 3 and Zone 4 type landscaping as defined by -25- 0 e the City of Carlsbad Landscape Guidelines Manual. Where deened necessary by the Fire Marshal, a Fir Protection Plan shall be implemented as detailed the Landscape Guidelines Manual. All efforts sha be made to retain existing natural land forms. Wherever grading is necessary, the grading standards of Section I11 shall apply. All irrigation systems shall comply with the City of Carlsbad's Landscape Guidelines Planual. 2. Bikeways All of the major arterial streets within this Master Plan shall provide on-street bikeways. Bicycle racks and related facilities shall be provided in the commercial center and parks to encourage the use of this transportation mode. 3. Pedestrian System A pedestrian system shall be provided adjacent tc all major arterial streets as shown on Exhibit IV-2. The pedestrian system shall be improved as shown on Exhibit IV-3. shall connect schools, parks, residential areas E commercial areas. The pedestrian system 4. Standards for Bikeways and Pedestrian Systems All bikeways and pedestrian systems shall be witk arterial street right-of-ways, subject to the approval of the City Engineer and Director of Par and Recreation. Bikeways shall be 4 feet in widt from curb to 6 inch wide painted line in street. Pedestrian systems shall consist of a 5 foot wide sidewalk in a 12 foot wide area outside of curb with landscaping as approved by City Engineer. I bikeway and pedestrian street crossings shall be located at signalized street intersections with appropriate signs placed 200 feet from intersec- t ions. -26- e 0 V. PUBLIC FACILITIES AND PHASING A. Sources of Public Facility Funding To insure the consistency of this Master Plan with the Carlsbad General Plan, all public facilities necessary to serve the Master Plan area shall be provided concurrent with need. The developer's obligations to provide public facilities shall be deemed satisfied if all public facilities required by this Master Plan and the General Plan as implemented by any duly adopted ordinance, resolution or policy in existence at the ti of approval of any Planning Area development are provided. Notwithstanding any ordinance, resolution, officially adopted policy in existence at the time of adoption of this Master Plan, the City Council may modify (increase or decrease) in the future the public facilities requirements by amendment of such ordinance resolution of officially adopted policy or of this Master Plan if the City Council finds such modificatic necessary to insure continued consistency of this Mast Plan with the General Plan. The requirements of this section are a condition of this Master Plan approval a are necessary to enable the City Council to find that the Calavera Hills community will have public faciliti according to the General Plan. No development proposa shall be approved unless the requirements of this section and section V.B. are met. Each developer, or future developer shall use and develop their respective property in accordance with this plan, including the provision of public facilitie To ensure unified development control as required by Section 21.38.030 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, developers shall cooperate with one another in order t accomplish the orderly development of the property in future developers shall be responsible for providing E the public facilities identified by this Master Plan. Except where payment for land or facilities is express established by this plan, the City shall not be responsible for reimbursement for any public faciliti provided pursuant to this Master Plan. This shall not affect the right of a developer to obtain reimbursemen from other governmental agencies or share the cost of improvements by private agreement. Nor shall this preclude an assessment district for roads or utilities This amendment is declarative of existing law under NP 150 and its previous amendments. accordance with this Master Plan. All developers or -27- 0 B. Description of Public Facilities Public facilities shall be provided by the developers substantially as shown on Exhibit V-I and described herein at the time shown on Table V-1 and described in Section V.C. 1. Streets The Calavera Hills Master Plan includes