HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-08-07; City Council; 7789-1; Tamarack AV contract & funds transferCIT\-)F CARLSBAD - AGENDE --\ILL LB# 77fl IITG. 8/7/84 E NG IEPT. - AWARD OF CONTRACT AND TRANSFER OF FUNDS FOR CITY ATTYW TAMARACK AVENUE: SUNNYHILL TO SKYLINE (CONTRACT NO. 3143) DEPT. HD. CITY MGR. * TITLE: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 90 accepting bids, transferring funds, and awarding Skyline Road to T. B. Penick & Sons. Contract No. 3143 for %- t e construction of Tamarack Avenue: Sunnyhill Avenue to ITEM EXPLANATION: On June 19, 1984, Council authorized the advertisement for bids for said project.- Six (6) sealed bids were received on July 20, 1984, as follows: 1. T. B. Penick & Sons 2. L. M. Kizer Construction 3. Reynolds Construction Inc. 4. Scibilia & Sons 5. Palomar Grading & Paving 6. Dyno Construction Inc. $141,241.00 141,963.00 164,597.46 168,248.25 168,858.00 180,264.84 The Engineer's Estimate on this project was $134,000. verified on the low bidder, T. B. Penick & Sons. Staff recommends the award of this contract to T. 8. Penick & Sons. References have been FISCAL IMPACT: Budgeted funds in the amount of $142,000 are available in the Tamarack: Sunnyhill to Skyline Account No. 32-18-40-3143 for this project. Funds in the amount of $194,000 are available in the Tamarack: Adams to Highland Account No. 32-18-40-3108. cover engineering, inspection, and contingencies will leave $179,500 in the Adams to Highland account. A transfer of $14,500 required from this account to Because the timing and scope of the Tamarack: Adam to Highland project is uncertain, additional funds may need to be transferred from a reserve account when the Tamarack: Adams to Highland Contract is awarded. EXH I B ITS : 1. Location Map 2. Resolution No. 6 oaccepting bids, transferring funds, and awarding Contract No. 3 &r the construction of the Tamarack: Sunnyhi 11 to Skyline to T. 8. Penick & Sons. LOCATION MAP PROJ. NO. 3/43 EXHlBll LOCATION MAP IClTY MAP BOOK PAGE\ it \ I PROJECT NAME 1-TAMARACK - SUNNYHlLl. lb SKYLINE I MEMORANDUM DATE : August 2, 1984 TO: Mary Casler, Mayor FROM: Charles Grimm, Principal Planner t%- SUBJECT: PONTE LETTER ON TAMARACK AVENUE Our office, in conjunction with the Engineering Department, has analyzed Mr. Ponte's letter, and offer the following comments. He requests that the Council adopt these guarantees: 1) " The City will adopt no design for improving West Tamarack that exceeds the recommendations of the Circulation Plan Advisory Committee -- which called for the 80' right-of-way and precise alignment of the updated 1977 City Engineer's plan." This has already been accomplished. On November 8, 1977, the Council adopted this special design plan with an 80 foot right- of-way, which meanders to avoid dwellings. No further action is required . 2) The City will not adopt a design that requires the destruction of any single-family residential home or garage. (This can easily be achieved by adoption of an evolutionary approach to widening this street, as in my proposal for a 'Provisional' Secondary Arterial -- a copy of which is attached herewith. )" The Engineering Department has drawn up precise right-of-way drawings to l/lOO-foot accuracy, based on the 1977 plan concept. This alignment is meandered to minimize the impact on existing structures, and will require the taking of only one structure. It is a balanced approach to minimize the taking of structures. It does place the right-of-way line close to several houses and garages in places, to avoid the actual taking of structures on the opposite side of the street. Mr. Ponte's "evolutionary' approach to widening the street is exactly the approach the City has been taking. This approach widens the street along the frontage of lots as they are re- developed. The City requires dedications, future improvement agreements, etc. (per the adopted 1977 plan) from developers as a condition of construction. While the City is acquiring right- of-way as development occurs, neither the Council nor staff is advocating immediate construction of the roadway to ultimate width (80 feet right-of-way). 3) " The City will adopt no design that will move the Tamarack Avenue right-of-way closer than six feet (72 inches) to any single family dwelling -- or, where dwelling are already closer than six feet (72 inches) from the present Tamarack Avenue right-of-way, that will bring the right-of-way closer to any dwelling than it already is. (Like #2 above, this can easily be achieved through an evolutionary plan like the one I proposed.)" Staff would not recommend this guarantee, as the adopted plan does, in some cases, place the right-of-way closer than six feet. Again, staff recognizes the difficulties encountered when it is necessary to transport high volumes of traffic through an established residential neighborhood. The beach, freeway on- ramps, El Camino Real, and, as a result, the traffic, is there to stay. We believe that the 1977 plan concept is the most balanced, practical approach. It is possible that much of the problem with Tamarack Avenue