HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-04-03; City Council; 7624-1; AWARD OF CONTRACT TO TAMAS AND ASSOCIATES FOR A FINANCIALL SOFTWARE PACKAGEt r r L~J $ e 2 < .. Z 0 5 4 d 0 2 3 8 ( CIT.@F CARLSBAD - AGEND~~ILL k.- AB#+ TITLE- DEPT. HE CITY All . AWARD OF CONTRACT TO TAMAS FWD ASSOCIATES FOR A FINANCIAL SOFTWARE PACKAGE CITY MG MTGm FIN DEPT. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 7557 awarding a contract to Tamas and Associates for f inanci a1 software. ITEM EXPLANATION: In January, 1984, the Finance Director addressed Counci 1 describing the cond i the City's present accounting software and requested Counci 1 authorization tc new software to replace the present system. The Finance Director also reques Council 's authorization to hire a consultant to assist with this project. Upon Counci 1 authori zation, the Finance Director began working with the City' consultant, Arthur Young & Co., to review accounting packages. A total of el packages were reviewed using the City's specifications as the guide. This examination revealed two packages which most closely met the City's needs. 6 these packages were brought to the City's computer system and run using City The results of this test show that the software provided by Tamas and Associa best suited to our City's needs. This system is being purchased under the competitive negotiations section of Carlsbad Municipal Code (3.28.140). Due to the technical nature of this prod negotiated approach rather than a bid approach is best suited. If Council authorizes the purchase of this system, the finance staff will hav and operating by mid-May. This will speed year end closing, the audit proces the preparation of monthly and annual financi a1 reports. e FISCAL IMPACT: The cost of the proposed system is $12,000. This is an unbudgeted cost which have to come from the contingency account, or from the additional general fun1 revenue received this year. The attached Resol ut ion authori zes transfer from contingency account to the Finance Department budget in the amount of $1'2,000 transfer brings the contingency bal ance down to $121,382. The purchase price of $12,000 will be offset to some extent by recovering staf now lost to trying to maintain the present system. The system payback period be approximately one year or less when a1 1 recovered serviceswe considered. In 1984-85, the City will need to budget an additional $18,000 for dial-in maintenance contract costs ($9,600) and on site visits from Tamas and Associal staff ($8,400) to allow for system service. This assumes that the City elect: enter into a maintenance contract with Tamas and Associates for both types of services. EXHIBITS: Memo: Resolution No. 7557 awarding a contract to Tamas and Associates for the instal lation of an accounting software system. March 26, 1984 - Selection of Accounting System. T e March 26, 1984 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: Finance Director SELECTION OF ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE RECOMMENDATION: We have completed our review of the avail able accounting software packages and have selected the one that best fits the City's needs. The package is offered by George Tamas and Associates at a cost of $12,000. Our recommendation is to acquire the Tamas software immediately and begin installation as soon as possible. Instal lation will be complete before mid-May. BACKGROUND: In December, 1983, I presented a plan to the City Manager which would result in the selection of new accounting software to take the place of the inadequate system provided by Responsive Design. In short, the finance staff, with the help of a consultant, would: 1) review the market to find all available software; 2) test the software which most closely met the City's needs, and 3) purchase and install the best package before the end of the fiscal year. In January, 1984, we selected Arthur Young to act as our consultant and began searching the market for software packages. With the help of SANDAG, P.T.I. and Hewlett-Packard, we were able to compile a relatively good list of software vendors offering financi a1 packages. The functions of each package was compared to the City's specifications and the top four or five were identified. We then spent a substantial amount of time interviewing users of each software package. Each user was asked a list of questions designed to determine the attributes of each system. Their responses were then recorded and compared to the City's specifications. Questions were also asked relating to the vendor's performance, ability to support the user, and user sat isfact ion. As a result of this exercise, the list of viable software packages was reduced to two systems: Tamas and Associates, and Peat, Marwick, Mitchell and Co. These two systems were loaded onto our computer here at City Hall and were tested using actual City data. The Peat Marwick system proved to be much to complex and cumbersome for the City to use. Long complex account numbers and the use of an additional account index number rather than the account number for all processing was a serious draw back to the system for a small City user. m 0 The Tamas System, on the other hand, performed almost as specified. The system was easily installed and was running in less than one day. We found through thc tests, that almost all City specifications could be met by this system. The vendor has agreed to provide the few minor modules that will bring the system ul to our specifications at no additional cost. The price of the Peat Marwick system is $70,000. The price of the Tamas system is $12,000. Due to the technical nature of the software package we have approached this acquisition under the competitive negotiations sect ion of the Carl sbad Municipa' Code (3.28.140). process for this purchase. We have reviewed a total of eleven different packages (shown on the attached memo), using performance as measured by the City's specifications as the method of determining the best alternative. We find that the Tamas system best meets the specifications and is priced reasonably when compared to other packages. I am preparing an Agenda Bill for Council Action at the April 3, 1984 meeting. I will be asking Council to approve the selection of George Tamas and Associate: software as selected under the competitive negotiation section of the Municipal Code, and for a contingency transfer of $12,000. The propsoed contract is attahced. It has been reviewed by the Attorney, Arthur Young and Tamas & Associates. I would be pelased to meet with you at your convenience to discuss this further. The Purchasing Officer is in agreement with use of this m m February 9, 1984 x TO: DAN LITTRELL ARTHUR YOUNG & CO. Jim Elliott, Finance Director .