HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-05-22; City Council; N/A; 1984-85 FY community groups financial assistance\B# ATG. 5/22/84 IEPT. FIN RECOMMENDED ACTION: TITLE: REQUEST FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FROM COMMUNITY GROUPS FOR THE 1984-85 FISCAL YEAR CITY A CITY MGR. Hear requests from representatives of community groups. Determine funding level at budget workshop. ITEM EXPLANATION: The following organizations have requested financial support from the City for the 1984-85 fiscal year: 1983-84 1984-85 Change Budget Request Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce $45,000 $ 40,000 -$ 5,000 Carlsbad Senior Ci ti zens 37,825 53,785 +$15,960 No. County Seniors in Action p! 1,000 +$ 1,000 Project Oz 9,000 12,000 +$ 3,000 Women's Resource Center 5,000 6,000 +$ 1,000 TOTAL $96,825 $1 12 , 785 $15,960 It is recommended that the Council defer final action on these requests until the workshop meeting on the operating budget. EXHI BITS : A. Letter from Doug Yavanian, Executive Vice President of Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce B. Letter from the Carlsbad Senior Citizen's Association C. Letter from North County Seniors in Action dated 5/14/84 D. Letter from Julia Darling, Director of Project Oz dated 5/11/84 E. Letter from Marva Bledsoe Chriss, Executive Director, Women's Resource Center dated 2/23/84 CARLSEA0 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE POST OFFICE BOX 1605 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (619) 729-5924 DOUGLAS A. YAVANIAN EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT April 27, 1984 Mr. Jim Elliott, Finance Director City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Jim: Per your request, I am formally submitting this requisition for funds on behalf of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce. Our request for fiscal year 1984-85 is $40,000. This is a reduction of $5,000 under the 1983-84 allocation. The Chamber is assuming a greater role in providing funds required to carryout the conditions of the City-Chamber contract. Our expanded membership development and fund raising efforts will offset the reduction. that further requests could be made as projects of mutual benefit arise throughout the year. This approach has been suggested by Frank Aleshire. The $40,000 will be primarily utilized for information ser- vices and economic development activities, I believe this approach and direction is a little more business-like. We will be prepared to make whatever presentation is necessary at the Council budget deliberations and/or answer any Council questions. Thank you for your consideration of this request. We also feel Sincerely, < Executive Vice President DAY: jls . I -- - incorporated in the State of Calltornla, - 5 15, 1975 Corporate number 738726 A Non-Protlt Corporeflon CARLSBAD SENIOR CITIZENS' ASSOCIATION "SERVlCE" is our Motto, 3096 Hading Street Carlsbad, California 92008 Phone (619) 434-4127 "CARlNG" IS OU~ Tblng TO : Carlsbad City Council THROUGH: Frank Aleshire FROM : Carlsbad Senior Citizens' Association SUBJECT: Budget Request FY 84-85 In concert with the existing agreement between the City of Carlsbad and the Carlsbad Senior Citizens' Association, the "Annual Statement of Carlsbad Senior Citizens' Association Services to the City" is hereby submitted. The Association, a non-profit corporation, shall carry on a program of Senior Citizen Activities on behalf of the City of Carlsbad as follows: I. BASIC ACTIVITIES a. Operate and maintain a Senior Citizens' Center open to the public, to be open five days per week, Monday through Friday, eight hours per day. Access into these offices are to be free of physical barriers and are to be suitable furnished to insure comfort to older and handicapped persons. The Senior Center shall operate in space approved or allocated by the City Council. b. Employ or have voluntary competent personnel. to properly carry on the activities contemplated by this agreement. c. Direct established programs of stated objectives including methods by which objectives are to be accomplished. The established programs shall in- clude the following objectives: (1) Information and Referral, (2) Education Activities, and (3) Social Activities. d. Develop new programs to meet the established needs of Senior Citizens. Objectives to include needs ' assessments, goals, objectives, action steps and evaluation procedures for each program. e. Submit an "Annual Statement of Carlsbad Senior Citizens' Association Services to the City", out- lining the specific scope and