HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-07-17; City Council; 7820 Exhibit 16; OFFICIAL REQUEST TO STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR MORTGAGE REVENUE BOND ALLOCATION Exhibit 16wart f--j Il%j%D OH&S 6/9/83 -t 4 1 @w\&x- IL .c mT6 PRELIMINARY OFFICIAL STATEMENT DATED JUNE - , 1983 NEW ISSUE In the opinion of Bond Counsel, under existing statutes, regulations, rulings and judicial decisions, interest on the Bonds is exempt from income taxation by the United States of America subject to compliance with the requirements of Section 103A of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended, and from personal income taxation imposed by the State of California. (See "Legality and Tax Exemption" herein. ) * $ CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS, ISSUE OF 1983 Dated: June 15, 1983 Due: As shown below The Eonds will be issued as fully registered bonds in denominations of $S,OOO eacl any integral multiple thereof. Principal of the Bonds is payable as set forth below a' corporate trust office of Security Pacific National Bank in Los Angeles, California, ai interest thereon is payable semiannually on January 1 and July 1 of each year, commenc January 1, 1984, by check or draft mailed to the registered owners thereof. The Eonds subject to redemption prior to their respective stated maturities as set forth herein, is expected that a substantial portion of the Bonds will be so redeemed. The Bonds are limited obligations of the City of Carlsbad and will be payable sol from and secured by the revenues and assets (and any insurance payments made with resp thereto) pledged therefor. Neither the faith and credit nor the taxing power of the C the State of California or any political subdivision thereof is pledged to the payment principal or redemption price of or interest on the Bonds. The Bonds are being issued to provide funds for a program under which the Trustee behalf of the City, will purchase from participating lenders mortgage loans which been made to qualified persons in order to finance the purchase of single family resid housing (including townhouses and condominium units) within the City. Each mortgage 1 must be the subject of a private mortgage guaranty insurance policy providing 100% cov of the outstanding balance of the mortgage loan, together with certain endorsements, a further described herein. - a MATURITY SCHEDULE -+ $ * Serial Bonds Principal Interest Principal Interest Due Amount* Rate Price Due Amount* Rate -- July 1, 1986 $ % % January 1, 1991 $ % January 1, 1987 July 1, 1991 July 1, 1987 January 1, 1992 January 1, 1988 July 1, 1992 July 1, 1988 January 1, 1993 January 1, 1989 July 1, 1993 July I, 1989 January 1, 1994 January 1, 1990 July 1, 1994 July 1, 1990 January 1, 1995 $ % % Term Bonds due 1, 200 Price 100% $ * % Term Bonds due 1, 201- - Price 100% (Plus accrued interest) The Bonds are offered when, as and if issued by the City and received by the Underwriters, subject to the approval of legality by Stradling, Yocca, Carlson & Rauth, Professional Torporation, Newport Beach, California. Certain legal matters will be pas upon for the Underwriters by Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe, A Professional Corporatior Francisco, California. It is expected that definitive Bonds will be available for deli in New York, New York on or about June 30, 1983. BLYTH EASTMAN PAINE WEBBER INCORPORATED ^Preliminary, Subject to change Dated: June , 1983 e Y CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA City Council City Manager Finance Director r City Attorney SPECIAL SERVICES Bond Counsel Stradling, Yocca, Carlson & Rauth a Professional Corporation Newport Beach, California Trustee Security Pacific National Bank Administrator Feasibility Consultant c No dealer, broker, salesperson or other person has been authorized by the City Carlsbad, California or the Underwriters to give any information or to make any representations with respect to the Bonds, other than those contained in this Offic Statement and, if given or made, such other information or representations must not relied upon as having been authorized by any of the foregoing. This Official State does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy, nor sh there be any sale of, the Bonds by any person in any jurisdiction in which it is un for such person to make such offer, solicitation or sale. The information set fort herein has been obtained from the City of Carlsbad, California, and other sources k are believed to be reliable, but is not guaranteed as to accuracy or completeness k is not to be construed as a representation of, the Underwriters. The information i expressions of opinion herein are subject to change without notice, and neither the delivery of this Official Statement nor any sale made hereunder shall, under any circumstances, create any implication that there has been no change in the informat opinions set forth herein or in the affairs of the City of Carlsbad, California, SI date hereof. IN CONNECTION WITH THE OFFERING OF THE BONDS, THE UNDERWRITERS MAY OVERALLOT ( EFFECT TRANSACTIONS WHICH STABILIZE OR MAINTAIN THE MARKET PRICE OF SUCH BONDS AT 1 ABOVE THAT WHICH MIGHT OTHERWISE PREVAIL IN THE OPEN MARKET. SUCH STABLILIZING, I1 COMMENCED, MAY BE DISCONTINUED AT ANY TIHE. TABLE OF CONTENTS r Page - Introduction ........................... The Bonds. ............................. Summary of Certain Provisions of the Indenture ............. Description .......................... Certain Definitions ............ Redemption ........................... Source and Uses of Funds ............... Nature of Security and Sources of Payment ................. Flow of Funds ........................ Pledge and Assignment .......... Establishment of Funds.. ....... Investment of Moneys in Funds.. Covenants of the City .......... Amendment of the Indenture..... Default and Remedies ........... The Trustee.. .................. No Litigation .................... Security ............................. Supplemental Indentures ........ Assumptions Regarding Revenues and Debt Service Requirements ...... The Program ............................ Discharge of Indenture. ........ Legality and Tax Exemption ....... Agreements ......................... Certain Verifications. ........... Developer Agreement .................. Mortgage Sale and Service Foreclosure Laws..................... Underwriting ..................... The Lending Institution .............. Bond Rating ...................... The Administrator. ..................... Additional Information ........... Insurance.............................. Appendix A - Description of Private Mortgage Guaranty Developer Reserved Insurance.......................... Single Family Reside Standard Hazard Insurance Appendix B - The Lending Institut and Earthquake Insurance........... Appendix C - General Information Special Hazard Insurance... .......... Concerning the City Flood Insurance ...................... Appendix D - Summary of Feasilib: Errors and Omissions Insurance Study Policies and Fidelity Bonds. ....... Payment of Insurance Claims .......... e * $ CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS ISSUE OF 1983 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this Official Statement of the City of Carlsbad, California (the "City"), is to furnish information in connection with the sal of $ Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Issue of 1983 (the "Bonds"). The Bonds are authorizc to be issued pursuant to Chapters 1-5 of Part 5 of Division 31 of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California, as amended (the "Act"), an ordinance of the City passed on June 21, 1983, and a resolution of the City Council of the City adopted on June 21, 1983. The purpose of the Act is to prbvide long-term, low interest rate mortgage loans to persons who are unablf because of their income, to afford conventional mortgage loans. * principal amount of the City's Single Family Residential The Bonds are being issued pursuant to a Trust Indenture dated as of June 15, 1983 (the "Indenture"), between the City and Security Pacific National Bank, as trustee (the "Trustee1'), for the purpose of providing fund to purchase from (-1 mortgage banking firms and other financial institutions (the "Lending Institutions") home mortgage loans (the "Loans") made to qualified persons and secured by eligible single family owner-occupi residences (the "Residences") located within the City, all in accordance wit the Mortgage Sale and Service Agreements (the "Agreements") among the Lendin Institutions, the Trustee, , as Administrator (the "Administrator" and the City. ( ) developers described in Appendix A hereto (the "Developers") wh have developed or who plan to construct or develop and market approximately - single family Residences (the "Developer Reserved Single Family Residences") in over an approximately (2 month period (which mi be extended in accordance with the Indenture), all in accordance with the Developer Agreements (the "Developer Agreements") between the Developers anc the City. The object of the City's affordable housing program (the "Progran is to provide affordable housing for average and below average income households. Funds available to purchase Loans have been reserved by the Under the Program, each Loan will (i) be made to an eligible mortgagor (the "Mortgagor") to finance up to 95% of the purchase price of the Resident (ii) have a term of not less than 29 nor more than 30 years; (iii) provide 1 level monthly payments; (iv) be secured by a first mortgage lien (subject tc * Preliminary, subject to change. c certain permitted encumbrances); (VI be originated substantially in accordanc with FNPIA or FHLMC current underwriting practices by the Lending Institutions (vi) be serviced substantially in accordance with FNMA or FHLMC current underwriting practices by the Lending Institutions; and (vii} be insured by private mortgage guaranty insurance with primary coverage in the amount of 100% of the outstanding principal balance with advance payments, attorneys' fees limit waiver, due-on-sale exclusion waiver and nonmonetary default endorsements. Hazard insurance (including earthquake coverage and flood coverage, if applicable) and special hazard insurance will be required, and will be maintained if commercially available, to the extent described herein. Each Mortgagor must intend to occupy the Residence as his or her principal residence within sixty (60) days after the date of the Loan and for a minimum of two years and, generally, may not have had a present ownership interest in any principal residence during the three years prior to the execution of the Loan. A Mortgagor's household income may not exceed 150% of Median Household Income in the case of a Mortgagor who will be the first occupant of a new or improved Residence and 120% of Median Household Income j all other cases, provided that at least 20% of the aggregate principal amount of Loans in such other cases shall be made to Mortgagors whose household income does not exceed 110% of Median Household Income. Median Household Income for the City is currently $ The acquisition cost of each Residence may not exceed 110% of the applicable Average Area Purchase Price. The Average Area Purchase Price for the City for new Residences is currently $104,600 and for existing Residence: is currently $91,600. The Bonds are limited obligations of the City payable solely from and secured by a pledge of payments made on the Loans (and any insurance payment made with respect thereto) and other funds held under the Indenture (except for Excess Earnings required to be rebated to the United States pursuant to the Indenture), and are secured by an assignment of all right, title and interest of the City in the Loans and certain agreements related thereto (as more particularly described in the Indenture). The Bonds do not constitute an indebtedness of the City (except as aforesaid or a loan of credit thereof within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory provisions. Neither the faith and credit nor the taxing power of the City, the State of California or any political subdivision thereof have been pledged to the payment of the Bonds. There follows in this Official Statement brief descriptions of the Bond the security for the Bonds, the Program, the Developer Agreements, the Agreements, the Indenture and the Loan. included in Appendix C, and a summary of the feasibility study prepared by t Feasibility Consultant is included in Appendix D. documents, agreements and insurance policies are qualified in their entiret] by reference thereto, copies of which are available for inspection during ti offering period at the offices of Blyth Eastman Paine Webber Incorporated, $ Francisco, California. Certain capitalized terms used herein are defined ir "Summary of Certain Provisions of the Indenture." A brief description of the City is All references to 2 040181-0022-118-4302m 06/05, THE BONDS Description The Bonds will be issued as fully registered bonds in denominations of $5,000 each or any integral multiple thereof, will be dated June 15, 1983, will mature on the dates and will bear interest at the rates set forth on the cover page of this Official Statement, payable semiannually on January 1 and July 1 of each year, commencing January 1, 1984, by check or draft mailed to the respective persons in whose names the Bonds (or any predecessor Bonds) art registered at the close of business on the fifteenth day of the month preceding the applicable interest payment date. The Bonds may be exchanged or transferred at the aforesaid office of the Trustee, or at its office in New York, New York, provided that the Trustee ma not be required to register the transfer of any Bond during the five days nex preceding any date established by the Trustee for the selection of Bonds for redemption. For every exchange or transfer of any Bond, the City or the Trustee shall make a charge sufficient to reimburse it for any tax or governmental charge required to be paid with respect to such exchange or tr5nsfer and may make a charge equal to the customary fee charged by the Trustee for such exchanges or transfers. If any Bond is mutilated, lost, stolen or destroyed, the Indenture provides that the City shall execute and the Trustee shall authenticate a new Bond or Bonds of the same tenor, as the case may be. In the case of a lost, stolen or destroyed Bond, the City and the Trustee may require satisfactory indemnification prior to the authentication of a new Bond. The City and the Trustee may charge the owner: of the Bonds for their reasonable fees and expenses in connection with replacing mutilated, lost, stolen or destroyed Bonds. Redemption The Bonds are subject to mandatory redemption under the circumstances described herein; they are not subject to optional redemption. 