& i i2 FROM: ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE ,p/ ;ylj I have compiled my initial review of software systems capable of serving the needs of the City of Carlsbad's accounting needs. considered in this review iricl ude: The software products - ARIES INFORMATION SYSTEMS, Minneapolis, Minn. - GEMUNIS, Sunnyvale, Calif. - PEAT, MARWICK & MITCHELL - FAMIS, Seattle, Wash. - PACIFIC MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS CORP., Burnsville, Minn. - GEORGE TAMAS & ASSOCIATES, Irvine, Calif. - INFOCOMP, Colorado Springs, Colo. - CAPE DATA - AFIRMS, Cape May, N.J. - VALLEY DATA BASE, El Centro, Calif. - COMPUTER DATA CORP. , Los Angeles, Cal if. - HEWLETTE-PACKARD, Palo Alto, Calif. - COGNOS (QUASAR) - FIULTIVIEW, Walnut Creek, Calif. Of these packages, only ARIES, GEMUNIS, PEAT MARWICK, TAMAS, INFOCOMP and PACIFIC MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS offer modules which would handle the City's purchase order encumbrance needs. A review of the GEMUNIS SYSTEM shows that is is unacceptable due to the lack of a user friendly front end and its basic orientation to a service bureau environment. Almost all operations are batched for night processing. In addition, the account structure and chart of accounts is fixed or hard coded rather than user definable. The ARIES SYSTEM is also no longer under consideration due to the lack of a user friendly front end, an inflexible account structure, lack of control accounts and the ability to work in more than one fiscal year. PACIFIC WNAGEMENT was not considered due to the lack of a local user base. INFOCOMP has not provided a system description, however, according to company representatives, information is on the way. There may be a conflict beween TAMIS and INFOCOMP with regard to ownership of the INFOCOMP Software. If so, WE may want to disregard the INFOCOMP system. The remaining two systems, TAMAS AND ASSOCIATES and PEAT WRWICK will be reviewed by our team to determine which, if any, meets our needs. I will inform you of the meeting dates and times as soon as they are confirmed. m m CITY OF CARLSBAD SUMMARY OF SOFTWARE SURVEY ACCOUNT1 NG SYSTEMS - __~ COMPANY SPEC IF ICAT I ON ?EZ Tam as Gemun i s Peat-arwi c Fami s GENERAL SYSTEM 1 California Clients Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 Stand Alone System Yes Yes No (5) Yes 3 On-Line Interactive Yes Yes No (''1 Yes 4 Document at ion Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 Screen or Menu System Yes Yes No (5) Yes 5 Type of File Structure IMAGE IMAGE I fWGE K SAM GENERAL LEDGER 1 Flexable Acct # Structure No (8) Yes No (8) No (8) 2 Allows Project Level Accounting Yes Yes Yes Yes 3 Allows Sub Funds No Yes Yes No 4 Reports: GL Detail Yes ('1 Yes Yes Yes GL Summary Yes (I) Yes Yes Yes Yes Tot a1 Bal ance Yes (I) Yes Yes Yes Transact ion Report Yes ('1 Yes No (6) Report Writer No Yes No (6) Yes (9) 5 Inquiry: On-line Yes Yes Yes Yes (10) 7 Operation in Two Fiscal Years No (2) Pri nt Capabi 1 i ty N/A Yes Yes Yes 6 2 Years Transaction History No (2) Yes (3) No Yes Yes Yes Yes 8 Control Accounts No Yes No No 9 Unl imited Number of Entries Yes Yes Yes No 10 Required Closing Month 1 y None None Mont hl y 11 Year-to-Date Detail Available No Yes Yes Yes m * COMPANY SPECIFICATION, cont. Ari es Tamas Gemun i s Peat /M ar wi c Fami s ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 1 PO Entry Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 PO Adjustment No Yes Yes Yes 3 Invoice Entry Yes Yes Yes Yes 4 Non-PO Payments Yes Yes Yes Yes 5 Budget Checking No Yes No Yes 6 Warrants Yes Yes Yes Yes 7 Hand Checks Yes Yes Yes Yes 8 Vendor System Yes Yes Yes Yes 9 Temporary Vendors Yes No (4) N/A Yes 10 Vendor History Yes Yes No Yes 11 Vendor Maintenance Yes Yes Yes Yes 12 Unlimited Use of Chart of Accts. Yes Yes Yes Yes 13 Reports: Open PO Report Yes Yes Yes Yes Warrant Proof List Yes Yes Yes Yes 1099's Yes Yes No (7) Yes Vend or L i st Yes Yes Yes Yes Vend or H i story Yes Yes No Yes PO History Yes Yes No Yes 14 Unlimited Number of Entries Yes Yes Yes No BUDGET CONTROL 1 Reports: Expenditure Detail Yes (l) Yes Yes Yes Expenditure Summary Yes Yes Yes Yes Pro j ec t N/A Yes N/A Yes Revenue Det ai 1 Yes (l) Yes Yes Yes Revenue Summary Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 Budget Entry Yes Yes Yes Yes 3 Budget Transfer N/A Yes Yes Yes Report Writer NO Yes No Yes (9) .. m ”, (1) ARIES All reports access month to date detail, year to date data is available through specially written programs developed by Beverly Hi 11 s. System. Detail is available for as long as the user desires to use disc space. (2) ARIES Beverly Hills has fixed this problem independent of the Aires (3) TAMAS History is available in monthly summary form up to five years. (4) TAMAS Temporary vendors available upon City’s request. (5) GEMUNIS This company specializes in service bureau operatons. They do not have a stand alone product installed to date. The system i! designed to require the least amount of data transmission- operator prompts and screens are not used. The report of transactions could be produced in some form of QUERY. (6) GEMUNIS This system depends on QUERY to be the special report writer. (7) GEMUNIS 1099’s are in progress but are not yet implemented. (8) ARIES-GEMUNIS-PEAT/MARWICK These systems reserve certain account numbers