HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-06-12; City Council; 7760-1; Public Hearing 1984-85 Capital Improvement Budget Including the Use of Federal Revenue Sharing FundsCr£X>F CARLSBAD - AGENOQBILL AR« 7760 #1 MT« 6/12/84 OPPT */AG llll*C: niiDi TP UCADTMP' ' ' "* PUBLIC HtAKlNb PROPOSED 1984-85 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET INCLUDING THE USE OF FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUNDS DEPT HD CITY ATTY.MTO CITY MOR^^^ / r- CM O•H-P O W QJ « TJ(1)-P &O T3 (C •H Oc3 O O RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the City Council approve Resolution No. 7627 adopting the 1984-85 Capital Improvement Budget including the use of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds. ITEM EXPLANATION: The City Council at their meetings of April 24, 1984 and May 22, 1984 considered preliminary proposals for the 1984-85 Capital Improvement Budget. The attached Exhibit "A" has been revised to include the City Council action at the May 22, 1984 meeting as described below: 1. Delete project 82-04 - City Hall Expansion - $100,000. This was to provide for a consultant to analyze possible ways to expand the current City Hall. 2. Delete Community Center (northwestern portion of the City) - $560,000 Park-in-lieu funds. Other changes in the 1984-85 Capital Improvement Budget include the following: A. The Jefferson Street bike lane project has been added. The project was approved by the City Council on 6/21/83 but was not continued at the end of the 1982-83 fiscal year. Therefore the project should now be rebudgeted. The project is estimated at $95,000 and over $105,000 is available in the bicycle fund. B. Agua Hedionda Bridge estimates have been raised from $1,800,000 to $3,340,000 to be funded as indicated below: Developer contribution Grants Gas tax $ 450,000 2,629,000 261,000 $3,340,000 The original $1.8 million estimate was based on construction cost estimates that are three years old, did not include all design costs, contract administration expenses, and road widening costs. The current estimate of $3.34 million does not include shore line protection structures to protect the roadway or the cost of work that may be needed to be done on the S D G & E parking lot. This change increases the amount of city gas tax commitment by $61,000. Per City Council action at its June 5, 1984 meeting to build the bridge only, the estimated cost is $2,908,000, to be funded as follows. Developer contribution Grants Gas tax 450,000 $2,257,000 201,000 C. $2,908,000 Funds also need to be added to the budget to cover the cost of modular units for the Finance Department and Research and Analysis Group. It was originally Page 2 of AB# 776o - anticipated that this project would be funded by an appropriation from the contingency account during the 1983-84 fiscal year. However, since the project will not get underway until the 1984-85 fiscal year, funds in the amount of $140,000 should be included in the budget. More funding will be required if additional parking is required for this project. D. As per Council direction at its June 5, 1984 meeting, $150,000 has been added under Parks projects for the artificial seaweed project. The proposed 1984-85 Capital Improvement Budget contains 35 projects at a projected cost of $15,848,046. Exhibit "B" contains six additional projects which Council has not acted upon. FISCAL IMPACT: The proposed 1984-85 Capital Improvement Budget is $15,848,046. Funds are available to finance the city's share of the proposed budget. The portion of the CIP projects financed by grants or developer contributions shall not be considered as available until funds have been received from the grant agency or developer. EXHIBITS; 1. Resolution No. IbX] , adopting the 1984-85 Capital Improvement Budget. 2. Exhibit "A" - Proposed 1984-85 Capital Improvement Budget. 3. Exhibit "B" - Six additional Proposed Budgets 4. Exhibit "C" - Project Descriptions of 1984-85 Capital Improvement Budget 5. Exhibit "D" - Public Facilities Management System Summary Monitoring Report for 1984-89 Capital Improvement Program. 