1, 200 , and Sinking Fund Redemption: The Bonds due on - 1, 201 , are subject to redemption prior to maturity, in part by lot from Mandatory Sinking Account Payments (as defined in the Indenture), a1 a redemption price equal to the principal amount thereof plus accrued intere! thereon, without premium, on the dates and in the amounts set forth below: 3 040181-0022-118-4302m 06/05/ L - Bonds Due on 1, 200 Date Amount Date Amoun - - - 1, 201 Bonds Due on Date Amount Date Amou - - - The amount of any such Mandatory Sinking Account Payment shall be redul as set forth in the Indenture by the amount of Bonds of the applicable maturity which have been purchased by the Trustee for application against s Mandatory Sinking Account Payment (in each case during the preceding six months) or purchased or redeemed under the circumstances described below in connection with special mandatory redemptions and selected for application against Mandatory Sinking Account Payments (in accordance with the Indentur Special Mandatory Redemption: The Bonds are subject to special mandat redemption prior to their respective stated maturities at the principal amc thereof plus accrued interest thereon, from amounts deposited in the Redemption Fund as follows: 1. As a whole or in part on any date on or after July 1, 198 from amounts transferred to the Redemption Fund from the Program Fund June 1, 198 - ; provided, however, that the Trustee may delay the trans: 4 040181-0022-118-4302111 06/01 b of moneys from the Program Fund to the Redemption Fund and, thus, the corresponding special mandatory redemption, if it receives (i) an opinio of counsel acceptable to the Trustee to the effect that such change of dates will not cause the interest on the Bonds to become taxable for federal income tax purposes, and (ii) an acknowledgement from Standard & Poor's Corporation (or such other evidence as may be satisfactory to the Trustee) that such change of dates will not adversely affect the rating on the Bonds. 2. As a whole or in part on the next interest payment date with respect to which notice of redemption can be timely given, from amounts transferred to the Redemption Fund from the Revenue Fund after the transfers required to be made therefrom to the Estimated Excess Earnings Account, the Program Expense Fund, the Bond Fund, and the Bond Reserve Fund have been made. 3. As a whole on any date when the amounts on deposit in the Revenue Fund, Bond Fund, Bond Reserve Fund and Redemption Fund are sufficient to pay all Outstanding Bonds and Qualified Program Expenses then due and payable. In the event that Bonds are to be specially redeemed in part under the circumstances described in clause (1) or (2) above, the amount of Bonds of each maturity to be specially redeemed shall be determined as nearly as practicable in such a manner as will leave Bonds Outstanding of each maturit] after such redemption in the same proportion to the total amount of Bonds thc Outstanding as the proportion of Bonds of each maturity then Outstanding as originally issued bore to the total amount of Bonds of maturities then Outstanding as originally issued. General Redemption Provisions: If less than all of the Bonds of any maturity are to be redeemed, the Trustee shall select the Bonds of such maturity to be redeemed by lot in any manner which the Trustee deems fair. Bonds of a denomination greater than $5,000 may be partially redeemed but on in increments of $5,000. Notice of redemption is to be given not less than nor more than 60 days prior to the redemption date by mail to the registered owners of Bonds to be redeemed at the addresses appearing on the Bond registration books of the Trustee. 5 040181-0022-118-4302m 06/05, % SOURCES AND USES OF FUNDS The proceeds of the sale of the Bonds (other than accrued interest) and other funds collected by the City will be applied as follows: Source of Funds Bond Proceedsl/ .......... $ Developer Fees .......... Application of Funds Program Fund ........... Acquisition of Loans ...... Payment of Costs of Issuance2/. - . Capital Reserve Account ...... Interest Reserve Account ..... Underwriters' Discount ...... $ 1/ Accrued interest on the Bonds is to be deposited in the - 21 - Eond Fund. Includes fees of Bond Counsel, official statement and bor printing costs, costs of the housing market demand studit bond rating fees, initial special hazard insurance premii and other expenses related to the issuance of the Bonds. Moneys deposited in the Program Fund are to be used to pay Costs of Issuance and to purchase Loans relating to the Developer Reserved Single Family Residences and, in certain cases, relating to existing Residences. such Loans are originated and delivered to the Trustee, the Trustee will dr against moneys on deposit in the Program Fund. Any unexpended funds remain in the Program Fund on June 1, 198 , are required to be transferred to the Redemption Fund and applied to redeem Bonds on July 1, 198 - , pursuant to th special mandatory redemption provisions of the Indenture. NATURE OF SECURITY AND SOURCES OF PAYMENT Security The Bonds are limited obligations of the City payable from "Revenues". The term "Revenues" means all amounts received by the City or the Trustee f or with respect to any Loan, any Agreement, any Developer Agreement or any policy of insurance on or with respect to any Loan, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, scheduled payments of principal i interest required pursuant to any Loan and paid from any source (including both timely and delinquent payments), Loan Principal Prepayments, and all interests, profits or other income derived from the investment of amounts : any fund or account established pursuant to the Indenture (except the Excer 6 040181-0022-118-4302111 06/0! 8 Earnings Fund), but shall not include (1) Impound Payments, (2) any amount retained by any Lending Institution (other than the City) as a servicing fee or other compensation, and (3) Excess Earnings. The Bonds will not be payable from any of the City's revenues, moneys or assets other than the Revenues. The Bonds do not constitute an indebtedness of the City (except as aforesaid), or a loan of credit of the City within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory provision. Neither the faith and credit nor the taxing power of the City, the State of California or any of it political subdivisions is pledged to the payment of the Bonds or the Loans. The Loans will be secured by first mortgage liens (subject to certain permitted encumbrances) on Residences in the City. The terms on which Loans are made must meet or exceed certain criteria established by the City as discussed herein. See "The Program. I' Hazard, earthquake (to the extent commercially available) and mortgage insurance will be required to be maintained at specified levels. "Insurance"). The City will maintain special hazard insurance, with a polic! limit of the greater of 1% of the original outstanding principal amount of tl Residence Mortgages, or twice the original principal amount of the largest Residence Mortgage, covering certain otherwise uninsured hazard risks such a: mudslides and losses due to the application of a coinsurance clause. The Bo1 Reserve Fund has been established under the Indenture as a reserve to assist in payment of principal, sinking account and interest installments in the event Revenues, including payments on the Loans, prove to be temporarily insufficient. Prior to delivery of the Bonds, Developer Fees, as described under "The Program" herein, in an approximate aggregate amount equal to $ , in cash, will be collected. These amounts are calculated to be sufficient, together with certain anticipated investment income, to recover Costs of Issuance and Underwriters' discount associated with undelivered and prepaid Loans. Flow of Funds (See Under the Indenture, all Revenues (and "Excess Earnings," as hereinafte defined, prior to their deposit in the Excess Earnings Fund) are to be deposited in the Revenue Fund. Bonds shall have been paid or provided for, amounts in the Revenue Fund are be allocated on the last day of each Semiannual Debt Service Period for deposit by the Trustee in the following amounts and order of priority; Until the principal of and interest on the 1. Estimated Excess Earnings Account: the amount, if any, of Estimat Excess Earnings for the period; 2. Program Expense Fund: the amount, if any, needed to increase the amount in the Program Expense Fund to the Program Expense Fund Requirement: 3. Bond Fund: the amount, if any, need to increase the amount in the Bond Fund to the sum of (1) the aggregate amount of interest becoming ( 7 040181-0022-118-4302111 06/05, (i and payable on the next interest payment date upon all Bonds then Outstanding, plus (ii) the aggregate amount of principal becoming due an payable on the Outstanding Serial Bonds on the next interest payment date, plus (iii) the aggregate amount of Mandatory Sinking Account Payments required to be paid on the next interest payment date; 4. Capital Reserve Account: the amount, if any, needed to increase th amount in such to the Capital Reserve Account Requirement; and 5. Redemption Fund: the balance remaining in the Revenue Fund. On or before August 1 of each year the Trustee will make a final calculation as to the Excess Earnings for the preceding Bond Year and shall transfer such amount from the Estimated Excess Earnings Account to the Excess Earnings Fund. The amount deposited in the Excess Earnings Fund will be free and clear of the lien of the Indenture and will. be remitted to the United States Treasury. Amounts, if any, thereafter remaining in the Estimated Excess Earnings Account shall be transferred to the Revenue Fund. To the extent that the amount transferred from the Estimated Excess Earnings Account is less than the amount that is required to be transferred, the Trustee shall make up such deficiency from the Revenue Fund. c Amounts in the Program Expense Fund shall be used solely for the paying of Qualified Program Expenses. Amounts in the Bond Fund shall be used solely for the purposes of (1) paying interest on the Bonds as it shall become due and payable (includir accrued interest on any Bonds purchased or redeemed prior to maturity pursuar to the Indenture), (2) paying the principal of the Serial Bonds when due and payable, (3) purchasing, redeeming or paying at maturity the Term Bonds, and (4) redeeming Bonds when the sum of the amounts held in the Revenue Fund, Bor Fund, Reserve Fund and Redemption Fund equals or exceeds the principal amount of Bonds Outstanding, plus interest accrued to the date fixed for redemption, and required expenses. insufficient to pay the principal of or interest on the Bonds or any Mandator Sinking Account Payment when due, the Trustee shall transfer to the Bond Func the amount of such deficiency by withdrawing said amount from the following funds or accounts in the following order of priority: (1) the Redemption Fur and (2) the Bond Reserve Fund. In the event that the amount in the Bond Fund is All amounts in the Interest Reserve Account shall be applied solely for the purposes of making up any deficiency in the Bond Fund. On June 1, 198 , all amounts remaining in the Interest Reserve Account shall be transferred-tc the Revenue Fund. Amounts in the Capital Reserve Account may be used solely for the purposes of (1) making up any deficiency in the Bond Fund and (2) redeeming Bonds. Any amount in the Capital Reserve Acco'unt in excess of the Capital Reserve Account Requirement shall be transferred to the Revenue Fund on June 1, 1986, and thereafter on or before the first day of each Bond Year. 8 040181-0022-118-4302111 06/05/1 * Amounts on deposit in the Redemption Fund shall be used solely for the purposes of (1) making up any deficiency in the Bond Fund, (2) transferring t the Capital Reserve Account such amounts as may be required to increase the balance therein to the Capital Reserve Account Requirement, (3) paying for Qualified Program Expenses and (4) redeeming Bonds, provided that, at any tir prior to giving notice of redemption as provided in the Indenture, if practicable the Trustee shall apply amounts in the Redemption Fund (or in thc Revenue Fund, to the extent the Trustee determines that such amounts would otherwise be available to redeem Bonds on the following interest payment dab to the purchase of Bonds at public or private sale as and when and at such prices (including brokerage or similar charges, but excluding accrued interest, which is payable from the Revenue Fund or the Bond Fund), as the Trustee may in its discretion determine, not exceeding the par value of such Bonds. ASSUMPTIONS REGARDING REVENUES AND DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS The City has estimated that payments on the Loans (net of servicing fees), together with certain earnings derived from the investment of funds a accounts, will be sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on the Bor and certain other expenses (including Costs of Issuance and Underwriters1 di-scount). The estimates of the City are based principally upon the following assumptions : 1. An aggregate principal amount of $ of Loans will be purchased on or prior to June 1, 198 , at a stated interest rate of % per annum and at a price of 100% of the then unpaid principal balance, plus accrued and unpaid interest. The Developer Fees and the anticipated investment earnings on the moneys on deposit in the funds and accounts created pursuant to the Indentu are sufficient to recover Costs of Issuance and Underwriters' discount associated with undelivered Loans. 