HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-08-07; City Council; 7841; Interior design of the Safety CntrQLJLJ OCC o OPT CARLSBAD — AGENDA JILL A*B# Hf-ll MTG. 8-7-84 DEPT. PCH TITLE: APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE INTERIOR DESIGN SERVICE FOR THE PUBLIC SAFETY AND SERVICE CENTER DEPT. HP. ffi CITY ATTYV^") CITY MGR.^^ RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. *76? 9 ^ approving an agreement with Designtech to provide interior design service for the Public Safety and Service Center. ITEM EXPLANATION; On May 14, 1984, Council approved an agreement with Ruhnau, McGavin, Ruhnau regarding architectural services for the construction of the Public Safety and Service Center. The agreement did not cover the services for the interior design or the furnishings and equipment for the Center. It was the City's intent to contract for these services separately. On Oune 19, 1984, Request for Proposals were sent to seven interior designers. Six proposals were received on July 2, 1984, and three interior designers were interviewed by members of the City staff, Ruhnau, McGavin, Ruhnau and Koll Company. The firm of Designtech, 2347 Ron Way, San Diego, was selected for interior design services. They will be responsible for consulting with the City and the architect on space planning, selection of all furnishings, including interior identification graphics and art work. FISCAL IMPACT: The fixed fee for the interior design services is $25,976. Funds are available in Account 30-18-10-3006 to cover the cost for these services. EXHIBITS; 1 2 3 4 5. Designtech's Proposal (On file in the City Clerk's Office.) Letter from Koll Company dated 3uly 19, 1984. Letter from Ruhnau, McGavin, Ruhnau dated July 23, 1984 Resolution No. Agreement with Designtech for Interior Design Service. EXHIBIT A DESIGNTECH PROPOSAL FOR CITY OF CARLSBAD SAFETY AND SERVICE CENTER JUNE 28, 1984- 2347 Ron Way San Diego California 92123 (619)571-6987 DESIGNTECH June 28, 1984. Ruth Fletcher, Purchasing Officer City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Re: INTERIOR DESIGN PROPOSAL FOR THE SAFETY AND SERVICE CENTER Dear Ms. Fletcher: ¥e are pleased to submit our proposal for interior design services on the above project in accordance with your letter dated June 19> 1984. We would like to address each point in your letter in the same for- mat, so that you can relate our answers to your requirements. Note: We have condensed the wording of your requirements in order to facilitate ease of reading. 1) CARLSBAD REQUIREMENTS; Consult with City/Architect/Open Plan Systems/Manufacturer's Showrooms. DESIGNTECH RESPONSE; Two principals, Doug Stead and Kim Cooper will meet with the City and it's Architect as required to prepare the lay-outs and use of open plan systems. Mr. Stead has an extensive background in open plan systems and was employed as Manager, Facilities Design Group with Herman Miller Inc., at their Zeeland, Michigan, headquarters from 1974- to 1978. He was also employed by Sunar Hauserman in a similar and more ex- tensive position from 1978 to 1982. Both of the companies were pioneers of the open plan system. Kim Cooper and Doug Stead have worked jointly on many open plan projects in San Diego in the past two years. Mr. Stead has 22 years of experience in the space planning and interior design profession and is not only credited with having designed two showrooms in the Pacific Design Center in Los Angeles, but is very familiar with all open plan and furni- ture products in the industry. 2) CARLSBAD REQUIREMENTS; Conference with key personnel to determine special require- ments . 2347 Ron Way San Diego California 92123 (619) 571-6987 DESIGNTECH Ruth Fletcher City of Carlsbad June 28, 1984- Page 2 DESIGNTECH RESPONSE: We have had extensive experience on the applications of materials and finishes on institutional and high use public facilities. 3) CARLSBAD REQUIREMENTS; , Space planning within approved partition plans. DESIGNTECH RESPONSE; Again, the principals that would be involved in this pro- ject have extensive space planning background and skills, especially with open plan systems* 4) CARLSBAD REQUIREMENTS; Selection of furnishings and systems. DESIGNTECH RESPONSE; We will conduct an up-to-date comparison survey of all available systems and furnishings required, based upon the client's criteria, and list the attributes of each. Once selection has been complete we will draw up complete speci- fications of each item. 5) CARLSBAD REQUIREMENTS; Develop interior signage program. DESIGNTECH RESPONSE; Mr. Stead has, through his extensive background, performed as a graphic designer and is familiar with these types of signage programs. He has developed many custom signage programs, and is also familiar with many of the standard programs available in the market today. 