6. Exhibit "E" - Summary of Cash Flow 1 RESOLUTION NO. 7627 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE 1984-85 3 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS 4 WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the proposed 1984-85 Capital 5 Improvement Budget and held a public hearing; and, 6 WHEREAS, the public hearing considered the use of Federal Revenue 7 Sharing Funds as part of the Capital Improvement Budget; and, 8 WHEREAS, revenues are projected to be available to fund the proposed 9 1984-85 Capital Budget; and, 10 WHEREAS, the Council desires to adopt the 1984-85 Capital Budget and 11 to appropriate the funds and make the necessary fund transfers to properly 12 support this Capital Budget. 13 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED as follows: 14 1. The City Council does hereby adopt the 1984-85 Capital Improvement 15 Budget as described in Exhibit "A". 16 2. Funds are appropriated in the amounts indicated from the funding sources 17 identified in Exhibit "A". Such appropriation shall be neither increased nor 18 decreased, except as provided herein, without the approval of the City Council 19 to amend the 1984-85 Capital Improvement Budget. The City Manager may approve 20 change orders for capital improvement projects in amounts up to a total of 21 $20,000 on any one project, if sufficient appropriated funds are available. 22 3. The 1984-85 Capital Improvement Budget may be amended only by an action 23 of the City Council to amend the 1984-85 Capital Improvement Budget and to 24 appropriate the necessary funds. 25 //// //// 26 //// //// 27 //// //// 28 //// //// ,*»*>«, an adjourned 1 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at/XXregular meeting of the City Council 2 on the 12th day of June, 1984 by the following vote, to wit: 3 AYEES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Prescott 4 NOES: None 5 ABSENT: None 6 7 0 MARY H. COSIER, Mayoro ^//t^-rt-i_<> 9 ATTEST: 10 * ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Reference PROPOSED CITY OF CARLSBAD CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET JULY 1. 1984 TO JUNE 30. 1985 Description Cost EXHIBIT "A" Fund O Amount CIVIC FACILITIES 82-05 (3125) 82-10 (3006) 83-02 (3138) 83-20 (3159) 84-01 PARK PROJECTS 83-03 (3139) 83-04 (3140) 83-05 84-03 Fire Station - Poinsettia/I-5, engineering and design Public Safety & Service Center - working drawings,grading, begin construction Fire Station - Lake Calavera Hills, relocation, acquire land and design Police Firing Range - construction Main Library Parking Lot expansion - construction Sub total: Fuerte Park - design and construct Holiday Park Improvements - construction Calavera Park - design and begin construction Chase/Pine Field Renovation Artificial Seaweed Project Sub total: 45.000 5,557,443 79,000 40,000 50,000 5,771,443 - 150,000 60,000 610.720 70,000 150.000 PFF GCC PFF FRS PFF GCC GCC — PIL PIL PFF PIL PIL GCC 45,000 1.400,000 2,357,443 1,800,000 79,000 40,000 50,000 5,771,443 150,000 60,000 560.720 50.000 70,000 150.000 $1.040.420 $1.040,420 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET JULY 1. 1984 TO JUNE 30. 1985/page 2... Reference STORM DRAINS 84-04 STREET PROJECTS — (3100) 82-34 (3098) 82-35 83-08 (3079) 83-10 (3142) 83-16 83-17 83-18 (3108) — (3166) Description Carlsbad Boulevard Storm Drain - design and begin construction Sub total: Assessment District Development Fund - design and engineering Agua Hedionda Bridge - design and construction Bicycle Lanes.Jefferson Project - Design and Construction Poinsettia Lane Bridge - construction Faraday Avenue - construction Elm Avenue - acquire land, design and construction Traffic Signal, Elm/El Camino Real - design and construction Tamarack Avenue, Adams to Highland - acquire land, design and construction El Camino Real widening; Palomar Airport Road to Faraday Avenue - construction Cost $ 380,000. EXHIBIT "A" Fund Amount O GCC $ 380.000 380.000 85.000 2.908.000 95.000 1,393,450 522,000 586.379 132.000 347,681 300,000 ... GCC Dev.Con. GrantsGas tax Grant Dev.Con. Gas tax PFF Gas tax PFF PFF Gas tax 380.000 85.000 450.000 2.257,000 201 .000 95.000 1,193,450 200,000 I 522.000 586,379 132,000 347.681 300,000 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET JULY 1. 1984 TO JUNE 30. 