2. 3. The Loans will be amortized over and have terms of not less than nor more than 30 years, with approximately equal monthly installments, and will have a weighted average actual life of not less than years. 4. Either the Loans will be paid substantially on a timely basis in accordance with their terms or, in the case of defaults and foreclosures, i settlement of mortgage insurance claims will be made at such time as, and : an amount and in a form of payment which, together with moneys available ii the Bond Reserve Fund, will allow the City to make scheduled payments of df service on the Bonds, notwithstanding certain aspects of the mortgage insurance programs described under "Private Mortgage Guaranty Insurance". 9 040181-0022-118-4302m 06/0 5. Amounts on deposit in all funds and accounts under the Indenture will be invested pursuant to an investment agreement between the City and calculated to yield average annual rates of not less than %. 6. The Lending Institutions' servicing fees and premiums for special hazard insurance will not exceed 0. Loans. % per year of the principal amount of 7. The Trustee's fee will not exceed - % per year of the principal amount of the Bonds Outstanding. The City has established a maturity schedule for the Bonds based on the above assumptions and the scheduled amortization payments on the Loans. The scheduled maturities of the Bonds assume no prepayment of Loans. Loans are not purchased in the aggregate principal amount set forth above or prepayments of Loans occur, Bonds will be redeemed pursuant to the special redemption provisions of the Indenture. If either A possible reason for the City's not purchasing Loans in the above aggregate amount is the competition it may receive in making real estate loans. Competition in making real estate loans in the City normally comes primarily from savings and loan associations, commercial banks and other mo-rtgage bankers in the area. competing for real estate loans is the interest rate charged and because the Loans are expected to be made at less than currently prevailing market rates and for a fixed term of approximately 30 years, the Lending Institutions do not expect significant competition in making the Loans. There are, however, number of ways in which mortgage loans could become available at rates competitive with those specified for the Loans, such as through a decline in market interest rates on conventional loans, the FHA Section 245 (Graduated Payments Mortgage) program or residential housing mortgage loan programs established by the State of California, the California Housing Finance Agenc or by nearby communities which may also issue tax-exempt bonds to provide fo the financing of such programs. Because one of the principal factors in If interest rates on conventional mortgage loans were to decline substantially and become competitive with the Loans, or the residences are r: constructed as currently anticipated, the City may not be able to purchase Loans in the anticipated principal amount. To cover any such eventuality tl- City has obtained Developer Fees in amounts which, together with the contributions provided by the City, and certain anticipated investment incorr earned in funds and accounts held by the Trustee, are calculated to be sufficient to recover Costs of Issuance and Underwriters' discount associatt with undelivered Loans. Another reason for the City's not purchasing Loans in the above aggreg( principal amount is that the Developers participating in the Program may no' construct and make available Developer Reserved Single Family Residences fo: sale on a timely basis. Such delays on the part of the Developers could be result of such things as adverse weather conditions, fires, labor disputes ( shortages of material. In the event that delays in construction of certain 10 040181-0022-118-4302111 06/05 9 the Developer Reserved Single Family Residences do occur for any reason, the City has retained the right, subject to certain limitations, to substitute other homes for financing under the Program. (See "The Program - Developer Agreements" herein. ) The City anticipates that a portion of the Loans will be partially or completely prepaid or terminated prior to theiit respective final maturities i a result of events such as sale of the residence, default, condemnation or casualty loss, or noncompliance with the Program including the requirements c Section 103A. Because of the lack of historical basis with respect to prepayments of mortgage loans of a type similar to the Loans described hereir and the requirement of Section 103A that assignees meet the qualification standards of Section 103A (See "The Program -- Mortgage Sale and Service Agreements"), there is no reliable basis for predicting the actual average life of the Loans. The City does, however, anticipate prepayment of a numbei of Loans and it is probable that the Bonds will have a substantially shorter life than the stated maturity of the Bonds. The assumptions set forth above are based on current market conditions and practices, and subsequent events may not correspond to such assumptions. For example, defaults on, and foreclosure proceedings with respect to, a substantial number of the Loans could disrupt the flow of Revenues available fo-r the payment of scheduled debt service on the Bonds because of delays involved in enforcing creditors' rights under California law and in collecti insurance benefits. The City's ability to collect on defaulted Loans is described under the "The Program -- Foreclosure". The City's ability to hav its insurance claims satisfied is dependent upon the solvency of the mortgag insurer at the time of the claim. The City does not make any representatior as to the ability of any provider of hazard or private mortgage guaranty insurance to pay the claims when presented by the City or by a Mortgagor. While the Bonds are outstanding, events may not correspond to the assumptions set forth above. It is possible, for example, that physical damage to the residential housing units securing the Loans may exceed the limits of, or be caused by a peril not insured under, the standard and spec: hazard insurance policies, or that the average rates realized on invested moneys will be less than anticipated. Additionally, the value of the Residences securing the Loans could decline substantially, and under such circumstances, actual losses with respect to defaulted Loans could exceed coverage provided by mortgage insurance. Under such circumstances, revenue from the Loans, available investment earnings and insurance proceeds may no be sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on the Bonds when due. THE PROGRAM The Trustee, on behalf of the City, will purchase Loans from the Lendi Institutions using proceeds from the Bonds and the Developer Fees. The Loa will be made to finance the acquisition by qualified Mortgagors of Residenc located in the City. Based on current development estimates, Loans to fina approximately Residences will be purchased. Information concerning tk - 11 040181-0022-118-4302m 06/05 .I Developer Reserved Single Family Residences is set forth in Appendix A, and information concerning the Lending Institutions is set forth in Appendix B, tc both of which reference is hereby made for such information. Each Loan will be secured by a first mortgage lien (subject to permitted encumbrances) on the Residence being financed thereby. To qualify for purchase, each Loan must be insured to the extent described herein and must meet specific eligibility criteria and guidelines set forth in the documents described below, which include the Developer Agreements, the Agreements, the Indenture and the Rules and Regulations of the City (collectively, the "Program Documents"). The Program is intended to provide affordable housing for persons who intend to occupy a Residence as a principal residence and, in general, who have not had a present ownership interest during the three years prior to the execution of the Loan. A Mortgagor's household income may not exceed 150% of the applicable Median Household Income in the c:ase of a Mortgagor who will be the first occupant of a new or improved Residence and 120% of the applicable FIedian Household Income in all other cases, provided that at least 20% of the aggregate principal amount of Loans in such other cases shall be made to Mortgagors whose household income does not exceed 110% of Median Household Income. Loans will provide for level payments of principal and interest based 01 a thirty year amortization. Each Loan is to provide that at the time that a: Bonds are paid pursuant to the Indenture the Mortgagor's obligation will cea! and be forgiven. Each Loan will bear interest at a stated interest rate of Trustee must be qualified pursuant to FNMA or FHLMC underwriting criteria anc practice. %. Except as expressly provided otherwise, Loans purchased by the Mortgagors may have their monthly loan payments reduced pursuant to a supplement provided by a Developer for a period not to exceed three years. The Lending Institution will be permitted to qualify the Mortgagor at the reduced payment level if the private mortgage insurer approves and if an escrow for the supplement is fully funded at the time the Loan is purchased. During the first five years of the Loan, each mortgagor will be obligat to pay a prepayment charge equal to six months' interest on all principal prepaid during each year in excess of 20 percent of the original principal amount of the Loan. statute. The validity and amount of prepayment charges are, however, subjec to legislative and judicial change. The prepayment charge is authorized by California Each Mortgagor will also be charged an origination fee of 1/2 of 1% of the principal amount of the Loan to be paid to the Lending Institution at tl time the Loan is funded. Lending Institution in accordance with the guidelines set forth in the Agreement. All Loans will be serviced by the originating 12 040181-0022-118-4302m 06/05 Under the Program, the Mortgagor must be a first time homebuyer who intends to occupy the Residence as his or her principal residence and the acquisition cost of the residence may not exceed 110% of the applicable Average Area Purchase Price. In the case of a Residence on leased land, the capitalized value of the ground rent, calculated using a discount rate equal to the yield on the Bonds, is included in the acquisition cost. Currently, the Average Area Purchase Price for new residences in the San Diego SMSA, in which the City is located, as set forth by the Treasury as a I'safe harbor" guideline is $104,600, and the Average Area Purchase Price for existing residences in the San Diego SMSA as so set forth is $91,600. A Loan may only be assumed if the new Mortgagor and the Residence meet similar eligibility requirements. With respect to each Loan, the Mortgagor, the Developer and the Lending Institution are required to submit to the Administrator and the Trustee affidavits or certificates, under penalty of perjury, certifying facts and intentions which exhibit the Mortgagor's compliance with the requirements of Section 103A as to intent to occupy the unit as a principal residence: no ownership interest in a principal residence for the prior three years; acquisition cost limitations on the price of the residence; the nonreplacemer of an existing mortgage loan; and restrictions on future assumptions. The Agreement and the Indenture also prescribe various procedures and techniques to be followed by the Lending Institution and the Trustee in reviewing or verifying the affidavits and information provided by the prospective Mortgagc in compliance with certain administrative "safe harbors" set forth in the Temporary Regulations under Section 103A. Developer Agreements Under the Developer Agreements the City will reserve a total of approximately $ within the Projects. to make Loans to finance the purchase of Residence The Developers have constructed or are planning to construct approximately Residences. See Appendix A: "Description of Developer Reserved Single Family Residences" herein. Appendix A agrees to use its best efforts to construct and make available a sufficient number of Residences to enable the Lending Institution to origina and sell to the Trustee Loans in the specified amounts by June 1, 198 (or such later date as may be established in accordance with the Indenture). The Developer may, with the written consent of the City, transfer all or a porti of its reservation to another developer which has previously entered into a Developer Agreement with the City; and the portion of the reservation so transferred may be used pursuant to the transferee's Developer Agreement. Upon a determination by the Trustee that the same will not adversely affect the rating of the Bonds, the Developer may, with the written consent of the City, transfer