HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-04-24; City Council; 7724; Budget Briefing Proposed 1984/89 Capital Improvement Programo H- O Oz: o Ij o oo CARLSBAD — AGENDQ3ILL AR« -772 ^ MTG.4/24/84 DPPT. R/AG TITLE: BUDGET BRIEFING PROPOSED 1984/89 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DEPT. HD.^V Ac//"CITY ATTY }J?/gy CITY MGR.<^^- RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1. Review draft CIP proposed by departments. 2. The City Council propose additional Capital Improvement projects considered necessary. 3. The City Council instruct the staff on priorities to consider in the analysis of the CIP for 1984-89. ITEM EXPLANATION: The attached report outlines the draft CIP as submitted by department heads. This list represents initial requests by departments and has not yet been reviewed in detail by the City Manager or balanced to projected revenues. The purpose of presenting the attached information at this time is to give the Council an opportunity to review the CIP in its initial stages of preparation to provide guidance and direction to staff in preparing the final document. Also, attached for Council's review is the April 1984 Public Facilities Management System monitoring report. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no direct fiscal impact at this stage in the development of the 1984-89 Carlsbad Capital Improvement Program other than staff resources. EXHIBITS: 1. Draft CIP 2. Public Facilities Management System Summary Monitoring Report '6 3 t> t> i tu ,, i.; 16 "\ ?*i 11 •f! to -.0? &n 4-20-84 PROJECT CATAGORY CIVIC FACILITIES PARKS STORM DRAINS STREETS SEUIERS WATER COMMUNITY DEV BLOCK GRANTS. TOTAL ALL PROJECTS End of PROJTOT Fr CITY OF CARLSBAD 1983-83 CIP - SUMMARY TOTAL ALL PROJECTS » 983-84 1984-85 1985-86 1-986-87 1,327,787 5,871,443 3,030,000 974,375 23,100 1,450,720 1,809 920 2,055,000 1 , 5 08 , 1 76 1,021,697 5 534,710 115 260 94 500 1 247 243 182 105 1 156 185 619,605 - 4,500,365 14,104,116 5 137 285 4 280 060 'A 1987-88 1988-89 TOTAL 5,163,950 6,400,000 22,767,555 1,412 000 250,000 7,000,740 - 1 , 508, 176 - 6 766, 1 67 1 200 000 2 385 000 6 170 533 619,605 7 775 950 '3,035 000 44 832 776 Page 1 H o o Iw |ss f° 9:58 AM 4-20-84 CITV OF CARLSBAD 1983-88 CIP - PROJECT LIST CIVIC FACILITIES Page i PROJECT TITLE AUTOMATED INFO SYSTEM < POLICE) CITY HALL EXPANSION » . . . FIRE STATION - PALONAR AIRPORT RD & 1-5. ... FIRE STATION - RANCHO SANTA FE RD . . POLICE / PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING FIRE STATION «2 MARKING LIGHTS FIRE STATION #3 - RELOCATION.. LIBRARY ADDITION POLICE FIRING RANGE SUBTOTAL EXISTING PROJECTS PROPOSED NEW PROJECTS MAIN LIBRARY ADDITION LA COSTA BRANCH LIBRARY MAIN LIBRARY PKG LOT EXPANSION SUBTOTAL NEW PROJECTS TOTAL ALL PROJECTS 1983-84 - 30, 000 t ,200, 000 27,000 45,787 25, 000 1 ,327,787 _ - _ 1 ,327,787 1934-85 1985-86 1 00, 000 - 45,000 480,000 5,557,443 2,550,000 79,000^ 40,000 5,821,443 3,030,000 50,000 50,000 5,871,443 3,030,000 1986-87 100,000 449,375 45,000 380, 000 974,375 - 974,375 (987-88 150,000 4 000, 000 38 0, 000 — 4,530, 000 369,400 264,550 633,950 5, 163, 950 1988-89 TOTrtL 250,000 4,549,375 525,000 - 455, 000 9,307.443 27,000 459,000 45,737 — o5 ,000 15,683,605 3,650,000 4,019,400 2,750, 000 3, 014,550 50,000 6,400,000 7,033,950 6,400,000 22,767 555 o End of LISTCEN O '1 4 rr,. it* it 10:00 AM 4-20-84 PROJECT TITLE MACARIO CANYON PARK STACE COACH PARK FUERTE PARK HOLIDAY PARK IMPROVEMENTS CALAVERA PARK SWIMMING POOL PARKING LOT SUBTOTAL EXISTING PROJECTS PROPOSED NEU PROJECTS COMMUNITY CENTER - PARK AREA 1 CHASE/'PINE FIELD RENOVATION... SUBTOTAL NEU PROJECTS TOTAL ALL PROJECTS CITY OF CARLSBAD 1983-S8 CIP - PROJECT LIST PARK PROJECTS 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 1986-87 150,000 60,000 610,720 23,100 23,100 820,720 560,000 70,000 630,000 23,100 1,450,720 65,000 113,920 990,000 696,000 1,000,000 809,920 2,055,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,809,920 2,055,000 Page > 1987-88 1988-89 TOTHL 412,000 250,000 727,000 1,000,000 - 2,103,920 150,000 60,000 2,306,720 23,100 1,412,000 250,000 