6) CARLSBAD REQUIREMENTS; Prepare budget estimates. DESIGNTECH Ruth Fletcher City of Carlsbad June 28, 1984- Page 3 DESIGNTECH RESPONSE: We have developed an extremely good rapport with all of the manufacturer's representatives in our marketplace, and we have access to up-to-date pricing information and discounts available. We prepare budget estimates for all our clients on interior design projects. 7) CARLSBAD REQUIREMENTS; Preparation of finish schedule. DESIGNTECH RESPONSE: We will prepare a finish schedule based upon the selected finishes under the interior design contract in the format appropriate for the Architect's contract documents. 8) CARLSBAD REQUIREMENTS: Prepare specification documents for bidding. DESIGNTECH RESPONSE: DESIGNTECH is a consulting design firm only and does not sell furniture to any of its clients. Therefore, we are very familiar with the bidding process on furniture and furnishings and always seek the best possible purchasing arrangements for our clients. 9) CARLSBAD REQUIREMENTS; Review bid submittals. DESIGNTECH RESPONSE; As noted in item 8, we are very familiar with the bidding process and subsequently we participate in the review pro- cedure on all our projects. Our experience in San Diego over the past 2g- years has in- volved us with almost all of the firms that would bid on a project such as this so we can offer good insights beyond price such as service and ongoing committment. DESIGNTECH Ruth Fletcher City of Carlsbad June 28, 1984- Page 4 10) CARLSBAD REQUIREMENTS: On-site supervision during installation. DESIGNTECH RESPONSE; During installation many minor changes, or adjustments, have to be made due to changes in the site conditions or the client's requirements. Having the designer available is very important at this time and we are very familiar with large furniture installations. Prior to installation, we will prepare a step by step procedure and time schedule for the installers so that overlapping can occur to speed up the project without causing chaos or retracing some of the work. 11) CARLSBAD REQUIREMENTS; Recommend art work. DESIGNTECH RESPONSE: On large projects such as this, we would bring in an art- work consultant whom we would direct to find appropriate pieces, arrange purchase and install. 12) CARLSBAD REQUIREMENTS; Selection of all surface materials. DESIGNTECH RESPONSE; Again, through years of experience and knowledge, we are very familiar with all types of finishes, their applica- tions and costs. We have a very large library of informa- tion in our office which we keep up-to-date. 13) CARLSBAD REQUIREMENTS; Preparation of coded furniture and finish plans. DESIGNTECH RESPONSE; We will prepare a complete set of coded plans along with a keyed handbook containing finish samples and furniture photographs to correspond with the written specifications. DESIGNTECH Ruth Fletcher City of Carlsbad June 28, 1984. Page 5 U) CARLSBAD REQUIREMENTS; Prepare maintenance manual. DESIGNTECH RESPONSE; We will prepare a handbook containing all manufacturer's recommended maintenance instructions for all furniture and finishes coded to the working drawings and speci- fications . 15) CARLSBAD REQUIREMENTS; Approve submittals. DESIGNTECH RESPONSE; We will write into our specifications all those who are required to furnish submittals and shop drawings and we will approve and administer them accordingly. 16) CARLSBAD REQUIREMENTS; Preliminary and final design presentation. DESIGNTECH RESPONSE; We will prepare a preliminary presentation using all available materials and drawings and once given tacit approval will prepare a final presentation in a format suitable not only to convey the project scope to the City of Carlsbad, but will be also suitable for public display as well. 17) CARLSBAD REQUIREMENTS; Include all project related expenses. DESIGNTECH RESPONSE: Our fee will include all project related expenses men- tioned in your letter. 18) CARLSBAD REQUIREMENTS; Authorized representative. DESIGNTECH Ruth Fletcher City of Carlsbad June 28, 1984. Page 6 DESIGNTECH RESPONSE: As mentioned in item 1, two principals of DESIGNTECH, Kim Cooper and Doug Stead will attend all meetings and be in- volved in all decisions as our authorized representatives. DESIGNTECH meets the -requirements for a minority owned business as Ms. Kim Cooper is a full one-third partner and owner. Our fee for the interior design services requested and de- scribed in this proposal shall be based on an area fee and computed at fifty cents (500) per square foot of the pro- ject area. This fee is based upon a minimum area of 50,000 square feet. , • -.••/ '>* ,<,'>, } -;?