HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-05-22; City Council; N/A; Proposed budget presentationCIT iB# rllTG.m IEPT. F-Ce 3F CARLSBAD - AGENDA TITLE: PRESENTATION OF THE PROPOSED BUDGET RECOMMENDED ACTION: Set a date for Council review of the proposed 1984-85 operating Budget. ITEM D(pL" The total proposed operating budget is about $22.7 million ccanpared to estimated expenditures for 1983-84 of $19.3 million. This represents an increase of 17.6% or about $3.4 million. Operating revenues from all funds for 1984-85 will total $23.2 million, about $2.3 million above the estimated revenue for 1983-84 of $20.9 million. These figures reflect the grad31 in demand for services and revenues generated by the healthy econoeny that has existed in Carlsbad for the past 18 mnths. The forecasts included in the proposed budget are based on the City continuing to experience this relatively high level of econ&c activity. The proposed general fund budget is $16.8 million, an increase of 23.3% over the 1983-84 fiscal year. Estimated general fund revenues are $17.0 million or 16.9% above last year. Eight and one quarter new positions are included in the budget. The proposed budget includes $1.4 million contingency fund. During budget review, approximately $1.2 million was cut from department requests. The proposed general fund budget projects a year end surplus of $800,000. Council my wish to consider restoring sm of the programs or iterns cut frm the original departmntal requests, add additional projects or programs, or appropriate the $800,000 to capital projects at year end. The FISCAL IMPACI' The Fiscal Impact of the proposed budget is summrized on the introductory schedules found in the budget. on all funds of the City that must be reviewed prior to adoption. The entire budget has significant fiscal impact EXHIBITS 1984-85 proposed Budget. 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 MAYOR MARY HI CASLER COUKIL PERSONS ANN J, KULCHIN ROBERT B, PRESCOTT RICHARD Jl CHICK CLAUDE A, LEWIS CITY MANAGER FRANK ALESHIRE F I WAKE D I !?ECTOR JAMES F, ELLIOTT MAY 22, 1984 . CITY OF CARLSBAD 1984-85 BUDGET TABLE OF CONTENTS . TABLES City Manager's Letter Comparative Statement of Funds FY 83.194 ........................................ Comparative Statement of Funds FY 84.85 ...................................... I1 Preliminary Budget FY ..85 ................................................. I11 Revenue Esti.tes ........................................................... VI1 Schedule of Personnel ...................................................... XI11 Travel Req~st ............................................................... XV City Manager's Changes ..................................................... X.1 1984-85 Chart of Revenues & Expenditures by Major Source ................... XXIV BUDGET DETAIL GENERAL GOVERNMENT City Council .................................................................. 1 City Manager .................................................................. 7 City Clerk ................................................................... 18 City Attorney ................................................................ 28 Finance ...................................................................... 35 City Treasurer ............................................................... 42 Personnel .................................................................... 54 ResearchJAnalysis ............................................................ 60 Data Pro~ssing .............................................................. 66 Central Sewices ............................................................. 22 Purchasing ................................................................... 48 Insurance Administration ..................................................... 70 PUBLIC SAFETY Building (Pe~its) ........................................................... 74 Police DepaL.t~nt ............................................................ 80 Fire Departloent ............................................................. 116 Disaster Preparedness ....................................................... 147 DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES Developmental SeNices ...................................................... 151 Engineering ................................................................. 154 Planning .................................................................... 181 Block Grant Administration .................................................. 193 -*- . Table of Contents tcon't) LIBRMY OQEAATIONS .......................................................... 197 PARKS AND RECREATION . ....................................................... 2. MAINTENANCE Maintenance Director ........................................................ 295 Streets Maintenance ......................................................... 298 Building Maintenance ........................................................ 304 Traffic'Signal Maintenance .................................................. 311 OTHER GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTS Utilities Director .......................................................... 314 Non-Departnrental ............................................................ 321 OTHER OPERATING FUNDS Gas Tax ..................................................................... 323 Street Lighting & l)tilities ................................................. 3. Other Grants . State and F.eral ............................................ 3. Library and Sewer Bonds ..................................................... 342 Water Enterprise ............................................................ 3~ Sanitation . Encina ......................................................... 361 Self Insurance . Workers Compensation and Liability ........................ -364 Housing HUD Section 8 ....................................................... 331 Sanitation Enterprise ....................................................... 353 Vehicle Maintenance & Replacement ............................................ 373 Redevelopment Agency ........................................................ 