HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-08-07; City Council; 7842; 466 UNIT TENTATIVE TRACT MAP AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT IN THE CALAVERA HILLS MASTER PLAN CT 83-19/PUD 56 (CALAVERA HILLS CO. VILLAGE T). * AB#- TITLE 466 UNIT TENTATIVE TRACT MAP AND 8/7/84 PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT IN THE CALAVERA P LN HILLS MASTER PLAN CT 83-19/PUD-56 - CALAVERA 8 MTG. HILLS CO. - VILLAGE T -4 dm a DEPT. DEPT. H CITY AT ClTY MC I 68 &$ pla da, k wu Y gij urn 8al 05 kz 84 afd 3E k a 8: u cuc kO $2 *$ 35 dG h 8% z5 c -4 rd V g 5 P a5 f; -$ -3 cn . c- co r-l i 2 .. z 0 E 4 =! 0 2 3 0 0 d, - CIT'dpF CARLSBAD - AGENDmILL RECOMMENDED ACTION: Both the Planning Staff and Planning Commission recommend tha this application be APPROVED and that the City Attorney be directed to prepare documents APPROVING CT 83-19/PUD-56, per Planning Commission Resolution No. 2289. ITEM EXPLANATION This item is a 466 unit tentative tract map and planned unit development located in Village T of the Calavera Hills Mastel Plan. The site is 136.7 acres in size and is located on the side of future College Avenue in the northeast portion of thc Calavera Hills Master Plan, The project's density would be du's/acre which is at the high end of the density range of 0- du's/acre designated for this site. The applicant is propos three product types; single family detached homes, patio horn and duplexes. The Planning Commission was concerned about the project's proposed density of 3.99 du's acre. Specifically, it felt t project did not have sufficient recreational amenities to ju the top end of the density range and that this density coul? create traffic problems in the vicinity. The Planning Commission, therefore, placed a condition requiring the dew to set aside and improve three acres of land for recreationi purposes. The three acre area would be located on the futur school site adjacent to this subdivision. This condition WE also placed on the Village Q project which is being consider the same time. The three acres would have to be improved b: developer and maintained by the homeowners of Villages Q ant The Planning Commission, upon review of the SANDAG computer traffic models, concluded that this project would not creatc adverse traffic impacts in the Calavera Hills Master Plan a The Planning Commission found that the project met all requirements of the Planned Development Ordinance and the Calavera Hills Master Plan. Also, with the added condition the three acre recreational site, the Planning Commission ~i able to find that the project's proposed density could be justified. Through staff review and Planning Commission hearing, all : on this matter have been satisfactorily resolved, I (. (I) I) b Page Two of Agenda Bill No. 757y.A ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Land Use Planning Manager has determined that this project will not cause any significant environmental impacts and, therefore, has issued a Negative Declaration, dated April 19, 1984, which was approved by the Planning Commission on July 11 1984. A copy of the environmental documents is on file in the Planning Department. FISCAL IMPACTS The applicant will provide all required public improvements tc the project. Also, the applicant has agreed to pay a public facilities fee to offset the costs of providing all other pub1 services. EXHIBITS 1. Location Map 2. Planning Commission Resolution No. 2289 3. Memorandum dated, July 11, 1984 4. Staff Report dated, May 23, 1984 w/attachments 'THE COLONY' VILLAGE- T 1 4 \. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e e PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2289 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CI OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF 466 UNIT TENTATIVE TRACT MAP AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT ON 36.7 ACRES OF PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE CALAVERA HILLS MASTER PLAN AREA. APPLICANT! CALAVERA HILLS COMPANY - VILLAGE "TI1 CASE NO: CT 83-1 9/PUD-56 WHEREAS, a verified application for certain prope Portion of Lot D of Rancho Agua Hedionda accordin 823 filed November 16, 1896 wit: has been filed with the City of Carlsbad, and referred to Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a as provided by Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; ant WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did, on the 23rd I May, 1984, and on the 11th day of July, 1984, hold a duly public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said reque WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all pe I desiring to be heard, said Commission considered all facto relating to the Tentative Tract Map and Planned Unit Devel NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Plan] I Commission as follows: A) That the above recitations are true and correct. B) That based on the evidence presented at the public hea the Commission recommends APPROVAL of CT 83-19/PUD-56, on the following findings and subject to the following conditions: 1 //// //// //// 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 m e Findings: 1) The project is consistent with the City's general plan the proposed density of 3.99 du's/acre is within the c range of 0-4 du's/acre specified for the site as indic be justified for the reasons stated in the staff repor 2) The site is physically suitable for the type and densj the development since the site is adequate in size anc to accommodate residential development at the density posed , 3) The project is consistent with all City public facilil icies and ordinances since: a) The Planning Commission has, by inclusion of an the land use element of the general plan. This densit appropriate condition to this project, insured thi final map will not be approved unless the City Coi finds that sewer service is available to serve thi project. In addition, the Planning Commission ha: condition that a note shall be placed on the fina that building permits may not be issued for the p unless the City Engineer determines that sewer se available, and building cannot occur within the p unless sewer service remains available, and the P Commission is satisfied that the requirements of public facilities element of the general plan hav met insofar as they apply to sewer service for th project . b) The Carlsbad School District has written a letter April 6, 1984, stating that school facilities wil available to this project. ~ ~ c) The applicant will