HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-08-07; City Council; 7840; Rules & Regulations for Reclaimed Water ServiceCITY JF CARLSBAD — AGENDA .SILL AB# 7 0 ITLE• MTG._ ZZ84 DEPT. HD. RULES & REGULATIONS FOR CITY Al'T'Y�� DEPT, U M RECLAIMED WATER SERVICE CITY MGR.�� RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt the Rules Regulations for Reclaimed [dater Service by approving Resolution No. 9� , p g ITEM EXPLANATION: The San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board adopted Order 84-10 January 23, 1984 which <<=:` on set water reclamation requirements for the City to act as the purveyor of reclaimed water. One r ' of the requirements to be completed was the adoption of rules and regulations for the distribution water. Rules of reclaimed and regulations have been developed by using the Vista Irrigation District's rules and regulations q. as a model. Additionally the draft of the rules and regulations were provided to Leucadia County Water District, Olivenhain Municipal Water District, San Marcos County Water District, Costa Real Municipal Water District and the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility and their comments have been incorporated where appropriate, ti- h4 FISCAL IMPACT• g No direct fiscal impact with this approval. a EXHIBITS: ' l.:% Resolution No. , (9 2•"'"'Rules & Regulations for Reclaimed Water Service Provided by the City of Carlsbad in its City Service W Area. J C a z 0 a z v i t, / ff 1 RESOLUTION NO. 7698 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY Or CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA ADODTTMa Rrtr ES AND 3 REGULATIONS FOR RECLAIMED WATER-SERVICE.... ATER SERVICE _ 4 WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad is responsible for the distribution of 5 reclaimed water in the City water service area; and 6 WHEREAS, the San Diego Regional Water Quality Board adopted Order 84-10 7 which sets forth requirements for the purveyance of reclaimed water by the City 8 which includeb the publication of appropriate rules and regulations. 9 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, 10 California as follows: 11 1. That Rules and Regulations for Reclaimed Water Service Provided by the 12 City of Carlsbad in Its City Service Area, dated July, 1984, attached hereto 13 is hereby adopted. 14 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council 15 held on the 7th day of August 1984, by the following vote, to wit: 16 AYES: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulch n,Chick and Prescott 17 NOES: None 18 ABSENT: None 19 � l� • `/c-a�� 20 MA H. C46LER, Mayor 21 22 ATTEST: 23 24 02 25 ALETHA L. RAU ENKRANZ, City Clerk 26 (SEAL) 27 28 i s RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR RECLAIMED WATER SERVICE PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD IN ITS CITY SERVICE AREA July, 1984 E K } TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface Acknowledgements SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION SECTION 2: GENERAL SECTION 3: DEFINITIONS SECTION 4: AREA SERVED SECTION 5: GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 5.1 Service Conditions s.2 Application Submittal 5.3 Permits 5.4 Size, Location & Installation of Service Line 5.5 Limitations of Service Connections 5.6 Relocation of Reclaimed Water Service Line 5.7 Illegal Connections 5.8 Meter Testing 5.9 Cross -Connection Prevention 5.10 Authorized Uses for Reclaimed Water 5.11 Scheduling Reclaimed Water 5.12 Emergency Connections to Reclaimed Water System SECTION 6: FACILITIES DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION 6.1 General 6.2 Offsite Reclaimed Water Facilities 6.3 Customer Facilities (On Site) 6.4 Submittals 6.5 Record (As Built) Drawings SECTION 7: FACILITIES OPERATION 7.1 Offs1te Facilities 7.2 Customer Facilities 7.3 Posting Approved Use Area SECTION 8: MONITORING AND INSPECTION SECTION 9: RECLAIMED WATER SERVICE LINE CHARGES 9.1 Reclaimed Water Service Line Charges 3-1 4-1 5-1 5-1 5-1 5-2 5-3 5-3 5-4 5-4 5-4 5-5 5-6 5-6 5-6 6-1 6-1 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-4 7-1 7-1 7-1 7-3 8-1 9-1 9-1 I SECTION 10: SECURITY DEPOSIT SECTION 11: RECLAIMED WATER RATES 11.1 Establishment of Rates 11.2 Change of Rates 11.3 Billing 11.4 Metering 11.5 Time and Manner of Payment SECTION 12: SEVERABILITY SECTION 13: ENFORCEMENT AND PENALTIES 13.1 General 13.2 Interim Reclaimed Water Service Discontinuation 13.3 Permanent Revocation 13.4 Re -Establishment of Reclaimed Water Service APPENDIX A: APPLICATION FORM FOR RECLAIMED WATER SERVICE WITHIN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD and CERTIFICATION FORM FOR RECLAIMED WATER SERVICE WITHIN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD APPENDIX B: APPLICATION AND PERMIT PROCEDURE SUMMARY Page 10-1 Preface The use of water reclaimed from domestic sewage is regulated by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB). Permission for this use is based in part, on the capability of the wastewater treatment and reclamation plant to meet the requirements of Title 22, Chapter 3 of the California Administrative Code. The Title 22 regulations were promulgated by the State Department of Health Service for the purpose of ensuring positive health protection and to specify the degree of treatment required depending on the intended use of the reclaimed water. The RWQCB in association with the Department of Health establishes discharge requirements to ensure the preservation of beneficial uses of receiving water and the protection of public health. In accordance with waste discharge requirements for water reclamation projects, the RWQCB requires that Rules and Regulations for facilities using reclaimed water be established. u Acknowledgement J The format and much of the contents of these Rules and Regulations were derived from the Rules and Regulations For Reclaimed Water Service of the Vista Irrigation District and Buena Sanitation District, Vista, California. li i 0 SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION C? C i SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION T he City of Carlsbad has beern granted a reclaimed water purveyor's permit by the Regional Water Quality Control Board. This permit allows Carlsbad to act as a a retail supplier of reclaimed water. Carlsbad will obtain reclaimed water from several sources ultimately, but, at the present time, Carlsbad will purchase wholesale reclaimed water from the San Marcos County Water District. San Marcos will produce the reclaimed water at their Meadowlark Treatment Facility. s SECTION 2 GENERAL /o SECTION 2 GENERAL Reclaimed water service by the City, subject to the availability of reclaimed water, the availability of facilities, adequate capacity in facilities, funds, or financing for the construction thereof, or all of the foregoing, is available on the following terms and conditions including all terms, conditions and charges herein established and prcv..ded for. It is the general intent of the City to provide reclaimed water to all areas of the City reclaimed water service area for which service is desired. Applications must be made to the City and the City, in conjunction with the State Health Department and the Regional Water Quality Control Board, will establish discharge requirements for the areas requesting reclaimed water. It is the expressed intent of the City that such reclaimed water be distributed and used in a manner that, in compliance with these rules and regulations, and applicable State and local requirements, will achieve the following: (1) Prevent direct human consumption of the reclaimed water. (2) Control and limit t4inoff of reclaimed water by controlling the installation and operation of systems using reclaimed water. (3) Prevent contamination of reclaimed water supplies. The City will review each application for reclaimed wate- service and each application must be approved on a case -by -case basis. Th, City will determine If reclaimed water can be made available to the applicant. In all cases, delivery of reclaimed water by the City will be contingent upon complete satisfaction of the requirements of applicable Regulatory Agencies. ! All favorable applications for reclaimed water service shall be concurrently ! forwarded by the City to the RWQCB and the Health Department for their review and approval. r Prior to construction of customer facilities that will use reclaimed water, the design of such facilities must be approved by the City. Approval for construction shall be contingent upon evidence that all applicable design requirements, including those contained within these Rules and Regulations, are i satisfied. Before the City approves service start-up of any customer facility using reclaimed water, the installed system shall be tested and approved by the City, and approval for service start-up certified by the RWQCB. 