HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-06-05; City Council; 7775; PARKING RECREATIONAL VEHICLES IN RESIDENTIAL ZONES-. B# "17 7.5- TITLE: PARKING OF riECREATIONAC VEHICLES IN ITG. 6\5/84 IEPT. THE ERONT YARD AREA IN RESIDENTIAL ZONES. PLN It is reconmended that the City Cbuncil review this report. Should the Council wish to consider making any difications to the ordinance regulating the parking of recreational vehicles in the front yard area according to one of the alternatives discussed in the attached memrandum to the City Manager, pur action muld be to direct staff to set the matter to public hearing. CITY ATT ITEM EXPLANATION Approximately six mnths ago the City Council received a petition fran the Carlsbad RV Owners Association requesting that the newly-enacted ordinance prohibiting recreation vehicles from parking in the front yard in residential zones be mended. At the request of staff, the City Council decided to give the ordinance some dditional time to be implemented and have staff bring back a status report which would also address problems associated with enforcing the ordinance . The ordinance has now been in affect for approximately one year. During that time, staff has received complaints involving 28 recreational vehicles parked in the front yard. Presently, two of these cases are still pending mpliance. Staff has also received complaints involving 23 boats or trailers parked in the front yard. Four of these are still pending resolution. This is not meant to indicate that these are the only instances in the City where there may be violations of the ordinance. Based upon staff mrkload, mliance with the ordinance is presently being handled on a neighborhood complaint basis. It is staff's feeling that the ordinance is enforceable. The me major area where staff is having problem gaining compliance with the ordinance is in those cases where it is physically impossible to park an Rv outside the front yard area without making structural changes to the existing residence or spending substantial amounts of mney. Should the City Council wish to consider revisions to the ordinance to address this concern, there are several alternatives contained in the attached mem to the City Manager dated May 23, 1984. EXHIBITS 1 . Memorandum to the City Manager dated, May 23, 1984 MAY 23, 1984 TO : FRANK ALESHIRE, CITY MANAGER FROM: Land Use Planning Manager VIA: Director of Building and Planning PARKING OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES IN THE FRONT YARD SETBACK IN RESIDENTIAL ZONES. Several months ago the City Council received a petition from the Carlsbad RV Owners Association requesting that the newly-enacted ordinance prohibiting recreation vehicles from parking in the front yard in residential zones be amended. At the request of staff, the City Council decided to give the ordinance some additional time to be implemented and have staff bring back a status report which would also address problems associated with enforcing the ordinance. Since the ordinance went into effect one year ago, staff has received complaints involving 28 recreational vehicles parked in the front yard. Presently, two of these cases are still pending compliance. In addition, staff has received complaints involving 23 boats or trailers parked in the front yard with 4 cases still pending resolution. This does not mean that these are the only instances in the City where there may be non-compliance with the ordinance . Since this is being handled on a neighborhood complaint-basis at this time, there are probably numerous other instances in the City where the parking of a recreational vehicle may not comply with the provisions of the present ordinance. This is probably one of the primary reasons why the RV Owner's Association is so concerned about the impact of the ordinance on their members. It is staff's feeling that the ordinance is enforceable. The one major area where staff is having problems gaining compliance with the ordinance is in those cases where it is physically impossible to park an RV outside the front yard area without making structural changes to the existing residence or spending substantial amounts of money. Staff has met on several occasions with representatives of the RV Owner's Association and this also seems to be their major concern. There are several alternatives which the City Council may wish to consider to address this concern which are as follows: 1. Amend the ordinance to only allow recreational vehicles to be parked in the front yard area when it is impossible to park in the side or rear yard without making substantial physical alterations to the existing residence or the property. A formal admiministrative hearing procedure could be created where the property owner would have the opportunity to present evidence justifying why it is physically impractical to move the recreational vehicle from the front yard. a 2. 3. If .-- A more restrictive alternative but similar to the one listed- above would be to "grandfather" those properties which had recreational vehicles parked in the front yard area when the ordinance went into effect and where it is impossible because of existing physical constraints to move the vehicle to the side or rear yard. This would essentially give a break to those residents in the City who owned recreational vehicles when the ordinance was enacted and who have no where else on the lot to park the vehicle other than the front yard. Under this alternative, all new residents moving into the City with recreational vehicles or those purchasing recreational vehicles after the ordinance went into effect would be prohibited from parking in the front yard area in all cases. A final alternative would be to exempt the older, built-up area of the City from the ordinance. In the newer, developing areas of the City, the ordinance does not present as much of a problem in gaining compliance because the recreational vehicle parking situation is being handled in one of three additional ways: A) storage areas are being provided as part of individual projects; B) common storage areas are being provided as part of the master plan for larger areas of the city; C) CC&R's for the projects contain provisions prohibiting recreational vehicles. The problem with this alternative is that it would, for all practical purposes, be similar to throwing-out the ordinance. Since the newer areas of the City are addressing the parking of recreational vehicles in other additional ways, exempting the older, built-up areas of the City would leave the ordinance with rather limited applicability. none of these alternatives are determined to be appropriate, staff will continue to enforce the existing ordinance which may require some owners of recreational vehicles to decide whether they wish to make the necessary physical alterations to their property or rent storage space in an RV storage lot. As was previously indicated by staff, a survey of the availability of vacant space in commercial RV storage lots in the North County area is severly limited at the present time. MICHAEL J. HOLZMILLER MJH/ar -2- .. I. 4022 Crescent Point RDad Carlsbad, California 92008 June 5, 1984 Mayor and City Council of Carlsbad