nature of programs to be rendered to the City. -1- 3 f. g. h. i. The Annual Statement of Carlsbad Senior Citizens' Association Services to the City shall be divided into district programs. Submit written reports to the City Manager on a monthly basis of all activities and programs in- volving senior citizens carried out by the Con- tractor. These reports shall be due by the 5th of the month for the preceding month. Publicize the availability of Services and Activ- ities on an ongoing basis by all means available. Establish a nutrition program to feed approximately 110 seniors per day, five days a week. Contract funding through San Diego County Area Agency on Aging. Establish and implement a senior day care center to serve a minimum of 10 clients 5 days a week. With the advent of a 10,000 senior citizen population in' the City of Carlsbad, it is suggested that Council give serious thought to directing Community Block Development . Funds and other funding sources toward the purchase and/ or construction of larger facilities for the Seniors. The Association is presently serving approximately 5757 persons per month. However, the increased demand for ex- panded services cannot be met due to lack of space. Many of these services could be fund generating, or at least self supporting. Volunteer hours for FY 83/84 were 18,121, representative of .$72,484 of contributed time served at a rate of $4.90 per hour. A nutrition program contract with the Area Agency on Aging is projected FY 84/85. The funding level of the contract is anticipated at $77,500. There will be no cost to the City of Carlsbad. The City Council's continued cooperation in supporting the senior population in Carlsbad is greatly appreciat,ed. It is through this support the Carlsbad Senior Citizens' Asso- ciation is one of the most productive program service agencies in Carlsbad, and in the County of San Diego. -2 - - - Incorporated In the State of Calltornla, 25, 1975 Corporate number 738726 A Non-Profit CorDoratlon CARLSBAD SENIOR CITIZENS’ ASSOCIATION “SERVICE“ IS our Motto, 3096 Harding Street Carlsbad, California 92008 Phone (619) 434-4127 “CARlNG” IS our Thlng BUDGET ESTIMATE FY 84/85 EXPENDITURES Executive Director Ass ’ t Director Senior Day Care Center Coordinator Secretary/Admin. AsB’t. Bookkeeper Transportation (Drivers) $12 , 500 5,150 8,000 3 , 600 7,540 6 , 300 $42 , 490 MAINTENANCE/OPERATIONS Telephone Copier (Lease/Purchase) Addresso-Graph Office Maintenance Facilities Use Rental SUPPLIES Off ice INSURANCE Senior Activities Transportation (Van) State Comp/Health/Xedical MILEAGE/CAR ALLOWANCE Director/Ass’t/Volunteers 2,400 1 , 650 1,350 1 , 000 7,500 13 , 900 1 , 500 1,500 1,000 1,000 3,800 6 , 800 5 , 800 6 , 800 5’ - -- Incorporated In the Stete of Cellfornla, 5, 1975 Corporate number 738728 A Non-Proflt Corporallon CARLSBAD SENIOR CITIZENS’ ASSOCIATION ”SERVICE” IS our Motto, 3096 Harding Street Carlsbad, California 92008 Phone (619) 434-4127 “CARING” IS our Thmg BUDGET ESTIMATE - PAGE 2 FY 84\85 PROGRAMS Mobil Meals - meal cost Human Resource Development (Senior Day Care Center) NEWSLETTER Printing Postage Editor LEGAL/CPA SEMINARS, TRAVEL, DUES Misc. Expenditures TOTAL EXPENDITURES INCOME City of Carlsbad Mobil Meals Newsletter - dues Newsletter - advertising Misc. Donations Bingo Income Senior Day Care Center Clients TOTAL INCOME 15,000 30 , 000 45,000 6,000 1 , 500 3 , 900 11 , 400 1 , 000 5,200 1 , 000 5 , 200 $133,890 $45,785 20 , 000 3 , 000 5,000 10 , 965 27 , 140 22 , 000 133,890 $133 , 890 CITY OF CARLSBAD SOCIAL SERVICE AGREEMENT $45,785 6 _- ___ -- incorporated in the State of Cailforr Jne 25, 1975 Corporate fIUITIber 738728 I_ - A Non-Prollt Corporation CARLSBAD SENIOR CITIZENS’ ASSOCIATION “SERVICE” is our Motto 3096 Harding Street Carlsbad, California 92008 Phone (619) 434-4127 ”CARING” is our Thing SENIOR DAY CARE CENTER AN ALTERNATIVE TO INSTITUTIONALIZATION Objectives-The primary objectives of the program are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. To restore or maintain optimal capacity for self care to frail elderly persons and other physically or mentally im- paired adults. To delay or prevent inappropriate or personally undesirable institutionalization. Stress a partnership with the participant, the family, and the community in working towards maintaining independence. To encourage participation in group activities is encouraged because the social environment is therapeutic in itself. DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES Transportation Services - This program will provide trans- portation, as