5,370,740 - 1 , 560, 000 70,000 1,630,000 1,412,000 250,000 7,000,740 End of LISTPKS Vr f> Hbj f* o -C; 10:02 AM h 4-20-84 PROJECT TITLE CENTRAL BUSINESS STORM DRAIN. BUENA VISTA LAGOON DREDGING., LONGARD TUBE HORENLINE STORM DRAIN COASTAL STORM DRAIN TOTAL ALL PROJECTS. End of LISTSTD 1983-84 3 fiD, ooo CITY OF CARLSBAD 1983-88 CIP - PROJECT LIST STORM DRAIN PROJECTS 1984-65 1985-86 1986-87 1987-88 Page 1 I uTHL 1 830, 543, 38, 9, 86, ,508, 000 377 599 550 650 176 - 830, - 543, -38, - 9 , 86, 1,508, 000 377 599 550 650 176 ooo o >L O 1 0 : 04 AM 4-20-84 1983-84 PROJECT TITLE MISC ASSESSMENT DIST PROJECTS. AGUA HEDIONDA BRIDGE BICYCLE LANES PARK DRIVE WIDENING POINSETTIA LANE BRIDGE 50, 000 ALGA ROAD IMPROVEMENTS 809, 197 ELM AVE CONSTRUCTION. TRAFFIC SIGNAL - ELM «. EL CAMINO REAL, TAMARACK - ADAMS TO HIGHLAND. . TRAFFIC SIGNAL - PALOMAR AIRPORT RD... TRAFFIC SIGNAL - ALC A t, ALICANTE 67,500 EL CAMINO REAL WIDENING < BECKMAN > . ...... - CARLSBAD BLVD FLASHERS 27,000 CYNTHIA LANE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT SUBTOTAL EXISTING PROJECTS 1,021,697 PROPOSED NEW PROJECTS TRAFFIC SIG MOD . - CARLSBAD BLVD & GRAND . . TRAFFIC SIG MOD. - EL CAMINO «. CHESTNUT. . . RANCHO SANTA FE RD RE-ALIGNMENT CARLSBAD BLVD & POINSETTIA INTERSECTION•rriAgrrtn .r-Tr-ii^i TUTriJ'PniJUCr'T . SUBTOTAL NEW PROJECTS TOTAL ALL PROJECTS 1 , 021 ,697 CITY OF CARLSBAD 1983-88 - C1P - PROJECT LIST STREET PROJECTS 1984-85 1985-86 1986-87 1987-88 85,000 - 1,800,000 - 38,200 115,260 14,200 80,300 1,193,450 - 522,000 - 586,379 - 132,000 - 347,681 - 300,000 - 30,000 5,034,710 115,260 94,500 25,000 - 25,000 - 130,000 - 220,000 - 500,000 - 5,534,710 115,260 94,500 Page 1 1988-89 TOTAL 85,000 1 , 800, 000 167,660 80,300 1,243,450 809, 197 566,379 132,000 347,681 67,500 300,000 27, 000 30, 000 6, 266, 167 25, 000 25,000 130,000 iVU, 000 500, 000 6, 766, 167 o o End of LISTSTR 10:02 AM 4-20-84 PROJECT TITLE LIFT STATION REPLACEMENT / UPGRADE. SAN MARCOS INTERCEPTOR ........ SEUER METERING PROGRAM ........ VISTA / CARLSBAD TRUNK LINE... {0BT CALAVERA HILLS EFFLUENT DISPOSAL LINE. . ENCINA PHASE IV ............... MASTER PLAN ............. SUBTOTAL EXISTING PROJECTS 1983-84 CITV OF CARLSBAD 1983-88 C1P SEUER PROJECTS 1984-85 1985-86 1986-87 1987-88 1988-89 Page 1 TuTrtL 300,000 777,243 170,000 132,105 156,185 - - - 1,000,000 1,247,243 182,105 1,156,185 300, 777, SOS, i , 000, 2,395,000 2,335, 2,385,000 4,970*, 000 243 290 000 000 533 o PROPOSED N£U PROJECTS LAKE CALAVERA ADVANCED UIASTE WATER TREATMENT UNIT. SUBTOTAL NEW PROJECTS TOTAL ALL PROJECTS End of LISTSEU 1,200,000 - 1.. 200,000 - 1,200,000 - 1,200,000 1,247,243 182,105 1,156,185 1,200,000 2,385,000 6,170,533 o 10:04 AH 4-20-84 PROJECT TITLE PIPELIHE REPLACEMENTS. UATERLINE ADDITIONS... PIO PICO PIPELINE TOTAL ALL PROJECTS. 1983-84 CITY OF CARLSBAD 1983-88 CIP - PROJECT LIST WATER PROJECTS 1984-85 1985-86 1986-8? Page 1 1987-88 1988-89 TOTAL s —~ == s:=S3=:B = End of LISTUTR o o 9:56 AM 4-20-84 CITY OF CARLSBAD 1983-83 CIP - PROJECT LIST Page 1 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 1986-87 1937-88 1988-89 TOTAL ____«____ _*___, ____.^_.».____,«. _ _ „_._ _..__.__._.• ____.__.— _____.„_ _._,•___.__________ __.-_-_,_.•_..___-»__ __ — __—_.__ __ .PROJECT TITLE MADISON / ROOSEVELT STREETSCAPE 161,564 _____ 161,564 JEFFERSON ATHLETIC FIELD 44,856 _____ 44,856 ALLEY IMPROVEMENTS 2,439 - - - - - 2 439 STATE _ ST / GRAND AVE STREETSCAPE.... 353,512 - - - - - 353,512 DOWNTOWN PARKING LOT 22,616 - - - - - 22,816 ATfcSF PARKING LOT 34,418 - - - - - 34,418 TOTAL ALL PROJECTS 619,605 - - - - - 619","605~ End of LISTCBG ~~~ *, 6 o PFMS - SUMMARY MONITORING REPORT FOR 1984-89 CIPC Facility Present Status Projected Status 1983-88 CIP 1. Water 2. Sewers 3. Parks A. Community Parks B. Other 4. 