HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-05-01; City Council; 7734; Purchase Computer Terminals and PrinterZ 0 z a C.1 Z 0 v CIT , OF CARLSBAD --• AGENDti'BILL AB# 77/ 3'V • r-. _ --r— -TIT! R-PURCHASE COMPUTER TERMINALS u�:ri. riv:� ram+ MTG. AND PRINTER CITY AM k) FA DEPT. LIB CITY MGR. ' REc:OMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2,5- authorizing purchase of two CLSI Model 622 and three Model 802 computer terminals, and one Model P2000 printer; and transfer j of funds to Capital Outlay. ITEM EXPLANATION: To increase efficiency, productivity and service to the public it is desirable to make the following changes with the CLSI circulation system computer: MAIN LIBRARY AUDIO VISUAL DESK: Install Model 622 computer terminal with keyboard, screen and lightpen, and a CLSI printer Model P2000. CIRCULATION: Trade in lightpen terminal on Model 622 computer terminal with keyboard, screen and lightpen: REFERENCE DESK: Trade in Digilog CRT on Model 802 computer terminal with keyboard and screen. TECHNICAL SERVICES: Install CLSI Model 802 computer terminal with k9y- board and screen. BRANCH LIBRARY REFERENCE DESK: Install Model 802 computer terminal vith keyboard and screen. s FISCAL IMPACT: Cost of -computers and printer for Main Library will be $23,002. Salary savings i of $12,474. resulted from the position of Assistant Library Director being open for approximately six months. $800. will be allowed as trade-in of existing lightpen terminal and one Digilog terminal. The balance of $9,728. needed is available in the Library's Adult and Technical Services budgets in the Depart- mental Special Supplies accounts. The computer for the Branch will cost $3,02). CLSA funds are available in both the M and 0 and Capital Outlay portions of the Branch budget. Original bL,dget calculations were based on a full year of operation. The Branch will be open only four'months in FY 83-84. EXHIBITS: 1. Memo to Library Director dated March 26, 1984. 2. Resolution No. �R authorizing the purchase of two CLSI Model 622 and three Model 02 computer terminals, and one Model P2000 printer; and transfer of funds to Capital Outlay. 3. Letter dated April 16, 1984, certifying Computer Committee approval of proposal. i 4 March 26, 1984 TO: Cliff Lange, Library Director FROM: Bobbie I'oder, Administrative Assistant II A study has been conducted as a direct result of the need to.improve and speed up various processes in the library operation. The findings are as follows: BACKGROUND Y Recognizing a need to streamline the circulation function, and to eliminate unnecessary paper files, the cities of Carlsbad and Oceanside jointly purchased a computerized circulation system (CLSI) in 1978. When purchased initially, the basic functions required for efficient check out/in of library materials (specifically printed materials), and maintenance of patron data were in place. New programs are continually being written which make it possible to increase the number of library routines the computer is capable of handling. These "updates" are automatically provided to customers through -their maintenance service contract. AUDIO VISUAL DIVISION RECOMMENDATION Install CLSI Model 622 terminal with keyboard,'screen, and lightpen, and a CLSI Printer Model P-2000, at the earliest possible date. ANALYSIS/DI`SCUSSION Paper files are now maintained on the library's collection of over 530 films and 630 video tapes. The following,statistics reflect the level of activity in the Division. (These numbers do not include circulation of phonograph records or audio cassettes, which are handled through the circulation desk.) past 12 months monthly average Total Bookings 41,058 3,421 Total Showings 60,276 5,023 Total Audience 521,006 43,417 Total Projectors/Equipment 907 75 The existing checkout process is slow -and cumbersome, with every phase of it handled manually. Maintaining a paper file which grows at a rate of an 8-10 inch stack of booking slips per month is impractical. In addition to the need to gather the above data, it is also necessary to main- tain records and file reports on borrowing and lending films within the Serra System and quarterly reporting to the State Library