<"":> We clearly understand that the project is urgent and are prepared to start work immediately. Enclosed for your review is additional information on our firm, the services we provide and our experience. We have also included a list of references. We feel our team of professionals has the qualifications and experience which will enable us to deliver a quality project, on time, and within the budget constraints required. We are available to meet with you at your convenience for a personal interview. If this proposal meets with your approval, we will prepare a standard AIA agreement for design services. If you have any questions regarding the foregoing, please do not hesitate to contact us. Yours sincerely, E. Armstron President Mar DESIGNTECH DESIGN PROCESS AND SERVICES DESIGNTECH DESIGN PROCESS 1 . Programming Phase We meet with the owner (client) and others as re- quired in order to ascertain the project require- ments and review the understanding of such require- ments with the owner. • We collect data to document existing and projected furniture, furnishings and equipment, procedures, and interior elements such as lighting, electrical, acoustics and construction. Based upon a review, analysis, and evaluation of the requirements and objectives for the project, we will provide a written program for the owner's approval if required. 2. Schematic Design Phase Based upon the approved program, we prepare prelim- inary diagrams and planning to show alternate app- roaches to designing and carrying out the work and solving identified problems. The planning function provides allocation and util- ization plans, indicating furnishing locations and preliminary furniture and equipment layouts. We fur- ther prepare studies to establish a design concept indicating types and quality of finishes and materials, furnishings and equipment for example. We will also provide a preliminary projected cost est- imate based upon the recommended design concepts and on current costs for projects of similar scope and quality. The purpose of this phase is to give the owner an idea of how the project will look and the image to be con- veyed . 2347 Ron Way San Diego California 92123 (619) 571-6987 DESIGNTECH 3. Design Development Phase Once the schematic design have been approved and any adjustments required by the owner have been made, we proceed with design and development drawings and other documents to fix and describe the character of the int- erior of the project including special design features to be incorporated. We prepare data and illustrations to describe and de- fine furniture, furnishings and equipment including specially designed custom items. The budget or projected cost estimates are also further refined to reflect more accurate information. Design development data and cost information is pre- sented to the owner for approval prior to the next phase 4. Contract Document Phase This is the most detailed phase of the project where we prepare final working drawings and specifications in order to procure the entire project in accordance with the owner's requirements. We will prepare the necessary procurement information and procurement forms for furniture, furnishings and equipment as required by the owner. 5. Contract Administration Phase We will work closely with the general contractor and all suppliers to ensure the owner's best interest are pur- sued and that the work is carried out in accordance with the project drawings and specifications. The final inspection and the issuing of punch lists will be carried out by the designer. DESIGNTECH DESIGN SERVICES MENU 1. Interior architecture. Programming, schematic and preliminary design. Complete interior architectural working drawings which include the following: Furniture and equipment layouts. Construction plans and details. Dimension layouts. Finish and hardware schedules. Custom millwork and cabinet details. Electrical and communication plans not including engineering however,we will coordinate other consultants such as electrical engineers. Reflected ceiling plans showing lighting, switching and Title 24. calculations. HVAC layouts showing diffuser locations but not ductwork or calculations however,we will coordinate other consultants such as mechanical engineers. Plumbing layouts showing fixture locations and schedules. Complete construction specifications and bidding documents. Contract administration and supervision. Interior and exterior signage design. 2. Planning and analysis of system furniture (open plan) and the appropriate lighting and electrical systems for optimum usage. 3. Communication systems analysis and evaluation for the modern office environment. 4-. Lighting design with regard to the work functions being performed or the effect desired and lighting application with respect to productivity and stress^ especially in areas where modern equipment such as display terminals are being used. continued... 