for cash, or other GL accounts. Gemunis has fixed chart of accounts. (9) PEAT/MARWICK The report writer supplied with FAMIS has some limitations (10) PEAT/MARWICK Inquiry on line is limited to summary information. N/A Information Not Available and may not satisfy requirements. - I! c 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 3.7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 w RESOLUTION NO. 7557 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AWARDING A CONTRACT TO TAMAS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. FOR THE PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION OF A FINANCIAL SOFTWARE PACKAGE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carslbad does desire to purch' financial software designed to provide the services of general ledger, accl payable and budget reporting; and WHEREAS, a said system is designed to run on the City's Hewlett-Packarc computer system; and WHEREAS, the City staff conducted a diligent search of the software ma and identified many systems that potentially met the City's needs; and WHEREAS, after testing systems including the financi a1 software provid Tamas and Associates, Inc., the City found that the Tamas and Associates, financial system best meets the City's needs; and WHEREAS, due to the highly technical nature of this acquisition, the C has elected to utilize the competitive negotiations approach authorized ur Section 3.28.140 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code rather than a Request for Proposal and bid process; and WHEREAS, a transfer in the amount of $12,000 is hereby authorized fra 1 contingency account to the Finance Department budget to fund this purchasl NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Car that the contract attached hereto is hereby awarded to Tamas and Associat Inc., and that a transfer in the mount of $12,000 from the contingency a to the Finance Department budget is hereby approved. /I/ //I //I //I /// I 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SI 10 I.1 12 13 14 15 16 17 l8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 w PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council City of Carlsbad, California, held on the x - day of April , 1984 the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: None ARSENT: None Council Mmbers Casler, -is, Kulchb, Chick and Prescott %&d && -- MARY H. p LER, Mayor ATTEST: *LETHA o-&.&L-dP i. RA ENKRA&m (SEAL) I I 0 4 CONTRACT BETWEEN CITY OF CARLSBAD AND TAMAS & ASSOCIATES, INC. FOR PURCHASE OF APPLICATION SOFTWARE AND COMPREHENSIVE SUPPORT AGREEMENT. THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this +Lz day of 4 #e/-/, 9 1984, by and between Tamas & Associates, Inc., hereina and the City of Carl sbad, Cal iforni a, a Cal iforni a Municipal Corporation hereinafter referred to as "CITY". IT IS HEREBY AGREED between the oarties hereto as follows: Section 1. DEFINITIONS: The following terms, as used herein and in the 'txhibits hereto, shall have the following meanings: er referre o as- OR", A. Application Software means software or programs, document at ion, and other tangible or intangible information capable of performing the system functions described in Exhibit A and included in the system as listed in Section 8 of this document. application software package, as described in Exhibit A, are both installed at the City and are proven to be operational, as defined by acceptance criteri a in Section 9. B. Del ivery Date means the date at which a1 1 of the elements of an Section 2. PURPOSE: The purpose of this Agreement is to provide the CITY with application software, instal lation, and user training from VENDOR capable of performinq the tasks described in Exhibit A. In consideration of payment to be made by CITY as provided in Section 8, VENDOR agrees to desiqn, program, and install the application software in accordance with the specifications agreed upon in the contract documents. Section 3. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: The contract documents consist of the following: A. The Detailed System Design Document, as defined in Section 9. B. This Agreement and any Exhibits or Amendments thereto. All rights and obligations of CITY and VENDOR are fully set forth and described in said Contract Documents. Each of the above mentioned documents is intended to complement the other in that any service or product called for in one document and not mentioned in the others or vice versa, is to be provided the same as if mentioned in all of said documents. In case of conflict amon9 the documents regarding system design specifications, the order of precedence of the documents shall be as listed above. No representation or promise hereafter made by a party nor any modification or amendment of this Agreement shall be binding upon either party unless in writing and signed on behalf of each by duly authorized representatives. I) W Section 4. MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT: Upon del ivery of the application software systems VthDOR agrees to offer CITY a maintenance agreement which provides for on-si te and di a1 -up support of the application software. This separate maintenance agreement shall offer software support services at the current price for said maintenance services for other VENDOR clients. The CITY may elect to execute this maintenance agreement at the CITY's opt ion. Section 5. APPLICATION SOFTWARE LICENSE: VENDOR hereby acknowledqes that it has proprretary interest in or is possessor of the application software referred to in Section 8. VENDOR forever hereby grants to CITY, a non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual license to use, for its own use, the application software as described herein. It is agreed that CITY, either during or after the period of this contract, can use the software from VENDOR in handlinq the data processing needs of the CITY and any CITY operated function. VENDOR warrants that it is the sole owner of the application software and has full power and authority to qrant the