5. Library Fire A. NW B. SW C. NE D. SE E. Palomar Circulation A. Palomar Airport Rd. B. La Costa Ave. (Co.) Administrative Facilities Note: a. b. c. d. Adequate Adequate Inadequate Adequate Adequate Adequate Limited Adequate Adequate Adequate Limited Limited Inadequate Adequate Limited Inadequate Adequate Limited Adequate Inadequate Limited Adequate Adequate Inadequate Inadequate Inadequate N/A Adequate Inadequate N/A Adequate N/A Inadequate Adequate Adequate N/A Inadequate Inadequate Adequate O O Status is based on facility service level standards adopted by Council in July 1982 (see attached). Projected status is based on PFMS 5-year growth projections without considering the CIP. Refers to facility status based on the approved 1983-88 CIP. Limited means service level is below (present status) or will be below (projected status) Benchmark 1 which is an early warning to plan for facility expansion. Inadequate means that the service level is, or will be, below Benchmark 2. In general Benchmark 2 means demand exceeds supply. RESEARCH/ANALYSIS GROUP, APRIL 1984. 0 W The following is a list of public facilities and their minimum service levels that are monitored by PFMS. PFMS and these service level standards were established by City Council Policy No. 32: 1. Water 2. Sewer 3. Parks 4. Library 5. Fire Protection 6. Circulation 7. Administrative Facilities - Demand fully uses the design capacity. - Average daily flow equals design capacity. - At least two acres of developed community parks, 2.5 acres of Special Resource Areas, and 0.5 acres of Special Use Facilities. - At least 0.6 square feet per capita. - When 1,500 additional units are within five-minute response time of a future fire station that station should be built. - Traffic volume should be less than 90% of road capacity. - Facility space should be at least that for the target populations listed below: Space Requirement in Sq. Ft.Target Populations 64,540 101,000 115,000 35,000 60,000 100,000 The details of PFMS are outlined in the July 27, 1982 staff report to the City Council titled: Public Facilities Management System. RESEARCH/ANALYSIS GROUP PFMS SUMMARY - AUGUST 1983 TO MARCH 1984 CONCLUSIONS: 1. SHORT-TERM GROWTH RATE AND REVENUE PROJECTIONS: UP_. 2. LONG-TERM GROWTH RATE: CONSISTENT WITH SERIES VI. 3. LONG-TERM REVENUES: UP.. 4. SEWER FACILITIES CURRENTLY MEET STANDARDS. MAY NEED EXPANSION BY FIFTH YEAR OF CIP. 5. PARKS & RECREATION: INADEQUATE. CONCERN: SHORTFALL OF 102 ACRES OF COMMUNITY PARKS. 6. LIBRARY FACILITIES CURRENTLY MEET STANDARDS. MAY NEED TO EXPAND WITHIN FIVE YEARS. 7. FIRE FACILITIES GENERALLY MEET STANDARDS. EXCEPTION: - SOUTHWEST OTHER AREAS OF FUTURE CONCERN: - NORTHEAST - SOUTHEAST 8. CIRCULATION GENERALLY MEETS STANDARDS. EXCEPTIONS: - PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD - LA COSTA AVENUE (WEST OF EL CAMINO REAL) 9. ADMINISTRATIVE FACILITIES INADEQUATE. NEED TO ADD 63,500 SQ.FT. IN THE NEXT 3 TO 8 YEARS. Discussion: During the seven month monitoring period (8/83 thru 2/84) there has been a rapid increase in the City's growth rate. Research/Analysis Group recently estimated the City's population for January 1, 1984 at 40,322 (an increase of 1,285 over the 1-1-83 population estimate). Final inspections are an indicator of population increase in the short-term (6 months). Final inspec- tions during the current monitoring period were up on the average almost 78% over 1983. Building permit applications are an indicator of population inc- rease between 6 months and 1.5 years. Building permit activity during the monitoring period is up almost 140% over the last monitoring period (through July 1983). This rate of development activity could produce an annual popu- lation increase of over 5,000. SANDA6 Series VI forecasts a 1990 population of 75,265 which works out to an average annual increase of 3935 persons between 1980 and 1990. However, population growth has been substantially lower over the last three years. To reach the SANDAG projection the City would need to add slightly over 5,000 per year. Based on PFMS monitoring data, Carlsbad could grow at this rate (5,000 per year) for the next several years. Long-term growth indi- cators such as final maps, approvals and applications are also substantially up over previous periods, so there is a good possibility that Carlsbad will reach the SANDAG 1990 population figure. Since most of the revenue available for capital projects is tied to develop- ment fees, short-term revenue projections (based on PFMS data) should be considerably higher than those used for last year's CIP. If the current building trend was to stabilize at the present rate, not only would the 1990 Series VI population be attained, but also the long-term revenue projections would be considerably higher than those used in last year's CIP. The following analysis is based on the current monitoring period projections and on the PFMS standards approved by City Council on July 27, 1982: 1. Water service is adequate for both current and the 5-year projected demand. 