HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-06-05; City Council; 7776; City Council PolicyCf ' OF CARLSBAD — AGENUA BILL /•. ARtf 7774» MTG. 6/5/84 DEPT. PLN TITLE: CITY COUNCIL POLICY - REVIEW OF DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS HFPT HDjWfc/ CITY ATTY\l£6_ HITY MGR.*^^ LU OorQ.0. Oz 8 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt attached City Council Policy relating to the review of applications for development projects. ITEM EXPLANATION The number, size and complexity of applications for development projects in Carlsbad has increased substantially. Based on present workloads and staffing levels, it is not possible to process all applications submitted to the City within the time frames generally used in the past. To insure that a fair and equitable system for processing applications was retained, it was necessary for staff to develop a policy and implementing procedures for determining the processing schedule for review of development projects. The intent of this policy and the procedures is to insure that all applications have a thorough, comprehensive review by staff before the projects are scheduled for consideration by the Planning Commission and City Council. Council must recognize that implemention of this policy will result in increased processing time and consequently ultimate construction of these same projects would be delayed. Staff is requesting that the City Council review the policy and procedures developed by staff and to adopt it as official City Council Policy. EXHIBIT Proposed City Council Policy Statement 'ITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT General Subject: DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS Specific Subject: STAFF REVIEW OF APPLICATIONS FOR DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS. Policy No. 34 Page 1 of 2 Date Issued 6/11/84 Effective Date 6/11/84 Cancellation Date Supersedes No. Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File PURPOSE To establish a policy and procedure to insure an orderly and thorough review of all applications for development projects which require consideration by the Planning Commission and City Council. STATEMENT OF POLICY It is the policy of the City Council to require that all applications for development projects have a thorough, comprehensive review by staff before the projects are scheduled for consideration by the Planning Commission and City Council. In order to insure that sufficient time is provided for this review, it is the policy of the City Council to establish a procedure for determining the order in which projects are reviewed. In general, the normal scheduling of applications for development projects shall be based on the order in which the applications are filed with the City. When the workload does not permit the normal scheduling of all applications filed with the City, staff shall not schedule more applications than staff can review in a thorough, comprehensive and efficient manner. Priority for processing and scheduling shall be given to those applications for which all information is complete and all issues have been addressed. In this regard, the following procedures shall apply: 1. Once the application is filed with the City, staff shall review the application for completeness, complexity of project and unresolved issues. 2. If the application is complete and no issues are identified, the project shall be forwarded for normal scheduling based on the order in which the application is filed with the City. 3. If additional information is needed, unresolved issues are identified or additional time is needed for review of the application, staff shall forward its findings to the Issue Review Committee consisting of Director of Building and Planning, the City Engineer and the Land Use Planning Manager. Guidelines for determining major unresolved issues shall include the following: 1 Page 2 of 2 TY OF CARLSBAD . Policy No.34 COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT 6/n/84 General Subject: DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS Specific Subject: STAFF REVIEW OF APPLICATIONS FOR DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS. Effective Date 6/11/84 Cancellation Date Supersedes No. Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File A. Size, scale or complexity of project. B. Major environmental concerns. C. Inadequate plans or insufficient information. D. Major circulation/traffic problems. E. Major engineering concerns (drainage, soils, sewer). F. Project requires change in general plan, zoning, master plan or other city ordinance. 4. The Issue Review Committee shall review the findings of staff. If confirmed, the project shall be put on hold and the project applicant shall be notified of the problems or issues. The project shall not be scheduled for consideration by the Planning Commission or City Council until the issues have been addressed and an adequate, thorough recommendation can be made by staff. 5. The Issue Review Committee shall review all projects put on hold on a monthly basis to determine the status of the issues or problems. Once all the issues or problems have been resolved, the project shall be forwarded for normal scheduling based on the existing workload. ATTACHMENTS; Processing Flow Chart ATTACK NT TO POLICY NO. 34 APPLICATION SUBMITTED PLANNIN4 3 REVIEW EN(3INEERII I ISSUES IDENTIFIED ISSUE REVIEWCOMMITTEE DIRECTOR OF BUILDING AND PLANNIN* CITY INOtNEER LAND USE PLANNING MANAGER TISSUE CONFIRMED A APPLICANT NOTIFIED- PROJECT PUT ON HOLD ONE MONTH NO ISSUE DENTIFIED NORMAL SCHEDULING ISSUE REVIEW COMMITTEE I -ISSUE NOT RESOLVED I ISSUE RESOLVED