three major streets shown in the City of Carlsbad's General Plan Circulation Element. These streets are 102' and 84' right-of-way streets known functionally as major and secondary arterial streets. All other streets within the master- planned area are local or local. collector streets All streets within the development shall comply with City standards or as required by the City Engineer. Due to the topography of the Master Plan area, precise alignment of the arterials (Elm, Tamarack and College) is impossible during the Naster Plan stage. Precise alignment shall b controlled by the City Engineer through tentative and final map recordation and approvals. On- street bikeways shall be provided on each arteria as required by the City Engineer. The Developer shall dedicate or otherwise provide and improve 102 feet of right-of-way for that portion of Elm Avenue that lies between Tamarack Avenue and College Boulevard. The design and timing of the improvements shall be as required b the City Engineer. The Developer of each Village shall construct or contribute money for all traffic signals necessar to accommodate the traffic to be generated by SUC Village as required by the City Engineer. If a citywide traffic signal policy or ordinance is adopted, the City Engineer may require the Developer to comply with such policy or ordinance in satisfaction of this condition. -28- 0 e 2. Water Present supply reaches the project by the 27-inch Squires Dam Transmission Line, the 20-inch El Camino Real Transmission Main and two 14-inch feeder lines which are fed off the El Camino Real Main. All of these lines are in place and operating presently including a 100,000 gallon booster station storage tank and the main one million gallon storage tank (elevation 456') at the northerly terminus of the 14-inch feeder whicl bisects the project. The Tri-Agency Pipeline will provide high pressur water supply within the project area for future supply. The present plan approved by the Costa Real Municipal Water District (CRMWD) will supply 20 cubic feet per second to flow westerly to the pro j ec t area. By agreement with CRMWD, all water improvements will be paid for by the Developer as each Village is built, the exception being transport lines (mains) which are included in the Tri-Agency District which will then be reimbursed by all the users of the District 3 system. 3. Sewage Treatment The primary source of sewage treatment in the Cit of Carlsbad is the Encina Treatment Facility. A secondary sewage treatment facility is the Calavera Hills Wastewater Treatment Facility. TI Calavera Hills Master Plan area will be served b; either or both facilities. The City has made available to the Developer and Developer's successors in interest, sewage treatment capacity at the Encina Treatment Plant on the same basis as any other property owners i the City's sewer service area. However, all development within the Master Plan Area shall ha sewer systems designed to flow to the Calavera Hills Sewage Treatment Plant. Sewer permits will be issued according to the agreement between Lake Calavera Hills Associates and the City of Carlsbad dated January 20, 1982 and the agreement between Lake Calavera Hills Associates and Cedric E. Sanders dated August 3C 1982 and approved by the City on September 27, 1982 and on October 14, 1982. Pipeline proposal and will be paid for by the -29- 0 6 4. Solid Waste Solid waste from Calavera Hills is collected and disposed of at the county-operated land fill facilities. Coast Waste Management has indicated that it has adequate capacity to meet the anticipated demands of the proposed Calavera Hill communities. 5. Gas and Electric The San Diego Gas and Electric Company will distribute natural gas and electricity to the Calavera Hills area. The future power demands of Calavera Hills are within the long-range capacities of San Diego Gas and Electric. All utilities, including provisions for cable television, shall be placed underground. 