needed, for participants to and from their homes. Nutrition Services - This program will provide one meal per day which supplies one-third of the daily nutritional require- ments. Nutrition counseling will also be provided. Social Work Services - These services are designed and coor- dinated in such a manner as to promote maintenance of physical and mental health by alleviating personal and social problems. They will include group or individual discussion of problems, coordination with family and home and other community agencies and community resources. Recreational and Social Activities - This program will provide planned recreational and social activities suited to the needs of participants and designed to encourage physical exercise to prevent deterioration, and to stimulate social interaction. 7 WHO IS ELIGIBLE? Senior Day Care Center open to any person over the age of 55 years or any disabled person regardless of age. However, all participants must be ambulatory. APPLICATION INTAKE STAFF There will be an intake staff of three that will be responsible for screening and approving all applications requesting services at the Day Care Center. SENIOR DAY CARE CENTER STAFFING 1. Program Coordinator 2. Part-time cook and helper 3. Four recreational and social activities persons Education/Experience Requirements Program Coordinator - Knowledge of physical, mental, and social needs of the elderly. Be a professional in one of the following areas: nursing, social work, psychology, recreation, occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy, dietetics, gerontology. Prefer BS degree in any of the above or two years at university level and three years experience in any of factored programs previously named. Days and Hours of Operation 1. 2. 3. 4. The Senior Day Care Center will be open five days a week; Monday thru Friday. The hours of operation will be from 8:OO A.M. to 5:OO P.M. Cldent .Daily Cost ='$10.00 all day including meals. Senior Citizen Association will subsidize part of the daily = $ 5.00 half day and no meal. cost if the client qualifies under SSI. 4. Transportation will be available to clients who are unable to provide their own. PROGRAM COSTS Program Coordinator Transport at i on Meals @ $2.00 per meal Office Expenses: Telephone Supplies $ 8,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 Total Income $22,000.00 PROGRAM INCOME Clients costs and donations City of Carlsbad support $14,000.00 8,000.00 ’ Total Income $22,000.00 9 NOR I II COUNTY SENIORS IN AC1 ION ,INC. (NoCoSIA) 320 Williamston Street Vista, CA 92083 (619) 941-3212 May 14, 1984 City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue / Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attention: Chris Solomone Dear Mr. Chris Solomone: This letter is a formal request from North County Seniors in Action, Inc. to participate in your Revenue Sharing Program. We are requesting $1,000.00 to help support the work of our Agency. North County Seniors in Action, Inc. is an incorporated mutual benefit non-profit senior organization, working for the better- ment of life for the older population in North San Diego County. North County Seniors in Action, Inc.'s areas of interests are in Health Services, Public Information and Education, Shared Housing, Job Placements, and other similar objectives. We are currently bringing awareness of senior issues and activities to the senior population through an "Information and Referral Service" contract and an "In-Home Support Service" contract, sponsored by the Area Agency on Aging. For example, during the period July i, 1983 to the present, May 11, 1984, we have pro- vided information, referral and follow-up service to 15,640 residents (Carlsbad 47%) and, through our staff and volunteers, provided In-Home service (Escort, Outreach Homemaking, Registry and Telephone Visiting) to 3,612 residents. We act as a coordinating body for programs guiding, assisting, supporting, sponsoring and informing organizations serving the elderly in the region. We also maintain a liaison contract with the County Board of Supervisors and the Senior Citizen Centers in North County. The Board, for some time, has actively kept involved planning a variety of essential and meaningful projects. ' For example, we have held workshops (Senior Helping Seniors), have supported Health Fairs, Advocacy Councils, P.U.C. Hearings, and participated in State House and White House Conferences on Aging. NoCoSIA enables tens of thousands of North County seniors to speak to the various levels of Government with ONE VOICE. A Donation of $1,000.00 from the