for CLSA reimbursement. N rI The system currently in place requires that all of this data be manually gathered and tallied. The person who is responsible for the end data has done this multi -page report for approximately four years. He works rapidly and efficiently, yet it requires a minimum of eight uninterrupted hours to gather and compile the -data from individual booking slips and to translate it into the required reporting format. This is eight hours spent away from the Audio Visual desk, which is his routine work station, often requiring the Head of the Division to fill in at the AV desk instead of being able to carry on with his normal duties. Recent advances in CLSI software are well suited to address the needs of the Audio Visual. Division. The circulation of video cassettes and film is a more complex process and does not lend itself well to the more traditional book check out procedure. With a computer terminal and printer at the AV desk, the check out/in process would be speeded up considerably; paper files maintained on the library's collection of film and video tapes could be eliminated; most of the required statistical data would be generated automatically. The volume of business transacted through the AV desk dictates that a greatly improved system of dealing with the circulation of materials be implemented at the earliest possible date. The present system is outmoded and inefficient. CHILDREN'S DIVISION RECOMMENDATION A computer is not recommended at this time. The needs of the Children's Division should be considered at a later date. ANALYSIS/DISCUSSION The circulation of all Children's library materials is handled outside of the Division, at, the Circulation Desk in the main lobby. Reference questions requiring in-depth search of the collection are done by the Reference Division. The primary use of CLSI by Children's staff is in clearing overdue notices and placing holds for children's materials. This can easily be scheduled at one of the terminals in another Division. The present volume of use does not warrant changing their system. CIRCULATION RECOMMENDATION Install one additional CLSI Model 622 terminal with keyboard, screen and light pen at the Circulation desk at the earliest possible time. Trade in small light pen station (without screen), applying trade-in toward purchase of Model 622 terminal. ANALYSIS/DISCUSSION Circulation currently utilizes two computer terminals with keyboards, display screens and light pen wands, (composite stations), and one light pen station -- without a keyboard or screen. With the volume of business transacted at Circulation, it is important to have three stations up and running efficiently. St 3 3. The basic problem at Circulation is with the light pen station. The only functions which can be accomplished at this station are the very basic check out/in of materials. This is possible only when the patron does, not have overdue materials or owe fines. When trying to check out a patron with a delinquency, the machine will not accept the transaction. The operator then is required to go to a terminal with a keyboard and screen to determine the problem and reach a resolution. This causes delays in serving the patron, interrupts the operation of the second station, and is generally an inefficient method of handling the transaction. With a third composite station the lines of patrons waiting to be served should diminish somewhat and efficiency should increase. A computer station with a keyboard and screen is essential when dealing with the public. Not only is it necessary in determining overdue materials and fines, it is very important to query the patron database when registering a patron for a library card. This has often times alerted the operator to the fact that the patron wishing to obtain a new library card has a less -than desirable past library history which was duly recorded and stored in the computer. More often than not, the patron will pay for lost books or old fines so that their library privileges may be restored. Without the accessibility of a computer in registering new borrowers, this information would not surface and revenues would reflect a decline over a period of