6. Schools Calavera Hills is currently served by the Carlsba Unified School District. Calavera Hills shall comply with the City of Carlsbad's public facilities policy by assuring continued cooperati with its school district by setting aside such 1s as may be necessary to meet the needs of the schc district and/or by compliance with any formal agreement between the Developer and the school district. One elementary school site and one junior high school site have been selected by the Carlsbad Unified School District and reserved by this Mast Plan. All school sites are located adjacent to permanent open space corridors and the bicycle/pedestrian system. -30- 0 0 7. Parks The Developer of Villages E-I, H, K, L-2, Q, T, U, W, X and Y shall dedicate Village E-2 excepting therefrom one acre of land for public facility purposes as referenced in 111-4 for public park purposes. The dedication of Village E-2 and other open space areas shall occur after the approval of all tentative maps for the above listed Villages and prior to approval of the first final map, or portion thereof, of any of the above listed Villages. Park-in-lieu fees or additional dedication shall be required per Section 20.44 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code to fulfill park requirements not fulfilled by the dedication of Villages F and E-2. The City of Carlsbad specifically invokes the provisions of Section 20.44.110 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Any surplus park dedication credit for Village F after crediting Villages C, D, G, J, 0, P-1, L-1 and N, and all credit for Village E-2 shall accrue to the benefit of the owner of Villages E-1, HI K, L-2, Q, T, U, W, X and Y. To the extent the dedication of Villages F and E-2 exceed the park dedication requirements under Chapter 20.44 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code for the subdivisions mentioned above, any excess shall be available to satisfy the requirements for the other with Section 20.44.100 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. To the extent that any park dedications exceed the amount that would otherwise be requirec for the subdivisions, the land shall be retained by the City as a condition of approval of this Master Plan. An agreement between the City and the applicant may be done to implement the provisions of this section. subdivisions within the Master Plan in accordance 8. Public Transit Calavera Hills will adhere to the policies of the City of Carlsbad as stated in the Circulation Element regarding public transit. It is contemplated that the area will be serviced by thi North County Transit Authority as is the entirety of the City of Carlsbad. As noted earlier, the site development plans for Villages E-1, E-2 and shall include provisions for transit stops to the satisfaction of the Planning Commission. As noted earlier, the site development plans for all Villages adjacent to Tamarack, Elm and Colleg Avenues shall include transit stops to the satisfaction of the Land Use Planning Manager. -31- * 0 e 9. Flood Control Calavera Hills shall meet all requirements of the San Diego County Department of Sanitation and Flood Control and the City of Carlsbad as determined by the City Engineer, in providing flood control facilities to neighborhoods as they are developed within this Master Plan. 10. Future Public Facilities Site A site of approximately one acre of land within Village E-2 shall be reserved for acquisition by the City for public facility purposes. The developer agrees to convey the site free of liens and encumbrances at any time upon receipt of written notice by the City. The price to be paid by the City shall be $25,000.00 per acre. 11. Modification of Public Improvements Private streets may be designed per the standards of 21.45.090 of the Carlsbad Municipal Ordinance. -32- .' 0 0 C. Phasing The Phasing Schedule is shown on Table V, development shall comply with the following: 1. Development of the various Villages shall occur Phasing of incrementally a5 shown on Amended Table V-1, and the Developer shall make provision for all public facilities shown for each Village. However, if provision is made for all of the public facilitic listed under each phase, or if the responsible agencies or departments waive or modify the statc sequencing of public facilities listed under eacl phase, the various Villages within that phase shall be allowed to develop randomly or as modified. Phase I1 and/or Phase I11 and /or Pha: IV may be developed concurrently with Phase