City of Carlsbad will enable NoCoSIA to continue and expand its work inmeeting the needs of Carlsbad City seniors. If further information and/or clarification is needed on this request, please call Gayle Marrett at our Administrative Office: 941-3212. Sincerely, n /+&&+ Fredrick W. Borof President FWB: ts cc: Frank Aleshire I/ c& YMCA PROJECT02 1212 Oak Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 I (714) 729-4926 May 11, 1984 City Counci 1 of Carl sbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Council Members: Project Oz North Coast is a short-term residential treatment program for teenagers and their families. It is a 6-bed group home offering 2 weeks of residency for 13-17 year olds and 8 weeks of aftercare counseling. received financial support from the City of Carlsbad since 1977. The residency program provides a unique servcice to the community especially assisting law enforcement and child protective agencies in sheltering youth. services have also benefitted Carlsbad citizens and school personnel in assisting youth with problems. The agency has operated in Carlsbad since 1975 and has However, the aftercare and outclient counseling Each year the number of clients served and the occupancy of our available beds has increased. residential program and 34 youth and their families came for counseling (without shelter), totalling 177 new clients. 20% of these were Carlsbad residents, almost a 50% increase over the number of residents served the year before. In addition, a total of 174 persons were assisted by our 24 hour crisis phone and walk-in counseling. In 1983, 143 youths were served in the Project Oz counselors have served on the local Student Attendance Review Board, working to reduce truancy in Carlsbad. hope that we can work in conjunction with the Carlsbad Police Dept. to provide counseling when needed as part of their newly developed Youth Work Diversion Program. Each year we have supplemented our income of contract funds with contributions, fundraisers, and client service fees. the North Coast Family YMCA has withdrawn a good part of their contribution, cutting back from $13,000 to $2,500 for the upcoming fiscal year. am requesting the continued support of the City of Carlsbad in the amount of $12,000. service area as well. It is also our Unfortunately, In an attempt to make up some of this lost revenue, I We are seeking support from other cities in our Please let me know if additionalinformation will be helpful in considering our request. Si ncerely , J P- ia Darlinq - Director YMCA PROJECT OZ NORTH COAST PROJECTED INCOME 1984-85 Contributions North Coast YMCA $ 2,500 Fundraising 3,500 $ 6,000 Other Public Support State Dept. of Education 3,000 Carl sbad 12,000 Oceans i de 6,000 $ 21,000 Service Fees $ 22,540 County Revenue Sharing - CAP Federal Youth Development $106,732 Bureau (YDB) $ 29,091 ---------- ---------- Total Income $185,363 13 - c I. PERSONNEL Sal ari es Fringe - .* 1 .* i 14 I L -' PROJLCT 02 NORTtI COAST EXPENSES 1983-84 _-._ - $ 122,149 23,654 $715;8rn NON-PERSONNEL Supplies (Food, Office, Janitorial) $ 6,360 Recrea ti on 780 Telephone 2,412 Postage 27 G Rent and Property Insurance 6,648 Uti1 ities 4,500 Care of. Building/Grounds 516 Pri n t i ng 552 Mi 7 eage 1,792 Training/Membership Dues 444 Equipment Yai ntenancc 444 14,836 $ 39,560 -- YMCA Comp;ter/Accounti ng PI us Personnel --- 145,803 Grand Total $ 185,363 “Serv ”“9PLE of North San Diego County since 1974” omen’s Resource Center 4070 Mission Avenue San Luis Rey, California 0 (619) 757-3500 24 Hours Correspondence Address: P.O. Box 499 San Luis Rey, California 92068 HOARI) OF DIRECTORS ANN J. KULCHIN (‘arlsbad Citv (’ouncil Chairperson KEITH PRESNELL Vice Chairperson Crrlified Puhlic Accountant COLLEEN RICHARDSON Attorney at 1.aw PAT NAKATSUKA Education Specialist Secretary Treasurer WILLIAM “JAY’: DESS Clinical l’ayrholoylfit DONDUCKWORTH City vf San C‘lemente ROBERT GLEASON Retired Postmaster VINCE JIMNO Cnrlshnd Chiei<jf Polire JANhT BLEDSOE LACY Attorney at 1.a~ CATHY NELSON LEBOVITS .Journalist WARNER LUSARDI Ikveloper JEAN MACLEAN Superior Court Counselor RONALD E. NULL Attorney at I.aw DIANA OSTRANDER Husinesswuman MARGARET ZEHRING Hank Manager February 23, 1984 Jim Elliott Finance Department City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, Cal. 92008 RE: 1984-85 Funding Dear Jim, Enclosed you will find Women’s Resource Center’s request for funding from the City of Carlsbad for fiscal year 1984-85. represents an increase of $1000.00 over fiscal year 1983- 84. The additional funds will p-tially assist us