2347 Ron Way San Diego California 92123 (619)571-6987 DESIGNTECH DESIGN SERVICES MENU Continued 5. Analysis and evaluation of electronic data processing facilities and how they relate to administrative and management functions. 6. We can do color studies on the use of color with regard to productivity, stress and the working environment. 7. Acoustical studies; identifying problems and solutions, and detailing costs and implementation. 8. Graphic design for promotional material such as annual reports, brochures, mailers, and posters to name a few. 9. The procurement and installation of many types of furn- iture and equipment including negotiated contracts or bidding documents. 10. Setting up and implementing appropriate maintenance programs for the proper care of new and established facilities. DESIGNTECH COMPANY BACKGROUND AND REFERENCES DESIGNTECH REFERENCES 1 . Bennet Greenwald Greenwald/McDonald (Developers) 2635 Camino Del Rio South San Diego, Ca. 92108 Tel:(619)296-5665 2. Gary Davis, Vice President Bank of America 450 »B» Street San Diego, Ca. 92101 Tel:(619)230-6100 3. Gregory Knoll, Chief Counsel/ Director Legal Aid Society of San Diego, Inc. 110 South Euclid Avenue San Diego, Ca. 9211 4. Tel: (61 9)262-0881 2347 Ron Way San Diego California 92123 (619)571-6987 DESIGNTECH COMPANY PHILOSOPHY DESIGNTECH is a southern California based space planning and interior architecture firm dedicated to service and design excellence. We specialize in servicing our clients to the fullest to enable them to reach their goals with regard to a finished facility or product that meets both their aesthetic and functional needs within the parameters of time and budget. Our experience is primarily in the corporate, medical and high-technology fields although we have design experience in other areas. The "process" of design is what we pride ourselves in and we allow our clients to participate in this process in a way so that they understand it without being overwhelmed by it. "Participation without awareness produces ignorance and ugliness; awareness without participation leads to frustration and alienation" . Robert Sommer, Design Awareness. 2347 Ron Way San Diego California 92123 (619) 571-6987 DESIGNTECH Douglas R. Stead Doug Stead has over 20 years experience in the design field. He started out in London, England where he was born and educated. He holds a degree in architecture and construction and served a four year apprenticeship with a large store design group. After spending eight years as a designer in London he moved to Toronto, Canada and worked for various corp- orate and commercial design firms. In 1974. he was employed as a design consultant by Herman Miller and later moved to their Zeeland, Mich- igan corporate headquarters as the manger of the Fac- ilities Design Group. This group was responsible for the entire corporate facilities including all show- rooms in the United States. He left Herman Miller in 1978 and went to SunarHauserman in Cleveland, Ohio as the Director of Corporate Comm- unications and Facilities Design. He had the valueable opp- ortunity of working with such design greats as Massimo Vignelli, Michael Graves and Douglas Ball. After three years with SunarHauserman he moved to sou- thern California where he joined a San Diego interior design firm as Vice President in charge of design. For the past two years he has been deeply involved in many commercial and medical projects throughout California. Doug brings a strong and varied design background to DESIGNTECH where he will function as the President of the company. DESIGNTECH Kimberly D. Cooper Kimberly, a native of San Diego, has over five years experience in the architectural, design and construct- ion field and an architectural degree from San Diego Mesa College. She has worked for several prominent San Diego archi- tectural firms such as Macy, Henderson & Cole and Wayne Donaldson & Associates. Her experience encom- passes such projects as condominiums, churches, hist- oric renovation in the downtown San Diego Gaslamp Quarter District and various Navy projects. Prior to the formation of DESIGNTECH, Kimberly was employed as a designer with a San Diego interior design firm for two years. She was project manager for a variety of projects and responsible for all aspects from beginning to end. Kimberly is a partner in DESIGNTECH and will serve as Vice President in charge of production. Her broad experience in architecture and interior design make her a valuable asset. James E. Armstrong Jim has been involved in the design and construction industry for five years. He started in 1978 working for CM Team, who were consultants to Welton Becket and Associates