I, provided that provisions for public facilities fc all prior phases, as required by Amended Table V- Village. lI are made prior to final map recordation of an] 2. The term "provision for all public facilities" a: used herein shall mean that all tentative maps a1 final subdivision maps shall carry as a conditio1 of the recordation of the final subdivision map ( provision for installation of the facilities or providing secured agreement for the completion 0: the subject public facility work. 3. Provision for the open space, as specified in Article IV and in Exhibit V-1 of the Master Plan shall be made in the tentative map and final subdivision map of each Village, but shall not bc required in advance thereto. Open space is not considered public facilities. 4. The minimum increment of future development approval shall be each individual Village. Each tentative map shall cover at least one Village. If consistent with the approved tentative nap, a Village may be divided into several subdivisions 5. Circulation phasing shall be done in such a mann so as to provide loop streets and two access points to each planning area as quickly as feasible. In no event shall more than 500 units be occupied within the Master Plan area without two points of access acceptable to the City Engineer. -33- ‘I L e 0 6. At the Master Plan stage of the planning process, it is difficult to predict the precise sequence c phasing or the traffic volumes or traffic distribution that will occur at any given stage o development. Therefore, street improvement requirements will k reviewed with each tentative map. The City Engineer may require installation of streets or street improvements other than specified on the phasing schedule (Table V-1) or may require that additional or different streets than shown on the phasing schedule be constructed, if the City Engineer determines that such installation is necessary to ensure safe and convenient traffic circulation. -34- 3 3E gm HBE a!& I . I i t4 4 i 1 $Orn'5! m I $6$. E)"#% (d z h h h h -I >4uu m mr v m v m 2 v Cn 2 0 El$ 3B PI 1 g(dypaJ -2s 23 Xaaa amuL$g 89% 1 chazk? 52 5 hJ2u g59pz 5°C i!! SW? BLW33 wwa 1 -db> rl ul' L4-IZI IUrl IO i I GI(daJqG I La I I 5Luc3 1 da%~~ gz r . 8 sa, Fp a I >d !4 a !z 8 am \ 3L 848 Q I -d ;;i . k I I 1H a, IH - n- -- -1 N(U WN N! N 5 - E tF 38 I I ra5 rl I ih a 3 u-40 I I Id-4 &VL GSZ 11 ii s I ad 3 PC I 1 a,d b-i z 1 UIh -2 k 0 -a $2 -I I1 $5 8 Ah oz pi1 9% 2 Wh vEPi Gam Fd% \H 1 +535 g I 5Wh .d u 1 I -dol+ i I 1 5.2 55 -I c\lI -1 ; 3 - cd3 58 t El .5o'iE" 2 4 dl 41 u?5 3 3 VI 01 Loa, s E: Q) 4J e a' 9$ldm UQ 4 si I-! 44 -3 .:-I $ z! 3ELZ *WE \H urn ;E$ I 55 1 -4 -4 d 1 33 -4 1 Ll h h -1 1 Q,a : 1 33 4 c\1 V c\1 V 2; g‘ @ d 4 4 41 cc 4- 4- 4-1 SQ 5 sc sc 8x1 E 9 1 1 “2 8!4 % 4 X 1 IC I oc 8 8 $3 -1 e 0 VI. SIGN PROGRAM The sign program for Calavera Hills shall be subject to th approval of the Land Use Planning Manager and shall includ the following provisions: A. Permanent community entrance signs shall be located where Tamarack Avenue, Elm Avenue and College Roulevar enter the community. €3. The design motif of the entrance signs and the permanent directional signs shall utilize wood and indigenous rock as major components. Also, the entrance signs shall be incorporated with any walls erected for sound attenuation at thle four entrances into the community. C. Temporary directional signs for sales programs shall b governed solely by Chapter 21.41 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. -39- .I l 0 e I I I I I a .- r - , \I . bi . -, 1- 0 0 c h I I I I I I rn I c cn rn "* ' e e cn 'TI B 0 m - IOTAXU EDE8TRuIu PEEB@JRW EVRED m1.111 IDUXU mEuI(E gALAVERA 11118 E AaNlmlYw-nmff cm8w m:uuBI UI er. myu YQt vvlvanrnt 8 eWIIII,E .AN. 621-81-1.4' 200 SChU DATE: 9/83 EXHIBIT IV-2 .- r- .' a * .( I' I, 6 LA8 ALL inm OUTWE OF n a w RELl oFnow --A - SECTION 8 111. 1-0' SECT16w A I,.. 1 0. L 11118 wimc w now OUl*ocff now OUIYOI. OT naw SECTION D 918. 1-0' SECTION C ,I** , Q E Brn rn I? 818m w4m ESiiB A~#~~@MMlUB IWAMEA mu a EXHIBIT IV-3 m)1yf MfHI WVerranr 0 -R DATE: 1063 J.N. 621-81089-1.' I CALAVERA HILLS MASTER PLAN 150 .' PUMP STATION 0-- - ,I,/ ~ ~ ~ ______ .~- PUBLIC F AC ILlTl ES EXHIBIT V-1 * .' .). .-, 0 e .-* I- 4b 9 a' . + P cn z 0 -