HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-02-07; City Council; 7620-1; Contract with Cost Allocation ConsultantCl w > 0 a:: a. a.. <( z 0 § < ...I 0 z :::, . 0 CJ AB# 7/oJ.~-41-/ IlilsE; MTG. i?-7;-r/ RECOMMENDED ACTION: AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH THE COST ALLOCATION CiTY A CONSULTANT AND TRANSFERRING FUNDS. . . _. ,,, •. CITY MGR:~ Adopt Resolution No. 7'f q { authorizing the Mayor to execute a contract with David M. Griffith and Associates for a cost allocation and fee study and transfer~ing funds. ITEM EXPLANATION At a council meeeting on Jnnuary 24, 1984, the City Council accepted the proposal of David M. Griffith and AsBociates for the performance of a cost allocation and fee study for the City of Carlsbad. The staff has amended the original contract to include the fee studr portion of the project. The requested Councll action will authorize the Mayor to execute the revised contract and will transfer $16,750 from the contingency account to the Finance Department budget to cover the additional cost associated with the fee study. FISCAL IMPACT Tne proposal study will cost $36,750. The current Finance Department budget includes an appropriation of $20,000 for this study and will require a contingency transfer of $16,750 to fund the entire project. The results of the study will be a recommendation on fees that will, if adopted, increase the City's revenue from fee and charges for services. The exact amount of the increased revenue cann0t be determined at this time. A contingency transfer of $16,750 will reduce the contingency account to $232,873. EXHIBITS 1. 2. Resolution No. 7 '{9 / , authoriz,i.ng the Mayor to execute a contract with Davia M. Griffith and Assocates for a cost allocation and fee study and transferring funds. Agenda Bill # '7 ~ J, 0 consultant. selection of a cost allocation RESOLUTION NO. 7491 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXEC0t£ A CONTRACT WIT~ DAVID M. GRIFFITH AND ASSOCIATES FOR A COST ALLOCATION AND FEE STUDY AND TRANSFERRING OF FUNDS. WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad desires to employ the 6 services of a consultant to prepare a cost allocation plan and 7 fee study for the City and, 8 WHEREAS, the City has requested proposals from various 9 firms capable of performing these servicer, and, 10 WHEREAS, after evaluating these proposals, the Ci~y 11 finds that the David M. Griffith and Associates proposal most 12 closely meets the City's needs and, 13 WHEREAS, a transfer of $16,750 is required from the 14 contingency account to the Finance Department budget to fund 15 this study; 16 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of 17 the City of Carlsbad that the firm of Dav.id M. Griffith and 18 Associates is hereby awarded and Mayor is hereby authorized to 19 execute the attached contract for preparation of the City's cost 20 allocation plan, and the sum of $16,750 is hereby transferred 21 from th~ contingency account to the Finance Department budget. 22 I I/ 23 I I/ 24 /I/ 25 I I/ 26 I I/ 27 I I/ 28 l PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the 2 Cit-y COUiiCi1 of the c•ity of Carl·sbad held the 7th u~ay of 3 _February , 1984, by the following vote, to wit: 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 AYES : Council Members Lewis, Kulchin and Prescott NOES: Council Members Casler and Chick ABSENT: None ATTEST: ~: X~ ~o~ft~lerk 16 (SEAL) 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I