HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-07-03; City Council; 7805; Rancho Carrillo Development Agreement1. CIT-3F CARLSBAD - AGENDhLL //3A4? , b 0 AB# 780s TITLE: DEPT. HD. - MTG. 7/3/84 RANCH0 CA9RILLO DEVELOPYEN- AGREEWNT CITYATTY w DEPT. CA CITY MGR.a RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve agreement by minute motion. ITEM EXPLANATION The Ranch0 Carrillo Master Plan approved by Council provides: "TO insure unified development control as required by Section 21.38.030 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code individual property owners shall cooperate with one another in order to accomplish the orderly development of property in accordance with the master plan. The individual property owners shall enter into an agreement among themselves which provides for the financing, right-of-way dedication, and construction of the public improvements required by the master plan." The agreement must be approved by the City Council. The City Attorney's office has reviewed the agreement and approves its form. The City Engineer and the Land Use Planning Manager have reviewed the agreement and found it consistent with the improvement requirements of the master plan. The City is not a party to the agreement but may enforce it against the property owners as an expressly intended beneficiary of the contract. FISCAL IMPACT None ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW None required EXHIBITS 1 Development Agreement 2 5 f 8 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT THIS DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT, hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement", is made and entered into this IL++h day of JWh\IE I 1984, by and between DON E. WOODWARD, an individual, and MEISTER DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, a California corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Woodward"; AETNA CAPITAL COMPANY, a California corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Aetna"; and CARRILLO RANCH0 PARTNERSHIP, a California general partnership, hereinafter referred to as Hcarrillo"; all of the parties hereto may sometimes herein: after be referred to as "the parties". RECITALS: -------- A. WHEREAS, all of the parties to this Agreement own parcels of land which are covered by that certain Master Plan known as The Ranch0 Carrillo Master Plan as adopted by Carlsbad City Ordinance No. 9611, hereinafter referred to as the "Master Plan". B. WHEREAS, all of the parties to this Agreement desire to enter into an agreement providing for the mutually beneficial development of each of their properties within the Master Plan. C. WHEREAS, Woodward is the owner in fee simple of that certain property listed on Exhibit "A", attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. D. WHEREAS, Aetna is the owner in fee Simple of that certain property listed on Exhibit "B", attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. E. WHEREAS, Carrillo is the owner in fee simple of that certain real property listed on Exhibit "C", attached hereto and by this rcfcrence incorporated heroin. I*' . WHEREAS, all of the parties to this Agreement desire to comply with Condition 1 of Section 1 of Ordinance a No. 9611 of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, which provides in part "TO insure unified development control as required by Section 21.38.030 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code individual property owners shall cooperate with one another in order to accomplish the orderly development of property in accordance with this master plan. The individual property owners shall enter into an agreement among themselves which provides for the financing, right of way dedication, and construc- tion of the public improvements required by the master plan.' This Agreement is intended to satisfy that condition and to ensure that the City receives the public facilities and improvements specified by the master plan. WITNESSETH: ---------- NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the covenants, promises and undertakings, as set forth hereinafter, and the mutual benefits of each of the parties hereto, it is understood and agreed as follows: 1. Reciprocal Improvements: Each of the parties hereto agrees that it would be in the best interest of each party hereto if all of the parties would agree on the orderly, mutually beneficial improvement of each party's property contained within the area of the Waster Plan. Each party hereto believes that it is in its best interest to cooperate with all other parties hereto in providing for the major improvements to be put upon the lands contained within the boundary set by the Master Plan, and to share the costs thereof as hereinafthr set forth. Each party agrees to abide by the Master Plan and the plan for development established therein as required by the City of Carl&ad. 2. Schedule of Improvements: Attached hereto as Exhibit "0" is an allocation of major infrastructure costs for all of the real property contained within the area -2- 3 of the Master Plan. On said Exhibit ā€œDā€ has been super- imposed all of the improvements required by the Master Plan which shall be constructed pursuant to this Agreement. The parties hereto agree that each and all of the improve- ments shall be completed and dedicated to the City as provided in the Waster Plan provided, however, that each of ' the parties hereto retains the right to construct and offer for dedication the improvements located on its land referred to herein prior to the time the improvements would otherwise be required by the Master Plan. All development on the properties covered by this Development Agreement will be in conformance with the Waster Plan and all City requirements. Consistency with the Master Plan shall be determined by the City. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to limit the City's ability to approve , conditionally approve or deny any Master Plan amendment. All property and improvements shall be dedicated to the City free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, except easements of record. 3. Responsible Party: The party responsible to undertake the bidding and supervision of the contracts to cause said improvements to be made, in accordance with the Phasing Plan, shall be that party hereto which desires to commence construction first, provided, however, under no circumstances shall Carrillo be responsible for any obliga- tion to install or pay for any of the improvements contem- plated by the Master Plan. Furthermore, Carrillo is herewith indemnified and held harmless by the other parties to this Agreement from any liability or responsibility for construc- tion of the improvements or for any obligation to reimburse any other party to this Agreement for such improvements. By way of example, should Woodward determine to construct "0" -3- Street before Aetna has determined to construct '0" Street, Woodward shall have the right to cause the cost of "0" Street to be determined by asking for bids on the construc- tion plans to improve "0" Street. Upon receipt of the bids, Woodward shall notify Aetna of the bids and Aetna shall have the right, for ten (10) days after receipt of notice from Woodward, to accept or reject the bids. The parties shall use their best efforts to agree upon a contractor and fail- ing to agree upon a particular contractor, the lowest bid shall be accepted. Thereafter, Woodward shall undertake to supervise the improvements of "0" Street, in accordance with the approved plans for the construction of "0" Street, as approved by the City of Carlsbad, and shall cause "0" Street to be constructed in manner satisfactory to said City. Upon completion of the improvements the property owner on whose land the improvements are located shall dedicate to the City all appropriate rights of way, easements, or both, for the improvements. 4. License to Enter Respective Properties: Each of the parties hereto hereby grants to each of the other parties hereto, their agents, assigns, subcontractors and employees, a license to enter upon each of the properties of the parties of this Agreement, for the purpose of construct- ing the necessary improvements in accordance with the terms and provisions of this Agreement. Said license shall auto- matically terminate upon completion of all of the improve- ments contemplated by this Agreement. Such completion shall be deemed to have occurred upon the issuance of acceptance letters by the City of Carlsbad of the improvements contem- plated hereby. 5. Indemnity Against Personal Injury or Property Damages: Each of the parties hereto aqrees to indemnify and hold each of the other parties hereto, its officers, employ- ees, agents and stockholders, free and harmless from any and .-4- -- all claims, losses, damages, injuries or liability arising from the death or injury of any person or persons or from the damage or destruction of any property or properties caused by or in connection with the performance of the work contemplated hereby. 6. No Agency Relationship: The parties hereto acknowledge that none of the parties shall be deemed to be the agent of any of the other parties, arising out of the execution and performance of this Agreement. 7. Indemnity Against Liens: The party to this Agreement who elects to be the responsible party to perform the necessary improvements desired to be completed by that party, agrees to indemnify and hold harmless each and every other party to this Agreement from all damages incurred or that may be incurred as a result of any liens or claims of lien for labor and/or materials which may be recorded against that party's property, provided, however, that the party to be indemnified shall have paid the demand of the party doing the work for reimbursement in accordance with Paragraph 3 of this Agreement, except for Carrillo, which shall have no lia- bility-therefor as aforesaid in Paragraph 3. Said indemnity shall include but not be limited to attorney fees and court costs resulting or arising therefrom. Should any lien or claim of lien be recorded against the property or a party to this Agreement who is not the responsible party perform- ing the work, the party performing the work shall cause same to be discharged within thirty (30) days after the date of recording of same, or, if the party responsible for the work, in its discretion and in good faith, determines that such lien or liens should be contested, said party may contest such lien or liens provided that in such instance said party shall furnish reasonable security as may be necessary or reasonably required by the party against whose property the -5- .- lien hag been filed, to prevent the commencement of any foreclosure proceedings against said party's property. 8. Notices: All notices or other communications required or permitted pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, and shall be deemed received two (2) business days after deposit in the mail in the County of Orange, postage prepaid, addressed to the firm to receive such notice, at the following addresses: If to Woodward: 5100 Campus Drive Newport Beach, California 92660 Attention: Don E. Woodward If to Aetna: 5100 Campus Drive Newport Beach, California 92660 . Attention: Don E. Woodward If to Carrillo: 600 *B* Street, Suite 2050 San Dfego, California 92101 Attention: Byron P. White Notice of change of address shall be given by written notice, the same as any other notice, as set forth hereinbefore. 