City Hall Carlsbad, California 92008 As an R. V. awnex, I wish to strongly support the present ordinance prohibiting parking Rv's in front yards. enforced, does rmve a safety hazard and unsightly vehicles in front The present ordinance, if Yh. The argument of RV owners about their rights is catpletely countered by the rights of the mjority of citizens who don't like the clutter of the unsightly vehicles. "he proposed dfications of the existing ordinance would be totally unfair to new Rv mers and unenforceable. would mletely negate the present ordinance. to this bait. The rrpdificatians proposed Please don't concede Generally speaking the RV rrrmsters that wm't fit a bad yard are awned by affluent people who can easily afford mrcial storage space. I deliberately chose to purchase a small canper because it fits in my garage where it belongs. Philip B. Lukei - c ' -._ / b ;e e. PETITION FOR PP.RKXNG OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES ON RESIDEXT'S PROPERTY TO: CARLSBAD CITY COUrJCIL AND PLANNING CO.WISSION We,.residents of Carlsbaci, California, request you modify recent Ordinance NO. .9668 to restore parkins on resident's propertv of resident's and visitor's recreational vehicles, mctorhomes, campers, boats, trailers and travel trailers. SIGXATURE PRIKTED NAME ADDRESS 19. 2G. . 24. 25. , PAC BFI C J' lP fl COAST INVES7MENTS 2131 EL CAMINO REAL 9 SUITE 201 OCEANSIDE, CA 820544310 (619) 434-4116 (619) 566-8100 (618) 7484444 P.O. BOX 1493 CARLSEAD, CA 92008-9990 ,\ 1 nn T . . ,,. MAYOR MARY CZSZZR & ALL CITY COUNCIL MEPlEZRS 7'11~1 enclosed yacket of information concerns the parking ordinance $9668. 1'rrlosed you will- find: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Copies of petitions to cMZe the ordinance. A computerized list of the petitions, with addresses E phone numbers. Copy of a draft owtinanw nvresentinp, our rrcmenrled changes to the ordinances. Copy of a letter recomending changes in the ordinance and areas the present parking, ordinance does not cover. Copies of 3 letters sent to the city by residents concerning the ordinance. Copy of an article in Ilotorhome Magazine about XV's and survival. Copy of evacuation plan for San Onofre designating Carlsbad as an evacuation center. Copies of tm articles in the Carlsbad Journal concerning the ordinance. 8. In addition to the above, the Carlsbad RV Owners Association will be requesting time to spak to the Council concerning the parkhg ordinance on June 5, 1984. If any of you have any questions concerning t\e enclosed prior to the June 5th meeting, you may call me at my residence - 729-1265 or work - 434-4116. We will be reconmending changes in the ordinance. (Ihaim Carblsbad RV hers Association DEM : cl .A PETITJON FOR PARKING OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES ON RESIDENT'S PROPERTY TO: CAFUSBAD CXTY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION We,-residents of Carlsbad, California, request you modify recent Ordinance NO. 9668 to restore Parkins on resident's Dropertv of resident's and visitqr's recreational vehicles, motorhomes, campers, boats, trailers and travel trailers ..* SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME ADDRESS --. No. 9668 to restore parkins on resident's Dropertv of resident's and visitqr's recreational vehicles, motorhomes, campers, boats, trailers and travel trailers SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME ADDRESS 11. 12. k I-. ' -59-3 13. -. 15. 17. 18. 19. -c 20. 21. TO: CARLSB We, residents of Carlsbad, California, request you modify recent Ordinance NO. 9668 to restore Parkins on resident's r>roDertv of resident's and visitor's recreational vehicles, mctorhomes, campers, boats, trailers and travel trailers SI GKATURE PRINTED NAME ADDRESS * . i I. .- PETITION FOR PARKING OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES ON RESIDENT'S PROPERTY RLSBAD CITY C 1L AND PLANN C~ISSZON sidents of Car d, California, .request you modify recent Ordinance NO. 9668 to restore parkins on resident's Dropertv of resident's and visitgr's recreational vehicles, motorhomes, campers, boats, trailers and travel trailer! SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME ADDRESS P /ON 7. 9. 10. , 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. -.. PETITION FOR PARKING OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES ON RESIDENT'S PROPERTY TO: We,.residento of Carlsbad, California, request you modify recent Ordinance No. ,9668 to restore Parkinq on resident's m-opertv of resident's and visitqr's recreational vehicles, motorhomes, campers, boats, trailers and travel trailer! CRRLGBAD .cl*W .WUNCIL AND PWmG COMMXSgXON 5. 6. 7. e 8. 9. 10. ' 11. .. - 12. c 13. 14. 15. 16. I 17. 19. 20. -1 -* ts +*e. I September 2, 1983 It is also requested that you give notice and publicity on thc hcarinys and issue which is rr:ar:onahl y cillcul atcd to qivc Carlsbad rcsidcnts and t-r*(.r(-;,t i rum 1' vehic:34: ,bwnc?rs actual knowlcclgc thereof, ~.JII~ il real opportuni~y:to be heard and to participate *- (I ': in tile proccss, and titat you postpone enforcement L pendinq this action. i Respectfully s'ubrnitted, (~~~~~~U~~~)~ttached.for . -- i 209 Petitioners 4 hiclosures : 12 f'etitions L:‘I’ITTON FOR PARKING OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES ON RESIDENT’S PROPERTY ’i9: CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION cepit b$e, reside ts of Carlsbad, California, request you modify Ordinance No. 9668 + 3 . c‘ri iL ioonal vehicles, niotorhomes, cdrnp~.Jrs, boats, trailers and travel trail 3 pfv ~I~IG,~ p8FiLny on rcsictcr,t’s property of resident‘s and visitor’s ETlTION FOR PARKING OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES ON RESIDENT’S PROPERTY - -- ‘0: CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION o ecA tdaticnal vehicles, mctorhornes, campers, boats, trailers and travel trailers le, residc,$E,s o5Carlsbad, California, request you No. 9608 1 1 fi$phrf?Kq on resider,t ’ s property of resident’s and visitor ’ s PRIlJTED NAME ADDRESS -I --_ E‘I VLOtl -FOR PARKING OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES ON RESIDENT’S PROPERTY I_ -- 1’0: CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION de, residents&of Carlsbad, California, request you modifyZOrdinance No. 9668 to ‘.I l~kf~J~-$’%ikg on resident’s property of resident’s and visitor’s -ec ;itiriii,3i vehicles, motorhomes, campers, boats, trailers and travel trailers - I G’ ATU RE PRI IJTED KAME U U 1 l.;'l'T'I'lOt4 FOR PARKING OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES ON RESIDENT'S - PROPERTY .- I 'io: CARLSBAO CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION . %eAch& he, re%iF&paf Carlsbad, California, request you modify Ordinance No. 966< + 3 allowhpa Ling on residcnt's property of residcnt's and visitor's xc-r~~it~nridL VehicLes, riotorhomes, campers, boats, trailers and travel trail ecr~-aational vehicles, motorhomes, campers, boats, trailers and travel trailers 6 L. . PLANNING COMMISSION kce nt !.le, residents of Carlsbad, California, request you modify"0rdinance No. 96Gd to allo6?@'?king on resident's property of resident's and visitor's :ccreational vehicles, motorhomes, campers, boats, trailers and travel trail 12. 