HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-06-05; City Council; 7306-3; James Drive Assessment DistrictCIT OF CARLSBAD — AGEND 3ILL AB# MTQ6/5/84 DEPT._£NG JAMES DRIVE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT (CONTRACT NO. 3135) DEPT. HP. . CITY ATTY\LS/ CITY oo:a.a. o g oo RECOMMENDED ACTION: Direct staff to proceed with final design work for the James Drive Assessment District. Adopt Resolution No.7g'4 approving the supplement to the Agreement with the Design Consultant, authorizing Mayor to execute that agreement, and approving a fund transfer for the James Drive Assessment District. ITEM EXPLANATION: On June 7, 1983, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 7184 approving Consultant Agreements with Berryman and Stephenson, Inc. for design and assessment engineering and with Brown & Nazarek for legal services. Since that time, the James Drive Assessment District has expanded in size and in Scope of Work. The size expansion was caused by additional property owners signing the petition requesting participation in the Assessment District. The expanded Scope of Work is related to this expansion in size as well as the City Engineering Department's work load and emphasis on other Capital Improvement projects. Therefore, the Consultant Agreement has expanded to include survey work, inspection, and testing services for construction, as well as construction administration. The preliminary design work has been completed and a public meeting held with the property owners to explain the Assessment District. The City is now ready to proceed with the final design of the project. FISCAL IMPACT: The expanded District would increase costs from $26,000 to $40,000 under terms of its original Consultant Agreement. Additional services (Surveying, Inspection, Contract Administration) will cost an additional $28,500. The estimated costs of the Assessment District are as follows: Legal Services $ 2,500 Contract Engineering Services 68,500 Staff Time 7,000 Estimated Total $78,000 There is currently $85,000 in the Miscellaneous Assessment District Account. These expenditures will be reimbursed through the sale of bonds if the Assessment District is formed and improvements constructed. EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map/Original District 2. Location Map/Expanded District 3. Supplement to Agreement with Berryman and Stephenson, Inc. 4. Resolution No.Tkjk approving the supplement to the Agreement with the Design Consultant, authorizing Mayor to execute that agreement, and approving a fund transfer for the James Drive Assessment District. ^\s\sr\ i ivsi^i mnr J L J V OAK y i AVE. CITY MAP BOOK PAGE ORIGINAL JAMES DR. ASSESS. DIST. PROJ, NO. 3/35 EXHIBIT / LOCATION MAP CITY MAP BOOK PA6E 2. EXB&NDED JAMES DR. ASSESS. D/ST ^ PROJ. NO. 3/35 EXHIBIT 2 o 4. SUPPLEMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR JAMES DRIVE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT ORIGINAL AGREEMENT ENTERED INTO AS OF THE 13TH DAY OF JUNE, 1983, BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND BERRYMAN AND STEPHENSON, INC. ITEM I. Consultant's obligations are hereby supplemented by the addition of the following: SCOPE OF WORK The Scope of Work to provide plans, specifications, cost estimates, assessment engineering, right-of-way services, construction administration, and construction inspection for the improvement of James Drive from Basswood to Oak Street is included below. Preliminary Study 1. In addition to the contract Scope of Work in the preliminary design phase, a precise alignment of the roadway with respect to the adjacent properties must be obtained. A precise alignment map would then be prepared in the form of a legal document to indicate the control points and precise alignment of the street. This includes a boundary survey from the deeds previously obtained. 2. A new boundary map must be prepared to include the northerly position of the district. 3. Additional topographical survey is necessary to obtain cross-sections for the roadway and/or easement northerly of the presently proposed terminus. 4. Additional project management is required as well as reproduction of the work completed. Debt Limit Report and Hearing Provide information required by the Streets and Highways Code for the debt limit report and attend the public hearing. The information includes construction and incidental costs, assessed value and true value of parcels, preliminary assessment spread, prepare debt limit report, prepare exhibits for Council presentation, and attend the hearing. Engineering Design 1. The design and preparation of plans, specifications, and cost estimate for street, water, sewer, and storm drain northerly of the present terminus of James Drive is required. The hydrology is based .upon the hydrology - 2 - calculations provided by the City. Hydraulic calculations will be based upon the evaluation of the Hydraulic Grade Line provided by the" City at the terminus of the existing storm drain. 