9. Time is of the Essence: Time is of the essence of each and every term, condition, obligation and provision hereof. 10. Captions for Convenience Only: The captions of this Agreement are for purposes of reference and conven- ience only and shall not limit or otherwise affect the meaning hereof. 11. Entire Agreement: This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties hereto and no addi- tion or modification of any term or provision hereof shall be effective unless set forth in writing and signed by all parties hereto. . -6- 7 12. Civil Rnqineer: All of the parties to this Agreement acknowledge that it is necessary to have a civil '. engineer to advise and assist in the planning of the improve- ments contemplated hereby, and each of the parties hereto approves and appoints Rick Engineering Company as the engineer for all of the parties hereto for purposes of completing all c of the improvements contemplated hereby. The designated civil engineer can be replaced at any time by the mutual consent of the parties hereto. 13. Reciprocal Covenants Running with the Land: The parties agree that the terms and provisions of this Agree- ment, to the extent that they constitute mutual covenants provided for the performance of the works of improvements contemplated hereby, are covenants running with the land as to each and all of the parties hereto. The parties further agree that such covenants shall bind each of the parties hereto as well as the land of each of the parties hereto and the successors in interest, if any, of each of the parties hereto. The parties agree that the signatures on this Agree- ment will not be acknowledged and that this Agreement will not be recorded. Each of the parties hereto agrees to indemnify and save harmless all of the other parties hereto against any damages which may be incurred in the event that any party hereto sells, transfers or conveys title to their property without giving notice of the existence of this Agreement to such third party in the event that by reason thereof any of the parties hereto incurs any damages what- soever. With reference to the foregoing covenants, each of the parties hereto agrees with each of the other parties hereto as follows: A. In the event that any of the property of the parties hereto is the subject matter of the sale, transfer or conveyance, the document which contains the Agreement of sale, transfer or conveyance, i.e. escrow instructions, . _- P, - purchase and sale agreement, contract of sale, or whatever the same may be, shall contain a reference to this Agreement and shall have a Xerox copy of same attached thereto, and the said agreement shall specifically provide that the successor in interest to any of the parties hereto shall cause to be performed the foregoing covenants as they pertain _ to said property; and B. In addition thereto, the party entering such an agreement, whether it be any of the parties hereto, shall notify all of the other parties hereto of the contem- plated sale and of the name and address of the proposed pur- chase or transferee at least fifteen (15) date that the take place. 14. the fact that party to this party for any that Carrillo on account of projected sale, transfer or Successors of the Parties: days prior to the conveyance is to Notwithstanding Carrillo shall have no obligation to any other Agreement with respect to reimbursinq any work of improvement on Carrillo's land, and shall have no liability to any party for and this Agreement, Carrillo, and the other parties to this Agreement do hereby agree, each with the other, that should Carrillo, or any other party to this Agreement, sell all or any portion of the lands described in Exhibits "A", "B" and "C", each such selling party shall cause this Agree- ment to be identified in the Agreement of Sale, Transfer or Conveyance, as set forth in Paragraph 13 above, and each selling party agrees to comply in all respects with the obligations set forth in Paragraph 13. Any successor in interest to all or any portion of the property owned by any party to this Agreement shall be obligated to the other parties to this Aqrecment, after such successor in interest acquires title to all or any portion of the property which is subject to this Agreement. Bach party to this Agreement -8- P. - agrees to negotiate with each successor in interest SO that a proportionate share of said party's obligations pursuant to this Agreement are accepted by such successor in interest. 15. Reciprocal Easements and Grading Rights: Each of the parties hereto agrees with all of the other parties hereto to provide all necessary easements and grading rights on their property, as required for the improvements contemplated hereby. Each of the parties hereto agrees that a designated engineer shall be agreed upon by all parties to this Agreement and once identified as the "designated engineer" shall thereafter be the sole party to determine what recipro- cal easements and grading rights are required in order to effect the improvements contemplated hereby and each party agrees to execute any and all grants of easements and grading licenses as required by the "designated engineer". 