provide park land or pay park- fees as required by the Calavera Hills Master Pla to final map approval. d) All necessary public improvements have been provi will be required as conditions of approval, e) The applicant has agreed and is required by the i of an appropriate condition to pay a public facil fee. Performance of that contract and payment of will enable this body to find that public facilit be available concurrent with need as required by general plan. f) Assurances have been given that adequate sewer fc project will be provided by the City of Carlsbad. The proposed project is consistent with the City's PI Development Ordinance and also complies with the Desj Guidelines Manual, ,I 1 14) PC RES0 NO. 2289 -2- /I L 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 I.? 18 19 9 e 5) The proposed project is compatible with the surroundir land uses since surrounding properties are designated residential development on the general plan. 6) This project will not cause any significant environmer impacts and a Negative Declaration has been issued by Use Planning Manager on April 20, 1984 and approved bl Planning Commission on May 23, 1984. Conditions: 1) Approval is granted for CT 83-19/PUD-56, as shown on Exhibits "A" - "N" , dated March 19, 1984, incorporate( reference and on file in the Land Use Planning Office Development shall occur substantially as shown unless otherwise noted in these conditions. 2) This project is approved upon the express condition tl final map shall not be approved unless the City Counc as of the time of such approval that sewer service is available to serve the subdivision. 3) This project is approved upon the express condition t building permits will not be issued for development o subject property unless the City Engineer determines sewer facilities are available at the time of applica such sewer permits and will continue to be available time of occupancy. This note shall be placed on the map. 4) This project is approved upon the express condition t applicant shall pay a public facilities fee as requir City Council Policy No. 17, dated April 2, 1982, on f the city Clerk and incorporated herein by reference, according to the agreement executed by the applicant payment of said fee, a copy of that agreement, dated I I I/ 11, 1983, is on file with the City Clerk and incorpor 2o 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 27 herein by reference. If said fee is not paid as prom this application will not be consistent with the Gene and approval for this project shall be void. 5) Prior to final map approval, Village E-2 shall be ded to the City for park purposes, pursuant to the provis the Calavera Hills Master Plan. If Village E-2 is insufficient to meet the park requirements of this p~ the applicant shall pay park-in-lieu fees prior to fi approval. Approval of this request shall not excuse compliance sections of the Zoning Ordinance and all other applic i I 1 I 6) ordinances in effect at time of building permit issui Water shall be provided to this project pursuant to 1 Service Agreement between the City of Carlsbad and tl: Real Water District, dated May 25, 1983. -3- I 7, PC RES0 NO. 2289 I , I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 LO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 24 26 27 28 a 0 Land Use Planning Conditions: 8) The applicant shall prepare a reproducible mylar of th site plan incorporating the conditions contained herei site plan shall be submitted to and approved by the La Planning Manager prior to the issuance of building per 9) The applicant shall establish a homeowner's associatio corresponding covenants t conditions and restrictions. CC&R's shall be submitted to and approved by the Land Planning Manager prior to final map approval. The CCh this project shall contain a statement that there is a extraction and crushing operation located in close pro to this subdivision. 10) The applicant shall prepare a detailed landscape and i tion plan which shall be submitted to and approved by Use Planning Manager prior to the issuance of building permits. Said landscape plan shall provide details of proposed recreation facilities in the passive recreati areas. 11) A 500' scale map of the subdivision shall be submittec Land Use Planning 'Manager prior to the recordation of final map. Said map shall show all lots and streets v and adjacent to the project, 12) All landscaped areas shall be maintained in a healthy thriving condition, free from weeds, trash, and debri: 13) Any signs proposed for this development shall be desi? conformance with the City's Sign Ordinance and shall 1 review and approval of the Land Use Planning Manager 1 installation of such signs. 11 4) All roof appurtenances, including air conditioners, SI i architecturally integrated and concealed from view an( 1 sound buffered from adjacent properties and streets, ] to Building Department Policy No. 80-6, to the satisfi the Land Use Planning Manager and Building and Plannii I i Director. 15) The applicant shall submit a street name list consistr the City's street name policy subject to the Lan; Use Manager Is approval prior to final map approval. The project shall provide bus stop facilities at loca subject to the satisfaction of the North County Trans trict. Said facilities shall at a minimum include a free from advertising, and a pole for the bus stop si bench and pole shall be designed in a manner so as to detract from the basic architectural theme of the pro said design shall be subject to the approval of the L Planning Manager and North County Transit District. I IY) PC RES0 NO. 2289 -4- I . .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 l7 e a 17) ~ll guest parking shall be provided in compliance with City of Carlsbad's Planned Development Ordinance, 18) All garages shall have a minimum area of 400 square fe 19) All units shall have a private side yard or a rear yar a minimum dimension of 15 feet. 20) The City is defending two lawsuits which seek to colle damages and reimbursement for the cost of constructing Tamarack Avenue from El Camino Real to the boundaries Lake Calavera Hills Master Plan area (MP-l50(A)) as su boundaries existed prior to the amendment made by Mast Amendment, MP-lSO(D). The City believes these cases i without merit and that no damaages or reimbursements i However, if reimbursement or damages are ordered, awar established, this applicant as the owner of property benefitted by the road, prior to obtaining a final mag subject property, shall execute an agreement with the whereby the applicant covenants to pay its proportion; of any reimbursement or damages, ordered, awarded or established as a result of these or other sinilar laws 21) Units adjacent to College Avenue shall be sound buffei dated October 17, 1983. The design of the noise barrj shall be subject to the approval of the Land Use Planr Manager. 