rights herein granted without the consent of any other person and will indemnify and hold CITY harmless from and against any loss, cost, liability and expense (including reasonable counsel fees) arisinq out of any breach or claimed breach for this warranty. VENDOR warrants that the software hereby sold does not infringe upon or violate any patent, copyright, trade secret or any other proprietary right of any third party; in the event of any claim by any third party against the CITY, CITY shall promptly notify VENDOR and VENDOR shall defend such claim, in CITY's name, but at VENDOR expense and shall indemnify CITY aqainst any loss, cost, expense or liability arisinq out of such claim, whether or not such claim is successful. Except as otherwise provided herein, CITY expressly agrees that it will not sell, lease, assign or in any way transfer such application software system or any rights herein to any person, partnership, corporation or other entity. The CITY further agrees to take reasonable measures to see that those of its employees that have access to said software shall be made aware of this clause and agree to abide by it. Section 6. COPYRIGHT LICENSE: royalty-free, perpetual license to make copies, for its own use, of any document at ion or user manuals del ivered hereunder by VENDOR to CITY. Section 7. CONFIDENTIALITY: VENDOR will instruct its personnel to maintain as conma1 such financial, statistical, and personnel data relating to the CITY's business which is clearly so designated and will adopt such measures as those adopted by the CITY for its own employees to insure that such information remains confidential. However, VENDOR shall not be required to regard as confidential any information which is or comes into the public domain. VENDOR hereby grants to CITY a non-exclusive, - ;I) w Section 8. PAYMENTS: CITY will pay $12,000.00 for the Application Software and other services specified herein as follows: 25% upon delivery of Detail Systems Design Document as defined in Section 9. 50% upon delivery as defined in Section 25 of said application software and document at ion. 25% one month following completion of successful acceptance testing of the application software, as defined in Section 9. CITY agrees to pay all license fees, registration fees, assessments, taxes or other charges, however designated, levied, based, or imposed by a municipal, state or federal body or authority, upon the total system cost or any part thereof, or upon this agreement or any term or provision thereof. Initial chanqes, corrections, and updates to existing programs as may be necessary in order to accommodate operation of the packages to meet CITY'S needs will be identified and mutually agreed upon during the Requirements Study defined in Section 9. Those modifications identified and mutually agreed upon as Priority 1 will be performed at no charge within the delivery period specified in Section 25, while enhancements identified and mutually agreed upon as Priority 2 or higher will be Performed on a time and materials basis at the rate charged by vendor to all other customers at the discretion of the City. Section 9. REQUIREMENTS STUDY: m shalr jointly reveiw the City's existing software requirements to specify exactly what chanqes, if any, must be made to VENDOR'S software. The product of this study shall be the Detail System Design Document, and shall consist of the following: A. Written amendments to VENDOR'S application software. B. Work Proqress Schedule. C. Specification of the content and form of the user documentation, including instruction manuals, as developed jointly by VENDOR and CITY. If agreement cannot be reached on this Detail Design Document within 15 days of the execution of this contract, this contract may be declared null and void by either party, without any liability to either party. Section 10. QUIET ENJOYMENT: CITY shall be entitled durinq the term of this perpetual ricense to use the software packaqes without disturbance, subject on1 y to its ob1 i qat ions to make the required payments hereunder. that this Agreement is not subject or subordinate to any right of VENDOR creditors. Upon execution of this Agreement, VENDOR and VENDOR represents I), Section 11. BREACH: all losses,- costs, and expenses (including reasonable counsel fees) which may be incurred by the other by reason of the breach of any term, provision, covenant, warranty or represent at ion contained herein and/or in connect ion with the enforcement of this Agreement. any indirect, speci a1 , or consequent i a1 damages. Section 12. FORCE MAJEURE: Neither party shall be responsible for delays or Tailures in performance resultinq from acts beyond the control of such party. Such acts shall include but not be limited to acts of God, strikes, lockouts, riots, acts of war, epidemics, government regulations superimposed after the fact, fire, communication line failures, power failures, earthquakes, or other disasters . S,ection 13. SURVIVAL BEYOND COMPLETION: The terms, provisions, represent at ions, and warranties contained in this contract shall survive the delivery of the software and the payment of the purchase price. Section 14. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: VENDOR shall not be held responsible for Tosses resulting from erroneous data entry or operations by CITY but shall be held responsible to correct errors at its own expense when such errors are determined to be caused by VENDOR employees or its products. liability shall be limited to the total amount payable under this contract. Section 15. COMPLIANCE WITH ALL LAWS: Compliance: Each party agrees that it will pertorm its obligations hereunder in accordance with all applicable laws, rules, and requlations now and hereafter in effect. Section 16. BUSINESS TERMINATION RIGHTS: In the event that VENDOR shall, for any reason, cease to conduct business, the non-exclusive and continuing riqht to use the application software delivered to the CITY at the time of such termination, shall automatically and without notice pass to CITY free of any additional costs. CITY shall , subsequent to such business terminat ion, have the riqht to maintain and to modify all software as it sees fit. Section 17. SOURCE CODE: In order to insure the safety and recoverability of m's applications software, VENDOR agrees to place source code with the CITY for the duration of this contract and subsequent extensions of it. CITY shall have the right to claim possession of said source code in the event of VENDOR'S termination of business as described in Section 16. VENDOR shall have the riqht to remove all source code from the CITY in the event that the CITY causes a material breach of this agreement or cancels system support services. CITY may purchase a new exclusive perpetual license for all source code at any time upon paying a sum of two (2) times the price stated in Section 8 and executing a new disclosure statement which will limit the use of the source code to maintaining the CITY's software system only. Section 18. DOCUMENTATION: The following documentat ion will be developed as part of each software package to be delivered hereunder: A. consisting of CRT menus, report layouts/speci a1 Each party hereby agrees to indemnify the other against Neither party shall be liable to the other for The CITY's Technical Design Manual: form samples, data-base schemes, and system flow diagrams. a e 8. User Procedure Manual: consisting of basic operating instructions in a Section 19. WAIVER: No term or provision hereof shall be deemed waived and no breach excused, unless such waiver or consent shall be in writing and siqned by the party claimed to have waived or consented. Any consent by any party to, or waiver of, a breach by the other, whether express or implied, shall not constitute a consent to, waiver of, or excuse for any other different or subsequent breach. Section 20. CHARGES BY TYPE: The charges contained in this agreement are the total of all charges to be made under this contract and, unless specifically to the contrary provided elsewhere herein, no charges shall be claimed by VENDOR in addition to those specified. Section 21. PRODUCTION DATA ENTRY: CITY is responsible for all production data entry. txcept for normal entry of test data for program debugging, VENDOR'S staff will not be required to perform data entry or otherwise perform production run functions. Section 22. SYSTEM SECURITY AND ACCESS: CITY shall be entirely responsible for the security of data and programs accessible through on-line terminals. Utilization of access security codes and control of authorized user lists shall be monitored by CITY. Section 23. COMPUTER SUPPORT EQUIPMENT: The CITY will provide: A. Adequate telephone lines as determined by the CITY. B. One communications modem, for remote service support. Section 24. IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE: The implementation of the application software on the CITY'S computer system is to be completed within 45 days of the date of this contract. Section 25. DELIVERY: VENDOR shall certify in writing to CITY when the application software system supplied by the VENDOR is installed and ready for acceptance testing. fifteen (15) day acceptance period. The CITY shall accept the system upon successful operation of all modules described in Exhibit A using CITY test data entered and operated by CITY employees. Within ten (10) days following expiration of fifteen (15) day acceptance period, CITY shall either accept in writing that application module, or notify VENDOR in writing of deficiencies in that module. Section 26. DELIVERY FAILURE: If a delivery date as specified in the implementation schedule is delayed for more than forty five (45) days, CITY shall have the right to cancel that package. Upon such cancellation, CITY shall be reinbursed all monies paid by CITY for said package. event that the system is not delivered for reasons other than those set forth in Section 12, VENDOR shall reduce the price of said package by 25% and shall complete installation at the CITY'S option. mutual 1 y aqreed upon format. - This certification shall constitute the beginning of a In addition, in the 0 Section 27. ASSIGNMENT AND BINDING EFFECT: Except as otherwise provided herein, thjs Agreement inures to the benefit of and is binding upon the parties hereto. Section 28. APPROVAL OF SUB-CONTRACTORS: approval of any sub-contractor selected by VENDOR. Section 29. TRAINING: VENDOR shall supply four (4) hours of management training, and four (4) hours of initial clerical training of each application, (as described in Section 8) on CITY premises, at no additional cost. Additional training will be provided upon request, charged at the average hourly rate currently charged a1 1 other VENDOR customers. Section 30. SOFTWARE WINTENANCE: VENDOR agrees to provide software maintenance services at the prevailing rates for all clients to CITY on an annual basis including on-site and dial-in maintenance service for the tenn of this contract as provided in Section 4. CITY agrees to pay VENDOR for software maintenance at the prevailing rates as described above. CITY may select the level of maintenance desired and shall be required to pay only the cost of the maintenance service selected. VENDOR shall offer both dial-up and on-site or time and material services which shall be priced seperately. - Section 31. ALL AMENDMENTS IN WRITING: No amendment to this agreement shall be effective unless it has been delivered in writing and signed by duly authorized represent at i ves of both parties . Section 32. DATA BASE CONVERSION: Data which is presently stored on a machine readable medium will be converted from the present CITY system into VENDOR'S database by CITY staff with assistance from VENDOR at no additional cost, if desired by the CITY. Section 33. COOPERATION WITH OTHER VENDORS: VENDOR agrees to cooperate with other vendors performing data processing services for CITY. construed, however, as implying that VENDOR will provide unl imited documentation to other vendor or that special programing services will be provided. Each such instance would have to be negotiated consistent with VENDOR'S right to protect its proprietary software and to be reinrbursed for work not specified in this Agreement. Section 34. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This Agreement, together with all Exhibits hereto, ad those other contract documents defined in Section 3, constitutes the entire agreement and understanding between VENDOR and CITY concerning the subject matter herein, and cancels, terminates, and supersedes all prior understandings, represent at ions, promises, proposals, or agreements. CITY reserves the right of prior This shall not be 0 e Section 35. NOTICES: All notices under this agreement shall be deemed to be duly qiven upon delivery, if delivered by hand (against receipt); or three days after posting if sent by registered mail, return receiPt requested; to a party hereto at the address herein below set forth as follows: A. Frank Aleshire, City Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 B. Tamas & Associates, Inc. 7 Bridgewood Irvine, CA 92714 EXECUTED THIS 4 +h DAY OF (3PRIL , 1984. TAMAS & ASSOCIATES, INC. CITY OF CARLSBAD BY &&B dLee, - TITLE TITLE _.+,-_ ‘m APPROVED AS TO FORM: (” I m W EXHIBIT A CITY OF CARLSBAD General System Specifications for General Ledger, Accounts Payable and Reporting Systems The following is a general description of the requirements of the City's General Ledqer, Accounts Payable and Reporting Systems. These specifications are to be considered minimum requirements and should be used as a guide in evaluating proposed systems. to the smooth operation of the accounting and budget systems. The functions and capabi 1 it is described here are essent i a1 GENERAL LEDGER Purpose of System To maintain the City Books of Account, to record all transactions generated through Accounts Payable, Payroll, or other systems as well as transactions posted directly to the general ledger through sub-systems such as cash receipts or journal entry postings. System Description number structure and add the capability of project level accountinq. The current system uses a 2 digit fund, 2 digit department, 2 digit division, and 4 digit object number. At least a four diqit Droject number should be allowed following the object number in the account number structure. - Fund Accountinq, - The City uses a fund accountinq system as described in Governmental Accounting, Auditing and Financial Reporting (GAAFR) published by The Municipal tinance Of? icers Association of the United States and Canada, Copyright 1980. If questions arise reaarding terminoloqy, financi a1 systems structure or accounting procedures, GAAFR shall be the guiding authority. - General Ledqer Functions - The GL system shall allow for the collection of at least the following types of transactions: - Account Number Structure - The City wishes to maintain the present account ** FF-DP-DV-0000-PPPP ** - General Journal Entries - Cash Reciepts Transact ions - Accounts Payable Transact ions - Payroll Labor Distribution Transactions - Accounts Receivable Transact ions m W The system shall provide the capability to report these types of transactions as a group Or individually for any date range or account nurfber range specified by the operator. stan & ar repor 5: Totals shall be provided on all reports. - Standard Re orts - The GL system shall contain at least the following fol lowing information for a1 1 general ledger accounts: Account Nunber Transaction Amount - Debit or Credit Account Name Running Account Bal ance Date of Transaction Tot a1 Account Oal ance Type of Transaction Tot a1 on Sub-Fund Transact ion Nunber Total on Fund Break Description of Transact ion - General Ledqer Detail Report - this report contains at least the Grand Tot a1 - General Ledqer Transaction Report - this is a report of transactions sorted in account nuher order and date entered within account nunber, for a selected type or types of transactions, for a specified date range and a specified account nunber range. (ie. All cash reciepts posted to accounts 01-00-00-8000-0000 to 01-00-00-8099-9999 between January 1 and January 31, 1984.) The report must be capable of providing the fol loninq information: Account Number Transaction Amount - Debit or Credit Account Name Date of Transact ion Tot a1 Account Bal ance Type of Transaction Tot a1 on Sub-Fund Transaction Nunber Total on Fund Break Oescri pt ion of Transact ion Grand Tot a1 Running Account Bal ance .. - Trial Balance Report - the system shall contain a standard trial balance report which shall include all standard balance sheet accounts as described in GAAFR as we1 1 as a1 1 control accounts (ie. Revenue, Expenditure, Encunberance and Appropri at ion accounts .) The report shall include the fol lowing: Account Nunber Account Name Account Total (Debit or Credit) as of Date Sepcified as Report Date by Operator Tot a1 Bal ance on Sub-Fund Total Balance on Fund Breaks Grand Tot a1 0 W GENERAL SYSTEM - - - Re ort Writer - The system should include a report writer which allows the opera -e-thT- or o e ine the parameters of special reports not generated through the standard report system. Speci a1 report cri teri a are: Ability to Select by Date Ability to Select by Type of Transaction Ability to Select by Account Nuher Range Ability to Select by Account Characteristic (ie. Ability to Select Total Breaks The report format should include the same fields described under General Ledger Transaction report in the detail format and those fields described under General Ledger Sumnary report in the summary format. - Report Headings - All reports shall contain at least the following headings: All accounts for Division 20, All Accounts for Funds 1 to 25 having an object number of 0110, All Accounts for Project No. 30.) City of Carl sbad Run Date Run Time Reported Date Range Reported Account Nuder Range Page Nuher Fund Name Type of Report .. - Account Inquiry - The system shall allow the operator the ability to do on line inquiry into account detail and summary information. The