13. 14. - 18. e- 8. - rc 2reational vehicles, motorhomes, campers, boats, trailers and travel traile --. .. \ 12. I 13. ' 'I,(# - CAR),S;/iD CITY COUNCIL AND L'LANNINC COMMISSION rlsbacl, Calif PRINTED NAME ADDRESS - -c 20. * . * . . '- ---*-- - - - --_L_ 3 TG: CARLSBAD CITY COUNCXL AND PLANNING COMMISSION Wc , re2dj4dgnfltsaof Carlsbad, California, request you modify Ordinance No. 9668 tr fifi%w parking on resident's property of resident's anfvisitor's rt'crcational vehicles, motorhomes, campers, boats, trailers and travel traile 8. 9. -- 13. i 14. - ! 16. 17. - -- ** 6 -- PE o[~.lO~ FOR PARKING OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES ON RESIDENT’S PROPERTY re ~(~at~onal. vehicles, notorhomes, campers, boats, trailers and travel trailers PRINTED NAME ADDRESS 33% 4 h.4, cylaya \ c 2, t ”. .. . . .. 1.. , c , .. .. .. . 1. - SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME ADDRESS B PETXTION FOR PARKING OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES ON RESIDENT'S PROPERTY BAD CITY COUNCIL AND PLANWING COP941 ents of ~arlsbad, ~alifornia, reques modify r t Ordinan NO. .9668 to restore Parkina on resident's DroDertv of resident's and visitor's recreational vehicles, notorhones, campers, boats, trailers and travel trailers. SXGNATURE PRSNTED NWiE ADDRESS f ! 19. 20. 21. PETITION FOR PARKING OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES ON RESIDENT'S PROPERTY TO: We,.residents of Carlsbad, California, request you modify recent Ordinance NO. 9668 to restore Parkins on resident's DroDertv of resident's and visitor's recreational vehicles, nGtorhortes, campers, boats, trailers and travel trailers. CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COPMISSION 6. 7. 8. 9. 12. 13. 14. 15. 17. 19. i ?C r.. .A' ,'.* *-, ' . A' - t? 3 * / 3, I i; ., ,-. . c- PETITION FOR PARKING OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES ON RESIDEKT'S PROPERTY TO: We,-residents of Carlsbad, California, request you modify recent Ordinance No. 9668 to restore Parkins on resident's Dropertv of resident's and visitor's recreational vehicles, mctorhomes, campers, boats, trailers and travel trailers. CARLSBAD CXTY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COP?ISSION PRINTED NWE 5. 6. 8. I 9. I 13. 14. IS. 19. 21. 22. .'- 7 2q-17 <,'&'. PETITION FOR PARKING OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES ON RESIDENT'S PROPE~TY TO: We,-residents of Carlsbad, California, request you modify recent Ordinance NO. 9668 to restore parkins on resident's DroPertv of resident's and visitor's recreational vehicles, motorhomes, campers, boats, trailers and travel trailers CARLSBAD CITY COUNCSL AND PLANNING COPAISSION SIGNATURE PRINTED NWiE ADDRESS 9. 10. , 12. 13. 14. 15. 17. 18. 19. ?n * PETITION FOR PARKING OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES ON RESIDENT'S PROPERTY TO: We,.residents of Carlsbad, California, request you modify recent Ordinance No. 9668 to restore parkins on resident's DroDertv of resident's and visitor's recreational vehicles, motorhomes, campers, boats, trailers and travel trailers. CARLSBAD CIm COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION SI GNATU RE PRINTED KWi ADDRESS b.i 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. / 9. 11. 12. 13. 14. 17. 18. 20. I PETITIOX FOR PARKISG OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES ON RESIDEXT'S FROPERTY TO: CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COIUIMISSION We,-residents of Carlsbad, California, request you modify No. 9668 to restore Parkins on resident's Prouertv of residentls and visitor's recreational vehicles, nctorhor;,es, carn;>ers, Scots, trailers travel trailers. recent Ordinance PETITION FOR PARKING OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES ON RESIDENT'S PROPERTY -1 TO: CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COV!%IISSION We,.residents of Carlsbad, California, request you modify recent Ordinance NO. 9668 to restore parkins on resident's ProDertv of resident's and visitor's recreational vehicles, motorhomes, campers, boats, trailers and travel trailers. PETITION FOR PARKING OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES ON GSIDEf\'T'S PROPERTY TO: CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COPAISSION We, .residents of Carlsbad, California, request you modify recent Ordinance NO. 9668 to restore Parkina on resident's DroDertv of resident's and visitor's recreational vehicles, nctorhones, campers, boats, trailers and travel trailers. 1 PETITION FOR PARKING OF RECREATIOXAL VEHICLES ON RESIDENT'S PROPERTY TO: CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION We, residents 'of Carlsbad, California, request you modify Ordinance No. 9668 to allow parking on resident's property of resident's and visitor's recreational vehlrles, mc~tcrhcmes, campers, boats, trailers and tr?.\ti trailers. PRINTED NAME ADDRESS * A PETITION FOR PARKING OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES ON RESIDENT'S PROPERTY TO: CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION We, residents of Carlsbad, California, request you modify Ordinance No. 9668 to allow parking on resident's property of resident's and visitor's recreational vehicles, motorhomes, campers, boats, trailers and travel trail6 SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME ADDRESS 17. 18. 20. 21. t PETITION FOR PARKING OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES ON FSIDEKT'S PROPERTY TO: CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COEAISSION We,.residents of Carlsbad, California, request you modify recent Ordinance No. 9668 to restore Parkins on resident's Dropertv of resident's and visitor's recreational vehicles, mctorhones, campers, boats, trailers and travel trailers 6. 8. I 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 17. 18. 19. - 21. 22. IAt : ' I.. 6 I. 'I ,_ - A- ' & 72:- A:, ;.- PETITION FOR PARKING OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES ON RESIDENT'S PROPERTY TO: We,.residents of Carlsbad, California, request you modify recent Ordinance NO, 9668 to restore Parkins on resident's Dropertv of resident's and visitor's recreational vehicles, motorhomes, campers, boats, trailers and travel trailers. CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COE!PIISSION SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME ADDRESS Ev r"YPC? -. 8 --rh&Uk-& PETITION FOR PARKING OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES ON RESIDENT'S PROPERTY TO: CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COFPlISSION We, ,residents of Carlsbad, California, request you modify recent Ordinance No. 9668 to restore Parkina on resident's DroDertv of resident's and visitor's recreational vehicles, notorhones, campers, boats, trailers and travel trailers ADDRESS 4. 5. 6. - 7. 8. I 10. , . 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. in 20. 22. 8 PETITION FOR PARKING OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES ON KSIDENT'S PROPERTY TO: CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COPAISSION We,.residents of Carlsbad, California, request you modify recent Ordinance NO. 9668 to restore parkins on resident's Dropertv of resident's and visitor's recreational vehicles, mctorhones, campers, boats, trailers and travel trailers 5. 