all or a portion of its reservation to any other developer, k shall then enter into a Developer Agreement with the City. The Developer's request for the City's consent to such transfer shall set forth the terms ar conditions of the transfer, a description of the proposed Residences, the proposed transferee and the purpose for the transfer, all of which must Each Developer listed in 13 040181-0022-118-4302m 06/05 conform to all requirements of the Program and otherwise be acceptable to the City. No reservation or portion thereof may be transferred to a developer whc has not entered into a Developer Agreement with the City, except upon terms and conditions which have been first presented to and rejected by each of the Developers who has entered into such a Developer Agreement. Additionally, a Developer may direct that an amount not exceeding 20% of the money he has reserved for Loans be used for Loans for Residences which ar not Developer Reserved Single Family Residences but which otherwise comply with the requirements of the Program. At the time the Developer Agreement is executed each Developer is to pal to the trustee in cash a commitment fee of % of the funds reserved for that Developer. After the Bonds are delivered t6 commitment fees will be held bl the Trustee in the Program Fund. Under the Developer Agreements each Developer is required to represent with respect to the Residence it constructs and sells under the Program that: to the best knowledge of the Developer, such is to be occupil by a mortgagor who is a first time homebuyer as such mortgagor's principal place of residence within 60 days after making of the Loan, a the related Loan is made for the purpose of purchasing the Residence an not for the purpose of acquiring or replacing any existing mortgage; (i) (ii) to the best knowledge of such Developer, the household incom of the mortgagor does not exceed that percentage of Median Household Income applicable under the Program for the particular category of affordability of the Residence being sold; (iii) the Acquisition Cost of the Residence does not exceed the 11 of the Average Area Purchase Price; (iv) the Residence financed by such Loan will be free of material damage, constructed in a good and workmanlike manner and will be in general good repair on the closing date of such Loan and at the time tl Residence is offered for sale it will be free of any and all mechanics liens : (v) the Residence was offered for sale to qualifying homebuyers t a first-come-first-served basis or on the basis of a random drawing without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, marital status or national origin (except to the extent that some other basis is require( by law, as in the case of a condominium conversion); and (vi) it has no knowledge of any fact, circumstance or condition w respect to the Mortgagor or the Loan which would lead it to believe th the certifications required to be made by the mortgagor to the City ar not true. 14 040181-0022-118-4302m 06/0! Ten percent of the Loans, in dollar amount, at any given time, may be originated to Mortgagors who are not first time homebuyers. If, after the Trustee has purchased a Loan, it is determined by the City that the acquisition cost exceeded 110% of the Average Area Purchase Price, the Developer is required immediately to purchase the Loan from the Trustee a a price equal to the unpaid principal balance thereof together with interest accrued thereon. Mortgage Sale and Service Agreements Pursuant to the Agreements the Lending Institutions agree to use their best efforts to originate and sell without recourse to the Trustee on behalf of the City by June 1, 198 , Loans in an aggregate principal amount of $ . Information Yegarding the Lending Institution's experience in origination and servicing of residential mortgage loans is set forth in Appendix B. The Administrator will administer the origination and servicing of the Loans and will undertake certain duties, including approval of the Loans and supervision of performance of the Lending Institutions as servicer. Administrator may establish and, from time to time, revise reasonable writte standards detailing uniform procedures to be used and complied with by the Lending Institutions. reasonable standards, and to submit such reports, provide such documents and permit such access to information as the Administrator may reasonably reques At the closing for a Loan, a Lending Institution may charge the Mortgac a fee of not more than 1/2 of 1% of the original principal amount of the Mortgage Loan to be retained by the Lending Institution for its own account. A Lending Institution may also collect from the mortgagor charges for certai customary costs paid or incurred by the Lending Institution in connection wi the making of a Loan. The The Lending Institutions agree to comply with such The Lending Institution will represent, among other things, with respec to each Loan originated by it for purchase by the Trustee that: (1) The Mortgagor has certified by affidavit that (a) such Loan : secured by a Residence; (b) the Mortgagor intends to occupy the Reside1 as the mortgagor's principal residence within 60 days from the date of closing of the Loan and to maintain it as the Mortgagor's principal residence (and not as an investment property or a recreational home) fc a minimum of two years after executing the Loan: (c) the mortgagor's household income does not exceed the maximum percentage of Median Household Income permitted under the Program; (d) the acquisition cost the Residence does not exceed 110% of the Average Area Purchase Price; the Mortgagor had no present ownership interest in a principal residen at any time during the 3-year period prior to the date of execution of the Loan*/; and (f) the Loan is nut being used to replace an existing loan of The Mortgagor. 15 040181-0022-118-4302m 06/OE (2) The Developer has made the certification required under the Developer Agreement. (3) For other than 10% of the Loans with respect to Residences which are originated to Mortgagors who are not first time homebuyers, the Lending Institution has examined (a) copies of executed income tax returns which were filed with the Internal Revenue Service and which were provided by the mortgagor which indicate that during the preceding 3 years the mortgagor did not claim deductions for taxes or interest or indebtedness with respect to real property constituting his principal residence or (b) an affidavit to the effect that the mortgagor was not required to file such a return in one of or all such years. (4) The Lending Institution has no knowledge of any circumstance 01 condition with respect to the Loan or the mortgagor which (a) could * Up to ten percent (10%) of the Loans, in dollar amount, at any given time, may be made to Mortgagors who have had a present ownership interes in a principal residence within the 3-year period prior to the date of execution of the Loan. reasonably be expected to cause the Lending Institution to regard the Loan as an unacceptable investment for its own portfolio, cause the Loan to become delinquent, or adversely affect the value or marketability of the Loan, except that the interest rate on the Loan may be below a marke interest rate and the loan-to-value ratio may be greater than that which is otherwise acceptable to private lenders; or (b) would lead it to believe that the certifications required to be made by the Mortgagor and the Developer are not true and correct. r (5) The Loan has been finally endorsed (or a firm Commitment received) for insurance under the private mortgage insurance policy described under "Insurance - Private Mortgage Guaranty Insurance" hereir (6) The Lending Institution has obtained a current ALTA or equivalent title insurance policy (or firm commitment therefor) that insures that title to the mortgaged property is vested in the mortgagor subject only to the lien of the deed of trust and to permitted encumbrances. (7) Based on an inspection conducted by the Lending Institution, construction of the property securing the Loan is complete and free of any apparent material damage and is in general good repair. (8) The Residence is covered by a fire insurance policy with extended coverage and an earthquake endorsement (or a commitment therefor) assigned in favor of the Lending Institution, the Trustee and the City as their interests may appear, in the amount specified under "Insurance-Standard Hazard Insurance" m 16 040181-0022-118-4302m 06/05/ In connection with assumptions of Loans, the Lending Institution will represent to, among other things, the matters summarized in items (l), (3) an 4(b) above. If at any time any document or documents submitted by the Lending Institution in connection with a Loan are, in the opinion of the Administrator, defective or inaccurate in any in.ateria1 respect, the Lending Institution is required to cure the defect or inaccuracy within 60 days from the time the Administrator notifies it of the existence of the defect or inaccuracy. Under the Agreement, the Lending Institution agrees that if any such material defect cannot be cured within such 60-day period, it will, not later than 90 days after the Administrator's notice to it respecting such defect or inaccuracy, repurchase the related Loan from the City at a price equal to (i) 100% of the principal remaining unpaid on such Loan plus (ii) unpaid accrued interest thereon to the date of the repurchase. Notwithstanding anything set forth in the preceding paragraph, in any case in which the Lending Institution is required to repurchase a Loan by reason of a defect, inaccuracy or misrepresentation in a Mortgagor's affidavit, the Lending Institution need not repurchase the Loan so long as ( such defect, in accuracy or misrepresentation constitutes a default under thl Loan with respect to which the private mortgage guaranty insurance policy pr%vides coverage, and (ii) the Lending Institution diligently proceeds on behalf of the City to declare all sums the payment of which is secured there. to be immediately due and payable and to take all steps necessary to collect benefits pursuant to the private mortgage guaranty insurance policy. Moreover, in any case in which the Lending Institution is required to repurchase a Loan because a Developer incorrectly indicated in an affidavit submitted to the Lending Institution that the acquisition cost of a Residenc did not exceed 110% of the Average Area Purchase Price, the Lending Institution may exercise the right of the City pursuant to the Developer Agreements to require the Developer to purchase such Loan from the City. Each Lending Institution shall service the Loans it originates and shal generally have full power and authority, acting alone, to do any and all things in connection with the such servicing which it may deem necessary or desirable. Each Lending Institution shall service the Loans in accordance with the standards set forth in the FHLMC Servicerls Guide. As compensation for its activities under the Agreement and in consideration for servicing the Loans it originated, each Lending Institutic shall retain from each Mortgagor's monthly payment allocable to interest an amount equal to 1/12 of . of 1% of the unpaid principal amount of the Loar In addition, each LendingTnstitution shall be entitled to servicing compensation out of insurance proceeds or liquidation proceeds to the exten permitted in the Agreement. Additional servicing compensation in the form 1 assumption fees, late payment charges or otherwise, if any, may be retained the Lending Institution to the extent not required to be deposited in the Receipts Account (hereafter mentioned) it maintains or required to be paid the Private Mortgage Insurer. The Lending Institution shall be required to pay all expenses incurred by it in connection with its servicing activities 17 040181-0022-118-4302m 06/05 * and shall not be entitled to reimbursement therefor, except as specifically provided . The Lending Institution is to establish and maintain, in the name of the City, a separate account (the "Receipts Account{'), into which all payments and collections received by it with respect to the Loans (including proceeds of insurance and foreclosures, but excluding the servicing fees and certain othei amounts) are to be deposited on a daily basis. each month, the Lending Institution is to remit to the Trustee for deposit thc sum of: (1) the scheduled payments of principal of and interest on the Loans received by it on or before the twentieth day of the month and not previously remitted to the Trustee, (ii) Loan Principal Prepayments received by it on or before the twentieth day of the month, and (iii) an amount equal to all scheduled payments of principal of and interest on the Loans which (a) are then delinquent, (b) have not been previously remitted to the Trustee, and (c are not yet payable by the Private Mortgage Insurer, less, (iv) the service fee, escrow payments and any other amounts permitted to be retained by the Lending Institution pursuant to the Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing each Lending Institution is also required to remit immediately to the Trustee any portion of the Receipts Account which is in excess of the lesser of $100,000 or the amount insured by FDIC or FSLIC, whichever is applicable. On the twenty-fifth day of c The obligations of and , unde and , respectively. The requirement the Agreements described in (i), (ii) and (iii) above will be guaranteed by of the Lending Institution to remit by the 25th day of each month amounts equal to principal and interest due on each Loan regardless of the receipt thereof from the Mortgagor, as set forth in (iii) above, will be additionall] covered by an endorsement to the private mortgage insurance