operator shall have access through the terminal to the information detailed under General Ledger Transaction report on an account by account basis. allow the operator to obtain hard copy of the inquiry if desired. accountinq history on line at all times. The operator shall have the ability, with appropriate security, to purge the history file if unwanted history. - Fiscal Year Control - The system shall allow simultaneous operation in two fiscal years. - Control Accounts t Subsidiary Ledgers - The system shall allow the use of control accounts and subsidiary ledgers where necessary and specifically for Revenues, Expenditures, Encumberances and Appropri at ions. Corrections * s a be allowed as additional entries only. Existing entries may not be purged. numbers ot lines ot data entry on any form of input. The system shall also - Transaction History - The system shall maintain at least two years of - Entr Inte rit - The system shall record all transactions exactly as posted. - Limit on Entries - The system shall not limit the operator to specific m e - Data Base Desiqn - The system shall utilize a data base design as allowed under HP mo image data base system on the HP supported KSAM structure. structure used must be compatible with the QUASAR products QUIZ, QUICK, etc. - Data Entr - All data entry should be performed on line in an interactive Any mode. __r_y1 emporary files may be maintained if necessary to allow operators to correct errors prior to posting. flaqqinq and be as user friendly as possible. - Interface - All financial systems shall be able to accept data from other modules such as payroll, accounts payable, etc. - Documentation - The system shall include both user level and technical level document at ion such that each user operation is described in detail, each data entry screen is described as to the function and options available for each field, each report is described as to how the report may be created. - Password Protection of Job Streams - The system should avoid the necessity for password coding in job streams. Data entry should allow error checking, error 0 W ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Purpose of System To maintain control of the City's Accounts Payable function by accepting purchase order data, encumbering funds, maintaining vendor records, issuing City warrants, recording transactions in the City's General Ledger, Revenue detail, Expenditure det ai 1, Encumberance det ai 1, etc. System Descr i pt i on - Purchase Order Entry - The system shall accept entry of purchase orders and shall record the encunberance of funds imnediately upon data entry. The system shall check the availability of budgeted funds and shall notify the operator if sufficient unencunbered funds are not available. funds than available shall require account manager override before entry shall be accepted. The system shall not limit the number of detail lines or account numbers per PO number, The system shall accept at least the following information: P.O. Nunber P.O. Date Vendor Number Account Number( s) Amount of Entry for Each Account Description P .O. Type (Open or One Time) Any transaction requiring mre - - Purchase Order Adjustment - The system shall allow the operator to add or delete account numbers and adjust the encumbered amount of any purchase order up or down any time during the P.O.'s life. Each adjustment shall be recorded in the Encumberance detail as a transaction coded to indicate that an adjustment occured. P .O. adjustments should require the following data: P.O. Number Vendor Number Account Nun&er(s) Amount for Each Account Descri pt ion The system should again check the unencunbered balance and notify the operator of any P.O. increase that causes the account to exceed budgeted funds. - Invoice Entr - Invoice entry shou?d be allowed for payments against Purchase Orders, + a a required should be: P .O. Number Vendor Nuher Account Number( s) Amount for Each Account Date of Invoice I nvoi ce Nunber Pay or Hold for Payment Status 0 W - Pay Voucher Entry - Non P.O. Payments - The City processes many routine payments without using the P.O. process. capability to enter requests for payment from a variety of sources is required. The system must be capable of checking current budcjet balances during data entry and must notify operator of any transaction that causes an over budget condition. The City uses travel forms, mileage forms, education forms, Requests for Warrant, Requests for Refund, etc. The system must a1 low for the processing of these types of payn’IentS in the warrant issuing process. The system shall not limit the number of accounts or lines per pay voucher entered. Oata entered into the system should include: Reqardless of terminoloqy, the Vendor Nunber Invoice # (If Applicable) Invoice Date (If Applicable) Description Account Nuher (s) Amount for Each Account Nuder Pay or Hold for Payment Status Again the system should reject any invoice entry which causes a specific account to exceed the budget limits. Account manager capability should be required to override this check. entm proof list should be produced prior to generating warrants which ., will allow the operator to verify the accuracy of data entered. The proof list shall include: - Warrants - The system should produce City warrants based on all invoices %% Order Alpha Order by Vendor Vendor Nunb e r Vendor Name Vendor Ad dr es s Account Nurrber Amount for Each Account Oescript ion P.O. Number Invoice Nunber Invoice Date This report should be generated in vendor number, account nuder order, or a1 phabet ical 1 y by vendor upon operator select ion. vendor breaks and qrand total, account nurnber order should total on DepartmentDi vision nunber breaks, fund breaks and grand tot a1 , a1 phabet ical orders should total at vendor name break and qrand total a Warrants should be printed by the system and should include: Vendor order should tot a1 on Stub Portion - Date P.O. Nurrber Vend or Nuh er Vendor Name Invoice Nuder Account Number Amount for Each Account