7. 8. a I 12. 13. 15. 17. 20. 21. 23. - - 1 a/ IJ ,' +c $ PETITION FOR PARKING OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES ON RESIDENT'S PROPERTY TO: We,.residents of Carlsbad, California, reqilest you modify recent Ordinance No. 9668 to restore Parkina on resident's DroPertv of resident's and visitor's recreational vehicles, nc.torhones, campers, boats, trailers and travel trailers. CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COPAISSION 2. l 4. 5. 7. 8. 10. , 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 17. 19. 23. I . 5 PETITION FOR PARKING OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES ON RESIDENT'S PROPERTY TO: We,.residents of Carlsbad, California, request you modify recent Ordinance NO. 9668 to restore Parkins on resident's Dropertv of resident's and visitor's recreational vehicles, notorhones, campers, boats, trailers and travel trailers CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COPPIISSION SIGNATURE PRINTED NWIE ADDRESS 9. 13. 15. 17. _- A- * 9 PETITION FOR PARKING OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES ON WSIDEKT’S PROPERTY i TO: CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COEPIISSION We,. residents of Carlsbad, California, request you modify recent Ordinance No. ,9668 to restore parking on resident‘s DroDertv of resident’s and visitor’s recreational vehicles, motorhomes, campers, boats, trailers and travel trailers SI GKATUFE PRINTED NME 7. 8. 9. 10. . 12. 14. 15. 16. 17. 22. PETITION FOR PARKING OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES ON RESIDENT'S FROPERTY TO: We,-residents of Carlsbad, California, request you modify recent Ordinance No. 9668 to restore Parkins on resident's Dropertv of resident's and visitor's recreational vehicles, nctcrhones, campers, boats, trailers and travel trailers CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNXNG COFAISSION SIGKATURE PRINTED NAME ADDRESS v 4. 5. - 6. 7. 8. 9. I 13. 14. 15. 16. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. HEC# NAME STREET ADDRESS BEN F. ACUNA M13L .. i._Y E ,, A(::!JNG P\l C3 I? PI CI N JOGNhIE t . RL.EXGNDER A I-.. E X (7 r\l f! Ei F; WILMA E. AMATO CHERYL L. AMAHAL FRANK C. AMATO CiiRLDS GPlGRAL JfIE BPJGAROLA I .... i-i I.! I i:; E. 1:. ,s E Y r? ct I ,i G , A p.,i 1:1 ~t I-- E JO'v'[T;E E tlRCt+EY -i-~~hi I E: 1.1. ARCHEY !,d ?: L. k., 1: yj F,; I ;I ,,'.'. V) fz -r 7 E!: A l.4 54 A E 1.. E F~..D';.'CJ E. ?iRCtiE'f P;>E:F: 7 I L.~<~:(~~y' i' " BF; I F<C) BETT'Y' EALDW I t\i t!.'r'Tti HI PANDEMER FGUL M. BGNDEMER BRUCE H. BANDEMEH CYNTHIA BANDEMER CATHERINE M. BANDEMER EARNEST PARNHILL ECIRNEGT R . :;BARNH ILL PEARL D. BARNHILL ESTHER M. BATCHELDER GEORGE E. BATCHELDER WILLIAM E. BEESON JANE E. BEHGMAN W.R. BEVERLY PARTICIA BEVERLY L.D. BLEVENS S. L. BLEVENS ALYANDRA BOICE JOHN BOICE NANCY FONDS WILLIAM BONDS JAMES D. BOONE PHILLIP L. BOONE SANDRA BOONE REA BOWER SAKF1H E. BRADBURY CGHOL-ANN E! Tt-j(:lpI;->y pi :3 ALLISON L. BURKET VINCENT J. CAMBIS NANCY L. CAMEIS RODERICK J. CAMPBELL f:'. p,U[\ltH KATHLEEN t CAMPBELL 3526 GARFIELD ST. ..:-i,.~b GGRF I E:ID (37 I 5421 DONNA DE.. 3421 DONNA DH. 7300 SAN BENITO 1098 MAGNOLIA AVE 7306 SAN BENITO 1098 MAGNOL I A AVE . 2 24 Ci J E FFER S 0 PJ 7,kmZ;c3 PJI.-IE'./F CAST 1 t-.ILA WA'r 2 (34 i:j C H E 4: TNU T 2 Ci 4 (1) C HE 5 T N U T 2040 CHESTPWI 3 1 :Ti::: i.fCPJROE 3 1. 3i;ii tqCjI;.iKCiE 2; 3. 3(1: t'-IDI\IKaE 2&,+,7 D&:,'IS ST. 2667 DAVIS ST. 1750 BGSSWOQD QL'E. 3435 SEACREST DR. 3435 SEACHEST DK. 3435 SEACREST DR. 7521 JEREZ #C 3435 SEACREST DH. 3840 PARE DR. 3840".PARK ' DR 3840 PARK DR. 3840 MARGARET WAY 3840 MARGARET WAY 2636 DAVIS PL. 861 CAMELLIA PL. 4405 LA PORTALADA DR. 4605 LA PORTALADA DR. 3441 SEACREST DRIVE ' 3441 SEACREST DRIVE 3390 MONROE B 3390 MONROE B 3420 DONNA DR. 3420 DONNA DR. 1751 TISMARACK AVE. 2042 CORDOBA rL. 2042 CORDOBA PL. 2637 DAVIS rL. 7228 SAN BfiRTOLO (-15 AVILA FIVE. b PC:C\IP%IA DY.. CiNCHDK WAY 4874 PARK DRIVE 1701 TAMARACK AWE. 2035 CORDOBA PL. 20335 CORDOBA PL. 'TT? 7~~3 NIJELJA cA:;-i- I LLA WS.Y 1701 TCIMCIRACK CIVE. 729-3693 728-2572 438-2355 729-24 I3 729-2759 729-61 12 729-1868 729-3960 727-6444 729-5745 RV -- __ t-? ti TR - 434-1586 PI 729-00Bd VA MARIANNE CANCELLER1 LJ I RG I N I A CANTU !3A.. ViSDC!F? CANTU DAN CANCELLER I EILEEN CARRI JOE CASTHO JEAN TERRY CCSSTANEDA GAY CHASE R I CHARD CHADDOCK GEh'C:E ti. CHEAl3L.E F R A N t-: CHEF: VE RT A F-' R A r.1 k:: C HE R VE Nt:: A RDSELL CHI LDEHS ANGEL I NE CLAUSON E /iK F: 'r' CL- ARK: rxc:E!.. I ii pi ~ C~E E E L. E r\l c' i! Yni-mx J Art! i E [:KEEL F36>NfifiG 1 ClJRTIpJ CCiHClLYN M. DALFORNO 412 C. L. DAUGHERTY 1 e3 151 1 40 1-39 24 5 389 198 199 146 142 143 340 8 29 30 175 177 121 348 337 105 1 (116 -3 -.a 2bZ: 1 =; 1 :. i *- 277 150 82 265 217 226 'TT -> .2 -- rt I CHAEL DALJ I DSON DOROTHY DERBY M.C. DONATH A.C. DONATH STEWART DOUGLAS WILLIAM J. DOYLE JR. CAROLYN PI. DOYLE JEFF K. DUBEAU MARIS DUBEAU HAY A. DUBEAU JOSE DURAN JR. JOHN W. EARLE PATRICICI J. EGGLESTON RUSSELL D. ERICKSON EILEEN ERICKSDN CHARLES ERNST CHERYL ERNST WHITTLEY W. EWING JACK T. FERGUSON CRAIG L. FINNEY DARLENE FINCH HERMAN D. FINCH DONALD L. FISHER tENT R FORGEON '?&L AK I E F:. F ORMFiP! b i hi'lA FOFil-IAN JACK L. FORMAN JCSCK L. FORMAN JOHN FREITHS DOROTHY GAISER PHILIP H. GALLANT 4NN BALLCSNT HEKBERT- DOWNING 4941 AV1L.A AVE. 952 t:::NOI.(tE:S Ci'vJE ? 52 KPJO W L E S F; V E 4941 AVILA GVE. 519t', SHORE DRIVE 3715 JEFFERSEN ST. 3987 ALDER AVE. 4903 FikHt::: DH. 4804 REFUGI 0 kVE. 331 1 BELLE: Lh'NE 72 1 9 S&N FEN I 'f'C3 7219 S9V.l EENITO .:*LJ~ HAZEL LillNE 954 HDNE G'v'Em 1. I 25 HI-JO'.+JEF;' s-r .$c?!:j:T FkpF , . PF.. 4 1 7 Bcz;Rt.,!WFL-l.. L ~qr:; fiETjwc:rJrl ALJE. 7i;493 SEACREST DR. 7r= .-..AjO - EEDFDFID C I HCLE 4850 PARK DR I VE 4150 HARBOR DR. 810 CAMINITO VERDE 3913 JAMES DR. 3913 JAMES DR. 7733 LUCIA CT. 3605'HARDIMG ' 1758 CAPE MCSY PL. 1758 CCSFE MAY PL. 3480 CHARTER OAK DR. 3480 CHARTER OAK DR. 3480 CHARTER OCIE DR. 792 CAMELLIA PL. 1570 SUNRISE CIRCLE 3301 BELLE LANE 3302 BELLE LANE 3065 VALLEY 3065 VALLEY 1790 ANDREA AVE. 7237 SANTA BARBARA 1065 CHESTNUT 2542 DAVIS PL. 2642 DAVIS PLACE 911 CAMELLIA PL. 2816 CAZAEERO DR 35 1 f::) CHARTEE ficit..: fiR. 4925 LOMA WAY 3510 CHARTER OAK DR. 3510 CHARTER OAK DR. 3456 JAMES DRIVE --3cc -7 ~2.02 BELLE LUNE 3340 RIDBECREST IJR. 165 CHINQUAPIN 165 CHINQUCIPIN AVE 7'C'- . L 1364 729-74 16 N 438-1625 729-2553 729-3995 7 29 - 29:. Q 7 -t c, - 7'77 4 72?-0274' TF: 117 LL.. 72?-h520 723- 1313- 72 9 -2740 438-4837 72972253 753-5698 729-6750 729-5463 729-5091 729-6088 729- 1263 438-5294 TH 729-3082 729-404b 727-2268 JOHNNY GARGIA PIT KE GGFi'ClF0t.O ILA FAYE GEORGE TROY V. GEORGE CAROLINE M. GESSNEK BERN H. GILMORE ANGIE GOMEZ RICHARD L. GOODWIN 5 1L.V IF;. GRAHAM PlAFi'Y E. GREGG STEVEN GROCHOWSt::: I RENEE GROCHCJWSK 3: EL I ZAEETH D. GROVER ALEiERT En GKOL'ER. i FE.5T'EFi GL!";r\/&RD t:.. 