19857page 3... Reference Description — (3161) Cynthia Lane Assessment District - construction 84-05 Traffic Signal Modification, Carlsbad Boulevard/ Grand Avenue - construction 84-06 Traffic Signal Modification, El Camlno Real/ Chestnut Avenue - design and construction 84-07 Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment - design and construction 84-08 Carlsbad Boulevard/Poinsettia Lane New Intersection - design and construction — (3109) • Carlsbad Boulevard Flashers - design and construction — (3164) Hemlock Cul-de-Sac - construction Sub total: SEWER PROJECTS 82-47 Lift Station Replacement/Upgrades - construction 82-48 (3126) San Marcos Interceptor - construction 82-51 Vista/Carlsbad Trunk Line - begin construction Valley/Buena Vista Sewer Assessment District Sub total: EXHIBIT "A" Cost $ 30,000 25,000 25,000 130,000 220,000 27,000 7,530 6.834.240 300,000 777,243 170,000 40,000 Fund GCC Gas tax Grants Gas tax Grants Gas tax Grant Gas tax GCC GCC — sc sc sc sc Amount \ I $ 30,000 2,500 22 ,500 2,500 22.500 13.000 117.QOO 220,000 27,000 7,530 6.834.240 \ ) 300,000 777,243 170,000 40,000 1.287,243 1,287,243 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET JULY 1. 1984 to JUNE 30. 1985/page 4... EXHIBIT "A" f |Reference REDEVELOPMENT 84-09 84-10 84-11 84-12 84-13 Description (Block Grants) Alley Improvements, Jefferson/Harding from Pine to Oak - construction Sidewalk on Roosevelt from Beech to Laguna - construction Renovate Boys' and Girls' Club - construction Depot Parking Lot - construction Washington Street Paving, Elm to Oak - construction Sub total: Cost $ 14,000 10,000 33,600 30,000 15,000 102,600 Fund HCDBG HCDBG HCDBG HCDBG HCDBG ... Amount $ 14,000 10,000 33,600 30,000 15,000 102,600 O 1984-85 CIP TOTAL COST: $ 15,416,046 (35 projects) EXHIBIT "B1 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK ALESHIRE, City Manager OTHER POTENTIAL 1984-85 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Estimated Pro j ect Cost 1. Artificial Seaweed $ 150,000.00 2. Carlsbad Boulevard Rip Rap 1,000,000.00 3. Cannon Rd./I-5 to Macario Canyon Park 1 ,000,000.00 4. City contribution to potential Assess- ment Districts Palomar Airport Road ) College Boulevard ) 1,000,000.00 Rancho Santa Fe Road ) 5. Improve Tamarack Boulevard from Jefferson to Carlsbad Boulevard Land Acquisition 1,000,000 Improvements 885 ,000 1,885,000.00 6. Overpass Palomar Airport Road and 1-5, including ramps and signalization Bridge work 1 ,000,000 Ramp signalization 100,000 Ramps 250,000 Plus: 10% contingency and 15% contract admin- instration and engineering inspec- 1,700,000 Assume 50-50 split with State in project 850,000.00 TOTAL COSTS: $ 5,885,000.00 EXHIBIT "C1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1984-85 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET CIVIC FACILITIES Reference 82-05 Fire Station Near 1-5 and Poinsettia - This project is for the design and engineering of a fire station on City-owned property at Batiquitos Lane and Buttercup Road. 82-10 Public Safety & Service Center - The project consists of the design, construction and appurtenances of a city service center loca- ted in the vicinity of Palomar Airport. The Service Center will house the Police Department, headquarters fire station and training center, Utilities and Maintenance, and Parks and Recreation operations. 83-02 Relocation - Fire Station No. 3 - This project includes land acquisition and design for the new Fire Station No. 3. The new station will be loca- ted near the future intersection of Tamarack and Elm Avenues. After the new Fire Station No. 3 becomes operational, the existing Fire Station No. 3, located near El Camino Real and Chestnut Avenue will be phased out. 83-20 Police Firing Range - Construction - This project is for the site prep- aration and construction of a police firing range in Macario Canyon. 84-01 Main Ljbrary Parking Lot Expansion - This project would provide addi- tional library parking on city-owned land east of the existing library parking lot including a new exit/entrance and revision of existing traffic flow. PARK PROJECTS 83-03 Fuerte Park - The project includes design and construction of a 3.6-acre park adjoining a future school site near Fuerte and Corintia Streets. 83-04 Holiday Park Improvement - The project involves parking improvements, curbing, lighting and handicap access. 