22) Prior to occupancy of any units, the applicant shall I and improve a 3 acre site on the property designated i future school site for active recreational purposes. location of the site and the specific improvements rec shall be subject to the approval of the Land Use Plant $1 the acoustical report prepared for the Calavera Hills i 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 27 this site. Engineering Conditions: 23) The developer shall obtain a grading permit prior to commencement of any clearing or grading of the site. 24) The grading for this project is defined as "controllei ing" by Section 11.06.170(a) of the Carlsbad Municipa Grading shall be performed under the observation of a engineer whose responsibility it shall be to coordina inspection and testing to insure compliance of the wo the approved grading plan, submit required reports to Engineer and verify compliance with Chapter 11.06 of Carlsbad Municipal Code. PC RES0 NO. 2289 -5- I I1 \ 5. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 26 25 27 28 0 0 25) upon completion of grading, the developer shall insure "as-graded" geologic plan shall be submitted to the Cil Engineer. The plan shall clearly show all the geology exposed by the grading operation, all geologic correct measures as actually constructed and must be based on , tour map which represents both the pre and post site gi This plan shall be signed by both the soils engineer ai engineering geologist. The plan shall be prepared on or similar drafting film and shall become a permanent No grading shall occur outside the limits of the subdi. unless a letter of permission is obtained from the own the affected properties. 26) 27) Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the haul ro shall be submitted for review and approved by the City Engineer. A separate grading plan shall be submitted approved and a separate grading permit issued for the or disposal site if located within the city limits. 28) All slopes within this project shall be in accordance the City's grading standards. 29) Grading standards shall be in conformance with "MP-150 Calavera Hills Master Plan". Approval of CT 83-19 doe authorize any exceptions or deviations from said Maste 30) All slopes adjacent to property lines shall have slope backs in conformance to City Standards. 31 ) Additional drainage easements and drainage structures provided or installed as may be required by the Count) Department of Sanitation and Flood Control or the Cit] neer. The developer shall pay the current local drainage arc prior to approval of the final map or shall construct age systems in conformance with the Master Drainage PI City of Carlsbad Standards as required by the City Ens 1 19,132) 33) The developer shall exercise special care during the construction phase of this project to prevent any off- siltation. The developer shall provide erosion contrc measures and shall construct temporary desiltation/dei basins of type, size and location as approved by the ( Engineer. The basins and erosion control measures shi shown and specified on the grading plan and shall be constructed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer 1 the start of any other grading operations. Prior to ' removal of any basins or facilities so constructed tht I served shall be protected by additional drainage faci. I slope erosion control measures and other methods requ approved by the City Engineer. The developer shall mq I PC RES0 NO. 2289 -6 - -. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 0 0 the temporary basins and erosion control measures for < of time satisfactory to the City Engineer and shall gui their maintenance and satisfactory performance through deposit and bonding in amounts and types suitable to tl Engineer . 34) Direct access rights for all lots abutting Tamarack Avc and College Boulevard shall be waived on the final map 35) The developer shall install the following improvements satisfaction of the City Engineer. Alternatively, the may enter into an improvement agreement with the City accordance with Section 66462 of the Subdivision Map A Carlsbad Municipal Code to assure the timely completio improvements unless otherwise noted herein. All impro3 shall have plans, specifications and supporting docume prepared to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and constructed or an improvement agreement shall have bee by the developer prior to recordation of a final map f phase of the subdivision that said improvements serve. improvements shall be completed prior to the issuance Certificate of Occupancy or occupancy of any structure in the phase of the subdivision for which that they ar in. Any improvement completed by any other developer to the satisfaction of the City Engineer prior to bein by these conditions shall be deemed to meet these cond " The improvements included are: a) All improvements shown on the tentative map, inclu b) Street trees c) Street lights d) Storm drain facilities e) Domestic Water Facilities private streets 19 11 20 21 22 23 24 z5 I 26 27 28 g) The stub street east of Tamarack Avenue within Lot collector street standards h) College Boulevard to major arterial standards from Route 78 to the southerly line of this project i) College Boulevard to major arterial standards from southerly line of this project to Elm Avenue. Pav median improvements may be ornitted for one-half th of the street j) Elm Avenue to secondary arterial standards from Co feet in width with asphalt berms at the edges k) Wheelchair ramps 1) Traffic signals at the southerly intersection of C I . Boulevard to Tamarack Avenue, paving may be reduce Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue. Signals shall be installed when the traffic warrants 136) The City shall set aside the public access rights to t Plan, MP-lSO(F), prior to the final map approval. Cha , labeled "not a part" which is Village R of Calavera Hi C RES0 NO. 2289 -7- I , I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 l8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 said access rights, if any, shall be satisfactory to tl Engineer. The proposed alignment as shown on the tent( is currently acceptable to the City Engineer of the Ci Car lsbad . 