HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-04-03; City Council; 7696; Support for AB 2099 Farr and SB 512 Hartc,r/JF CARLSBAD -AGENDi JILL AB# '"?te 'z t't> IIII..E; SUPPORT FOR AB 2099 (FARR) AND SB 512 (HART) DEPT. HD. ,{1? CiTY ATTYV/;lS CITY MGR. :?3L-.,1 MTG. 4/3/84 DEPT. P & R RECOMMEhDED ACTION: City Council move to endors~ AB 2099 (Farr) Pro~osition 18 and SB 512 (Hart) Proposition 19. ITEM EXPLANATION: The Parks and Recreation Commission has requested that City Council support AB 2099 (Farr) and SB 512 (Hart). AB 2099 will be on the June ballot as the Parks and Recreati0n Bond Act of 1984 or Proposition 18. This act, if approved, \'IOUld authorize the issuance of bonds up to the amount of $370 million. Carlsbad will receive an allocation of $37,237. The City would also be eligible to apply for competitive grants. The Corrrnission is also asking the Council to endorse SB 512 (Hart). This is known as the Fish and Hildlife Habitat Enhancement Act of 1984 or Proposition 19. If passed, $85 million would then be available for the Wildlife Conservation Board and the State Coastal Conservancy to conserve and manage wildlife resources. EXHIBITS: 1. Assembly Bill 2099 2. Senate Bill 512 J ) (_ . I'd llJ, ;- AMENDED IN SENATE JANUARY 4, 1984 . . AMENDED IN SENATE JULY 7, 1983 AMENDED IN ASSEMBLY JUNE 20, 1983 AMENDED IN ASSEMBLY JUNE 9, 1983 AMENDED IN ASSEMBLY APRIL 20, 1983 CALIFORNIA ,LEGISLATURE-1983-34 REGULAR S~ION ASSEMBLY BILL rJ ~ ~ ''if✓ No. 2099 -- Introduced by Assemblymen Farr, Filante, Wright, Goggin, Naylor; Agnos, Alatorre, Allen, Areias, Bader, Baker, Bane., Bates, Bergeson, Bradley, . Bronzan, Willie Brovm, Calderon, Oampbell, Chacon, Clute, Condit, Connelly, Cortese,. Costa, Davis, Elder, Felando, Frazee; Hanis, Hauser, l:Iayden, Herger, Hughes, Isenberg, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Katz, Kelley, Killea, KJehs, "I.a Follette, Lancaster, Margolin, McAlister, Mojonnier, Molina, Moore, Mc.,uheatl, Mountjoy, O)Connell, Papan, Peace, Ro,os, Sher, Statham, Stirling, Tanner, Tucker, Vicencia, Norman Waters, and Young {Coauthors: Senators· Alquist, Ayala, Beverly, Boatwright, Craven, Garamendi, Leroy Greene, Johnson, Lockyt?r, McCorquodale,_ · Marks, Petris, Rosenthal, Vuich, and Watson) March 7, 1983 \ An act to add ·chapter 1.691 (commencing with Section 5096.225) to Division 5 of the Public Resources Code, relating to financing, of a program of acquiring, developing, a.nd restoring real -property for state and focal park, beac:h, recreational, and historical resources preservation purposes . through the issuance and · sale of bonds of the State of \'£ ( t ------t AB 2099 .:._4_ j 1 (b) The demand for parks, beaches, recreation a:reas ~ 2 and recreational facilities, and historical resources • 3 preservation projects in the urban. areas of our state is 4 even · greater since over 90 percent of the present 5 population of California reside in urban· areas; there , 6 continues to be a serious deficiency in open space and 7 recreation areas in the metropolitan areas of the state; 8 less urban land is available,· costs are escalating, and • 19 competition ~or land is increasing. . 10 (c) There is a high concentration of urban social ·, 11 problems in California's major metropolitan areas which ; 12 can be partially I alleviated · by increased· recreational 13 opportunities. 14 (d) There ·is a particularly· high demand for 15 recreational use ai: reservoirs and lakes within the state 16 • pnrk system and recreation facilities at honstate water ' 17 facilities are particularly ·in need of e,rpansion, 18 rehabilitation, and restoration. 19 (e) California'~ coast provides a great variety of 20 recreational opportunities not found at irlland sites; it is 21 heavily used because the state's major urban areas lie, and • 22 85 percent of the state's population lives, within 30 miles 23 of the Pacific. Ocean; a shortage of facilities for almost 24 every popular coastal recreation~ activity exists; and 25 tlliere will be a continuing high demand for popular 26 coastal activities-such as fishing, swimming, sightseeing, 27 general beach use, camping, and day use. Funding for the 28 development _of a number of key coastal sites is critical at 29 tlllis time, particularly in metropolitan areas where both 30 the · deµiand for and the deficiency of recreational . 31 facilities is greatest. 32 (f) Cities, counties, and districts must exercise 33 c<>nstant vigilance to see that the parks, beaches, 34 recreation· areas and recreational fac;ilities, and historical 35 resources they now have are not lost to other uses; they 36 should acquire additional lands as those lands become 37 available; they should take steps to improve the facilities ·: 38 they now have; and they should adequately operate and 39 maintain their existing and proposed systems for the· 1 40 e11joyment of present and future generations of persons 1 r CM 11_0, -5-AB 2~• 1 of all income levels, all ages, and all social groups. 2 (g) Past .and current funding programs have not and 3. cannot. meet" ·present deficiencies. This-condition hru; • 4 become more •acute as a result of restrictions on local 5 governmental revenues. There is a need to give priority . · 6 to further .,recreation development' that can servei 1 7 expanding i-recreation needs, produce operating , 8 reverlues, and in some cases stimulate private sector jobs. 9 In view of -the · present revenue shortages, and the , 10 increasing :recreation demands, such a priority is .most 11 important ·at this time. :, · · 12 (h) In-view of the foregoing, the Legislature declare~: 13 that an. aggressive, cc~rdinated, funded program for 14 meeting ·existing and projected recreational• demanru: 15 must be: impl~xµented without delay. . · · · · - · 16 5096.228.'. As.used in this chapter, the following terms: 17 shall· have the-following meanings: 18 (a) ~•coastal resources" means those land and water 19 areas within-the-coastal zone, as defined in subdivisions 20 (a) and (b)·ofSection 31006, and within the Santa Monica 21 Mountains,Zone, as described in Section 33105, which are 22 suitable·for public park, beach, or recrea~onal purposes, 23 . inclucling, but not limited to, areas of historical 24 significance and areas of open• space that complement 25 park, beach, or recreational areas, or which are suitable 26 for the ·preservation of coastal resource values. 27 (b) :~District" means · any district , authorized • to 28 · provide park, recreation, or open-space· services, 6r a 29 combination of such services, except a· school district. 30 (c) "Fund" nieans the Parklands Fund of 1984. 31 (d) .. Historical resource" includes, but is not limited 32 to, any buil~g, structure, site, area, or place which is 33 historically or.archaeologically significant, or is significant 34 in the architectural, engineering, scientific, economic, 35 agricultural, educational, social, political, military, or 36 cultural annals of (;alifomia. 37 • ( e) "Historical resources preservation project" is a 38 project designed to preserve an historical resource which 39 is either listed in the National Register of Historic Places 40 or is registered as either a state historical landmark or • ___ I_ 94 130 CV) AB· 2099 -2-· I .. California and by providing for the handling and disposition ) of those funds. : LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL'S Dir,EST AB 2099, as amended, Farr. Park and recreational land acquisition and development program: bond issue. 1 Under existing law, state general obligation bonds have ) been issued pursuant to the Cameron-Unruh Beach, Park, Recreational, and Historical Facilities Bond Act of 1964 and the State Beach, Park, Recreational, and Historical Facilities Bond Act of 197 4 to provide funds to acquire and establish ( state and local beaches, parks, recreational facilities, and , historical resources, and pursuant to the Nejedly-Hart State, Urban, and Coastal Park Bond Act of 1976 and the California Parklands Act of 1980 to provide funds to acquire, develop, ' and restore real property for state and local park, beach, recreational, and historical resources preservation purposes. This bill would make legislative findings regarding the rieed for parks, be~ches, recreation areas, recreational facilities, and l historical resources preservation projects, and would enact 1 the California Park and Recreational Facilities Act of 1984, · which, if adopted, would authorize the issuance, pursuant to ·the State General Obligation Bond Law, of bonds in the amount of $370,000,000 for parklartds acquisition and development purposes, as specified. · ) The bill would provide for submissipn of the bond act to the ' c: voters ~11d the provisions concerning bonds would take effect 4.-upon adoption by the voters. Vote: %. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: yes. State-manda'..ed local program: no. The people of the State of.California do enact as follows: 1 SECTION 1. Chapter 1.691 ( commencing with ' 2 Section 5096.225) is added to Division 5 of the Public 3 Resources Code, to read: 4 5 6 7 CHAPTER 1.691. CALIFORNIA PARK AND RECREATIONAL FACILffiES ACT OF 1984 .i ~.,,.~ -~,--~ -_._• ~-__..~ ,. __ ..,._w; • -_ _.. v ~ ----~ .->v, -3-AB 2m}9 1 .Articl~ 1. General Provisions 2 . 3 5096.2215. 1 • This chapter shall be known and may be 4 cited as' the California Park and Recreational Facilities 5 Act of 1984. . . . . 6 5096.226. •, The Legislature hereby finds and declares 7 that: , • .