HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-07-17; City Council; 7824; Hunt AnnexationCIT\ >F CARLSBAD - AGENDI )ILL \B#m [TITLE: ATG..7/17/84 HUNT ANNEXATION 1EPT.L RECOMMENDED ACTION: DEPT. HD. CITY ATTYa CITY MGR.~~ Adopt motion authorizing City Manager to support the annexation of Hunt properties to the City. BACKGROUND In 1983 the City Council approved a prezoning application by Hunt Properties in the area of Batiquitos Lagoon. The property owner has since filed a request with LAFCO to annex about 1200 acres to Carlsbad. LAFCO has sent notice to various agencies and asked for comments. LAFCO has asked Carlsbad to answer numerous questions about urban services and to justify reasons for the annexation. It will take considerable staff time to answer LAFCO'S questions. Attached are letters to LAFCO from the Sheriff's Office, Leucadia- Encinitas Town Council and Encinitas Fire District opposing the annexation of Green Valley. Council will recall that in 1981 Carlsbad asked that the Green Valley area be deleted from the San Diequito Ineorporation and included in the Carlsbad sphere of influence. LAFCO did delete Green Valley but took no action to change the sphere boundary. The Hunt Annexation brings this matter to a head. The City's position is that Green Valley is geographically a part of the Carlsbad-La Costa Community because it faces on El Camino Real, is across the street from Carlsbad development and slopes from West to East. Drainage is into Batiquitos Lagoon. Carlsbad already provides police and fire and other public services to land on the east side of El Camino north to Olivenhain Road. It would make more sense and be better planning for Carlsbad to serve the land as it develops rather than leave it unincorporated or be included in a future San Diequito incorporation. In addition the owner wishes to annex to Carlsbad so that all of the property will be included in one planning jurisdiction. The multiple problems involved in developing this property strongly support the idea of annexation to Carlsbad. In view of the opposition arising in the Encinitas-Leucadia area, it is felt that Carlsbad must support the annexation proposal or it may be disapproved by LAFCO as was the Woolley annexation. There are sound planning reasons for supporting the Hunt Annexation. These reasons will be advanced by the City during the LAFCO process if Council concurs. FISCAL IMPACT No city funds are requested. Perhaps 200 hours of staff time will be needed to handle the annexation proceedings. - 4 v' EN'CINI TAS FIRE PRO TECTlON DIS TRIG T CARDIFF. ENClNlTAS. LEUCADIA 415 SECOND STREET. ENCINITAS. CALIFORNIA 92024 . PHONE 753-1193 oo*no OF CmccTons GERALD F MOORE, CFAIRMAN WILLIAM H RUSCH BRUCE L LINGLE THOMAS R ROUSE MATTHELU G RIELLY July 5, 1984 Ms. Jane P. Merrill Executive Officer Local Agency Formation Commission 1600 Pacif i.c Highway San Diego, CA 92101 Dear Jane: This letter is in response to your letter of request, dated June 19, 1984, regarding the proposed "HPI Reorganization" (City of Carlsbad) (RO 84-8) and the proposed amendment to the Sphere of Influence of the City of Carlsbad (SA 84-4). In your letter you identified eight (8) items that you comments on. I will reply to each item in the order listed. requested 1. Distance - and Response Times Parcel #4 Response Time Station 1 4.1 Miles 6-7 Minutes Station 2 4.9 Miles 7-8 Minutes Station 3 2.1 Miles 3-4 Minutes Station 4 (Seeman) 4.6 Miles 7-8 Minutes Station 4 (New) 3.5 Miles 4-5 Minutes Parcel #5 Station 1 4.3 Miles Station 2 4.7 Miles Station 3 3.7 Miles Station 4 (Seeman) 2.9 Miles Station 4 (New) 2.1 Miles Parcel #6 Station 1 2.8 Miles Station 2 5.1 Miles Station 3 1.7 Miles Station 4 (Seeman) 3.9.Miles Station 4 (New) 4.2 Miles Response Time 6-7 Minutes 7-8 Minutes 4-5 Minutes 4-5 Minutes 3-4 Minutes Response Time 4-5 Minutes 7-8 Minutes 3-4 Minutes 6-7 Minutes 6-7 Minutes As you can see from the above data the Encinitas Fire Protection District can have a unit on scene in any of the proposed reorganization areas within three to four minutes. 1 2 2. Location of Stations Station 1 415 Second Street Enc i ni t a s Station 2 1867 MacKinnon Street Cardiff Station 3 . 801 Orpheus Avenue Le uca d ia Station 4 (Seeman) 120 Seeman Drive Enc i n i ta s Station 4 (New) 135 North El Camino Real Encinitas The Encinitas Fire Protection District is in the process of relocating Station #4 (120 Seeman Drive) to the County Road Department, property located at 135 North El Camino Real, Encinitas. See attached maps indicating response routes from existing and proposed stations to the proposed areas. 