37) The minimum frontage of all lots, excepting only those 38) The developer shall secure dedication of all on and of street rights-of-way and slope and utility easements a time of filing the final map that these conditions req underlaying improvements. Land for all public streets easements shown on the tentative maps or accompanying shall be granted to the City free and clear of all lie encumbrances. Rights-of-way so granted shall be to th width required by City Standards. knuckles and on the interior of cul-de-sacs, shall be 39) Should the developer decide to final map and develop F out of numerical sequence with the approved phasing as on the tentative map, all conditions required of the 1 numbered phases shown on the tentative map shall be co Planning Manager. design requirements of the respective sewer and water regarding services to the project. unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer and the 140) The developer shall comply with all the rules, regulat 41) The design of all private streets and drainage systems be approved by the City Engineer prior to approval of final map. The structural section of all private stre shall conform to City of Carlsbad Standards based on R tests. All private streets and drainage systems shall inspected by the city, and the standard improvement pl i and inspection fees shall be paid prior to approval of i final map. 142) All private streets and private drainage systems shall I I maintained by the homeowner's association in perpetuit responsibility shall be clearly stated in the CC&R's. I; 43) Prior to recordation of any final map for this develog the owner shall give written consent to the annexatior area shown within the boundaries of the Tentative Map existing City of Carlsbad Street Lighting and LandscaE District No. 1. 44) Approval of this tentative tract map shall expire twer months from the date of City Council approval unless z map is recorded. An extension may be requested by the applicant. Said extension shall be approved or deniec discretion of the City Council. In approving an exter the City Council may impose new conditions and may re\ ex is t ing cond it ions . I PC RES0 NO. 2289 -8- i I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 45) All private streets shall have 4.5 feet wide utility easements located behind the sidewalks. All other ease shall be no less than 15 feet wide. No portion of any structure shall be located on or over any easement. 46) Tamarack Avenue shall be completed for it's full lengtl within this project prior to occupancy of more than 241 within this project subject to the limitations of cond 47) All sidewalks within this project shall be 5 feet wide exclusive of the top of curb. 48) Secondary access satisfactory to the City Engineer sha provided to all phases of this project in conformance City Engineering Department's cul-de-sac policy. Wher lines bisect streets, the full width improvement on th street shall be constructed as part of the phase being developed. 49) The developer shall provide the City with a reproducib copy of the Tentative Map as approved by the Planning Commission. The Tentative Map shall reflect the condi approval by the City. The map copy shall be submitted City Engineer prior to improvement plan submittal . 50) The developer may designate public streets A through F inclusive as private streets. Such designation shall prior to final map approval. 51) Fill slopes at intersections shall be pulled back from curb line to provide sight distance in conformance wit Standards. 152) Prior to approval of the Final Map the subdivider shal install, or agree to install and secure with appropria ,I security as provided by law, improvements shown on the I Standards and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer Plans, specifications and supporting documents for all improvements shall be prepared to the satisfaction of City Engineer. 53) Some improvements shown on the Tentative Map and/or re by these conditions are located off-site on property P neither the City nor the subdivider has sufficient tit interest to permit the improvements to be made without stion of title or interest. The subdivider shall conf Section 20.16.095 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. I Tentative Map and the following improvements to City i I I//// //// //// PC RES0 NO. 2289 -9- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I.3 14 15 I.6 17 18 19 0 a 54) All plans, specifications, and supporting documents : improvements of this project shall be signed and sea: Engineer in responsible charge of the work. Each shc be signed and sealed except that bound documents may and sealed on their first page. Additionally the fii of each set of plans shall have the following certif: "DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE I hereby declare that I am the Engineer of Work design of the project as defined in Section 6703 of Business and Professions Code, and that the design i consistent with current standards. specifications by the City of Carlsbad is confined t only and does not relieve me, as Engineer of Work, c responsibilities for project design. (Name, Address and Telephone of Engineering firm) project, that I have exercised responsible charge ov I understand that the check of project drawings BY DATE (Name of Engineer) R.C.E. NO. I Fire Department I n 55) Additional public and/or on site fire hydrants shall quired if deemed necessary by the Fire Marshal. 56) The applicant shall submit two (2) copies of a site showing locations of existing and proposed fire hyd? on site roads and drives subject to the approval of Marshal. 1 /I construction. 