• •·.• 'l • 8 (a) It is the.responsibility of this state to provide ~d 9 to encourag~ the provision of recreational opportunities 10' and facilities for citizens of' California. . , 11 (b) It js the policy of the state to preserve, protect, 12 and, where possible, restore .coastal resoiµ-c,es which nre 13 of significant recreational or environmental importance 14 and, through-proper planning and developme:qt, to maJce 15 them-available for·the enjoyment of present and future 16 generations of persons of all mcome lev~ls, all ages,,,and 17 all social groups. 18 (c) When there is proper planning and developmeint, 19 parks, ·. beaches, recreation areas . and recreational 20 facilities,. ~d, historical resources preservation projects 21 contribute. not only to a he~thy physical and moral 22 environment, but also contribute · to the economic 23 betterment 9f the state, and, ttierefore, it is in the public . 24 interest for the state to acquire, develop, and restore 25 areas for recreation, conservation, and preservation and 26 to aid local. governments of the state. in acquiring, 27 developing, and restoring such areas as will contribute to 28 the realization of the policy declared in this chapter. 29 5096.227. The Legislature further finds and declares· 30 that: , . 31 (a) The demand for parks, beaches,. rec:reation areas 32 and recreational facilities, and historical resources 33 preservation projects in California is far greater than 34 what is presently available, with the number of people 35 who cannot be accommodated at the area of their choice 36 or any comparable area increasing rapidly. Further;. the 37 development of parks, beaches, recreation· areas and 38 recreational facilities, and historical reso\JII'ces 39 prese_rvation projects has not ,proceeded rapidly enough 40 to pre.. t'ide for their full utilization by the public. . . n1. _ ~--l ___ A•-~ 94 90 ~ AB 2Q99 ..;;;_6- ------__________ T ___ _ 1 point of historical interest ,pursuant to .Section 50.21; (f) "Prngram" means the Parklands Acquisition-and Development Program of ~ 1984 established by. this 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I 13 · 14 chapter. . · •. .. . . · · (g) "Siewardship"., means ,the development . and implementation of major programs .for, the protection, 1 rehabilitation, rest.~i'ation, and enhancement of the basic ) natural systems a11d outsb>.nding scenic features of the ~ state park system .. It does-not mean the maintenance or alteration of facilities, developments,:6r of any physical installations whose original purpose was not . the . protection of natural ~d scenic resources. Article 2. Parklands Acquisition and Development Program • 5096.231. All mo~ey deposited in the Parklands Fund of 4983 1984 shall be available for appropriation in the mahner .set forth in Section 5096.260 for the purposes set l forth below in amounts not to exceed the following: ·, . ------·-·-·----.·---~ 1 2 3 4 5 ' 6 7 .·l 8 9 10 r 11 12 13 14 15 i6 17 · 18 19 20 -7- however, that each county shall be . entitled to receive not less than • , · two hundred thousand dollars . ( $2()(),otXJ). (2) · Fifteen million dollars · ($15,- .. 000,000)1 • for the development, : rehabilitation, or restoration c,f • · · real• property consisting of locally· · . 1 , : • '-1 and 'regionally operated lakes, •' reservoirs ~a ·waterways. .(3) • Forty--fi,,e million dollars ($45,000,- 000)' for expentlitw:e by the De- partment of Parks and Recreation : for the: purposes of the Roberti- Z'berg• Urban Open-spaces and Recieation Program Acf {com- • I tµeriCfng with SeCtiOO 5620 Of the -Public -Resources Code)·,; pro- vided however, that nothwith- ·staftding Section 5627, funds made 1·• 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 (11) For grants .to counties, cities, and districts for the acquisition, cl~-.-~1- opment, rehabilitation, or restora- tion of real property for park; beach, recreational, and historical resources preservation purposes,· including an. amount no( to ex-- ! . 21 22 23 ' available pursuant to this category may be expended only for capital outlay purposes ftt't6 netwithstM\6/ iflg SeeaeM 5608 ~ e609; ette4t ~ shea 90 efttitleEl te reee,.,.e ~le!!~ Me kttl'l&l'es lfteul 9MHl eeDM9 ($~00,008➔ . !..28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 . ceed $1,~otXJ for state adminis- ~ative costs directlY. incurred in connection therewith during the 1985-86, 1986-87, and 1987-88 Rs- cal years, in accordance with the follo\\ing schedule: .................... " ... .$150,000,000 Schedule: {l} Eighty million.. dollars ($80,· 000,000) for the tl~velopment, rehabilitation; . or restoration of resl property for park, beach, and recreational purpo,:es; provided, I I I J ,; I I . I I I I • I .~ 160 1,. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ·31 32 33 34. 35 36 37 38 .39 40 41 (4) Ten million dollars ($10,000,000) for acquisition, development, anti rehabilitation, or restoration of historical resources and for histo1i- cal , resources preservation projects and costs of planning and ';, interpretation. (b) For acquisition, developme·nt, rehabilitation, or restoraticfo of real property for the state park system in accordance with the fol- lowing· i:chedule: , ... : ...................................... ,145,000,000 AB 20!}9 l I 'I) t t t ' !14 180. I AB 2099 -8- I. 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 . 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19. 20 21 22 23 24 2.5 26 1: 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Schedule: (1) Fifty million dollars ($50,000,000) for acquisition of real property in· .side the boundaries of existin_g units, or as an addttion to existing units; provided, however, that not more than ten million dollars ($10,000,000) shall be expend~d on any one unit of the state park system. (2) F~Yeft ffliDteft eeUet'9 {$57,009,~ Forty million five hundred thousand dollars (14(),500,000) for development, rehabilitation, ene or restoration of coastal resources, in accordance with the following schedule: Schedule: (A} Twenty-eight million five hun- dred thousand dollars ($28,- 500,000) within San Diego Couuty through Santa Barbara County. (B) Seven million five hundred thou- sand dollars (fl ,500,0fJO) within San Luis Obispo County ilirough · Sett Metee Ce1:tnt,• !the City and <;:aunty of San Frmcisco. -fGt Mlfteett Millir,11 ftYC, ftltft&l'el!i tltetll ,alltl eeYers ~.~,009) WHfflft tfte Qt,rene Gtattt,o ef Satt FHPJ fflee: ~ (C) Four million five hundred thou- sand dollars (f/4,500,000) within Marin County through Del Norte County. (3) Ntne miHioft :liYe .httl'll&l'ea tltetll NM tWleto! Ef.9,599,999~ Sixteen million five hundred thousand dollars {116,500,000} For develop- --·--1 · ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ! 10 11 12 13 14 I 1s l' !~ 18 19 ,. 20 . 21 · 22 23 24 . 25 ; 26 1 27 I 28 i 2.9 I I 30 l 31 I 32 ) : I 35 . 3b 37 I 38 t 39 \ 40 ' 1 _9_.:. ' ment, rehabilitatioh, or restora- tion of resources in or on the San Fnmcisco Bay. (4) Ten million dollars (IIO,()()(),()(}()) : for development, rehabilitation, and or, restoration ,;if inland re- sources itF eettHecs etflel" ~ tfte9e speeiftea ift eategol')' ~- ~ (5) Fifteen million dollars ($15,- 000,000) for. development, rehabilitatio'ii-, &ft& or restoration ·at lakes, reservoirs, and water- . ways, including state water facili- ties, as defined in paragraphs (1) to (4),incluslve,ofsubdivisfon (d) , · of· Section 12934 of the .Waler -t5r (6j ~ Code. Five million doliars ($5,000,000) for the l'epair of stom1 damage and construction to prevent ·ru- ture stomi. damage. (7) Three million dollars ($3,000,000) fA- (8) for planning, development, rehabilitation, restoration, and in- terpretive facilities in support of · volunteer . community action projects for the state park system. Five million dollars ($5,000,000) for the· increased stewardship of the public investment in the pro- tection of the most critical natural and scenic features of the existing state park system. (c) For·the acquisition, development, and restoration of real property for wildlife management in ac- AB 20!)9 -...9 94 220 AB 2099 · -10- 1 cordance with the pro~ons of 2 the Wildlife Conservation Law of 3 1947 (Chapter 4 (commencing· 4 with Section 1300), Division 2, 5 Fish and Game Code), including 6 costs for planning and intcrpreta- 7 tion in accordance with the fol- 8 lowing schedule: ....................... ; ...... $25,000,000 · \ 9 Schedule: , · 10 (1) Fifteen million dollars ($15,- 11 000,000) for the acquisition, devel- 12 opment. ee rehabilitation, or 13 restoration of real property for .: 14 ·wildlife management. 15 (2) Ten million dollars ($10,000,000) • 16 for the acquisition, rehabilitab"on, • 17 or restoration of habitat for ariy 18 r'.rd; mammal, fish, amphibia or 19 reptile declared rare, endangered, 20 or fully protected pursuant to the 21 Endangered Species Act. 22 ~ Fftl' e1tpeneih:tPe ey-the ~ 23 Cea,tal GeMePYeney itt aeee,lt< 24 eee witlt the Eelle•Nmg seheelili;, 469,800,009 2.5 Seeedttle: . 26 . 5096.23~. All money deposited in the State Coastal 1' 27 Conservancy Fund of 1984, not to exceed fifty million . -L. ·28 1 dollars ·($50,{XJ{},(/()(}), shall be available for appropriation 29 in the manner set forth in Section 50f}6.£60 for the 30, purposes set forth below in amounts not to exceed the 31 following: 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 . 