in the reprinting of the enclosed brochure. was developed and printed in 1983, but the demand for it has been so overwhelming that our supply will soon be depleted. If you need any additional information, please advise. Thank you. This request is in the amount of $6000.00 and This brochure Sincerely, %e+-? Mama Bledsoe Chriss EXECUTIVE D1RM;TOR MBc/lc Enc . MARVA BLEDSOE CHRISS Executive Director 5- Supported, in part, by United Way "Mnp PF^'LE of North Sgm Diego County dnce 1974" omen's Resource Center 4070 Mission Avenue 0 San Luis Rey, California 0 (619) 757-3500 0 24 Hours Correspondence Address: P.O. Box 499 San Luis Rey, California 92068 OAR11 OF DIRECTORS Febiruary23,1484 City council city of czL1.lsbad (?BslSbad,cal. 92008 iNN J. KULCHIN 'ulrhad City Cnunril Chirperaon CEITH PRESNELL 1200 Elm Ave. Vkr Chmirwrurn 'niifircl Puhlir Armununl Al"FICX'?: Mayor and City Quncil :Y)LLEEN RICHAR-N 4twrney 81 law Smrtmry PAT NAKATSUKA RE: 1984-85mding Trrrsurrr Eduraiiiin Sprrialirl Honorable Mayor Casler and Mmbers of the Council: WILLIAM "JAY" DES8 ('linirnl Yryrhtdc*iat IX)N DUCKWORTH Cnv ($1 Ssn ('lemmle ROBERT CLEASON Hetired Pwtmaaicr JANFT BLEDSOE LACY Attcwney HI luu CATHY NBLSON LEBOVITS .Journalist As you are aware, Wanen's Resource Center is a humn care agency which has been serving all of North San Diego Cbunty since 1974. Dedicated to enhancing the lives of families by helping persons in crisis develop their crwn self-help skills, the Center provides counseling, supportive services, emergency food and shelter for victims of danestic violence and their children and victims of sexual assault and their families. A 24 bur crisis hotline is staffed by trained volunteers and counselors and the Center maintains North County's only residential facility for battered wIII1En and their children. Spanish and Samzan. Bilingual services are offered in WARNER LL'SAHDI JEAN MACLEAN RONALD E. NC'LI. DIANA OSTRANDER MARGARET ZEHRING Wanen's Resource Center's overall goal is to address the needs of families experiencing ddmestic violence and victims of sex- ual assault in order to impact the incidence of such violence. To continue our current level of service to the victims of such violence, we need your financial support. Family violence is reaching epidemic proportions in our nation. The State of California, Office of the Attorney General, pro- jects that one out of every tm California families experience such strife. total of mre than 3000 North County families experiencing such strife, an increase of over 300 families as canpared with 1)evrIoprr Suprrior ( mrt ('ounaliw Ati<mnr\ ai I.uu Hurtnn*wimun Hank Mnnewrr Wing 1983, Wanen's Resource Center served a MARVA ELEWE CHRISS Excrutivc 1)irrctor 1982. * ._ . .. .. 1 -2- mer, the nwst dramtic statistical incrkse in service to vicths ms with regard to sexual assault-171 victims med in 1983 as CQOP8;P8CZ to 117 victins in 1982. in- crease! Wunen's Resaurce Center has addressed the problem of sexual assault both with regard to victim services and pre- vention &lxation. 4 girls, and 1 out of every 8 boys will be assaulted before age 18, we have provided sexual assault preventian inforrnation in our local schools. brrochure, 'You Need To Knuw Atout (Zlild Sexual Abuse'', and, with your increased support, we will be able to continue to make the informtion available to the public. Wanen's Resource Center is requesting the city of Carlsbad provide mnies for fiscal year 1984-85 in the amount of $6OO0.00. government funding, Wanen's Resource Center has looked to other avenues of support. donations have increased and during 1983 over 90 volunteers donated over 19,OOO hours of service. mver, increased costs of food, utilities, supplies, telephone, etc., coupled with the dramtic increase in requests for client services, have necessi- tated that we once again request hudget assistance fran the City of Carlsbad for fiscal year 1984-85 to maintain our level of 'he Carlsbad City Oouncil has traditionally shown its concern . ,. for its residents. Wanen's Resource Center enjoys 8n excellent relationship with the City of Carlsbad and its citizens and p-mvides then with necessary, uudupllcated services. Center appreciates the support for our program we have re- ceived fran the Oouncil in the past and anticipate your contin- uing interest, concern and assistance. This is a oonfronted with data that 1 out of every In 1983, we developed the attached In an effort to mve toward mre independence fran Qr fund raising activities and private I services. The 'Ihank you for considering our request. Sincerely, mc .