57) An all weather access road shall be maintained throi 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 , shall be operational prior to combustible building being located on the project site. 59) Proposed security gate systems shall be provided wi key operated override switch, as specified by the F partment . I 60) All private driveways shall be kept clear of parked at all times, and shall have posted "NO Parking/Fir Away Zone" pursuant to Section 17.04.040, Carlsbad Code. 61) Fire retardant roofs shall be required on all struc PC RES0 NO. 2289 -1 0- 1 & - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 l8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, he the 11th day of July, 1984, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Chairman Rombotis, Commissioners Marcus, Farrow, McFadden, Smith and Rawlins. NOES : Commissioner Schlehuber. - ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None. JERRY ROMBOTIS, Chairn CARLSBAD PLANNING COMb ATTEST: MICHAEL J. HOLZMILLER LAND USE PLANNING MANAGER I I i ~ i PC RES0 NO. 2289 -11- . $ a 0 e MEMORANDUM DATE: July 11, 1984 TO : Planning Commission FROM: Land Use Planning Office SUBJECT: CT 83-32/PUD-62 (CALAVERA HILLS - Q) AND CT 83-19/PUD-H (CALAVERA HILLS - T) RECOMMENDATI c# Staff recommends that the Planninq Commission APPROVE the Negat Declaration issued by the Land Use Planning Manager and ADOPT CT 83-32/PUD-62 and CT 83-19/PUD-46 b ased on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. Discussion These items were continued .from the Planning Commission meeting of May 23, 1984. At that time, the Commission expressed concer over the density of the proposed projects. The major concern was in terms of how this density would effect traffic cirulatio in the Calavera Hills area. The Commission indicated it wanted to review the City's Circulation Element Amendment (GPA/C 84-1) prior to making a decision on these two projects. Since that time, the Commission has reviewed and made a recommendation to the City Council for GPA/C 84-1. SANDAG computer models indicate that the street system in the Calavera Hills Master Plan area is adequate to handle the additional traffic that would be generated by these projects. Tamarack Avenue and Elm Avenue could handle up to 20,000 trips per day while College Avenue could handle up to 40,000 trips pe day. The figures on the attached exhibit show that the amount of traffic on these roads will be below these figures. The Commission should be aware that .the proposed density at these sites could contribute to future traffic congestion at tl intersection of El Camino Real and College Avenue. In additioi if Tamarack Avenue is downgraded between 1-5 and El Camino Rea: there is a potential for congestion on Tamarack Avenue and Interstate 5. In conclusion, staff believes that the street system in the Calavera Hills Master Plan area can handle the traffic generatc by the proposed project and recommends approval of CT 83-19/PU1 and CT 83-32/PUD-62. - Resolutions No. 2292 and 2289, APPROVING MH/ad e * ,. STAFF REPORT DATE : May 23, 1984 TO: Planning Commission FROM : Land Use Planning Office SUBJECT: CT 83-19/PUD-56 - CALAVERA HILLS COMPANY - Request for development in Village T in the northeast corner of th Calavera Hills Master Plan area in the P-C zone. 466 unit tentative tract map and planned unit I. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Planning Commission APPROVE the Negative Declaration issued by the Land Use Planning Manager ar ADOPT Resolution No. 2289 recommending APPROVAL of CT 83-19/PUI: 56 to the City Council based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. 11. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The applicant requests approval of a 466 unit tentative tract n and planned unit development for Village T of the Calavera Hill Master Plan, located as described above. The proposed project with native vegetation. This project will have a density of 3, du/ac which is at the top end of the general plan designation c 0-4 du/ac for this site. The site consists of rolling hillsidc with a few steep gullies. Single family homes in the City of Oceanside are located along the northerly boundary of the projc site. The properties to the east, west and south are covered with native vegetation. As shown on Exhibit "A", the applicant proposes to develop thi: project with three product types, standard single family detack homes, patio homes, and duplexes. These products will be loca as noted below: Phase I - Standard single family detached 6000 squa will be located on a 136.7 acre site that is presently covered foot lots. Phase I1 - Standard single family detached 5000 squa foot lots. Phase 111, IV, V - Patio homes on 3500 - 4500 square foot lots. Phase VI - Duplexes Phase VI1 - Standard single family detached on 10,000 square foot lots. (A m 111. ANALY S IS 1. Is the proposed project in conformance with the Calavera Hills Master Plan? 2. Does the proposed project conform to the development standards and design criteria of the Planned Development Ordinance? Discussion As proposed, this project is in conformance with the Calavera Hills Master Plan. Village T has been designated for clustered development with single family and duplex units up to a maximum of 466 units. As mentioned previously, this density is at the top end of the density allowed by the general plan designation of 0-4 du/ac fo this site. Staff believes that the requested density is justified in this instance. The project significantly exceeds the recreation requirements of the Planned Development recreation areas as well as private recreation areas. The project has incorporated the design and grading standards of th Calavera Hills Master Plan, as well as many of the concepts expressed in the City of Carlsbad's Design Guidelines Manual. Development Standards This project meets or exceeds all of the development standards the Planned Development Ordinance. All of the proposed units will have a two car garage with a minimum area of 400 square feet. This will provide adequate space to fulfill the storage requirements as well as provide parking for the two cars. Gues parking will be available on the private streets which service this project. All of the units will have a private rear yard or sideyard witk minimum dimension of 15 feet. Many of the units will have real yards that are substantially larger. In addition, there will 1 five common recreation areas with a variety of active and pass] recreation facilities. Details of the two active common recreation areas are shown on Exhibit "N". These private recreation areas will provide over 180 square feet of common active and passive recreation space per unit within this project . All other standards of the Planned Development Ordinance are mc by this project. Ordinance. The project provides both active and passive common -2- II, Ib b Design Criteria As proposed, this project conforms with the design criteria of the Planned Development Ordinance. The existing steep slopes ii the southerly portion of the site will be left in their natural state. Although the project will require substantial grading, the existing topographical character of the site will be preserved. Most of the slopes created by this project will be less than 30' in height. In a few instances where existing