41 -flt (a) Fifteen million dollars ($15, · 000,000j for the purposes set forth in Division 21 (commencing with Section 31000), and for state ad· ministrative costs directly in· curred in connection· therewith. ~ 9' 380 l 1 2 3 4 5 6 I-i-- 10 : 11 ' 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ., 20 I 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 j 31 i 32 \ 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 -11:..1- (b) Fifteen million dollars ($15,- 000,000) for grants to local public age~cies and· nor.profit organiza- tions for projects in the San Fran- . cisco Bay and the ~uisun Marsh of ~ (c) which not less than five million dollars {$5,000,000) shall be al- located·. , to urban waterfront projects, and for state administra- tive costs directly incurr¢ 'in con· nection therewith. . Twenty million dollars ($20,· 000,000) for grants to local public · agencies and nonprofit organiza· tions to implement local coastal· programs pursuant to Division 20 ( commencing with Section 30000), and for state administra· tive costs directly incurred in con- nection therewith. ~ ... I ' : \, IL ' . Article 3, Local Assistance Grants · ' AB 2099 . l 5096.233: ·.(a) All of the funds authoiized'in categories •(1) and''.(2) of subdivision (a) ofSectioii5096.23lshallfoe available fpr grants on a competitive basis· for projec:ts eeffl8ft9trftftftg tlftflt eftEl reefetlB0ft semee, fC'ieftlse geHeretieft, ftftft jebkreetiag patefttials. ~ Difreeter. ef which willful.ill one or more of the following objectiv.es: rehabilitation or restoration of existing Facilitie~ de~elbpment of facilities to serve-urban populatio.rzs, development ·of Facilities which increase· the grt,.'.nt recipient's revenues by expanding public-recreab"on services, or stimulation of new jobs. Alter at least two pubh°c hearings, the Director of Parks and Recreation shall prepare and the Secretary of the Resources Agen.cy shall adopt criteria and proceduros for evaluating those competitive grants. 94 415 t-,... • I , ~ .. , l \ J .,.._. AB 2099, -12- 1 (b) The funds a11thorized in. cat~gory (1) · of 2 subdivision (a) of Section 5096.231 shall be available ,for 3 appropriation of not more than thirty million dollars 4 {$30,000,000) in the_ 19ss:.aB . fiscal year and·• for 5 appropriation of not more than twenty-five million_ 6 dollars.($25,000,000) in each of the 19~ and 1987-88 7 fiscal years and shall b~ allocated among cities, counties, 8 and districts loc~t:ed within the following regions in 9 accordance with tlie following schedule, reduced pro rata .. 10 by the amount of state administrative. costs .directly· 11 k"lcurred under. that category: ·· 12 · . , 13 1986-87 14 , 1985-86 , and 1987-88 15 Schedule: fiscal years fiscal years 16 (l) Del Norte, Humboldt, 17 Mendocino, and Lake 18 Counties ................. :...... $ S99,099 $ .040,909 19 $ 300,(J()(). $ 250,(J()() 20 (2) Siskiyou, . Modoc, 21 Trinity, . · , . Shasta, 22 Lassen, Tehama, ---~ ' £3 Plumas, Glenn, Butte, 24 and Colusa Counties .. $ Sl15,0<:l9 $ 600,909 25 ✓ $ 700,000 $ 650,000 26 (3) Siena, -Sutter, Yuba, 27 Nevada, Yolo, Placer, .. -~ 2B , · Sacramento, and El 2.9 Dorado Counties ........ · 30 . . $ 1,soo,OOG * i,a8e,099 ·. ). $ 1,590,()()(} $ 1,300,(){)() .. 31 . {4) Sonoma, Napa, Solano, 32 Mtt.rin, Contra Costa, 33 San Mateo,-Alameda, ~ .. 34 and Santa Clara 35 Counties. and the City 36 • and County of San 37 Francisco ...................... $ 6,566,909 $ s,~,080 38,. ,. · $ 6,540,000 $ 5,385,()()() 39 . (5) Amador, Alpine, San 40 Joaquin, Calaveras, 94 430 ____ ... _,. ___ ,,. ___ ~·--.. -----,,,_.,...,_,._ ______ ~_.,.,,,_ ___ •- -13-AB 2099 1 Tuolumne, Stanislaus, 2. · ,., , and Merced Counties $ l,O'le,QQQ ♦ 8'/6,QQ(;t 3 · $1,050,000 $ 850,000 4 · (6). Mariposa, . Madera, · 5· ·, ! : : • Fresno, Kingsj Tulare, ' 6· , · and Kem-Countit:s ..... $ 1,669,000 7-$l665,()()(J 8 {7) . Santa Cruz, San 9 • • _Benito; Monterey, San . 10 ',Luis·Obispo, ftffllBefttft · . . 11 BarhMa Santa • I 12 Barbara, and Ventura 13 Counties ........................ $ 1;016,000 -$ 1,980,000 I 14 $ J,970,()()(J $ J,5(}(),()(}{} 15 (8) WY • -Vef.ltuPa, Los Angeles, 16. 17 18 19 San Bernardino, .~ Orange, Riverside, , and Imperial Counties . $1\,680,000 ·I 20 (9) San Diego County ...... 21 $13,765,000 $ Q,860,999 $ ~270,(){}() $1Q.,OO(jl $11,600,(XJO $ 1,960,0001 $ 1,980,()(}{) 22 (10) Mono and Inyo 23 Counties ...................... ♦ · e0,898 -·f . · · eO,GOG, 24 $ 150,000 $ · 125,00() 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 as 36 37 38 39 40 (c) Notwithstanding the schedule in subdivision (b), each county shall be entitled_ to receive not Jess tha11 two hundred .thousand dollars ($200,()()(}) ·in-,grants under category (1).of subdivision (a) of Section./5096.231. ,~5096.234. Funds appropriated for local assista11ce ·grants pursuant to subdivision ,(a) of Section 5096.231 shall be encumbered by the recipient-wi'hin three yEiars of the date when the appropriation became effective, regardless of the date when each project was approved pursuant to subdivision (d) of Section. 5096.236. 5096.235. (a) Funds available for appropriation for local assistance grants pursuant to category, (3) of subdivision· (a) of Section 5096.231 may be expended for the acquisition of parks, beaches; open-space lands, recreational trails, and recreation facilities and areas, and 94 500 6o ( -- AB.2099·· -14- 1 for development rights and scenic easements iri 2 connection with those acquisitions. 3 {b) The funds authorized in cat~gory (4) -of 4 subdivision {a) of Section 5096.231 shall be available for 5 a three-year period as grants on a competitive basis to 6 cities, counties, and· districts. The Director of Parks and 7 Recreation, through the Office of Historic Preservation, 8 shell prepare and the Secretary of the Resources Agency 9 shall adopt criteria and procedures for evaluating those 10 • compeµtive grants. An individual jurisdiction may enter 11 into an agreement with a nonprofit organization for the 12 purpose of carrying out a grant, subject . to the 13 requirements of subdivision ( c) . 1 14 (c) Funds granted pursuant to subdivision (a) of 15 Section 5096.231 may be expended for development,' 16 rehabilitation, or restoration only on lands owned by, or · 17 subject to a lease or other interest held by, the applicant 18 city, county, or district. If those lands are not owned by 19 the applicant, the applicant shall first demonstrate to the 20 satisfaction of the Director of Parks and Recreation that 21 the development, rehabilitation, or restoration will 22 provide benefits commensurate with the type and 23 duration of interest in land he]d by the applicant. 24 • 5096.236. · (a) An application (or a local assistance 25 grant pursuant to this article shall be submitted t the 26 Director of Parks and Recreation for review. Except for 27 an application for a grant under category ( 4) of 28 subdivision (a) of Section 5096.231, the application shall 29 be accompanied by certification from the planning 30 agency of the applicant that the project is consistent with 31 the patk and recreatior£ plan for the applicant's 32 jurisdtcoon ~d would satisfy a demonstrated need. 33 (b) ·The minimum amount that may be applied for any 34 'in~vidual project is ten thousand dollars ($10,000). ,• 35 { c) Every application for a grant shall_ comply with the 36 provisions of the California Environmental Qu,c1lity Act 37 (Division 13 {commencing with Section 21000)). 38 ( d) Upon completion of the review of applications 39 submitted pursuant to subdivision (a), approved projects 40 shall be forwarded to the Director of Finance for 9:4 520 -15.:..... AB 2099 1 inclusion in the B1~.dget Bill. 2 5~6.2-37! (a) No state grant funds authorized under 3 Section• 5096!231 may be disbursed until the applicant 4 -agrees that' arty, property acquired or developed with 5 saeh the fµnqs:shall be used by the applicant only for the 6, purpose for which the funds were requested and that no 7 other use, sale,· or other disposal of the property shall be 8 permitted.except-by specific act of the Legislature. If the 9 use of: the property is changed to one other than 10 perm,itted . under . ~he category in subdivision (a) · of 11., Section1 r-. 5096.231, · from . · which the funds were 12 appropriated, or the •property is sold or otherwise 13 disposed of, an amourlt equal to the amount of the·grant: 14 or equal to ·the fair marl$et value of the real property 15 acquired or .. developed with the grant, whichever is 16 greater, .shall be used by the city, county, or district for 17 a purpose authorized in that category or shall bE: 18 reimbursed to the fund for a use authorized in that 19 category. , --, · 20 (b) No state -grant funds authorized under Sectio12 21 5096.231 may·be disbursed unless the applicant agrees to 22 maintain and · operate the property acquired o:r 23 developed •pursuant · to this article for a period 24 commensurate with the type of project' and the 25 ·proportion of state grant funds and local funds allocated 26 to tlie capital costs of the project. 27 28 , . · 1 • • Article 4. State Park System• ,. 29 . I \ • • • , 30 5096.241. • The Legislature recognizes· that public 31 financial re~ources are· inadequate to meet all capital 32 outfay-,.needs of the state park system and that the 33 development of recently acquired units of the state park 34 system has proceeded at a rate_ that has-prevented their 35 full •potential for public use . from being realized. 