2-1 l� SECTION 3 DEFINITIONS SECTION 3 DEFINITIONS The terms hereinafter set forth unless otherwise specified shall have the following meanings; (1) AIR -GAP SEPARATION shall mean a physical break between a supply pipe and a receiving vessel. The air gap shall be at least double the diameter of the supply pipe, measured vertically above the top rim of the vessel, and in no case less than one inch. (2) APPLICANT shall mean any person, firm, corporation, association, or agency who desires reclaimed water service. (3) APPROVED CHECK VALVE shall mean a check valve that seats readily and completely. It must be carefully machined to have free moving parts and assured watertightness. The face of the closure element and valve seat must be bronze, composition, or other non -corrodible material that will seat tightly under all prevailing conditions of field use. Pins and bushings shall be of bronze or other non -corrodible, non -sticking material, machined for easy, dependable operation. The closure element (e.g., clapper) shall be internally weighted or otherwise internally equipped to promote rapid and positive closure in all sizes feature is obtainable. where this (4) APPROVED DOUBLE CHECK VALVE ASSEMBLY shall mean an assembly approved by the City consisting of at least two independently acting approved check valves including tightly closing shut-off valves on each side of the check valve assembly and suitable leak -detector drains plus connections available for testing the watertightness of each check valve. (5) APPROVED REDUCED PRESSURE PRINCIPLE BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE shall mean a device approved by the City and by the University of Southern California School of Engineering Foundation for Cross -Connection Control and Hydraulic Research, incorporating two or more check valves and an automatically operating differential relief valve located betweer, the two checks, two shut-off valves, and equipped with necessary appurtenances for testing. The device shall operate to maintain the pressure in the zone between the two check valves at less than the pressure on the City's water supply side of the device. At cessation of normal flow, the pressure between the check valves shall be less than the supply pressure. In case of leakage of either check valve, the differential relief valve shall operate to maintain this reduced pressure by discharging to the atmosphere. When the inlet pressure is two pounds per square inch or less, the relief valve shall be open to the atmosphere thereby providing an air gap in the device. To be approved, these devices must be readily accessible for maintenance and testing and installed in a location where no part of the valve will be submerged. 3-1 /3 (6) AUTOMATIC SYSTEM shall mean, in reference to landscape irrigation systems, automatic controllers, valves, and associated equipment required For the programming of effective water application rates when using reclaimed "ate r . mposed the or l reclaimed (7) water used whether hsuch all mwater used ean a gisiactually ymetered torfl onlyest mated. water (8) CONNECTION FEE shall mean a charge imposed for obtaining reclaimed water service from the City by means of its reclaimed water facilities. The charge in no event shall be less than or on conditions other than as specified o bocale statutes,ity or aregulationsuired ,�yany ordinances,all contracts,eor other Stat , requirements. (9) CROSS CONNECTION shall mean any unprotected onnection between ng purposparandf a water system used or intended to supply water for any source rovedoassystem wholesome, andwater potablesubstances humanthat cannot consumption. be app (10) CUSTOMER shall mean any person, firm, corporation, association, or agency who uses or desires to obtain reclaimed water service from the City by means of its reclaimed distribution facilities. (11) CUSTOMER FACILITIES shall mean those facilities downstream of the reclaimed water service connection, which shall normally be the downstream end of the meter customer valve. (12) trSeating thehwastewaterhet oatheclevelsyspeciifiediin)theswastebdischarge t 9 requirements. (13) HEALTH DEPARTMENT shall mean the State of California, Department of Health Service. enters (14) expressed1In inchesshall per hour,the duringrate the Irrigationwater the soil, period. (15) LANDSCAPE SPRINKLER IRRIGATION SYSTEM shall mean all equipment and materials required for applying reclaimed water to the design area from the service connection including all piping, valves, sprinkler heads, and appurtenances. j (16) NON -POTABLE (See 32.) (17) OFFSITE imedFACILITIES distributionmean systemequipment upstreamand of thematerials reclaimed water included in the water reclaecla service connection. 3-2 I "; (18) OPERATOR shall mean the person, firm, corporation, or association legislated by the owner to operate the customer reclaimed water system. (19) POTABLE WATER shall mean that water which is fit for human consumption and conforms to the quality standards of California Safe Drinking Water Act, or any other applicahle• standards. (20) RWQCB shall mean the Regional Water tau;lity Control Board, San Diego Region. (21) RECLAMATION PLANT shall mean, as used herein, treatment facilities that receive and treat wastewater for a direct beneficial use or a controlled use that would not otherwise occur. (22) RECLAIMED WATER, as defined in Title 22, Chapter 3 of the California Administrative Code, hereinafter referred to as the "Code", means "water which, as a result of treatment of domestic wastewater, is suitable for direct beneficial use or a controlled use that otherwise would not occur"; such treatment of domestic wastewater having been accomplished in accordance with the criteria, including the level of constituents in combination with the means for assurance of reliability, as set forth In the Code. (23) RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM shall mean facilities used in conveyance, distribution, and irrigation with reclaimed water. (24) RECLAIMED WATER SERVICE CONNECTION shall mean the point of connection of the customer's facilities with the reclaimed water service line of the City, which shall normally be the downstream end of the reclaimed water meter customer valve. (25) RECLAIMED WATER SERVICE LINE CHARGE shall mean a charge imposed by the City as a charge for installation by the City of reclaimed water meters and service lines. (26) RECORD (AS -BUILT) DRAWINGS shall mean mylars that correctly show the s completed customer facilities and offsite facilities as constructed or i modified. These drawings shall also show all potable water lines. i ! (27) SELF -REGENERATIVE WATER SOFTENER shall mean a unit that removes minerals from water and produces a waste containing minerals in greater amounts than those in the influent water that is softened. (28) SERVICE CHARGE shall mean a monthly charge established by the City from time to time for reclaimed water service. This charge does not include commodity charge for the consumption of reclaimed water. (29) STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS shall mean the City "Standard Specifications for the Construction of Pipelines". 3-3 45- (30) RECI_AIME'D WATER shall mean seater which has been provided by the 'Creatment of sewage effluent. (31) UNAUTHORIZED DISCHARGE shall mean any release of reclaimed water that violates the rules and regulations of the District or any and all applicable Federal, State, or local statutes, regulations, ordinances, contracts, or other requirements. (32) NON -POTABLE WATER (UN -POTABLE) shall mean that water that has not been treated for human consumption in conformance with the Drinking Water Standards. (33) WATER MASTER shall mean the Director of Utilities do Maintenance for the City of Carlsbad. The Water Master is responsible for operation and maintenance of the reclaimed water distribution system, prevention of cross -connections, and maintenance of the customer facilities and offsite facilities ph-s in "as -built" form. (34) WATER SUPERVISOR shall mean a qualified person designated by the customer ,-•j approved by the City who shall be responsible to the Water Master for the installation and operation of the customer facilities, the prevention of cross -connections, and compliance with these Rules and Regulations. 