time. Over the preceeding twelve month period the activities at the Circulation desk included: past 12 months monthly average Materials checked out 445,760 37,147 R of patrons registered 5,750 479 # of patrons re -registered 1,709 142 (replaced or lost card-; moved/new address) Bearing in mind that each item checked out is, in theory, checked back in, the 445,760 would double to 891,520 transactions. The volume of business warrants three composite stations. REFERENCE RECOMMENDATION Trace in existing Digilog CRT on new CLSI Model 802 terminal with keyboard and screen (no light pen) at the earliest possible date. ANALYSIS/DISCUSSION The Reference desk currently has a computer terminal with a keyboard and screen. Uses primarily are searching/verifying books in Vie collection, and placing reserves on materials for patrons. With existing levels of staffing in Reference It would not be practical to acid a second terminal, nor is the need there at this time. The age of the existing terminal and the fact they are no longer being manufactured, requires consideration of upgrading. L�' 607 TECHNICAL SERVICES RECOM' _ 1DATI ON W 4. Install CLSI Model 802 terminal with keyboard and screen (no light pen), to serve as a sec,, d station in Technical Services. ANALYSIS/DISCUSSION One CLSI terminal with a keyboard and screen is in use in the Technical Services Division. Technical Services uses it primarily for adding records to the data- base, approximately four to five hours per day. The Collections Coordinator uses the terminal extensively for bibliographic searching, and inter -library loan activities are also=conducted at this terminal. With the heavy usage, a second machine is warranted. Long delays in having access to a terminal are being reflected in the overall efficiency of the operation. BRANCH LIBRARY RECOMMENDATION Install CLSI Model 802 terminal with keyboard and screen (no light pen) at Reference Desk at Branch at earliest possible date. ANALYSIS/DISCUSSION One CLSI Model 622 terminal with keyboard, screen and light pen is in operation at the Circulation Desk at the Branch. The computer terminal is.capable of accomplishing one task at a time. If it is being used to check out patrons, it is not possible for a second operator to register a patron or search the data- base for a book. Since this in the only link to the card catalog -- or holdings -- in the main library, it is vitally important to have a terminal available to both determine that the book is in the collection and to place a h3ld oi: it for the patron. The Branch has been open for three weeks. The early statistics indicate that a second terminal has been needed since the opening day. Number of patrons entering library 2,387 Total circulation 4,082 Number of applications for cards 272. FISCAL IMPACT With the retireir=, nf the Assistant Library Director on January 6, 1984, and I the unlikllhood of reH'llins that position before July 1, 1984, a salary savings of $8,771.00 and an additional sum of $3,703.00 in salary overhead will be realized. Total salary savings will be $12,474.00. (The fi;jres reflect the salary of $541.•00 and vacation payoff of $4,259.97 paid to the former Assistant Director in January 1984. Overhead savings were calculated with only a deduction a made for salary paid -- not payoff for vacation.) 5. The Model 6Z2 terminal recommended for use in the Audio Visual Division and at °'irculation, with the necessary modems, including sales tax, would cost $5,936. each, or $11,872. for the two. All software necessary to the operation is already owned, The CLSI P 2000 printer costs $2,067., including sales tax. The cost of three CLSI Model 802 terminals, including modems and sates tax would be $9,063. Model-802 terminals normally cost $2,200. each, plus $1,200. for the modem pair necessary to operate each terminal. The company is offering existing customers the Model 802 at a reduced cost of $1,650. until mid -May. By purchasing the equipment at this time, a savings of $550, would be realized on each of the three Model 802's - a savings cf $1,650. plus tax. A trade-in .of the existing lightpen terminal would realize a savings of $300., and the trade-in al.lpwance on