3. Equipment and Personnel Response (Structural1 A. Parcel #5 Station 4 (2314) Station 1 (2395, 2375) A/R Rancho Santa Fe Village Park Station (2612) A/R Carlsbad La Costa Station (221.23 13 Men Total B. Parcel #4 or #6 Station #3 (2313) Station #1 (2395, 2375) A/R Rancho' Santa Fe Village Park Station (2612) A/R Carlsbad La Costa Station (2212) 13 Men Total 4. Paramedic or EMT Service -- San Dieguito Paramedics (Medevac) presently provides paramedic service to the area of CSA-17. CSA-17 encompasses all of parcel #5, La Costa Avenue in Parcel #4, and the entire 'northern boundary of the Encinitas Fire Protection District. The San Dieguito Paramedics (2390) are housed at Station #2 in Cardiff. A CSA-17 EMT back-up ambulance (2396) is located at Station #1 and Rancho Santa Fe Village Park Station (2692). If a request was made, for medical aid from the proposed reorganization area, an engine company would respond as the first responder and either the San Dieguito paramedics (2390) or an EMT ambulance (2396) or (2692) from the Rancho Santa Fe Village Park Station would respond depending upon the availability of the paramedics. 2 3 CSA-17 currently has a mutual aid agreement with the City of Carlsbad for EMT ambulance transport on an as needed basis. All Encinitas Fire Protection District suppression personnel are certified EM"-1A. 5. Automatic/>lutual Aid Agreements - The Encinitas Fire Protection District has Automatic and/or Mutual Aid agreements with the following Departments: 1. Carlsbad Fire Department 2. Del Mar Fire Department 3. Rancho Santa Fe Fire Protection District 4. 5. Solana Beach Fire Protection District San Diego City Fire Department The Encinitas Fire Protection District has also signed the San Diego county Mutual Aid Pact. 6. I.S.O. Rating The majority of the Encinitas Fire Protection District area has been given an I.S.O. rating of Class 5; however, a few outlying areas have a Class 7 or 9. The San Dieguito Water District in 1982 was successful in getting a multi-million dollar water bond passed and is presently upgrading the water distribution system. Since the last I.S.O. rating in 1978, the Encinitas Fire Protection District has opened a fourth fire station, purchased a 75' 1500 GPM ladder/pumper, a new rescue squad/mini pumper, and has a new 1500 GPM pumper on order. The Encinitas Fire Protection District has also increased the number of firefighters on shift. In view of the above, upon completion of the upgrading of the water distribution system, a regrading by I.S.O. will be requested in anticipation of substantially lowering t.he present rating. 7. Annexation Fees The Encinitas Fire Protection District presently has annexation fees (see attachment) but these fees are presently being analysed and it is anticipated these fees will be lowered. 3 8. Comments Concerning Fire Protection The Encinitas Fire Protection District has traditionally provided fire and medical aid services to the proposed re- organizational area. / The Board of Directors of the Encinitas Fire Protection district has gone on record opposing the proposed reorgani- zation (See attachment). As elected officials from the San Dieguito Community it is their impr,ession that the populace would not look favorbly to the proposed reorganization. I feel that this letter is responsive to your request but if you should have any questions do not hesitate to contact me. I Acting Fire Chief J Enclosures 3- M6.U W mLcc7Ml . RALD f MOOR€. CHAIRlh(AU -LIAM tl. WSCH .. Jce L. LINGLE #.. . ,,-.z '. .' ' - . _.. ' . . , 4'- , ' CAROlFF ENGINITAS. L EUCADlA I'HOli' ' ; I '(I' .. :.. . Page Two February 3, 13S4 The Encinitas Fire Protection District Board of Directors feels very strongly about these matters and respectfully requests LAFCO delay action in the above mentioned areas in order to allow the Encinitas Fire Protection District to present ouf: issues/cause before. KCO. Thank you for your consideration in this matter that is of concern to our fim district and the community we serve. Sinc&+y yours; *. .< i;, Board of - Director's ENCINITAS FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT . . *.I ,. -. ... ...... I,. r. , .A ... ........ .... . ....... .. ~ . .; . .... .. : ,*!! '2' ,. :r 6. . _. '. . *-. ' .