'I PI HGHN PI I t..DREE G. t-iC?ILL.. PIRS WM. HALAEY -..JEANETTE GCiRCIA [4 G \\JE [<\.j 9 111 kR LrJ 310 PATRICIA AtW HANOLD 115 243 122 1 0 1 204 230 37 14 12 304 11 81 45 44 375 344 43 42 47 46 .:* .:, 5' 365 554 183 1- 4 2 '7 9 32 343 55 1 * 32 248 246 'r 240 -- L! PATRICIA R. HAHGETT EDWARD E. HARRISBURG ROBERT K. HART HORACE HARVEY RALPH HATCHEL DOROTHY J. HATCHER MARGARET HELTIBRIDLE JOHN P. HENLEY JORGEN HOFLUND LIZ HOLT CRAIG HOUSEH FRED HOWE DON HUFFMAN J. R. HUMPHREYS M. S. HUMPHREYS R. t. HUTCHCRUFT CECIL HUTCHEROFF ODELL ISAACS VERA W. ISAACS NED JARRARD EMOGENE JARHARD RALPH JEFFERY LOKAINE JEGEN RALPH JEHGEN tl I LLICENT D. JOHNSON RICHCiRD E. JOHNSTON JR. ETHEL M. JOHNSON JAMES M. JOHNSON BLANCHE JOHNSON JOSEPH H. JOHNSON DEBORAN R, JONES ROBERT P. JONES vatm I E JOHNSON 795 WOCADO LANE 3831 PARK DR. 3831 PARK DR. 4603 DRIFTWOOD CIR. 2430 GARY CIRCLE 2656 STATE ST. 3821 SKYLINE 4927 &VILA WE. 2271 CAMEO ROAD 4315 HIGHLAND 140 ACACIA AVE. 140 ACACIA AVE 712'3 SANTA BARBARA 7123 SANTA BAHBGRA 163 ACACIA AVE 163 ACACIA AVE 1750 ANDREA RVE. 1750 ANDREA AVE. 822 CAMELLI4 PL. 7223 SAN LUIS 7225 SAN LUIS 1360 H I LLV I EW CKT . 8h 1 Ctit-ELL I A F'L 285i) HIGHLGNU DR. 3300 BELLE LANE 7142 SANTA ROSA ST. 7142 SANTCS ROSA ST. 3300 BELLE LANE 1030 MAGNOLIA AVE. 3445 CATALINA DR. -&w 729~4682 729-3769 729-7336 729-2008 729-6875 MI 729-3101 729-24 10 7 2 9 - 2 60 5 729-2 102 725'-347 1 4 3 4 - 460 2 434-4798 -- ED JONES ti: 1 ET" E t:::ET\INED'I: LARRY KERN MADELE IN KERN MARTIN I>. KlLEY VERONICA KINLEY LEON KING EDWARD H. KING c' I RG I hi I A K: I NE JOYCE 1::: I STL.EF: CHfiFr'L-ES Fc. KLEEE(EF:GER DANA b:'.L-OF'FENSTE I hi JAY KLPF'FENSTEIN LF.IF;:nY Fi. KCiL.EPER Ft^;RBiiF:R F; ~ t:::F:AF'C.::E! J A 'y' )::I Ll C H 'y' EARBGRG KIJCHY ENR'r' LAEORD BELVA LAEORD PAUL E. LAMPE BETTY E. LAMPE SHIRLEY LARSEN JOCINNE C. LCIRSEN JANE N. LAVENUTA SAM LAVENUTA BRIAN C. LAYTON ANNA LEEDS RICHARD E. LEPPI C.M. LEPPI ELIZABETH R. LITTON WILLIRM C. LITTON JOHN LOCKWODD PAUL MACEDO ROBERT MAYNES LESLIE J. MAYNES WILLIAM T. MAYNES WILLIAM T. MCIYNES JR. GARY W. MC CARTHEY LEILA G. MC COLMAN CAROL MC HENRY ANDREW M. MC INNIS WiiFiFi'EN MC KAY RUTH MC KAY WILLICIM L. MG LECIN V. L. MC MURRAY JAMES 'MC NALL DAVID E. MC NABB LORI MC NABB NANCY KARF I NSI.:: I WR L. T E R t!:: NL!D SE N T}(;?p T r; \ A .-, 11. t.::OI-EBEF: RALPH 44. LCIUGHLIN DUNCAN R. ric COLMAN FF~TT-Y L ric I tdNi:s 4170 4936 4936 7015 70 15 3325 333 1 1250 1250 1250 1250 2560 HARBOR DR. PARK DH. PARK DR. SAN CARLOS SAPJ Cf3RLOS MONROE ST. MAD I SON TAMARACK AVE. TAMARACK AVE. TAMARACK AVE. TAMARACK AVE. WILSON ST. 165 ACACIA AVE 165 ACACIC? AVE. s275 544 1 :44 1 4994 4994 7108 7226 4905 3505 3505 MAZEL LANE DClNNFI DH. DDi*JPici 1:s " VIA MARTA VIA MCIRTA SANTA CRUZ SANTA BARBARA AVILA WE. CHARTER OAK DRIVE CHARTER OAK DRIVE 4 3 4 -- 4 H 5 8 723-339s TR 7 2? - 4 06 4 729-2 180 729-4529 729-6 154 729-3943 CA 4 3 8 - 3 40 9 - 729-5151 434-4675' 729-8850 CA 729- 1265 4 J Iri NEL.E;ON GEORGE OCHOA DIANE J. OGDEN MICHAEL J. O'MEASFI CLAUDIA OSUNA W. V. PALENSCAR ELEANOR PALENSCAR THOMAS Y. PALENSCAR 0. PARKER JAMES M. E. PARKER ROSARY PEDERSON MAL INDA JEAN PEHKETT LINDA PETERS SUE PETERSON HARRY L. PETRIDGE HELEN PETHIDGE SHARHON D. FIERCE D.M. PIERCE JOHN R. PIERCE FRED CS. F'OFAHL R.F. PONTIUS EDITH R. PORTER RICHARD I. PORTER LEO F. PRICE MURIEL RAINE JAMES L. RrlINE PI,, RAT-lIF'E7 i;ARLUS RAI-1OS L.W. RASH WILLIS H. RAWLINS BERNICE M. RAWLINS MARGARET E. RCSYMOND EDWARD E. RAYMOND JR. DONNA REED 7302 SAN BARTOLO 1. i-; 1 b MaGNOL. I4 AVE. 7 c ye ,..*.A 1 1 R I DGECREST DR. .-*a1 1 RIDEECREST DH. 1016 MAGNOLIA 45'11 REFUGIO AVE. 4911 HEFUGIO AVE. 285 HEML.OCK 2 E! 5 HEM 1- D CK .Q.55r:b 1-9 FDkT&L.fiDA DF;. 455Q LA F'C)KTALGDA DF:. 155 CHESTNUT AVE. 7lc:ib SANTG CRUZ 4ci 1 i:j SL1I;INYH I LL. DK I VE .-a _.84 PfC)NRC)E (3 p:lgi'$F,Q,E ST-. .;7 !"l[3I'\.I/?fJE 3.3.25 ANN DRIVE 3425 ANN DRIVE 6 15 ANCHOR WAY 1308 BASSWOOD AVE. 2055 BASSWOOD AVE. 2435 GARY CIRCLE 3788 HIGHLAND 3788 HIGHLAND DR. 3794 HIGHLAND DRIVE 3215 MAEZEL LANE 4882 PARK DK. 4855 SEVILLA WAY 812 HOME AVE. 635 ANCHOR WAY 1145 CHINQUAPIN AVE 7214 SAN LUCAS 7214 SAN LUCAS 3349 PARK DRIVE li375 MAGNOLIA AVE 3949 PARK DRIVE 7223 SAN LUCAS 1571 OAK AVE 13 10 HILLVI EW CT. 1510 HILLVIEW CT. 4955 AVILA AVE 4455 AVILA aw. - .- 4. 2 j :::) F; F( 1.1: F:: I tvJ E 724i:j MIMOSA DRIVE q .- .... iI-)S 1 JAN I S WAY 13Z2 I-14GNC.i. I A A'JE. .-*..JL..J SI EHHA PIOHENA -- Ir *> c 4156 HIGHLAND DR. 7304 SFHV BARTOLO 7304 SCIN BERTOLO 3861 MARGARET WkY 3861 MARGARET WAY 4051 SUNNY HILL DRIVE , .. 434-1834 725'7 1753 729-4835 434- 155.3 72?-3967 7 29 - 5 (3 26 729-37ai MH 729-8225 MH 729-2730 729-6233 438-4477 729-8459 729-8439 43s-0400 729-3522 729-7735 729-9562 MH 438-3084 729-6970 729-04 12 8 b 1 ,-I i 5e 35 296 36 29s 112 349 DIANNE REGAN LJ T 01. E'? RE I l..Ar\ID rj . 1-1 LJ A PJ t? I E: s E rJ AUGUST' E. REILAND LEOLA C. RICHARDS SUSIE RICHARDS MURION RICE D. W. RICHARDS Ct"HtlL_'>'N L. RDBl T.ISDPJ p.i 1 t\l;'i F:[jrIf%:[ G\JEj'Z EL-[._ E'5.y' R G(3ERS L' I NCE RG,GEF?S FETT'Y K. KOGEYS StlCiRRON C. ROLLD Li4llFiEL J I RCISSCiL.1 ... F! A F.: B AF: ;:lt a,! ,, (11 j ii 1-1 5; II rj '3 r:I AN p.1 F( I..J L E ..r T SHE L 1- E Y F; D ).' AI- T 'i T IH RClYfiiTY CHARLES W. RUSSELL CLEMINTINE SANGER SHERRY L . SANAI ATAN MARY SAUNDERS HARRY SCHUKCH WALLACE A. SCHKOCK J. HENRY SCHIPKE BENJAMIN SCHELSKE GRETA SCRIENEK GORDON H. SEARS E.L. SEKGENT JK. I.K. SHARMAN TEKRY SHADER R. SHARMAN EKIC A. SHAHMAN KIM SHERMAN TOM SHIELDS KOBEKT I SIDDALL LOOISE SIKORA JAMES 5. SIMS MAHILIN J. SIMS MAUREEN S I MON FRANK C. SLEMMEH ldAD 1 hIE t-1 ,. SL.EPlMEK HkZEL Pi. SMILEY MILLARD 14. SMILEY JUDY K. SMITH BEVERLY SMILEY RICH4RD SMITH ROBERT L. SNYDER R. J. SDPFE c-. ,? C' n , !?\-I -1 -3 fi )_.. I... - bi ~ 1-J F; (7 Li 5 {i [.. 1 - LINDA ri. RUSSELL wrLLIs SANGER 7312 4943 7312 3264 3324 2828 3400 2323 323ct SAN BENITO AVILA AVE. SAN BENITO HIGHLAND DR. RIDGECREST DR. HIGHLAND DK. SEACKEST DR. OCEAN ST. #36 DONNA DR. 810 HOME AVE. 3915 PARK DRIVE 4931 LOMA LAGUNA DH. 1720 EIKK rL. 4308 SEABKI GHT 3915 PARK: DKIVE 904 ORCHID WAY 2t370 BASSWOOD 4945 AVILA AVE. 824 CAMINITO DEL MAR 2920 WILSON ST. 2820 WILSON ST. 245 HEMLOCK 4943 4?q: i$zt)(> 3505 4949 3505 4949 3655 703 1 wILa AVE. AViL A AVE GARFIELD ST. AVILA AVE. GARF I ELD AVXLA AVE +- HIGHLAND DR. SAN BCIRTOLO OAF.: AUE. % ..&, 723-2154 F-' u i-1 t-i 729-7635 - 729-5522 729-3507 729-2566 729-2433 72?-?640 729-9627 729-3977 729- 1053 MH 729-6089 729- 1888 - 458-4393 -? ; f9-4028 729-5485 ri H - 729-1898 729-4488 ET 438-2539 -77 J. A. TENGLER 374 13 25s 196 191 124 334 335 333 293 292 123 15'0 87 379 85 117 244 222 148 149 111 97 239 9 c;b 352 1218 214 319 223 396 ab C. M. TENGLER WARREN H. THOMFSON RUPERT S . THOMFK 1 NS RICHARD C. THORPE GERALDINE THORPE RICHARD P. THOMPSON BARBARA THOMPSON TAMMY THOMPSON GARY L. THOMPSON LILLIAN THOMPSON WILLIAM ti. THOMPSON BONNIE L. THOMPSON GUY THORFE WILLIAM E. TUCK BOB TUCP: JEAN E. TUCKER HARVEY TUOMI ROBERT F. UHLINGER ALEX J. VALDIBRIESO LESTER E. VEIGEL MARGARET R. VEIGEL MRS. V.P. VERMILYEA THERESA VUS S I t V I A WA I NSCCT 7 riNLil?EW L. bJelL7HEF ESSIE WiliLTERS PHILLIS WAMPLER PEGGY WhTSON DON WATKINS RAY L. WATERS ESSIE WATERS D. WEAVER BARBARA ANN TUCK AVILF, AVE. RV I L..?