83-05 Calavera Park - This project provides for 10-15 acres of phased park development. The project includes design and the beginning of construc- tion of park facilities. Artificial Seaweed Project - City share of project jointly funded with the State of California. Project will provide for the experimental installation of artificial seaweed between the jetties at Tamarack Beach. -1- 1° EXHIBIT "C" PARK PROJECTS Continued... Reference 84-03 Chase/Pine Field Renovation - This project will replace all fencing at both Chase and Pine Fields and rehabilitate existing restrooms and irriga- tion systems. STORM DRAINS 84-04 Carlsbad Boulevard Storm Drain - This project will install a storm drain in Carlsbad Boulevard to intercept drainage and divert to lagoons in order to reduce ocean bluff erosion. Project is divided into two portions - first portion in fiscal year 84-85, in conjunction with bridge construction over Agua Hedionda, with the second portion to be built in fiscal year 85-86 in conjunction with the revision to Palomar Airport Road. STREET PROJECTS — Assessment District Development Fund/design and engineering - This fund is for the investigation and initial development of assessment districts, such as College Boulevard. When an assessment district is approved by the City Council this fund will be reimbursed its costs. 82-34 Agua Hedionda Bridge - This project involves the reconstruction of Agua Hedionda Bridge 82-35 Bicycle Lanes (S treets) - This project provides for construction of bicycle lanes along Jefferson Street from 1-5 to Marron Road. 83-08 Pojnsettia Lane Bridge - The project includes design and construction of an overpass at the future alignment of Poinsettia Lane and the railroad tracks near Carlsbad Boulevard. 83-10 Faraday Avenue/Improvement - This project will design and construct Los Monos Road from El Camino Real to the future site of the City Operations Center (CIP project 82-10). 83-16 Elm Avenue Connection - The project involves the acquisition of land, design and construction of two lanes of Elm Avenue from Donna Drive to El Camino Real. 83-17 Traffic Signal - The project consists of the design and construction of a traffic signal at the intersection of Elm Avenue and El Camino Real. -2- EXHIBIT "C" STREET PROJECTS Continued... Reference 83-18 Tamarack Avenue Improvement - The project comprises the acquisition of land, design, and construction of improvements to Tamarack Avenue (widen to 48 ft.) between Adams Street and Highland Drive. — El Camino Real Widening/Palomar Airport Road to Faraday - This project is to be constructed in conjunction with the City Operations Center project. — Cynthia Lane Assessment District - Extension of existing residential street in northeast area of City. 84-05 Traffic Signal Modification - Carlsbad Boulevard/Grand Avenue - This project will upgrade deficient signal and provide for future intercon- nection with signal at Elm Avenue. 84-06 Traffic Signal Modification - El Camino Real/Chestnut - This project will upgrade deficient signal and provide for future interconnection with other signals north on El Camino.Real. 84-07 Rancho Santa Fe Road Realignment - This project will realign and improve the curve on Rancho Santa Fe Road north of Cadencia Street. 84-08 Carlsbad Boulevard/Poinsettia Lane New Intersection - This project will provide the necessary revision to Carlsbad Boulevard, including a median break, turn pockets, curl return and a traffic signal for the Poinsettia Lane extension. — Carlsbad Boulevard Flashers - This project consists of flashing caution lights at the Army-Navy Academy crossing of Carlsbad Boulevard. — Hem!ock Cul-de-Sac - This project is partially funded by the City to meet current needs. SEWER PROJECTS 82-47 Lift Station Replacements/Upgrades - This project involves the replace- ment, or upgrade, of the following existing lift stations, in order to meet future sewer needs: 1. A third pump will be added at Fox L.H. Station at the end of Harrison Street, adjacent to Agua Hedionda Lagoon. 2. Chinquapin Lift Station at Carlsbad Boulevard will be relocated further east. 3. Home Plant Pump Station at Carlsbad Boulevard and State Street will be upgraded. -3- C 0 EXHIBIT "C" SEWER PROJECTS Continued... Reference 82-48 San Marcos Interceptor - This project involves the City's participa- tion in the construction of an outfall sewer to be constructed by the San Marcos County Water District. The line would serve the Palomar Airport Sewer Service Area of the City. 82-51 Vista/Carlsbad Trunk!ine - This project involves the enlargement of the gravity portion of the Vista/Carlsbad trunk!ine. This is a pro- ject in conjunction with the Encina Plan enlargement. — Valley/Buena Vista Sewer Assessment District - This project involves an 8" sewer line along Valley from Buena Vista to Elm Avenue. This sewer line will provide relief for failing septic tanks in the area. REDEVELOPMENT (Block Grants) 84-09 Alley Improvements - Jefferson/Harding from Pine to Oak - Construction. 