36 Accordingly; if is declared to be the policy .of the state 37 that funds allocated pursuant to subdivision (b) , of 38. Section,. 5096.231 -shall be appropriated primarily for 39 projects that accoml)lish the following: 40 (a), Serve metropolitan population centers and I 94 t.:30 0-- AB··2099 ; -16-- ' . 1 accommodate .clay-use and weekend-overnight visits. 2 . (b) Provide.for the development of existing ~its with·· 3 the minimum facilities riecessary for accessibility, use, · 4 and interpretation. · · ! 5 . . (c) Rehabilitate facilities at ·existing units 'that· will: 6 provide for more efficient management and reduced 7 operational costs. , . ----___ ..,.. __ .,, "" ________ ,,. ___ ,.,.. -¥---------··---··--~--·- -17-AB 2099 1 (c) Projects shall be approved by the Secretary of the 2 Resources Ag~ncy and forwarded by the secretary to the 3 Director. of.Finanqe for .inclusion in the Budget Bill. 4 5096.243.. (a) Acquisition for the state park system by 5 purcha~e. ,or: by, _~minent domain shall be under the 6 Property, Acquisition Law (commencing with Section 7 15850 of the _Goyemment Code). 8 (b) .Work ,efforts for stewardship purposes may, 8 ,, (d) Minimize dependence on inotor vehicles. and· 9 ~ reduce other forms of energy and -water consumption · 10 ·. through appropriately designed facilities. 1 , 11 , ... • (e) ·4cquire .those lands which· will ·lead ·to the . 9 include,: but are not limited to, such objectives as the 10 control ·of major: erosion and geologic hazards, the 11 · restoration and improvement of critical plant and animal - 12 habitat, the control and elimination of exotic species 12 completion· of ongoing projects. · . 13 , •· 5-096.242. (a) Any. Member of the Legislature, the \ 14 S~ate Park and Recreation. Commission, the .·California 15 Coastal Commission, or the Secretary of the Resources 16 Agency may nominate any project to be funded under 17 this article for s~dy by the Department of Parks and 18 Recreation. The State Park and ,Recreation Commis'sion 19 8htHl ftelti M ~ eHe pHblic hearing with respec~ ff! aey 20 pt'6j~ ~ to aemiae.tiag ~ p:Pejcet. A.Hy ef the shall .21 nominate projects after holding at least one public · 22 hearing to seek project proposals from individuals, 23 •.citizen groups, the Department of Parks and Recreation, 24 land other pubHc agencies. Any of t.q.e commissions shall 25 make nominations by vote of its membership. 26 (b) The Department of Parks and Recreation shall 27 study. any project so. nominated. In addition to the 28 procedures required by Section 5006; the Department of t '?9 Parks,and Recreation shall submit to the Legislature and '30 to the Secretary of the Resources Agency annually a 31 report consisting of a prioritized listing and comparative 32 evaluation of. all projects nominated 'for study, in 33 accordance with the following schedule: 34 1, {l) March 1, 1985, for projects -nominated prior to 35 January '.l, 1985.. _ · 36 (2) November l, .... i985, for projects nominated prior to 37 June 30~ 1985, and·after January 1, 1985. 38 (3) -November . 1, 1986, · and each November 1 39 thereafter for projects nominated during the 12 months 40 eriding June 30, 1986, and each June 30 thereafter. 94 550 13 encroachment~-the stabilization of coastal dunes and 14 -bluffs, and 'the planning necessary to implement those 15 activities. Those efforts may not include activities which 16 merely supplement normal park system operations or 17 which are usually funded from other sources. 18 I I,• 19 Article 5. State Coastal Conservancy 20 , .. 21 5096.244. (a) The State Coastal Conservancy shall 22 prepare and -Mte SeeretMy ef ~ B:esettrces z",gency shell 23 adopt priorities, criteria, and procedures for the making 24 of grants to local public agencies and nonprofit 25 · organizations pursuant to subdi•r.isioa ,(et ef Seetiea 26 · e896$H Section 5096.232. 27 . The pro.cedures shall specify the categories of 28 expenditures for grants, and shall include procedures for 29 the submittal, review, and approval of applications, 30 disbu~sements, and,. where appropriate, repayment of 31 grant funds. . . 32 . (b) An applfoation for a grant pursuant to this article • 1 33 shall be submitte4 to the State Coastal Conservancy for 34 eval~ation, r~view of adequacy, and classification as a 35 park, beach, coastal access, or other project necessary to 36 protect ·coastal resource values. . . 37 (c) The minimum amount that may be applied for any 38 indivi~ual project is one thousand dollars ($1,000). . , 39 ( d) Every application for a grant shall comply with the ~ 40 provisions of the Ca:liforia California Environmental 94 570 Q. -l (. An·oooo; -2.18-· -19.,..._ AB 2099• ¼ Qualitjt Act ·(Division ·13 (commencihg with: Section 1 maintain. 1 and _.;operate the property acquired or ~ 11~1000) ). "!• · ,; • '·. ·:· · · 1 ... , •. , ,._ •• ,· ! 2 developed pursuant to this article for a period 3 1~ #,·~-e6m:pl:efteft 1ef,$e re'l-icw ef ftf>plieations 3, commensurate _._with the type of, project and the 4i~•st:dni«tted'pur!MO:ftt to s':l-bdw~sioa ~j OPJ:)!'8Ye'd prsjcets· 4. proportion._of ~tate grant funds and-local funds allocated 5 ~ ~ .fef\?M'Eiee-te '"1e Diree~Of ef• Fiaene·e· ·,•fat 5. to the capital c~sts, of the project. · ,• , · · · ·.·I , : !• 6 _mehtsteft t1t-tfte Badget~ ; , , 6 -fit . . '. :. . • • •· · , ·' · ·• t1 ,:,..,_ .. ~ ~ , 7ifol ~--w.n;,'1: ~ ''. '1 .1 ,".' .; ., , •• _.,, .f i .... •, 7 (ll) TheStateCoastalConservancyshalireporttothe 8·•··• 1 1(e)._1 Fundsigranted pursuant 'fo subdwisien. -te,: ef 8--Legislature,~annuallyi on or before January, 1, on the 9,: ~eti&B ~6.Qal ·secHon 5096.232 may be expertdetl for 9 implementation-· of urban. waterfront projects ,and local 1~~ dev~lopm_ent,.,re~ab~~atibn; or re~toration only on lands 10 coastal program projects under.categories ~.end f'»-:ef, ll·1 ·owrted b}:', or subJect-to·a lease c:>r-·other~hterest·held by;· 11 subawtsien~ef8eetiot16QQS.B8¼. (b),and (c)-ofSectic>n · 12 the ~pplicant. If those lands are not owned by• the 12 5096.232.,,,.,,: i, · "'· .•, • 1• " ·.,, ,,\•Ht•· ,_.ll ~ i 13 . apJ?liCSf!t, ~e applicant shall first demonstrate to the 13 . d., ;• . , 1 : "· • 1 · 1 ;;· ' 1 ', • ' 1 ; 14 . satisfaction :of' the State Coastal Cqnservancy that the 14 , . , . . Article. 6.-, ,Miscellaneous Provisions . -. · · •,, ! 15 development, rehabilitation, or restoration will provide ! 15 . . , 1, ., • •"., 1 1 • • • . • 1 , • • 1 I' 1 ! 161 .. ~nefits c_~tn..tJ;lensurate· with the type and cluration of 1' 16 I 5096.245.-• 1 frojectS;' authorized for the purposes set ; 11: ~ iliterest in· land h~ld by the ·applicant.' . · • 17 .forth in subdivisions ·(.b) ,and (c). of Section 5096.231 shall 18· • · ~ '1 • 1 -' • • • . • • •. • 118 be subject to augmentation as provided jn Section 163-52 · 19·' · ·(f} ·No·· state graht funds· ·authorized under Section 1 19 pf the Goy~rnment Code, as limited by. any provision of 20·t•50f?6.232may be disbursed until the applicant airreesthat 120 the Budget ·Act .. The unexpended balance in a11y.< 21·11 ~Y property·acquired or developed with the f~ds 'shall I 21 appropriatio:µ ,made payable• from the fund. which the' 22 ·!.he, used by,the:applicant only for the purpose for which · 22 Director:of.Finance, with the approval of the State Public·· 23•' the funds were requested and that no other 'use sale or t 23 Works . Board; · determines not to be required· i for·. 24;doth~r. di~osal1 of the •prop~rty shall be permitted exc~pt 124 expenditure pursuant. to· ~e approp~ation,• may-.. ~: 25 1 by·specific •act of the·Legtc;lattfre. -If tne use of the 25· transferred-onorderofthe,D1rectorofFmanceto,andm 26 :,property is-changed-to one other than permitted under 26' ·augmentatio1. of,r the appropriation made in Section . 27 .~e catego_:i;y in Stibdl't'isfon -t6t ef Seeeon 6006.Bal 27 16352 of the Goyerqment Code. ,!, , 1 1 28 1:1 S&ction 5096.232ffom which the funds were appropriated 28 5096.246. · .The Department of General Services, if .the 29'~:?!'0 ~e ·.J?:.?Pe~ty."is_1.sol~ or otherwise disposed of, •ari ! 29 Director o~Park~ and Recr~ation finds that ~e use would ·. 3Q.1 aiilount-equal to the amount of the grant·dr equal to the 1 30 be compatible with the ultimate use of the real propet♦ty, 3\ •rf94f •. ~~ket •:value of' the real prqpetty acquired or : 31 as a unit, or. part of a _unit, of the state park 'syst£:m a~d · 32~ ~eveloped with 'the grant, whichever is greater shall be \ 32 with the soun~. management and · conservation. o( · 33 'tised 11 by · tlie · local·· public agency or the ~onprofit , 33 resources within the unit, may. make agre~ments wlth: 34 · _1 otgaiiiiatiqii.for-a ·purpose· authorized iri that-category or 1! 34 respect . to :µiy ' real property . acquired · pursuant .. to 35· "shall·· be •'reimbursed' :to the· ftlftEl ''State Coastal . 35 subc;livision (b))ofSection 50£'6.231,.and the.Ex~uti.ve: 3 1 6 :'·~d1!s~~~qf F'und'of 1984 for a -use ~uthorized in that · 36 Officer of thE:, State Coastal Conservancy•,.may\ ~aJce• 3 · -cate~orx~ :' ·· t _ ! : 1 • • · • , 37 agreements with respect to any real property acqwr:ed · 38·•:1' ,·~ ~--"1·~ • • :. · ,. ' 38 pursuant to stiadwisi-eft ~ ef Seeeen 5996.QCH Section 39 d·l l(g) :No state grant ·funds authorized under Section 39 5096.232, for ~e.contiilued tenancy of the seller of the 40 11 llO!f6.232 may be disbursed unless the applicant agrees to 40 property for a period of time and under such conditions 94 600 1, 94 ~ -- l - -------,..-·~ ...... # _, ___ ,..,.,,_ ... __ ... .........