-l F?VE I SGN l3AF.TClt-(3 HUSSELIG CT. F'ARK DRIVE RUSSELIA CT. TAMAHGCK AVE. -rArmwcK GVE. 6550 3495 3495 3985 483 1 4831 4531 485'1 489 1 35'85 3495 1055 1 055 72(:)6 1055 4 (5 3 (:I 4.30 1 3450 352 1 L>ai 1 TC? POtdTO DH. #145 CHARTER OAK DR. CHARTER OAK DR. HIGHLAND DR. KELLY DR. KELLY DR. KELLY DR. HILLSIDE DR. HILLSIDE DH. HIGHLAND DH. CHARTER OAK DR. MAGNOLICS WE. MAGNOL IA AVE SAN LUIS MAGNOL I A AVE . SUNNYHILL DRIVE HIGHLAND DR. HARDING ST. CHARTER OAK DH. CHARTER OAK DH. 645 GRAND AVE 3570 HIGHLAND DR IVE 3931 PfiHk::: DR. 245 HENLCICX 7302 SAN LUIS 3903 JAMES DR. 3778 SKYLINE 246 HEMLOCK 246 HEMLOCK 3745 OARFIELD I '7 5::) pLjE:t,i& I. V I J. T L.! CIT I 61 nx b!Fi'; L LC 729-1 726 MW 729-1412 MH 7 2 9 - 7 3 9 - MI - 729-7737 727-9832 729-27 13 9 - b 1 2 1 c 4 E e 7 E s 1c 11 Y 12 14 15 16 17 ia 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 - ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 21, CHAPTER 21.44, OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SECTION 21.44.165 TO REGULATE THE PARKING OF VEHICLES ON RESIDENTIAL LOTS. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, doe! s follows: ordain SECTION 1: Title 21, Chapter 21.44, of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by the amendment of Section 21 .44.165 to read as follows: 21.44.165 Off Street Parking - Residential Zones. In al: residential zones the following parking regulations shall apply: ( 1) Passenger Vehicles - Passenger vehicles including light-duty commercial vehicles used as a principle means of transportation for the occupant of the residence may be parked in the required front yard in single family zones on a paved driveway or parking area which does not exceed thirty percent of the ' required front yard area or an area that is comprised of twenty- four feet of width extended from the property line to the rear of the required front yard. Passenger vehicles may also be parked in a paved area between the required front yard and the actual front of the building as long as it is an extension and does not exceed the width of the area described'above. Passenger vehicles may be parked in any other area of the lot provided that they are screenec from view from the,public right-of-way. For corner lots, the same provisions described above shall apply to the required street side yard however, in no case, shall the provisions of this section allow parking in both the required front yard and the required street side yard: (2)- Recreational Vehicles - Recreational vehicles, boats and trailers may be parked in single family zones as follows: (a) in an enclosed structure: (b) open parking in the side yard or the rear yard: (c) open parking in the required front yard provided enclosed space is not available or there is no reasonable access tc either the side yard or rear yard and further provided that the area for said parking does not exceed the maximum paved area permitted for passenger vehicles as contained in Subsection (1) above. No recreation vehicle shall extend over the front property line and shall not cause visibility problems with respect to traffic on any public street. Structural alteration to existing buildings or extensive grading shall be deemed to prevent reasonable access to the side or rear yard. A corner lot is always deemed to have reasonable access to the rear yard. A fence shall not be deemed to prevent access; 1 2 4 5 6 11 7i 11 I 10 12 12 14 1: 1E 17 1E 19 2c 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 / (3) Inoperable Vehicles - Storage or parking of inoperable, wrecked, dismantled or abandoned vehicles shall be regulated by Chapter 10.52 of this code; provided, however, that not more than two vehicles in any inoperable, wrecked or dismantlec condition may be parked in the side yard or rear .yard while said vehicles are being repaired or restored by the owner of the property provided they are screened from the public right-of-way; commercial vehicles as defined by Section 10.40.075 of this code shall be parked on any residential lot except while loading or unloading property: or when such vehicles parked in connection wit) or in aid of the performance of service to the property or adjacent property on which the vehicle is parked and in no event for more than six hours or such additional time as necessary to complete thc loading, unloading or service; (5) Multiple Family Projects - The location of vehicle parking for multiple family residential projects shall be regulatec by Sections 21.44.160, 21.44.170 and 21.44.180 of this code; developed under Chapter 21.45 parking shall be regulated by the planned development permit; a4 decision made pursuant to Subsection (2) above may request an administrative hearing with the Director of Building and Planning upon the payment of a fee as established by City Council resolution. The decision of the Director shall be final unless the Director's decision is appealed to the City Council within ten days following said decision. (4) Heavy-Duty Commercial Vehicles - No heavy-duty (6) Planned Developments - For residential projects (7) Administrative Hearing - Any person objecting to a EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thrity days after its adoption, and the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at least once in the Carlsbad Journal within fifteen days after its adopt ion. //// //// //// //// //// //// -2- PACIFIC pc COAST IN VES TM E N TS CITY OF CARLSBAD CARLSBAD, CA 92008 2131 EL CAMINO REAL SUITE 201 OCEANSIDE, CA92054-0310 (619) 434-4116 ($19) 5868100 (810) 748-8444 P.O. BOX 1493 CARLSEAD, CA 92oo8-899o Gent 1 emen : This correspondence is to make recomnendations for changes and or additions to Ordinance No. 9668. I. Appoint AD HOC cornittee to make recomnendations to the City Council for changes to the Ordinance - made up of RV and NON-RV . owners. ,More concise definitions of recreational vehicles & light duty comnerci a1 vehicles - P-' A. Motor Home, Mini-Motor Home B . Fi thwheel Trai 1 er C. Travel Trailer * D. Van Conversion E. Pickup with Camper F. Boats & Trailers G. Utility Trailers H. Light Duty Coimnercial Vehicles 111. Broader Definitions of Parking Areas A. Downtown or Business Areas B. Beach Areas C. Older Neighborhoods (Subdivision) 0. New Neighborhoods (Subdivision) E. Busy Thoroughfares vs Single Family Areas F. Parking in.Driveway Where Side Yard is Not Accesible (single family areas) . - b PACIFIC P COAST INVESTMENTS PAGE I1 2131 EL CAMINO REAL SUlTE 201 OCEANSIDE. CA 92054-0310 (610) 434-4116 (610).566-8100 (610) 748-8444 P.O. BOX 1493 CARLSBAD, CA 92008-8990 IV. HARDSHIPS CREATED A. B. Confrontations Belxeen Neighbors C. Vandalism to Stored Units 0. Costs to Modify Property for Onsite Storage FINANCIAL - (Storage costs, if available) V. Storage Faci 1 i ties A. 0. Lack of in Carlsbad & North County VI. Copies of Lists of Citizens Signing Petition Requesting Modification of Ordinance No. 9668. - 8 PACIFIC AP COAST INVESTM€NTS 2131 EL CAMINO REAL SUITE 201 OCEANSIM, CA 020544310 P.O. BOX 1483 CARLSBAD, CA 82o0&9980 (010) 434-4110 (ale) im-mo (ria) raw4 October 21, 1983 City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue , Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attn: Her Honor, the Mayor, Mary Casler Attn: City Manager, Frank Aleshire Attn: Planning Comnissioner, Bud Schlehubler Gent 1 emen : This correspondence is to express my dismay and anger at the unfair advantage