policy issued by the Private Mortgage Insurer requiring advances by the 25th day of the month upon notice from the Trustee in the event the Lending Institution does not remit amounts required in (iii) above by the 25th day. In the event a Lending Institution and its guarantor will be unable to make the payments set forth in clause (iii) above by the twenty-fifth day of month, the Lending Institution will, pursuant 'to the terms of the Agreement, so notify the Trustee by the eighteenth day of such month. The Trustee will then notify the private mortgage insurer of the inability of the Lending Institution and its guarantor to make such payments on the next business day in order to provide the private mortgage insurer sufficient time to make the payments required under its mortgage guaranty insurance policy on the twenty-fifth day of such month (See "insurance-Private Mortgage Guaranty Insurance. I' ) On the twenty-fifth day of each month, the Lending Institution is to furnish to the Administrator a statement setting forth the status of the Receipts Account it maintains, as of the close of business on the twentieth day of such month and showing, for the period covered by such statement, the aggregate of deposits irito and withdrawals from such Receipts Account. Such statement shall begin in a form prescribed by the Administrator and shall a1 include (i) information as to the principal balances of Loans outstanding at la 040181-0022-118-4302m 06/05/ * the close of business on the twentieth day of such month, (ii) information as to Loans upon which a combined total of two required monthly payments of principal and interest are delinquent, as of the close of business on the las day of the preceding calendar month and (iii) the unpaid outstanding principa amount of Loans and the estimated fair market value of any real estate acquired through foreclosure or grant of a deed in lieu of foreclosure. Within 120 days after the close of the Lending Institution's fiscal year the Lending Institution shall furnish to the Administrator an auditor's repor relating to the Lending Institution's financial. statements and mortgage loan operations. The Lending Institution shall also deliver to the Trustee and th Administrator a certificate stating that (i) a review of the activities of tk Lending Institution during the preceding year and of its performance under tk Agreement has been made, and (ii) based on the review, there is, as of such date, no default by the Lending Institution in the fulfillment of any of its obligations under the Agreement, or if there is any such default, specifying each such default and the nature and status thereof. The Lending Institution's servicing duties may be terminated by the Administrator for cause. Upon such termination, the Administrator is obligated to succeed to all rights and obligations of the terminated Lending Institution concerning servicing of Loans and shall be entitled to receive cohpensation therefor. As soon as practicable thereafter, the Administrator is to enter a servicing agreement with another qualified lending institution or shall itself assume such servicing. The Administrator may, if it shall bt unable to so act, appoint or petition a court of competent jurisdiction to appoint a successor servicer. Foreclosure Laws The Loans will be secured by first lien deeds of trust, the most common used real property security device in California. similar to a mortgage with power of sale, the deed of trust formally has thr parties -- the debtor trustor (similar to a mortgagor), the thirdparty grant called the trustee, and the lender-creditor (similar to a mortgagee) called the beneficiary. The trustor grants the property, irrevocably until the deb is paid, "in trust, with the power of sale" to the trustee to secure payment of the obligations. The trustee's authority is governed by law, the express provisions of the deed of trust and the directions of the beneficiary. Although a deed of trust Upon the default of a Loan, the Lending Institution servicing the Loan to exercise the City's rights under the deed of trust's power of sale, subje to the constraints imposed by California law for the transfer of title to property by private sale. filing of a formal notice of default, the Mortgagor will be entitled to reinstate the Loan by making overdue payments. procedures, the filing of the notice of default does not occur unless at lei two full monthly payments are due and unpaid. The power of sale is exercisc by posting and publishing a notice of sale for at least 20 days. Therefore the effective period for foreclosing upon a Loan could be in excess of six months after the initial default. Such time delays in collections could During the three-month period beginning with the Under standard servicing 19 040181-0022-118-430211-1 06/05 (r disrupt the flow of revenues available for the payment of debt service on the Bonds if such defaults occur with respect to a substantial number of Loans. Under California antideficiency legislation, there is no personal recourse against a mortgagor where the trustee exercises the power of sale. The Lending Institutions The City has entered into Agreements with the companies listed in Appendix B hereto as Lending Institutions to originate and provide $ principal amount of Loans to the Trustee for purchase on behalf of the City during the delivery period which terminates on June 1, 198 . In consideratio for the efforts associated with originating Loans, each Mortgagor will pay an origination fee of 1/2 of 1% of the principal amount of each Loan (plus the cost of appraisal and credit reports and other customary closing expenses) tc the Lending Institution. The Lending Institutions, the amount of the Program Fund allocated to each for the purpose of originating Loans and certain other information concerning the Lending Institutions are set forth in Appendix B hereto. Residential real estate loans originated by the Lending Institution are subject to a thorough underwriting process in order to assess the prospectivc borrower's ability to repay and the adequacy of the home as collateral for t' loan requested. California is an "anti-deficiency" state, which means that, in general, lenders providing credit on single family properties must look solely to the property for repayment in the event of default. Accordingly, loan underwriting policies require that loan officers be satisfied that the value of the property being financed currently supports, and will support in the future, the outstanding loan balance with sufficient excess value to mitigate against adverse shifts in real estate values. The appreciation in value of California real estate in the past has tended to limit loss and foreclosure experience on their portfolios of single family home mortgages. Since it is anticipated that some Loans under the City's Program may be made on the basis of a ninety-five percent (95%) loan-to-value ratio, and since r prediction can be made as to future prices of housing, the prior experience these Lending Institutions described in Appendix B may not necessarily be useful in predicting the delinquency and loss rates to be experienced on the Loans. THE ADMINISTRATOR [To Come] INSURANCE The Residences securing each of the Loans purchased by the Trustee mus be covered by a standard hazard insurance policy and a special hazard insurance policy. guaranty insurance policy issued by In addition, each Loan must be insured by a mortgage 20 040181-0022-118-4302111 06/05 Private Mortgage Guaranty Insurance To qualify for purchase by the Trustee, on behalf of the City, a Loan must be insured in full under a mortgage guaranty insurance policy issue by ( 'I 'I). /a insurance company, will provide, subject to underwriting, mortgage guaranty insurance for the Loans under, and in accordance with the terms and conditions of, its full coverage master policy, an amendatory endorsement waiving the due-on-sale exclusion and the non-monetary default, advance payments and advances amendatory endorsements thereto (all of which are collectively referred to as the "Master Policy") ar the Commitments and Certificates issued pursuant thereto (the Master Policy and each Commitment and Certificate being collectively referred to as a "Policyt'). The following description of a Policy and the coverage thereunde is only a brief outline and does not purport to be comprehensive or definiti and such outline is qualified in its entirety by reference to a Policy itsel The City, the Trustee and the Lending Institution will be named insured (collectively, the "Insured"), as their interest may appear, under each Poll Any default (including mortgagor-related nonmonetary default, such as defaults resulting from a failure to comply with the requirements of the Ci'tyls Program or a failure to comply with the requirements of Section 103A) under the Loan which is the basis for a foreclosure action is covered under the Policy. No claim may be filed under a Policy with respect to a Loan insured thereunder until the Insured has acquired title to the mortgaged property which secured such Loan. claim under a Policy must be filed within 60 days after the Insured acquires title to such mortgaged property. Unless otherwise agreed to by As conditions precedent to the filing and/or payment of a claim under i Policy: the Loan must be secured by a first :Lien on the mortgaged property. and, the Insured must (i) have accomplished all construction, additions and improvements necessary to complete the mortgaged property as contemplated b, the Policy, (ii) in the event of any physical loss or damage to the mortgagi property, have restored and repaired the mortgaged property to at least as good a condition as existed at the effective date of the Policy and as contemplated by the Policy, ordinary wear and tear excepted, and (iii) pend the filing and settlement of a claim, advance (a) hazard insurance premiums and real estate property taxes and (b) as necessary and approved in advance mortgaged property and to maintain it in at least as good a condition as existed at the effective date of the Policy and as contemplated by the Poli ordinary wear and tear excepted, (2) foreclosure costs including court cost and reasonable attorneys' fees and (3) sales expenses. , (1) expenses to preserve, repair and prevent waste to the Other provisions and conditions of each Policy provide that (i) no cht shall be made in the terms of a Loan without the consent of I (ii) written notice is to be given to within 10 days after the Insured becomes aware that a mortgagor is delinquent in two monthly payment due under the Loan or that any proceedings affecting the mortgagor's inter! 21 040181-0022-118-4302111 06/0 * in the mortgaged property have been commenced, and the Insured report monthly to the status of any such Loan until the Loan is brought current, such proceedings are terminated or a claim is filed, (iii) the Insured shall commence and diligently pursue foreclosure or appropriate proceedings to acquire title to and possession of the mortgaged property when the mortgagor becomes delinquent in four or more monthly payments on the Loan, shall notify with copies of documents relating thereto, shall notify principal balance of the Loan and accrued and unpaid interest thereon at leas 15 days prior to the sale of the mortgaged property by foreclosure and shall bid such amount unless (iv) the Insured may accept a deed in lieu of foreclosure only if the ability of the Insured to assign specified rights to impaired. of the institution of such proceedings and provide of the unpaid specifies a lower or higher amount, and is not thereby The amount of a claim for benefits consists of (i) the unpaid principal amount of the Loan and accrued and unpaid interest thereon and (ii) the amour: of advances made by the Insured in accordance with a Policy less (a) all rent or other payments collected or received by the Insured (other than the proceeds of hazard insurance) which are derived from the mortgaged property, the mortgagor, an insurance company or any other person, (b) hazard insurance proceeds in excess of the amount required to restore the mortgaged property, (c’) amounts expended by the insured due to the fault of the Insured, (d) any claim payment previously made by under the Policy with respect to the Loan, and (e) unpaid premiums. When a claim for benefits is properly submitted, , at its option, shall pay to the Insured either (i) the amount of the claim for benefits calculated in accordance with the immediately preceding paragraph o (ii) the delinquent regular monthly payments specified in the Loan plus advances required of the Insured and described above and thereafter the regular monthly payments specified in the Loan until (a) the total of such payments equals the claim for benefits or (b) a sale of the mortgaged proper approved by , at which time pays the balance of the cla for benefits less the net proceeds of such sale. If the net proceeds of SUC sale exceed the claim for benefits, the Insured shall immediately account fo and remit to such excess. If elects to pay under opti (if or (ii)(a), the Insured must convey title to the mortgaged property to upon payment of the claim for benefits, among other conditions. elects to pay under option (ii), it. may direct the Insured to rez and/or sell the mortgaged property to apply al.1 sums so received to and in reduction of payments due from The advance payments amendatory endorsement provides for an advance payment procedure pursuant to which , upon receipt of specified notice from the Insured, is required, with respect to a Loan on which a mortgagor is delinquent in two or more monthly payments of principal and interest but subject to the coverage limitations of the Policy, to advance the Insured an amount equal to