84-10 Sidewalk on Roosevelt from Beech to Laguna - Construction. 84-11 Renovate Boys' and Girls' Club - Construction. 84-12 Depot Parking Lot - Construction. 84-13 Washington Street Paving, Elm to Oak - Construction. -4- c CO a:x o O. h—I O CO00ICO00 CTi cu•pro <C 3-^ crz cu•o 0)•Pra3cr«=ccu ^.T3 Z ra E •a<D•p cu •P CU a; <c cr-^ c to to CU O)T3 -O=c <c 01 0)•P -Pro (O3 3cr crcu O)-a -o«3 (13 O)•p"33crcu-o -oO) u(C 03 CU • CU Q_to i— i fO (J cuen to 3 rtJ-)-> to s-(O -C(JccuCQ (Oa. C_5 CTl 00 •=1-00 o:o oa. a;o >-a:< CO CO LJ_ O_ CM O) to CUCO _C Een -p -a cui— cu enen -P>> E o Ei— -i— CU •—i 3 •P CO TD <D 4-> OCU •r-J O O_ CU "CJ•P -O tO 01 3 -PCT -r- CU E-a T- a>•Pra cu 3 4->cr rocu 3-a crfO <Uc -a cu -ocu CU <a3 cu TJ "3 3 T3cr cu toOl -M 3!- crro E ai C -r- T3 CU CU to3crai T3 cu cu-!-> -Pfl3 (O 3 3cr crcu cu •O T3(O (D cu•M (O3cra; 1-3 CU-o C •!-•I— (/> i— O•i- Ooc: +->3 3o oO J= o a.CM cu-Q aiJD -Q 2 i— e> to o_CU E i—i POO Q-'i-O -P 00^ U COCU Ir-jCOO CO S- cr.O-1— •oCO to oEcuCQ • o o "aj S- 01O E "ro CU— Q.JDto X 3 CU i— <a 4J co 4Jccu1/1cu&-a. cu cu ro n33 3cr cr <D O) T3 -D CUCU-l->ra cu3 4-> CT roCU 3-a crro CUc -o !-< <C cu •4-> (O3crcu O) CU CU CU^ -a -i-> +j -P ro CU ro ro ro 3 -M 3 3 3cr-i- cr cr crcu E cu cu cu•o -r- ~a -a ~a«=c _i<c «c < •a -ocu cu cu-M ro 3crcu-aroc s_ ro*^j ^^ ~T3 E -P CU <0 2 > •P O Oto S- S-cn a. i— Q. CU S- ra> ro CU CU d) • 10 'I- O ro s_cu-p (O s_ (OQ- 3 S-E cu 01 O -P1- to O O CU N^3 S-cu <o • • CO Q- «=C CQ CM ras-cu Lf) LU LU ro^: <s> a. ra i •o •a: ooI < ^ ^. o •Q- CUS- > <c ra S- -P ra to E Oo o ra ra i Q 1 cu •p oro cu •P raS-•pto ca o o o <C co I -pcu in 0 E •i- CO O> 2:5- Ll_ -O CU Q- CU01 ulE ro>, O -Q-p •r- T3 01.— a> 3 •I- 01 -PO rO ra ra J3 -P t- 01 01 E -r- >: 0 -P01 -r- -O 3 i— CU -P ••-01 ro O ro -P rao yi t^« t/) ^CJ O•r- CU -P-pto o to3 cu s- •P -r-J CU ra O «4- •P S- CUco Q. o: -P ••- C E O CU ro « to M- 01 £s_^ Q. O i——'M— CU 3 E CUO rO <— cu a. cu J3 OO •!-to -P >•I- 1- .en cu >, O) •!- Q.> E cu a.cu s- si 3•— ra -P to cu .° ^> T S- ro O) CU 01 C01 ra Era 01a» •!- T3 O CU -i--p ^= cu-Po (O U TD , ro -OJ= CU•P CUo 01 X E CUro CU T3 E Ero CU E•P CU ra T33cr tocu E T3 ra ro CU CU 00CTi o:a. a. oo: co h—l co C_3CC CO c xXHIBIT"D' The following is a list of public facilities and their minimum service levels that are monitored by PFMS. PFMS and these service level standards were established by City Council Policy No. 32: 1. Water 2. Sewer 3. Parks 4. Library 5. Fire Protection 6. Circulation 7. Administrative Facilities - Demand fully uses the design capacity. - Average daily flow equals design capacity. - At least two acres of developed community parks, 2.5 acres of Special Resource Areas, and 0.5 acres of Special Use Facilities. - At least 0.6 square feet per capita. - When 1,500 additional units are within five-minute response time of a future fire station that station should be built. - Traffic volume should be less than 90% of road capacity. - Facility space should be at least that for the target populations listed below: Space Requirement in Sq. Ft. 64,540 101,000 115,000 Target Populations 35,000 60,000 100,000 The details of PFMS are outlined in the July 27, 1982 staff report to the City Council titled: Public Facilities Management System. c EXHIBIT "D1 RESEARCH/ANALYSIS GROUP PFMS SUMMARY - AUGUST 1983 TO MARCH 1984 CONCLUSIONS: 1. SHORT-TERM GROWTH RATE AND REVENUE PROJECTIONS: UP_. 2. LONG-TERM GROWTH RATE: CONSISTENT WITH SERIES VI. 3. LONG-TERM REVENUES: UP. 4. SEWER FACILITIES CURRENTLY MEET STANDARDS. MAY NEED EXPANSION BY FIFTH YEAR OF CIP. 5. PARKS & RECREATION: INADEQUATE. CONCERN: SHORTFALL OF 102 ACRES OF COMMUNITY PARKS, 6. LIBRARY FACILITIES CURRENTLY MEET STANDARDS. MAY NEED TO EXPAND WITHIN FIVE YEARS. 