at the time. One of the large projects he was involved in was a major hotel in Peking, China. His responsibilities included vendor research, bidding and logistics of construction materials on an inter- national basis. He was also responsible for liason with sub-contractors. After leaving CM Team he worked for Vansant Associates and then moved to a San Diego interior design firm where he served in the capacity of project development and marketing manager for the past two years. Jim attended San Diego State University where he obtained a degree in marine and aquatic biology. Jim's role as a partner in DESIGNTECH will be Vice President of Marketing, 2347 Ron Way San Diego California 92123 (619)571-6987 DESIGNTECH PARTIAL LIST OF DESIGNTECH'S CLIENTELE • Classified Insurance Company Rancho Bernardo CA New corporate offices. Space planning/working drawings. • Greenwald/McDonald Development Co. San Diego CA. Corporate offices. Various office buildings throughout San Diego county. Space planning/working drawings/ interior design. • Mclnnis,Fitzgerald,Rees,Sharkey,Mclntyre San Diego CA. Legal offices Space planning. • Pomerado Escrow San Diego CA. New offices. Space planning. • Roye Johnston & Associates San Diego CA. New offices. Space planning. • Joy of Travel San Diego CA. New offices. Space planning. • State Farm Insurance Co. San Diego CA. New regional offices. Space planning. continued... 2347 Ron Way San Diego California 92123 (619) 571-6987 DESIGNTECH CLIENTELE LIST Continued Equitable Life Insurance New branch offices. Space planning. Mathew Kremer & Associates Legal offices. Space planning/working drawings, Crothall American Inc. New regional office. Space planning/working drawings American Creditors Bureau New branch office. Space planning/working drawings Gruber & Freeman Legal offices. Space planning. John Thomas & Associates New branch office. Space planning. Rancho Bernardo Office Building 70,000 sq.ft office space. Public spaces/interior design. Space planning/working drawings. Sorrento Valley Hi-tech Building. 60,000 sq.ft. R & D space. Space planning/working drawings. San Diego CA. San Diego CA. San Diego CA. San Diego CA. San Diego CA. San Diego CA. Rancho Bernardo CA San Diego CA. DESIGNTECH CLIENTELE LIST Continued • Bank of America San Diego CA. Corporate regional offices 9th and 19th floor redesign Space planning/working drawings/ interior design • Legal Aid Society of San Diego Inc. San Diego CA. Renovation and expansion of present facilities Space planning/working drawings/ interior design • Regional Education & Training Consortium San Diego CA. Space panning (11,000 sq. ft.) • Qantel Inc. San Diego CA. New Corporate regional offices Space planning/working drawings • Rose, Klein and Marias Legal offices San Diego CA. Space planning/working drawings • Keithly and Howard Legal offices Rancho Bernardo CA Space planning • Dares Realty San Diego CA. Pacific Professional Center 75,000 sq. ft. office space Space planning/working drawings DESIGNTECH The following is a partial list of DESIGNTECH1s staff experience in which they were project designer and/or manager while with another firm, prior to the form- ation of DESIGNTECH. CORPORATE Bank of America San Diego CA. Corporate regional offices. VIP banking suite. Space planning/working drawings/ interior design. Hallmark Circuits Inc. San Diego CA. Corporate headquarters. Manufacturing facility. Space planning/working drawings/ interior design. IBM/Urban League San Diego CA. Computer/data processing training facility. Space planning/working drawings.- Chicago Title Insurance Co. San Diego CA. New regional offices. Space planning/working drawings. Wavetek Inc. San Diego CA. Corporate facilities. Space planning/working drawings/ interior design. Legal Aid Society of San Diego Inc. San Diego CA. Renovation and expansion of present facilities. Space planning/working drawings/ interior design. 2347 Ron Way San Diego California 92123 (619)571-6987 DESIGNTECH CORPORATE Continued Haskins,Nugent.Newnham,Kane & Zvetina Legal offices. Space planning/working drawings/ interior design. National Bank of La Jolla New branch facility. Space planning/working drawings/ interior design. Reliance Management Co. New offices. Space planning/working drawings/ interior design. La Jolla CA. La Jolla CA. San Diego CA, DESIGNTECH MEDICAL San Diego Medical Center San Diego CA. Medical Office Building. Public Spaces. Interior and exterior signage. Medical space planning Space planning/working drawings/ interior design. San Diego Diagnostic Radiology San Diego CA. Dr.Katzman/Radiology clinic Medical space planning/working drawings/interior design. Dr.Keith Wahl San Diego CA. ENT medical suite. Space planning/working drawings. Dr.Berger & Dr.Golec San Diego CA. Oral Surgery suite. Space planning/working drawings/ interior design. Dr.David Collins San Diego CA. Pediatric suite. Space planning/working drawings. Dr.Smith San Diego CA. Neuro surgeon medical suite. Space planning/working drawings. Drs.Alan & Ruth Larsen San Diego CA. Internist & Dermatologist suite. Space planning/working drawings. continued... 