---~-------~--~ ..,._ ---~~-----~-....,.,-.... ~ ,~ -~-"" AB1i2099' -20-· -21-AB 20!J9 r{ 1 as mutually agreed upon by the state and the• ~eller sb l and 5096.232. 2:: !0 ~g•, ~ ._the •:seller-promises to •P~Y such taxes• :on his 2 · . 5096.250. ".Real property acquired by the state shrill ~ 1 ; ~fer~st ~m '.~~ proper~ as. shall· become :due; owing, or 3 consist predom41antly of open or. natuz:~ lands, incluc~ing 4~,. 11ilpmd on•· the· piterest ~reated by :5aeh th~ agreement 4 lands,under.. water capable of bemg utilized for multiple 5 ·•m:idt~o fon~ras:the:s~Uer•conducts ftie an.roperations oh 5, recreational!·:•Pui"poses, and lands necessary ·for the ;6·_1~_tlie .-um~ · ·~~~ording to · speciflcations issu~d · by:.· tHe 6 ,pr.eseeyation of. coastal or histo~cal resources .. ~o ,funds ,7, 1 • .appropn:ite·~ector'~r o~cer to protect the property for 7 derived from1 the .bonds authonze? by this <:11vis1on sh,~ll _8·, the·p~b~c-use for.·which 1t was,acquired. A copyofJ5tieh 8 :be e?'I)ende9,:.for .. the con~truction, of 8!?-Y. ~e~e~oir 9 · f!ie.agre~~ertt,shall be ftled1with the countycletk irlthe 9 designated1 as-a ·part of the. 'State Water:-.racilitiei;, as 10, :,county ·lll · .•which the•·, property .. lies,· 8t:teft • The 10 ,defiI].ed in subdivision (d) of Section 12934 of the Water ·11 ~angem~nt shall be compatible with the operation of 11 Code .... ,, ,,rt:.,.;: 1. ·.1 1 , •• • ,· · , •• 1_2·,,~e area~~ the_ state, as detepruned by the:appiopriate 12 . · 5096.251. ': (a) •Prior to recomme~ding the acquisition 13 , · diredor or-officer. 1 · •• • 1 ,, • • • • • • . 1 • 13 oflands that are located on or near tidelands, submerged l4!,r .. .'5096.247~:11 All real·property·acqttired pursuant to this 14 lands;,swamp·.or overflowed lands, or other Wetlands, 15 bhap~~r • shall be acquired· in' compliance ·witli · the 15 whether,Qrinobsuel:l those lands have been granted in· l6·t•provi.~1ons· of Chapter 16 • '(commencing with Section· 16 trust to a•local public.agency, the Director of Parks and 171 H!7260) of Division ·7' of Title 1 of the Government C6de.' 17 Recreation :•or) the Executive OHicer of-the State is:,-, :fhe.Depaitment of Parks and Recreation shall prescribe· 18 , Conservancy,; as-appropriate, shall submit .to the-State: 19_1• pro~dures·~fficient:to assur«=:,:eaeh compliance by local 19 Lands Commission~>: proposal by a state or local public 20 Jpub~c•< agencies . which Tece1ve,, funds under· Section: 20, agency for the.acqumtion of 5Heft those lands pursuant to 21··{5096.Z,J, and· the State Coastal Conservancy, shall 21. this ~hapt~r.,The State Lands Commission shall, within ~;··:pz:escribe frocedui:es sufficient t,·:rassure compliance by 22 thre~.i:i::mths 9f SU:eftsubmittal! re':'iewsaeh thepropos•:'!? 23_,J/ocal public agenrJ1es. wh1ch receive funds under Se<Jtion · 23 acqws1tion, :•make-•a determmabon as to the. state~ s 24r t1096:232PJ; ::~~,~ ;,' ·•••· • · · ,.,. ; . · · , • ,,i • 24 existing or potential interest in the lands, and.report its 25 ': ' ~.248: !, 'F6~:the purposes of this chapter, acquisition . ~ findings t<;>: th~· p~rson m&kin~ the submittal and to the 26 may include gifts, , pur~hases, leases .. easements • •the 26 Department of: General ~erv1ces. , , . ! , Z'/: lexercise-of eminent domain· if exi;>ressiy· authorized the I 27 (b) NQ proyision: of this chapter shall be construed as 28 ~ansfer -:or ,excliange · of property ,for other property of I 28 authorizing,lhe condemnation of state lands:. ·• ,. "',': , · 29 like v~u~, and• purchases of development rights and 1 29 .. ; , J·,;:1 ·.. · _: .' : '· ,. • ·~ · 30 other mterests •. , ,, ··: . • . . • . 30 , .Article-1. Fiscal ProV1S1ons1 ,1,<11 ; ,~),. • ,. 31 . , 5096.249 .. ~ grants, gifts, devises, or bequests to the 31 . : .. , •, . .. . . · . ·· t '.:. ', . : 32~~··stat~J. · J'.~conditional . or unconditional, for .. park,: 32 5096.255. ', Bonds-m the !otal amount of ~ee hundred 33. --~onserva~on, r~creation,-or other-purposes for which real 33 seventy niilbon dollars ( $3 t0,000,000), or so much therE?of 34!~,jfro~rty,may·be,acquired ot developed pursuartt to this 34. as is neces~ary, ~ay be issued and.soid,to·provide:~ fun~ 35 .1.chapter;•may be a~cepted and r~ceived on behalf of the 135 to be used for,carrying out the purposes expressed-m tl'US 36-1~hl'td by:,the·appropriate-departmeiltal director'with the· 36 chapter· aµd:, to, be used to reimburse the1 General 37) .!l~proyaI ~f ~:e Director· of _Finance .. :~: The grants-, . 37 Obli~ation ,Bond Expense Revolving Ft~d pursuant to 38~~;gifts,:, ·devises,• or· bequests shall···be available . when 1 38 Section .16724.5., of ·the Government Code. The bonds 39 uat,prdpriai:ed by the 'Legislature, for expenditure' for the' I 39 shall, when :sold, be and constitute a valid and b~ding 40-i 'pfirpo~es· specified-in Seeeon e996:8al Sections 5096.231 . ( 40 obligation of the St:~e of California, and the full faith and I l ' 1•1 R4 AlO 94 6.10 \ ( •A:B 2099' -22-=--23.-AB 2099 1. credit of t~e State of California is hereby pl~dged·fo;·the i l . amount of the unsold bonds which have .been authorized 2 punctual payment of both principal arld interest-on the! 2 to be sold for the purpose. of carrying out·this chapter. 3 bonds as the ·principal and interest ·become due ahdl 3: Any moneys deposited in the fund for expenditure for the 4 -payable/. "•. · · ' ,!: ··. , i-'!',q Hh"i )· 4 purposes of subdivision (c) of Section 5096.231 shall be 5 509Q.2,56 .. · ·There shall be collected·each yearrandlin<· 5, -appropriated to the Depa~tment of Parks and Recreation 6 the ·same· manner i and at the same time as •otlier: state:· 6,, -in the manner. provided in Section 5096.260. Any amounts: 7 revenue I is ·collected such a sum in •·addition" t 0 r;•the' 7·. withdrawn shall be deposited in the fund. Any moneys 8__ or<:Iinat'):'·~evenues·?f the state as·shall ·be ·requiredifo payl 8 ,~ade available .urider this section s~all be ~etumed to thE:_ 9 the principal and mterest on the -bontls -maturing ·each' . 9: General Fund from moneys .received• ·from the sale of 10 year, and it is hereby made the duty of all officers charged! . 10, --bonds for the purpose of carrying out the provision.e; of 11 by law with any duty in regard to the collectibn •of•thel • 11· .,this chapter: . 1 • i • 12-'revenue-to· do· and 'perform each and every· act· which~: 12. 5096.2f?(). (a) Except for proposed appropriatiom; 13· ·shall be:necessary torcollect that additional·st.un:··' ;,, !..._ 13 under. st:HJdi'iidiefl -(et ef SeetieH 699~t!331 Sectior1 14;. 5096.257,., There is hereby· appropriated from···thei 14 ·5096.232, proposed appropriations for the program shall 15 · ~neral F~d .in the State Treasury·for the purpose"of. 15 be included'in a section iri the Budget Bill for the 1984-&i 16 this chapter,such an amount as will equal the following:··. 16 fiscal year and each succeeding fiscal · year for 17 · · (a) Such sum annually as will be!necessary to·pay the .. · 17 . consideration· by, the· Legislature and shall ·bear thEi 18 'principal ahd interest on bonds.issued and sold pursuant:• 18., caption :·Pru-kfa .. 11.ds Acquisition · and · Development 19· to the provisions of this chapter, as principal and-interest· .. 19 • Program of W831984/' The section shall contain separatei · 20 become due and payable. · ,1 : . , • ' 20 items for each project, each class of projects, or each 21 ·· (b) Such sum as is necessary to carry out the provisions 1 21 element of the program for which an appropriation i1; · 22 of Section 5096.259, which sum is appropriated without; . 22. made, 23 · regard to fiscal years. · · · • ·: , , • .' 23 (b) All proposed appropriations for the program 1 • 24 -1 5096.258. The proceeds of bonds • issued and .··sold · 24 under subeliYisieH ~ ef SeetieH 6006.Bal · Secbo11 · 25 ·, p\Jrsuant · to this chapter shall be . deposited · iii-,_ the .: ·. 25 • 5096.232 shall be included in a section in• the Budget Bill; 26 Parklands Fund Qf 1984 or the Stat~ Coastal Conservancy 26 < for the 1984-85 fiscal year and each succeeding fiscal y~ar · 27 ·· Fund of 1984, which are hereby created. The money· in · 27 for consideration by the Legislature and shall' bear .the 28 :tr.eParklands·Fundofl984maybeexpendedonly.forthe ,' 28 caption "'State Coastal Conservancy." The section shall 29 purposes specified ~ this chapter and only pursuant to · · 29 contain separate items for each project, each. class o:f 30 appropriation by the Legislature ·in the. niamier'• 30 projects, or each element of the program for which-an•· 31 prescribed in this chapter. The ·money in ·the State · · 31 appropriation is made. · • · · · · . 32 ·Coastal Conservancy Fund of 1984 may be expended only i. 32 ( c) · All appropriations shall be subject td all limitations·· 33 · for ihe purposes specified in s1:1bdivisieH W ef SecaeH 33 enacted in the Budget Act and to all fiscal procedures· , 34 ' &Q98.931 · Section 5096.232 and only pursuant'· to . • 34 prescribed by law with 'respect to the expenditure of statt~ 35 appropriation by the Legislature in· the manner• 35 funds unless expressly exempted from saeh those laws by , 36 · ptescribed in this chapter. . · : . 36 a statute-enacted'by the Legislature. Those sections sbaJI 37 ·: 5096.259. For the purposes of 'carrying out the 37 contain. proposed appropriations only for the· program · 38 ·ptovisions of this article, the Director of Finance may by · 38 elements and classes of projects contemplated• by this • 39 ~xecutive order autliorize the withdrawal from the 39 chapter, and no-funds derived from the bonds authorized 40 General Fund of an amount or amounts not tc exceed the 40 by this chapter may be expended pursuant to · a11 ' ... ' --•.. ·------.... __ QA ,11:'ltl 94 61K1 ~ 4 \ ,r ,; ..