taken of myself and other citizens and property Owners of Carlsbad. "NOTIFIED" about the recent Planning Conmission recomnendation to the City Council concerning ordinance # 9668. This letter is also a Corn- plaint as to how the "hearing" and decision at the City Council Meeting was made. / Thls complaint has to do with the manner In which I was I came to that meeting and heard several inaccuracies Concerning the nunbers of citizens opposed to the ordinance. Two hundred and nine - 209 - signatures on petitions against the ordinance were turned in to City Hall that date. They were ignored. One of the City Council Mem- bers stated that about one hundred and ,five - 105-signatures were sub- mitted against thainance. .. A very detailed letter from myself was not even discussed, again, ignored completely. I was told that the City Council Meeting was not an open meeting and that I could not speak at the meetfng. I WAS NOT told that I could write for permission to speak. A Mr. William allowed to speak (apparently on his written request to do so) opposing re-opening of public hearings on ordinance I9668. I also want to express rrly dissatisfaction with and point out the unfair- ness of the way the public was "notified" of the original public hearings concerning ordinance # 9668. in Carlsbad as part of the study as to future effects of the ordinance. - Staff surveyed some 422 properties with- WHY UERE NOT THE PROPERTY OWNERS NOTIFIED INDIVIDUALLY ??? Wouldn't input from those directly affected have been more impartial and more the best interests of this city??? .. - -v . ' ?& . 1 .* PACIFIC COAST INVESTMENTS 2131 EL CAMINO REAL SUITE 201 OCEANSIM, CA 02oM-0310 (619) 4564116 (619) 586-8100 (619) 748-8444 P.O. EOX 1493 CAALSBAO, CA @200&9990 No one, I repeat, NO ONE, not property owners, R.V. Owners, or the general public was notified of this ordinance in a reasonable manner. The first I knew about it was when the City of Carlsbad began sending letters telling me I was in violation of the ordinance # 9668. City Council and all members of the Staff of City Hall of Carlsbad are in office on sufferance by the people of Carlsbad. They are sup- posed to be there to carry out the will of the people NOT to pass secret ordinances against the people's wishes. The *; Another thing that gave me pause when considering this ordinance I:, Llie time, money and effort it will take to enforce it. The staff wants six months to see how many they can get to comply with this absurd ordinance. are trying to dictate to the citizens how and what to do with their own property. To me it speaks of just one more time the people in office If no one compl ies will you change the ordinance in 6 1 . months? Another point is the fact that enforcement of compliance is based on a complaint basis only. Anyone can complain and the person complained about will be required to comply with the ordinance. I .have discovered close neighbors have no complaint in qy case - someone unknown to w has made a complaint against me to the city. This is pitting neighbor against neighbor. Certainly not conducive to a peaceful comnuni ty. The cost to homeowners will be a great deal. Some of the citizens I have contacted will have to build special ramps behind their homes, If they have room, and others will have to store their expensive R.V,'s to get them oot,of sight. Does anyone Yn the City Council or in the Planning Comnission have any idea what the costs will be to the home owner? I do not think they do. Where in Carlsbad do we have an R.V. storage with openings? When I first heard of the Ordinance # 9668 I wrote the Planning Corn- mission, the City Manager, and you, Mayor Casler, a letter expressing my views on this subject. You have not had the courtesy to answer qy letter. I still expect a response. I am in the process of applying for a variance and/or conditional use permit to the ordinance # 9668 as it concerns rqy personal residence. It will take me some time to gather the complete docmentation necessary to make application. Therefore I MAY need more time than I requested in original letter of August 12,983. PACIFIC COAST I INVESTMENTS 2131 EL CAMINO REAL SUITE 201 OCEANSIDE, CA WS4-5310 (610) 434-4118 (010) ~100 (610) t4o-Uu P 0. BOX 1493 CAALSBAO, CA 92008-9990 In closinq I would like to stress these points: 1. Only 422 home owners were surveyed before enacting this ordinance. 2. Affected property Owners were not individually notified. The \ 'P- 3. 4. yneral public was notified only by public notice in the newspapers. The 209 names on the petitions against this ordinance were ignored. Enforcement by complaint is not conducive to good human relations. 5. It is requested that a truly open meeting be held and the people who are affected by -this ordinance be allowed to speak. Cost to homeowners to comply with ordinance # 9668. Cost to the City to enforce compliance. . 6. 7. / 8. 9 WHAT GOOD DOES THIS ORDINANCE ACCOMPLISH? JHAT IS THE CITY'S REASONING FOR ENACTING THIS ORDINANCE? \F. > - Your prompt response will be appreciated. %avid E. McNabb I1 Vice President cc: Claude I'Bud" Lewis cc: Ann Kulchin cc: Richard Chick cc: Robert Prescott . PACIFIC COAST INVESTMENTS 2131 EL CAMINO REAL SUITE 201 OCEANSIDE, CA 92054-0310 (619) 434-4116 (619) ~100 (619) 746-6444 P.O. BOX 1403 CAALSBAD. CA 920U6-8880 August 12, 1983 City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CAlifornia 92008 Gen t 1 emen : In response to your letters dated Jul 11, 1983 & August 4, 1983 please find the following: concerning the recently passed par + ing ordinance number 21.44.165 1. I request a reasonable time to respond to your request. that I move my motorhome. I would consider at least two months and preferably four months to comply with your request. I consider an immediate compliance a severe hardship to me, especially from the financial aspect. 2. 3. I consider that the public notice given to me and our fellow citizens in Carlsbad imnensely inadequate, especially since this ordinance severely affects the property rights of every residential property Owner in Carlsbad. I have found that since the ordinance was passed nearly every recreational vehicle Owner I know was unaware of what has happened to them. My definition of recreational vehicle includes camping trailers, motorhomes, 'trailerable boats, travel trailers, modified vans for camping and pickup trucks with campers in the bed. This definition is shared by every one to whom I have talked. 4. This ordinance definitely will and is causing negative economic impact to our city. prefer to keep them at their homes. Some of the reasons I keep my motorhome and trailer at home are: People who canyfford recreational vehicles a. _.