the Digilog would be $500. The additional funds needed are available from savings in Departmental Special Supplies Accounts. I FISCAL IMPACT RECAP EQUIPMENT (GENERAL FUND) 2 each CLSI Model 622 Terminals $ 11,872 ,; each CLSI Model 802 Terminals 9',063 1 each CLSI Model P 2000 Printer 2,067 $ 23,002 FUNDING (GENERAL FUND) Salary savings $ 12.,474 Trade-in existing lightpen and.Digilog Terminal 800 Fund transfer from Departmental Special Supplies 9,728 $ 23,002 The Model 802 terminal recommended for the Branch, complete with modems and sales tax would cost $3,021. CLSA funds are available in the Branch budget in both the M and 0 section and capital outlay. The budget was based on operation of the facility for a full year, and the Branch will be open only slightly over four months in FY 83-84. i Attached is information on the 600 and 800 series terminals. 1 SUMMARY To maintain the current level of service in the various Divisions of the Library, it is imperative that the methodology used in performing the various tasks utilize the available automation. Since 1978, when CLSI automation was introduced into the Library operation, only one new piece of equipment has been purchased for the Main Library. (The up -grade of the system in 1982 did not provide any new terminals - it only improved the capabilities of the main- frame, or central processing unit.) There is a need to begin a systematic program of replacing the obsolete terminals with faster and more sophisticated equipment. With funds available in the FY 83-84 budget to begin the replacement 6 6. program, coupled with the discount on the Model 862 terminals, I strongly urge purchase,of the recommended equipment in the current fiscal year. Bobbie Hoder ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 11 BH:.ch Attachment c 7 SPECIFICATIONS FOR CLSI COMPUTER TERMINALS FEA URE SCREED SIZE MODEL 600 310DEL S00 CHARACTER FOtRNUTIUN I5' diastonaI 7 x 9 clot matrix 12^ diauonai ; Nc a dor mar= CHARA('TEP. SIZE KEi BUARD - L .US" :vide x .19" hash t�S' ::irie x .1S ^ tu:t DISPLAY Detacneu Tilt Swivel Detached Ht ,;Wlvpf WORKSURFACE SPACE TOTAL FUNCTION KEYS 1S" :vtdo x -15' (feet) °U IS.5' :vide x'_3" ieev USER PROGPANBIABLE FUNCTION KEYS 14 to DISPLAY MEtIURY '' ;paces i paue PRINTER SUPPORT 1. Print screen 1. Print from noa '. Print from host 1. Print from arreen ant) ho.Nt tPTIO VAL 1fUDE11 Internativ mountea External encimure OPTIONAL LIGHTPEN SCANNER Internat eiectronus External electronau� uPTIONAL LASER SCANNER Externai electronics Extertr t electronics ant) enc•iosure anu enclosure Model 600 series is hest suited to circulation activities because or capabilities of the machine and ease or chanainc 1 functions. i } Model 800 series is best suited to other than circulation activities, more soecifically Reference or Tecnnicai Services. 3/84 i r 3 I COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS, I. AUDIO-VISUAL DIVISION A. ANNUAL BENEFIT OF SYSTEM Current Annual Tangible Costs Staff time for checkout with manual system @ $ .14 per minute X 4 minutes * X 41,058 transactions = $ 22,992.00 Staff time for statistics gathering @ $8.15 per hour X 9b hours = 782.00 Supplies for current system = 420.00 Total annual cost - current system = $ 2 ,194.00 Projected Costs - First Year Staff time for checkout with automated system @ $ .14 per minute X 2 minutes X 41,058 transactions = $ 11,496.00 Staff time for data compilation @ $8.15 per hour X 48 hours = 391.00 Dataline charges ` 600.00 Potential annual tangible benefit = current costs - Projected costs Intangible Improved service to the public More effective use of existing automated system More efficient use of staff time B. ANNUAL OPERATING COSTS Staff time for input @ $ .14 per minute X 3 minutes ` X 200 items Annual maintenance on terminal Annual maintenance on modems Annual maintenance on printer Supplies Dataline charges Total C. PROJECT DEVELOPMENT COSTS $ 1212 4877.00 = $ 11,707.00 _ $ 84.00 1,118.00 192,00 240.00 6.00 600.00 $ 2,270.00 Staff time for initial input @ $ .14 per minute X 3 minutes ; X 1,202 items = $ 505.00 Terminal and modem purchase 5,936.00 Telephone dataline installation 200.00 Supplies 36.00 Total $ 6, 7�7. 