3-4 /&I SECTION 4 AREA SERVED �'i SECTION 4 AREA SERVED The Rules and Regulations set forth herein pertain to reclaimed water servicE provided by the City within the City's reclaimed water service area and for which valid waste discharge requirements have been established. These Rules and Regulations establish design and operational criteria for facilities using reclaimed water. These include full recognition of Title 17, Chapter 5 of the California Administrative Code dealing with protection of public water supplies by ensuring no cross connection, and full recognition of the Health Department Guidelines for Use of Reclaimed Water For Irrigation and Impoundments. 4-1 I� SECTION 5 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION 5 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 5.1 SERVICE CONDITIONS Reclaimed water service shall be provided by the City only if a permit for such service is obtained in the manner provided hereinafter. Reclaimed water service shall be available and provided only in accordance with these Rules and Regulations, as well as applicable Federal, State, and local statutes, ordinances, regulations, and contracts and other requirements including the California Water Code, the California Administrative Code, regulations imposed by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board - San Diego Region, and State and local health department, as well as the terms of any service agreement and permit issued by the City. Any such permit may be revoked by the City and thereupon all such reclaimed water service shall cease in the manner provided in Section 13 of these Rules and Regulations. 5.2 APPLICATION SUBMITTAL 5.2.1 An application for reclaimed water service U,, be provided by the City must be made in writing to the City by the owner or authorized reprasentative of the land on which the reclaimed water is t,:: be used. Approval for service shall be indicated by the City issuing a user permit to the applicant. The user permit shall come into force only after all construction for the subject project has been completed, tested and approved by the City and approval for service start-up has been given by the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board. The applicatton form shall be furnished by the City and shall request information concerning the applicant's company, the applicant's relationship to the subject property as legal owner, or authorized representative, a legal description of the property to be served, the purpose for which the property is to be used, intended use for reclaimed water, the total area to be served per this application, the estimated maximum service requirements, and any special conditions for service pursuant to these Rules and Regulations. The application form is included in Appendix A to these Rules and Regulations. A summary of the application and permit procedures is included in Appendix B to the Rules and Rey,.lations. _ The application form shall be accompanied by an exhibit comprised of four (4) copies of a scaled drawing of suitable size delineating the proposed service _ area, identifying the location and site of reclaimed water and potable water service connections, and delineating any areas in which reclaimed water service is to be specifically excluded. 5.2.2 The applicant for a reclaimed water service permit under these Rules and Regulations must state thereupon that he agrees to comply with the requirements of these Ruleb and Regulations and any and all applicable Federal, State, and local statutes, ordinances, resolutions, regulations, and other requirements. 5-1 0 5.2.3 Upon receipt of an application, the City shall re-iew the application and make such investigation relating thereto as it deems necessary. The City shall determine if the property to be served is an area suitable for reclaimed water use, and if reclaimed water can be made available to the applicant. The City may prescribe specific requirements in writing to the applicant as to the facilities necessary to be constructed, including design, manner of construction, method of operation, and the conditions of service. Upon successful completion of its review, the City shall submit the application form and the required exhibit to the RWQCB and the Health Department for their approval and the establishment of valid waste discharge requirements. 5.3 PERMITS A user permit shall be issued only upon approval by the City, the RWQCB and the Health Department'. In its administration, a user permit hereby incorporates these Rules and regulations, and any additional requirements prescribed by the City to protect the public health. °f The user permit shall come into force only after construction has been completed, tested and final acceptance granted by the City, and approval for service start-up certified by the RWQCB. The certification form is also included in Appendix A to these Rules and Regulations. Permits for reclaimed water service and any connection for service made as provided in the permit issued under these Rules and Regulations pursuant to receipt of an application for such service shall be subject to the following x. conditions: 5.3.1 The applicant shall adhere to requirements prescribed by these Rules and Regulations and to any additional requirements prescribed by the City to insure compliance with these Rules and Regulations as to obtaining reclaimed water service. 5.3.2 The applicant shall pay the reclaimed water service line charge, � and other specified charges prior to the issuance of a permit. 5.3.3 By reason of circumstances beyond the control of the City, or in order to protect the facilities of the City, or for the protection of public health, safety, and welfare of the residents or property owners of the City, service may be terminated under the conditions set forth below: (a) Reclaimed water services may be terminated on a temporary or permanent basis in the manner provided for in Section 13 herein. i 5-2 (b) The City may terminate reclaimed water service on a temporary basis at any time reclaimed water at the terminal point of the City's reclamation plant does not meet the requirements of regulatory agencies, including those prescribed by the State of California, Administrative Code, Title 22, Chapter 3. Reclaimed water service would, in such case, be renewed at such time that reclaimed water at the terminal point of the reclamation plant would again meet the requirements of regulatory agencies or at such time that the City would supplement the reclaimed water system from the potable water system. 5.3.4 The City shall not be liable for any damages, including but not limited to damages to customer facilities, caused in whole or in part by the pressure at which reclaimed water is delivered, the condition of the reclaimed water itself, or any substance that may be mixed with or in the reclaimed water so long as said reclaimed water meets or exceeds the standards set forth by the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board. All customers shall be requires to accept such conditions of pressure and service as are provided by the reclaimed water distribution system at the location of the proposed service connection and to hold the City harmless from any and all damages caused in whole or in part by pressure conditions or interruptions in service. 5.4 SIZE, LOCATION AND INSTALLATION OF SERVICE LINE The City reserves the right to determine the size of reclaimed water service lines, the service connections, and the meters and shall also have the right to determine the kind and size of backflow protection devices and any and all other appurtenances to the service. The reclaimed water service lines shall be Installed in accordance with the standard drawings and specifications for all reclaimed water systems. The reclaimed water service lines shall be extended to a curb line or property line of the customer's property, abutting upon a public street, highway, alley, easement, lane, or road (other than a freeway) in which Is installed reclaimed water mains. 