- . < -.._ ,. .^ L ..... ........ ........ ... ... 'I .. .. .. ,. . I 19) 236-2015 . Sari diego Local agmcy f~nnatlon commission 1600 pactfk Nghwyl san dlogo. ca. 92101 Propss5li Kn;E!-::$t.ent to the Sphere of Influence of the City of Carlshad (%as-4) 2. Kbere are existing an2 propcsed station!^! 1ocate?? Plzase er:clcse a mcp shouin? the rocte(s) fron ~xisti~; ard propsssd statioiis to the pro?osal area. 3. Tf J structuza: fire occurred, what cqujpment zi-12 ~EICL;.;~~~ -*! 01-1 1 d res po nc ? Page 1 of 2 4. !:os,,; h-ocld p;trarriEc'ic service be provided to the proposal area if served 1,y yodr agency? FGr exmple, what are t!-,e response tines 2172 locations of paramedic units or I=:-?? :.tzf feci tra~~sp~rt vehjclec that :.-ouI? re5psr.d to call: IL~L- sei-vice :rl tkr reor3sni;ztion area? 6. :;hat is the Cistrict's,'City's ISC rating? 7. \;hat are .the District's annexation fees? 8. Please provide any ot5er cormer,ts concerning fire protection ser-.:ise within the reorganization area. We wo'Qld appreciate your. response by July 9, 1984. If you would like to discuss the proposal or if you have any questicns, please call Jim Cook of our staff. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, &,:;E P. :.?ERFiILL' Executive Cfficer 2Pl.: : JC : sc At tac hrnen t Page 2 of 2 4 - 'P SAN DIEGO COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT /' -. POST OFFICE BOX 2991 SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92112 TELEPHONE (7141 JOHN F. DUFFY, Sheriff July 6, 1984 TO : Executive Officer (A2 16) Local Agency Formation Commission FROM: M. J. Smith, Captain (N131) Encinitas Sheriff Is Station Proposed '"PI Reorganization" (City of Carlsbad) (R084-8) Proposed Amendment to the Sphere of Influence of the City of Carlsbad (SA84-4) I have reviewed the proposed annexation of the unincorporated property into the City of Carlsbad. My maps are not up to date, but'parcel 4 appears to annex all the Lagoon property between El Camino Real and 1-5, north of La Costa Avenue, to the City of Carlsbad. Parcels 1, 2 and 3 take in part of some unincorporated islands and I would prefer they take all the islands; but this does not create any new islands, and causes no problems. V- L/ .- I am not specifically approving parcel 5, only because I feel Carlsbad is 'slowly annexing all income property as it develops, and I prefer easily recognizable city borders. In this case La Costa Avenue, El Camino Real, and Olivenhein make easily recognized borders and parcel 5 is a start in annexing South and West of these borders. I would recommend that the portion of La Costa Avenue that was deleted at Carlsbad's request, be put back into the annexed area. Carlsbad is deleting it because they want the property, but not the expense of the road maintenance. Approximately 80% of the iisers of this road are City of Carlsbad/La Costa residents, and as they continue to annex and develop, the percentage may go up. I think that if they want the property, they should accept some of the expenses of serving the area. This area is patrolled by units from the Encinitas Sheriff's station at 175 N. El Camino Real. When Carlsbad completes their new station by Palomar Airport, our average response times will be approximately the same. Parcel 5 is two miles from our station - Executive Offi, - July 6, 1984 -. Page 2 The Sheriff fields the following units from the Encinitas Stat ion : AM Shift 7AM-3PM 5 PM Shift 3 PM -11 PM 5 Night 11 PM - 7 AM 5 Over lap 7PM-3AM 2 Average response times to all parcels. Priority calls 6 minutes Non-priority calls 17 minutes M.//J. Smith, Captain Encinitas Sheriff's Station XJS : bc 4 Leucadia-E ncinitas Fr.. Jim Cook LAX0 1600 Pacific FLZhtray 3a.n Diem, Sa. Dear sir: Town Council P.O. Box 2193 Leucadia, California 92024 (619) 436-4921 The Leucadia-Zncinitas Town Council contiiiues to be in op.position to the proposed annexation Oi' the iTunt prop- erties situated ab j;Ice-,t to the Batiquitos LaLmon into the City of Carlsbad. Althox& we realize the benefit of development by a single conpmy to prevent a piecemeal-type of c?esigp, we do not feel this warrarts miexation for the purpose of a one en t i t jr juri sdi c t ion . It is the inter:t of tue Le1lcadia-%cinitas Town 'bucil to assist in protection of the Lagoon ai? its slrrmimdizg properties md mnemtior, into Carlsba? wo:ild not be the best way to acheive this protection. .'\ Ticiiw~ P. shea Presi.2 ent