HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-06-19; City Council; 7797; San Diego Trust and Savings Bank Banking Servicesz 0 ~ ...I u z ::) 0 (.) CIT' ~)F CARLSBAD -AGENDj JILL AB# 779? I.lil,.E; .MTG. 6J19/-84 DEPT._F_I_N __ RECOMMENDED ACTION: AWARD OF OANKIHG SERV!.CES TO SAN DIEGO TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK By minute motion, approve the City Treasurer's and staff's recommendation and authorize the selection of San Diego Trust and Savings Bank as the City's depository. ITEM EXPLANATION: On January 24, 1984, at an adjourned council meeting, the City Treasurer informed the Council of his intent to place the City's banking services up for bid. On March 28, 1984, a request for proposal (RFP) for banking services was mailed to all commercial banks and savings and loans having full service branches located within Carlsbad's city limits. Proposals were received from the following institutions: Bank of America 1st Interstate Bank San Diego Trust & Savings Bank The Bank of San D Lego La Jolla Bank & Trust Co. Security Pacific Bank The City's review committee evaluated all proposals and has recommended that the C.lty accept the proposal of San Diego Trust and Savings Bank. FISCAL IMPACT: Under the proposed agreement, the City will be able to earn interest on all funds on deposit with San Diego Trust and Savings Bank. Based on past experience, the City could earn from $10,000 to $12,000 in interest above the amount necessary to cover service costs on the account. This is a departure from past practices where excess funds left in the account did not earn interest for the City. The City will also be required to pay for all serv lees provided by the bank rather than receiving free services as in past years. Based on a computation of costs, the City's banking expenses will be about $12,000 per year plus about $3,000 for the purchase of check stock. EXHIBITS: Memo from City Banking Services Review Committee dated June 5, 1984. June 5, 1984 TO: crry COUNCIL FRCM: Banking Services Review Corrmittee AWARD OF CITY BANKING SERVIC£5 TO SAN DIEGO TRUS'l', SAVINGS BANK BACKGROUND On January 24, 1984, at an adjourned council ~etingr the City Treasurer informed the Council of his intent to place the City's banking services up for bid. On March 28, 1964, a request for proposal (RFP) for banking services was mailed to all oornnercial banks and savings and loans having full service branches located withi~ Carlsbad's city limits. A copy of this proposal is attached for your information. The reason for soliciting proposals was based primarily on the fact that the City's accounts have been with the Bank of Anerica, Carlsbad for S01re ten years and the latest unsigned oontract between the bank and city is dated Septent>er 20, 1978. A current review appeared appropriate. The City's RFP was mailed on March 28, 1984. A pre-proposal oonference was held in'City Hall on April 6, 1984 to answer questions of prospective bidders. It was attended by representatives of ten OOIIVTercial banks. By proposal closing date, April 25, 1984, six proposals were received as follows: Bank of America 1st Interstate Bank San Diego Trust & Savings Bank The Bank of San Diego La Jolla Bank & Trust co. Security Pacific Bank No proposals were received from savings and loans. Although savings and loan associations can legally provide the requested services, responses generally stated that they are not cperationally in a position to respond to our needs. The Banking Services Review Comnittee is conposed of: F~ank N. Mannen -Assistant City Manager/Administration J~s F. Elliott -City Finance Director William c. Esterline -City Treasurer The Cormtl.ttee rret on several occasions to review aiil analyze the six proposals in detail. Proposals from La Jolla Bank & Trust C:,. and the Bank of San Diego were oonsidered not to ~et the minirrum required services set forth in the RFP. They were, therefore, not considered further. The remaining four proposals were considered to rreet all of the RFP requirements. Follow-up interviews were o:>nducted with key personnel from those four institutions. Subsequently, additional information was requested from all four via telephone to clarify all areas of each proposal and to answer CX>ITITlittee questions generated by the interviews. ,I ,, ,, FINDING.S All four proposals rreet the City's requirement except for the payment of interest as indicated below. Only 1st Interstate Bank and San Diego Trust & Savings of the four proposals offer interest payable on demand account balances (one of our requirernents). 1st Interstate' s systems and charges for this service were costly and somewhat conplicated. The City could waintain its accounts at any one of these institutions with confidence. Flexibility and a willingness to rreet the City's current and future banking needs were rrore clearly evident in San Diego Trust & Savings' written proposal and in subsequent discussions than in any of the other three. San Diego Trust & Savings is a rruch smaller bank in assets, branch size ( 43 branches, all in San Diego County) and less experienced in handling corporate and goverrurent accounts than are Band of America, First Interstate Bank and Secuirty Pacific Bank. However, their key personnei have assured us on several occasions of their capability to handle all our banking needs. Financial Conparison. San Diego Trust & Savings Bank has offered the City a three year contract with an annual 10% cost increase option. The Comnittee talked with several of the San Diego Trust & Savings Bank references and found them well satisfied with the bank. These include the City of San Marcos. RECC'MMENDATICN That the City Council award the City's banking services to San Diego Trust & Savings Bank for a three year period beginning on or about Septerrber 1, 1984 with a three year contract to be prepared and signed prior to that date. AIJl'ERNATIVE-S To enter into a contract with San Diego Trust & Savings Bank for a shorter time period. To award the (X)ntract to one of the other three banking institutions. These are the review Frank N. Mannen cc: City Manager City Attorney James F. Elliott wnuam c. Esterline