5.5 LIMITATIONS OF SERVICE CONNECTIONS No permit shall be issued except on the following conditions: 5.5.1 The City reserves the right to limit the area of land under one $ ownership to be supplied by one reclaimed water service connection and reclaimed water meter. 5.5.2 A reclaimed water service connection and reclaimed water meter shall not be used to supply adjoining property of a different owner. 5.5.3 *hen property provided with a reclaimed water service connection and reclaimed water meter is subdivided, such connection and meter shall be considered as serving the lot or parcel of land on which the meter is located. Additional reclaimed water mains and/or reclaimed water service lines will be required for all subdivided areas in accordance with these Rules and Regulations. 5-3 12-Z 5.5.4 All reclaimed wdLer used on any premises where a meter is installed must pass through the meter. Customers shall be held responsible and charged for all reclaimed water passing through their meters. 5.5.5 Every reclaimed water service line installed by the City shall be equipped with a curb stop or wheel valve on the inlet side of the meter, such valve or curb stop being intended exclusively for the use of the City in controlling the reclaimed water supply through the reclaimed water service line. If the curb stop or wheel valve is damaged by the customer's use to an extent requiring replacement, such replacement shall be at the customer's expense. 5.6 RELOCATION OF RECLAIMED WATER SERVICE LINE Should a reclaimed water service line installed pursuant to the request of the owner be of the wrong size or installed at a wrong location, the cost of all changes required shall be paid by the owner. All reclaimed water services provided prior to final street improvements shall be considered temporary and the costs for all repairs or changes required to be performed by the City shall be paid by the owner. 5.7 ILLEGAL CONNECTIONS No person shall make connection to a reclaimed water distribution system of the City without a permit. 5.8 METER TESTING If a reclaimed water meter fails to register dur;ny any period or is known to register inaccurately, the customer shall be charged with an average daily consumption during the same season shown by the reading of the meter when in use and registering accurately. Any customer may demand that the meter through which reclaimed water is being furnished be examined and tested by the City for the purpose of ascertaining whether or not it is correctly registering the amount of reclaimed water being delivered through it. Such demand shall be in writing to the City and shall be accompanied by a deposit equal to the charge for testing such meter as established from time to time by an approved meter testing laboratory. Upon receipt of such demand and deposit, the City will have the meter examined and tested and, if upon such test the meter shall be found not to register within the limits established by the American Water Works Association, (AWWA) for water meters, the meter shall be properly adjusted or another meter substituted therefor, the deposit shall be returned, and the reclaimed water bill for the current period will be adjusted accordingly. If the meter be round to register within the AWWA limits, the deposit shall be retained by the City as the expense of making the test. 5-4 1�3 5.9 CROSS -CONNECTION PREVENTION 5.9.1 The purpose of these provisions is to protect the Clty's potable water supply against actual or potential cross -connections by isolating within the premises contamination or pollution that may occur because of some -connection on the premises, and to prevent undiscovered or unauthorized cross cross -connections from occuring in the future, in accordance with Title 17, Chapter 5 of the California Administrative Code. The City is the distributor of reclaimed waerand willdesignate esig ate ac"Wateronnect Master" to be responsible for avoidance of actualpotential lieu of the ls These provisions therlrbe In gulatoryition to agencies,nsucht asnlocal governmental agencies requirements of of e9 and local State Health Departments. 5.9.2 Backflow protection for the City-'s potable water supply shall be provided as required by the City. t 5.9.3 The protective device required shall be in accordance with the r requirements specified by the City. j 5.9.4 It shall be the duty of the "Water Master" to have competent re inspections made on backflowrsucnctio essive inspectionsvices at aindicatest once arepeatedrfailure. often in those instances where shall be performed by the City in accordance All inspection and testing with local health department regulations. These devices shall be repaired, they overhauled, or replaced at the expense of the reclaimed water user whenever are found to be defective. Records of all such tests, repairs, and overhauls ster" and made available to the local health shall be maintained by the "Water Ma department. 5.9.5 Where reclaimed water use areas contain potable and reclaimed water piping, all reclaimed water and potable water pipelines shall be painted, uffiifor allent reclaimedwatervals, in r ance hh e standard systems, to banded, or marked at stionsdistinguish drawings and spec ' clearly which water is reclaimed. 5.9.6 The customer shall keep the Water Master informed of the identity of the Water Supervisor who is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the water and reclaimed water piping on all reclaimed water use areas enand'The City shall be shall approve the installation and use of pipelines and equip ntion of cross -connections. responsible for the preve ' In the event of contaminansiteion orpollution thefWaterpotable Supervisoreshallsystem promptly a cross -connection on the o premises, w advise the Water Master. The local health officsr and the Local potable water promptly advised by the Water Master so that purveying agency shall overcome the contamination or pollution. appropriate measures may be taken to 5-5 ,.2 � 5.10 AUTHORIZED USES FOR RECLAIMED WATER In accordnace with the provisions of Section 2, the uses of reclaimed water Include only uses approved by the State Health Department and for which Title 2?_ of the Administrative Code provides treatment requirements. Each use must be considered for approval by the City on a case -by -case basis, and the City may determine in its discretion, set forth specific requirements as conditions to providing such services and/or require specific prior approval from the appropriate regulatory agencies. § 5.11 SCHEDULING RECLAIMED WATER i The City reserves the right to schedule the use of reclaimed water if, in the opinion of the City as final distributor, scheduling is necessary for purposes Including, but not limited to, the maintenance of an acceptable working pressure In the reclaimed water system and providing for reasonable safeguards in r relation to public health and beneficial uses of reclaimed water. 5.12 EMERGENCY CONNECTIONS TO RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM If, in the opinion of the City, as distributor of reclaimed water, an emergency exists where► / all or a portion of the water in the reclaimed water system is not availablt., the City and the local potable water purveying agency must both approve a temporary connection to the potable water system. Such temporary connection shall be made in accordance with Sections 6 and 7 of these Rules and Regulations. 5-6 as_ SECTION 6 FACILITIES DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION aG SECTION 6 FACILITIES DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION 6.1 GENERAL The design of offsite facilitles, including the preparation of plans and ` construction specificatio,;;, shall be under the responsibility of an engineer registered with the State of California. The design of customer facilities that will use reclaimed water, and the preparation of plans and construction specifications, shall be under the responsibility of a landscape architect or i engineer registered with the State of California. All offsite and customer ! reclaimed water systems shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the Intent of these Rules and Regulations, and in accordance with the requirements, conditions and standards set forth in a separate supplement hereto, as adopted and revised by the City, entitled "Standard Drawings and Specifications for all Reclaimed Water Systems" which document is on file at the office of the Water Master, and by this reference is incorporated herein. The reclaimed water system including both offsite and customer facilities, shall be separate and independent of any potable water system. 