000 D. ANNUAL SAVINGS AND PAYBACK PERIOD $11,707 - $2,240 $ 9,467 / $6,677 $ 6,677 / $9,467 -;Staff Estimate = $9,467 annual savings = 14A% ROI = .71 years payback W I r1., II. CIRCULATION A. ANNUAL BENEFIT OF SYSTEM Tangible Current Annual Costs 2. Staff time for complex checkout @ $ .08 per minute X 7 minutes * X 222,880 transactions = $124,813.00 Annual maintenance on terminal = 958.00 Annual maintenance on modems 160.00 Total annual cost current system $125,931.00 Projected Costs = First Year Staff time for complex checkout @ $ .08 per minute X 5 minutes * X 222,880 transactions = $ 89,152.00 Annual maintenance in terminal 1,118.00 Annual maintenance on modems 192.00 Total projected costs - first year $ 90�2.00 Potential annual tangible benefit = Current annual costs - projected annual costs = $ 35,469.00 Intangible Improved service to the public More effective use of automated system More efficient use of staff time B ANNUAL OPERATING COSTS Annual maintenance on terminal = $ 1,118.00 Annual maintenance on modems 192.00 Total $ 1,310.00 C. PROJECT DEVELOPMENT COST Terminal and modem purchase $ 5,936.00 Less trade-in value of lightpen terminal - 500.00 Total $ 3,436.00 D. ANNUAL SAVINGS AND PAYBACK PERIOD $35,469 - $1,310 $34,159 / $5,436 $5,436 / $34,159 *Staff Estimate $34,159 annual savings = 628% ROI - .16 years payback /o 3. III. REFERENCE DIVISION A. ANNUAL BENEFIT OF SYSTEM Tangible Current *Annual Costs Staff terminal inquiry @ $ .18 per minute X 4 minutes X 53,924 inquires = $ 38,825.00 Staff terminal hold placement @ $ .18 per minute X 2 minutes * X 5,371 holds = 1,934.00 Annual maintenance on terminal = 639.00 Annual maintenance on modems = 160.00 Total annual costs current system $ 1,5+� 58-00 Projected Costs - First Year Staff terminal inquiry @ $ .18 per minute X 2 minutes X 53,924 inquires = $ i9,413.00 Staff terminal hold placement @ $ .18 per minute X i minute * X 5,371 holds = 967.00 Annual maintenance on terminal = 588.00 Annual maintenance on modems = 192.00 Total $ 2121 ,160.00' Potential annual tangible benefit = Current annual costs - projected annual costs = $ 20,398.00 Intangible Improved service to the public More efficient use of staff time B. ANNUAL OPERATING COSTS Annual maintenance on terminal $ 588.00 Annual maintenance on modems 192.00 Total $ 7790 00 C. PROJECT DEVELOPMENT COSTS Terminal and modem purchase $ 3,021.00 Less trade-in value of Digilog Terminal - 300.00 Total $ 2,721.00 D. ANNUAL SAVINGS AND PAYBACK $20,398 - $780 = $19,618 annual savings $19,618 / $2,721 = 721% ROI i $2,721 / $19,618 = .14 years payback a Staff Estimate 1( 4 :^, -1V. TECHNFCAL SERVICES A. ANNUAL BENEFIT OF SYSTEM Tangible Current Annual Costs Staff use of existing terminal @ $8.40 per hour X 2,080 hours= $ 17,472.00 Lost productivity @ 4 hours * per day @ $8.40 per hour X 1,040 = 8,736.00 Annual maintenance on terminal 639.00 Annual maintenance on modems 160.00 Total annual cost current system $ 27,007.00 Projected Costs First Year Staff use of terminal @ $8.40 per hour Y 2,080 = $ 17,472.00 Dataline charges = 600.00 Annual maintenance on terminal = 588.00 Annual maintenance on modems = 192.00 Total $ 1�$-$52.00 Potential annual tangible benefit = Current costs - projected costs = $ 8,155.00 Intang i b'le Reduction in staff frustration More efficient use of staff and equipment Improved control of collection and collection development B. ANNUAL OPERATING COSTS Dataline charges * $ 600.00 Annual maintenance on terminal 588.00 Annual maintenance on modems 192.00 Total $ 1,3 0.00 ! C. PROJECT DEVELOPMENT COSTS Telephone Dataline installation Terminal purchase with modems D. ANNUAL SAVINGS AND PAYBACK PERIOD $8,155 — $1,380 $6,775 / $3,221 $3,221 / $6,775 * Staff Estimate $ 200.00 3,021.00 Total $ 3,221.00 = $6,775 annual savings = 210% R01 = .48 years payback 12- V. BRANCH L'fYRARY A. ANNUAL BENEFITS OF SYSTEM Tangible Current Annual Costs Staff terminal inquiry @ $ .17 per minute -X 6 minutes ',X $10,400 = $ 10,608.00 Staff terminal hold placement @ $ .17 per minute X 4 minutes X 1,000 = 680.00 Staff terminal use for acquisition checking @ $ .17 per minute X 4 minutes ,; X 1,400 titles = 952.00 Total $ 12,2 0.00 