HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-08-07; City Council; 7835; 1984-85 Appropriation LimitAB# 7 [{ ...J..f' MTG. 8-7-84 ,C'f't.l CIT' ..)F CARLSBAD -AGEND1-, JILL 1984-85 APPROPRIATION LIMIT ~_. DEPT.,_•_J._., __ _ CITYMGR. ~ RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 7 Ii:, 8:~ adopting the 1984-85 appropriation limit. ITEM EXPLANATION: Article XIIIB of the California Con:;t.i.cutlon requires that all governmental entities operate under certain limits on appropriations of proceeds of taxes. This "spending limit" ls based on the appropriations as adopted by the governing body during 1978-79 and is increased annually by a factor based on inflation and population. For the City of Carlsbad, the 1978-79 base ls about $10,2 million, That is the City appropriated $10.2 million from proceeds of taxes during 1978-79. The City ls required by law to annually set and publish the appropriation limit for each fiscal year. For 198~-85 this limit should be set fqllowing the budget adoption. The exhibits to this agenda bill show the process used in computing the 1984-85 limit of $21.5 million conpared to appropriations from proceeds of taxes of abqut $15.4 million. Based on these numbers, the City will have a $6.1 million margin during 1984-85. FISCAL IMPACT: The establishment of the appropriation limit has no fiscal impact in itself. It should be noted, however, that should the City ever receive more in proceeds of taxes than can legally be approprjated, the excess must be returned to the $tate or to the citlzens by returning sales tax, property tax or other tax revenues. EXHIBITS: Table I -Computation of the 1984-85 Limit Table II -Appropriation of Proceeds of Taxes in 1984-85 Resolution No. '7G, J'"l adopting the 1984-85 appropriation limit TABLE I COWUTATION OF 1984-85 APPROPRIATION LIMIT 1983-84 Appropriation Limit (See Resolution No. 7271, 7/5/83) Inf lat ion F ~ctor: Change in U.S. Consumer Price Index= 4.74% Population Change = 3.28% Factor= U.S. Consumer Price Index Change X Population Change Factor = 1.0474 X 1.0328 Factor= 1.0818 1983-84 Limit= Factor X 1983-84 Limit 1983-84 Limit= 1.0818 X 19,880,713 = August 7, 1984 EXHIBIT A (Page 1 of 2) Limit, $19,880,713 $21,506,955 TABLE II A1,1gust 7, 1984 EXHIBIT A (Page 2 of 2) CITY OF CARLSBAD APPROPRIATION OF PROCEEDS OF TAXES 1983-84 OPERATING FUNDS General Gas Tax Street Lighting Library & Sewer Bond Funds Housing Authority California Library Services Acct. Library Grant -SB-358 Sanitation Water Liability Self Insurance W.orker's Comp. Ins. Vehicle Maint. & Replacement Fund Redevelopment TOTAL OPERATING FUNDS CAPITAL FUNDS General Capital Const. Gas Tax Public F acilitles Fees Park In Lieu Revenue Sharing Sewer Construction Capital Grants Developer Contributions TOTAL CAPITAL FUNDS TOTAL ALL FUNDS 1984-85 Appropriation Limit 1984-85 Appropriation from Proceeds of Taxes AVAILABLE MARGIN TOTAL APPROPRIATION $ 16,227,879 548 ,ooo 496,425 149, 165 894,076 104,904 57,300 . 1,389,984 887,672 226 ,ooo 270,000 908,740 243,289 s 22,403,434 $ 2,169,530 1,525,376 4,043,844 330,000 1,800,000 1,287,213 2,616,600 1,643,450 s 15,416,013 $ 37,819,447 $ 21,506,955 15,441,876 $ 6,065,079 ✓ NON PROCEBJS PROCEEDS OF TAXES OF TAXES $ 13,368,500 $ 2,859,379 548 ,ooo 496,425 149, 165 894,076 104,904 57,300 1,389,984 887,672 226 ,ooo 270,'000 908,740 243,289 S 13,916,500 S 8,486,934 $ $ 2,169,530 1,525,376 4,043,844 330,000 1,800,000 1,287,213 2,616,600 1,61~3,450 S 1,525,376 $13,890,637 $15,441,876 $22,377,571 I \ 1 RESOLUTION NO. __ 7_68_9 __ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, 2 CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISH!~ THE 1983-84 APPROPRIATION LIMIT AS REQUIRED BY ARTICILE XIIIB OF THE CALIFORNIA STATE 3 CONSTITUTION AND STATE LAW. 4 WHEREAS, Article XIIIB of the California State Constitution requires that 5 governments annually establish a limit on the appropriation of proceeds of 6 taxes; and 7 ~EREAS, state law requires that this limit be forrnally adopted by the 8 governing body of each entity prior to June 30th of each fiscal year; and 9 WHEREAS, state law also requites that this limit be published in a newspaper 10 of general circulation to allow public response to the limit as adopted. 11 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED as follows: 12 1. That the City Council ~f the City of Carlsbad, California, does hereby 13 establish and adopt the 1984-85 appropriation limit of twenty one million five 14 hundred six thousand nine hundred fifty five dollars ($21,506,955) as computed 15 in Exhibit A attached hereto. 16 2. That the City Clerk is directed to publish this resolution in a 17 newspaper of general circulation. 18 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the 19 City of Carlsbad held on the 7t:l.!_ day of August 20 vote, to wit: , 1984, by the following 21 22 23 24 AYES: Council Members casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Prescott 25 26 27 28 NOES: lt>ne ABSENT: lt>ne ATTEST: (SEAL)