HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-06-19; City Council; 7795; Historical sites preservation - Ad hoc committee- CIT-3F CARLSBAD - AGEND, $ILL 4B#x ATG. 6/19/84 IEPT. RE D TITLE: HISTORICAL SITES PRESERVATION - AD HOC COMMITTEE DEPT.HD: . CITY Ally LEE) CITY MOR.,& RECOMMENDED ACTION: Mayor appoint an ad hoc committee to advise Council on options for designating sites and developing legislation to protect and preserve historical sites. ITEM EXPLANATION As a result of concerns raised on historical sites during the review of recent projects, Council directed staff to research options for historical site preservation. Staff has gathered ordinances and information from other cities and agencies. Based on this research, staff is recommending that a committee be formed to advise Council which options would be best for the City to institute in developing legislation and designating historical sites. The committee could be a five (5) to seven (7) member board. Typically membership would be comprised of a council member, a planning commissioner/design review board member, a member(s) of the Historical Society and a licensed architect. Local citizens interested in cultural development could also serve on the committee. It is recommended that the Department of Building and Planning provide staff support to this committee. FISCAL IMPACT This action will require staff/support to committee. EXH I'BI T S 1 - Memorandum to Director of Building and Planning dated May 16, 1984 I May 16, 1984 TO : DIRECTOR OF BUILDING AND PLANNING FROM: Administrative Assistant/Redevelo ment VIA: Community Redevelopment Managerc 5 HISTORICAL PRESERVATION I 1 I RECOMMENDATION: COUNCIL SHOULD APPOINT A COMMITTEE AS THE FIRST STEP IN DEVELOPING LEGISLATION AND PROCESSING FOR HISTORICAL SITE PRESERVATION. I 1 BACKGROUND: As requested, staff has researched alternatives the City may make in protecting and preserving historical sites. Contact was made with several cities, SANDAG and the State Historical Preservation Office. The City has a Regional Historic Preservation Study prepared under the direction of SANDAG (CPO) in 1978 but no official action was ever taken to register the sites. ANALY S I S : Options the City could take in preparing legislation are: - appoint a committee to recommend policy and procedures - use the existing SANDAG study for site identification and staff prepare legislation for Council adoption - amend the municipal code by the addition of a Historical sites section (separate section or as part of the zoning code) - prepare a General Plan Element on Historical Sites Of the seven (7) cities surveyed, all have appointed a committee to advise the Council on historic preservation matters and have or are in the process of adopting legislation. Five (5) have hired a consultant to prepare a site designation survey; others have used the committee to identify sites. d HISTORICAL PRESERVATION PAGE 2 ' May 16, 1984 Staff is recommending that Council appoint a committee to establish criteria and develop guidelines for historical site legislation. This Committee could be a 5 to 7 member board. Typically membership would be comprised of a Council member, a planning commissioner/design review board member, a member(s) of the Historical Society and a licensed architect. Local citizens of long term residence or persons interested in cultural development could also be on the committee. The Carlsbad Historical Preservation Advisory Committee (CHPAC), or other appropriately named committee, could advise Council on the best procedure to follow to survey and designate sites.. A consultant could be hired to do a comprehensive inventory or the existing SANDAG report could be expanded to use as the Historic Site Inventory. Staff could proceed with the site survey, designation and legislation proposals. However, a more complete survey with community involvement would be obtained by Council appointing an advisory committee. Copies of the surveyed cities' policies and procedures are available for review. PAC: a1 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008-1989 Office of the M8yor June 21, 1984 Kip McBane 2691 Crest Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 TELEPHONE: (619) 438-5599 At the City Council mee-ing of June 19, 1984, it was my pleasure to appoint you as a member of the Mayor’s AD Hoc Committee to address historical sites preservation. City staff will be contacting you within the next few days to arrange a convenient meeting date for you and the other members. On behalf of the City Council, I wish to express our pleasure at your interest to serve on the committee for historical site preservation, and extend our confidence that your experience and contributions will be mutually satisfying. MARY H. C&LER Mayor MHC: lw cc. Redevelopment 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008-1989 office of rhe Mayor June 21, 1984 Marge Howard -Jones 3985 Park Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 TELEPHONE: (619) 438-5599 At the City Council meeting of JI ne 19, 1984, it was my pleasure to appoint you as a member of the Mayor's AD Hoc Committee to address historical sites preservation. City staff will be contacting you within the next few days to arrange a convenient meeting date for you and the other members. On behalf of the City Council, I wish to express our pleasure at your interest to serve on the committee for historical site preservation, and extend our confidence that your experience and contributions will be mutually satisfying. Mayor MHC : lw cc . Redeve lopmen t e'. ." . 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008-1989 Office of the Mayor June 21, 1984 June Applegate 2541 State Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 At the City Counci, meeting of June 19, 1984, it was my TELEPHONE: (619) 438-5599 leasi r to appoint-you as a member of the Mayor's AD Hoc Committee to address historical sites preservation. City staff will be contacting you within the next few days to arrange a convenient meeting date for you and the other members. On behalf of the City Council I wish to express our pleasure at your interest to serve on the committee for historical site preservation, and extend our confidence that your experience and contributions will be mutually satisfying. MARY H. C&LER Mayor MHC: lw cc. Redevelopment 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008-1989 Offke of the Mayor Qitp of Qarls'ibab June 21, 1984 Mary Lynn Brown-Bellman 2376 Altisma Way Carlsbad, CA 92008 TELEPHONE: (619) 438-5599 At the City Council meeting of J ne 19 1984, it was my pleasure to appoint you as a member of the Mayor's AD Hoc Committee to address historical sites preservation. City staff will be contacting you within the next few days to arrange a convenient meeting date for you and the other members. On behalf of the City Council, I wish to express our pleasure at your interest to serve on the committee for historical site preservation, and extend our confidence that your experience and contributions will be mutually satisfying. MARY H. C&LER Mayor MHC: lw CC. Redevelopment 1 b MAY 17, 1985 TO : CITY COUNCIL FROM : Mary Casler Bud Lewis AD HOC COMMITTEE The Goals Committee proposes these names to serve as an ad hoc committee to hear proposals and recommend funding from our budget. Dan Sherlock: Director, Boys and Girls Club Barbara Hallman: former social worker Barry Jones: pastor, Carlsbad Union Church George DeWeese: pastor, La Costa Lutheran Church Frank Mannen will sit with them as staff but not vote. These persons (or, if necessary, persons of a similar caliber) have not yet been contacted but will be, pending your approval. The final committee will be formally presented to Council for approval and date of the hearing established. Please let us know if there are any objections. MC : gb 1