HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-06-05; City Council; 7769-3; General Plan Amendment - AlandaI -"c3 TITLE GENERAL PIAN m, ZONE UWGE B# 7769 EPT. SULP)MSION AND SITE DEVEUIPME3UT PIAN. GPA/N 84-3/ZC-304/cT 83-20 - ALANDA ITQ. 6/5/84 DEW. HD. CITY MOR. ITEN EXPLANATION This item consists of three requests: 1) A general plan anendment fran RM (4-10 du's/acre) to €WH (10-20 du's acre) on 9 acres of land; 2) A corresponding zone change fran R-A-10,000 to EIDM(Q) and R-A- 10,000 to R-A-lO,OOO(Q); and 3) A 73 lot tentative tract map on the southern 36 acre parcel. The property is located at the nort-st and southwest corners of Elm Avenue and ~l Camino Real. The Planning Cdssion has also -wed a 195 unit ipmtment project on the 9 acre parcel' north of Elm Avenue which is oontingent on the approval of the general plan mendmnt and me change by the City Quncil. The Council previously denied a request for a general plan anendment and a me change on the property because, at that time, the ipplicant did not have a developnent plan for the site. General Plan Pnnendment and Zone Chanqe The general plan anendment to RMH and the axresponding zone change to RDh! mld be on the 9 acre parcel north of Elm Avenue. me Planning Cdssion found that these designations were compatible with the general plan and zoning designations imnediately to the north and would be buffered fmn lover density to the south by Elm Avenue. Also, the oonnection of Elm Avenue to the west, whicfi muld be facilitated by this pmject, was given mideration in the Planning Cdssion decision, Although the zqp1i-t is not requesting tn change the existing single fanily zoning on any of the woperty to the south of the Elm Avenue axvrection, staff and the Planning Catmission are recamending that the (Q) Overlay Zone be applied to the existing R-A-10,000 zoning on this portion of the property. Sinqle Family Subdivision The pmposed single fanily subdivision is located on the 36 acre parcel south of Elm Avenue and muld consist of 73 lots having a minimum area of 10,000 square feet. The Planning Cdssion found that this subdivision was consistent with the city's general plan, zoning ordinance and subdivision ordinance. Also, the Carmission found the project to be compatible with the dijacent single fanily subdivision to the west. c = - h Page 2 of €qenda Bill X 7 7 69 -+J The Engineering Department has requested to add one additional mition ta Resolution No. 2284 that was not included in the approved resolution: "The developer shall execute an qreement which satisfies dition 26, article 3. The qreement shall be of a form and axtent satisfactory to the City Council. City Council app~nral of said agreement shall be obtained prior to filing the final map." At the Planning Carmission public hearing, no public opposition to this pject was expressed. Envirormental miew The Land Use Planning Manager has determined that the envirornnental hpacts of the proposed project have been analyzed by a previously mrtified Envimntal Inpact Report and a Notice of Prior Cunpliance was issued on April 4, 1984. Fiscal Impa ct The applicant will provide all required public improvements tm the poject. Also, the applicant has agreed to pay a public facilities fee to offset the costs of providing all other public services. The applicant is responsible for the connection of Elm Avenue to the west, however, the city has been asked to contribute to the cust of praviding this street. If the Council desires to financially participate, the city wuld incur costs for the Elm Avenue connection. The exact cxxsts wuld be indicated ta the Council at the time a formal proposal is reviewed. EXElIBITS 1 . bxation Map 2. Area Map - Elm Avenue Connection 3. City Cwncil Ordinance No. 4. PC Resolution Nos. 2282, 2283 & 28 5. Staff Report, dated April 25, 1984 w/attachments , w/attached Exhibit "A" +