HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-04-17; City Council; 7718; Request to address city council : Mr. Darryle Tell, AB#77/f MTG.-W, TITLE: REQUEST TO ADDRESS CITY COUNCIL: MR. DARRYL TELL DEPT. ENG I I RECOMMENDED ACTION: Mr. Darryl Tell of 1700 Buena Vista Way, Carlsbad, has requested permission to address the City Council concerning construction of a sewer main to serve his property. ITEM EXPLANATION: The location of the requested sewer main is Valley Street from Buena Vista Way to Elm Avenue. It has been explained to Mr. Tell that there are several options to constructing the sewer main: I CITY MGR. - I 1. Form an Assessment District. Mr. Tell has attempted to obtain signatures of the land owners fronting the requested sewer main and has determined that a majority are opposed to an assessment district. 1 FISCAL IMPACT ~ Sufficient funds are available in the Sewer Capital Fund should Council wish to proceed with the sewer construction. 2. Citizens pay for the construction of sewer main and get reimbursed by future users of the line. City Ordinance only allows a reimbursement agreement for oversizing a sewer main for future use. No oversizing is needed for this sewer main. 3. City pay for constructing sewer main. The City could then obtain a reimbursement from adjacent property owners when they connect to sewer. Council approval would be necessary. Previously, the City Council in addressing a similar request, one on El Camino Real, determined that the concerned property owners must pay for a proposed sewer extension. EXHIBITS : 1. Vicinity Map 2. Letter to City Manager, dated March 20, 1984. . LOCATION MAP POR. SEC. 3 3 &b DEAR MR. ALESHIRE; WE, THE RESIDENTS OF 1700 TO 1780 BUENA VISTA WAY, ARE REQUESTING THAT WE BE ALLOWED TO BE HEARD BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL AT THEIR NEXT REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING, IN ORDER THAT WE MAY PETITION THEM FOR HELP IN THE MATTER OF OBTAINING SEWERS FOR OUR NEIGHBORHOOD. THE FOLLOWING IS THE SITUATION AS WE CURRENTLY UNDERSTAND IT: 1. WE RESIDE APPROXIMATELY 2 BLOCKS FROM CITY HALL. 2. SEWERS ARE IN PLACE AND OPERATING WITHIN ONE BLOCK OF EACH DIRECTION OF US. 3. AN 8" SEWER LINE COULD EASILY BE RUN FROM ELM AVE. TO BUENA ," VISTA WAY--A MATTER OF A FEW HUNDRED FEET. ~. .-, .d - , ",.-.L.&__ '. .x ,'. . ~. ' "' 4 '- -/ 4. IT APPEARS WE ARE UNABLE TO FORM AN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT AS 8 WE WOULD NEED 60% APPROVAL OF THE PROPERTY OWNERS IN THE AREA cl!y of Carlsb3dZ CA j.1 J - 1' , CARLSBAD AND LARGE LAND OWNERS RECEIVE A PROPORTIONAL VOTE. ALL 4 MAJOR LAND OWNERS (2 OF WHICH ARE ABSENTEE OWNERS) ARE OPPCSEC TO SUCH A PROJECT, THEREBY KILLING THE DISTRICT. 5. OUR SEPTIC SYSTEMS ARE BARELY FUNCTIONAL AND ARE A TOTAL ANOMALY TO THE AREA AND ITS NEEDS. HE ARE MORE THAN WILLING TO WORK WITH THE CITY IN SEEING THAT THIS MOST BASIC OF SERVICES IS PROVIDED TO US. WE ARE SIMPLY ASKING FOR THE OPPORTUNITY TO PRESENT OUR CONCERNS TO THE CITY COUNCIL IN ORDER THAT WE MAY OBTAIN THEIR ASSISTANCE IN THIS MATTER.