HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-04-17; City Council; 7716; Fireworks - Supporting SB 2333CIT JF CARLSBAD -AGENC'~BILL AB#...:Z.Z/ 4, IITLE; MTG. 4/17 /84 DEPT.1:.!.!L_ RECOMMENDED ACTION: FIREWORKS -ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION SUPPORTING SB 2333 AND RESOLUTION SUPPORTING CITY OF SAN JOSE'S APPEAL TO THE STATE SUPREME COURT DEPT.HD~, CITYATTY~ CITYMGA. ~: 1. Adopt Resolution No. 7o~ I supporting SB 2333 (Roberti). 2. Adopt Resolution No. 7.s7;i.._ supporting City of San Jos9•s appeal to the State Supreme Court. ITEM EXPLANATION: The California Court of Appeals, First District, found on February 16, 1984 that a City of San Jose Ordinance banning the sale of safe and sane fireworks was pre-empted by state law and was therefore invalid. This decision has the potential of being applied to local juridictions with similar ordinances. If this were to occur, Carlsbad would be powerless to prohibit the sale of safe and sane fireworks. In response to the appellate court decision: 1. The City of San Jose is appealing the decisi•1n to the State Supreme Court. 2. State Senator. Roberti has introduced legislation (SB 2333) which would amend existing state law to allow local Jurisdictions to regulate or prohibit the sale of safe and sane fireworks. FISCAL IMPACT: None. EXHIBITS: 1. Letter from Senator Roberti and copy of SB 2333 2. Resolution No. 7.s-71 _ 3. Resolution No. 7 9 -zg__ SACRAMIHTO ADOJ«IESS STAT!! CAPITOL SACRAMl!NTO. CA 115814 (11161 44S-83lXl lllSTIUCT l<DDR!SS 8871 SUNSCT OOUll'IAAD. SUTI! ltl08 HOLLYWOOD. CA 90028 (213J 4U•I 178 REPLY TO: 0 DISTRICT OFFICE 0 SACRAMENfO OFFICE April 4, 1984 Dear Friend: DAVID ROBERTI PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE atalif ornia ilregislature TWENTY-THIRD DISTRICT LOS ANGELES COUNTY CHAIRMAN SENAfE RULES Sl?LECT COMMITTIII! ON SMALL BUSINESS ENTERPRISES COMMITTl!r!S ELECTIONS ANO REAPPORTIONMENT INSURANCE ANO INDEMNITY JUDICIARY As you may know, in February, 1984, a San Jose ordinance banning the sale of fireworks was ruled to be in conflict with the State Fireworks Law and, therefore, invalid. This decision may nullify similar ordinances in cities throughout the state. Because of the extreme fire hazard posed by the mishandling of fireworks in my district and in other areas of the state, I feel that cities and counties should be allowed to ban the sale and use cf fireworke within their jurisdictions. At the urging of an ;,;.ssociation of forty-one horr.eowners groups in Southern California, I have agreed to author an urgency bill that permits cities and cou,1ties to prohibit or regulate the sale as well as the use of fireworks. If you agree that local governments should have a voice in regulating fireworks, please write to me indicating your support for the legislation that is enclosed. Your corunents regarding this issue are impot~ant since you are familiar with the possible problems associated with the use of fireworks. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to your reply. Sincerely, DR:lscl Enclosure t-, SFNAT'R BTT,L N.A C)'l'll) V• M4.1Vtl Introduced by Senator Roberti March 21, 1984 An act to amend Section 12541 of the Health and Safety Code, relating to fireworks, and declaring the urgency tltereof, to talce effect immediately. 1...s;:GISLATIVE COUNSEL'S DIGEST SB 2333, as introduced, Roberti. Fireworks: counties and cities. Under existing law, the state has enacted a comprehensive program regulating the sale ai:-id use of fireworks in the State Fireworks Law, but has permitted counties and cities to further regulate the use or discharge of fireworks. Existing law, however, does not permit counties and cities to proliibit or regulate the sale' of fireworks. This bill would permit counties and cities to prohibit or regulate the sale, as well as the use or discharge of fireworks. The bill would talce effect jmmediately as an urgency statute. Vote: %. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: no. State-mandated focal program: no. The people of the State of California do enact as follows: 1 SECTION 1. Section 12541 of the Health and Safety 2 Code is amended to read: 3 12541. Nothlng in this part shall authorize the sale, 4 use , or discharge of fireworks in any city or county in 5 which 9tteft the sale, use, or discharge is otherwise 6 prohibited or regulated by law or ordinance. 7 SEC. 2. Thi~ act is an urgency statute necessary for 8 the immediate preservation of the p1.,blic peace, health, 9 or safety \\ithin the mea.'ling of Article IV of the 1 Constitution and shall go into immediate effect. The facts 2 constituting the necessity are: · 3 The use and discharge of fireworks permitted under 4 state law present a fire hazard in many areas in California 5 and local regulation of fireworks more restrictive than 6 state law .is necessary as a fire prevention measure in 7 these areas of the state. Therefore, in order that this act 8 may take effect prior to July 4, 1984, it is necessary for this 9 act to take effect immediately. ~ ·' •. '.lt. ~--:, i I I l I I I ' I l RESOLUTION NO. 7571 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD SUPPORTING THE CONCEPT OF LOCAL REGULATION 3 OF FIREWORKS 4 WHEREAS, the dangers of fireworks of all types have been 5 well documented in the State of California as evidenced by the 6 number ?f injuries and the loss of life and property due to the 7 use of fireworks, including fireworks which are purportedly 8 "safe and sane;" and 9 WHEREAS, extremely dense brush areas within the City and 10 adjacent to the City expose residents and property of the City ll of Carlsbad to additional hazards and risks inasmuch as such 12 brush areas are especially susceptible to conflagration 13 proportioned fires caused by fireworks; and 14 WHEREAS, special~interest fireworks industry sponsors have 15 repeatedly attempted through massive and often questionably 16 ethical methods to circumvent the will of the communities which 17 have ado~ted ordinances regulating the sale and use of fireworks 18 within individual communities; and 19 WHEREAS, the First District Court of Appeals in the recent 20 case of ~ntura v. City of San Jose, although stating that cities 21 may regulate the~ of fireworks, held that local governments 22 a:-e preempted by state law from prohibiting the sal~ of "safe 23 and sane" fireworks; and 24 WHEREAS, the regulation of "safe and sane" fireworks has 25 traditionally been a matter of local concern and is strictly 26 a municipal affair and should not be su,erceded by any state 27 legislation; and 28 // " ~ 1 ), . I ; ! l ! I i i i I t I I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 WHEREAS, the most effective method of regulating the use of fireworks is through the regulation of the sale of fireworks. NOW, THEREFOR~, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Council supports Senate Bill 2333 (Roberti) &uthorizing cities and counties to regulate or prohibit the sale, use, and discharge of fireworks. Section 2. The Council urges the State Legislature to approve Senate Bill 2333. Section 3. Th~ Council authorizes the City Manager and 11 Fire Chief to take all steps necessary to communicate the 12 position of the Council to the members of the Legislature, the 13 Governor, and such other organizations, agencies, or entities 14 which they may deem appropriate. 15 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 of the City of Carlsbad held on the 17thday of April by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council M::s'rbers easier, Lewis, Kulchin and Prescott NOES: None ABSENT: Council M3nber Chick ATTEST: ALETHA L. (Seal) MARY CASW, R, Mayor , 1984 7 • ' -~T • • ~ \. • ..,., > ,--_ / • ' : • _,, .. • • '\ ~ • .... , ~ • • j- \ -... ""' . .. , . .. .. ~ '; • ... l 2 3 4 5 6 7 i 8 ! t 9 ' l 10 I ' 11 : I ! 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 7572 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD SUPPORTING THE CONCEPT OF LOCAL REGULATION OF FIREWORKS WHEREAS, the dangers of fireworks of all types have been well documented in the State '>f California as evidenced by the number of injuries and the loss of life and property due to the use of fireworks, including fireworks which are purportedly "safe and sane;" and WHE~EAS, extremely dense brush areas within the City and adjacent to the City expose residents and property of the City of Carlsbad to additicnal hazards and risks inasmuch as such brush areas are especially susceptible to conflagration proportioned fires caused by fireworks; and WHEREAS, special-interest fireworks industry sponsors have repeatedly attempted through massive and often questionably ethical methods to circumvent the will of the communities which have adopted ordinances regulating the salt:.• and use of fireworks within individual communities; and WHEREAS, the First District Court of Appeals in the recent case of Ventura v. City of San Jose, although stating that cities may regulate the~ of fireworks, held that local governments are preempted by state law from prohibiting sale of "safe and sane" fireworks; and WHEREAS, the regulation of "safe and sane" fireworks has traditionally beet a matter of local concern and is strictly a municipal affair and should not be superceded by any state legislation; and II . • l . ; t I t : l i I I \ l ' I ' i l I I . I t l l ! ' ) ~ J I ,, " ' " ,, l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 WHEREAS, the most effectivs method of regulating the use of fireworks is through the regulation of the sale of fireworks. NOW, THEREFORE, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: Section l. The Council urges the State Legislature to reaffirm and expressly acknowledge the fundamental principle that the sale, as well as the use, of "safe and sane" fireworks is a matter of local concern and is strictly a municipal affair subject exclusively to local control and regulation. The City Manager and the Fire Chief are authorized to take all steps necessary to cummunicte this position of the Council to the members of the Legislature, the Governor, and such other organi- zations, agencies, or entities which they deem appropriate. Section 2. The Council also endorses and supports the appeal of the Ventura v. City of San Jose dec4sion and authorizes the city attorney to participate on behalf of the city as an amicus curiae . PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad held on the 17th day of April by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Col.ll'X:il M:!nbers easier, Lewis, Kul.chin and Presoott NOES: None ABSENT: Council M:mber Chick ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTE (Seal) MARY CASfJ:R, Mayor , 1984