HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-02-21; City Council; 7521-3; Water Service AgreementE > ii? I% a ii 0 & 4 g E -~ bB#7521 Sup 3 UW3.- 3EPT.L f3Ty /F CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL Iuc ---p-l++-*& SUPPLEMENT NO. 4 TO WATER SERVICE AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY A CITY & CRMWD PROVIDING FOR THE TRANSFER OF EQUIPMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND DISTRICT CITY Mm&k RECOMMENDED ACTION: If the City Council concurs your action is to adopt Resolution No. 75/a ITEM EXPLANATION: On May 25, 1983, the City and the District entered into an agreement which assigned the responsibility of maintaining the water distribution systems within the City to the District. The agreement further provided for the cooperative use or transfer of certain items of equipment and vehicles as determined by the City Manager and the District Manager. This supplement provides for the transfer of six (6) trucks, a backhoe, trailer and other items of equipment. The original cost of all equipment being transferred is over $91,500 in value. Present depreciated value is $21,149.32. FISCAL IMPACT: About $21,149.32 will be dropped from the books of the water enternrise fund. Cost of maintenance will be borne by CRMWD in the future. EXHIBIT: 1. Resolution No. 76,/a . 2. Agreement for Transfer of Equipment. I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 271 28 RESOLUTION NO. 7512 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA APPROVING A FOURTH SUPPLEMENT TO THE WATER SERVICE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND COSTA REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT FOR THE TRANSFER OF EQUIPMENT AND VEHICLES FROM THE CITY TO THE DISTRICT WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad and Costa Real Municipal Water District have reached an agreement regarding Supplement No. 4 to the Water Service Agreement which provides for the "cooperative use or transfer of equipment and vehicles“. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as follows: 1. The Fourth Supplement between the City of Carlsbad and Costa Real Municipal Water District for the transfer of equipment and vehicles marked Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a part hereof is hereby approved. 2. That the Mayor of the City of Carlsbad is hereby authorized and directed to execute said agreement for and on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 21stday of F'ahw , 1984, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council %r&ers Casler, -is, Kulchin, chick and Prescott NOES: NoTy3 ABSENT: No= MARY H. C.ASLER, Mayor ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk (SEAL) d -- SUPPLEMENT NO. 4 TO WATER SERVICE AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF CARLSBAD AND COSTA REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT IN REFERENCE TO TRANSFER OF CERTAIN ITEMS OF EOUIPMENT AND VEHICLES FROM CITY OF CARSLBAD TO COSTA REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT This agreement made and entered into by and between CITY OF CARLSBAD ("CITY") and COSTA REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT ("DISTRICT"). Recitals: 1. CITY and DISTRICT have previously entered into a Water Service Agreement, executed on May 25, 1983, providing for the alloca- tion of functional responsibilities for the provision of water serv- ice within the DISTRICT, said Agreement for convenience hereinafter referred to as "AGREEMENT". 2. The AGREEMENT provides in various sections for implementa- tion of the AGREEMENT. 3. Section 3 of the AGREEMENT provides, in part, that "The cooperative use or transfer of personnel, certain items of equipment, -l- 3 . . . vehicles, . . . will be determined by the City Manager and Dis- trict General Manager." 4. Selected CITY employees, equipment and vehicles have been assigned to work under the supervision of the DISTRICT since July 25, 1983. 5. SUPPLEMENT NO. 3 to the AGREEMENT has determined the terms and conditions in reference to employment of specified employees of CITY by DISTRICT. 6. Both parties now wish to establish a written procedure for transfer of certain equipment and vehicles of CITY to DISTRICT. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals and the mutual covenants contained herein, CITY and DISTRICT agree as follows: 1. CITY transfers to DISTRICT the equipment and vehicles identified and set forth on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorpora- ted by reference. 2. The said equipment and vehicles set forth on Exhibit "A" -2- 4 shall be utilized by DISTRICT, in its sole discretion, in performing its functions of Operation and Maintenance of the water system under the AGREEMENT. 3. The effective date of this transfer shall be February 7, 1984. 4. After the effective date of the transfer, DISTRICT shall be, responsible for the equipment and vehicles set forth on Exhibit "A", including but not limited to, repair, maintenance, insurance, replace- ment and disposition. This agreement is executed on the day of I 1984. CITY OF CARLSBAD MARY H. CASLER Mayor ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk -3- .5-- APPROVED AS TO FORM: VINCENT F. RIONDO, JR. City Attorney COSTA REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT N. M. ALMACK President ATTEST: FRED W. MAERKLE Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: PAUL S. SWIRSKY General Legal Counsel CITY -4- 3 3 c: . . . 4 f 6 % s 2 . 2 z” 4 0 3 2 L I: 3 Y: 0 omc- C z ” m cc N aJ ale-a& “O”“2rJ;‘ t% oml-F +22mer. Y v. c” I I I I I I I I c c E u ; 2 i!“,i c”z .+ : iE k L ‘- c i’;& /IO &dry - C.&m&D 0 I Oceanside Vista PSauires San Marcos Exhibit Mqg Publrt He&-in a June Itttd5,/9 0 3 Leucadia 1. Hi R6scrvo4PJa &ta 5. Sbnta Pe D 60 MS. StoFayr 86 M.6 stomgc Olivmhain 9quiks Dam Z 6. 7TR.E Reservoir Cogencrotibn 5tatha 6.0 hi.& Storuga 3. IXF? bd!msion ;I: La Costa Reswvoir Z L5Mt. eoruga 4 squihP9 Dorrr n 8. *O* Reservoir TermitiaC Raaerv~ir 8.0 Mt. Storage C -4 . ? San Luis Rcy RAW- Weff fidd Oceansidr Cacf6bad Mu ha/ Wa+er Company 5lavera .Vista w 1 San Msrcos v Terrumar L Wahr Company LL ,,<A 1952: Local Water hppdies Popu f 0 tion - 3,000 pfue Leucadla Olivenhain .- - . Oceanside \ of Cororedo Rivw \ .ViSt8 San M8lCOS 1952: Local Water Supplies Popu fation - 3#00 pfue Lkcadia /9542 Munic fpd f Watet- Orb trr’ct Car/ abad Farina trbti - FlPst De f/iwy of Imported dofopado Rhr Water Olivenhain - - . Oceanside d- we. n v? A t -Vista 7’ 45 4 Calavera i San Marcos, i Leucadia Zmprovemen t Dis f&t NO. / - ~/,050,000.00 1957: fiesf Trans&issrbn Maris f Uessrvoi~ Olivenhain - . 31 Leucadla Zmprovetnent Uhtrrkt Ah 2 - ~900~0000.00 t958 f Zh2sinissrbn Maim f Resaruoirs L Olivenhaln I , \ - 4 . Oceansldr , -Vista Leucadla Zkprovement District Ah.2 - WW,OOO.OO f958r lZransmi6s~n Maiirs d Resurvoies Olivenhain Zmpwrmeu+ Dis~dc~ A/o. 3 - ‘$OO,OoO.OO f96f: Transmission Mahs 4 Res8r~ori.s h e? . Oceanside .Vista Leucadla /96/r 39WOV&?78td DhKct No. 4- ~690,OO~OO Sprhs Dam ( 7iiatzsmissio~ Mah Emgegency ?ermkat Storrrqa Usservoir Olivenhain f9631 Rdministrrrtrbn # Opemtjons Cuter - Mw,000.00 - . 5 Ocransidr Vista LS auires San Marcos - / 7iransmfksron~ Laucadia 1972: City of Cads&ad - ~2,OQ0,000.00 City Water System Mocbm2iza tion Olivenhain City - Distrikt Water Service3 Aqreemsrtt La C0sfa Servf~c Area - Alga Road I;ransrnrksrbn &4&h ’ F-- h . 6 Oceanside Vista San Marco5 Leucadia f979 - f983 : rri-Hgsncrk$ Piprlrke - 4/,300~ooo.oo (a Joint &o/k+ w/ vi’cta + Ghanaide) Olivenhain Soufh Hpeduct Connectr’m - ~6OU~OOO.UU ta dOhat ?pOJbt w/ &B hhWCOS $ i&hmhuih 1 ’ .-. . Oceansidr Vista I979 - f983 8 Jri-f?ganci6# Pipdh - ‘/,J00,000.00 (a Joint Pro/bet w/ Vida, 4 Ocscrnehie) OMmhain South flipeduct Connectron - ~600,QOO.OO (a J&d #-o&t W/ St?rr A(arcos f Ofivenhar)r 1 is04 - 1985 L t?aaerwir fkobctr - ’ fz, 600,&70.00 La Costa Hi R eservoir - 6.0 MC. -lX.t Reservoir -6.OM.G. Santa Fe IT Reservoir - 9.0 Mt. 1 / , i i ! I 1 i / 1 1 l . .-. . I. _ 7 Oceanside’ .Vista +I Sauires I San Marcodi capzcitq of --- Transmissrbrz Mafits Olivenhain f Palomar Aitprt Road 8 . . . . . . . . . 25 cubic c-i- Rgsncics Piprfinc... . . . . . 20 c.t%, feat per socond 3 South Aquuduct Cimnsef1&a....t4 c.fs. Sub Total . . . . . . . . . . 59 c.f:r. 4. Ultimate Need @%uifd-&if.:. 93 cfs. Estr’mrt ted Population . . . . . . . . . . .loo,mo - /20,000 people ,