topography drops off steeply, it will be necessary to create larger man made slopes to provide buildable areas. All man madl slopes will be heavily landscaped to prevent erosion and to soften their appearance. This site is one of the few portions of the Calavera Hills Mast Plan area that has sufficient soil to provide export to other to create buildable pads in the more rugged, rocky portions of master plan. Wherever possible, cul-de-sacs have been designed to provide vi corridors at their terminus. A curvilinear street pattern has been used to create interesting vistas for motorists driving through the project, The proposed project will provide a wide variety of product tyF which will be separated into different neighborhoods by topography and street patterns, The five common recreation are will provide a variety of active and passive recreation facilities. These recreation areas are scattered throughout tk project so that they will be readily accessible to all residents, In conclusion staff believes the proposed project is compatiblc with the Calavera Hills Masker Plan, the Planned Development Ordinance and with existing and future development in the vicinity. Staff, therefore, recommends approval of this project . sites, All of the earth removed from this site will be utilize IV. ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTS The Land Use Planning Manager has determined that this project will not have a significant effect on the environment and, therefore, has issued a Negative Declaration on April 20, 1984 ATTACHMENTS 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 2289 2. Location Map 3. Background Data Sheet 4. Disclosure Form 6. Reduced Exhibits 7. Exhibits "A" - "N", dated March 19, 1984 MH/ar 5 I Environmental Documents -3- II! m RACKGFOUND DATA SHEET CASE NO: CT 83-19/wD-56 APPLICANT: CALAVERA HILLS COMPANY REQUEST AND IL)cATIcpJ: 466 unit tentative tract map and planned unit develop- ment in the northeast corner of the Calavera Hills Master Plan. LEGAL DESCNPTION: Wrtion of I;ot D of Rancho Aqua Hedionda according to Map 823 filed November 16, 1896. AF": 168-040-14,18, 21 b 2: Acres 116.7 Proposed No. of L,uts/Units 460 GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING Land Use Designation RIM Density Allowed 0-4 Density Proposed 3.99 Existing Zone P-C Proposed Zone - Surrounding Zoning and Land Use: Zoning Land Use Site P-C Vacant North Oceanside SFD South P-C Vacant East 0-S Vacant West P-C Vacant PUBLIC FACILITIES School District Carlsbad Water Carlsbad Sewer Carlsbad EDU's Public Facilities Fee Agreement, dated August 11, 1983 ENVIRONMENllAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT - x Negative Declaration, issued April 20, 1984 E.I.R. Certified, dated - Other, e , L.1,Cb.c *-r..rr ------ 0- kpPLIcANT : Calavera Hills Company Nwe =(individual, partnership, joint VentUle, corporation, sp 110 West C Street, Suite 1220, San Diego., Californii Business Address .~ Telephone NuznbeX . AGENT: Name .- -. -. Business Address .- P' ,- Telephone Nupber -- 2017 Caminito 'Circdo . KZEfsEItS: Cedric E: Sanders La Jolla, California Mane *(individual, partner, joint. ~ Home 2Mress . venture, coqozation, syndication) 110 West C Street, Suite 1220, San Diego, Californi Basiness Address (619) 235-9180 Telephone N-r Telephone Muniber * SaZe Bame Mdzess 33siaess ilddress Teleshor-e Nder Telephone Xmber .. - __ (Attach more sheets if necessary) I/we &Clare ur.der Henalty Of perjury that the infomation contained in tl closure is L=Q and correct and that it will remain true and correct and G relied upan ES being true and correct until asended. -. - .. CALAVERA HILLS COMPANY ,~ BY 0 - ,,. , 7 \ -?$; A I-_ 1: -#&>' 1( 1; In -&? -; .-:. I -- ?.L ~ri*- 4-i- - .,- *+* ;g 1% m. i 1 /q~7&x%&2 J '. ! \ 1, :'f. c* -; % i .+Tj -- ikLX $A,& I. -s-*>. * - :- TY7 -- 3; 12 .-. 5 ,*L j -. . :- . 1 I L.9- -=1 -- :.I 75. G E3 a g 9 '*. - 5 k' h r ...~ pa+?-+- -I . '.. "1 b. . -- ~ .- i - .- '. :!LT& ...- . . . ,., +;*%--3q ," e p*.: =--% WLb 5.. , - 1. --- 5-A- f' - tr I :,e. .-* .:' .- -- Ili - - ., -- r . 5. ~ i - ;-.- = s .- =%.EE7 . A&-+ ---.-! I - ,--A x= - __- _._.. 5 --- -&?& : $ah: - ; Eg - ' -1 F7q. ;> -=- i r - ! %=e& - _I z r -5 - ir' I. f I I,=-& .- -. c '* ;* 4 1 -- =E i -- -. 1 I pL.3 yp7<- 45: am 7' , >Ji- = ;,- ' q&*T:2.= . . .. : %>=- * T7 -z-.- * - IT' 7- -I - :- e -%L++: : GFJ ___--. . -edge *'":-X -I = e. ? k3 .'-f --= -- r.:%? ;is- c- E ,c ~ -. .. 15 - ib-) :5,.., .. . -e 1 I z : c.:.. . .*?e - -- k= . .-- +FA ,, *'.. . ?---- , ;E ' : ;,:-! ,,' .f &a/L a - rn ' ,' .- - z- .- -+g. <-. - _-- f-. F .-* = . %. f := :f i-- = L- =3 *i* $.- - - -. >?- r. - % E-.: 1-s -- . ..- gE3 GI?,?. 8 (3; = - .. j7 3 r:- i .!:, ,--' --- ~ -- - . s -?y /'--.. +- - e Y &p?I.!+a 1: - ij; % - - !,- - -*'l .? 9 - C;- -- .__._-_ I .-_ e+' - / -- G34 pm cF 3 - -. . s -- .. y-, 3-- - ..' 1 ,= a% -L_ i - -- ,M.-li 4.1 2 ==-, i e ,A? - . =: - 7: 7- p- -_ft_____ : ---- E2 fqj ja .z =- - I- ' .- -: - r?-. u e. .' i E;i:f + CALAVERA HlllS ."=JKZ: d CDMWUlITY 01 M CITY Of LllllSfl!! tl:edlDlRI. PUS CU. 1 '; ?')*"' -- 0 0 -- .-e 2 . '<+ ; '_ h : e.4 . - 1 " &.& f r gr 1. pi: f 9- =is T &T A! ; =E *$.,",.!- L -!d + !? 5 3 8 .<>' --.i.. . - .- o'M/Fi D r? 7.2 . .. :- - ~ -1 F 'e, ,e- -.-. r r A,+= q- -& <--+ : ,+'= 9 6" %-A *+G&? . $a l=4.;*y=+- -51 ,-a _- - -3 - =- .. P_. Liz s = z?l @B I/ L Y 1 ._ <. .x- ++*;** 3- A! ". * -. -- -X.%*. 9 -J - A- I _,-- A-L ~~~~ 1: i= w.f r i g -gq Is 3: 11- g +VI -I 5yy [- *- *-= - E - 2% - L"Z! !/ - LPzG :c h i . a - a;;. .'sf -x;: - .;*x *&E=+= 2E:2j:; ,.' , .2,,5.- - ,Tx>7s?? .g ,> 5 , r*- I 3 ,--->e if- .! -'- -' - .- I , EL- . . -, .-. 5. - .. r. 2 .z:a,$g~ -..y. *; - z -x. * -. - --.I,-+ . '.. -- .. - .- --gEE-ir>. ++?zzJ -2 a g - oc .-- --,!, z 'I .- - i; ;- & :- Wr &* - ::$ - :- 7 E r--- - <yr .- t -~- A ;=f,,' :- __ -_ .- ,- ..A& := e * 'j+ = .-.J 1: = .zc - - . - CC 'Z m 'p . - =? eFk- - - :*- ' :- i .I -- I_ i c: -.- . I __. p: a- -. ipy s 7 5 G= 1: r t- 5 i- +!e L.2 ss - 9 =-=' >- @- @ ____ - D= P - i. "- L- -= -- .-- -. -* ?* .- t ' ,'.'A '* fi * r L %%e .$ e ., i 1- WIeJ-u. I :;I. vmrr- AitWKtL1B & b ,. _.E .am.:- KGq CALAVERA HlliS ,. .n-7- .- . I. rllli ACOMMUNKY OF m cm ui WAD ~:ULLYIIII mu m' e - -- ----. .* .< .- .-- 0 0 T ., J - .? ". 7 \ ! \ a 3 8 e @ q E 1- ! i - 1 > 4% "s-,; ) cs 1s;; m w, 1 _- 1 $, s . 3, $7 ;; I i i i j ~ f^ rd 'i4,:; 2-.>--; d.? $- j ! ! g = ';; /:,.gyJ ,r;=- r. iw s .I. ; :- ai I :, !E3 wl -< iG ..___ <- 'it: -9% 1. 1 ;E! g I' ;-=> ; \ ==3 d' -= - is !