Nunber Total Due m w - Check Portion - Warrant Nuher Date Vendor N ame Vendor Address Amount of Check in Numerals Amount of Check in Text A Warrant Register which includes both machine qenerated and hand written checks shall be generated by the system in warrant nuher order and vendor nunber order or alphabetically by vendor upon operator option. This listing shall include: Warrant Nunber Date Vendor Name Vendor Address Amount of Warrant Account Nuder Amount for Each Account - Hand Written Warrants - The system shall allow for the issuance of hand written warrants. These will be integrated into the warrant register by check number and shall be integrated into the invoice entry or data entry process by allowing the operator to enter the warrant number of the hand written warrant. The proof listinqs generated before each warrant processing run shall segrigate- hand warrants and list them separately. The operator shall be &le to modify any data entered on a hand written check prior to update. - Vendor File - The system shall maintain a vendor master file which shall contain at least the following date: Vendor Name Vendor Address Paying Address if Different 1099 Required Flag Type of Vendor Code - Vendor Nurrber - Vendor History - The system shall be capable of producing a vendor history report which shall list all activitv wr?aininq +? a va-Apr nr ranne 4 t#@r(nrs for a range of dates. This report shall contain the following: Vendor Nunber Vendor Name Vendor Address Date of Transact ion P.O. Nunber P.O. hount by Account Amount Expended by Account Amount Encumbered by Account Total on Vendor Break Grand Total This report should have the option of being directed to the CRT or to the pr i nt er . 9 w , - 1099 Forms - At the end of each calendar year the system shall generate 1099 forms for all qualifying vendors and shall reset the accumulators for these vendors, if necessary. on a vendors master record through the on-line terminal. invoices to establish one time vendors which will be present on the system for only the current warrant run. warrants have been produced shall delete all vendor references in the vendor master to temporary vendors. The system may assign temporary vendor nuhers automat ical ly. - General Ledger and Revenue Detail Accounts Used in Warrant Processin system shall a1 low the charging of any type ot account including genera and revenue detail accounts through the warrant processing system. This is required to allow for transactions such as direct purchases of inventory or the refund of fees collected by the City. purchase order report showing the fa1 lowing information: - Vendor Maintenance - The system shall allow for the modification of any data - One Time or Temporary Vendors - The system shall allow the operator entering The updating of the expenditure detail after the - Open Purchase Order Report .. The system shall produce upon demand an open P.O. Nuher Account Nurtber - Encumbered Amount for Each Account Nunber Vend or nu^ e r Vendor N ame P.O. Date This report shall be run in P.O. nun&er order or account nurrber order depending on the operator's needs. e v 2 REPORTING Purpose of System This system is designed to produce budget control reports containing expenditure and revenue data summarized as specified below. System Descri pt i on (if not another) the capability to create expenditure detail reports which should include at least the following data: - Expenditure Detail Reporting - The system should provide through this system Account Number Budget Account Name Budqet Transfers Date of Transaction Optional Totals on Project Number Breaks Expenditure Amount Detail Total on Account Nunber Breaks Encunkerance Amount Detail Total on Department Division Breaks Unencumbered Balance Total on Fund Breaks Runni ng Tot a1 Description The operator should be able to request this report by date range, account range, for specific account types, etc. designed to allow the operator flexibility in requesting summaries by account, department , division or fund levels. The expenditure reports should contain the following data: Grand Tot a1 - Expenditures Summary Reports - The Expenditure Summary Report should be Account Number Account Name Amount for Each Account Total as Specified by Operator Expended Amount to Date Encumbered Amount Or i 9 i n a1 Budget Budqet Transfers Current Budget Unencumbered Amount - Budget Transfers - The system should allow the entry of transfers or changes in budget or estimated revenue figures. reflected in the detail reports providing an audit trail for all transitions effecting budget amounts. These changes should be W w c - Revenue Detail Reporting - The system should provide through this system (if not another) the capability to create revenue detail reports which should include at least the following data: Account Nu*er Budget Transfers Account Name Optional Totals on Project Nuher Breaks Date of Transact ion Total on Account Number Breaks Revenue Amount Det ai 1 Total on Department Division Breaks Running Tot a1 Total on Fund Breaks Description Grand Total Budget The operator should be able to request this report by date range, account range, for specific account types, etc. - Revenue Sumnary Reports - The Revenue Sumnary Report should be designed to a1 low the operator t lexibi7 i ty in requesting sumnari es by acocunt, department, division or fund levels. The revenue reports should contain the following data: Account Nunber Account Name Amount for Each Account Total as Specified by Operator Amount Received to Date - Original Budget Budget Transfers Current Budget Bal ance to be Recei wed - Project Level Reports - The system should allow the operator to create reports based in project nunber order with totals at project breaks and grand totals. det ai 1 reports . Bud et Entr - The system should allow for the entry of the subsequent year bu -m++ ge a any ime. The system should allow the operator to print blank budget pages at request. The data contained would be similar to the expenditure summary and (Format to be def in&. )