HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-05-01; City Council; 7727; REPLACEMENT OF THE HEATING AND AIR-CONDITIONING SYSTEM AT CITY HALLI a ?/ I" =- 0 !x a 2 5 s 8 2 0 4 z 3 L"/ CIT~F CARLSBAD - AGEND~ILL DEPT. HD.- CITY ATTY. CITY MGRl 1 AB#= TITLE: REPLACEMENT OF THE HEATING AND MTG. 5/1/84 AIR-CONDITIONING SYSTEM AT CITY HALL DEPT, p & R RECOMMENDED ACTION: City Couricil approve the transfer of $75,000 from the the Continaency Fund to the account of Capital Equipment in Building F-laintenance to purchase a new heati ng/cool ing sytem in the City Hal 1 Compl ex. ITEM EXPLANTATION: The 16-year old heating and air conditioning unit located in the civic center requires immediate rehabilitation. The existing unit is not desianed to meet the floor space configuration, has been operating at maximum canacity for so long that its life expectancy has been shortened, and is close to comDletely breaking down. A consultant analyzed the nroblem and recommended that the entire system needs extensive renovation. unit with an economizer be installed. An alternative plan would be to install separate units for the north and south sections of City Hall, Staff does not recommend this two-unit concept because it is not the most cost-effective long range plan. It is estimated that the replacement of the existing system would cost between The study proposes that a new energy efficient air-nix $103,000 - $110,000. FISCAL IMPACT: Tile estimated costs are: $1 00,000 hit $11 0,Oi)O Total 10,000 Construction Drawings $35,000 is budgeted for this expenditure in tne Capital Equipment account of Bui 1 ding Maintenance. Fund. Fund will be $58,382. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 75f-I 2. Air-conditioning Syster;, Analysis $75,000 wi 11 need to be transferred from the Continaency If Council approves this expenditure, the new balance of the rontinvencv r I. ‘7 C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 a e RESOLUTION NO. 7581 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE TRANSFER OF REVENUE FROM THE CONTINGENCY FUND TO THE ACCOUNT OF BUILDING MAINTENANCE, CAPITAL EQUIPMENT, TO PAY FOR THE REPLACEMENT OF THE HEATING/COOLING SYSTEM AT CITY HALL WHEREAS, the City.wishes to replace the heating and air conditioning system in City Hall; and WHEREAS, $35,000 has already been budgeted for this expenditure; and WHEREAS, an additional $75,000 is required to complete this project; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carl s bad as fol 1 ows : 1. That the amount of $75,000 be transferred from the Contingency Fund account number 01 -1 9-50-2470 to the account of Bui 1 di nq Maintenance 9 Capital Equipment account number 01 -53-1 0-3900 to pay for the rep1 acement of the heatinglcooling system in City Hall. 2. That the fund transfer is to be authorized as transfer number 120 and is on file in the Finance Department. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of Carlsbad held on the 1st day of May , 1984 by the following vote to wit: I AYES: NOES; isone ABSENT: Council Msmber Kulchin Councill&bers Casler, Lewis, Chick and Prescott Y+ J @dL MARY H. CASYR, Mayor ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTEN (SEAL) I d @ 0 - \- -rlij 0 FRED F. ANTELLINE, INC. CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA SUBJECT: ADMINISTRATION BUILDING AIR CONDITIONING SYTEM ANALYSIS (v.&%w$ <’ .L 0 T‘J ‘.I @ 0 , FRED’F. ANTELLINE, INC. MECHA NlCA L CONTRACTORS, ENGINEERS. MANUFACTURERS POLLUTION CONTROL SYSTEMS, AIR CONDITIONING 9194 CHESAPEAKE DR., SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92123 619-278-1880, LIC. 175062 March 12, 1984 E CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA. 92008 Attention: Mr. Dave Packard Gent 1 emen : We have completed our initial investigation of the subject H.V.A.C. system and the attached data indicates the entire system is in need of extensive renovation. Blockage across the cooling and heating coils, as well as the perforated by-pass pressure plates, indicate equipment maintenance on a scheduled basis has been lacking or non