==3 _- ___ #, .*-- I u. E: ig -c >-=A& i i ;a 2 !!oJ 3, 4:;. lm - ;t sueks3wDu 1 NCRime & 30-r.mJcC% *e- - .= - __mi - 4 CALAVERA HlllS CDflIyIUWm of TAf Cm fjl CAglSBAn WKCAWWl a 50: % .- L. .. --.-. I, :flfi, *.- ___ -. 4.. 5.- .*--a.- 0 1.11 E2 m E% s = 5.3 E3 w - *-p mcrne=nae8 Ju-rmo.=c .ia..=,-n W.6 iacc --- w- 1. I%f!E *' E 4'CALAVERA MMMUNITY Of TtB EllT HILLS Of WBAD F '-4 .a? 2. v .. - :-- ! + a iz E3 0 PJlA rnflNi~c7 -- w.]- - '.ma+++ Job: *'%\ow Date: 4 -84 2210Aver1khtk~J~lp N~: -- Architcctiire [q? + 1.aJtill.1 CAtA ~rnta920j7 Planning 619 459-2boh Drawn! %w I 7 t . . . . . . -. . . . .. . - -1 Detail No.= I[, mi1 Scale: 1 Job: BloGq No: + la ~l~ll~C~IiLiriiia~?(~37 Date: ‘&f% Drawn: w 22lOAvrnicli tk 13 Playa -- Architecture 3”a ?’= hsmciater Planning 619 459.260h 0 rn DATE : August 7, 1984 TO : City Council FROM : Calavera Hills Company SUBJECT: CT 83-19/PL?D-56 (CALAVERA HILLS - T) In proposed Planning Commission Resolution Number 2289 for Village T, the Applicant requests that the last sentence in Paragraph 22 on Page 5 thereof be changed as follows: "This park shall be maintained until such time as-a-sehed ~~~e--~-~~~--~~e~-~~~-~~~ the site is developed as a school or residential development." 0 e ‘Carlsbad Journa Decreed a Legal Newspaper by the Superior Court of Sun Diego County 3 138 ROOSEVELT ST 0 P 0 BOX 248 0 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 0 729-2345 Proof of Publication STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ss COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the county aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above entitled m I am principal clerk of the printer of the Carlsbad Journal a newspaper of general circi published twice weekly in the City of Carlsbad, County of Sun Diego, State of California, and newspaper is published for the dissemination of local news and intelligence of a general charactl which newspaper at all times herein mentioned had and still has a bona fide subscription list of subscribers, and which newspaper has been established and published at regular intervals in t City of Carlsbad, County of Sun Diego, State of California, for a period exceeding on next preceding the date of publication notice hereinafter referred to; and that the of which the annexed is a printed copy, hc published in each regular and entire issue newspaper and not in any supplement the the following dates, to-wit: -_ - __ NOTICE OF PUBLIC July 25 HEARING - ................................. CT 83 19/PUD 56 . *I -. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thdt thecity Council oftheCityofC’drl\ bad will hold a public hearmg’d the Clty Council Chambers. lice Elm Avenue Carlsbad Califmnr~ at 6 00 P M on Tuesday AuguTt 7 1984, to consider an application lilt a 466 unit tentative tract map dnti planned untt development in %,I lageT inthenortheast corwr ~f tht Calavera Hills Master Plan are.ijn the P C zone and more particula-ly described as Portion of Lot D of Rancho Ajiua Hedtonda according to Map 823 filed November 16. 1896 Applicant Calavera Hills CO CJ W237 July 25. 1984 ................................. ................................. ................................. CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIJ ................................. I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoit and correct. Executed at Carlsbad, County of S? State of California on the 25th T..~T, 10QA UUL ->vi ri * 2- @%I&&* Perk Of th 2M-4182 LOCATION MAP I SITE 4- CALAVERA HILLS CO. I CT 83-19/pud-56 k NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING miCE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Comnission of the City of Carlsbad wj hold a public hearing at the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, at 7:OO p.m. on Wednesday, May 23, 1984, to mnsider qproval of < 466 unit tentative tract map and planned unit developnent in Village T in the northeast mrner of the Calavera Hills Master Plan area in the P-C zone and nx particularly described as:. Portion of Lot D of Rancho Agua Hedionda according W Mq 823 filed November 16, 1896. Those persons wishing to speak on this proposal are cordially invited to atter the public hearing. If you have any questions please call the Land Use Planni Office at 438-5591. CASE FILE: CT 83-19/PUD-56 APPLICANT: Calavera Hills Co. PUBLISH: April 28, 1984 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING OMMISSION 9431-Gold Coast Drive #F4 4159 Bayclitf Way 3623 Cerro / San Diego, CA 92126 e Oceanside, CA 92054 0 Oceanside, ( 7 , Valerie de I Raymond and Aiko Acosta 4054 Vista Calaveras 12342 Lambert Circle 4127 Bayclij Oceanside, CA 92054 Garden Grove, CA Oceanside, ( Ned and Eleanor Arcidiacono Thomas J. Block Nancy A. Dic 4036 Vista Calaveras Peter F. Matthews 4047 Alto Si Oceanside, CA 92054 4023 Alto Street Oceanside, I Edward E and Sandra A. Arms Bonner/Bedrosian Leroy and B 4011 Vista Calaveras 24501 Marguerite Parkway Dominguez Oceanside, CA 92054 Mission Viejo, CA 4032 Vista Oceanside, James and Mathilde Blake Oceanside, CA 92054 Gilbert and Ysabel Arriaga Jesse and Roberta Bradley Dianne Dono 4031 Vista Calaveras 4024 Vista Calaveras 10882 Sandy Oceanside, CA 92054 Oceanside, CA 92054 San Diego, Evelyn Austin Lloyd and Donna Briner Roy and Pat 4025 Vista Calaveras 3660 Azure Lado Drive Doxstader Oceanside, CA 92054 Oceanside, CA 92054 4046 Vista Oceanside, Kevin and Patricia Bagley Roland and Sue Burns Ruth H. Drz 3635 Cerro Avenue 3016 Valley View Street 2329 Nick12 Oceanside, CA 92054 Orange, CA Oceanside, Dennis and Jean Bauernfeind Dorothy S. Burtson Steven and 3149 Coachman Court 4043 Vista Calaveras Dreyer Oceanside, CA 92054 Oceanside, CA 92054 4020 Vista Oceanside, S. Kenneth and Mary Beeler Erma Carroll Thomas and 4222 La Tiera Drive 3612 Seacrest Way Dubose Oceanside, CA 92054 Oceanside, CA 92054 4064 Vista Oceanside, J. L. Beeman Randall and Marsha Cathcart William Dy, 3605 Surfline Way George and Marilyn Cathcart 2939 W. 30 Oceanside, CA 92054 3629 Cerro Avenue Vancouver, Oceanside, CA 92054 Columbia William and Florence Beeson Michael and Jane Collins James and 4090 Vista Calaveras 3637 Cerro Avenue 4151 Baycl Oceanside, CA 92054 Oceanside, CA 92054 Oceanside, Lawrence C. Bengson Peter B. Coz Ronald and 4133 Baycliff Way 3603 Surfline Way Ervin Oceanside, CA 92054 Oceanside, CA 92054 3642 Cerro Oceanside, Howard and Virginia, Lynda Roger and Ingrid Cressey Liamatua F Betts 3614 Surfline Way 4019 Alto 3606 Seacrest