2347 Ron Way San Diego California 92123 (619)571-6987 DESIGNTECH MEDICAL Continued Center for Sports Medicine Physical therapy suite/gymnasium. Space planning/working drawings/ interior design. Dr.Oury and Dr.Angell Cardiac Surgeons. Space planning/working drawings/ interior design. Los Gatos Surgery Center Ambulatory surgery center. Space planning/working drawings/ interior design. Tustin Medical Office Building Ambulatory surgery center. Space planning. Fullerton Surgery Center. Ambulatory surgery center. Space planning. West Anaheim Surgery Center. Ambulatory surgery center. Space planning. Hemet Medical Arts Building. Ambulatory surgery center. Space planning. San Diego CA, San Diego CA, Los Gatos CA Tustin CA. Fullerton CA, Anaheim CA. Hemet CA. KQLL -•rR,v.d xy San Die-,> C .iliiorni,! 921] ]- 14 Roll Construction Company ("!u! 2U2-^M! ,9, I9U Mr. Michael Brooks City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Re: Carlsbad Safety Center KCC Job No. 3225 Interior Design Development Dear Mike: After attending the interior design consultant interview process yesterday, we would recommend that the firm of Design Tech be brought on board for the referenced project. This recommendation shall supersede our original selec- tion based on the proposal review dated July 9, We feel Design Tech was very prepared for their presentation, demonstrated enthusiasm for the project, and will generate innovative ideas to compliment the architectural design. Their personnel should work smoothly with the City's staff in determining and analyzing specific needs. Since their proposal was based on actual square footage, we would recommend arrangements be made to negotiate fee changes per the final design area. Should you have any questions, please call. Respectful ly, JSTRUCTION COMPANY Steve Mahoney Project Manager SM:meh cc: Bill Miller Bill Smith David Ruhnau Frank Aleshi re File Planners RUHNAU McGAVIN I NAU/ASSOCIATES IR ?//i> 1: -nth Strt-d 1207 Elm Avenue Hi'nrwn O Ruhn,w, F.A.I.A. fti\ii'r,i'j< (A 9?')01 3669 Carlsbad, CA 92008-7995 [\>vici Ruhnau, A LA. 7M/<„•-;.; 4664 619/729-7144 Gary L McG.tvin. A.1A. July 23, 1983 Mr. Mike Brooks City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Subject: Interior Design Consultants for the Police and Fire Administration Facility Dear Mike: After attending the Interior Design Consultant interview and hearing presentations from the 3 finalists, we feel that although all the firms were well qualified, we would recommend that the Interior Design and Space Planning Firm, Design Tech, be selected as the Interior Design Consultants for the Carlsbad Public Police and Fire Administration Facility. We feel that Design Tech was the best prepared for the presenation, demonstrating innovative design ideas and an enthusiasm for the pro- ject which we feel will complement the Architectural design. We feel that they should be able to work smoothly with City Departments and staff involvedjas well as the Architect and the Koll Co., providing the project team with an additional area of expertise, further insur- ing the successful culmination of the project. Sincerely, David Ruhnau, AIA of Ruhnau McGavin Ruhnau/Associates DR/ca Ruth Fletcher Steve Mahoney RESOLUTION NO. 7699 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 2 CARLSBAD, APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND DESIGNTECH FOR INTERIOR DESIGN 5 SERVICES FOR THE PUBLIC SAFETY AND SERVICE CENTER, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECTUE SAID AGREEMENT.4 5 WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad and Designtech have reached an agreement 6 regarding interior design services for the Public Safety and Service Center, 7 which is on file in the City Clerk's Office. 8 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, 9 as follows: 10 1. That certain agreement between the City of Carlsbad and Designtech 11 regarding the provision of the interior design services for the Public Safety 12 and Service Center is hereby approved. 13 2. That the Mayor of the City of Carlsbad is hereby authorized and 14 directed to execute said agreement for and on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. 15 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of 16 the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 7th day 17 of August _ , 1984, by the following vote, to wit: 18 AYES: Council Msmbers easier, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Prescott 19 NOES: None 20 ABSENT: None 21 22 MARY H. CASLER, Mayor 23 24 ATTEST: 25" ^i P\. 