2. The storm drain design for James Drive will not include drainage northeasterly of Valley Street. The capacity of the system proposed for James Drive cannot accommodate this additional runoff. This runoff should be placed in a separate storm drain system in Valley Street, as indicated in our previous exhibits, and is not included in this design project. 3. The same requirements listed in the June 13, 1983 contract between Berryman & Stephenson, Inc. and the City will remain in effect. Assessment Engineering Additional assessment engineering for the project would include an expanded assessment roll, benefit determination, and reproduction costs. Rlght-of-Hay Services 1. Berryman & Stephenson, Inc. will contact the property owners listed and discuss the options each has with regard to the assessment district. 2. Right-of-way sketches will be prepared to determine amount of property necessary for the approved street and easement alignment. 3. Legal descriptions and deeds will be prepared based upon the amount of property required. 4. Should some property owners not donate their property to the district, Berryman & Stephenson, Inc. will negotiate cost of acquisition with property owners involved upon a request from the City to proceed. (Optional) 5. Should a property appraisal be necessary for negotiations, the firm will provide this service upon a request from the City to proceed. (Optional) 6. Should condemation proceedings be necessary to acquire street right-of-way or utility easements, Berryman & Stephenson, Inc. will provide this service upon a request from the City to proceed. (Optional) - 3 - Construction Management Berryman & Stephenson, Inc. proposes to provide construction management services to the City of Carlsbad for this project. The Scope of Work includes professional engineering services for contract administration, construction surveying, and construction inspection. (Optional) 1. Contract Administration A. Interpret plans and specifications during bid advertising. 8. If requested, review bids for accuracy and adherence to plans and specifications, make recommendation on award of project. C. Provide an experienced and qualified engineer to act as contract administrator, who will make periodic visits to the project as required. 0. Arrange preconstruction conference with Contractor and other involved parties, such as utilities. E. Coordinate construction surveys with the progress of construction. F. Coordinate soils and compaction testing, and other material testing. G. Review and coordinate utility plans with construction plans in order to eliminate conflicts. H. Initiate change orders; review and process extra work requests from Contractor. 1. Maintenance of progress reports, processing of required Contractor's reports, and certification of quantities of work performed by Contractor, and payments to Contractor. J. Conduct final inspection and recommend acceptance of work. K. During entire process, maintain contact with City's Project Manager through status reports, Construction Inspector's diary, and weekly (or sooner) meetings. 2. Construction Surveying Perform all survey necessary to construct the project in accordance with plans and specifications, as follows: A. Establish street centerline and set centerline monuments and ties on finished construction. Furnish City with tie notes. - 4 - B. Provide "before" and "after" cross-sections at Intervals sufficient to calculate quantities of earthwork; maximum 50-foot stations or less, if required. C. Set rough grade stakes. 0. Set curb and gutter stakes at 25-foot intervals or less, If required. E. Set centerline control stakes for street subgrade and aggregate base. F. Lay-out street striping. G. Stake storm drain, sewer, and water line at 25-foot Intervals, including all laterals, inlets, catch basins and manholes; furnish one (1) set of cut sheets. 3. Construction Inspection .-•». An experienced Construction Inspector, Mr. Peter Fleuret, will be assigned to check the work while in progress to ascertain compliance with plans and specifications. He will maintain a detailed record of construction conditions, progress and quantity of materials, and consult with the Contractor and Construction Administrator in order to maintain the construction schedule. Daily logs will be prepared and furnished to the City after completion of the project. 