Way Oceanside, CA 92054 Oceanside, Oceanside, CA 92054 4051 Alto Street 3652 Azure Lado Drive 3bUL beacres Oceanside, CA 92054 0 Oceanside, CA 92054 m Oceanside, C 4 * Hubert Ingol Michael and Sydney Farnum Mark E. Harris 4121 Bayclif 3622 Surfline Way Gary M. Kress Oceanside, CA 92054 3625 Cerro Avenue Oceanside, C Frederick and Deborah Robert and Marelda Kenneth and Foushee Harrison 4006 Vista C 27815 Ruisenor Street 4067 Alto Street Oceanside, C Mission Viejo, CA Oceanside, CA 92054 I' . Oceanside, CA 92054 Arthur and Heidrun Deborah S. Hastie Karen Johanr Freedman Robert J. Sorenson 3616 Seacre: 3915 San Gabriel Street 3639 Cerro Avenue Oceanside, ( San Bernardino, CA Oceanside, CA 92054 Albert and Ruth Fries Sean and Jodee Mennessy Larry and C; 1351 Sea Village Drive Andrew and Viola Castleberg 4021 Vista ( Cardiff, CA 92007 4139 Baycliff Way Oceanside, ( Oceanside, CA 92054 Peter and Teresa Fry John Henriksen Raymond and 2095 Linda Lane Robert Pack Johns an Carlsbad, CA 92008 3612 Surfline Way 4085 Vista Oceanside, CA 92054 Oceanside, John and Margaret Gillen James and Lorraine Hern Dennis L. a Paul A. Gillen Kim Hearn Jones 3640 Cerro Avenue 1808 Cambridge Avenue 4030 Vista Oceanside, CA 92054 Cardiff, CA 92007 Oceanside, Gary A. Glickman Thomas and Rella Heslop Gregory and 3614 Seacrest Way 3725 Trieste Drive Jones Oceanside, CA 92054 Carlsbad, CA 92008 3650 Azur L Oceanside, John and Barbara Gombar Norma J. Hesse Kamar Const ,4225 La Tiera Drive 3640 Bolivar Street Co., Inc. Oceanside, CA 92054 Oceanside, CA 92054 P. 0. Box 1 Carlsbad, C Christopher and Judith Juanita P. Hogan Larry M. Ka Granados 4155 Baycliff Way 4051 Vista 1835 Montgomery Drive Oceanside, CA 92054 Oceanside, Vista, CA 92083 Joseph and Amy Graskemper Joseph and Anna Horka Michael anc 3620 Surfline Way 4068 Vista Calaveras Keating Oceanside, CA 92054 Oceanside, CA 92054 4053 Vista Oceanside, Larry and Claudia Grounds Allan & Kal 3603 Seacrest Way Alvin and Marie Rose Brian, Gar] Oceanside, CA 92054 3622 Seacrest Way P. 0. Box : Oceanside, CA 92054 Carlsbad, ( Marlow and Mary Gudmundson Kay D. Hunter Kenneth, C' Don Gudmundson Eunice A. Heideman and Doro Oceanside, CA 92054 Oceanside. CA 92054 Oceanside. Clifford and Vicki Hudson 3609 Seacrest Way 4145 Baycliff Way 4023 Vista 4014 Vista Calavkras Pilcher @ 4035 Alto St. 4905 Riverton Ave. #3 North Holl~wood, CA : * Oceanside , C, Rosalee and Arthur Kinane Robert and Raymah Moser Gerald and Nq 3633 Cerro Avenue 4146 Bayclif f Way 4061 Vista Cq Oceanside, CA 92054 Oceanside, CA 92054 Oceanside , C, Francis and Agnes King Stephen and Carole Nave Richard and 3641 Cerro Avenue 2236 Cameo Road Porter Oceanside, CA Carlsbad, CA 92054 4082 Vista C Oceanside, C Bruce and Patricia Klier Dennis and Eileen Noble Gregory R. P 3627 Cerro Avenue 4224 La Tierra Drive 4141 Bayclif Oceanside, CA 92054 Oceanside, CA 92054 Oceanside, C 0 Oceanside, CA 92054 Michael and Diane LeJeune Paul E. Nolen Donald E. Pu 3631 Cerro Aveue 4026 Vista Calaveras 4007 Vista C Oceanside, CA 92054 Oceanside, CA 92054 Oceanside, C R. Scott and Cherel Lent Henry Rubbs, Susan Obeji, Stephen and Robert and Mary Lent Brooks Worthing Rettke 4137 Baycliff Way P. 0. Box 1041 4055 Alto St Oceanside, CA 92054 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Oceanside, C Michael A. Levine Noble and Laverne Orstad Carl and Cyr 16019 Sherlock Lane 4073 Vista Calaveras 3644 Cerro P Huntington Beach, CA Oceanside, CA 92054 Oceanside, C 92646 Yvonne C. Love Alexander J. Osinski Robert and 2 Oceanside, CA 92054 Oceanside, CA 92054 4069 Vista C Oceanside, C Sandra Mahieu Laurence B. Parnell James and Pk 1140 E. Ocean Blvd. #320 4089 Vista Calaveras 20770 Divonr Long Beach, CA 90805 Oceanside, CA 92054 Walnut, CA 3601 Seacrest Way 4220 La Tiera Drive Riley Thomas A. Mayer Paul and Pamela Patton Ronald Romei Steven J. Hynd 4059 Alto Stree't 4129 Bayclif 5197 Carlsbad Boulevard Oceanside, CA 92054 Oceanside, ( Carlsbad, CA 92054 Cathleen F. Maynes James and Sharon Paulson Robert and ( 4019 Vista Calaveras 4029 Alto Street Rowland Oceanside, CA 92054 Oceanside, CA 92054 4058 Vista ( Oceanside, ( Gregory K. McAree Steve and Magdalena Perdiak Ronald and E 3654 Azure Lado Drive 4041 Vista Calaveras Sagn i meni Oceanside, CA 92054 Oceanside, CA 92054 4042 Vista ( Oceanside, ( Roy and Beverly McKinney Josef and Eva Pesak Cedric E. S, 3618 Seacrest Way 4018 Vista Calaveras 110 West C ! Oceanside, CA 92054 Oceanside, CA 92054 San Diego, i 4017 Vista Calaveras 414U BaycLirt way W i 1 liams Oceanside,,cA 92054 @ Oceanside, CA 92054 I) 4029 Vista ( \ r. Oceanside, ( Albert, Ruth and Albert, Treetops Unlimited Alfred and E 4730 Birchwood Circle San Diego, CA 92110 4005 Vista ( Carlsbad, CA 92008 Oceanside, ( Philip C. W Alvin and Madylon Shupert Daniel and Karen Trenski 4074 Vista Calaveras 4050 Vista Calaveras 3313 Vista Oceanside, CA 92054 Oceanside, CA 92054 Oceanside, 1 Jr. Shuhart 3900 Harney Street Winn John and Delores Simmers William and Susan Troutner Timothy and 324 Edgehill Lane 4328 Apache Street Wi s s inger Oceanside, CA 92054 Oceanside, CA 92054 3607 Surfli Oceanside, Rodney and Robin Stewart Robert E. Tyler Charles and 4037 Vista Calaveras 4449 Birchwood Wur s t e r Oceanside, CA 92054 Seal Beach, CA 4047 Vista Oceanside, Arthur and Bonnie Stolze William and Pauline Umscheid Brad and Vi 4086 Vista Calaveras 4223 La Tiera Drive 4015 Vista Oceanside, CA 92054 Oceanside, CA 92054 Oceanside, Dan and Carla Stotts Roberto Villalobos Terry and C Oceanside, CA 92054 Oceanside, CA 92054 4227 La Tie 4027 Alto Street 4135 Baycliff Way Young Oceanside, David and Nancy Studer Earl and Mildred Voyles Edith B. Zq 4009 Vista Calaveras 3602 Surfline Way 3610 Seacri Oceanside, CA 92054 Oceanside, CA 92054 Oceanside, Dawn Suart James H. Wagner, Sr. Arthur and c/o Willann Cottage 4125 Baycliff Way Garcia 420 West Acacia Avenue Oceanside, CA 92054 4078 Vista El Segundo, CA Oceanside, Sully-Miller Contracting Robert and Roberta Walters 3000 E. South Street 3621 Cerro Avenue Long Beach, CA 90805 Oceanside, CA 92054 v >I d Jf .i c g //J[;G Evelyn V. Thomas Dale and Rhonda West ~ L.1 't 4'. 1; 7- . 4081 Vista Calaveras Douglas Bruneau Oceanside, CA 92054 4060 Vista Calaveras I Oceanside, CA 92054 ii Roger and Susan Thrush Billy G. and Pauline J. <I 3601 Surfline Way White .ri !'1 ', Oceanside, CA 92054 4010 Vista Calaveras Nessim A. Tiano Thomas and Diane Wilkins 1713 Tattenham Road 4057 Vista Calaveras Leucadia, CA 92007 Oceanside, CA 92054 Oceanside, CA 92054