27 ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City 28 (SEAL) AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF CARLSBAD AND DESIGNTECH FOR INTERIOR DESIGN SERVICE This AGREEMENT, entered into this /4 day of /$U6Q6>f , 1984, by and between the CITY OF CARLSBSAD, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "CITY", and DESIGNTECH, hereinafter referred to as "DESIGNER". WITNESSETH: Whereas, CITY has need of Interior Design Service for the Public Safety and Service Center; and Whereas, DESIGNER has demonstrated competence necessary for the required services; and Whereas, for and in consideration of the mutual obligations hereby assumed, and the performance of the acts hereinafter set forth; NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. DESIGNER'S SERVICES; The DESIGNER'S services are to be in the following four phases: (1) Programming, (2) Schematic Design and Design Development, (3) Construction Documents, and (4) Contract Administration. These services shall include, but not be limited to the following: A. Consultation with City of Carlsbad/Architect on the lay-outs and uses of open plan systems, furniture and other furnishings, including visitation to appropriate manufacturer's show rooms. B. Conduct conferences with key personnel to determine any special needs or requirements for various areas, (i.e. vinyl upholstery vs. woven textiles - maintenance considerations). -1- C. Space planning, that is location of furniture and fixtures within the approved architectural partition plans. D. Selection and specifications of all furnishings including open plan systems. E. Develop and specify the necessary interior identification graphics. F. Preparation of a budget estimate for all furniture, accessories, art work, and open plan systems. G. Preparation of finish schedule in an appropriate form for the Architects to incorporate in their Contract Document. H. Preparation of specification documents for competitive bidding. (CITY will be responsible for bidding of furnishings.) I. Review of bid responses with CITY and Architect. 3. On-site supervision during materials and furniture installation. K. Recommendation and coordination of art work appropriate to the interior concept. L. Selection and specification of all surface materials including flooring, color treatments, window coverings. M. Preparation of coded furniture and finish plans to correspond with the written specifications. N. Preparation of a maintenance manual describing all finishes, and care and cleaning instructions. This to correspond to the code plan. 0. Approve colors and finish samples as submitted by manufacturers and contractors. P. A preliminary and final design presentation to City of Carlsbad personnel and the Architect illustrating all material and furniture selections. The presentation will include plans, samples, photographs, and color boards describing the entire project (models and renderings -2- can be presented upon request, but are billed as "additional services"). Q. All project related expenses such as blueprinting, telephone calls, mileage, samples and parking are to be included in the total design fee. R. The City of Carlsbad requests all meetings and decision making be in the province of an authorized representative. 2. ADDITIONAL SERVICES: If additional services are required, they shall be authorized by the CITY, in writing, and shall be at the rate of $35.00 an hour. 3. CITY'S RESPONSIBILITIES; A. The CITY will make payments to the DESIGNER as provided in this agreement. B. The CITY will make available to the DESIGNER any information in its possession related to the proposed project. C. The CITY will designate to DESIGNER, in writing, a representative authorized to act for it under this agreement. D. The CITY will assist DESIGNER in arranging meetings necessary to conduct the services herein. *• PAYMENT OF FEES; The DESIGNER shall be paid a fixed fee of $25,976. This fee is based on a fee of $ .50 per square feet of the project area. After the final design has been approved by the CITY, if there is an increase in square footage, the fixed fee will be adjusted accordingly. Payment for the DESIGNER'S services shall be made upon completion of the services performed so that the compensation for each phase shall equal the following percentages of the total compensation payable: -3- Programming Phase percent (30%) Schematic Design and Design Development Phase percent (45%) Contract Documents Phase percent (15%) Contract Administrative Phase percent (10%) Invoices are payable within thirty days from receipt. 