__ . AB 2099 -24- 1 appropriation not contained in such a section of the 2 Budget Act. . .. , . , 3 5096.261. The bonds authorized by this chapter shall 4 be prepared, executed, issued, sold; paid,and redeemed 5 as provided in the State General Obligation Bond Law 6 (Chapter 4 (commencing With Stction 16720) of-Part 3; · · 7 ofDivision 4; ofTitle 2 of the Government Code)1 and 8 ·all of the provisions of that law are applicable to the bonds 9 and to this chapter and are hereby incorporated/ iri this 10 chapter as though set forth in full hen :in. , , , ·: . · 11 5096.262. For the purpose of authorizing the issuance 12 and sale, pursuant to the State General Obligation Bond 13 Law, of 'the bonds authorized . by this chapter, the' 14. Parklands· Program Finance Committee is. hereby 15 created. The committee consists of the Governor, the 16 State Controller, the Director of Finance, the State 17 Treasurer, and the Secretary of the Resources Agency. 18 For the purposes of this chapter, the Parklands Program 19 Finance Committee shall be "the committee" as that 20 term is used in the State General_Qbligation Bond Law, 21 and the State Treasurer shall serve as chairman of the 22 committee. The Secrefary of the Resources Agency is 23, .. hereby designated as "the board" for the purposes of the 24 State General Obligation Bond Law. 25 5096.263 .. As used iri this chapter, and for the purposes 26 of the.State General Obligation Bond Law, "state grant" 27 6r "state grant moneys" means moneys .received by the 28 state from the sale of bonds authorized by this chapter 29 which are available for grants to counties, cities, districts, 30 local public agencies, and nonprofit organizations. 31 5096.264. All money deposited in the fund or the State 32 ! Coastal Conservancy Fw1d of 1984 _which is derived from 33 · premium and ~ccrued interest on bonds sold shall be 34 reserved in saelt those depositories and shall be available 35 for transfer to the General Fund as a credit to 1 36 expenditures for bond interest. 37 5096.26.5. · Commencing with the Budget Bill for the 38 1993-94 fiscal year, the balance remaining in the fund 39 may be appropriated by the Legislature for expenditure, 40 without regard to the maximwn amounts allocated to 94 680 _... ---~-.-,. •--•--·------.---,.._ ,/ ,~~ r-~~--•-• -25-AB 2099 1 each element of the program; for any or all elements of 2 the program specified in 8ectieft 6896.Bal Sections ' 1 3 5096.231 and 5096.232, or any class or classes of projects · 4 within 5t'ieft those elements, that the Legislature deems to 5 be of the highest priority. . 6 · 5096.266. · Tlie Legislature hereby finds and declates .. ·7 that, inasmuch as the proceeds from the sale of bonds 8 authorized oy this chapter are not "proceeds of truces" as 9 that term is used in Article XIII B of the Califon'lia 10 Constitution; the disbursement of these proceeds is not 11 subject t:9 the limitations imposed by that article. 12 , 5096.267: · If any provision of L'us chapter or t:he 13 applicatiort thereof to any person or circumstances is held 14 invalid, saeh. · tha-t invalidity shall not affect other 15 provisions or applications of the chapter which. can be 16 given effect without tlie invalid provision or application, 17 and to ~s ·.end, . the provisions of this chapter are 18 severable. · ' · 19 . SEC. 2. : ·Section 1 of this act shall' take effect upon the 20 adoption by the people of California of the California 21 Park and Rect~ational Facilities Act of 1984, as set forth 22 in Section 1 of this act. · , 23 SEC. 3. ~cept as otherwise provided in this aet, aU of 24 the provisions · of law relating to the submfssion of 25 measures and,borld acts proposed by the Legislature shall 26 · apply to the measure submitted pursuant to this act. 27 SEC. 4. Section l of this act shall be submitted to the 28 voters at the ·:J:9:821 Direct Primary ~ectieft general 29 election to be heJd:in November 1984, pursuant to 30 provisions oftlie: Elections Code governing submission _of 31 statewide measures to the voters at a statewide election. •' 0 'I CIA 'fnn ~ - -... ··--~ --------- I . :' ( t ___ ,,,_,.,....T-• ... •• -✓,-~•,-➔,c--"½"-<;_T ,.___,,_.., ..... ..,,, ________ ..,_ ,,...,,. ______ , --;,-➔.-➔ AMENDED IN CONFERENCE SENATE JANUARY 13, 1984; ASSEMBLY JANUARY 2.5, 1984 AMENDED IN ASSEMBLY SEPTEMBER 7, 1983 AMENDED IN ASSEMBLY AUGUST 25, 1983 AMENDED IN ASSEMBLY AUGUST 15, 1983 , . AMENDED IN SENATE MAY ZT, 1983 AMEN~ED IN SENATE APRIL 21, 1983 SENATE BILl", c£ /p $ 'ff!' No. 512 Intr~duced by Senators Hart and Pr~ley , February 23, 1983 An act to add Chapter 7 ( commencing with Section 2600) to Division~ of the Fish and Game Code, relating to financing of a fish and wildlife habitat enhancement program by providing the· funds .necessary therefor through the issuance and sale of bonds of the state, by providing for the handling and disposition of the funds, and by providing for the submission of the measure to a vote of the people M the !ite,R s~atc•1ride eleeeon , and declaring the urgency thereof, to· take effect immediately. ·., · LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL'S DIGESI' · SB 512, as amended, Hart. Fish and wildlife haf:>itat enhancemenh bond issue. Existi11,g-law states tha~ it is ~e policy of the state to encourage the conservation and maintenance of wildlife resources under the jurisdiction and influence of the state. The policy also includes specified objectives. · This bill would enact the Fish and Wild!ife Habitat Enhancement Act of 1984, which, if adopted, w01 1 ld authorize the issuance, pursuant to the State General Obligation Bond S3 30 \ ,/") - l ,, SB 512 -2- ,-- Law, of bonds in the amount of $85,000,000. The funds _ generated from the bond sale . would be available for appropriation to the Wildlife ·conservation Board and the State Coastal Conservancy for specified purposes according to specified schedules. The bill would provide for submission of the bond act to the voters at tbe No1t•emaer J:98ll Ceaer&l]une 5, 1984, Direct Primary Election.· ,- The bill would take effect immediately "as an urgency statute. Vote: ½. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: yes. State-mandated local program: no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 l 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2.5 26 The people of the State of Califomia do enact as follow~: SECTION 1. Chapter 7 ( commenci.ng with Section 2600) is added to Division 3 of the Fish and Game Code, to read: CHAPTER 7. FISH AND WILDLIFE HABITAT ENHANCEMENT ACT OF 1984 Article 1. General Provisions 2600. This chapter shall be know'n and may be cited as the Fish and Wildlife Habitat Enhancement Act of 1984. 2601. (a} The fum;lamental requirement for healthy, vigorous populations of fish and wildlife is habitat. Without adequate habitat, efforts to conserve and manage fish and wildlife resources will have limited success .. (b) Assuring· adequate habitat, with the resulting increase in the abundance of fish and wildlife, confers _ substantial benefits on the people of California through the opportunities afforded · for the use, enjoyment, ru:id appreciatio1_1 of fish and wildlife resources, . the petpetuation of species of fish and wildlife for their intrinsic and ecological values, and the enhancement of ecpnomic activities based on these resources. (c) Accordingiy, the purpQse of this chapter is to ..,_~ 1 2 3· 4 5 6 7 .8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 l9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 '-3-SB 512 --s ---provide the financial means to correct the most seVE!re defi~iencies in fish and wildlife habitat currently found in California through a program of acquisition e:Ml ~estei'ftaeft, enhancement, and development of habitat areas that are most in need of proper conservation and management ...... .-. 2602. -As used in· this chapter, the following terms have the following meanings: · (a) "Acquisition" means the acquisition of any interest in real· _property. (b) .. Coastal zone" means the coastal zone as defined m saeai•Asiea ~ ef SeetieH 31006 and mapped pursu.wt to Section 30103 of the Public Resources Code. (c) "Local public· agency" means a 'city, county, city and county, regional park or open-space district, recreation and park district, resource conservation district; association of governments, or joint powers agency whose juri~diction is wholly or partially within the coastal zone or in the San Francisco Bay region. ~ "Saistffl MMsh" ffletms t-hM tH'efl defined ift Seet:tett m ef -the Puelie Reseurees ~ Article 2. Habitat Enhancement Program .. 2620. · All money deposited in the Fish and Wildlife Habitat Enhancement Fund shall be available for appropriation ~y the Legislature for the following purpose~: . . (a) ThiPty HHHieH deH&P5 E$a0,900,999 ➔ Forty million dollars 1 ($40,000,00()) for expenditure by the Wildlife Conservation · Board pursuant to the Wildlife Conservation Law of 1947 for the acquisition tme :reste:Patien, enhancement., or development, or .any combination thereof, of lands located outside the coastal zone for the _preservation of resources, management of wildlife and fisheries ; ftfttl -the ~re'lisieH ei eem~at:ie¼e ree:rea:aeHel tfflEI. edttea:aeHal eppe:rfflftiaes, in accordance with the following schedule: (1) Tu•eftey millieft deHe::Ps ($.Q0,000,000) Thirty million dollars ($300,000,()()()) for the acquisition et' no :!"rt ( SB 512 --4·- 1 res~eraeon ~ enhancement, or development, or any 2 combination thereof, oflands for habitat for wildfowl and '3 other wildlife benefitted by a marsh or aquatic 4 environment. 