all delinquent payments of principal and interest (except payments due solely as a result of acceleration of the Loa] and is required to continue to make such delinquent payments until the Insu 22 040181-0022-118-4302m 06/05 files (or should have filed) a claim for benefits with respect to the Loan foi which such payments have been made. The insured is required to reimburse for such advance payments either from payments received by the Insured on account of the Loan from the mortgagor, an insurer of the mortgage1 property or the proceeds of the foreclosure sale or conveyance of the mortgaged property. Any unreimbursed advance payments will be offset against any claim payment to the Insured. The Policy also provides for advance payment of delinquent installments of principal and interest on Loans not later than the thirtieth day of each month if a Lending Institution fails to make such payment on the twenty-fifth day thereof as required by the Agreement and if the institution which guaranteed the Lending Institution's payment thereof fails to honor its guarantee. Standard Hazard Insurance and Earthquake Insurance For a Residence to qualify for purchase by the Trustee on behalf of the City, the related Residence must be covered by a standard hazard insurance policy issued by an insurance carrier qualified to issue such insurance in tl State of California. The standard hazard insurance policy will insure again! physical damage to or destruction of improvements on the property by fire, lightning, explosion, smoke, windstorm, hail, riot, strike and civil commotion, subject to the conditions and exclusions particularized in each policy. The policy must insure the Residence from loss in an amount at leas equal to 90% of its replacement cost. In addition, each Residence is to be insured against risk of loss due t earthquake in an amount not less than 90% of the principal balance owing on such Loan, subject to a 5% deductible per occurrence. The premiums are to b paid by the Mortgagor. Such coverage is required at the time the Loan is purchased, but need be maintained thereafter only if commercially available. Special Hazard Insurance The Trustee will cause a special hazard insurance policy to be obtained to provide limited protection with respect to certain risks, including flood mud flows and (to a limited extent) building collapse, and losses resulting from the application of coinsurance provisions of the standard hazard insurance policy. The special hazard insurance policy will not cover again: losses caused by floods if a Residence is located in an area designated as i flood hazard zone by federal or state authorities and separate flood insurai is not maintained. The Trustee will pay the premiums for the special hazarc insurance policy from the Program Expense Fund established pursuant to the Indenture. The special hazard insurance policy will be issued by (the "Special Hazard Insurer'' The special hazard insurance policy will provide that where there has been damage to a Residence securing a defaulted Loan, and such damage is no fully covered by such policy, the Special Hazard Insurer will pay the lesse of: (i) the cost of repair, or (ii) the unpaid principal balance of the Lo 23 040181-0022-118-4302m 06/05 , at the time of acquisition of the claim settlement at the rate of interest specified in the Loan, plus advances, less any net proceeds in the event the Residence is sold or transferred in accordance with the policy. The special hazard insurance policy shall continue in force until (i) each Loan either has been paid in full or no longer secures the Bonds, or (ii) all Bonds have been fully paid or provision for such payment has been provided for pursuant to the Indenture. The special hazard insurance policy will provide that the Trustee will cause to be maintained standard hazard insurance policies, insuring each Residence against casualty loss. and a loss occurs which would have been covered by such standard hazard insurance policy, then the claim under the special hazard insurance policy shall be reduced by the amount which the standard hazard insurance policy would have covered. In the event such coverage is not maintained The maximum amount payable under the special hazard insurance policy will be the greater of 1% of the aggregate initial principal balance of the Loans or twice the original principal amount of the largest Loan purchased. The residual coverage under the policy will be reduced by the dollar amount of claims paid, less any amounts realized by the insurer upon disposition of any Residence. If aggregate claims exceed the special hazard insurance policy limit, no further payments will be made by the insurer, any losses resulting thereafter will be borne by the bondholders. c If the issuer of the special hazard insurance policy shall cease to be licensed in the State, the Trustee shall exercise its best reasonable efforts to obtain a comparable replacement policy with coverage at least equal to the then existing coverage of the special hazard insurance policy. Flood Insurance If a Residence is located in an area designated as a flood hazard zone b federal or state authorities, the Lending Institution servicing the Loan secured by such Residence will cause to be maintained for such Loan a flood insurance policy in the form of a Federal homeowner's flood insurance policy in an amount which is equal to the lesser of the maximum insurable value of the Residence securing the Loan or the principal balance owing on such Loan, whichever is less. Errors and Omissions Insurance and Fidelity Bonds If the Lending Institution fails to perform its obligations under the Program Documents due to an error or omission of its officers or employees, coverage will be provided within the limits of the errors and omissions insurance policy required to be maintained by the Lending Institution. If ar officer or employee of the Lending Institution misappropriates funds from the Lending Institution, coverage therefor will be provided within the limits of the fidelity bond required to be maintained by the Lending Institution. The Lending Institution is required to pay the premiums for its errors and omissions insurance policy and fidelity bond. required to deposit any amounts collected under any such errors and omission insurance policy or fidelity bond into its Receipts Account. The Lending Institution is 24 040181-0022-118-4302m 06/05/ \ Both the errors and omissions insurance policies and fidelity bonds mus be in the form and substance required by the FHLMC or FNMA. Such policies a: bonds are subject to certain limitations as to amounts of coverage, deductib mounts, conditions, exclusions and exceptions. Accordingly, the errors and omissions insurance policies and fidelity bonds, respectively, will not provide coverage against all losses which may be sustained as a result of errors, omissions or misappropriations. If either the errors and omissions insurance policy or fidelity bond shall cease to be in effect, or the insurer thereof shall cease to be acceptable to the Trustee, the Lending Institution is required to obtain frc another insurer acceptable to the Trustee a replacement policy therefor. Payment of Insurance Claims The City makes no representation as to the ability of any insurer issuj mortgage guaranty, standard hazard, special hazard, earthquake, flood or errors and omissions insurance to make payments under their policies at the times and in the amounts specified in such policies. SUMMARY OF CERTAIN PROVISIONS OF THE INDENTURE The following statements are a brief summary of certain provisions of Indenture (copies of which may be obtained from the City and at the corpora trust office of the Trustee, in Los Anqeles, California). The summary does not purport to be complete and reference is made to the Indenture for a ful and complete statement of such provisions. Certain capitalized words or te used in this summary and not defined herein are defined in the Indenture an have the same meaning herein as therein used unless the context requires sa other meaning. Certain Definitions "Bond Year" means the period of twelve consecutive months ending on tk first day of July in any year in which Bonds are or will be Outstanding. '1Bonds11 means the City of Carlsbad, California, Single Family Resident Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Issue of 1983, authorized by, and at any time Outstanding pursuant to, the Indenture. "Capital Reserve Account Requirement" means an amount equal to two percent (2%) of the principal amount of the Loans outstanding as of any da, of calculation. ItCosts of Issuancett means all administrative fees of the City and iter of expense directly or indirectly payable by or reimbursable to the City ai related to the authorization, issuance, sale and delivery of the Bonds, including but not limited to advertising and printing costs, costs of preparation and reproduction of documents, filing and recording fees, init fees and charges of any insurer, the City and 'the Trustee, (including fees 25 040181-0022-118-4302m 06/0 . charges for services through the first Bond Year), legal fees and charges, fees and disbursements of consultants and professionals, rating agency fees, fees and charges for preparation, execution, transportation and safekeeping oi Bonds and any other cost, charge or fee in connection with the original issuance of Bonds. "Estimated Excess Earnings" means the Excess Earnings which the Trustee estimates, as of each May 1 and November 1, will be earned during the Semiannual Debt Service Period for which the estimate is being made. "Estimated Maximum Earnings" means the Maximum Earnings which the Truste estimates, as of each Way 1 and November 1, will be applicable to the Semiannual Debt Service Period for which the estimate is being made. "Excess Earnings" means earnings on investments held hereunder (exclusiv of Loans), including unrealized gains and losses upon the retirement of the last Outstanding Bond, during the period for which the calculation is being made which are in excess of the sum of (i) Maxyimum Earnings (calculated on tk basis of semiannual compounding) and (ii) actual losses on Loans. "Impound Payments" means all deposits made by a Mortgagor in order to obtain or maintain mortgage insurance or guarantees or fire and other hazard in-surance or any federal, state or local program subsidy with respect to a Loan or the premises relating thereto, and deposits required to be made with respect to taxes and other governmental charges or similar charges customari required to be deposited in advance by a Mortgagor and impounded pending the payment for the item or items for which the deposits were impounded. "Investment Agreement" means one or more agreements in form and substan satisfactory to the City, dated as of the date on which the Bonds are issued by and between the Trustee and which the proceeds from the sale of the Bonds may be invested. pursuant to "Investment Securities" means any of the following which at the time ar legal investments under the laws of the State of California for moneys held hereunder and then proposed to be invested therein: (1) direct obligations the United States of America (including obligations issued or held in book-entry form on the books of the Department of the Treasury of the Unitec States of America) or obligations the principal of and interest on which arf guaranteed by the United States of America; (2) interest-bearing demand or time deposits (including certificates of deposit) in banks (including the Trustee) or savings and loan associations, insured at all times, in the man] and to the extent provided by law, by either the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation; (3) certificates of deposit with any bank or savings and loan association t' securities of which carry the highest rating by Standard st Poor's Corporati if not secured by such collateral; and (4) the Investment Agreement. "Loan" means a loan, evidenced by a Note secured by a first lien Mortgacwhich meets the requirements of the Agreement and which the Trust 26 040181-0022-118-4302m 06/0' * on behalf of the Issuer, has purchased or intends to purchase from a Lending Institution pursuant to the Agreement. "Loan Principal Prepayments" means all amounts received by the City or the Trustee representing recovery of the principal amount of any Loan (exclusive of regularly scheduled principal payments) as a result of (1) any prepayment of all of the principal amount of any Loan, including any prepayment penalty, fee, premium or other such additional charge, less the amount retained by any Lending Institution as servicer of such Loan as additional compensation on account of such prepayment; (2) the sale, assignment or other disposition of any Loan; (3) the acceleration of any Loa! (on account of default or any other cause) or the foreclosure or sale under deed of trust or other proceedings taken in the event of default of any Loan and (4) compensation for losses incurred with respect to any Loan from the proceeds of condemnation, title insurance, hazard insurance, mortgage insurance or guarantees (whether received in the form of moneys or as debentures or certificates issued pursuant to a contract of insurance), exclusive of amounts recovered in respect of such losses to the extent required to be otherwise applied pursuant to the applicable contract of insurance. "Mandatory Sinking Account Payment" means, as of any date of calculatio th-e amount required to be paid by the City on a given date for the retiremer of Term Bonds. "Maximum Earnings" means the product of an interest rate equal to the Yield on the Bonds multiplied by the average daily balance of amounts held hereunder in investments other than Loans during the period for which the calculation is being made, calculated on the basis of semiannual compoundint "Outstanding" when used as of any particular time with reference to Bonds, means (subject to the provisions of the Indenture concerning disqualified Bonds) all Bonds theretofore, or thereupon being, authenticate and delivered by or on behalf of the Trustee under the Indenture except (1) Bonds theretofore cancelled by the Trustee or surrendered to the Truste for cancellation; (2) Bonds with respect to which all liability of the Issu shall have been discharged in accordance with the Indenture, including Bond (or portions of Bonds) for which the Trustee is holding money in trust for payment of particular Bonds (or portions thereof); and (3) Bonds for the transfer or exchange of or in lieu of or in substitution for which other Bo shall have been authenticated and delivered by or on behalf of the Trustee pursuant to the Indenture. "Owner" means the Person in whose name a Bond is registered in the registry maintained by the Trustee. "Program Expense Fund Requirement" means, as of any date of calculatic such amount as may at any time and from time to time be fixed or determinec the Trustee, with notice thereof to the City, as necessary to be accumulatf in the Program Expense Fund as a reserve for the uses to which amounts in : fund may be applied pursuant to the Indenture. 