5. TERM; This AGREEMENT shall take effect on /*/#] <S^f^J(>O^f 1984, and shall be completed within thirty-three (33) months. If the services covered in the agreement have not been completed within this time, through no fault of the DESIGNER, the amount of compensation shall be equitably adjusted. 6. CANCELLATION; CITY may cancel this agreement for nonperformance upon 15 days written notice to the DESIGNER of the termination of the agreement. DESIGNER agrees to cease all work under this agreement on or before the effective date of such notice. Any outstanding invoices for DESIGNER'S services prior to said cancellation shall be paid by the CITY. In the event of such cancellation, the DESIGNER shall assemble the work product and put same in order for proper filing and closing and deliver said product to the CITY. The CITY shall make the final determination as to the portions of tasks completed and compensation to be made. 7. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR; DESIGNER in accordance with his status as an independent contractor, covenants and agrees that he will conduct himself consistent with such status, that he will neither hold himself out as nor claim to be an officer or employee of the CITY by reason hereof, and that he will not by reason hereof, make any claim, demand, or application to or for any right or privilege applicable to an officer or employee of the CITY including, but not limited to, workers' compensation coverage, unemployment insurance benefits, social security coverage, or retirement membership credit. 8. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS; All plans, studies, sketches, drawings, reports and specifications as herein required are the property of the CITY, whether the work for which they are made be executed or not. In the event this agreement is terminated, all documents, plans, specifications, drawings, reports and studies shall be delivered forthwith to the CITY. DESIGNER shall have the right to make one (1) copy of the plans for his records. 9. HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT. The CITY, its agents, officers and employees shall not be liable for any claims, liabilities, penalties, fines, or any damage to goods, properties, or effects of any person whatever, nor for personal injuries or death caused by, or resulting from, or claimed to have been caused by, or resulting from, any act or omission of DESIGNER or DESIGNER'S agents, employees or representatives. DESIGNER agrees to defend, indemnify and save free and harmless the CITY and its authorized agents, officers, and employees against any of the foregoing liabilities or claims of any foregoing liabilities, including liabilities or claims by reason of alleged defects in any plans and specifications, unless the liability or claim is due, or arises out of, solely to the CITY's negligence. 10. MAINTAIN INSURANCE; DESIGNER shall, at all times that this agreement is in effect or the premisies are occupied by DESIGNER, cause to be maintained in force and effect an insurance policy or policies which will insure and indemnify both CITY and DESIGNER against liability or financial loss resulting from injuries occurring -5- to persons or property in or about the premises or occurring as a result of any acts or activity of DESIGNER. The liability under such insurance policy shall be not less than $100,000 for any one person injured or $300,000 for any one accident and $50,000 for property damage. The policy shall be written by a responsible company or companies to be approved by CITY, and shall be noncancellable except on ten days written notice to CITY. 11. ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT; The DESIGNER shall not assign this contract or any part thereof or any monies due thereunder without the prior written consent of the CITY. 12. SUBCONTRACTING; The DESIGNER shall not subcontract any of the work to be performed under this agreement. 13. VERBAL AGREEMENT OR CONVERSATION: No verbal agreement or conversation with any officer, agent, or employee of the CITY, either before, during or after the execution of this agreement, shall affect or modify any of the terms or obligations herein contained nor such verbal agreement or conversation entitle the DESIGNER to any additional payments whatsoever under the terms of this agreement. 1*. CONFLICT OF INTEREST; The DESIGNER'S project leader shall file a Conflict of Interest Statement with the City Clerk of the CITY OF CARLSBAD, reporting investments or interest in real property. 15. AMENDMENT; No amendment to this agreement shall be effective unless it is in writing and signed by duly authorized representatives of both parties. -6- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement the day and year first above written. DESIGNER CITY OF CARLSBAD By T ie ivLa*~*-~i & • Mayor / Approved As To Form -7-