5 (2) Ten million dollars ($10,000,000) · for the -5-SB 512 1 this paragraph, .not Jess than five million dollars 2 . ($5,000,000) shall be available for grants for projects in 3 the San Francisco Bay region. 4 (2) Ten.million dollars ($10,000,000) for expenditure 5 by the conservancy for the purposes authorized in this 6 restoration of waterways for the management of fisheries . I 7 ftftft tfte llfll'POYCfftent ef ftftBU&t fef' ~ '+Vtta-life Mffl fM ) 8 4:ftE'.l ae~ition er resteratioft, ffl" eetft; ef r~ari1m ~ 6 subdivision. . 7 (d) T·Neftty millioft aolla?s ($00,089,089) Ten million B dollars .($10,000,()()()} for expenditure by the Wildlife 9 Conservation Board pursuant to the WikUife · 9 fet' haeitat. and the enhancement, or development, or 10 both, of habitat For other wildlife. 11 (b) Five million dollars ($5,000,000) for expenditure 12 by the Wildlife Cqnservation Board pursuant to the 13 Wildlife Conservaqon Law of 1947 for the acquisition ftftft 14 l'e9teratien, ·enhancement, or development, ·or any 15 combination thereof, of lands for habitat for rare, 16 endangered, and fully protected species. 17 (c) Thirty million dollars ($30,000,000) for 18 expenditure by the State Coastal Conservancy for the 19 acquisition ftfffl restoraaea ,. enhancement, or 20 development, or any combination thereof, of marshlands 21 and associated and adjacent lands and the development 22 of associated facilities and for grants to local public 23 agencies for those purposes, in accordance with the 24 following schedule: 215 (1) Fift:eeB miDien dollars ($16,889,089) Twenty 26 million dollars ($20,000,()()()) for grants by the 27 conservancy to local public agencies in the coastal zone 28 EeP -the ae~iaen ffl" resteraaea, ffl" Beth and in the San 29 Ftancisco Bay region for the acquisition, enhancement, 30 or development, or any combination thereof, of 31 marshlands and adjacent iands for habitat for wildlife 32 benefitted by a marsh or aquatic environment; and the 33 improvemeni: of drainage into wetlands to control or, 34 retard erosion and sedimentation, and -the deYelepment 35 et faei-liees tel' edueatieftftl ftftd ffltcrprearre pregrftffts. , 36 ~ ~ million dollftl's ($6,{)QO,{)QO) fer grftftts ~ tfte 37 eeH!Crrraney flt leeal 1:9ttalie ageHeies fer r,rejee~ ifl: -the 38 Se Fl-BBei.see 1ltty regieB ftfttl ~ Sl:ltS'l:lft Marsh. 39 '~ biologically and hydrologi~ally associated upland 40 habitat areas. Of the amount made available pursuant to 93 80 10 Conservation Law of 1947 for-the acquisition £tHe 11 rest:oratioft, enhancement, or development, or any 12 combination thereof, inside the coastal zone of 13 marshlands and adjacent lands for habitat for wilcllif e 14 benefitted by a marsh or aquatic environment. 15 2621. An annual amount, not to exceed one hundred 16 thousand dollars ($100,000), inay be appropriated from 17 the funds available pursuant to subdivisions (a) and (d) 18 of Section 2620 in the 1984-8.5 through 1989-90 fiscal •19 years, in. a particular amount to be determined in each 20 annual appropriation, to the Wildlife Conservation Board 21 for expenditure for costs incurred by the board in 22 administering this chapter, as provided in this section. 23 The board shall augment, as needed, any amount 24 appropriated. pursuant to this section with. an 25 appropriation from any other funds available to it. This 26 chapter is not intended, nor shall it be construed, to 27 authorize the Wildlife Conservation Board or the 28 department to · establish any additional personnel 29 positions. , · 30 2622. ,An annual amount, not to exceed two hundred 31 fifty thousand dollars ($250,000), may be appropriated 32 from the funds available pursuant to subdivision (c) of 33 Section ~ 2620 in the 1984-85 through 1989-90 fiscal ~ 34 years, -in a particular amount to be determined in each 35 annual appropriation, to the State Coastal Conservancy 36 for ~xpenditure for costs incurred by the conservancy in , 37 administering this chapter. I . 38 2623. (a) None of the funds appropriated pursuant to ' 39 this chapter may be encumbered for any purpose 40 described in Section 1353. 93 110 ~ -' t -------· ---·----•. l ---~-,..-... ~. --• ., ____ ...,.,,....__ ... , ....... •4 .... SB 512 -6- 1 ~ +lte pPeeeatH'e eesel'ihee !tt Seeeeft ~ ts 2 ~ te any f)rejed ttftaerttMEeft witlt fflftftS 3 ftf)f.lPOpl"iatea f't:lPSH&nt te ffiBEH'Vffleft °t8t ef Seet~eft S600: 4 ·NeWl'ithsteding SeclieM ~ MHi l3l9; ~ '"Z'il&lite 5 GeMeP¥atieR Beare ffiftf &eEJt:!ire ftfiY fflfte5 ey e:ftl:i."'tent 6 aemeift pPeceeeiftgs fer 'llfflCft 8ft eppreprif¼BOft ha., seen 7 ftltftae. f)t:lf3t18ftt t-e !H:theivisien ··(er et Beeaen 0609: 8 (b) Notwithstanding Sections 31105 and 31106 of the 9 Public Resources Code, the State Coastal Conservancy 10. and the State Public Works Board may not rriake any 11 acquisition pursuant to the power of eIP.inent domain 12 · with any funds appropriated pursuant to this chapter. 13 2624. ·Funds. available pursuant to subdivision (b) of 14 Section 2620 may be encumbered only for the ~isitien 15 ef lands constituting habitat that is subject to destruction, 16 drastic modification, or severe curtailment of habitat 17 values. 18 2625. No acquisition shall be undertaken with funds 19 appropriated pursuant to Section 2620 and ilO grant of 20 funds appropriated pursuant to subdivi.sion ( c) of Section 21 2620 shall be encumbered until all practical alternatives 22 to direct purchase ttt fttH market .Yft:kte htwe seen 23 eeMiaepea. ltt COftSWtatieft with the Wildlife 24 CenseA•aeen .Beare, the 8mte ~.tJ of the Eull fee title 25 have been considered. The Wildlife Conservation Board 26 and the State Coastal Conservancy shall; -ay regulatioR, 27 establish a procedure fer ass1:1riftg ~o assure consideration 28 of alternatives to direct purchase. These alternatives shall 29 indude, but.not be limited to, the following: 30 (a) Opportunities for obtaining the land through 31 exchanges of other publicly held lands. 32· (b) Tax considerations that may pertain to the 33 contemplated transaction. 34 (c) Utilization of transfers of densities and d~nsity 35 bonuses and other available land use controls. 36 ( d) Purchase of less than full fee title. 37 ·2626. (a) All restor!ltion projects which involve the 38 expenditure of funds availabh pursuant to subdivision 39 ( c) of Section 2620 shall be reviewed in accordance with 40 Section 31208, 31208.5, 31258, or 31258.5 of the Public j I ? I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 'l 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 '. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 ) 34 35 36 37 38 39 } 40 93 140 • I -7-SB 512 ~ Resources Code, as ~pplicable. (b) Funds available pursuant to subdivision ( d) of Section 2620 shall be encumbered fa£ resteretien pt'eji~ en½i WHh the eppreYttl et the pertiewM l)fepesecl ~~ ey the Clli:ifofflia. Ceastal Cefflfflissioft er; !tt the ~~ ef Sen. FP&Heisc~·. Be,-; ey the Sttn FPaneisce ;~ Censcr'letien · ~ Dc•tclepmertt ~efflfflissiert. in aqcordance with priorities of the· California Coastal Commission. . ( c) Of the total. amount available pUl·suant to subdivision (d) of Section 2620, not more than four million· dollars· ($4,000,000) may be encumbered for any . sing\e acquisitio1:1 project. · · 2627. (a) ·Funds granted pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 2620 for rcs~erati~i'! puPposcs any purpose, other than acquisition, shall not be encumbered by the recipient until the conservancy has entered into an agreement sufficient to protect the public interest in any improvements col].Structed pursuant to this chapter with the entity.that exercises legal control of the real propE!rty on which-the •improyement is constructed. (b) The conservancy shall not disburse any.grant until the applicant, or any other appropriate managing or operating entity, has entered into· an agreement with the conservancy or its designee, or both, sufikient to assure that the prop~rty acquired e!' restored acqun-ecl enhanced, or developed, and any improvemEints- thereon, shall be managed and operated for the purpose for which the grant was requested. No use of the.property that is incompatible with its rc~torelion that purpose slhall ever pe permitted. ( C) The minimum amount tftftt fflftY ee ep13µcd fe1 1 ftft iaai'liettal p,ejcct for which an applicab'on for an individ11al project may be made is fifteen thous1md dollars ($15,000). ( d) Every application for a grant shall comply with the California:, Environmental Quality Act (Division 13 (commencing· with Section 21000} of the Public Resources Code). (e) Notwithstanding Sections 31207 and 31257 of the 93 160 ........ ., ...,_ SB 512 -8- 1 Public Rescurces Code, funds granted purscant to 1 2 sub-:livision (c) Section 2620 may be encumbered only 2 3 for '"be acquisii..lon er rest:oHaon, · enhancement, or 3 •·de, 'opment or any combination thereof, and the costs I 4 5 Lu ..... , J by the recipient in planning, preparaqon of 5 6 construction documents, fiscal management and 6 7 accounting, and supervision of · construction in 1 7 8 connection with the project for which the grant was I 8 9 made. All expenditures made by a recipient of a grant i 9 10 shall be subject to being audited. . 