existant over the years. Analysis of the original design specifying (2) air handling units (AH-1 and AH-2), indicate a major change is necessary to convert the existing units to true multizone units (as were originally intended). In view of the age of the existing units, and the years of sub standard performance, we recommend they be replaced with new multizone air handlers, complete with new zone mixing dampers. In addition we recommend the following outdoor equipment be replaced. (a) B-1 Boiler (300M). (b) C-1 Chiller (28.0 tons). (c) CT-1 Cooling Tower (95.0 GPM) . (d) The automatic temperature control system should also be checked out to assure all Sensing thermostats respond properly to either cooling or heating demand €or the full eleven (11) zones. The Council Chamber Building (existing F-1 and F-2 air conditioning air handlers) are producing approximately 50% of design C.F.M. to increase the air volume in order to determine if in fact the units will produce the design air quantity. We shall also determine if the existing units are still capable of producing full rated capacity. We are in the process of estimating the cost to furnish and install the new equipment, as outlined,and shall include the cost of adjusting and rebalancing the entire system. P-1, P-2, P-3, heating, chilled water and condenser water pumps. We shall attempt Respectfully, FRED F. ANTELLINE, INC. FA; le Pro j ect mg ineer W w Southwest Engineering Service Inc. I 2436 MARKET STREET / SAN DIEGO, CA 92102 / (619) 23 i. March 1, 1984 Fred F. Antelline, Inc. 9194 Chesapeake Drive San Diego, CA 92123 Subject: Carlsbad Administration Building Air Conditioning Survey Gentlemen: Please find enclosed the results of our air balance survey. We found that in all four units that a good cleaning of coils and pressure plates would certainly be in order, but the biggest problem we found was that units AH-1 & 2 are multizone units with a draw thru cooling coil and a blow thru heating coil. The original design intent on a cooling call was to cool 100% of the air and reheat that portion of air necessary to satisfy the room temperature demand by controlling the discharge multizone dampers. With a call for cooling the discharge multizone dampers would close to the heating coil and therefore bypass. on the discharge of these units a pressure plate was installed in parallel to the reheat coil. I I I I I I I i 0 To maintain a constant flow condition These pressure plates through the years have become blocked with dirt and therefore do not allow cold air to pass thru them. We suggest that these perforated plates be removed to reduce the static pressure and then speed these fans to full motor amperage and rebalance the entire system. Very truly yours, SOUTHWEST ENGINEERING SERVICE lh-td2.W 1. &L&/A Wallace E. Goldie T. 4 B. E. 0 ' MECvlBER OF ASSOCIATED AIR BALANCE COUNCIL HEATING VENTILATING 0 AIR-CONDITIONING REFRIGERATION SYSTEM BALANCING EQUIPMENT TESTlh - a, a 0 ASSOCIATED AIR BALANCE COUNCIL TEST AND BALANCE ANALYSIS REPORT FOR JOB ADMINISTRATION & COUNCIL CHAMBERS BLDG. - CARLSBAD Fred F. Antelline, Inc. CONTRACTOR ARCHlT ECT ENGINEER - CERTl F ICATION: AIR DlSTRlBUTlON SYSTEM HAS BEEN COMPLETELY BALANCED AS PER REQUIRE- MENTS OF SPECIFICATIONS AND RESULTS OF TESTS HEREIN LISTED. dn CERTIFICATION NO. T8-01-05 BY Southwest Engineering Service % DATE; Narch 1, 1984 APPROVED 0 PA 1. A&u A .. i Wallace E. Goldie, T. & !d 'li National Headquarters 2146 Sunset Boulevard Los Angeles, Calif. 90026 (213) 382-0487 w INDEX e Fan Data AH-1, 2, F-1 & 2 .. ......... ........ 1 Supply Air Readings AH-1 .................... 2 Supply Air Readings AH-1 cont. ............... 3 Supply Air Readings AH-2 .................... 4 Supply Air Readings AH-2 cont ................ 5 Supply Air Readings AH-2 cont .......,........ 6 Supply Air Readings F-1 ..................... 7 Supply Air Readings F-2 ..................... 