2. Sewer service is currently adequate. If the present rate of sewer permit issuance continues (170 EDU/mo), Carlsbad's allot- ted portion of capacity could just about be reached at Encina. However, the current CIP includes Encina 4 expansion and there are several inexpensive alternatives available to increase Encina's capacity. If the current trend continues for over a year, there will be enough time to address the alternatives in the next CIP. 3. Park facilities with the exception of community parks, are expected to remain adequate over the next 5 years. The revised Parks and Recreation Element changed the park philo- sophy to provide large community parks instead of numerous 13 mini and neighborhood parks. Based on the current population, 80 acres of community parks are needed. The PFMS 5-year population projection would require an additional 22 acres. Current CIP projects could develop as much as 46 acres, leaving a shortfall of 56 acres. 4. Library facilities are currently adequate but are expec- ted to exceed Benchmark 1 within 5 years and, therefore be considered "limited." At the present rate of growth appro- ximately 3,000 sq.ft. of library space will be required to keep service level equal to demand The .current approved CIP does not include any library projects. 5. Fire service is generally adequate. However, there are three areas of concern: a) Lake Calavera Hills (LCH) - building actively could place 1500 units within the 5-minute res- ponse time of relocated Fire Station No. 3 (Benchmark 2). Existing Station No. 3 can ade- quately serve most of the area. However, if land east and south of LCH were to develop concurrently fire service in the area would fall below the adequate level. The approved CIP plans for the relocation of this station by F.Y. 1987-88. b) La Costa east - recent development at the east end of Alga Road has placed about 300 units outside of the 5-minute response time. Further development there and east of Rancho Santa Fe Road could trigger the need for the Rancho Santa Fe Station within the next 5 years. The current approved CIP plans for the construction of this station by F.Y. 1986-87. c) Southwest Carlsbad - at the beginning of PFMS, there were approximately 1500 units beyond the 5-minute response time in the southwest of the City. The recent construction activity there could add over 1,100 new units to this area within the next few years. Therefore, fire service demand in the southwest will exceed Benchmark 1, based on projected new develop- ment, or may exceed Benchmark 2 when existing development is also considered. The approved CIP only plans for the purchase of land for this station. 6. Circulation facilities as previously reported are O.K. except for Palomar Airport Road (PAR) and La Costa Avenue west of El Camino Real. Development trends around the airport could generate approximately 6,300 additional trips per day to PAR in the next 5 years. Residential development trends in La Costa have slightly increased over the last monitoring period. Projected traffic could double on La Costa Avenue (already at capacity) within the next 5 years. The current approved CIP does not address either arterial. 7. Administrative facilities are currently inadequate. There is a deficit of 27,000 sq.ft. to serve the present population. Based on the present growth rate, the City would need to add 63,500 sq.ft. over the next 3 to 8 years to make administra- tive facilities adequate. The current approved CIP contains projects which satisfy this facility demand.