10 11 , (f) Funds granted pursuant to subdivision (c) of · 11 12 Section 2620 shall be available for encumbrance by the l 12 13 recipient for a period of three years after the date when I 13 14 the grant became effective. 14 ~ ' ~ 16 Article 3. Fiscal Provisions , ; 16 IT ! IT 18 2640. Bonds in the total amount of eighty.five µilllion ! 18 19 dollars ($85,000,000), or so much thereof as is necessary, ! 19 20 may be issued and sold to provide a fund to be used for 1 · 20 21 carrying out the purposes expressed in this chapter and 1 21 22 to be used to reimburse the General Obligation Bond : 22 23 Expe115e Revolving Fund pursuant to Section 16724.5 of l 23 24 the Government Code. The bonds shall, when sold, be , 24 25 and constitute a valid and binding obligation of the State 25 26 of California, and the full faith and credit of the State of 1 26 Z"/ California is hereby pledged for tlie punctual payment of , 27 28 both principal and interest on the bonds as the principal · 28 29 and interest become due and payable. j 29 30 2641. There shall ~ collected each year and in the , 30 31 same manner and at the same time as other state revenue I 31 32 is collected such a sum in addition to the ordinary 1 32 33 revenues of the state as shall be required to pay the 1 33 34 principal and interest on the bonds maturing each year, 34 . 35 and it is hereby made the duty of all officers charged by I 35 36 law with any duty in regard to the collection of the 36 37 revenqe to do and perform each and every act which ! ~7 38 shall be necessary to collect that additional sum. : 38 39 · 2642. There is hereby appropriated from the General 39 40 Fund in the State Treasury for the purpose of this I 40 _93 )80 -9-SB 512 cr-- chapter, such an amount as will equal the following: .(a) Such sum annually as will be necessary to pay the principal and·faterest oh bonds issued and sold pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, as principal and inter•='st become due and payable. · . · (b) ·such sum as is necessary to·carry out the provisictns of Section 2644, which sum is appropriated withcmt regard ~o fiscal years. • 2643. The proceeds of bonds issued and sold pursuant to this chapter shall be deposited in the Fish and Wildlife Habitat .Enhancement fund, which is hereby creatt?d. The money in the fund may be expended only for the purposes specified in this chapter and only pursuant to appropriation by the Legislai:ure in the manner prescribed in this chapter. . 2644. For the purposes of car1,ring out the provisions of this article, the Director of Finance may, pursuant to Seetioft ~ ef ~ Budget: Aet ef -l-983 appropri.'lte authority iJ1 each annual Budget Act, authorize the withdrawal from the General Fund of an amc,unt or amounts not to exceed the amount of the unsold bonds which have been authorized to be sold for the pwrpos€: of carrying out.this chapter. Any amounts withdra,11/Il shall be deposited in the fund. Any moneys made twailalble under-this section shall be returned to the Gene1ral Fund from moneys received from the sale of bonds for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this chapter. The withclrawals from the General Fund shall be returned to the General Fund with interest al; the rate which would otherwise have been earned by those sums in the Pooled Money Investment Fund. · 2645. All proposed appropriations for thf, progr:am shall be •included in a section in the Budget 1.3ill for tthe 1984-85 fiscal year and each succeeding fiscal year for consideration by the Legislature and shaJl bear !the caption .. Fish and Wildlife Habitat Eriliancem,:mt Pr.ogram." The section shall contain separate items for each project, each class of projects, or each element of lthe program for which an appropriation is made.. · All appropriations shall be subject to all limitations 93 190 - ~ ~ -· ' SB 512 , . -10-. , l 1 enacted in the Budget Act and to all fiscal procedures I 1 2 prescribed by law with respect to the expenditure of state 2 3 funds unless expressly exempted from· such laws by a • 3 4 statute enacted by the Legislature. ,8tteft scdieft The ; 4 5 section in the Budget Act shal) contain proposed ! 5 6 appropriations only for the ;.)rogram elements and classes 6 7 of projects contemphted by this chapter, and no fu11ds 7 8 derived ft9m the bonds authorized by this chapter may 8 9 be expended pursuant to an appropriation not contained 9 10 in 5aeft that section of the Budget Act. ! 10 11 NM lftteP thfttl Oeteeer ¼ ef eeeh yeM the ' 11 12 Not late:r than October 1, 1985, and not later than 12 13 Octobe 1 of each year thereafter, the State Coastal 13 14 Conservancy shall submit to the chairman and vice 14 15 chairman of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and : 15 1~ the fiscal committees of the Legislature a report on all 16 17 projects proposed to be undertaken pursuant to i 17 18 appropriations made for the fiscal year commencing the : 18 1S following July 1. The CeHse!'¥ftfley conservancy shall, as i 19 20 needed, make subsequent reports • reflecting any ' 20 21 significant change& from the information submitted in ; 21 22 the Octobe\" 1 report. The Ceoser·-1eaey conservancy shall i 22 23 wait 30 days before encumbering funds for any stteft I 23 24 :prejeets project included in any1subsequent report. 24 25 2646. The bonds authorized by this ·chapter shall be 12.5 26 prepared, executed, issued. sold, paid, and redeemed as 26 27 provided in the State Genera!· Obligation Bond Law ' 27 28 (Chapter 4 (commencing with &ection 16720) of rart 3, I 28 29 Division 4, T~tle· 2 of the Government Code), and all of , 29 30 the P!Ovisions of that law are applicable to the bonds and 1 30 31 to this chapter a.nd are hereby incorporated in this , 31 32 chapter as though set forth :n full herein. I 32 33 2647. Solely for the purpose of authorizing the · 33 34 issuance and sale, . pursuant to the State General l 34 35 Obligation· Bond Law ( Chapter 4 ( commencing with · 35 36 Section 16720) of Part 1 of Division 4 of Title 2 of the 36 37 Government Code), of the bonds authorized by this 37 38 chapter, the Wildlife Habitat Enhancement Program 38 39 .finance Committee is hereby created. The committee S9 40 ~onsists of the Controller, the Directot of Finance, and , · 40 ~ _m_o -. 4A~----;'~•~•-.,,. -11-SB 5.12 the Treasurer. For purposes of this chapter, this committee is "the committee" as that term is used in the State General Obligation Bond Law; and the Treasurer shall serve as chairman of the committee. 2648. AU I money deposited in the fund which is derived from ·premium and accrued interest on bonds sold shall be··reserved in 9tteft ~ the fund and shall be available for transfer to the General Fund au a credit to expenditures for bpnd interest. 2649. · Commencing with the Budget Bill for the 1995-96 fiscal:year, the balance remaining in the fund may be appropriated by the Legislature for expenditure, without regard to the maximum amounts allocated to each element of the programt for any or all elements of the program, specified in Section 2620, or any ciass or classes of projects y.rithin those elements that the Legislature deems to be of the highest priority. 2650. The-Legislature hereby finds and declares that, inasmuch as the proceeds from the sale of bonds autho~ed by this chapter are not "proceeds of truces,. as that term i.s used in Article XIII B of the Califor:nia Constitution; the disbursenieni: of these proceeds is llOt subject to the limitations imposed by that article. · 2651. If -any provision of this chapter or !the application thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect Qther provisioru; or applications of the chapter which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end, the proy!..sions of this chapter are severable. SEC. 2. (a) Except as otherwise provided in ;ms act, all provisions, of law relating to the submission of measures and bond acts proposed by the Legislature shall apply to the measure submitted pursuant to this act. (b) Section 1 of this act shall be submitted to the voters at the Ne·.rember ~ General June 5, 1984, Dil·ect Primary Election pursuant to provisions of the Elections Code governing submission of statewide measures to the voters at a statewide election. · SEC. 3. Section 1 of this act shall become operative December ~ ~ if Mte i,eei,le M ~ Ne¥emeer 1-984 93 230 0 ~ \, ,,,r " ,If!. .' •---------~------·--r---_________ .. ________ , ~-----------~ .... ------,,____.. ......... ,...,..,__ .. ...., _______ . --.... -~ ' Sil 512 · -12-· I 1 CeeeP&l EleetienJWi 1, 1984, if the people, at-the June 5, · 2 1984, Direct Prim.!.lry Election, adopt the .Fish and .. 3 Wildlife Habitat Enhancement Act of 1984, as set forth in • 4 Section 1 of this act. . 5 SEC. 4. This act is an urgency statute necessary for 6 the immediate preservation of t4e publlc peace, health, 7 or safety within the. meaning of ·Article IV of the I 8 Constitution and shall go into immediate effect The facts r 9 constituting the necessity are: · 10 In order for the provisions of this act to take effect in 11 time to include it in the June 5, 1984, Direct ·Primary 12 Electicn and to· consider its implemen,.tation in the 13 1984-85-Rscal year, it is necessary that this act take effect 14 immediately. 1 l • 0 --•· ----·-••.... O'l ... 9AIL ..__ ('/