Projected Costs - First Year Staff terminal inquiry @ $ .17 per minute X 2 minutes * X 10,400 = $ 3,536.00 Staff terminal hold placement @ $ .17 per minute X 1 minute X 1,000 = 170.00 Staff terminal use for acquisition checking @ $ .17 per minute X 2 minutes * X 1,400 titles -- 476.00 Annual Dataline charges 600.00 Annual maintenance of terminal 588.00 Annual maintenance of modems 192.00 ' Total $ 5,562.00 Potential annual tangible benefit = current costs - projected costs = $ 6,678.00 Intan ibie Lower sta f frustration Improved service to public More timely service to public Better use of existing automated system B. ANNUAL OPERATING COSTS Annual maintenance on terminal $ 588.00 Annual maintenance on modems 192.00 Annual Dataline charges 600.00 Total $ 1,3 0.00 C. PROJECT DEVELOPMENT COSTS Terminal purchase with modems $ 3,021.00 Telephone Dataline installation 200.00 Total 3,221.00 D. ANNUAL SAVINGS AND PAYBACK PERIOD $6,678 - $1,380 = $5,298 annual savings $5,298 / $3,221 = 164% Rot $3,221 / $5,298 = .61 years payback Staff Estimate 13 I COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS A. B. Annual C. Project Payback Annual Operating Development Annual R01 Period Benefit Cost Cost Savings M (years) I. AUDIO-VISUAL DIVISION 11,707 $ 2240 $ , 76 77 $�7 7i-2% 11. CIRCULATION $ 35,469 $ 1,310 $ 5,436 $34,159 628% .16 111. REFERENCE $ 20,398 $ 780 $ 2,721 $19,618 721% .14 IV. TECHNICAL SERVICES $ 8,155 $ 1,380 $ 3,221 $ 6,775 210% .48 V. BRANCH $ 6,678 $ 1,380 $ 3,221 $ 5,298 164% .61 TOTAL $82,407 $ 7,090 $21,276 $75,317 --- -- ANNUAL SAVINGS $75,317 RETURN ON INVESTMENT 354% ! PAYBACK PERIOD .28 years 4/16/84 N l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 35 161 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 7587 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING PURCHASE OF COMPUTER TERMINALS, AND A PRINTER AND APPROVING THE NECESSARY FUND TRANSFER. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has determined that it is desirable to trade in a lightpen terminal and a Digilog CRT and purchase two CLSI Model 622 and three Model 802 computer terminals, and one CLSI Model P2000 printer; and WHEREAS, funds are available in the Library budget; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That Fund Transfer No. 71n referenced herein is approved. - 3. That the Purchasing Officer is hereby authorized and directed to make a sole source purchase of five CLSI computer terminals and one CLSI printer. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council, held on the 1st day of May , 1984, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Council Members Casler, LeAs, dick and Prescott NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Kulchin ATTEST: &b&" W AZ'—tD�� ALE HA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City C er (SEAL) MARY H. CbSIER, Mayor /S r-►• April 16, 1984 TO: CITY FROM: Finan RECOMMENDATIONS OF COMPUTER ADVISORY COMMITTEE The Computer Advisory Committee met on Thursday, April 12, 1984 to review and take action on the following requests. We recommend that the City Manager affirm the action of the Committee. 1) Request for computer equipment and software for Central Services: Applications: Deed Index, Public Facilities Agreement Index, Future Improvement Agreement Index, and several other index and tracking systems. Hardware requested: Hewlette Packard 150 Micro Computer. 4 Software regbested: Data Base Manager. I r it: $5,565. Funding: Funds are available within the Central Services budget for this purpose. Annual cost savings: $2,546 Payback period: 2.1 years Committee action: The request was approved on the basis that as a stand ! alone application. The requested system has no substantial impact on the long range plan we will be developing for computer systems. The files , propsoed do not require shared access with other departments. And, a manual 4 system presently in place has proven the need for the services described. The return on investment and payback period are acceptable. Z) Request for computer equipment and software from Library: Applications: Upgrade of and addition to existing Library computer a circulation system. a Hardware requested: Installation of