27 040181-0022-118-4302111 06/0 c "Qualified Program Expenses" means the following of the City's expenses in carrying out and administering the Program: (1) fees and expenses of the city (but only to the extent paid or incurred in connection with the preparation of financial reports required pursuant to the Indenture) and the Trustee and (2) insurance premiums with respect to any special hazard insurance required to be maintained on or with respect to any one or more Loans pursuant to the Indenture. ''Revenues'l means all amounts received by the City or the Trustee from or with respect to any Loan, any Agreement, any Developer Agreement or any polic: of insurance on or with respect to any Loan, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, scheduled payments of principal and interest required pursuant to any Loan and paid from any source (including both timely and delinquent payments), Loan Principal Prepayments, and all interests, profits or other income derived from the investment of amounts in any fund or account established pursuant to this Indenture (except the Excess Earnings Fund), but shall not include (1) Impound Payments, (2) any amount retained by any Lending Institution (other than the City) as a servicing fee or other compensation, and (3) Excess Earnings. Semiannual Debt Service Period means the period from January 1 through June : and the period from July 1 through December 31 in any year in which there art Bokds Outstanding. Pledge and Assignment Pursuant to the Indenture, the City assigns all of the Revenues (as hereinafter defined), all of the proceeds of the Bonds and amounts (other th Excess Earnings) held in any fund or account established under the Indenture together with all of the right, title and interest of the County in each Loa each Agreement and each Developer Agreement for the benefit of the owners of the Bonds. Establishment of Funds The Indenture establishes the following funds and accounts to be held k the Trustee: (1) the Revenue Fund; (2) the Estimated Excess Earnings Account (3) the Excess Earnings Fund; (4) the Program Expense Fund: (5) the Bond Fur (6) the Bond Reserve Fund; and (7) the Redemption Fund. Bond proceeds are to be deposited as described under llSources and Uses Funds" herein, and the transfer and disbursement of Bond proceeds and Revenr are to be made by the Trustee in the manner set forth under "Nature of Security and Sources of Payment - Flow of Funds'' herein. Investment of Moneys in Funds Moneys held in any of the funds and accounts established pursuant to t Indenture (other than those monies in the Program Fund which have been reserved to pay Costs of Issuance on the Bonds) shall be invested by the Trustee in Investment Securities to maximize investment income, with proper 28 040181-0022-118-4302m 06/05 L regard for the preservation of principal, subject to the tax covenants and limitations as to maturities set forth in the Indenture and subject also to any request of the County as to such investment.. Moneys in all funds and accounts established under the Indenture shall b invested in Investment Securities paying interest and maturing not later thal: the dates on which it is estimated that such money will be required by the Trustee. However, investments in all funds and accounts may be commingled fc puroses of making investments, and all gains and losses shall be allocated ratably. All interest and other profit derived from such investment shall be deposited when received in the Revenue Fund. as an investment of moneys in any fund or account established under the Indenture shall be credited to such fund or account. For the purpose of determining the amount in any such fund or account, the amount of any obligation allocable thereto shall be equal to the purchase price of such obligation (not including accrued interest, if any, paid on the purchase of such obligation) plus the amount of any discount below par accounting for an such discount ratably each year over the term of such obigation (i.e., by dividing the amount of such discount by the number of interest payment dates having passes since the date of purchase); provided, however, that the amcountof any accrued interest on any obligation shall be crdited to the Revenue Fund or to any fund or account to which such amount or any portion thereof may have been transferred from the Revenue Fund. Investment Securities acquired The Trustee may sell at the best price obtainable, or present for redemption, any Investment Securities so purchased whenever it shall be necessary in order to provide money to meet any required payment, transfer, withdrawal or disbursement from the fund or account to which such Investmen. Security is credited, and the Trustee shall not be liable or responsible fo: any loss resulting from such investment. Covenants of the City The City warrants and covenants, among other things: (1) To punctually pay all Revenues received by it to the Trustee for payment of the Bonds: (2) Not to extend or consent to extension of time for payment or maturity of Bonds: (3) To provide further assurances of rights under the Indenture, re quire d : (4) To keep or cause to be kept proper books for all the Prograr transactions described in the Indenture and to file a copy of its ann1 report pertaining to such transactions with the Trustee and provide SI report to each Owner who has filed his name and address for such purpc 29 040181-0022-118-4302m 06/0 . * (5) To the extent permitted by law, not to claim the advantage of any laws which may adversely effect the covenants and agreements of the Indenture; (6) To do nothing which will cause the Bonds to become arbitrage bonds within the meaning of Section 103(c) of the Code or which would fail to comply with the requirements of Section 103A and the regulations promulgated thereunder; (7) To use Bond proceeds to purchase Loans which are in compliance with the Program, and to do aLI things necessary to produce Revenues sufficient to pay principal of and interest on the Bonds and to maintain and enforce all policies of insurance required under the Program, and to enforce the terms, conditions and covenants of the Loans, the Agreements and the Developer Agreements; and (8) To assure that Mortgagors shall be indebted under the Loans only to the extent necessary to provide for full payment of principal an redemption premium, if any, and interest on the Bonds and any expenses and other amounts required to be paid under the Indenture and the Agreements, and after full payment of all of said amounts, to execute an documents or do such other things as may be necessary to relieve the Mortgagors of their obligations remaining under the Loans. Supplemental Indentures Supplemental Indentures may be adopted at any time to: (1) Add covenants and agreements to further secure the Bonds or tc surrender any right or privilege of the City reserved or conferred undei the Indenture; (2) Nodify the Indenture subject to consent of Owners as describe below; (3) Cure ambiguities and defects or inconsistent provisions of an add clarifying provisions to the Indenture; and (4) Permit qualification of the Indenture under the Trust Indentu Act of 1939, as amended, or similar statute. Amendment of the Indenture With the exception of amendments outlined above, which may be made without the consent of the Owners, amendments to the Indenture may be accomplished by supplemental indenture adopted with the consent of the Ownei of at least 60% of the principal amount of Bonds outstanding, such consent I be obtained in writing. maturity of any outstanding Bonds, or any interest date or reduce the principal amount or redemption price or rate of interest without the consenl No such amendment may change the redemption or 30 040181-0022-118-4302m 06/ 0 5 n % of the Owners affected nor may the percentage required for consent be reduce1 without consent of all of the Owners. Default and Remedies Events of default are defined as: (1) Default in the payment of principal, redemption price or sinking fund installments when due; (2) (3) Default in the payment of interest when due; Default by the City in the observance of any of the covenants agreements or conditions contained in the Indenture or in the Bonds, which continues for a period of 60 days after written notice thereof shall have been given by the Trustee or by the Owners of not less than 25% of the Outstanding Bonds; or (4) The assumption under the provisions of any law relating to bankruptcy or insolvency or any similar law relating to creditors right by any court of competent jurisdiction, of custody or control of the County of of the whole or any substantial part of its property, if such custody or control is not terminated or stayed within 60 days from the date of assumption of such custody or control. Upon the concurrence of an event of default, the Trustee or the Owners c a majority of outstanding Bonds may, upon written notice to the City, declar the principal of all Bonds and the interest accrued thereon to be immediate1 due and payable, and upon such declaration, the same is to become immediate] due and payable: provided, however, that if, at any time after such declaration and before any judgment or decree for the payment of the moneys due has been obtained or entered, the City deposits with the Trustee a sum sufficient to pay all the principal or redemption price of and interest on t Bonds payment of which is overdue, with interest on such overdue principal i the rate borne by the respective Bonds, and the reasonable charges and expenses of the Trustee, and any and all other defaults known to the Trustee shall have been made good or cured to the satisfaction of the Trustee or provision deemed by the Trustee to be adequate shall have been made therefoi then, the Owners of not less than a majority of the Bonds then outstanding, written notice to the City and to the Trustee, may, on behalf of the Owners all of the Bonds, rescind and annual such declaration and its consequences 2 waive such default; but no such rescission and annulment shall extend to or shall affect any subsequent default, or shall impair or exhaust any right 01 power consequent thereon. Upon the happening of an event of default, the Trustee may, and shall upon written request of the Owners of at feast 25% of outstanding Bonds, proceed to enforce its rights or the rights of such Owners by such appropri: proceeding as it may deem effectual to protect and enforce such rights. 