8. It is anticipated that the Construction Inspector will spend only the amount of time necessary on the project, rather than full time, estimated to be from 24 to 30 hours per week. 4. Materials Testing A. Compaction Testing: If desired by City, we will provide compaction testing by a reputable Soils Consultant, including maximum density curves and optimum moisture content. Tests will be made of all earthwork fill, trench compaction, and aggregate base in sufficient quantities to ascertain complete compliance with specificat ons. B. Concrete Testing: Our Inspectors will supervise the making of the concrete cylinders and beams, and the taking of the required cores. The Contract Administrator will review and evaluate the test results. C. Other Materials: We will review and evaluate the materials certification as required by the specifications. 7 - 5 - COMPENSATION Following is the breakdown of our fees for the project. The fee includes that amount which is currently under contract. The fees for the right-of-way services and construction management are based upon the hourly rates in effect as of July, 1983. The other work is still based upon our 1982 rates. The additional right-of-way services, i.e., negotiations, appraisals, etc., and the construction management services will be provided on a time and materials basis in accordance with our July, 1983 Standard Hourly Rates. (Attached) Preliminary Engineering Debt Limit Report & Hearing Engineering Design Assessment Engineer ing Right-of-Way Services TOTAL (fixed fee) (includes June 1983 contract amount in above total) $13,960 3,760 15,330 5,450 1,500 $40,000 $40,000 Right-of-Way Services' Negotiation Contract Administration Construction Inspection Construction Surveying Miscellaneous Costs i.e., telephone, postage, mileage, compaction tests 40 hrs at $48 = $1,920 20 hrs at $61 = $1,220 (60 hrs. at $61) (360 hrs. at $39) (40 hrs. at $133) TOTAL (Time & Materials) GRAND TOTAL $ 3,140 3,660 14,040 5,320 2,340 $28,500 $68,500 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and seals. BERRYMAN & STEPHENSON. INC. CITY OF CARLSBAD: By Title Mayor ATTEST: HtscrAssiatant , Q ! RESOLUTION NO. 7616 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, 3 CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A SUPPLEMENT TO AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE FIRM OF BERRYMAN AND STEPHENSON, INC. 4 FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES, AND APPROVING A FUND TRANSFER. 5 The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does herby resolve as 6 follows: 7 1. The certain supplement to the Agreement between the City of Carlsbad 8 and the firm of Berryman and Stephenson, Inc. for Engineering Services, a copy of 9 which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, is hereby 10 approved. 2. The fund transfer of $78,000 from the Miscellaneous Assessment District 12 Account No. 30-18-40-3100 to the James Drive Assessment District Account No. 30- 13 18-40-3135 is hereby approved. 14 3. That the funds, in the amount of Seventy-Eight Thousand Dollars 15 ($78,000) for the James Drive Assessment District, are hereby appropriated. 16 4. That the Department of Finance Fund Transfer No. 133 on file in said 17 Department and incorporated by reference herein is approved. 18 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City 19 Council held on the $th day of June » 1984, by the following vote, 20 to wit: 21 AYES: Council Menbers Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Presoott 22 NOES: 23 ABSENT: 24 MARY H. C/SLER, Mayor 25 ATTEST:. /n ™ fljJt^,dfa4f^*^AL11 HA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Cl eric / 27 (SEAL) 28" SCHEDULE OF HOURLY RATES JULY 1983 Project Manager $ 65.00 Principal 82.00 Chief Traffic Engineer 69.00 Traffic Engineer 61.00 Traffic Engineering Associate 57.00 Civil Engineer 61.00 Landscape Architect 61.00 Senior Designer 52.00 Designer 48.00 Senior Draftsperson 43.00 Draftsperson 39.00 Right-of-Way Engineer 61.00 Right-of-Way Agent 48.00 Senior Inspector 48.00 Inspector 39.00 Licensed Land Surveyor 61.00 2-Person Survey Crew 104.00 3-Person Survey Crew 133.00 Landsape Inspector 42.00 Clerical, Typist 16.00 Engineering Aide 28.00 Out-of-Pocket Expenses (Telephone, Cost of Billing Printing, Reproducing, Copying, Etc.) Plus 15X Mileage .25 per Mile A 15X fee for administration, coordination, and handling will be added to subcontracted services, such as foundation reports and specialist services CITY OF CARLSBAD RL EST FOR TRANSFER OF FUNDS TRANSFER NO. DATE 5--W- 733 FINANCE APPROVAL REQUESTING CURRENT TRANSFER ADJUSTED ACCOUNT NO. ACCOUNT TITLE BUDGET AMOUNT BUDGET BALANCE BALANCE &.t 9tfo.lt oo ?0-/JVo-?l3r iVl 5C A*SFS S*KCiMT D i ST£»c i 3"<**w^ "Dft.iv/c ^-D. TOTAL TRANSFER AMOUNT — o — ?v.,,. ^70.000^ "77 oo o 0 (a 10/,/L. ~7T ooo 7 V *tf/. / 1- EXPLANATION CITY MANAGER DATE DATE AB NO. RES NO. COUNCIL ACTION DATE (IF REQUIREDj