382 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Office of the City Munuger TELEPHONE: (714) 4385561 May 22, 1984 Honorable Mayor and City Council: We are pleased to present the 1984-85 operating budget for the City of Carlsbad for your review. The total proposed operating budget is about $22.7 million compared to estimated expenditures for 1983-84 of $19.3 million. represents an increase of 17.6% or about $3.4 million. all funds for 1984-85 will total $23.2 million, about $2.3 million above the estimated revenue for 1983-84 of $20.9 million, or about 11%. This Operating revenues from These figures reflect the growth in demand for services and revenues generated by the healthy economy that has exfsted in Carlsbad for the past 18 months. forecasts included in the proposed budget are based on the City continuing to experience this relatively high level of economic activity. The GENERAL FUND The proposed general fund budget is $16.8 million, an increase of 23.3% over the 1983-84 fiscal year. Estimated general fund revenues are $17.0 million or 16.9% above last year. The proposed budget includes $1.4 million contingency fund. Eight and one quarter new positions are included in the budget. During budget review, approximately $1.2 million was cut from departwnt requests. The proposed general fund budget projects a year end surplus of $800,000. The Council may wish to consider restoring some of the programs or items cut from the original departmental requests, add additional projects or programs, or appropriate the $800,000 to capital projects at year end. General fund revenue estimates have increased by approximately $2.5 million over last year. $376,000 (8%) over last year. Development related revenue estimates are also up $335,000 (32%) . Property tax revenue has increased $586,000 (13%) and sales tax In order to minimize the effect of fluctuating demand for certain City Services, the City has implemented the policy of contracting for peak load services and using temporary employees rather than adding to the City staff. This policy has worked particularly well in the area of development-related services where plan checking services, engineering services and even clerical staff have been hired on a temporary or contract basis. establishing new programs or positions based on peak development revenues that may not be as stable as other revenue sources such as property taxes. contracting out approach used in the building and engineering departments should allow the City flexibility to vary staffing levels in response to service demands in the development services departments as revenue fluctuates . The City should be cautious about The 1984-85 Operating Budget Page 2 General fund revenue estimates also included $1.2 million in revenue fran the state. fiscal position of the State government has restored funding for the vehicle in lieu fees and cigarette tax program. The funding of these revenues will not be assured until final budget adoption in Sacramento in 3une. This is a $1 million increase over last year's revenues. The improved Other significant changes in the proposed budget include: - Increased street maintenance efforts by the City Streets Department . - Full funding of the Police Traffic Enforcement Divsion, - Implementation of liability self-insurance to City departments for losses from liability settlements. - Full recovery of vehicle maintenance costs including replacement charges. - Use of contractual services in Engineering for plan check and inspect ion functions , - Merit increases for City employees eligible for increases in 1984-85. - Eight new employees including a Zoning Enforcement Officer, a Police Service Aide, several clerical employees, a Maintenance Worker and Library employees . - Contingency funds of $1.4 million. SPECIAL FUNDS The budget requests for the City's special funds reflect several important changes in the City's operating practices as well as some major cost increases, The Sanitation fund request of $1.7 million is $600,000 or about 55% above the 1983-84 estimated expenditures. charges from the Encina Treatment Plant. Revenues in the Sanitation fund will be slightly below the level necessary to fully fund the entire cost increase, however, funds carried over from 1983-84 will help defer any need for a rate increase. This increase is primarily due to increased In Water, the water service agreement with the Costa Real Municipal Water District will have a major impact on the City's cost of operation. transfer of seven full time employees to CRHWD and the elimination of the need to purchase water for resale combine to yield an $845,000 decrease in the cost of running the department. The budget request for 1984-85 is $888,000 or only 49% of last year's cost of $1.7 million. The I _- 1984-85 Operating Budget Page 3 The Vehicle Haintenance budget for 1984-85 is $909,000, the Vehicle Maintenance operation has been budgeted to recover the full cost of depreciation plus replacement costs for the City fleet. The department's budget has increased by $180,000 over 1983-84. Major capital outlay of $310,000 is also a contributing factor. A list of the proprosed vehicle purchases is included in the Budget. The Redevelopment Budget of $243,000 is up about $120,000 or 98% over last years level of $122,000. charges to the redevelopment activity from other departments, and use of consulting services of various types. This increase is primarily due to more proper cross SUMMARY The City Council is in a very good position this year to control the City's programs and services shown in thte budget. years, the Council will have some room to adjust the departments proposed budget and programs from something other than a strict NO change, hold the line approach. The general fund margin of about $800,000 as well as a larger contingency account also provide a good insurance policy against a slowdown in the economy which could reduce revenues. For the first time in several Until Sacramento settles the final issues of long term local government finance, cities must remain hesitant to begin new programs which require the continued dedication of resources. The proposed budget reflects an attempt to retain a conservative approach to new programs while allowing some growth to take place to serve growing demand. Sincere1 y , FRANK ALESHIRE City Manager uw* I quo I ram I wu\ I I I =2? I m.o I Ill 101*1 I I I I l-l*I IOIO# I .I .I 1m1*1 I -I .I I 1-1 I*l*I InlnI IZIhl ...... --.---- c '$ h, . h h c n ? s 01 0 ...... 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