<, c. Cost of storage. d. Cost of insurance. Convenience for repairs and maintenance. Security from vandalism and/or theft. In addition loss of some rights to utilize my property causes loss of value. Most of the vehicles covered in this ordinance are lic- ensed and can be used on city, county and state roads and highways. I take offense that i@y equipment is:an "eyesore" and negatively **** - COAST IN VESTMENTS 2131 EL CAMINO REAL SUITE 201 OCEANSIDE, CA 82054-0310 (818) 4S4-4116 (619) M6-6100 (619) 740-6444 P.O. BOX 1483 CARLSBAO. CA 82008-8890 effects the "esthetics" and the safety of my neighborhood. also am offended that enforcement is on a complaint basis only. I believe that quite an uproar will be created when other citizens find they are now breaking the law when they have been parking their vehicles for years at their homes and on the street. I 5. I reviewed a copy of the survey performed on 422 residenses throughout Carlsbad and found that several properties on my street including my own was not covered. I feel that the inaccuracy in the report caused some improper assumptions to be made about the number of different types of vehicles and the impact of the ordinance passed by the City Council, Planning Comnission and Planning Staff. Wouldn't a report from the California Depart- ment of Motor Vehicles have been more accurate? 6. This ordinance needs an appeal process included at a reasonable In closing, I would request that hearings concerning this new ordin- ance be opened so that we may offer additions or changes that will' alleviate some of the problems caused by the ordinance to most affec- ted Owners. will accomplish most of the goals of the City of Carlsbad and reduce the impact on property owners. cost to the property owner. / I believe, collectively, we can come up with an ordinance ' Your prompt response will be appreciated. 3505 Charter Oak Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 . .p; ~ DEM/fg cc: Honorable Mayor, Mary Casler cc: Planning Comnission, Bud Schlehuber cc: City Manager, Frank Aleshire /-- : -SURVIVAL -< 0. bother him? “E In addition to those who have a gr essiveness and violence repug- run 1 .” 1, Although there may be vast dif- t e. In both those disas ple who had RVs were quickly from living in t ional homes to living in their motorhomes and trailers. Because they had an excellent secondary shelter, they could continue to enjoy the amenities of civilization. “In my writings,” Ing adds, “I have mentioned that 1 t ional housing, WP can learn a lot from RU systenbxtdcan adapt them to survival situations.” One who has done just that is Ron Hood. who teaches survival tech- niques at California State University in Northridge, California. Hood, who keeps his van conversion stocked With the basic nacetsitb of survival, has utllian RV water system, toilet, sboimr and 121 120. volt electrical system with CoXlV~ in his home bomb shelter. “Those => 70 kits ttdt arc suitable for survival. But, Hood emphasizes. that is only the beginning; after you have the basic kit, you must tailor it to the indivigual needs of your family. survivalism,” Hood adds, “he can learn a lot by readin You don’t have IO invest in boo L that deal with the tcchniquesof killing, but you should invest in books that will help you prepare for disasters that are likely to occur in your area. With few exce tions, if you prepare ade- earthquake or tornado. ou will also be prepared for surviva r of other types of disasters. Good general bwks about basic survival tech- niques, first aid, food preparation, identification of edible plants and, for the RVowner, a book on repair of RV systems, are necessities for any s u rv i va 1 is t .” In addit ion to these essentials out- lined by Hood, Ing says he would recommend that each RVowner acquire motorcycles suitable for off- road travel. “If possible,” he says, ”there should be a motorcycle for each mernhrr of the family who is L <ip:it)Ic (J! operstirig one. Preferably, tlic i>iLc> h~~ld be kcpt inside the vehicle to make you less conspicu- ous. Then, if you do Bet into a situ- at ion where yo0 can t go any €arther with your RV, you car,,* bikes out and keep going.” Finally, Ing and Hood warn that, na matter how well-stocked yo~r rig “If a person is really interested in quately P or a specific disaster, like an Mcuwllomc. July 1984 is, our survival preparations will fadshort if you don’t make a habit of keeping your gas and water tanks filled at all times. The few survi- valists who don’t see an RV as a major asset most often cite thc fact that in the wiikt‘ of rn,iri> disastcrs~ tuel shortages may occui, which would seriously hamper the niobil- ity of a motorhome or tow vehicle. In response to those critics, Hood notes: “Looking at the spectrum of disasters, there are many things that could happen, which would not cause gas shortages. but could pre- sent a situation where you would want to get out of the city. If you keep your gas tanks full to begin with, your KV shou!d have a good enough range to get you to your des- tination. And if you should run into prohlcms with fuul a\3i!iibiIity, you can scilvt‘ rhat by inciudirig an elec- trunic L‘uci pump sclup in )our hasic s ti r v i 1.a 1 hu pp I it‘s t ha t \vou! d a I low j’ou to punip gasolirie out of disabled vehicles or frorn gas station storage tanks .’ While there are those who may be’ able to see the wisdom of these prep- arations, there are many who see the survival scenarios outlined by Hood, Ing and others as the ravings of paranoid extremists. “My response to those who think survivalists are simply paranoid alarmists,’’ Ing re- plies, “is that they are trustin al- most entirely to luck. I hope t R eir luck is good. But I’m not going to trust in that myself. There have been many examples that have shown that when a survival situation does present itself, what a person says and does is entirely different. Many people suddenly find themselves very interested in survival.” Realistically, Ing admits that most people. even if they do admit the need for some type of preparedness, rarely get around to it until it is too late. That assessment seems to be borne out by the fact that, even naw, most RVers who went through the earthquake in Coalinga are not tak- ing steps to ready their rigs for another disaster. “Time tends to heal all wounds, I guess.” observes Ken Fite, a Coa- linga resident who spent several weeks in his 28-foot trailer following were to be more realistic about it, we would keep the tmiler stocked with emergency supplies. At this stage, though, wearcbanking on che fact that we have had our big quake and pmbably won’t have another for quite some time.” Even for those RV owners wbo the earthquakc. “I suppose, If we weren’t adequately prepared, the hlinga quake did prove that hav- ing an RV can make surviving a major disaster much easier. “Those people who had RVs were able to retreat to their rigs rather than having to be exposed to the elements,” Fite says. ”This was a camping city the first week follow- ing the quake, and certainly those ple who had RVs were in a much eter position to ride out the prob- lems. Most important, it was just very psycholo icall reassuring to always knew the trailer was there, that we had someplace to go where wr could feel secure and be assured that it was relatively impervious to the quake.” important benefit: “The RV really helped put the romance back in IT?. marriage. My wife rnovrd back irito the house not too many days after the quake. I wasn’t so brave because I felt more secure in the KV, so I continued to live in the trailer. That gave me the opportunity to ask her the old question, ‘You place or mine?‘ ”0 know that we ah ad t e trailer. We Fite also discovered another 71 j $'