7. FIRE FACILITIES GENERALLY MEET STANDARDS. EXCEPTION: - SOUTHWEST OTHER AREAS OF FUTURE CONCERN: - NORTHEAST - SOUTHEAST 8. CIRCULATION GENERALLY MEETS STANDARDS. EXCEPTIONS: - PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD - LA COSTA AVENUE (WEST OF EL CAMINO REAL) 9. ADMINISTRATIVE FACILITIES INADEQUATE. NEED TO ADD 63,500 SQ.FT. IN THE NEXT 3 TO 8 YEARS. c EXHIBIT "D" Discussion: During the seven month monitoring period (8/83 thru 2/84) there has been a rapid increase in the City's growth rate. Research/Analysis Group recently estimated the City's population for January 1, 1984 at 40,322 (an increase of 1,285 over the 1-1-83 population estimate). Final inspections are an indicator of population increase in the short-term (6 months). Final inspec- tions during the current monitoring period were up on the average almost 78% over 1983. Building permit applications are an indicator of population inc- rease between 6 months and 1.5 years. Building permit activity during the monitoring period is up almost 140% over the last monitoring period (through July 1983). This rate of development activity could produce an annual popu- lation increase of over 5,000. SANDA6 Series VI forecasts a 1990 population of 75,265 which works out to an average annual increase of 3935 persons between 1980 and 1990. However, population growth has been substantially lower over the last three years. To reach the SANDAG projection the City would need to add slightly over 5,000 per year. Based on PFMS monitoring data, Carlsbad could grow at this rate (5,000 per year) for the next several years. Long-term growth indi- cators such as final maps, approvals and applications are also substantially up over previous periods, so there is a good possibility that Carlsbad will reach the SANDAG 1990 population figure. Since most of the revenue available for capital projects is tied to develop- ment fees, short-term revenue projections (based on PFMS data) should be considerably higher than those used for last year's CIP. If the current building trend was to stabilize at the present rate, not only would the 1990 Series VI population be attained, but also the long-term revenue projections would be considerably higher than those used in last year's CIP. The following analysis is based on the current monitoring period projections and on the PFMS standards approved by City Council on July 27, 1982: 1. Water service is adequate for both current and the 5-year projected demand. 2. Sewer service is currently adequate. If the present rate of sewer permit issuance continues (170 EDU/mo), Carlsbad's allot- ted portion of capacity could just about be reached at Encina. However, the current CIP includes Encina 4 expansion and there are several inexpensive alternatives available to increase Encina's capacity. If the current trend continues for over a year, there will be enough time to address the alternatives in the next CIP. 3. Park facilities with the exception of community parks, are expected to remain adequate over the next 5 years. The revised Parks and Recreation Element changed the park philo- sophy to provide large community parks instead of numerous -1- EXHIBIT "D1 mini and neighborhood parks. Based on the current population, 80 acres of community parks are needed. The PFMS 5-year population projection would require an additional 22 acres. Current CIP projects could develop as much as 46 acres, leaving a shortfall of 56 acres. 4. Library facilities are currently adequate but are expec- ted to exceed Benchmark 1 within 5 years and, therefore be considered "limited." At the present rate of growth appro ximately 3,000 sq.ft. of library space will be required to keep service level equal to demand The current approved CIP does not include any library projects. 5. Fire service is generally adequate. However, there are three areas of concern: a) Lake Calavera Hills (LCH) - building actively could place 1500 units within the 5-minute res- ponse time of relocated Fire Station No. 3 (Benchmark 2). Existing Station No. 3 can ade- quately serve most of the area. However, if land east and south of LCH were to develop concurrently fire service in the area would fall below the adequate level. The approved CIP plans for the relocation of this station by F.Y. 1987-88. b) La Costa east - recent development at the east end of Alga Road has placed about 300 units outside of the 5-minute response time. Further development there and east of Rancho Santa Fe Road could trigger the need for the Rancho Santa Fe Station within the next 5 years. The current approved CIP plans for the construction of this station by F.Y. 1986-87. c) Southwest Carlsbad - at the beginning of PFMS, there were approximately 1500 units beyond the 5-minute response time in the southwest of the City. The recent construction