6.2 OFFSITE RECLAIMED WATER FACILITIES Reclaimed water systems, to the -7;xtent determined by the City, required to serve property within the City shall be provided by the property owner at their expense. Plans and specifications for all reclaimed water systems shall be submitted to and approved by the City in advance of construction, as specified in Section 6.4 of these Rules and Regulations. The City will assume responsibility for providing reclaimed water service to the point of connection of such development upon transfer to the City of title to all offsite reclaimed water systems and any necessary easement therefor. All easements shall be in a form acceptable to the City and not subject to outstanding obligations to relocate such facilities or any deeds of trust, except in instances where such is determined by the City to be in the best interests of the City. Before the City grants final acceptance of any system using reclaimed water, _ record drawings shall be provided as specified in Section 6.5, and the installed system shall be tested in accordance with the Standard Specifications to ensure ►. that the system is in accordance with the intent of these Rules and Regulations. r z t 6-1 1?7 6.3 CUSTOMER FACILITIES Any customer reclaimed water system shall be provided by the applicant, owner, or customer at his expense. CuLtomer reclaimed water facilities, in addition to conforming to the City's "St,tndard Drawings and Specifications for all Reclaimed Water Systems," shall conform to local Health Department governing codes, rules and regulations. When the City's "Standard Drawings and Sepcifications for all Reclaimed Water Systems" require a higher quality material, equipment, design or construction method than that required by the above local Health Department codes, rules and regulations, the City's specifications shall take precedence. Plans and specifications for customer reclaimed water systems shall be prepared by the applicant's engineer or landscape architect and submitted to and approved k° by the City in advance of construction, as specified in Section 6.5 of these Rules and Regulations. t� <; 6.3.1 The customer landscape sprinkler irrigation system shall be ' designed to meet the peak moisture demand of all plant materials served by the system. 6.3.2 The customer landscape sprinkler irrigation system shall be designed to apply reclaimed water in a manner compatible with the infiltration rates of the soil within the approved use area. Where varying soil types are present to the extent that they cannot be adequately addressed by separate parts a of the system, the design of the system shall be compatible with the lowest infiltration rate present. 6.3.3 The irrigation system shall be designed to prevent discharge onto areas that are not approved for use. Part -circle sprinklers shall be used to adjacent to roadways and boundary lines to confine the discharge from the Irrigation system to the permit area. The system design shall avoid spray patterns that include obstructions that tend to concentrate non -potable water to produce ponding and/or runoff, such as spraying against bridge abutments and outlet structures. 6.3.4 The system design shall Include automatic system control devices that can be programmed to prevent the ponding and/7r runoff of reclaimed water. These devices shall include automatic controllers, valves, and associated equipment. The devices shall be designed so that, tf the current application program is producing any runoff, they can be readily reprogrammed on site to prevent such occurences. r - 6.3.5 Before the City grants final approval of any customer system using reclaimed water, record drawings shall be provided, as specified in Section 6.5, and the installed system shall be tested, as required by the City, in accordance with the Standard Specifications to ensure that the system was properly constructed and is in accordance with the intent of these Rules and Regulations. �-WA .? R�' 6.4 SUBMITTALS The following information shall be submitted and approved by the City prior to commencing any construction. Plans and Specifications -Three (3) copies of the plans and specifications, signed by the design engineer or landscape architect, for the construction of offsite and customer reclaimed water systems (on site) shall be submitted to the City for review and approval. Plans and specifications shall be stiiar.._r at least 15 working days prior to the date on which action by the City is desired. As part of this submittal, a construction cost estimate for the subject facilities shall be provided. A fee for review and inspection shall be paid prior to the City's approval of the plans. These fees shall he in accordance with the current rate and fee schedules adopted by the City. Meter Criteria - The following information shall be provided, on the plans, for every customer reclaimed water system meter desired: (a) Meter size (inches). (b) Gross area served through the reclaimed water meter (square feet or acres). (c) Peak flow through the meter (gpm)• (d) Estimate of the yearly reclaimed mater requirement through the meter (acre feet). (e) Design pressure at the meter (psi). Irrigation Criteria - A legend showing the pertinent data for the maTheials legend In the landscape irrigation system shall be recorded on the plans. shall types,include andpthe fallowieglisting pipe information foreeachd type of materials sprinklersheadtion, valve types, (a) Manufacturer and model number (b) Sprinkler radius (feet) (c) Operating pressure (psi) (d) Flow (gpm) (e) Sprinkler pattern Call -Outs - Exterior drinking r� fountains noexteriordrinking s public cpounta�insshall other shown and called out on the plans. public facilities are present in the design area, then it shall be specifically stated on the plans that none exist. Standard Notes - Standard notes that are to be listed on all customer reclaimed water facility plans are as follows: (a) The design and installation of the customer landscape sprinkler irrigation system shall conform to "Rules and Regulations for Reclaimed Water Service J 6-3 (b) All offsite and customer (on site) reclaimed waste systems piping shall be identified as reclaimed water In accordance with the City's "Standard Drawings and Specifications for all Reclaimed Water Systems". (c) Where reclaimed water use areas contain potable and reclaimed water piping, Lhe potable water piping shall also be identified in accordance with the City's "Standard Drawings and Specifications for all Reclaimed Water Systems." (d) The City shall be notified 24 hours prior to the start up of any construction at (619) 438-5604. 6.5 RECORD (AS -BUILT) DRAWINGS r Record drawings shall be submitted by the design engineer or landscape architect and approved by the City before a request for regular service start-up is made. The following shall apply: F Recording Changes - All changes in the work constituting departures from the original design drawings, including changes in both pressure and nonpressure lines, and in both potable and reclaimed water lines, shall be accurately recorded on one set of drawings. Upon completion of each increment of work, all such information and dimensions shall be transferred to the drawings. The changes and dimensions shall be recorded in a legible and workmanlike manner to the satisfaction of the City. After the drawings are approved by the City, all Information shall be transferred to a set of reproducible drawings. All changes to mylar drawings shall be made in red ink (n, ballpoint pen). Eradicating ' fluid shall be used when redoing drawings. Dimensioning - All dimensions, when required by the City, shall be taken from two permanent points of reference such as buildings, monuments, sidewalks, curbs, or pavements. Locations shown on as -built drawings shall be kept day-by- day as the project is being installed. As -Built Drawings - For the purpose of reference, as -built drawings shall be maintained or, site at all times. Control Charts - The City may require that control charts be prepared by the design engineer and landscape architect, and submitted with the record drawings, before formal request for service start-up is made. 6-4 I SECTION 7 FACILITIES OPERATION 131 ,, , SECTION 7 FACILITIES OPERATION 7.1 OFFSITE FACILITIES Operation and surveillance of all of the City's offsite reclaimed water systems Including, but not limited to, reclaimed water pipelines, valves, connections, supply interties, and other appurtenances and property up to and including the City's meter, shall be under the management and control of the City. No other persons except authorized representatives of the City shall have any right to enter upon any portion of the foregoing. No other persons except representatives of the City shall have any right to operate, adjust, change, alter, move or relocate any portion of the offsite reclaimed water system. 