31 040181-0022-118-4302m 06/05, . In the event of an insufficiency of funds to pay principal and sinking fund installments, redemption prices or interest then due (after payment of expenses, charges and liabilities of the Trustee and other required expenses) the balance of funds then available (other than funds held for the payment or redemption of particular Bonds which have theretofore become due at maturity or by call for redemption) shall be applied as follows if less than all Bonds are due and payable: First, to payment of interest in the order of maturity of installments, or, if funds are insufficient to pay any installment in full, ratably, by amounts due, without discrimination or preference. Second, to payment of unpaid principal or sinking fund installments or redemption price of Bonds which are due in the order of due dates, and, if insufficient to pay in full all Bonds due on any one date, ratably, by amount due, without discrimination or preference. If all the Bonds are due and payable, and a like insufficiency exists, available funds shall be applied to payment of principal and interest, ratably, without preference or priority, according to total amounts due. The timing of such payments on default is in the discretion of the Trktee. The method of conducting remedial proceedings by the Trustee may I: directed in writing by Owners owning a majority in principal amount of the Bonds; provided, however, the Trustee may decline to follow any such directi which, in the opinion of the Trustee, would be unjustly prejudicial to other Owners. No Owner has any right to institute any suit, action or other proceedir under the Indenture or for the protection or enforcement of any right therei granted or any right granted under the law, unless such Owner has given to t Trustee written notice of the event of default or breach of duty on account which suit, action or proceeding is to be taken, and unless the Owners of nc less than 25% in principal amount of the Bonds then outstanding have made written request to the Trustee to exercise the powers granted in the Indenti or to institute such action, suit or proceeding in its name and unless, alsc there shall have been offered to the Trustee reasonable security and indemn against the costs, expenses and liabilities to be incurred therein or there1 and the Trustee shall have refused or neglected to comply with such request within 60 days after such written request and tender of indemnity; and such notification, request, and offer of indemnity are declared in every such ca to be conditions precedent to the execution of the powers under the Indentu or for any other remedy under law. The Indenture prohibits actions which m adversely affect rights and interests of Owners. Discharge of Indenture Full payment of principal, interest and redemption price of all outstanding Bonds terminates all rights and obligations under the Indenture 32 040181-0022-118-4302m 06/0. The lien of the Indenture and the pledge of the Revenues are also fully discharged if (i) there shall have been deposited with the Trustee and set aside in a special trust fund either moneys or direct and general obligation: of the United States of America, the principal and interest on which when duc will be sufficient to pay all principal or redemption price and interest due or to become due on or prior to maturity or redemption date of the Bonds, an (ii) with respect to Bonds to be redeemed prior to their maturity, notice of such redemption shall have been given in accordance with the provisions of t Indenture or provision satisfactory to the Trustee shall has been made for t giving of such notice. The Trustee Security Pacific National Bank is the Trustee. Unless an Event of Default shall have occurred and be continuing, the Trustee shall perform on1 such duties as are specifically set forth in the Indenture and the Agreement During the existence of an Event of Default, the Trustee shall exercise suck of the rights and powers vested in it by the Indenture, and use the same degree of care and skill in their exercise, as a prudent man would exercise use under the circumstances in the conduct of his own affairs. The Trustee not liable in connection with the performance of its duties under the Indenture, except for its own negligence or default. The Trustee may become th> owner of Bonds with the same rights it would have if it were not Trustet The County may remove the Trustee at any time unless an Event of Default shi have occurred and then be continuing and shall remove the Trustee if at any time requested to do so by the holders of not less than a majority in aggregate principal amount of the Bonds then Outstanding or for certain otht causes set forth in the Indenture. The Trustee also may resign at any time Upon removal or resignation of the Trustee, the County shall promptly appoi a successor Trustee. Any Trustee must be a trust company or bank having th powers of a trust company, having a corporate trust office in Los Angeles, California, having a combined capital and surplus of at least $100,000,000, and must be subject to supervision or examination by federal or state authority. NO LITIGATION There is no litigation or controversy of any nature now pending or threatened to restrain or enjoin the sale, execution, issuance or delivery the Bonds or in any way contesting the validity of the Bonds or any proceedings of the City taken with respect to the authorization, sale or issuance of the Bonds, or the pledge or appli.cation of any moneys, Pledged Revenues or securities provided for the payment of or security for the Bonc the existence or powers of the City or the title of any officers of the Cii to their respective positions, or having any significant effect on the soul of income to be collected which contribute to the Revenues. The City will certify upon delivery of the Bonds. 33 040181-0022-118-4302111 06/0 * LEGALITY AND TAX EXEMPTION General All legal matters in connection with the issuance of the Bonds are subject to the approval of Stradling, Yocca, Carlson & Rauth, a Professional Corporation, Newport Beach, California, Bond Counsel. Certain legal matters will be passed upon by Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe, A Professional Corporation, San Francisco, California, Counsel. to the Underwriters. Fees payable to Bond Counsel are contingent upon the sale and delivery of the Bonc In the opinion of Bond Counsel, under existing statutes, regulations, rulings and judicial decisions, interest on the Bonds is exempt from present federal income taxes and from present State of California personal income taxes. Bond Counsel is further of the opinion that, in order for interest or the Bonds to be exempt from federal income taxes from the date the Bonds are delivered, Section 103A, requires that the City meet certain requirements on continuing basis. least ninety-five percent (95%) of the proceeds of the Bonds used to purchasl Loans is devoted to Loans which meet the requirements of said Section 103A a the time such Loans are executed, and assuming further that the City complie with its covenants contained in the Indenture, interest on the Bonds will continue to be exempt from federal income taxes under existing statutes, regulations, rulings and judicial decisions. Bond Counsel is further of the opinion that, assuming at Section 103A provides that interest on "mortgage subsidy bonds", such a the Bonds, is exempt from federal income taxation under certain conditions. The following conditions imposed by Section 103A relate to future events: ( all Loans are required to be made with respect to Residences which can reasonably be expected to become the principal residence of the Mortgagor within a reasonable time and which are located within the jurisdiction of th City; (2) at least 90% of the principal amount of the Loans must be made to Mortgagors who have not had a present ownership interest in a principal residence at any time during the 3-year period prior to execution of the Loa (3) the acquisition cost of Residences financed with Loans may not exceed 11 of the Average Area Purchase Price; (4) none of the Bond proceeds may be use to acquire or replace an existing mortgage: and (5) any person permitted to assume a Loan is required to meet the conditions set forth above in (l), (2) and (3). In connection with the execution or assumption of Loans, temporar] regulations of the Internal Revenue Service authorize the City to rely on affidavits or mortgagors as to (1) intention to use a Residence as a princi] residence; (2) no present ownership interest within the 3 prior years (accompanied by federal income tax returns); and (3) affidavits of the mortgagor and the seller of the Residence that the Loan is not replacing an existing loan and the acquisition cost does not exceed the applicable percentage of the Average Area Purchase Price which is fixed by reference ti "safe harbor" amounts published and to be published by the Internal Revenue Service. Loans on Residences covered by the City's Program as required wil not replace existing mortgages within the meaning of Section 103A. 34 040181-0022-118-4302111 06/05 Section 103A(c)(2)(B)(ii) and (iii) and the temporary regulations thereunder provide that, if the conditions summarized above are met at the time the Loar were executed with respect to 95% of the Bond proceeds available for making Loans and corrective measures were taken with respect to those Loans which d: not meet those conditions, interest on the Bonds will remain exempt from federal income taxation. Section 103A also contains certain other requirements affecting the structure of the Program, the terms of the Loans and arbitrage earnings (if any) with respect to certain funds. The City mus' make a good faith attempt to meet these additional requirements and any failure by the City to meet these requirements is permissible only if due to an inadvertent error after taking reasonable steps to comply with such requirements. The City has also covenanted in the Indenture to meet these requirements and the City has agreed to take all steps necessary to comply with these requirements so long as any of the Bonds are outstanding. Developer Agreements, the Agreements and the Indenture to do incorporate the "safe harbor" procedures of Section 103A and require certain affidavits and certifications (and provide penalties for inaccuracies of such affidavits an certifications) by the City, the mortgagors, the sellers of the Residences a the Lending Institutions which, if accurate, are believed by the City to mee these conditions. In the opinion of Bond Counsel, the Agreements and the Indenture have been drafted so that these structuring and safe harbor requirements are satisfied. co%enants described above should assure compliance with Section 103A. Nevertheless, if it is determined that more than 5% of the principal amount Loans violate certain requirements of Section 103A, the interest payments on the Bonds may lose their federal income tax exemption. The The City believes that the procedures and CERTAIN VERIFICATIONS , a firm of independent certified public accountant has verified the mathematical accuracy of the computations relating to the sufficiency of projected cash flow receipts and disbursements on the Loans a reserve funds to pay the principal of and interest on the Bonds. the Bonds supporting the conclusion of Bond Counsel that the Bonds are not arbitrage Bonds within the meaning of Section 103(c) and comply with Section 103(A)(i) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended. assumptions upon which such computations are based nor on the attainability the resultant projections. has also computed the actuarial yield on the Loans and expresses no opinion on the attainability of the UNDERWRITING The Underwriters have agreed, subject to certain conditions, to purchas less than the initiz the Bonds from the City at a price which is $ public offering prices set forth on the cover page. obligations are subject to certain conditions precedent, and they will be obligated to purchase all the Bonds, if any Bonds are purchased. may be offered and sold to certain dealers, banks, and other parties at pric The Underwriters' The Bonds 35 040181-0022-118-4302m 06/05, lower than the initial offering prices, and such initial offering prices may be changed from time to time by the Underwriters. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Any statements in this Official Statement involving matters of opinion, whether or not expressly so stated, are intended as such and not as representations of fact. This Official Statement is not to be construed as a contract or agreement between the City or the Underwriters and the purchases, holders or owners of any of the Bonds. The execution and delivery of this Official Statement has been duly authorized by the City. Concurrently with the delivery of the Bonds, the Cit will furnish a certificate executed on behalf of the City by an authorized officer of the City to the effect that this Official Statement, as of its dat and as of the date of delivery of the Bonds, does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state any material fact necessary to make the statements herein, in the light of the circumstances under which the were made, not misleading. CITY OF CARLSBAD BY 36 040181-0022-118-4302111 06/05 *. 3 APPENDIX A [TO COME] A- 1 040181-0022-118-4302m 06/05, lf6 7%So r' 1 7/\7/ I 9 5 &- FJ&% APPENDIX B THE LENDING INSTITIJTIONS Gene r a1 Loans to be originated by the Lending Institutions are to be under- written generally in accordance with the standards established by FHLMC in order to assess the prospective mortgagor's ability to repay the mortgage loan. California is an "anti-deficiency" state which means that, in general lenders on single family residences must look solely to the property for repayment in the event of default. Accordingly, the loan underwriting proce: is intended to insure that the value of the property being financed current11 supports, and will in the future support, the Loan with such excess value sufficient to mitigate a limited adverse shift in the real estate market. TI Lending Institutions will sell Loans to the Trustee on a nonrecourse basis except as to the representations made at the time of sale. Each Lending Institution will originate and service Loans in the following amounts : Lending Institution Allocation The Lending Institutions The following is a summary of each Lending Institution's experienc in origi- nating and servicing residential family mortgage loans. information regarding each Lending Institution was provided by each Lending Institution, and neither the City nor the Underwriters has independently verified the accuracy of such information. In addition, there can be no assurance that the past pattern of appreciation in value of California real estate will continue or that the loss experience with respect to the Loans securing the Bonds will be as favorable as the loss experience shown for the Lending Institutions described below. In particular, if the California residential real estate market should experience an overall decline in property values, the actual rates of delinquencies, foreclosures and losses could be significantly higher than those previously experienced by the Lendj Institutions. The B- 1 (1 I APPENDIX C THE CITY The following information concerning the City is included only for the purpose of supplying general information regarding the City. Neither th faith and credit nor the taxing power of the City, the State of California o any political subdivision thereof is pledged t-o the payment of the Bonds, an the Bonds are limited obligations of the City payable solely from and secure by the revenues and assets pledged therefor. c