arise from a lack of citizen information. Mr. Ponte states that "life savings" will be taken by the City. The City does not acquire such property without adequate compensation unless the property redevelops. If it redevelops, such acquisition is required under the Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40. Much of Tamarack, however is not zoned for multi-family housing (east of the freeway) and will not redevelop for many years. While the City has acquired dedications in many cases, ultimately the City will have to purchase additional right-of-way to implement the 1977 concept. Projected traffic volumes on Tamarack (at buildout) are highest between Highland and Jefferson. They range between 13,000 and 19,000 ADT (Average Daily Trips). This is the area of most concern to staff. The link between Highland and Sunnyhill exists at 48-foot curb-to-curb and there is no expectation of widening. Sunnyhill to Skyline is expected to become something of a bottleneck when Tamarack is open to El Camino Real. The Engineering Department has completed drawings to actually Construct this link at 48-foot curb-to-curb within a 60-foot right-of-way. This action has received a Negative Declaration, and received no citizen protest. The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires that an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) be completed if a substantiated, valid protest to the preparing of a Negative Declaration is filed with the City. A legal notice requesting comments for such Negative Declaration for an overall downgrading of Tamarack to a collector, met with such protest. As a result, the Land Use Planning Manager has determined that an Environmental Impact Report is necessary to downgrade the roadway. Staff feels that such an EIR would be an extremely helpful document. The purpose of an EIR is to provide public agencies and the public in general with detailed information about the effect such an action (downgrading Tamarack) is likely -2- .. -4 to have on the environment, to list ways in which the significant effects might be minimized, and to indicate alternatives. Such environmental impacts do not only concern traffic flow or congestion, but also safety (including pedestrians and children), loss of setback area (property), impacts on neighborhoods, aesthetics, and other social factors. It appears that Mr. Ponte and others are concerned that the City is preparing to condemn property and construct this roadway at secondary arterial standards (84-foot right-of-way) east of 1-5 and major arterial standards (102-foot right-of-way) west of 1-5 (per the existing circulation plan). As this memo indicates, this is not the case. We are indeed very concerned about reducing standards between Highland and Jefferson, but support alternative designs to avoid structures, on the remainder of the roadway. Please contact myself or Paul Klukas if you need clarification or would like to look at plans for the roadway. CDG:PJK:bw -3- ’,. I 1 2 3 e 9 1c 11 12 12 14 1: 1E 17 1E 15 2c 21 22 22 24 2: 26 27 2€ RESOLUTION NO. 7690 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING BIDS, AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF CONTRACT NO. 3143 AND TRANSFERRING FUNDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF TAMARACK AVENUE FROM SUNNYHILL DRIVE TO SKYLINE ROAD. WHEREAS, bids have been received by the City of Carlsbad for construction of Tamarack Avenue from Sunnyhill Drive to Skyline Road, Contract No. 3143; and WHEREAS, the low bid received for the Tamarack Avenue construction was submitted by T. B. Penick and Sons, in the amount of $141,241; and WHEREAS, funds are available in the Tamarack: Sunnyhill to Skyline Account No. 32-18-40-3143 for this project; and WHEREAS, additional funds available in Account No. 32-18-40-3108 are to be transferred for this project. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad finds it acceptable to approve a change to said contract to allow a Deodar tree to remain in place of a City sidewalk on the southwest corner of Tamarack Avenue and Skyline Road; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as follows: 1. The above recitations are true and correct. 2. The bid of $141,241 by T. B. Penick & Sons for Contract No. 3143 for the construction of Tamarack Avenue from Sunnyhill Drive to Skyline Road is hereby accepted, and the Mayor and the City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute a contract thereafter. 3. That the transfer of Fourteen Thousand, Five Hundred Dollars ($14,500) from the Tamarack: Tamarack: Adams to Highland Account No. 32-18-40-3108 to the Sunnyhi 11 to Sky1 ine Account No. 32-18-40-3143 is hereby approved and appropriated. 4. That the change in said contract to allow a Deodar tree to remain is approved. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ia 19 2c 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad at a regular meeting held the - 7mday of AWt vote, to wit: , 1984, - by the following AYES: Council -rs Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Prescott NOES: None ABSENT: 81 ATTEST : (SEAL)