7 ' CUSTOMER FACILTIES Operation and surveillance of all customer facilities shall be under the management of the City via the Water Master. Pursuant to Section 8 of C ese Rules and Regulations, the City or authorized representatives of the City shall monitor and inspect the entire reclaimed water distribution facility, including customer facilities and offsite facilities, and for these purposes shall have the riyht to enter upon the customer's premises during reasonable hours; reasonable hours shall lnclud-- hours when irrigation is being performed. The City and the RWQCB shall be e,%titled to enter upon the customer's premises during reasonable hours, from time to time, to verify that the custof•ter's Irrigation practices are in conformance with these Rules and Regulations and all applicable permits. Each onsite reclaimed water customer shall designate a qualified "Water Supervisor" who shall be responsible to the Water Master. The "Water Supervisor" shall have the following responsibilities in relation to operation of customer facilities: 1. To make sure that all customer operations and maintenance personnel are trained and familiarized with the use of reclaimed water. 2. To furnish customer operations personnel with maintenance Instructions, controller charts, and record drawings to ensure proper operation in accordance with the customer facilities design and these Rules and Regulations and all applicable permits. 3. To prepare and submit to the Water Master record drawings. 7-1 3Z 4. To notify the City of any and all proposed changes, modifications, or additions to the customer facilities. Such changes shall be approved by the City before any changes, modifications, or additions are made and shall be designed and constructed according to the requirements, conditions and standards set forth in the City's Reclaimed Water Standards, and set forth in these Rules and Regulations, including, but not limited to, Section 6.3 thereof. In accordance with the above referenced requirements, conditions and standards, changes must be submitted to the City for plan check and approval prior to construction. The construction shall be inspected by the City, and revised record drawings shall be approved by the City. The City may, if it deems such to be in the best interest of the City, waive or modify any of the foregoing. a. Cross connections, as defined by the California Administrative Code, Title 17, resulting from the use of reclaimed water or from the physical presence of a reclaimed water service, whether by design, construction practice, or system operation, are strictly prohibited. b. Any and all drinking fountains located within the reclaimed water use areas designated by the permit shall be protected from contact with reclaimed water, whether by windblown spray or by direct application through landscape irrigation. Lack of such protection, whether by design, construction practice, or system operation, is strictly prohibited. c. Use or installation of hose bibs on any customer potable water system that presently operates or is designed to operate with reclaimed water, regardless of the hose bib construction or Identification, is strictly prohibited. d. Use or installation of fire hydrants on any customer potable water system that presently operates or is designed to operate with reclaimed water, regardless of the fire hydrant construction or Identification, is strictly prohibited. 6. To operate and control the customer reclaimed water system in order to prevent direct human consumption of reclaimed water and to control and limit runoff. Operation and control measares to be utilized in this regard shall include, but not be limited to, the following: _ a. Customer reclaimed water facilities sh;-il be operated to prevent i or minimize discharge onto areas not under control of the customer. Part circle sprinklers shall be used adjacent to sidewalks, roadways, and property lines to confine the discharge from sprinklers to the permit area. 7-2 .33 I b. The operation of the customer r.•eclaimed water system shall be during the periods of minimal use of the reclaimed water use area. Consideration shall be given to allow a maximum dry -out, time before the reclaimed water use area will be used by the public. C. Reclaimed water shall be applied at a rate that does not exceed the infiltration rate of the soil. Where varying soil types are present, the design and operation of the reclaimed water facilities shall be compatible with the lowest infiltration rate present. The onsite operations and maintenance personnel shall keep a daily log of the volume of infiltration and runoff. These records shall be submitted to the City on a monthly basis. In the event of runoff or seepage, the onsite customer shall take a sample of the runoff or seepage, and notify the City. The City shall then analyze the sample(s) in accordance with Order No. 79-76 of the RWQCB. d. When the application rate exceeds the infiltration rate of the soil, automatic systems shall be utilized and programed to prevent or minimize the ponding and runoff of reclaimed water. No sprinkler system shall be allowed to operate for a time longer than the landscape's water requirements. If runoff occurs before the landscape's water requirements are met, the automatic controls shall be reprogrammed with additional watering cycles to meet the requirements and avoid runoff. This method of operation is intended to control and limit runoff. 7. To comply with these Rules and Regulations, all requirements prescribed by City and all applicable requirements of San Diego RWQCB Order No. 76-76 must be met. 7.3 POSTING APPROVED USE AREAS Posting the use of reclaimed water shall be required to inform the public that reclaimed water is being used. Posting shall be required at any customer field office or maintenance building or yard within the approved use area, except as may be required by the Regulatory Agencies on a case -by -case basis. It shall be the responsibility of the Water Supervisor to ensure the required postings are Installed, and so placed that they can be readily seen by all personnel utilizing the facilities. 7-3 .3 SECTION 8 MONITORING AND INSPECTION 3T- 9 SECTION 8 �n��TTI�II T•Ir� A\tf\ T\ICDL-PTTn t'fUlYl I Vnllw rrIv yIWI " - The City or authorized representatives of the City shall monitor and inspect the entire reclaimed water system including both on site (customer) and offsite facilities. The City shall conduct monitoring programs, as it deems necessary, to ensure that customer's reclaimed water facilities are being operated in accordance with these Rules and Regulations, including the provision that cross - connections between potable water facil.Liies and the reclaimed water system do not exist. In carrying out these functions the City, or its authorized representatives, shall have the right to enter upon any customer's premises during reasonable hours; reasonable hours shall include hours when irrigation is being performed. 8-1 �L SECTION 9 RECLAIMED WATER SERVICE LINE CHARGES 3? SECTION 9 RECLAI!