8 0 Original Design AIA -- Weber & Edwards Original Mechcanical D Design -- Paoluc ci 0-Wi lli s Original Contractor -- Thermodyne 0 1 1/8x2VP5.6 1 3/8~2VP5%65 Motor Sheave Belts 21 ~82 21 B78 11 11 5/8~3.8 1/ 4L3 7 0 None Zone No. 1 2 1) F Required Test Results ‘Jel C.F.M. Vel C.F.M F P M. ffective FPM No No. Size E Area Room Outlet Code 1 CD 10x10 1.00 not stated 240 240 225 225 2 285 285 3 4 5 6 Slot 48x2 7 8 It 11 11 11 11 I1 11 11 I1 It 240 240 190 190 120 120 120 12 0 115 115 11 11 It 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 It It 11 11 11 11 11 It It 11 It 11 I1 -- ~ Testing & Balancing Agency SOUTHWEST I1 11 11 9 10 11 I1 fl 11 3 11 CD 10x10 11 11 It 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 It 11 It I! 8x8 11 I1 11 11 11 It 11 I1 11 11 I1 It 11 Sheet Code Type Code Model Mtg. 0 ENGINEERING SERVICE INC. 115 115 115 115 17 5 175 1-25 125 135 135 90 90 90 90 90 90 85 85 90 90 11 I1 It 11 11 11 It 11 ?7 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 U It Remarks t # zone 4 II) 0 Testing & Balancing Agency SOUTHWEST ENGINEERING SERVICE INC. Reg~~rtd * le% Resulh FPM FPM f f ec t ive. No No. Vel C.F.M. Vel C.F.M. Area Room ’ Outlet Code Size E 19 CD 10x10 1.00 not st.ated 110 110 110 110 20 21 22 23 24 25 11 11 11 11 11 165 165 150 150 160 160 150 150 11 140 140 11 I1 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 I1 I1 11 11 11 11 11 I1 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 - Total Design 5415 3630 13 - Sheet Code Re marks Type Code Model Mfrg. Zone # 1 * 2 3 e ~esting & Balancing ~gency SOUTHWEST ENGINEERING SERVICE INC. Required Test Results ?(el C F M. Vel C F.M. FPM ffective FPM No No. Size E Area Room Outlet Code 1 CD 10x10 1.00 not stated 80 80 115 115 11 11 I1 ll 11 60 60 60 60 5 11 I1 11 11 I1 80 80 100 10 0 6 10 5 10 5 7 8 11 I1 11 11 11 60 60 120 120 11 11 120 120 9 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 140 140 150 15 0 12 h 160 160 1 13 14 15 CD 10x10 16 11 ll I1 11 11 2 3 ir 11 I1 11 11 4 11 11 11 11 ll 11 11 11 11 I1 I1 11 11 I1 I1 II I1 11 It 11 11 125 12 5 9A Slot 48x2 11 I1 11 11 11 11 11 It 11 11 11 It 170 170 I1 11 11 120 120 11 11 60 60 10 0 100 18 11 tl 11 11 I1 165 165 !I 11 I1 11 11 11 11 11 It 17 I1 8x8 Sheet Code Remarks Type Code Model Mtg. Required Test Results Vel C F M. Vel C.F.M. Zone A Room Outlet Code Size FPM # No No. Area 4 19 CD 10x10 1.00 not stated 155 155 170 170 I1 11 rr 11 11 20 5 21 22 23 24 Slot 48x2 25 200 200 2 10 210 170 170 I1 11 11 60 60 0 0 230 230 It 225 225 200 200 11 I1 11 It 140 140 6 29 lOXj0 130 130 150 150 145 14 5 I1 11 11 I1 11 11 11 11 11 11 I1 I1 11 11 11 11 I1 It 11 11 11 I1 11 e 26 CD 10x10 It II (1 I! 27 11 11 11 11 11 28 I1 I1 11 11 11 6 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 11 11 ll 11 I1 I1 11 11 11 11 120 120 11 160 160 110 110 110 110 u 11 I1 11 11 I1 I! I1 11 -~ ~ I1 11 I7 8x8 I1 11 It I1 11 lt Sheet Code Re marks Type e Code Model Mtg. r Required ffect ive F.p M. No No. Size E Area ‘Jel C F M Zone Room Outlet Code # 7 37 CD 10x10 1.00 not stated 38 It r1 It I1 1r 39 40 11 11 11 11 It 11 11 11 11 11 It It 11 11 11 41 It It 11 11 I1 42 43 11 11 11 11 11 * 44 11 11 11 rt 11 Total Design 8940 Tesl Results Vel C F.M FPM 110 110 18 0 18 0 165 165 150 15 0, 155 15 5 185 185 140 140 140 140 6000 Testing & Balancing Agency SOUTHWEST Sheet Code Type Code Model Mtg. e ENGINEERING SERVICE INC. Remarks II) m Testing & Balancing Agency SOUTHWEST ENGINEERING SERVICE INC - Reqwred Test Results Vel C.F M. Vel C.F.M. F P.M. Room Outlet Code size E ffective FPM No No. Area - 1 D7 48x2 LOO 230 230 160 160 Meetin@ 11 11 It 80 80 11 110 110 11 110 110 It 115 115 I' 100 100 '1 100 100 It 100 100 " 11 11 2 11 11 11 11 11 3 4 5 6 7 11 It 11 11 11 11 It ir rt 11 ir 11 ir lf I1 11 ft 11 11 11 11 !t 11 11 11 8 - 1840 875 I $heet Code Remarks Type Code Model M+g. We used a balancing hood to read these outlets. r e Required Test Results Vel C.F.M. Vel C F.M Room Outlet Code size E ffective FPM. FPM No No. Area 1 D3 48x2 1.00 195 195 175 175 Main 0 185 18 5 60 60 Conf :? 11 11 2 D-2 3 4 50 50 ‘I I1 11 I1 11 ll 50 50 Ti ll 11 it 11 11 750 335 6 ** w -__ - -) 1 - pa- __ __ - I_ . l I - -. 7 - - 6, Pi f- * \r - I -) 1 - pa- __ __ - I_ . l I - -. 7 - - 6, Pi f- * \r - I