three additional and two replacement terminals and one printer at key locations in the Library. Software requested: None. Cost: $23,002 Funding: Thit purchase can be funded from savings in various Library budget accounts. Return on investment: 354% per year. Payback period: .28 years Committee action; The Library's request was approved by the committee subject to Council approval of the necessary fund transfers. The Library computer system is sufficient to absorb this growth without significant impact on the existing computer hardware located in Oceanside. The return on investment and payback periods are based on assumptions of the level of activity and value of operator time which appear to be reasonable. The requested increases are consistent with the purpose of the computerized circulation system. 3) Request for computer equipment and software for Finance: { Applications: Computer graphics and access to computer spreadsheet residing on the HP-3000. i Hardware requested: Hewlette Packard 150 Micro Computer and graphics plotter. C f Software requested: Graphics software. j Cost: $5,650. Funding: Funds can be made available within the Finance Department budget. Annual cost savings: $7,950 Payback period: .71 years Committee action: The request was approved based on the general need for computer graphics in many City departments and the continually increasing need for Finance access to the computer spreadsheet model on the HP-3000 system. This request has little impact on the City's long range planning process for computer usage. The addition of this micro computer increases the availability of already existing tools and replaces the manual process of preparing graphic presentations. i 4) Request for computer equipment and software for Purchasing: i Applications: On line printing of purchase orders in the Purchasing Department. Hardware requested: Hewlette Packard Model 2932A printer. Software requested: None. Cost: $2,500. 17 Funding: To be budgeted as part of the Purchasing Capital Outly requests for 1984-85. Return on Investment: 54%. Payback period: 1.83 years. Committee action: The Committee recommended that Purchasing include this printer in the 1984-85 budget, but should defer purchasing until proper software is in place. The software being installed for Finance can be modified to inlcude the printing of purchase orders, but does not include this capability as a standard feature. Before this request can be fully approved, the cost of the associated software should be reviewed. 5) Request for approval of draft RFP for computer consulting services: The Committee reviewed and approved the draft RFP for computer consulting services. The Data Processing Manager will now distribute the RFP to Interested parties. The Data Processing budget for 1984-85 will include funding for this consultant. The cost of these services is unknown at this time. 6) Request from'Data Processing for Committee approval of HP-3000 upgrade: The Committee reviewed the Data Processing Manager's report on the condition of the City's HP-3000 computer. The Committee agreed with the Data Processing Manager's report and directed the DP manager to proceed with a more detailed report and requst for system upgrade. The final report will be submitted of the Committee and City Manager within two weeks. 7) Request for computer equipment and software for Fire Department: Applications: Control and scheduling the fire inspection program, maintenance of hose records and training records. Hardware requested: Hewlette Packard 150 Micro Computer with printer and modem. Software requested: Data Base Manager and Spread Sheet. Cost: $8,644. Fundin : To be budgeted as part of the Fire Department Capital Outlay for 1984-85. Return on Investment: 34% per year. Payback period: 2.9 years. Committee action: The request was approved on the basis that it is a stand alone system which will control data which is of little interest to other users. The implementation of this system has no impact on the HP-3000 computer system. The proposed system will replace manual systems presently in existence for each proposed application. The return on investment and payback period are a"eptable. I i 16