£D WATER SERVICE LINE CHARGES 9.1 RECLAIMED WATER SERVICE LINE CHARGES (a) The City shall make charges for the installation of all reclaimed water service lines, reclaimed water meters, and appurtenances thereto. Said charges, in addition to all other usual and regular charges of the City, must be paid before work will be performed. Any backflow prevention devices on potable water services and flow or pressure control devices required due to application for reclaimed water service shall be downstream of the meter and provided by the applicant, owner, or customer at his expense. (b) Whenever an installation is required by an applicant that is not covered by the schedule of charges established from time to time by the City, such work will be done pith charges based upon a statement of costs made by the City. If reclaimed water service line, for any valid reason, cannot be inst«iled for the amount stated in the 3 appropriate schedule of charges established by the City, owing to the peculiarity of the proposed service, the City reserves the right to make said installation on the basis of a statement of costs. (c) Whenever reclaimed water service lines, meters, or other appurtenances are requested to be removed by the applicant for any reason whatsoever, the charges shall be made on the basis of a statement of costs by the City. 9-1 35 SECTION 10 SECURITY DEPOSIT 37 SECTION 10 SECURITY DEPOSIT The City may require a customer to post a security deposit, if deemed necessary by reason of estimated future reclaimed water billings or if there is an Instance or instances of monthly delinquency. The amount shall rot be less than the estimated cost of reclaimed water service for the maximum two -month period or such other amount as determined by the City. deposits may be returned after one (1) year at the request of the customer; providing that all bills rendered during the preceding twelve (12) month period have been paid within 35 days after mailing. Otherwise, the deposit will be returned on termination of service and payment of the final utility bill. 10-1 SECTION 11 RECLAIMED WATER RATES Ll( SECTION 11 RECLAIMED WATER RATES 11.1 ESTABLISHMENT OF RATES Rates to be charged and collected and terms, provisions, and conditions to be effective respecting such rates for beeasafixedwater establishedpbyithebCitythe City theCit to customers within Y shall Council. 11.2 CHANGE OF RATES The City reserves the right to change its rates at any time. 11.3 BILLING Reclaimed water bills will be rendered by the City with potable water bills. 11.4 METERING For the purpose of comiutiag�bbel�sing�ofmeter or�morethe meterscustomer's notpremises will be considered separately, be combined as equivalent to measurement through one meter except as follows: (a) In those instances in which, by reason of special operating conditions, the City substitutes two or more meters of a smaller size for a single larger meter on the same service connection, in which sizeevent of theimeter In theeappli application o nnection shall thebratesubstituted schedule,for the size 11.5 TIME AND MANNER OF PAYMENT (a) All bills and charges for reclaimed water service hereunder shall be due and payable upon presentation and shall become delinquent thirty- five (35) days thereafter. Such bills and charge nts shall be deemed to have been presented upon having been deposited in the United States E mail, postage paid and addressed to the applicant, owner, or customer reflected in the records of the City. (b) If payment is not made within thirty-five (35) days after i presentation, the reclaimed water service may be discontinued without further notice and reclaimed water service may not again be supplied until t ideelbyq hetCitylhavelus a penalty which been paid. Paymentishallestablished bemade in time too mY person or by mail. t/.2 r (c) Discontinuance of service by reason of a delinquent bill shall not automatically constitute revocation of permit. However, such delinquency may be :onsidered a sufficient reason for a revocation of permit in accordance with the provisions of these Rules -id Regulations. (d) A temporary service connection may be installed for use over a period of time as approved by the City on a case -by -case basis. 11-2 1-1 3 SECTION 12 SEVERABILITY IN SECTION 12 SEVERABILITY If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of these Rules and Regulations is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such invalidity shall not affect any of the remaining portions of these Rules and Regulations. The City Council declares that they would have passed said Rules and Regulations by section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof. 12-1 SECTION 13 ENFORCEMENT AND PENALTIES SECTION 13 ENFORCEMENT AND PENALTIES 13.1 GENERAL Any person, firm, corporation, association, or agency found to be violating any provision of these Rules and Regulations or the terms and conditions of the customer's service agreement, permit, or any applicable Federal, State, or local statute, regulation, resolution, ordinance, or other requirement shall be served by the City with written notice, stating the nature of the violation and providing a reasonable time limit for the satisfactory correction thereof. The offender shall, within the period of time stated in such notice, permanently cease all violations. This provision is in addition to, and not by way of, derogation of any other remedies or procedures available to the City by law, regulation, or pursuant to any of the provisions of these Rules and Regulations. Failure to permanently cease all violations within the time stated shall result in revocation of the permit by the City and termination of reclaimed water service. 13.2 INTERIM RECLAIMED WATER SERVICE DISCONTINJATION In cases where the serious nature of the violations described above requires Immediate action, the City may, in its sole discretion, immediately cease reclaimed water service, subject to a timely decision on permanent revocation of permit pursuant to a public hearing as provided herein. 13.3 PERMANENT REVOCATION The City may permanently revoke any permit. However, no permit may be permanently revoked until after the customer has been given an opportunity for a public hearing as hereinafter provided. 13.3.1 Where the City determines that a permit should be permanently revoked, the City shall prepare a written notice of permanent revocation which Includes a statement of the proposed action, a concise explanation of the reasons for the proposed action, and an explanation of the customer's right to a public hearing. Such notice shall be sent by certified mail to the customer's last billing address or be personally served on the customer at least ten (10) _ days before the effective date of the proposed permanent revocation. If, within five (5) days after receipt of such notice, the customer or an authorized representative requests in writing a public hearing from the City, the City shall immediately set a hearing and give the customer written notice of the time, date, and place of such hearing, either by personal service or by First Class mail. The hearing shall be held not more than thirty (30) days from the date of receipt of said request for hearing. The hearing shall be conducted by a hearing officer designated by the City. The person designated as hearing officer shall not have been connected in any way with the decision to permanently revoke the subject permit. No hearings shall be continued except upon a showing of good cause. 13-1 ,Y �% 13.3.2 The hearing officer is authorized to administer oaths to all witnesses, and conduct the hearing. At such hearing the City and the customer may present evidence relevant to the permanent revocation of the permit. The hearing officer shall receive evidence and shall rule on the admissibility of evidence and on questions of law. At the hearing any person may present evidence in opposition to, or in support of, the customer's case. The customer may have the assistance of counsel or may appear by counsel, and shall have the right to present evidence. In the event that neither the customer nor counsel representing the customer appears at the hearing, the evidence of the existence of facts which constitute grounds for the permanent revocation of the permit shall be considered unrebutted. 