16. City Requirement of Reimbursement: The City of Carlsbad agrees with each of the parties hereto, and each of the parties hereto agrees with the City of Carlsbad, that should any party hereto owe a reimbursement payment to any other party hereto arising out of the construction of the improvements contemplated hereby, that the City of Carlsbad shall be entitled to withholding building permits or other final approvals for the development of said party's land unless and until all reimbursements required hereunder have been made by said party and certified to by all parties to this Agreement. The City of Carlsbad shall have no liability of any kind or nature whatsoever to any party hereto in connection with the tiithholding of said building permits or other final approvals and each party hereto agrees, by execu- tion of this Agreement, to indemnify and hold the City of Carlsbad free and harmless from any liability growing out of the City's acting under and pursuant to this Paragraph 16. -9- - All of the parties agree with each other :ind with the City of Carlsbad that they are voluntarily entering into this arrangement so as to insure the performance of each party hereto of its obligiitions and duties untlor and pursu;lnt to this Agreement. The City of Carlsbad will be asked to approve this Agreement in writing in order to signify its agreement to withhold said building permits or other final approvals should said withholding become necessary due to the failure of a party to this Agreement to pay the reim- bursements owed pursuant to this Agreement to the other parties hereto. 17. City Participation: Except for the purposes of Paragraphs 2 and 16, the City is not a party obligated by this Agreemeent but is an intended beneficiary of this Agreement. 18. City Council Approval: Section 1 of Carlsbad Ordinance No. 9611, rcquircs that this Agreement be approv4 by the City Council. This Agreement has been prepared to satisfy the requirements of said ordinance and the City Council has by motion approved the Agreement on . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above Written. CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation MEISTER DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, By: Mayor By: Attest/City Clerk By: By: -lO- 1. Palomar Airport Road . $1,674,000 (Includes costs to construct the initial portion of Palomar Airport Road as outlined in the revision to the Carrillo Ranch Master Plan, Item 13, Palomar Airport Road, Page V-15, as approved by the Planning Commission Resolution No. 2223, December 28, 1983, and Ordinance No. 9706 as Passed and Adopted by the City Council on February 7, 1984, consisting of grading, street lights, storm drain and two 14' lanes each way, plus bonding for median.) Allocated to adjacent property owners by frontage. WoodwardlMeister 2,200 feet of 9,400 feet total 23% Woodward/Aetna 700 feet of 9,400 feet total 7% Carrillo Ranch $ 385,020 $ 117,180 Partnership 6,500 feet of 9,400 feet total 70% Note: Remaining Palomar Airport Road Improvements will be required with each project based on the frontage of a project as it adjoins Palomar Airport Road. $1,171,800 2. 3. 4. Proposed Access Road and Temporary Sewer (Includes development of full intersection as may be approved by the City, of Palomar Airport Road to serve first 500 units, and the intersection of El Camino Real and Palomar Airport Road.) Allocated on a l/3, l/3, l/3 basis. WoodwardlMeister 33-l/3% WoodwardlAetna 33-l/3% Carrillo Ranch Partnership 33-l/3% Note : To be requested of City when first Tentative Maps are filed. $ 592,950 $ 197,650 $ 197,650 $ 197,650 Retention Basins $ 413,000 Allocated on an acreage basis by ownership south of Palomar Airport Road. WoodwardlMeister 141 acres of 678 acres 21% Woodward/Aetna 112 acres of 678 acres 16% Carrillo Ranch Partnership 425 acres of 678 acres 63% Relocation of Existing Force Mains Allocated on the basis of units per ownership south of Palomar Airport Road. WoodwardlMeister 691 DU of 2,998 DU 23% Woodward/Aetna 729 DU of 2,998 DU 24?1 Carrillo Ranch Partnership 1,578 DU of 2,998 DU 538 s 86,730 s 66,080 $ 260,190 s 150,000 4 CARRILLO RANCH ALLOCATED COSTS EXHIBIT "D" May 17, 1984 S 34,500 S 36,000 S 79,500 - 5. Melrose Avenue Allocated to adjacent property owners by length within ownership. Improvements shall be constructed as per the schedule on Page V-14 of the Amended Carrillo Ranch master plan. WoodwardMeister 2,600 feet of 6,800 feet total 38% Uoodward/Aetna 800 feet of 6,800 feet total 12% Carrillo Ranch Partnership 3,400 feet of 6,800 feet total SO% Note: Melrose Avenue north of Palomar Airport road is not included. 6. Trunk Sewer to City Main, Just East of El Camino Real (Include lift station and force main.) Allocated on the basis of units per ownership south of Palomar Airport Road. Woodward/Meister 691 DU of 2,998 DU 23% Woodward/Aetna 729 DU of 2,998 DU 24% Carrillo Ranch Partnership 1,579 DU of 2,998 DU 53% Note: Allocation could change slightly in final computation due to additions or deletions to participating offsite ownerships. The above calculations were based on the following figures: Total DU 2,998 Total Acres 678* WoodwardMeister 691 - 23% 141 - 21% Woodward/Aetna 729 - 24% 112 - 16% Carrillo Ranch 1,578 - 53% l *42S - 63% Partnership $8,878,000 $3,373,640 $1,065,360 $4,439,000 $1,400,000 $ 322,000 S 336,000 $ 742,000 l Total Ranch is 745 acres. l + Carrillo Ranch Partnership owns 492 acres of which 67 is north of Palomar Airport Road and 425 south. The 425 acres was used for calculations as the 67 acres did not enter into any acreage allocation. EXHIBIT ID. - Page 2 /3 f