activity there could add over 1,100 new units to this area within the next few years. Therefore, fire service demand in the southwest will exceed Benchmark 1, based on projected new develop- ment, or may exceed Benchmark 2 when existing development is also considered. The approved CIP only plans for the purchase of land for this station. -2- EXHIBIT "D1 6. Circulation facilities as previously reported are O.K. except for Palomar Airport Road (PAR) and La Costa Avenue west of El Camino Real. Development trends around the airport could generate approximately 6,300 additional trips per day to PAR in the next 5 years. Residential development trends in La Costa have slightly increased over the last monitoring period. Projected traffic could double on La Costa Avenue (already at capacity) within the next 5 years. The current approved CIP does not address either arterial. 7. Administrative facilities are currently inadequate. There is a deficit of 27,000 sq.ft. to serve the present population. Based on the present growth rate, the City would need to add 63,500 sq.ft. over the next 3 to 8 years to make administra- tive facilities adequate. The current approved CIP contains projects which satisfy this facility demand. -3- /? 11:02 AM fc> — o — o 4 C i I !984-85 CIP LI I C i: i K I '..-. B Hi.< SUf'lMAKY OF CASH rl.UW SOURCE OF FUNDS GENERAL CAPITAL CONST,. PUBLIC FAC FEE PARK IH-LZEU PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE, GAS TAX REVENUE SHARING SEWER CONSTRUCTION GRANTS WATER ENTERPRISE DEVELOPER CONTRIB BONDS OTHER TOTAL SOURCE OF FUNDS, 1 984-85 BEGINNING BALANCE 2 , 266 , 3, 01 1 , i 9 44 1 ,62 3, 7, 1,9, 1 , 9 08 , 1 ,863, 12,52 0, 630 063 737 235 427 700 748 — - 540 19 E3T RE o ( \•-' 46 iib 54 84-85 I MATED VENUE cL , 0, u, 6.. ::< 0 0 , 2, 0 2,6 1 ,6 10,2 \' i 4 i 0, fo, 3, 8., 80 00 UO 00 UU 00 0 0 U 0 U 0 600 4ti' 85 0 0 19 84 -8 5 PRO J EC 2, 1 69, 4, 043, 3 i . 5 1 ,8 'i .,2 2,6 i , 6 15,4 30, iit" , U U , 87, 16, 43, l 6 , CIP 1984-85 TS FHDIl-lu BALANCE 530 9 .-' , tOO 844 l .. 1 i/2, 01 9 0 ~i_ u•~« 6 4 00 1 , ,;.27 .. 737 t>y i , ;.-::._•-:' 79 85 0 , 048 00 fc Otf , r'OO 43 2,646,505 00 5 0 046 7 , 323 , 344 r< •s. > O /•""fc. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CAPITAL PROJECTS DIVISION CAPITAL PtOJECTS STATUS IN BRIEF OCTOBER 23, 1984 CURRENT STATUS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT PROJECT ACTIVITY Preliminary Design Advertise Construction Completed Scheduled ENGINEERING DEPT. NUMBER 3 9 1 9 2 10 TOTALS 34 PERCENT BY PROJECTS 6 19 2 19 4 22 72% BUDGETED COST $ 259,830 6,884,443* 2,908,000 3,870,450 114, 500 1,616,590 $15,653,813 PERCENT BY COST 1 38 16 22 1 9 87S FORECAST FOR 1984-85 FISCAL YEAR PROJECT ACTIVITY Completed Under Construction In Design On Hold Deleted By Other Departments TOTALS: ALL CAPITAL NUMBER 20 5 7 2 1 12 47 PROJECTS BUDGETED COST $ 5,183,780 8,863,443* 1,449,060 157,530 14,000 2,300,563 $17,968,376 PERCENT BY COST 28 50 8 1 0 13 100S •Funding on City Safety Center includes 1984-85 appropriation only. RHA ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CAPITAL PROJECTS DIVISION CAPITAL PROJECTS SUNNART STATUS OF ALL PROJECTS FISCAL YEAR 1984 - 1985 October 23, 1984 PROJECT | PROJECT NAME |PROJECT NUMBER MANAGER PRELIMINARY: | | 3181 (Rancho Santa Fe realignment | Bouman 3185 [State Beach Bluff Protection (Allen 31 | El C ami no Real Signal Connect | Bouman I I I I DESIGN! | | 3006 | Pub. Safety & Service Center | Brooks 3135 | James Dr. Assess. Dist. | Wojcik 3142 (Faraday Avenue | Entezari 3159 (Police Firing Range j Wojcik 3168 (Carlsbad/Poinsettia Intersection|Entezari 3169 (Carlsbad Blvd. Storm Drain j Wojcik 3704 (Depot Parking Lot | Wojcik 3179 (Signal Mod: Carlsbad & Grand JBouman 3180 (Signal Mod: ECR & Chestnut | Bouman I II I I I ADVERTISE: | | 3098 (Carlsbad Boulevard Bridge (Entezari I I I I CONSTRUCTION: | | 3079 (Poinsettia Lane Bridge ( Entezari 3085 (Central Business Storm Drain j Wojcik 3109 (Army-Navy Crossing Signal (Wojcik 3141 (Alga Road Widening | Entezari 3143 | Tamarack-Sunnyh ill-Sky line | Wojcik 3160 | Alga/Alicante Traffic Signal j Entezari 3165 (City Hall Modulars | Entezari 3715 (Streetscape: State 4 Grand j Wojcik 3900 (Raised Pavement Markers j Bouman I I I I COMPLETED: | | 3148 (Traffic Signal: Yarrow & PAR (Entezari 3149 (Traffic Signal: CVR & ECR j Entezari I I I I PERCENT COMPLETE 100 50* 10 80* 50* 20* 90 15* 15* 100* 25* 25* 25 10 5 50 90 5 95 o 100 10 100 100 SCHEDULED COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION 03/85 11/84 02/85 07/86 05/85 06/85 05/85 05/85 07/85 04/85 01/85 01/85 08/85 05/85 12/84 09/84 10/84 11/84 10/84 12/84 09/84 11/84 08/84 08/84 STATUS Need to acquire R/W Prelim for funding only Awaiting Carlsbad Blvd. S.D' Completed 08/21/84 Completed 08/21/84 * Design by Consultant under contract. Page 1 of 2 RHA . ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CAPITAL PROJECTS SUMMARY STATUS OF ALL PROJECTS FISCAL YEAR 1984 - 1985 October 23. 1984 CAPITAL PROJECTS DIVISION PROJECT NUMBER SCHEDULED! 3108 3140 3156 3161 3164 3166 3172 3175 3177 3178 BY OTHERS: 3176 3183 3720 3722 3139 3173 3174 3125 3138 3126 3182 3721 PRnJFPT NAMF PROJECT j PERCENT| PROJECT NAME ^^ ^^ I I | Tamarack: Adams - Highland (Wojcik | (Holiday Park Parking JEntezarij (Jefferson Path | Wojcik j Cynthia Lane j Wojcik (Hemlock Cul-de-Sac JEntezarij | El Camino Real Widening JEntezarij (Library Parking Lot | Wojcik (Artificial Seaweed (Allen (Elm Avenue j Wojcik (Signal: Elm & ECR j Wojcik I I I | Valley /Buena Vista Sewer JU/M (Lift Station Upgrades JU/M (Roosevelt Street Sidewalk JU/M (Washington Street |U/M I (Fuerte Park P&R (Calavera Park (P&R (Chase/Pine Field Renovation (P&R I (Fire Station: Poinsettia Lane (FIRE (Fire Station: Calavera Hills (FIRE I (Palomar Joint Outfall (San Marcc | Vista/Carlsbad Trunk Sewer Vista (Boys & Girls Club Renovation (Alley: Jefferson & Harding I I I I I I I 25 10 0 0 10 10 0 0 0 )8 0 0 SCHEDULED COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION 11/85 03/86 07/85 11/85 ON HOLD 04/86 01/86 ON HOLD 12/85 12/85 12/84 07/85 12/84 06/85 09/85 12/85 06/84 06/85 06/85 12/85 12/85 06/84 DELETED I | STATUS I | (Start Prelim. 12/84 (Start Prelim. 05/85 (Start Design 11/84 (Start Prelim. 11/84 (Awaiting adjacent developer (Start Prelim. 05/85 (Start Prelim. 05/85 (Awaiting State funds (Start Prelim. 12/84 (Start Prelim. 12/84 I I I (Advertise | Design | Include in S/W replacement j Design I (Construction (grading) (Preliminary (Preliminary I (Design only - start 11/84 (Design only - start 11/84 I (Const. - Awarded 09/27/84 (Preliminary (Not a City Project (Proj. dropped - HUD denied I I I | I | I Page 2 of 2 RHA ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CAPITAL PROJECTS DIVISION CAPITAL PROJECTS COMPLETED DURING FISCAL YEAR 1983 - 1984 PROJECT NUMBER 3100 3124 3132 3133 3145 3146 3155 3157 3158 3703 3716 3717 3718 3719 E009 E014 16 PROJECT NAME Monroe Street A.D. Childrens1 Library Addition Buena Vista Lagoon Longard Tube Beach Parking Reconstruction Swim Pool Parking Lot Sewer Master Plan Hoernlein Storm Drain Coastal Storm Drains Pedestrian Circulation Study Jefferson Ball Field Alley: Madison & Roosevelt MidBlock Parking Lot A.T.& S.F. Parking Lot Traffic Circulation Study P.A.R. Traffic Study START DESIGN 4-19-83 4-6-82 6-1-82 7-20-82 3-9-83 4-30-82 9-6-83 9-1-83 9-9-83 11-17-83 10-8-82 1-2-83 5-18-82 7-12-82 6-21-83 2-24-84 ADVERTISE 6-21-83 8-3-82 3-15-83 N/A N/A 6-21-83 —10-18-83 11-1-83 —2-1-83 3-15-83 8-3-82 11-2-82 — — AWARD 8-1-83 9-21-82 4-19-83 12-14-82 N/A 8-2-83 —12-20-83 1-3-84 —5-17-83 4-19-83 11-2-82 12-7-82 — — NOTICE OF COMPLETION 11-15-83 10-11-83 12-20-83 8-2-83 4-28-83 11-15-83 6-26-84 2-21-84 4-3-84 3-1-84 10-18-83 9-6-83 12-6-83 8-16-83 5-30-84 5-14-84 TOTALS TOTAL COST $ 11,900 144,300 1,055,000 130,000 10,000 24,000 32,000 31,000 89,000 6,000 77,000 38,000 65,500 46,500 15,000 7,000 $1,782,200 FISCAL YEAR 1983-1984 TOTAL PROJECTS COMPLETED: 16 TOTAL VALUE: $1,782,200 RHA 6/20/84 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CAPITAL PROJECTS DIVISION CAPITAL PROJECTS COMPLETED DURING FISCAL YEAR 1982 - 1983 PROJECT NUMBER 3127 3713 3714 3103 1093 1129 1116 1114 1118 1098 1112 11 PROJECT NAME Grand Avenue Waterline Streetscape: Mad.&Roosevelt Tyler Street City Hall Lobby La Costa Canyon Park II Maple Avenue Storm Drain Sunnyhill Dr. Storm Drain Recoat Elm Reservoir Asphalt Overlay Program Valley Street Storm Drain Sidewalk, Curb/Gutter Prog. NOTICE OF COMPLETION 6-7-83 5-3-83 4-19-83 4-5-83 1-4-83 12-21-82 9-7-82 9-7-82 9-7-82 8-3-82 7-20-82 TOTALS TOTAL COST $ 13,600 223,000 103,600 4,600 126,000 23,300 21,800 18,700 179,000 57,300 45,000 $ 815,900 FISCAL YEAR 1982-1983 TOTAL PROJECTS COMPLETED: 11 TOTAL VALUE: $815,900 RHA 6/20/84