13.3.3 (a) Oral evidence shall be taken only on oath or affirmation. (b) Each party shall have these rights: to call and examine witnesses; to introduce exhibits; to cross-examine opposing witnesses on any matter relevant to the issues regardless of whether or not that matter was covered in the direct examination; to impeach any witness regardless of which party first called the witness to testify; and to rebut any evidence given. If the customer does not testify in his or her own behalf, the customer may be called and examined as if under cross-examination. (c) The hearing need not be conducted according to technical rules relating to evidence and witnesses. Any relevant evidence shall be admitted if it is the sort of evidence on which responsible persons are accustomed to rely in the conduct of serious affairs, regardless of the existence of any common law or statutory rule which might make improper the admission of such evidence over objection in civil actions. Heresay evidence may be used for the purpose of supplementing or explaining any direct evidence, but shall not be sufficient in itself to support a finding unless it would be admissible over objection in a civil action. The rules of privilege shall be effective to the same extent that they are now or hereafter may be recognized in civil actions. Unduly repetitious evidence may be excluded at the discretion of the hearing officer. (d) The hearing shall be conducted in the English language. The proponent of any testimony to be offered by a witness who does not speak the English language proficiently shall provide an interpreter, _ approved by the hearing officer conducting the proceeding as proficient in the English language and the language in which the witness will testify, to serve as interpreter during the hearing. The cost of the interpreter shall be paid by the party requiring the interpreter. 13-2 1_/F 0 13.3.4 The decision of the hearing officer shall be based solely on the evidence presented at the hearing. !Upon conclusion of the hearing, the hearing officer may orally announce an intended decision. Whether or not the hearing officer announces an intended decision at the conclusion of the hearing, the hearing officer shall, within five (5) days of the conclusion of the hearing, file a written decision with the City Council and mail a copy to the customer or his or her authorized representative. The written decision shall include findings of fact and conclusions of law, shall clearly state whether the permit is or is not permanently revoked, and shall become final upon filing with the City. A copy of the written decision shall be posted in the office of the City Clerk for a period of five (5) days following its receipt. 13.4 RE-ESTABLISHMENT OF RECLAIMED WATER SERVICE Any request to re-establish service subsequent to the revocation of a permit and the termination of reclaimed water service shall be in the manner described for initially obtaining service from the City, which may include the collection of a security deposit. The City may, at its discretion, deny re-establishment of service or require that an agreement of financial security conditioned upon compliance with these. Rules and Regulations be provided. The foregoing provisions of these Rules and Regulations are a requirement of any permit, and any application for service and permit therefore shall be subject to such provisions. 13- 3 APPENDIX A S-0 AoPL IrCATIOH FORM FOR RE-CLAI-m—D WATER SERVICE WITHIN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD (Please type or print all information) User Account # (by City) i Descriptive Information Completed by Owner or Authorized Representative Owner of Property Organization Name E Responsible Individual Title Owner's Address Owner's Telephone Authorized Representative of Owner Responsible Individual Title Authorized Representative's Address Authorized Representative's Telephone Property Location (City) Property Use Property Description Intended use for reclaimed water Total area to be actually irrigated with reclaimed water per this application. acres . Expected date to commence reclaimed water service (Month/Year) Design peak flow based on above acres x 18 gpm/acre gpm Additional Information S— / I APPLICATION FORM FOR RECLAIMED WATER SERVICE WITHIN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Page 2 This application is made in accordance with the "Rules and Regulations for Reclaimed Water Service Within the City of Carlsbad", as they may be amended from time to time, and applicant hereby consents to the use of reclaimed water, as delivered to and distributed by the City of Carlsbad. The applicant hereby agrees to design and operate the customer reclaimed water facilities in accordance with the "Rules and Regulations for Reclaimed Water Service Within the City of Carlsbad", and in accordance with the "City of Carlsbad Standard Drawings and Specifications for all Reclaimed Water Systems" and in accordance with applicable Federal, State and local ordinances, resolutions, regulations k and other requirements. I Applicant's Signature Date Project Information (Completed by City) ray c,,..io� �f Re Jaimed Water Use Area Drawing Received Application with ��u� .�, �r-�- (Month/Day/Year) Additional Information Requested of Applicant by City City Signature _ Copies of Application and Service Area Maps forwarded to: RWQCB Date City Signature Health Dept. Date City Signature User Permit Issued (Month/Day/Year) Additional Requirements Prescribed by City City Signature - Plans and Specifications Submitted by Applicant (Month/Day/Year) S.2 CERTIFICAf10N FORM FOR RECLAIMED RECLAIMED WATER SERVICE WITHIN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD (Please type or print all information) User Account # (by City) Operation Certification (Completed by Owner) Operator of Customer Reclaimed Water System (Company Name) Relationship to Property Owner Water Supervisor Business Address Business Telephone Relationship to Operator Off -hours Telephone We, the undersigned, have reviewed the "Rules and Regulations for Reclaimed Water Service Within the City of Carlsbad" and certify that the operation of this customer reclaimed water facility will be in accordance with all applicable requirements contained therein as well as applicable Federal, State, and local requirements, ordinances, resolutions, and regulations. Owner's Signature Date Operator's Signature Date Water Supervisor's Signature Date Design and Construction Certifications (Completed by City) h We, the undersigned, certify that the design and construction of this customer 3 reclaimed water facility is in accordance with all applicable requirements contained in the "Rules and Regulations for Reclaimed Water Service Within the City of Carlsbad". i' City Water Master's Name Date City Water Master's Signature Date C „ � APPENDIX B -q APPLICATION AND PERMIT PROCEDURE SUMMARY 1. Application Form for Reclaimed Water Service Within the City of Carlsbad, and four 4 copies of reclaimed water use area drawings filed with City by property owner or authorized representative. 2. City forwards copies of application and exhibits to RWQCB and Health Department, if the City determines the property to be served is an area for which reclaimed water use is appropriate. 3. The RWQCB, if they determine the use to be feasible, in conjunction with the Health Department, will establish valid waste discharge requirements and issue a Reclaimed Water User's Permit for the project. 4. Upon receipt of approval from the RWQCB and the Health Department, the Ci%y issues a user permit to the applicant. The City may prescribe additional requirements, not already contained in the Rules and Regulations, in the user permit. 5. Three (3) copies of the Plans and Specifications prepared by a landscape architect or engineer registered with the State of California are submitted by the applicant to the City. 6. Upon approval by the City of Plans ,and Specifications, the City grants authorization to the applicant to commence construction. 7. The City is notified by the applicant twenty-four 04) hours prior to the start of any construction. 8. Record (as -built) drawings, and Certification Form for Reclaimed Water Service Within the City of Carlsbad submitted by the applicant to the City. Applicant seal l submit one-71) set of bluel ines and one (1) set of mylars of record drawings, and ons-- (1) certification form. 9. City notifies applicant in writing as to the date and time for testing the installed system if deemed necessary by City. 10. Upon approval of Record Drawings by the City, the City shall certify the design and construction and forward the certification form to the RWQCB for approval and issuance of Water Reclamation Requirements by the RWQCB. 11. Upon receipt of RWQCB approval for service start-up, the City shall initiate reclaimed water service.